SECTION THREE Pages 1 to !Cj EDITORIAL and SOCIETY VOL. XXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2. 1908. NO. 31. Regular 60c Gloves 39c WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES, in the famous Kayser mate; come in black, white and assorted colors; style and all sizes; excep tionally good . 00c ' values, selling Monday at, pair OiC WOMEN'S LONG- SILK GLOVES 16-button length, in blak only; sizes 6 and Gl-; C1 1 f reg. $2.2"j values, sp'l. ,P x v WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Dutch Collars, in soft styles, tastefully trimmed or stiff effects in tailored models; regular values 35c OQ. and 65c; special, 23c and..''' NEW BELTING, elastic and fancy Persian designs, with gold Q edge; per inch, from 4c to..'' BUCHING Soft and dainty, ex tremely popular; the new wide &f- fects, on sale at these flJO Ef low prices, yd., 25c to. .P $2.75 Go-Carts $2.10 A sale that takes in over 200 of the best Go-Carts in Portland. They are made by a manufacturer famous for quality and never were high-priced. Indeed, at regular prices, they have been consid ered the best values offered in Portland, itAVJ Mug) iMMPxy, havkjism $23 Go-Carts $16.50 Made with reed bodies, reclining back, adjustable foot-rest and patent anti-fric-tion wheel-fastener, in several styles. The regular $23.00 grade for only . . $16.50 Paper Napkins Pack: a - ages oi 100 each; plain white crepe paper; regular 15c value, special 1 fX, price for Monday, pkg Sale of Children's Dresses, Muslinwear, Etc., Etc. Our entire stock of Children's Wash Dresses on sale at half the regular prices. Buy now and you will save many times all the bother and cost of making dresses in preparing girls for school this Fall. Not a size or color is missing. It is a practically endless selection of onaay Sh , attractive styles, and choosing from such a superb assortment as this is easy indeed. Ages 2 to 14 years. Regardless of former prices, all are now just HALF WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS Made of fine nainsook, low round neck style, with full French front. They are trimmed in lace or (Pi 1 Q embroidery and are regular $1.75 values; special price. ... P 7 WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS Of fine soft nainsook, slipover style, low round neck, wide kimono sleeves, trimmed with clusters of 2?i 17 fine hemstitching; regular $2.25 values, special price, each. .P WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS Trimmed with clusters of fine tucks, lawn ruffle around neck and sleeves; good $1 val., for. oppets- w w Ft 67c 9 V2 Price PIN CUSHIONS Cambric or satin covers, assorted sizes, broken lines; about. 100 in the lot; your choice. FANCY .WASTE BASKETS For office or den ; good variety of OQ styles and colors; regular values to 65c each; special price, each, ."ii NEW BUST RUFFLES and Shirtwaist extenders of lace or embroidery, on display and sale in our muslinwear department. Our line of these goods is the largest in Portland, and our sales are greater, because our prices are lowest. An inspection will prove the statements to be true. Men's Hose Special 25c MEN'S HALF HOSE, in fancy ef fects, for wear with lbw, shoes; put aside your plain black, or tan hose now and brighten ytfur Summer costume- with a pair , of these very tasteful patterns; 50 dozen in dots, striped effects or jacquard pat terns; regular 50c value, OCp on sale at, special, pair. . . .JC MEN'S SILK NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, in solid colors, white, cream, tan or blue, or in dotted and striped effects; i-egular value $5.00 each; special at CO A Q this low price, each. .. . BOYS' JERSEY SWEATERS With collar or wfith V-shaped neck, colors nuvy, royal or cardinal; sizes 20 to 34; regular value QQ $1.25; special rprice, each. VOv MEN'S UNDERWEAR All Sum mer lines reducod; long or short sleeved shirts, ankle or knee-length drawers, 2-piece garments or union suits, on sale at very low prices. Needle-Book Iobei.'8 Te" die books, containing e ni b r o i dery scissors, needles, etc.; regular 95c '72 value, on sale at, special. ere s Temp ting Earn ain List Lace Cur 'tains $4M SPlfff mmmx mmm Very tasteful window hang ings, in . grenadine, fillet, Brussels net and novelty ef- 1 fects. About 300 pairs in the lot. and values run to $9 pair. Choice a a tc lfor onlv 2?iSlU'LACE CURTAINS Of the EwOT v P I 1 m i - a i. : 11 i iney come m Arauian, unci, neta, tambours, scrims and novelties. Regular values from $10.00 to $30.00 the pair. Lnderpricea iiKe mis $10.00 $11.00 $12.00 $12.50 $13.50 .grades $15.00 grades grades. .'.$3.03 grades. . .6.65 grades. . .557.50 grades. ..SS.OO .8.75 .8.95 $17.50 grades.. 11.50 $18.50 grades.. 12.35 $19.00 grades.. 12.75 $21.00 grades.. 13.95 $25.00 grades.. 15.00 $30.00 grades.. 18.50 T Ham'ocks 85c to $3.10 Canvas Weave Hammocks, w i t h concealed spreader and pillow, worth $1.10 ea., on sale at this very QE low price, each OdV Canvas Weave Hammocks, with concealed spreader and pillow; splendid grade at $1.50 each; P" 1C on sale at, ea...VA.lU Jacquard Weave Hammocks with concealed spreader, pillow and valance; a regu lar $2.00 ham- tf1 Eft mock for. ea. . .P 1 'W Jacquard Weave Hammocks in handsome designs, with wide valance, pillow and spreader; reg. JJ1 CZt $2.25 val., ea. . . P In the Notion Aisle 10c cube Black-Headed Pins, on sale at, the cube....5J 25c card Pearl Buttons at this low price, the card. . . .10 Regular 10c Hair Pin Cabinets, on sale at, special. .. .6J Regular 5c spool Barbour's Thread, at, the spool.'. . .4 25c box Horn Hair Pins, on sale at this low price... 14 40c box Whiting's Stationery, at this low price. .. .27 20c Pack Playing Cards, on sale at, the pack 15 Annual Sale of Mussed Linens AylT Less Table Linens from the best-known mak ers of Scotch and Irish Linens. Our standard brands that have become slight ly soiled and mussed or that show traces of handling in selling or window display. Added to these rumpled linens are a large number of manufacturers samples? in- eluding Irish hand-embroidered Linen Scarfs and Sauare. 'Tis a sale of mar- velous saving value; wide assortm ts in Linens of finest qual ity. Housewives? who are particular about the quality of the linens they use will be on hand early and choose first. It is an opportunity too good to neglect and comes but once a year. 'Tis our housecleaning of soiled pieces,and this time we were fortunate enough to secure this tremendous lot of Sample Linens at a price that enables us to offer them at the same reductions as the soiled goods. New Fall Suits STYLE SALON Tablecloths, 2x3 yards, $4.50 values. .$3.25 Cloths 2x3V2 'yards, $7.00 values, each. 4.85 214x214 yards, regular $6.50 values. .4.45 Size 2i2x2 yards, $7.50 value, ca..$5.50 Size 2i.;x3 yards, $8.50 value, each.' .$5.75 212x312 yards, regular. $9.00 values, at. $6.00 21-2x4 yards, regular $14.50 value, at. $9.7 5 IRISH HAND-EMBROIDERED SCARFS and Squares; imported gqods; embroidered hand work, done by Irish peasants; high-grade linens, on sale at the following special prices: $150 values, $1.00 $3.00 values, $2.00 $2.00 values, $1.35 $4.00. values, $2.65 $2.50 values, $1.65 $5.00 values, $3.35 Richardson's Finest Grade Washed Huck Tow els, with plain hemstitched, scalloped or fancy drawnwork borders; regular $1.00 'J grades, on sale at this low price, ea..'"C Regular $1.25 quality, on sale at,' each. J90? Regular $1.50 grades, on sale at, ea..$1.15 Regular $.75 grades, on sale at, ea..$1.35 Portland 's largest and best style salons lead, as usual, in showing first full assortments of Fall models in smart suits. The marked style ten dencies are toward long coats jaunty, mannish models, in fancy pattern fabrics. We are selling the bulk of Fall models thus far disposed of in Portland. The reason is the same as always much better qualities and lower prices than are possible to find else where, excellence of goods and authentic styles, coupled with in variably small prices, combine to make this store stand alone as a style supply center for women's ready-made ap parel. See the window display. WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS In all colors, full size, good quality silk, made with deep flounce; values to $8.50. Choice at low price of only .'. $4.98 Short lengths of Table Damask amazingly Ifaw-priced; 350 pieces in 2 and 2-yard lengths; the longer pieces, $1.75, and the 2-yd. lengths. $1.45 In the Drug Sundries 1-pound package Absorbent Cotton, the package. .. . 29 Regular $1.00 bottle Eau de Quinine, at, the bottle. .75 Violet Talcum Powder, on sale at this low price, can. .5J 50e Malvina Cream or Lotion at this' low price 39 Regular 35c Stand Mirrors at this special price, ea..24 25c bar White Castile Soap at this low price, bar..l5J 35c box Souvenir Stationery at this low price, box..24 Women's Union Suits at 98c Fine lisle yam, elastic knit, low neck, no sleeves, umbrella style, yoke and knee trimmed with Q O lace, regular $1.35 values, special at each &CjC Women's Vests Swiss ribbed, low neck, sleeveless style, 75c ACkg value, special price, each. Women's Handkerchiefs, plain or colored borders; reg- 1220 7, values, special price, each Lace-Trimmed Pants, umbrella style, Swiss ribbed, fitted AQf. top; 75c values for only. "OC Valenciennes Laces, y2 to 1 inch wide, worth to 75c dozen, OC special price, the dozen. . Regular 65c Hosiery at 39c Women's Fast Black lisle lace Hose, also white lisle lace hose. These come in boot or allover lace effects, decidedly pleas ing patterns, and of the best lisle yarn. The reg ular price is 65c the on pair, special at pair O Your Size" Shoe Sale COME LOOK THEM OVER Here's a sale where you are absolutely certain of finding both the style and size that just suits you. Savings of this sort are very unusual, especially when such a splendid size assort ment as this is offered. Step into our Shoe Department and ask for a folder showing number of pairs and size chart. 'Twill help you greatly in your choosing. .. Every Oxford in the house on sale. For the Canning Season Jelly Glasses on sale at, each..2 Mason Jar Rubbers dozen 5J 6-inch Berry Bowls worth 20c ea., at this special sale price, ea..lO 12-in. Berry Bowls, regular 50c value, at this low price, ea...2o Celery Trays, 20c values, ea.l2 4-piece Glass Sets, regular $1.10 values, on sale at, each So Tall Footed Jellies, 40c val..20 Satin finish Water Pitchers, regu lar $1.00 values, at, eaeh....50 WOMEN'S OXpj'ORDS AT 3.69 PER PAIR Values in the lot to $6.00. ' '. 'WOMEN'S SHOES AT 3.69 PER PAIR . Values in the lot to $7.00. WOMEN'S OXF0RDS AT 3:19 PER PAIR Values in the lot to $5.00. - WOMEN'S SHOES AT 3.19 THE PAIR VJalues in the lot to $6.00. ' ' WOMEN'S OXFORDS AT 2.49 PER PAIR Values in the lot to $4.00. YOUNG WOMEN'S SHOES AT 2.49 PAIR Values in the lot to $3.50. WOMEN'S OXFORDS AT 1.98 PER PAIR Hot weather shoes worth to $3.00. YOUNG WOMEN'S SHOES 1.98 PER PAIR Sizes 2Y2 to 7, low heels. WOMEN'S VACATION OXFORDS 1.49 PR. ' White canvas, $2.50 values. . BOYS SHOES, PAIR 1.49 AND UP Sizes to 13. Others $1.79. MEN'S JiHOES AND OXFORDS AT $3.69 THE PAIR Over 6000 pairs, all sizes an il all styles, every stylish and wanted shoe included. Let the men learn the women' 'tf way of saving BUY SHOES HERE. Parasols and Umbrellas A sale of umbrellas and parasols for sun or rain; fancy handles in etched sterling silver, gold, gunmetal and hand-carved pimento. This lot includes several of the very late Directoire. All sizes and colors. A sale remarkable for the great values it gives, as well as for the immensity and variety of the assortment. Regular values up to Qft $8.00, on sale at, ea-.H70 Regular values up to ttjE QQ $10.00, on sale at, ea. Regular values up to ?0 QQ $4.50, on sale at, ea..P70 Regular values up to Qft $6.00, on sale at, ea. . POUO Great Sale of Embroideries A great sale of embroidery remnants, odds and ends of the season's stock in Swiss, cambric and batiste; edges, in sertions and headings. Hun dreds of pieces, suitable for every possible use in trimming garments; radically reduced. FINE ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES, in short lengths in Swiss, nainsook or ba tiste materials. Lengths from lyi to 4 yards. Very low-priced for this sale. Some Specials in Glassware Rock Crystal Sugar Bowls, regular 25c values, special, ea., only.l3 Rock Crystal Creamers, regular 25c values, at this low price, ea.l3 Spoon Trays, 25c values, at. 13 Oblong Salad or Berry Bowls, reg ular 35c value, special, each. .18 Rose Bowls, worth 25c each..l3J Spoon Trays, satin finish, regular 40c values, on sale at, eaeh..20 i