The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 02, 1908, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 25

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honor. Mrs. Lamont. who Is an excellent
equestrienne, has daily taken Ions rides
over the various country roads. Apropos
of riding. Gray Hall, the handsome gray
eaddler belonging to Mr. Robert Smith,
which Mrs. Lamont rode at the Horse
Enow last year, died last week from blood
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frohman (Miss
Margaret Illlnston). during the engage
ment of "The Thief" occupied apartments
at the Nortonia. ,
Mrs. 8. D. Smith, Miss Laura Smith and
Ru.oeell Smith have returned from a fort
night's visit at the Hotel On press at Vic
toria, B. C.
Mrs. F. S. Stanley, George Cornelia
and Baby Frederick Stanley, are guests
at Long Beach.
Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel and family
have returned from Hood River and wUl
spend the remainder of the Summer at
their cottage at Seaside.
Mrs. JT. P. O'Brien and daughter. Miss
Lillian, left for Long Beach last Monday.
Miss Vera Haynes. formerly of Rose
fcurg. Or., but recently of New York City,
la a guest of her uncle. Mayor Harry
Lane, and Mrs. Lane. Miss Harriet Lane,
who has been attending the University
of Oregon, has returned for the Summer
Mrs. Frank Warren. Jr., was the hostess
at a luncheon of eight covers compli
mentary to Mrs. Frank Towle.
Hon. Alexander Hewitt Kerr, Lord of
Kingshail, RousehaJl and Borentha,
manors of Suffolk County, England, left
last week for New York, where he was
Joined by Mrs. Kerr and Miss Jeanle
Kerr. Yesterday they sailed for Europe
Mrs. H. W. Corbett's handsome Sum
mer residence, "YVestborough," Is the
scene of a house party this week, with
Mrs. David Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
' Archie Mason and family, and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mason as guests.
J. W. Matthes has returned from a.
trip abroad. Mr. Matthes was recently
appointed by Queen Wllhelmina as the
Dutch Consul with headquarters here
0 m
Mrs. James F. Ewing gave an Informal
tea at her home on ftrtluid Heights, In
honor of Mrs. Caroline Ladd, of Boston,
sister of the late William Ladd. Mrs.
Ladd will go to California before return
ing home.
Miss Stella Frohman Is expected home
this week after an extended visit in the
East and Florida.
Miss Gaeta Ivorda Wold and R. R.
(Boyer are guests over the week-end at
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Smith's residence
at Seaside.
Alfred Smith, who for many weeks was
at the Good Samaritan Hospital with a
serious attack of fever, has now entirely
Mrs. William Heiser. of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, who was formerly Miss Cora Lang,
Is visiting her mother. Mrs. Willllara
Lang. She Is accompanied by her cun
ning son.
Arthur B. Watson, of San Francisco,
who married Miss Maleta Pease, of the
Bay City, is contemplating, with his
brother-in-law. R. H. Pease, Jr., a fish
ing, motor and hunting trip In his big
touring car. Their route will be
through Mendocino and Humboldt
Counties. thence through Crescent
City and Grants Pass to Portland.
- Miss Gertrude Wiseman, of Sacra
mento, who visited here -two Summers
-ago. is again a guest of Mies Alice f
Trips to Mount Hood this season
have been rapidly gaining In favor.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler, Miss
Use Koehler and Mr. Delbrueck, of
Berlin, who composed a week-end
party to Cloud Cap Inn. have returned.
Ir. and Mrs. Ernest Tucker. Miss Sally
Lewis and Miss Nina Adams, of Hono
lulu, left for Cloud Cap Inn yesterday.
Japanese lanterns. Merriment and games
were Indulged In during the fore part of
the evening after which piano and vocal
selections were rendered by Miss Finger
and Mr. J. H. Callahan. Refreshments
were served at a late hour. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McMur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. Of to Motschman, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles W. Seidel, Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Finger, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey,
Miss Grace Eatchel. Miss Edna Weiker,
Miss Carolyn E. Thurman. Miss Jennie
Clemens. Miss Lillle Hieks; Mrs. C. Vos
burg and son. Mr. Hallle A. McMurphy,
Mr. Lloyd Painter, Mr. Earl Lambert. Mr.
J. H. Callahan, Mr. E. L. McKern, Mr.
L. A. Milner. Miss Grace Finger. Master
Robert Seidel, Master Mark Clemens and
Master Callle Finger.
Excursions on the river by members
of the Willamette Motor Boat Club have
been popular during the past week. Wed
nesday night the club entertained EL J.
and J. P. Jaeger, donors of the Jaeger
trophy at the recent races. C. W. Boost's
motorboat. Artisan, was used, Mr. Boost
being captain. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Jaeger, the Misses Driscoll, Johnson and
Miss Etta Upton, of Portland. Howard
Fenton Latourette, of Portland, brother
of the groom, was best man. Following
the ceremony, luncheon was served on
the lawn overlooking Willamette Falls.
After a brief sojourn In British Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. Latourette will return to
Oregon City where they will live. Mr.
Latourette Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Latourette, of Oregon City. " He
Is Cashier of the First National Bank of
that city and for the last two years has
been City Treasurer. Th bride is the
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Daulton and Is decidedly popular In social
circles In the Falls City.
A very pretty and quiet wedding was
solemnized on Wednesday, July 29, at 9
P. M., when Miss Emma Hanna and Dr.
Clay Mason were united In marriage by
Rev. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity Episc.jTal
Church. The wedding took place at the
house of the groom's parents. Dr. and
Mrs. I. T. Mason. 798 Kerby street. The
house was prettily decorated with sweet
peas and ferns. The bride wore a lingerie
gown of white batiste with maltese lace
and carried bride's roses. The groom, Dr.
Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts.
On July 9 Mr. and Mrs. John Todd celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at their home near Corvallis. Mr. Todd was born in. Eng
land In 1835, and Mrs. Todd In Scotland in 1840. They were married
in Scotland In 1858. They first settled In this country In Illinois, then
moved to Nebraska, coming to this country over 30 years ago. They
had nine children and five grandchildren. Of the nine children only
four are living Mrs. M. H. Cox, Mrs. S. D. Hughes and William and
Chester Todd. Two of the grandchildren were recently married and
one of them, a bride of a month, Mrs. William C. McCIure, attended
the celebration. The gathering of the old residents and relatives
was a testimonial of the respect and esteem In which Mr. and Mrs.
Todd are held by all who know them. During a bountiful repast,
which was enjoyed by all, many atorles were told of the early life in
Grand August
Furs at Manufacturers Cost
An overproduction from our factory compels us to offer a
AT GREAT REDUCTIONS, consisting of Neckpieces, Stoles,
Boas, Ties and Throws, in the following fine furs: Jap Mink,
Brook Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Sable Squirrel, Russian Fox,
Australian Marten, and other dependable furs.
Best Quality, All Beautifully Lined
BUY NOW An opportunity to purchase a fine fur at . a
Note These Values
Fur Sale
Grand assortment of Neckpieces, Throws and
Ties, all of the latest styles. Best of workman
ship and beautifully lined. Val
ues to $18.00. Your choice for
Muffs to match . .$5.00 to $15.00
An immense showing of Neckpieces, Throws,
Ties and Ascots, in many differ- q
ent furs. Values to $12.00, J)0q5
Muffs to match $3.00 to $T12.00
Latest creations in Stoles, Boas and Shawls, all
leading styles for the coming J5 OC
season. Values to $18.00. Choice. pO.OO
Muffs to match .$3.00 to $12.00
An occasion long to be remembered by
those present was a surprise party given
by Mrs Will F. Powell, at her home,
Kast Taylor street, last Saturday
evening. In honor of her husband's birth
day. . The house was beautifully dec
orated with roses, sweet peas and vines,
the dining-room being In pink and white.
Japanese lanterns suspended from trees
Illuminated the lawn. Refreshments
were served at a late hour, Mesdames
C. II. Hlne and H. A. Kaston presided
at the- table, assisted by Misses Flossie
Wood. Marguerite Hine, Bertha Crosby
and Myrtle E2vane.
During the evening the guests were
pleasingly entertained with a musical
programme, consisting of several selec
tions by the Central Christian Church
Orchestra, under the leadership of C. H.
Chambreau, vocal solos by Miss Crosby
and Messrs. H. A. Easton and N. B.
Ptone. and piano selections by Misses
Marguerite Hine and Flossie Wood.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam F. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hine,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eastan. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Henry Chambreau, Mr and Mrs.
Lewis Montgomery. Rev. and Mrs. J. F.
tihormley, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sallng,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ghorm
ley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Proebstel, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Ghormley. Mr. and Mrs. M. Steele,
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Knnls, Mr. and Mrs.
Rassen, of Vancouver. Wash., Mrs. O. E.
Wood. Mrs. W. B. McKlnney, Mrs. Ed
win Russell. Mrs. N. A. Nielson, Mrs.
Irene Wlngate, Mrs. E. A. Wiley, Mrs.
S. B Parmele, Misses B. Mabyl Fox,
Flossie Wood. Marguerite Hine. Elizabeth
Nielson. Bertha Crosby, Alleen Tatom,
Xta Sallng. Olive Ryan, Reva Baling,
Beatrice Wlngate. Dora Evans. Olga
Lansre, Mabel Evans. Emma Wheeler,
Myrtle Evans, Messrs. Dr. J. T. Le
Fevre. A. M. Dickenson, N. B. Stone,
Chester Lloyd Proebstel. Charles Vinson,
Andrew Hine, A. A. Crosby.
The Mayflower Club of he T. W. C.
A. is an organization of about 25 young
girls who meet weekly. They have
been enjoying some pleasant outings
during June and July. One of the
outings was held July 4 up the Clack
amas where the day was Joyously cele
brated. Another pleasant outing was
a launching party to 0w whioh
they enjoyed Immensely. They also
enjoyed a cherry party at the Mount
Tabor home of Mrs. Laidlaw, at which
time the club waa delighfully enter
tained by games. Their last outing
was held at the Haunted Castle where
many interesting ghost stories and
games completed the evening.
The rhaperones at the outing have
been Mtss MacCorkle and' Miss Hutch
inson of the Y. W. C A. Following
is the list of members: Vesta Balrd.
Grace Balrd. Mabel Schneider, Hazel
Schneider. Martha Durkoop, Cora
Arrher. Ethel Robson. Kate Lelnweber,
Addle Lelnweber, Vesta Wllburn, Susie
Elklns, Grace Austen, Hazel Thornton,
Evelyn xtobson, Susie Scharht, Esther
Crawford, Maude Macrum, Hazel Daly,
Margaret Hart.
A delightful evening was spent by
friends of Miss Grace Finger at her
home. 650 East Eighth street, Wednesday,
July IS. The event was a lawn party,
which was a complete surprise. The
spacious grounds were lighted by many
Karlson and Joseph Peters, A. B. Roy
and William Blum. Thursday night Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Wolff entertained a party
In their boat Vixen. A. Fleming, fleet
captalh of the club, assisted. A run was
made to the mouth of the Willamette in
the Vixen, one of the speediest boats on
the river. Guests were. Mrs. Ives, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Cronln, Miss Myrtle
Hawkes, Miss M. Kelly, R. 1 Ringer
and C. H. Williams.
Mrs. Marqueste Reed gave a birthday
party last Wednesday evening at her
home, 711 Third street, which was en
Joyed very-much. Several hands of "600"
were played. Mrs. Reed received many
lovely presents. The rooms and porch
were made invitingly cool by decorations
of flowers and ivy. She waa assisted in
receiving and serving refreshments by
her daughters. Mrs. Vail. Mrs. Murphy,
and Mrs. Becker. Those present were
Mrs. R. C. Flynn. Mrs. Ellen Mills, Mrs.
Bertha Gilman, Mrs. Maud Oilman, Mrs.
Mary Pfudner, Mrs. Delia Mickley. Mrs,
Sadie Hamilton. Mrs. Hamlin. Mrs. R.
Bird, Mrs. Nicholas Becker, Mrs. Harry
M. Vail. Mra Helen Lamar, Mrs. J. E.
Murphy, Master Leonard Murphy, Cath
erine, Murphy, Mtss Helen Vail.
The Phelathea class of the East Forty-fifth-street
Baptist Church met at the
home of Miss Robeson, 41 Buchtel ave
nue, Friday afternoon. The following of
ficers were elected for the year: Presi
dent. Louise Gilbert: vice-president. Vln-
nle Shrake; secretary. Fay Harrington
treasurer, June Harrington; reporter.
Margaret Sword. Miss Robeson has re
signed as teacher of the class, as she la
to leave soon for Boston to finish her
work in elocution. Mrs. Blanch Hurlburt,
a very successful Phelathea worker, will
take the class during Mtss Robeson's ab
sence. The regular Friday meeting will
not be held during August. Miss Robeson
served refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd, of Seattle, eel
ebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
annlverary Thursday night with a re
ception and banquet at the Fraternal
Brotherhood hall in that city. The
evening waa spent in jnuslc, cards and
dancing, there being over 175 guests
present. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd were the
recipients of many beautiful presents.
One gift from Rainier Lodge of which
Mr. Ladd Is president, was a silver tea
service, and from Myrtle Lodge a set
of pearl handled knives. Mr. and Mrs.
Ladd were married In Portland July 21,
A Jolly crowd of picnickers took
trolley ride to Estacada Sunday where
the day was most - pleasantly spent.
Those present were: the Misses Kate
Maron, Trude Dove, Lizzy Bird, Mary
Thompson. Christine Wade. May Dove,
Polly DeKlser, Dolly DeKlser, Cell Fay;
Messers. Jack Finn, Dan Madlgan, Jack
Kenny, Tony DeKlser, Joe Tanscher,
John Shannon, Frank Leahy, Joe Mor
rls, Arthur Harris and Mr. and Mrs.
George Dove.
Edward Drake and W. L. Swan will
open a modern and up-to-date cloak and
suit ' house about September 1 at 415
Washington street, corner Eleventh. Both
tnese gentlemen have been employed a
number of years with a large local de
partment store.
Mrs. L. Young . of Glenwood, an
nounces the engagement of her eldest
daughter, Emma, to Lewis A. Bougher.
The wedding will take place early in
Prof. Rlngler's Summer dancing
classes dally. Learn now before the
season opens.
Mortimer Dillon Latourette and Miss
Edna Daulton, both of Oregon City, were
married at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Daulton, in
West Oregon City, at 8 JO P. M., Wednes
day, July 29. About 30 of the relatives
and Immediate friends of the young
couple witnessed the ceremony, which
waa performed by Rev. Mr. Bowan, pas
tor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The
bride was attended by four bridesmaids,
two of whom were her sisters. . They
were: Misses Bessie and Helen Daulton
and Edna Caufteld. of Oregon City, and
Mason, la a well-known young man of
the city, having graduated from the
North Pacific Dental College, and has
been practicing at Klamath Falls during
the past two years. Dr. R, Si Armes
acted as best man, while Miss Anna
Walker acted as bridesmaid. The bride
was given away by her brother, A. J.
Hanna. Dr. and Mrs. Mason will soon
leave for Klamath Falls, where they will
be at home to their friends.
A very pretty home wedding took place
Wednesday evening, July 29, at the resi
dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. C.
Johns,, on North Twenty-ninth street,
Tacoma, Wash., when Miss Mayme Hen
ton, of Tacoma, married Homer D. An
gell, an attorney, of Portland. The cere
mony was performed by the Rev. Her
bert Judson White, pastor of the First
Baptist Church. The marriage was quiet,
being witnessed only by a small company
of relatives. The parlor where the bridal
party stood was fragrant with white
Jasmine and Testout roses. The bride
wore a simple gown of white mull and
lace and carried an arm bouquet of white
carnations. A wedding supper was served
under the trees on the lawn, after which
the young people left in an automobile
for British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs.
Angell will be at home, after November
1, at their residence on Upper Drive,
Portland Heights.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized
at the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Delury, 666 Fifth
street. Wednesday evening. July 23, at
7:30 o'clock, when their daughter, Blanche
Elizabeth, waa married to Grover F.
Handley, of this city. Rev. Father Mc
Devltt, of the Cathedral, officiating. W.
J. Parker acted as best man and Miss
Florence Williamson as bridesmaid. The
relatives and a few friends were the only
witnesses to the ceremony. The bride
wore a gown of pearl gray silk trimmed
with lace of the same shade and carried i
a snower or pink sweet peas. The brides-
Extra special on Fur Jackets of the latest styles,
in leading furs.
$28 and Upwards
Have Your Furs Remodeled at Summer Prices
Those who have furs to be remodeled or repaired will do well to bring them in NOW, as only a few
days remain in which to have them attended to at reduced Summer rates. STORED FREE of charge.
maid was tastefully attired in shell pink
silk and carried an arm bouquet of pale
pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Handley
left the next morning for Long Beach,
where they are enjoying their honeymoon.
Verry-Kelley. -
Leonard Frank Verry and Miss Ethel
Lyons Kelley. both of Portland, were
united in marriage July 30 at the resi
dence of the officiating clergyman. Rev.
Henry A. Barden, 271 College street.
Edgar Verry acted as 'best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Verry will reside in Portland.
On Thursday, July 80, Bayard H. Moul
formerly of York, Pa., and Miss Opal
Barretts, of.JIillsboro, 111., were married
at 1140 Gay street by Rev. J. Bowersox.
The wedding of Jacob Johnston and
Mae Grubbs took place July 28 at 187 East
Seventh street, Rev. J. B Bowersox of
flldatlng. y. Garrett-Evens.
Florence Estelle Evens and William
John Garrett were married July 25,
Rev. J. Kratt officiating. At home, 513
Nehalem avenue, after August 10.
Wednesday evening Frank McCorkle
and Miss Clara B. Pelper were united
in marriage at the home of the bride's
mother, in Sellwood, Rev. D. A. Thomp-
YVUIard White Company's
Vaucair e GalegaTablets
A Bust Developer, Flesh Builder and Tonic
The remedy so highly indorsed by ail leading au
thorities on health and beanty culture. They have
stood the test of time and proven their great worth.
White 's Vaucaire Galega Tablets round out
shrunken, hollow parts, develop the bust, create
a good appetite, and clear the complexion. If
you are THIN, run down, nervous and weak,
take a box and note their wonderful "7Q'
effect; per $1.00 box
r i TTTiriXT Imitations -and worthless nostrums
JAKJ 1 11711 are being offered. See that the name.
-Wlllard white Co. Is on each box.
Samples of Thousands of Letters on File
wiuara wnite company. Chicago, III.
Gentlemen I am taking my third box
of Vaucaire Galega Tablets. They have
done wonders for me. Tbey seem to
agree wltb mm better than the doctor's
medicine. They help me In a great many
waya I would not be without thera.
MRS. GEO. H. RUNKLB. Buffalo, N. T.
Chlcaso. July 22. 190T.
Wlllard White Company, Chicago, 111.
Gentlemen Six months ago I started to
take your Vaucaire Galea-a Tablets. At
that time my weight was 9T pounds and
bust measurement 31 inches. I now
weigh 126 pounds and bust measure 37
Inches. I highly recommend them. Any
thin, undeveloped woman should surely
use them. Very truly yours,
MRS.H.L.BDRCH.1702 Gary PI, Chicago
has no equal. Excellent for the complexion, freckles, tan. - wrinkles, pimples,
blackheads, chapped hands or faccetc. does not grow hair or turn rancid;
has a very dainty odor, suggestive of fresh flowers. Defies sun. wind and dust.
MELOROSE FACE POWDEE The perfection of toilet dainties; has
a delightful odor, soft and velvety, and "It Sticks." Large, OQ-
beautiful box of cream or powder, price, 50c size OI7C
MELOROSE ROUGE Unlike and very superior to any OQ.
other, does not rub off, natural in color. Sure to please. 50c jar. OJ7C
We Highly Recommend the Wlllard White Co. Preparations.'
Mall Orders Filled. Wlllard White Co., Chicago. III.
son, pastor of the Sellwood Presbyterian
Church, afflciating. The bride's sister
acted as bridesmaid, while the groom's
brother was best man. The parlor was
decorated with roses and evergreens.
while the ceremony took place beneath I
a beautiful arch of English Ivy. The
bride and bridesmaid carried arm bou
quets of white carnations.
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol
emnized Wednesday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. O. T. Soderback in Alliina.
when their daughter, Cora, was married
to Frank Slaedke. of Milwaukee, Wis., the
Concluded on Paire n.)
Washington Building, Fourth and Washington
The Left-Over Lots of Lennon's Seattle
Glove Stock will be bunched in three lots
and closed out at sensational prices of, pair
Our famous Seattle stock sale, which has now passed into history
as the greatest and most successful Glove, Hosiery, Parasol and
Umbrella sale ever held in Portland, has left on our hands a lob
of Gloves, consisting of odds and ends, some slightly mussed, some
slightly soiled and some mismated. We will devote one day to
morrow, Monday, August 3 to the selling off of these Gloves, and
to insure a positive clearance of these goods we have placed them
in three lots at the ridiculously low prices of
25c 50c 75c
Good judges will find among these gloves
Values up to $1 for . 25c
Values up to $2 for . 5Qc
Values up to S3 for . 75c
NOTE We will include at these prices the balance of the Seattle stock of
Hosiery. Phenomenal values in Women's Hosiery at 25,- 50 and 75
Sale Commences 8:30 A. M.; Closes 6:00 P. M.
Morrison St.
Opposite Post off ice