BUSINESS CHAXCEa. ptpt ,r- . i MR T V. BE"K WITH. wrtry of th May Holland Company. .27 Corbet I bldff . v. til leave Thurfday evenlnc l"0" n extnde tour of the East for the purpose of ntef-sting- capital in Oregon and the Nr-n-vnt The Mav-Holland Company will list a limited number of ood business enter prises for parties wishing to retire, or in terest new capital in their business. Call or communicate with us at our office. Rest assured all business Intrusted to our care shall be strictly confidential, 62. Oor bett bldg. HVR SAI-E Cash corner grocery, fine loca tion, cheap rnt. living rooms, lease; one vear's Insurance paid; clearing $IW per mo ; sinctlv cssh; no delUery; therefore eatly handled by one person or a lady; - remunerative business on small Invest ment. Reason for selling owner' In terests demand presence elsewhere No agents. Address O 13 J. Oregonlan. GRC'KKT, restaurant, delicatessen and con fectionery. Mock of groceries, etc., living rHrr.a in rear and a good callage, stork, anI fixture, lease long as wanted or will s-ll proven y IVr tu; may tske .mall ho lie? and lot In part payment. Tnts is a good buy; take your time; we are In no hurry. W liTJ. Oregon lan. IT'S Up TO YOU To make an offer for a content Innery lore with two large rooms in rear and a yard ; a fine location; owner Is going away and must sell at once, and will ac cept any reasonable offer; very low rent. Call .822 Chamber of Commerce. " HOTEL. MEN ATTENTION. Ore of the be country htei in Oregon, Ith aaloon. clearing $40tf a year; well patronised by Fort landers; beautiful loca tion; no competition; about $5ooo cash, balance to s-uit. F. FL'CHS. 22m Morrison st. HOTEL. V rooms, all full. 43 regular board er: place for man and wife; will clear you '30 .onth.y; will give terms. For par ticular call or write W. Lawrence & 31S Lumber Exchange bldg. Phones Mam 7357. A 6To3. ESTA HLtSHED painting business. paying weli: everything in rir.-t-c condition; on account of health will se.l at H invoice price; miv-t be sold at once: will give you terms. Particulars room 315 Lumber Ex change bid., 2d and Stark sis. WANTED A restaurant: mut be In good location. Edwards. 4o9 Wash. st. K'GRATH FURNITURE CO. Is still on tha market for sale or trade; muft be sold or traded for something within the next 30 davp, as we will move to our new quarters in September to 2"th and Washington sts., known ae the Western Salvage Co. IV Cigar and confectionery store, on good corner, busy street; will pay you 4 to ft! dailv just the place for young man. Par tlcu.ars room 315 Lumber Exchange bid;., 2d and Stark sts. j ItHtn WILL stiure interest in business that will net J10.0n a year and salary $150 month, bona fide proposition, will stand Investigation. Experience unnecessary. 315 Rnthchiid bldg.. Fourth and Washington. TOR SALE Good tailoring business: best location ; n-w stock ; owner snovlng to ranch; pressry attached; invoice $17t. J. E. Schooler's Agency. Overland block. Ho If. Idaho. AN attractive i.Vroom nicely furnished house, mostly housekeeping suites; must be sold at once; here is a ciiance to double your money in two months. 127 Corbett bldg. BIOGRST and best bargain in first-clas job printing and newsjair office In state; money maker; g es at less than half Invoice price; quick. Opportunity Co.. Lumber Ex change bldg., Portland. THE best paying grocery in the city; only fittnio required; the stock Is turned every :it) days at a 1 per cent profit on the In vestment. Call and be convinced. 627 Cor bett bldg. MAN with $.".(K0 to $2. (XK) to Invent, can secure working Interest at goo) salary in an old established Oregon corporation; full details furnifhed on application. N l::2. Oregonlan. A FINE rooming-house, with hot and cold water in every room, steam heat ; new brlrk building. 4 rooms and Al furni ture. This Is worth looking up at $40H). Call H'2'2 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT Good boe-iness and good lo cation; will .sell or tra!e for lot or an equity in tots; price $7u0. Particulars 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone M. 7X"7, a "WIDOW muet sell her apartment-house consisting of .is rooms arranged In 2 and 3-room suites; furniture Is now and first class: A-l location; worth $4K0; make me an offer. 627 Corbett bldg. PARTNER for established cash buslnesss; so ber, reliable young man can clear $.15 weekly or small investment; trial given and satisfaction guamnteed. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bid jr., 2d and Stark sts. 20 NEWLY furnished rooms; fine corner lo cation; thoroughly modern. close In ; makes big money on investment ; only those who mean business answer; no agents. L 134. Oregonlan. OKE-THIRP. two-thirds or entire interest In modern department store, bcM town In Ore gon; approximately. ? stock; business on strictly cash basis; brirk building, long lease; terms to suit. O 125. Oregonlan. STOCK of general merchandise admirably lo cated in thriving valley town; will lease or sil buildings and fixtures; other business compels me to !.: deal with owner. Ad dress g 125. Oregonlan. BOITHERN AI-ASKA-R.C. prospecting trip; leave tht week for Skeena country, return October; want to meet party wtlh shnilar Interests contemplating same outing. O 133, Oregonlan. ONE of the bee cigar and fruit store on East Side; no bonus aked ; rent $1 p-r month; I am leaving: Portland and am going1 to sell; price $6oi. AD 131. Oregonlan. DON'T YOU KNOW We rai give you a sperfal price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln Co.. room 3. Chamber of Commerce. ENERGETIC, honest business man can se cure one-third Interest In legitimate good paying buslnew, with service; $1ooq re quired; references. A 110. Oregonlan. FOR SALE way below cost, a good stock of general merchandise in a good town, about $12,500. 611 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. FOR SALE Country store, near Portland, about $45O0 ; would consider trade for Northern Idaho or Eastern Washington property. Address B 12H. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Small tobacco and confection ery store, 4 living-rooms, low rent, cheap for cash -Owner, at Firland, Mount Scott car. CASH business clearing over $2So pr month: will sell on very liberal trm on account of -other business. Addree S 138. Ore gonlan. " FOR SALE Lease and part furniture of 2? rKm house; beautiful grounds: one of the finest business locations in city. Owner, M 139. Oregonlan. PART Interest In good-paying garment fac tory; fine chance for ladies' tailor or dressmaker; terms. Address C. J. B.. 125 10th st. GO-ROOM hotel doing a good business; lartce dining-room ; steam heated ; cheap rent ; prtre $5000 : terms or trade. -7 Corbett bldg. MONET-MAKING grocery store with building for sole or exchange Jr city property; value -.""': rood trm given. F. FITHS. 21 H Morrison st. SALOON, established 10 years; best location ivtri h of Seattle : fine change for first-class m-n wit s-me nKn'V. Address Lock Box 7tt. Pedro Woollry. Wash. RF?TM'HANT for sale- or trade f..r equity In hou or lots; party leaving city. V 126, Or gon Ian. CENTIALLY located drug business; owner r:rlns: can. be bought at a fair price. 27 Corbett bid. PARTNER for ral estate office, can make $lto to fl.V per month; little nvny re quired. Call room .Virt Lumber Exchange. jrrH SALE Old etab1thed transTer and sfr- re bueines that will stand Investigation. V J25. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT Pest location In Portland; will be sold at an extremely low figure; doing $70 per day. 27 Corbett bldg RESTAURANT Cheap; good trade: Vsaso: will sell very cheap; other business. 04 4th at. INTEREST in small mood working planf; good for rarpenter or mechanic; $400. 325 Lumber Exchange. CREAMERT for sale eheap If taken at on -e; good location Address A 02. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE FlrV-cIass l-chalr barber shop, long leae. good business; reason for sell ing, going East H 12$. Oregonlan. PARTNER Willing to give services In pay ing business, 1 inquirv jv xo si. j n -ivt r-u v xrsTsrtx Htnir.n jcn. t . . . - ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. 201-2' 2 Merchants Trust Bldg.. 32 Waahlngion. is. W. Cor. Sixth St M A FEW OF THE PEST BUYS 'Are found In the following list. But we have others, all styles, all sizes, alt prices. If you want an kind of rooming-house that is on the market In Portland, we ran show It to you. Terms may be ar ranged on any See us quick. NOW 1 the TIME TO BUY- GREATEST SNAP EVER. 34 rooms, brU-k. heart of business dis trict, best furnished and mist modern houe In city, steam heat, private ba:hs. running hot and cold w ater in every room ; high-class patronage, both perma nent and transient: good for $.",iK month profit the yeu.r round. If you can pay 3sX ca.-h DON'T FAIL TO SEE U3 about this. GOOD BUSINESS FINE PLACE. 60 rooms, corner brick, busy West Side location, new modern building, steam neat, running hot and cold water in every rotm 6 baths, gas and electric lights, elegantly furnished, 3l iron beds, carpets velvet and B. H-; rent $:100. lease 4 years; clears $:ion a month; $4."no cash, ha'f interest $22T0; balance of $4iMO easy terms. ONE OF THE FINEST. 40 rooms, best part of 3d st.. new build ing and new furnishings a year ao; brussels and B. B. carpets, all iron beds, everything flrsi-class ; steam heat ; paying $i over all expenses, a BARGAIN a: $4100: part time; half Interest . $2000. SWELL APARTMENTS. 35 rooms, well located. West Side, fur nished In quartered oak. Axminster and vel vet carpets, inlaid linoleum in kitchens. gs.9 ranges, running water. tam heat. ui-to-date In every way; excellent lease, cheap rent. Price, $3000. COME QUICK. 15 rooms, all one floor, well located; bru?els and B. B. carpets, iron beds; gas lights, tinted walls; nearly new building and furniture; part housekeeping, wh 1 gas cooking; rent only $4. Price $750. part cash. You can make family expenses hereand then some. This is only $50 a room for first-claw furnishings. HERE IS A GEM. 10 rooms, corner house, south of Mor rison st.. 3 minutes' waik. most modern house in the city, furniture cost twice price asked, which Is only $030; part cash. NICE. NEAT AND CHEAP. 9 rooms. West Park st.. elegantly fur nished a year ago; furnace, gas. porcelain bath, pretty premises, price only $t00. DON'T WAIT For coo! weather, for PRICES will be HIGHER then; HUT NOW while owners WANT TO SELL and get away for the Summer vacation. You can MAKE MONEY by doing so. We have a few places where desirable real estate wi:l be accepted as part, remainder cavh or part cash. A No siime FIRST-CLASS ROOM ING . HuUSES. APARTMENT HOUSES and EUROPEAN HOTELS, which the owners do not want advertised. ROOMING-HOUSE H BA DQU A RTBRS. DfBTZ-MUBLLKR "0., 4I7-1S Corbett bl.lg- M 1M. A 15W5. Now is the time to buy rooming-houses and hotel while they are chap. W e have several gilt-eUge buyjf. as you will notice below : EXTRA. EXTRA GOOD. 40 rooms, ail housekeeping. 44 years' lease, rent $2i0; clears $I.t per month; ebgant location, very nicely furnished! dn't fail to gee it. for it s a splendid buy. Trice, $:ChKI. COME AT ONCE. And se this tine 45-room house, brick, team heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, elegantly furnished, private baths and a splendid money-maker; don't delay, or else you will be sorry; 41-a years lease at rea sonable rent. Price. $47."o. JUST LISTED. 12 rooms. fit feet from Morrison St., best location in the city; nice clean house and makes good money; low rent. Price. $lo0. The above list ha been carefully selected, and they are aiL good buys. We have sev eral large apartment-houses and hotels on our list that we are not at liberty to ad vertise. PI ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 417-38 Corbett bldg. M l"Ml, A lufift. BUSINESS OPENINGS. IN A NEW TOWN. Lamont. Important terminal point on the new Spokane. Portland & Seattle Rail road now on the market Ues: openings In the West for all lln of business and all the professions. Exceptional oppor tunities for Investment In lots. Round houses, machine shops, blacksmith shops, section houses, freight and passenger depots and many other improvements to be Installed by railroad company. It will be a big pay-roll town. In a rich agricul tural country. A town with something to back It up. Write for maps and litera ture to the Fred B Grinnell Company, sole agents. Terminal bldg., Spokane. Wash. INVESTMENT of $10,000 w!li secure in Boise, I'iaho. from the Capitol Hotel Company, rei resantlng the creditors of tie f-rmr owner, flve 6 years' leae on the Capitol Hotel, Buffet. Restaurant. together with complete outfit, furniture. fixture and stock, all In first-clas Condition; managed at the present by private party for tha benefit of the creditors. This hotel p' now more than expenses, and cost original ly clos to $0,000. For further iniorma tlon and particulars, communicate with or apply to Robert A. McAfee. cahier. First National tank. Boise. Idaho." A MONEY-MAX ER. I have for sale an up-to-date confec tionery and stutionery store In a god Valley town. The only one of its kind In the town. Carrie ail school supplies. ' etc. A good clean business and a good clean stork Books open for Inspection. Wiil Invoice about $4000. This Is .an opportunity, don't mtsa It, SWEKT, 204 Corbett F.ldg SPECIAL FOR FEW DAYS. 33-room rooming-house, in best tran sient location, one of (he best furnished houses In the clty good as new; birdseye maple and quartered oak; axminster and body brussfls carpets; steam heat. It clears over $200 a month the year round. Price cut to $:0tM. It is a SNAP. Half cash. ELLIS. YORK A CO.. 32HVi Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. THIS IS ELBGANT. If rooms. low rent and good lease; very elegantly furnished ; hot and cold water in all rooms. If you are looking for some thing nice and out of the ordinary it will pay you to see thl; everything Is bsnnd flew and godd; nothing cheap. For further particulars please call DlETZ-MUELLER CO., 417-4J& Corbett Bldg. DO YOU want money? I can place you In a position to make from $L"iO to $500 per month, businesa established, demand un limited.' UK) per cent profits, fullest In vestigation courted. $2tnto capital re quired, full particulars given In personal interview; no agent. Call 22j Lumber Ex change bldg A GOING corporation guarantees 20 per cent dividends on Investments of $100 and over. This is a limited amount of treasury stock and Is Fold only for the purpose of Increasing the business. For full particulars, address Lenhoff, Dept. D. 32 Dearborn St., Chicago. PATENT secured or fee returned- I Illus trated guide book and list of Inventions wanted free to any addree. Patent se cured by us adverted free In World's Progress. Sample o.j.y fre Evans, Wll kins Co.. Washington, I C. LIVE man with some capital In every city where water pressure is 20 pounds or bet ter to handle John Dletx Motor Washer. Pest on the market. Opportunity to es tablish profitable and permanent business. 1422 Plum st.. Cincinnati. O. FOR SALE on accotint leaving city, old estab lished, weil-paylnc wholesa'e and retail liquor bueinesa, Portland, or., with stork reduction, now In progress; can be hand.ed for le?is thiin $10,000. Addrwa Owner. C 113. Oreg'inlan. $15'i Grocery In connection with hardware, farm implements, etc.; live town, near Port land; new. clean stock; Invoice; low rent; absolutely Hie best proj05itlm ever offered. Applv A. D. Chrlstianson, with Page & Son. 120-122 Front st. ELECTRICAL and gas fitting business and siore: owner ha more work than he can attend to; fine location; the right thing for the right man; will take in partner for $.V0 cash. 027 Corbett bldg. ROOM I NO -HOUSE 30 rooms. $l!HlO; 21 rooms, $liioO: 17 rooms. $ ' 2 K: 7 rooms, $.123; centrally located. S. Kelghner, Mul kcy bldg. room tk CAPITAL furnished all kinds of sound, meritorious enterprises. Stocks and bonds, farm loans First National .Bond Co.. Kenlng post bldg.. Chicago. WANTED Location where a warehouse and flour mil Is wanted, on North Hank road, or other grain country. S- H. Zimmerman, Beaverton. Or. WANTED Any kind of legitimate hurtiie, cheap for cash; owners only. E 123, Ore gonlan. CONFECTIONERY and cirar store. 504 .Washington St.; must sell on account of other businem: $723; will Invoice. IF you want a map In a r 83 N. 6tb at. .at unca. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAS. PORTLAND, AUGUST 2, 11)03. ' 9 . rLSAXCLiX. IX)8T AXD FOCXD. j PEKSOXAU GENUINE SNAP. 75-room new, modern brick, ateam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, private baths, elegantly furnished In golden oak and mahogany furniture, all velvet and Axminster brussels carpets, all heavy iron beds, fine silk floss mattresses; It, cemt $14.04 0 to furnLsh this house one- year ago; we can sell this Monday for the very low price of $-",vo. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 417-1S Corbett Uldg. GROCERY I have been In business over 2o years and wish to retire. 1 will sell my ck-an stock of good, tine fixtures, horse, wagons and harness and turn over to you a large family trade' of years' standing, for $23t0. I will guarantee the business to be on a paying basi. Will lease you the store, living rooms and barn for 3 or 3 years at reasonable rent, or will sell stock, store and all for $7300. Address AE 126. Oregonlan. WEEKLY newspaper for sale, onjy paper in town of SoO population, 'situated at foot of mountains on beautiful Wallow a LaV.e; town supported by farming, stock -ralelng, mining and timber; railroad grade com pleted, track being laid, making Jowph terminal point ; paper c.eara present owner almost $2X per year; a bargain for cash. Address Al T. Kinney. Joseph, Or. MAKE $2300 to $7300 yearly without capital We teach you the real estate and general brokerage business by mail; appoint you our special representative; furnish you readily salable real state and investments; he.p you secure customer and make you quick lv prosperous. Particulars free Inter state Commercial Fales Co.. Scranton. Pa. A WELL-KNOWN practical mechanic has patent pending on a valuable invention the merits of which are proved beyond a doubt. He wants a little financial assistance; will give interest in patent. You will be posi tively secured against low and sure to make money, possibly a fortune. Address A B 123, Oregonlan. ROOMING HOUPB Elegant. furnished house of rooms nil outside rooms. 3- year lease. $123 per month, all full; house makes $123 per month clear; not far from 14th and Morrison. I must sell. I am compelled to go East. Address AF 12J, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCE? WANTED. We must have lodging-houses, restau rants, confectionery stores and other bus iness chances, as we have sold about all wf have listed and have a big demand for more. Yours for a quick sale. S22 Chamber of Commerce. THE) WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO. has Just organized to Install nlckelodlona In (i superb locations in Inland Empire; 1 ehow running In Moscow; installing 1 in Spokane; new loca tions being secured; dividends will be enor mous; sha;es $14 each: only 20 unsold. Ad dress J. B. Arnett, President, Moscow, Idaho $2oon WANTED We have a proposition to offer vou that will pay you more than anything In the U. S.; one of the largest that we have ever listed for a legitimate investment and a gilt-edge proposition ; A-l references given and required. 027 Corbett bldg. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished is:'")) furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile- or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4 -3 Swetland Bldg. I HAVE for sale the stock, fixtures and other assets of the Oregon News Company, lo cated at 147 th st., and solicit correspond ence with persons) desiring to Invest In the property. This U a favorable opportunity for the right man to Invest in a going con cern. R. L. Sabin. 7 1st st.. Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE man wanta brigh; man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $130 to $2oO; no experience necessary; very little cash required. Particulars Multnomah In vestment & Realty Co., 3S6ft Washington St., room IX. SNAP! SNAP! Men's clothing and furnish ing gooas more; high grade and first class; established 2o years In best loratlon In Southern Oregon; businef now $40.0oJ yearly; mut retire Immediately. Address A 129, Oregonlan. WATER POWER electric plant and flour mill. $14.410 cash ; stock farms. 320 to 10.000 acres. $ to $10 nor acre; John Day Valley fruit farms producing apples equal to Hood River. $10 to $40 per acre. White & Luce. John Day, Or. WHOLESALE fruit and country produce business. large building, low rent, long lease; entrance on two streets. A money maker; price $2230 cash. L. L. MOKFETT, 423 Lumber Exchange bldg. 12 NKBLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, $'20 cash; nicely furnished 10-room house, Washington st., part cash, eajy terms; swell furniture 7-room flat, tlth st., terms. 243 Stark st. Phone Main 107 tf, A 1070. DRUG and confectionery store, good stock, excellent fixtures. 3 living-rooms, with bathroom attached: cheap rent; right on carline; no competition; $1200, half cash. 3J3 Lumber Exchange. WE pay special attention to business open ings Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. phone Main 448tJ. Kinney & Stauipher. 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. V. D. SMITH delivers fir wood direct from cars to you; all wood guaranteed A -No. 1, out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark; special prices on large amounts. Phone Main 5CS3. $7000 NEW stock general merchandise, lo cated In best town iu Willamette Val ley, will sell at 20 per cent discount and take part In land. Address AE 124, Ore gonlan. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY. INC. 62(1-627-628 Corbett bldg. Main 3617. A 2772. Business Investments, Rooming-houses. Real Estate and Timber. CONFECTIONERY, elgar. soda fountain. Ice cream parlor combined, for sale at in voice price; doing good business; will pay to Investigate. E. H. Milhon, 210 West Wishkah St.. Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Young attorney for partner In law office In county seat town ; small capital required; must be capable and willing to work; references required. Ad dress O 121, Oregonlan. JUST the place for two ladies; stationery, fancy goods, notions, ladlvs' and gents furnishings, etc.; also manicuring, hair dressing, etc.. which can be discontinued If desired. 027 Corbett bldg WANTED A man of good social standing or capable of obtaining commies-dons, to Asso ciate himself with 2 comjetent men. for the practice of architecture In Portland. A D 120. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A good-paying restaurant on the North Bank R. R.. $13u required: slcknes cause of selling. For particulars address p. O. Box 5. Blngen, Wash. HAVE finely equipped poultry farm, 2"X ca pacity; want good man with capital: money making proposition from the very start. H 118. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOl'SB. $30; 9-room, clears $0O per month. Rooming-house, $.30; 14 rooms, brick. 413 Marquam. WANTED Party to join pool to purchase land on new electric line; double money six months; $000 required. F 110. Ore gonlan. GR4TCERY for sale, close In. East Sftle. new Htock, low rent, small capital required; bar gain for experienced man; will consider part trade. E 111. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT for sale: will sell at a bar gain: good location; wel! furnished, nice building. Inquire lo5 Washington stM Van couver, Waeh. BEST paying grocery for sale, $2ooo; $12.50 a month rent; doing over $4o daily and still growing. See this now. J lift. Oregonlan- YOI can make 2T0 per cent on a platting proposition that i offer. Call and let me show you. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark st. W E have a place for a good, steady man with $350 ; exceptional opportunity. Call Sunday. 10-2 P. M.. 611 Swetland bldg. TWO modern hotels. 5 years leas: fine loca tion: will exchange for Portland or Seattle property. P Oregonlan. LOTS on Hawthorne ave. for sale; ensy payments, and cheap, by owner. J 12b, Oregonlan. GROCERY rtore In city suburb, a business of $ a month; I00K in is up. u izi. ure- guman. BAKERY, confectionery, cigar store, for sale cheap If taken before August fl. 7o0 Thurman st. BARBER shop for sale cheap; 4 chairs. AB 134, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE. 18 room.", good location; snap: $33'. See owner, 2' IVa l.t st. $:30 BUYS grocery, fine location, good busi ness. Phone Stllwood 3.-M. SALOON If you want a good monry-iruiker I call Monday bet. IS and 0 r. x... u 1st at. I 2!W Alaska Pet & C. Treas. (wanted). 1T.V Alaska Pet A C. Pooled (wanted). 3"M Alameia Consol. 7 h) American-Can. Oil. 100 American Telegraphone. 1("H Anticak Leather. 13 to Big Hill Coal. toH B. C. Amal. Coal (wanted). 4'Mio Putte Boe at 34iC. 3 '"0 Cascadia Mining A Dev. IO.OoO Commercial Mining (Rainbow). 1250 Coiri'tock Golnen Gate. , 2Sn Fidelity Copper (wanted). 2" German-American Coffee. 500 Mammoth. 1h,(mm Morning. go" Mount Pitt. snap. irn National Copper (wanted). 4.V.0 Or gon Gold Mining. fltinrt Oregon Coal iScotT Mills), fioo Portland Coal & Dev. (wanted). ! louo Gt. Western Expl. & Dredging. . I We can give you pricfS on all telephone bonds and all other biock onerea on me market; try us nd fee. F. J. CATTERLIN & CO., Chamber of Comrnerca. FOR SALE at a great sacrifice, ice cream parlor and general confectionery store, one of the best utanda at Long Beach; present owner tiears $100 daily and up w ard must tie sold on account of sk k-nuss- will sell stock at inventory. Apply Rubin. Long Beach, or 403 Wells-Fargo bldg. city ALL kinds of business opportunities negoti ated through the business chance depart ment of Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 Washington, corner ad. WANTED A partner to buy a half interest In sale stables and stock yards, all com plete and in good running order, about 30 bead of horses on hand now, about S00 re quired; salary and half of profits go with half interest See owner at room 503 Board of Trade bldg. FRUITS, confectionery, etc., owner is clear ing $20 a day after paying all expenses, but the hours are too long and he wants a partner he can depend on; experience not necessary; $1230 required; will stand investigation. Call 248 Stark st. WANTED A partner with $1000 to invest In' the publication of a book; can show where $3000 annually each can be made; manuscript ready for press, full Investi gation solicited. Write for Interview. N 135, OreKonian WANTED Information regarding good pat ent which -woulu be money maker. Only Inventor, who wishes to sell outright or on royalty basis, need answer. Give price and brief description. S. M... Box 984, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Information regarding good business for sale; not particular about character, size or location; prefer to deal with owner; give price and full description. Address L. Darbyshire. Box 102. Koch ester, N. Y. FOR SALE Drugstore: cash. $2ft00, or $2500, assuming $300 note due July, 1910; business now showing profit of $1 per month; to tal expense, including light, phone and rent. $:ift; lease until April. 19o. A 116, Oregonlan. ' SOLID business, partner wanted to keep plain accounts, check goods, etc.. most of the money required goes in bank to in crease business; you can depend on at least $HK) a month; owner furnlshea bank references. Call 24HH Stark at. LARGE rooming-house on Washington st., another good on East Side; lease or rea sonable rent on both; good property taken in exchange. What have you? See Gold smith about it at room 3, 25;iH Washing ton st. WE know of a place where a man with $1S00 can connect himself as manager with a light manufacturing business that surely has a big future; $100 month salary paid to right party. 027 Corbett bldg. PARTNER wanted for light manufacturing, owner can't depend on hired help; duties quicklv learned; $410 required; owner will guarantee active man $.'1 a- day. Call 24N Stark s A COUPLE of first-class saloon propositions In a wicie-open town for sale at reasonable prices: saloon men wishing something good should investigate. Lakeside Realty Co., Sandolnt, Idaho. . BARRER SHOP Fine location, doing fine business; all household goods; part down, balance monthly; reason for selling, poor health. D. S. Cameron Realty Co., Van couver. Wash. I COMPLETE sawmill with 400 acres and 8.000,000 feet fir. .1 houses, barn and 15 acres cleared. SO acres beaverdam, good creek, 10 miles from Sheridan on good road, $o.hjo. 325 Lumber Exchange. RELIABLE real estate man being alone wants a steady, sober partner; duties easily learned and little money required; will pav active man $150 to $200 a month. .Particulars 248 W Stark st. A OUICK FORTUNE FOR TOT" The best churn ever Invented and the State of Washington. riht price ahd terms, 15 per cent more butter than by any other. O i:t7. Oregonlan. WANT a partner with $000 or more to establish a permanent manufacturing busi ness, paying big profit; good general trade and can get big Government contracts. A F ISO. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS confectionery, stationery and book store in prosperous Valley town, doing, verv tine business. For particulars phone East 4913, or address 1&Q East 20th : , R EST Al' RANT I want to el! mine. ,lf right down town, doing a nice bunlnesfl: have nthfi interests that demand my time. M 124. Oregonlan. FOR SALK Grocery of first-clan stork: tfood location, dolnpr a good paying business; will sell at a bargain. Answer J 137, Ore gonian. " WQ "Want competent man for electric floor surfacing to take full charge: plenty of work: eplndld paying. Tel. Main 900 for appointment. A. Huutledge. ' PARTNER wanted for a growing businesa. experience not necessary and only 175 re quired: will ray a rustler to $ a day. open to Investigation. Call 24SM. Stark st. WANTED Partv with 12000 to Join me In representing Eastern manufacturers on Coast, carrying stock In- Seattle. A D 121. Oregonlan. SALOON Partner wanted, good corner, .busy place and will stand full Investiga tion: owner prefers partner to hired help. Particulars 24SV4 Stark t. Pl.ANINfJ MILL,, good location and trade, will take real estnte or timber lands an part payment. $7300. half cash. 323 Lum ber Exchange. HARDWARE business near Portland doing good buFiness; now is the time to buy for owners want to sell badly. (I2T Corbett bldg. AN unusual opportunity for active man of goni aridre.s with some money: business es tab'lshed; do rot -write, unleee you mean businefw. M 136. Oregonlan. THE fine furniture of a 14rroom modern cor ner house, centrally located; ISito cash, bal ance easy payments. T 1.15. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class restaurant, doing good business, for aale by owner. N 138, Oregonlan. PARTY having good position wants to re sign In favor of buyer of his stock; good wages; no fake. V l?,0. Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS real estate office wants partner not afraid of work. M 1.13. Ore gonian. FOR PALE Photoernph gallery furnished complete; a bargain; must sell. Portland Photo Supply Co. SELL or trade for f'J.'O. restaurant and fur niture, complete: Immediate possession; come soon. :l:lft Russell. CORNER grocerv. with 5. living rooms. low rent, long lease, will Invoice about 9300. At 421 1st St.. corner Hall. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream business1 for sale. For particulars Inquire of Calef Broe SCHURRAN grocery, milk, confectionery, etc.. living rooms; owner makes a good living; price $200. Call 2IRi Stark st. WE will sell from It'ftO to 50OO Alm4a Con S"ll1ateil. Make best bid. F. J. Catterlln & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. H'B want $10,000 Home Telephone bonis; money In bank F. J. Catterlln & Co., Chamber of Commerce. . TRANSFER and storage, good trade and location; good Incomes $220;l; will trade for house and lot. 323 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY store, good trade and location, doing $0 dally, cheap rent 325 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY. $12.v dally sales, cheap because sicknefs forces immediate sale. Call 24814 Stark st. I WILL build store buildings to rent, any suburban location. AD 137. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Thirst -claps barber ihop In town of Siuv. Box Hood River, or. Money to Loa. t$t$$$$$$$$$fS $$$$$$$$ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. WITHOUT SECURITY. LOANS ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC.. WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS. "EVERY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKLM BLDG. $$$$$$$$$$$$$!! $ $ $$$$$ IF YOU NEED M O N B T To pay any other company, furniture house, or for any other purpose, call on the old reliable company. LOWEST RATES. Heal Terms. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our chargea In plain figures. HLTTO.V CREDIT COMPANY. 512 Uetuin Bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 ftothehlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Wasn The rognized bank of the wage earner. A -lerk. bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or emDloye can obtain money ot us on his note without security. $;5 return to us $4 a Mo l-.a Return to us $S H $30 Return to us $13 33 a Mo. Con:1dentlal; no unpleasant inquiries Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. .,,.. Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly. $75 return to ub. . .$2o.oO $10 00 $3 00 $50 return to us ia 33 lt5 3.-5 $30 return to ua 8.00 . 4 O0 2 U0 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00 " l-OO 200 McKAY BLDG.. cor. Sd and Stark s;. SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on Pianos, Furniture, ware house Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MOROAGB CO.. 403 Swetlund Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without se curity, cheapest rales, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities,- save your self money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lunioer Exchange Bldg MONEY .oaned un raiailcs; no other security, my system is best for railroad men, cterks. bookkeeepers, streetcar employes and others, business confidential. F. A. Nwwion, fill Buchanan bidg., 26uVj Wasnln&n at. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for lcnft or sbor: time. A. & M. Delovage. jewelers, 20li Washlngton st. WE buv Oregon Trust A Savings. Merchants National. Title Guarsrtee A Trust ac counts for cash; also stocks and bonds 511 Corbett bldg. WE pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust accounts or German-American certlrl calee, we will aell your telephone bonda. The E. L Fraley Co.. 41S Cham of Com. I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee, Qer-man-Amerlcan. Merchants, Telephone bonds, etc. Thos. McCusker, 203 Couch bldg. Main 7040. MONEY to loan on city real estate In uma to suit. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. $100,000 to loan In rums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 26 J Stark, opp. Cham, of O $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more on improved property. Cady Seiple, 322 Mohawk bldg. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $300 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder St. MONEY to Inan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $100 and up; sse ua Vaughn A Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. TO LOAN, $20,000, one loan. 6 per cent, no commission, on Improved property worth $00,000. 202 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan by private party on timber claims, farm, city property. K 136, Ore gonlan. CASH TO LOAN Reasonable terms, prompt service. Henry C. Prudhcmme. 3o0 Chain, of Com. insurance and Real estate. $30O0 TO $23,000 on improved property. Ooldschmldt s Agency. 233 Vs Washington, corner 3d. TELEPHONE bonds' and Title and Oregon accounts bought at hlghet market price. Cohn Bros.. 180 1st st. , LOANS on rfal estate, clattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway. 10 Washing ton bldg Pacific 1S32 MONEY to loan on Improved city property; reasonable Interest. , Coast Commercial Co., 5u4 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 44!' Sherlock bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pailett. 304 Fenton bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 400 a of C. FEW thousand dollars iu loan on good se curity, o. E. Walling. 243 Stark st. TO LOAN $10,000, In sums to suit 7 per 132, Oregonlan. cent K MONEY loaned on all kinds of aeturlty. 403 Wells-Fargo bldg. - A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 JJekum bldg. $10.00i WORTH Omaha Tel. bonds. 50' per cent stock, at 6Sc. J 13tt, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate mort gage, no commission. G 133. Oregonlan. $1000 on Improved security. j. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Loans Wanted. WANTED Loan $5000, win pay 10 per cent -end give gilt-edged first mortgage security on real estate In Columbia County, will also give a fourth Interest in a valuable land contract; the deal will Interest you if you have the money; no middle man need answer. E 118. Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED-PHvate parties having money to loan will do well to consult Henry C. Prudhomme. 3O0 Chamber of Commerce, who has a number of first class loans to place. LOAN of $130,000 to $200,000 wanted for flve to ten years at not over 5 per cent; secured by best Inside real estate In city. J 122. Oregonian. WANTED Several small loans from $300 to $1000. on real estate security. Will pay 8 per cent for a long term. G21 Cor bett bldg. Main 8143. FOR SALE. $3000 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. certificate of deposit. W L. Morgan. 322 Failing bldg. WANTED Loan of $ltMM. 8 per cent, on well-Improved residence property. O 130, Oregonlan. WANTED Loan of $lf0 on good real estate security for one year. X 129. Or egonlan. WANTED to borrow $2oo on a piano and furniture; Insured for $S00. AC l.!S. Ore gonlan. WANTED $5000 on gilt-edge real estate prop osition: will bear closest Investigation; A-l security. Address B R8. Oregonlan. WANTED $ 4O0 on good real estate security, no commission. N 134, Oregonlan. WANTED A lonn of $2.M for 2 years; good aecurity. N 121, Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 7th and Morrison and Mar quam bldg.. gold breastpin, cloverleaf de- j sign. Return to 108 N. ISth, near Glisan; i reward. LOST On steamer Teal Sunday, Initial ring, letters ' K. T. S. Return . to McCarron, Standard Factory, Grand ave. and Taylor. Good reward. ' LOST Saturday between Olds si King's, LefTert's Jewelry store, lady's gold watch and chatelaine pin, diamond setting; re ward. Tabor 833. LOST Bet. Hawthorne "and 26th and Clin ton, on W.-W. carline, $20 -bill ; reward of half. K 137. Oregonian. LOST Bull Terrier pup. white with tan spot at root of tall; reward. Phone East 1420. Call 9 East 7th st. LOST Gold locket; Inltla's C. B. S. : $1 re ward: picture on Inside. Return Ore gonian. FeUND A party to make your towns. Phone . East 481)6. F. M. Brownell. LOST Collection book, kindly return to 301 Tilford bldg. Reward. FoVNr One gray mare, marked W. 8. 24. John Gantinbeln, Sandy road. LOST, strayed or stolen, one small light bay mare, biack mane and tail, weight about 930 pounds. 7 years old. branded, high hips, well developed head and of a gentle disposition; in good order. Strayed or stolen from barn at Arleta. the night of Tuesday. July 21. Any Information lead ing to the recovery of mare will be liber ally rewarded. Hargrove A Sons. Arieta, Or., or 113 6th St., North. Portland. Phones Main 4381. Tabor 1022. LOST on Portland Height June 22. black and white pointer dog; collar, no name; has extra toe on right hind foot; liberal reward. Phone Main 5167. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned sime day. 228 Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curied Hair Factory. H. Metzger. WILL person who picked up purae that fell oft St. John oar July IS. pltase return to Grace M. Nugent, Carson, Waili., Mineral .sprir.KH Hotel. FKHSONAL. MARKlAiiEABLE ladies and gentlemen, al". ages, want correspondence; many wealthy. Why live alone? t-enu us oniy Joe tMivr or stamps) lor Ho complete numen and ad dresses of either sex s you can write di rect without lurther chaigee. Your money refunde.I if uissatisnea. Guarantee iUr reau. Box 301. M, Portland, ur. MEN CURED Quickly and permanently; modern electric tieatment tor dueates of the prostate and nervous debility, piles cured without op eration or pain. W. I. Howard. M. 304-6 Rothchild bldg, 4th and Wash. SUITS pressed wblio you wait, ooc. in vu-tl- rs of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 5uc al Gilbert. iQe tailor ft. 66 6th at., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pi eased, 6UC Feathers and boas cleaned auu curied. Phone Main 4Uo4. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngforl gradu ate, cures rheumatism, slumiicn troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, stetim sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St., one door from East An keny car. phones East 260, Home 14 1803. THE REJUVENATION COMPANY. All physical and facial blemishes perma nently removed. Beauty, Health and Viril ity of youth restored. We guarantee all work. Consultation confidential and free. 301-2 Flledner bldg., 4o7 Washington st. Phone Main 3336. DEEPEST WRINKLESi SMALLPOX PITS and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair and race removed, hurts developed, su perfluous hair removed b the latest French method; all the rage In Paris; no electricity; faces bleached; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MAUCOTT. Faclul institute. 146 11th St.. be. Alder and Morrison. MME. A. A. LUCKEY, Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances newest and most improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 30. 350 Morrison st. Main 2011. CONFIDENTIAL Corresponding Club, for hon est, ftober, single people, tuily of age; fine local list carelully selected. Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. H3 East 12lh St., bet. Washington and Stark. Mount Tabor or Sunnyslde car. LADIES who wish to be comfortable and at the same time be attractive to their friends should wear the form-making Splrella cor set. It yields to every movement. All corsets made to order by Miss Thompkiiu. Suite 21 Milner blug., 350V, Morrison St. SCALP treated and hair colored, hair and scalp thoroughly cleaned and hair colored inot dyed); can give full treatment in one hour and a half; will come to your home. Phone Woodlawn 2003 or B 1767. Address Lorena Went, 463 Pippin St., Portland, Or. A REFINED young man of 24, from a high standing family, wishes to meet a widow or single lady with means to assist him In business; object, matrimony. Wm. Mont gomery, Portland. Or. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep ana give you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6 boxes $2 50. All druggists, or address the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland. ijADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesiors Diamond Brand Pills. For 26 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesttrs Diamond Brand Pills are sold. , by druggists everywhere.- YOU MAY HAVE perfect nerves by using Sexine Pills. $1 a box, 6 for $5, full guar antee. Address or call The J. A. Clem enson Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. - THE LEAP YEAR CLUB is not a common marriage bureau, but an up-to-date cor respondence club, exclusive and confiden tial. Send 10 cents for Club Monthly. Box 1360, Spokane, Wash. WANTED Acquaintance of refined Christian gentleman with means; must be neat and unincumbered; age 38 to 48; give descrip tion In first letter; object matrimony. S 130, Oregonlan. REFINED widow. 38 years of age and of means, wishes to meet gentleman 40 to 45 years, with means. Object, matrimony. K 126, Oregonlan. MARRIAGE PAPER Highest character; In corporated; 12th year; 4ou0 members; papei sealed; send 10c. R. E. Love, Box looO, Denver, Colo. K.APILA High Initiate of India; teacher of Sankhya philosophy; tells of everything you should know; spiritual advice free. 341 ft Morrison. PERSONS of msrrtageable age, either sex, de siring acquaintance or companion, send loc for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, 613 Gerllnger blng., cor. 2d and Alder DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 612 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. YOUNG German widow owns large farm and town property; would like to meet honest man; object, matrimony; must speak Ger man. M 110. Oregonlan. DON'T BE LONESOME Join the only re liable marriage bureau In the world. Send 10 rente for the Ju,y paper. Box 251, Se attle, Waeh. DRESS suits for rent, sll sixes; $1.00 Month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt cails and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. Su Stark. 1 LADY Giving gentleman Information, busi ness position for friend, t:::o Sat. A. M., wishes him to address her. T 126, Ore gonlan. MRS. PATTERSON has bought the Plasa rooming-house. 3d and Salmon, has given it a thorough cleaning and will gladly welcome old friends or new. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free 170 ',4 3d st Main 8770 MOLES, wrinkles. superfluous hair, removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 830 Flledner bldg. Phono Main 3473. A GENTLEMAN wishes lady companion to join a party on a trip to the ooast. Ad dress L 133. Oregonian. S C.' A. addressed two letters to 10 North Oth as directed; letters returned; no such number on 6lll St. Agnes G. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Ners Tablets. 23c box. EjsseH's Phar macy. 227 Morrison St.. bel. 1st and 2d. GENTLEMAN of good appearance wou.d like to meet young lady Oeiween 20 and 23. object matrimony. F 127. Oregonlan. GERMAN French: Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literature a specially. A W. Schmale Co.. 22 1st st. REFINED young lady, stranger In city, wishes to meet gentleman of means; ob ject, matrimony. K 122. Oregonlan. MRS. OBROCK Mcsseuse. baths, salt glow, alcohol rub. cream massage; references. 2S2H Park. Main 2403; A 2734. Mme. Couitwrighl. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities' corrected; plasrl surgery. 226 FUeiinet- bl'ig. M. 5o42. A 2u6. WANTED Merry widow, under 30. no chil dren or young lady for housekeeper; must be reasonable. F 117, Oregonlan. t MARRIAGE! PAPER Incorporated; 4O00 mem bers worth $HO to $100,000; paper .loo sealed. R. E. Love. Box 16"0. Denver. Colo. BACHELOR GIRL. 35. worth $12,00, would marry; confidential. H., Box 33. Corr. League, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Acquaintance of unincumbered woman about 45, object marriage. Y 123, Oregonian. DBS ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity cases; good care: terms right. Ad. Allsky b PILES cured without operation by a well established physician. Box 300, . city. IF you want to buy. sell or exchange any thing, call 323 Lumber Exchange. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases, ft East 13th st. North. Phone B 40S4. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, slngls people: circular loc. 229ft 1st st. LA.DIES' barber ehop. halrcutting 25c. 12 North 4th and Burnslde sts. LADY BARBERS. 2lft Burnslde st. WE TREAT BOTH MEN AND WOMEN! If you have any acute ur chronic dis ease or run-down condition or nervous trouble, we can cure you, even though. I others nave given iu ui e.. . v have special departments for the treatment of men. also for the treatment of diseases of women, with a lady specialist In charge. Also for the eye, ear. nose and throat, including the proper fitting of glasses, and a spetial treatment for catarrh and skin, diseases. Each department Is In e.iarge of a specialist who understands the work. . Consultation free. I.MI'ODKKO TiiJSRAPY COM PAN V 508 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Iltli and W ash. FUKS SUMMER PRICES FURS Now is the time to have your furs re modeUd and repaired. Redylng and blending skillfully done. All work stored free of charge. Remimbtr. ou will save money bv orde-lr.g your new furs NOW. Call and telect the skins. Latent styles on hand und perfect fit guaranteid. Will call at resilience and give estimate. A 0472. A. Kolner. Washington, st. Practical furrier, designur at:d expert fitter. i THE CI.ENCOE SANITARIUM, located at 3.1.1 ilnntaomfrv st. All mental and nerv ous diseases treated; the whisky, mor phine, opium and cocaine habits cured lit 4s hours; we guarantee no pain or suffer ing: no money until cured and thoroughly satisfied. Call and Investigate our method of treatment, the funil.i mental principle of which Is the destruction of that craving which prompts tlio desire for the drug or stimulant. Phone A 3620. WOULD YOU MARRRY IF SUITED? Matri monial pnper containing ailvertlsementa marriageable people, many rich, from all sections, mailed, sealed, free. O. M, Gun nels. Toledo, Chio. liLSlNLSS imiLtl'OKY. Accordion 1'tultlnsT. MlS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ao cordton and knife planing and pinking. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS, 324 Worcester block, publla accouutuiit and eslaie agent. Auditing. Investigating, systematizing; permanent keeping of Looks and records a specialty, Auayers and Analysts. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, Cham isis and asayers. 24ft Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, assayor and analyst. Qolol dutt bought. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 136 Morrison el Bicycle and Coctrlcal Repairing. SHAW si MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stsxk sc. Coal and Wood. YAMATO WOODJAKO, wholesale and re tail. The best llr wood lor Wintur sup ply, $4.00 to $5.30. East 6lh and Main, tust 818. li 1S0J. Cliiropotly. WM. DEVENY and Eslelle Deveny, the oniy scientific chtrupooutis in the city. Par lors 802 Gerllnger blug., S. W. cor. 2d and Aider, phune Main 13ul. Chlropoay and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 341J. Commission Mercbunta. TAILOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. C. E Brown. D. V. S. D C. M. Dog. horse hospital, lud N Oth st Union Trans Co. Educational. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic al, survey, assuy, cyanlue; established 1864. Van der Nailion School, bisl and Tele graph, Oakland, Cai. 1 exl bcoree. K. L COOPER & CO., hay, grain, feed. 12s Union ave. East 1517, B 1517. Gasoline Knglnea. Stationary, marine. electric equipments, launches,' accessories, wholesale, retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad die and harness nuifrl bo-Stt 1st. Main 224 Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals ana sacks 312 Front St. Launches ant. Yachts. FOR charter and sals marine hardware, gasoline engines. Seo Heves, 171 Madison. Leuther ant' j-induigs, J. A. 8TROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es lablibhed 1836. Lealher and findings: Stockton sole leather ai-'d cut stock; lu.i : Una Eastern Juniboa 181 Front st. ! CHAS. L. MASTIC U CO.. 74 Front, leathel of every description, tap mis', nndlngs. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete installations. Arm strong Machinery Co., Spokane. Wash. Mining. R. J. JENNINGS, mines and mining. 501-$ Gerllnger bldg. EMIL THIELHOitN. violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 4160. Pine 334 Pac. 2U8D. O.-.teouathl0 Physicians. DR. R. it. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. Phone, ofticu, Muln 34D. Residence, E. 1026. Paints, Oils and IJluss. RASMUSSE.N & CO. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. Beach A Co., the Pioneer Paint Co. Window glass and glaaing. 135 1st. M. 1334. 1'atent scJ penfelon Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domes'le and foreign pat ants; luf iiugemeui cases. to04 Lekum. PATEN'IS, tiaue-ruurks. copyrights. A. J. Maiker, 411 Commonwealth blug. J. J. HiKSlillEiMLK, ptn:siun and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg, PUotu Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea Eiigi'avliig Co., corner 2d and Aider sis. DESIGNERS, photo engravers. Nelss A Con tlua. lull 2d st A 4573, M. 7olU. Kubber Btampe, ALSO trade i-tiei-as and all ifflce goods. P. D C. Co., 231 Siaik st Boltl pliuovs 140i. Signs. FOSTER i KLElhER. SIGNS. The 1-irfcel sign-makers In the North west. 5lh and Eerelt sts. Phuns Prlvaia Exchange oo. Home A 1155. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFE 4 LOCK CO. John E Da vis. 66 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hund safes. THE MOSLEK SAFE CO . 10S 2d st Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Suowcane. iiunk aud Mtore Fixtures. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couca kl. Main 2703. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., ofTlct and commodious fuur-Mory brick ware house, with seperate Iron rooms and fire proof vaults for valuables, N. W. corner oi 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 300, A 1DU6. CLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safet pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment 201) Oak St.. bet Front end 1st Telephone Main 347 or A 2247 Street Paving. WARKEN Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks and crossings 314 Lumber Ex. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland office. 402-3-4 Wurcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters. all makes repaired, sold and rented: alsa B'ate agents the Visible Fox The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d st Main gog SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re paired P D. C Co.. 231 Stark Main 1407, Wholesnle Jobbers. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, man torturers, commission merchants. els) and Oak.