s-rrrr rv - ..--;---.-:.'-.- v-- THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN". PORTLAND. JULY 26, 1908. HOT WEATHER DRIVES CROWDS FROM INTERIOR TO BEACHES NEWPORT. July 26. (Special.) The week has been a busy one at New port, notwithstanding the fact that the early days were gloomy and misty. All week long tourists have been coming to- Newport In large crowds, and the town la now well Ailed. Practically every cottage at Nye Beach, which is not already filled, is rented for the remainder of the season. Tents have gone up In great numbers during the week, giving Nye Creek a typical Summer appearance. A burglar made his appearance at Nye Creek this week and on Friday evening entered the cottage of Dr. H. J. Mln thorn, securing about $10 In small change. To allay the fears of the campers, all four of the Newport police force are Working on the case, and hope to run the thief to earth. I Recent Cottage Arrivals. ;Mrs. M. Senders and family, of Albany, arrived in .Newport this week to spend July and August. They have rented the Fleming cottage for the Bummer. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Polhemue and daugh ter Eva. of Portland, are among the most recent Newport arrivals. They are lo cated In their cottage on Newport Heig ;s for the season. Mrs. F. H. Churchill and little daugh ter and Mrs. E. W. Jones and three daughters, of Roeeburg, are among the recent cottage arrivals. Mr. and'Slrs. G. "W. Gray and family, of Salem, arrived in Newport this week and have rented the Earl Fleming cot tage for the season. J. A. Buchanan, 'wife and family, of Cornelius, arrived in Newport this week and are located for the Summer In the Calbreath cottage at Nye Creek. H. M. Morris and family, of Eugene, took up their abode in their Nye Creek Summer home this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alden, of Cor valMs. are In the Horner cottage at Nye Creek for the Summer. George Metcalf and family, of Salem, opened their Nye Creek cottage this week. Mrs. a L Rodgers and son, Earl, ar rived in Newport Wednesday and have entered their Nye Creek Summer home. Mrs. R. E. Riches and daughter, Gladys, of Turner, are in the Mr. In man cottage at Nye Creek for July and Au gust. I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Elliott, of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hopkins, of Al bany, have opened their cottage at Nye Creek. iMrs. A. B. Croasman, son Allen B. and daughter. Lilian, of Portland, are at Ollsonville in their Summer home. Hon eysuckle cottage. Visiting the family Is Mrs. A. E. Crane and two nieces, of Portland. m , .Mrs. E. E. Hofer, of Salem, arrived in Newport this week and has opened up her cottage at Olsonvllle for the season. Mrs. Hofer is accompanied by her son, Lawrence, and daughter, Gyrlie. L. P. Shanks and wife, of Portland, are again at Nye Creek in their Summer cot William F Anderson and family, of fortiana, are enjuyiuis at Nye Beach. They are spending their third season In the Anderson cottage at Nye Creek. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace, of Albany, are located once more In their Summer home Welcome Inn at Nye Creek. Mrs. John A. Carson and family are enjoying their annual outing in the Car son Summer home at Nye Creek. Ex-Mayor F. M. Wilklns. of Eugene, brought his family to Newport this week to spend the Summer in the Wilklns bun galow at Nye Creek. W.' S. Hays, wife and two daughters, of Portland, arc spending their outing in the Hays cottage at Nye Creek. Mrs. C. A. Wiencken and family, of Portland, are in the Damon "Sunset" cottage at Nye Creek. Visiting the fam ily are Mrs. Wlencken's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. is. ieuy, or. rutuiura. Mrs. F. M. French and sons, John and Beth, are located for the season in French Harbor, at Nye Creek. tr. H. A. McXary and family are en Joying a two months- rest at Nye Creek. They are located In the C. B. Moores cot tage. Dr. E. F. Parker, of Portland, is spend ing July with his family in the Crosby cottage at Nye Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Boeschen, of Salem, are located at Sea Crest for the Sum mer months. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Myer and family, of Ashland, are among the recent cot tage arrivals. They have rented the Sampson cottage. , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Redflelci ana daughter Ina. of Albany, are in their Nye Creek cottage. Mrs. C. E. Berry and daughter. Rena, of Portland, arrived in Newport Thursday evening to spend the season. Miss Em ma Butman Is the guest of the family, who will be located at Nye Beach in the Butman cottage. Jacob Thompson and wife and E. 1 ijuten and wife, of Ashland, are at New port for July and August. They are en joying their rest in the Buten cottage. Among the Tenters. A great many tenters arrived in New. port this week. Among the lot is a merry colony located In the Byrene camp yard. In the group are T. Guilds, J. T. Larson, and M. D. Tester, of Portland; Mrs. W. M. Heacock and family, of Newberg: J. R Holyfleld and family, of Portland; Mrs. F A. Young. Newberg; J. A. Watson, Portlend; Miss X. Miller, Miss R. Young and W, H. Smith, Portland; Miss S. B. Simon, Hood River; H. A. Priest and family. Woodburn; Mrs. L. N. O'Ren and family, Portland: Mrs. W. L. Prize and family, Kings Valley; Mr. J. II. Christopher and family. Marlon; Mrs. O. P. Shepard, L. Hoyt, Miss Louise Hoyt and Miss Hazel Granstown, Portland. Mr.- E. Kirkpatrlck, of Eugene, is camp'lng in the Byrne camp ground north of Nye Creek. Philander Flood, of Portland, i a re cent addition to the host of campers at Nye Creek. W. B. Holmes and family, of Ash land, are camped near Nye Beach. Mrs. J. W. Chamberlln and family, of Portland, are camping . north of Nye Creek. Mrs. J. T. Watson and family, of Al bany, sire among the recent arrivals in the tent district. Mrs. J. W. Forbes and family are lo cated in a tent near the beach at Nye Brook. Mrs. Morgan Watson and son Clay, of Eugene, are camping at Nye Creek. Herbert Bruner and wife, of Portland, and A. E- Butler and wife, of the same city, are camped at Nye Creek for the season. The Misses Lulu and Annette Tolman, of Turner, who have been camping at Nye Creek, returned home Thursday morning. Editor Moorhead. of the Junction City Times, is camping with his family at Nye Creek. Moses Rue, wife and little daughter, of Roseburg, are camped at Nye Creek. L. K. Fisk. of Salem, is camped with his family on the Rader camp grounds at Nye Creek. Personal Mention. . A. B. Croseman, of Portland, Joined his family this week, and will make a short stay at the seaside. Squire Farrar, of Salem, passed through Newport this week, en route to Seal Rocks, where he will spend the remainder of the season with his family. Charles N. Fisher and wife, of Eu gene, arilved In Newport this week for M ' " " " ' raw ' " ' C ' ' 1 . rsffl.--rsv ' . g?-' k ; ---. -- : 'I a two-weeks' rest. They are registered at the Abbey House. Ed E. Van Dyke, of Grants Pass, is registered at the Abbey House. Mrs. A. L. Butler, of Portland, and son, Lieutenant, C. M. Butler, of the U. S. A., are registered at the Ocean House. Mrs. Frank Eugene and Miss Mabel Hlnes, of Albany, are also with the party. Rev. George Nave, of Cottage Grove, and sons, Charles E., of New York City, and Thomas, of Walla Walla. Wash., are registered at the Ocean House. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Woolenberg; and Mrs. M. Josephson, of Roseburg, are among the recent hotel arrivals. They are registered at the Irwin, House, at Nye Creek. Dr. H. B. Leonard and Professor and Mrs. John A. Stuart, of the University of Oregon, are spending their vacation in Newport, the former at the Abbey House, and the two latter at the Damon. Julius Goldsmith, wife and family, of Eugene, are registered at the Damon Hotel for the month of July, as are also Mr. W. H. Hay, wife and two sons, of the university town. Earl A. Aupellee, of Jefferson, Is en Joying his vacation speeding on Ya qulna Bay In his new launch. The life-saving crew afforded the Mummer visitors considerable entertain ment by giving a capsize drill In Ta lulna Bay last Thursday. J. E. Blaln and wife, of Albany, are registered at the Irwin House for the Summer months. NORTH BEACH IS POPULAR Easy of Access From Portland, Large Crowds Visit Resort. LONG BEACH, Wrash., July 25. (Spe cial.) One great and pertinent reason for the continued popularity of North Beach is its easy accessibility to Port land. Steamers leaving on Saturday afternoon and evening as late as 10 o'clock at night, out of Portland, bring the Sunday excursionist to North Beach in the early morning on Sunday. Tne return trip is made at 9 o'clock from Long Beach, giving an outing or nine hours on the beautiful beach. Every featuro of comfort is looked put for, and first-class accommodatioas can. be secured at any point along the beach from Ilwaco to Tioga. Combining as It does every natural pleasure of a sea side outing, with material comfort, the trip Is one surely to be desired by those who can find time and means to leave behind them the hot winds of the city for a day s outing at North Beach. Since the warm waves have been dis porting themselves over our beautiful Portland, the beaches have received a arger influx of guests. Tenters and campers, cottagers and resident guests at the hostelrieB flock down in crowds and the beach has taken on Us busy mid-season atmosphere. So many attractions are, held out to the visitor at North Beach that one is fain, to- enumerate them. Horseback riding and driving, along the 16-mile stretch of sandy beach, when the tide is out; surf bathing all along the beach, auto rides to various points of interest in the two big touring cars, wagon and hayrack parties, picnic jaunts into the beauitful wilds, crab and clam parties, all sorts or outings, besides the gala evenings spent about camp fires, and the many kinds of arti ficial amusement, tend to mane even one day. at North Beach a red-letter one. Xorth Beach Personals.; Otto Dekum, Mrs. Dekum and young daughter are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Leiter and small son John returned to Portland this last week. Mrs. H. S. Glle is at North Beach Inn. A party of Portlanders who are so journing at the seaside are Mrs. Charles Jennings, Mrs. Fred O. Jennings, Mrs. Henry Jennings, Jr., and Master Ralph Jennings. J. H. Stanley Is a Portlander who came to Long Beach this last week. Mark McAnen returned to Portland after a brief visit with friends at Long Beach. Misses Margery and Lucretia JJastick, two attractive Berkeley girls, came over from Seaside on Monday, where they have been guests at Tom Dobson'a house party, to remain the rest of the season at the cottage of their aunt, Mrs. C. W. Mastlck. of Portland. Mrs. Mastlck has her mother, Mrs. A. F. Tyler, with her, and a daughter, Mrs. T. M. Paterson, will arrive on Tuesday to spend the remainder of the season with the party at Seaview. C. F. Haradon has joined his. family at the beach. Charles Schank la dowa from Port, land. Dr. W. O. Manion has been a recent guest from Portland. Mr. . and Mrs. Louis Dammasch, of Portland, are at Hackney Cottage. A recent visitor from Portland was George E. K. Fichtner. Leo Selling, of Portland, came down on Tuesday for a week's visit. He is at Hackney Cottage. Mrs. A. R. Stringer has come down from Portland for a visit with, her II i m ., iiiTTlliiSF11"' daughter, Mrs. Jack Grimes, who has a cottage. George M. Welster, of Portland, is at Long Beach. j F. M. Metzger is a guest at the Port land. Mr. Metzger is making a tour of the Coast cities. He Is interested in photography as an art and is enthusi astic over the charms of both Clatsop and Long Beach. Miss Myrtle Henderson returned on Thursday to Portland, after a fortnight spent at North Beach. Mrs. George W. Whitney is down at the Hackney Cottage. Mrs. R. G. McMullen. of the Shell burne House, Is entertaining her friend, Mrs. Hinkston, from Portland. Lot Q. Swetland Is an arrival from Portland. Misses Florence Watson and Mary E. Watson are guests at North Beach. Jay Upton has been a recent visitor. Dr. Emma Lynden and her two daughters. Misses Ollie and Pearl, are at the Driftwood. C. H-. Hoeg and Mrs. Hoeg and in teresting baby Cranston are at Sunset Cottage. Louis B. Fisher and wife, of Portland, are guests at Long Beach. Mrs. Frances Buechel and small son are at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Paulson and son are recent arrivals from Portland. T. R. Baldwin of Portland was a guest over Sunday at the Hackney cottage. Mrs. F. E. Taylor from Portland, and her handsome baby boy Arthur, are at Driftwood for the season. A popular guest at the beach is Mrs. E. M. Watson, of Portland, who is at the Sunset Hotel. Mrs. Watson is a handsone matron with brunette coloring. and has been the motif of several in formal affairs during her visit. J. Arenson, of Portland, has been a recent guest at Long Beach. Mrs. J. C. Stevens and her charming baby Jane are Long Beach guests. C. A. Chrisman and Mrs. mnsman, are arrivals from Portland. Fred Donnerberg, also of Portland, is at the beach. A prominent guest at Long Beach is Mrs. Nellie G. Day. for several years identified with the Walla Walla Bulle tine. Mrs. Day is spending a month's vacation at the beach. G. D. Roe is a guest for a fortnight at the Driftwood. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Smith and young children Rudol'f and Imogens, are visi tors at Long Beach. Colonel Eddy, of ; Portland, is a recent arrival. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oberdorfer and child ren are guests at the Breakers. , W. F. Flledner, of Portland, came down recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. Marks are arrivals at the beach. A party of Portlanders who are down for a fortnight at the beach are: Misses W. L. Barnes, Cecilia and -Katherine Cain, and Master M. A. Barnes. They are guests at Hackney's. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Lemen, from Den ver, with Miss Margaret Lemen and Lewis J. Lemen are at North Beach for the Summer. Dr. Lemen is chief sur geon for the O. R. & N. Company. Mrs. L. Powers and Miss G. Jones have been guests from Portland at North Beach. Henry -W. Fries and wife of Port land were guests at the beach all of the past week. Eugene Tausic, Mayor' of Walla' Walla, who has been a guest at North Beach, returned home on Thursday. A party of Portland people who re cently arrived at the beach are Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pier, Mrs. Stanhope Pier, and Miss Lulu Trueblood. Charles B. King has been down from Portland for several days. H. P. Palmer spent the Sunday at Hackney's. Mrs. A. Bloom and her three charming daughters returned to Michigan lately. Mlsa Effie Johnstone, of Portland, Is at 8eaview. Mrs. R. W. Mitchell returned recently from Portland to Long Beach. George H. Dufur, from Portland. Is a late arrival at the Sheiburne House. Dr. Fred A. Reisacker and B. H. Bodley from Portland were recent guests at the Hackney cottage, - M. L Kline, wife and young son, Ed gar, of Portland, returned on Thursday after a week's visit at North Beach. Miss Jessie Edwards is a guest of the Chamberlain cottage. . Jay Upton arrived at the. beach re cently. Mrs. J. P. Sutherland, of Portland, is a recent arrival at the Chamberlain cottage. SOCIAL EVENTS ARE NUMEROUS Variety of Functions Keep Visitors to Beach Well Entertained. Parties to North Head and the wrecked Salome have been many in number, and now that the big touring cars are down, It Is predicted that the popular trip will have more fascination than before, if possible. Among the recent ones was that on Thursday afternoon, when some of the guests at Hackney went in wagons to North Head. In the party were: Mrs. Frank C. Baker, Miss Anna Warnock. Miss Henderson, Mise Lillian Brown, Miss Belle Shields. A congenial party of Long Beach guests visited the wrecked Salome last week. The trip was made in a -touring car, and was in the nature of an all-day outing. An early morning start was made, taking basket luncheons along, and the return was at dusk. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taft, Miss Louise Lauga, Miss Leslie Fisk, Mrs. William O'Donnell, Mrs. Echart, Mrs. Kingsley, and Larkln Schell. all Portlanders, with the exception of Mrs. Echart, who is from Salt Lake City. Later In the week an auto party went from Hackney Cottage to the wrecked steamer Salome. The party was com posed of Miss Warnock, Miss Henderson, Mrs. P. Baker and daughter Frances, and Mrs. Hackney. The guests at North Beach Inn have made several trips to North Head and are having nightly beach parties and bon fires. The latter form of amusement Is well represented all along the beach. Every night the lovely Illuminations dot the long stretch of sandy beach, and the crowds gather about the Area from cot tages, tents and hotels. Sunday afternoon a musical was given the guests at Hackney Cottage. Louis Dammasch Tendered a most nleaslne pro gramme of Vocal numbers, and Miss Rose Schacht delighted the party by her beauti ful instrumental selections. Later in the week, on Thursday, another musical was given, when Mrs. SInnott, of The Dalles, sang Annie Laurie in splendid voice. M. J. Politz also assisted with several vocal numbers. Miss. Frances Baker, Mrs. Louis Dammasch. Mrs. J. Hackney. B. H. Bodley, and . Dr. Fred . Reisacher were present. One of the events of the season, among the very young, was a surprise party tendered Master George . V. - Knight on his sixth birthday Wednesday. July 15, The party was given at Mrs. J. O. Wick ham's cottage in Centerville. The games were In keeping with the youth of the participants, a peanut hunt exciting great Interest. Music and other games, fol lowed later by refreshments, served at a beautifully decorated table, bearing two handsome birthday cakes, presented by the guests, served to make the evening a most pleasant one. The small host was also the recipient of many unique little gifts. . Those present were: Frances Bar- bey. Doris Wlldman, Florence Holmes. Joan Wickham, George Knight, Osmond Wickham. Mrs. Wickham was assisted by Mrs. R. B. Knight and Mrs. Wildman in making merry for tne little ones. The following young people are having a most pleasurable vacation in the Hchade cottage: Miss May Dudron, Miss Bess McBride. Misses Ida and Frances Schade, Tracy HIggins and Lawrence Schade. Re cently the party had a tally-ho trip to North Head and the Fishing Rocks. With Mrs. C. W. Mastlck as chaperons, the young girls who are forming the Mas. tick's house party enjoyed an outing to Fort Canby on Thursday. They took basket luncheons, and spent the day pic nicking. The party consisted of Misses Lucretia snd Margery Mastlck, Miss Wilma Fisk. Miss Minnetta Carson Misses Emma and Cora Mastlck. The party will last throughout the Season, and many plans have been made for many outings and excursions. Miss Cora Mas- tick, the young hostess, is a charming blonde, with unusually fair coloring. . One of the largest bonfires in the an nals of North Beach was that of the Hackney Cottage guests on Wednesday evening at Seaview. The largest possible logs and driftwood were piled high, deco rated with bottles, and fireworkB set in J the center. The illumination was spec tacular. Refreshments were served and an especial feature of Interest was lent by the relating of a story by each mem ber of the party. Mr. F. Scudamore, of Portland, was toastmaster. Those pres ent were: Misses Katherine and Cecilia Cain, W. L. Barnes, Lillian Warnock, Henderson, and Rose, Bertha, Lila and Marguerite Schacht; Messrs, w. a. ana F. C. Livingstone, B. C. Paul. Leo Sell ing. George Fichtner. F. E. Sundamore. Mrs. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kline and Mrs. Schacht. At Hotel Sunset a large dancing party was given on Friday evening. The big rooms were beautifully decorated with ferns, sweet peas, popples and nastur tiums, while Japanese lanterns lent an additional beauty to the scene. Punch was served during the evening, and later a buffet lunch. The following guests participated: Misses Effie Johnson, Anna Hurd, E. R. Sylvester, Lulu and Evelyn Bnow, Marie and C. Zimmerman, Elaine Gooley, Mae Dudrowe, Ida and Frances Schade, Lillian Joliffer, Gly and Pauline Porria, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Newlin, Mrs. J. D. Gooley, Mrs. W. H. Dedman, Mrs. Fred Jennings, Mrs. M. B. Rich and Messrs. Paul Marsch, P. fitreih, L. G. Schade, Tracy HIggins, H. G. Pottinger. S. Doug las, M. Hinks, D. M. Donaugh, R. T. Johnstone, Earl Lovejoy, J. R. Knight, K. C. Johnston, J. R. O'Connor, Charles and H. Jennings. An interesting card party was given for the guests at the Salt Air on last Mon day night- The dining-rooms and par lors were beautifully decorated with ferns, potted plants, cut flowers and gayly colored Chinese lanterns. The game was 600, and the prizes, were given to Mrs. Charles Jennings and J. Cameron. NORTH BEACH COTTAGE COLONY Tioga. J. R. Holman, with Mrs. Holman and children, are installed in their Tioga cot tage. . William Comfort with Mrs. Comfort and children have opened their cottage for the season. Mrs. J. T. Brown and little daughter, from Pendleton, are settled in their Sea side home. A. T. Weston Is entertaining a house party at his Tioga cottage. Miss May Kelly is a guest of the Misses Lambert at xioga. Mrs. F. J. Manning and two children are on the beach for the Summer. Mrs. W. L. Wood is expected this -week at her Tioga cottage. A. Constable has a small house party down from Portland. John West, with Mrs. West and family. are In the Taylor cottage at Tloga. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rice, and family, are tenting for the season near Tioga. Herman Strittengert and Mrs. Strit tengert, with their children, are in the Spruce cottage. ( C. E. Franzer, his wife and attractive young daughter, from near Goldendale, Wash., are occupying a cottage at Tioga. J. P. Cook, with Mrs. Cook and young children, 'of Portland, are In their Sum mer home. Long Beach. Walter Bolton, with his wife and inter esting twin children, are In their Sum mer home. A recent cottager to arrive is John Bomhalr. J. W. Collins and Mrs. Collins, with their children, are settled in their Sum mer home. Mrs. J. M. Barde 'and small daughter, Myriel, are occupying one of Hanneman'a cottages. The family of M. F. Brady are occupy ing their beautiful home at Long Beach. A congenial party of well-known Port landers has established itself for the sea son at The Meadow, an attractive Long Beach oottage. The party is composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Taft. Miss Lou Lauga, Miss Leslie Fisk and J. Larkin Schell. Cottagers of interest who arrived re cently are Dr. J. Jackson and wife, who are Installed in their Summer home. H. E. Brady, with wife and children, are it their beach residence. Mrs. William McGarry is entertaining her sister. Miss Lilly Ingalls, in the Knott cottage, which she has taken for the season. George Coyne, with his wife and chil dren, have opened their house at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Hicks and family are Installed In their beach cottage. The Ben Simon family is in one of the Hanneman cottages. The Ham cottage has been opened for the season by Misses Jessie Hagerman and Elinor Moore, of Portland, who are entertaining Miss Harriet Hagerup, of San Francisco. Centerville. M. Lang, with Mrs. Lang and family, -have opened their Summer home at New ton Station. ' The McGuire family have come down to their Centerville cottage. Mrs. Wakefield, of Portland, is com fortably settled in her beach cottage. Mrs. J. W. French, of The Dalles, Is entertaining a house party in her Sum mer residence. The Smith French family have opened their Summer cottage. John Dellar, with Mrs. Dellar and chil dren, are in their home at Centerville. J. De War and family are in the C. C. Smith cottage. Mrs. R. S. Farrell and her children are In their Centerville cottage. M. F. Hurley,. of Portland, has a beau tiful Summer residence under course of construction. Kenneth Johnstone, of Chicago, Is vis iting his mother at her cottage at Cen terville. Mrs. R. B. Knight and daughter, Mrs. Wildman, and children, are domiciled In the Knight cottage for the Summer. Mrs. J. O. Wickham and family are oc cupying the Schiller cottage for the sea son. Mrs. J. H. Johnstone and daughters. Misses Mabel and Effie, are occupying their attractive new cottage at Center ville. Mrs. Barbey has opened her cottage for the season. She is accompanied by her daughters Hazel and Frances. Mrs. M. J. Thorsen and family are among the recent arrivals at Centerville. J. B. Cooke, with Mrs. Cooke and children, have opened their Centerville cottage. John Barbey and family are arrivals for the season, Seaview. The M. K. Wighton family have opened their Seaview cottage. D. M. French, with Mrs. French and family, have settled in their beach house. Mrs. A. Gardiner and children are in stalled in their cottage. ... Mrs. James Sheehy came down last night with her young children to open her beach home. Mrs. Humphrey Jones has opened her new nanasome bungalow at Seaview. Dan Kellaher has opened his cottage at Seaview. Mrs. Kellaher came down on Wednesday with her son Glllis and daughter Miss Mae Coon. Mrs. Will Frost and two small sons returned to Portland this week. Mrs. H. W. Corbett la In her handsome Summer residence. Mrs. Edwards and baby Helene are oc cupying their beach cottage. Mrs. M. Brady, with the misses Frances and Jane Brady, are in their cottage for the season. Mrs. S. Knapp, of Portland, is sojourn ing In her beach home. Mrs. John A. Martin and daughter, Miss Jean, are in their Summer cottage for the season. Mrs. T. H. Knight and her small son Bobble are in a cottage at Seaview for the season. Mrs. Prank Botefuhr Is Installed for the season in her Seaview house. She has her daughter, Mrs. Tyrol and baby girl, with her, as is also Miss Fanny Botefuhr. Stuart McGuire is visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles E. Stolte. in the Knapp cot tage at Seaview. Miss Sadie Knapp is also a guest. D. M. Donaugh and his mother. Mrs. Donaugh, are in their cottage for the season. OCEAN PARK BEACH POPULAR Many Portlanders Take Up Summer Residence There. OCEAN PARK. Wash.. July 26. (Spe cial.) Ocean Park has proved a fascinat ing place from the beginning of man's acquaintance with these beautiful waters and sandy beach, and still It Is doubtful if the people of the Pacific Northwest fully realize its rare and varied charm, and the delightful camping, vacation and outing opportunities afforded at this lovely re sort. Hotel accommodations for the tour ist or excursionist, attractive cottages and ideal camping grounds present every facil ity for a most enjoyable season here. The Kenwortby cottage has been taken this season by T. S. MeDaniel and Mrs. McDaniel from Portland.- Mrs. Sam Connell and children are set tled in their home at Ocean Park. Mrs. Connell has her mother, Mrs. McKenna, with her. Judge L. B. Stearns, Mrs. M. E. Spauld lng and little daughters, Mary Helen and Frances, are at the Park. J. H. Best has been a recent guest. Mrs. H. A. Clair and family from Port land are installed In the Clayton home for the season. They are entertaining Mrs, H. C Clair. Dr.' Benjamin Toung, Mrs. Toung and family are occupying the Adorable cot tage. Dr. Newman and wife from Portland are in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haseltlne of Port land have opened their home at the Park. W. J. Green with Mrs. Green have an attractive new cottage at Ocean Parle They are entertaining guests for the sea son. Mrs. Van Schovenhauven and her young daughters Alice and Vera. Mrs. Nettle Greer-Taylor, well known in Portland musical circles, is usually a week-end guest at the Greer house cot tage. Mrs. Thomas Connell Is a guest at the Park. - -' .. . E. H. Habighorst. of Portland. Mrs. Hablghorst and the Misses Habighorst are at their beach home. Mrs. Habighorst is entertaining her sister. Miss Frehu also of Portland. I F. M. Wooley and Mrs. Wooley are down for the season and are occupying thai, hnm, of Ta-ir Mrs. J. C. Roberts is entertaining a house party. Numbered among her. guests are Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberts, of Coldwell, Idaho. Mrs. W. M. Cupp and Mrs. C. M. Plerson, of Portland. Mrs. A. M. Smith and family are down from Portland at their Park cottage. H. C. Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler are 007 cupylng their home in Hamilton Grove. A. Kindt anl mother, from The Dalles, are at Ocean Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Btrawbrldge are here for the season. Miss Alta Burke, of Portland, la visit ing her grandfather, Mr. Boshen. L. 8. Normandera and family are set tled In thlr h.uh hmisA K. V. Lively and family, from Portland,, are down for the Summer at their Park residence. C. T. Hale and family are arrivals for the season. M. Gevurta has returned to Portland. Recent cottage arrivals are Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hurrt and their little son. Stanley Werschkel with Mrs. Werschkel and baby are in the Kirk cottage for the season. J. H. Ichter and wife are down from Portland In their cottage at the Park. Mrs. A. Upson was a week-end guest at Mrs, K. V. Lively's cottage. E. L. Bushnell Is a recent guest from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaw and son Ear old of Portland were recent guests. Among the Portlanders who are at Ocean Park are James C. Stuart and Gordon Stuart, Chester MCieal, E. B. Liddy, E. W. B. Hammer, W. 8. Moran, R. A. Kloster and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Frazer.- rbiha .-- 1 V. . I T -B . w .... . iiauui, lev. veca 1UI B. V ti , !3Cfc and daughter Helen from Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. A. L. Sprowl, Harold Sprowl and miss Nellie Piatt from Ontario, Or.; Jos eph A. Oudln. New York; H. G. Williams, Wallace, Idaho; Mrs. Cooper, Spokane, and J. P. Paul, Astoria. AT THE NORTH BEACH HOTELS. ; Portland Hotel. Myrial, O. L. Regan. Herman Breyer, M. Rogan. Jr., J. W. Adams, Mrs Perclo Rlu. B. Cronk. J. Lewis and wife. Mrs. H. J. Gregory, Mi Helen Gregory, John T. Whist ler, wife and children, J. V. Lankin, C. H. Asmus, B. House. Miss Maud Dobbfir B. C. Paul, C. W. Hodges. C. C. Bradley. Louis C. Coulter. N. Flecher, W. L. Elliott and wife, and William Schmarl.- Others at the. Portland are: F. M. Metzgar, Cincin nati: L. Verne Nusbaum and wife, Bolee; H. D. Loomls, South Bend; Miss C. F. Gregory, Chicago; Miss E. E. Anderson. Astoria; Thomas Holler. Chicago; A. K. Kerlee. Ilwaco; F. J. Frledrich and C. H. Hodges. Astoria: R. L. Adams, R. Oppen heimer. Saa Francisco; Otto Carlson. As toria; W. E. Leekly, Nahcotta. Sunset Hotel. ' . J. D. M. Abbott, Paul Marsch. Eben Mc Farland. Mrs. Pauline Bllllngton, Mr. and Mrs. I, La Vance Pease, Henry I. Pease. C. H. Hoeg, Mrs. c. H. Hoeg. c. S. Hoeg, Mrs'.-" E. M. Watson, all of Portland. North Beach Inn. : '"'..'. From Portland are: Henry Berger. Jr , J. H. Stanley, Mrs. H. 8. Glle; Mrs. J. . Morgan, from, Los Angeles, Cal.; I. J. Doane. San Francisco. Hackney Cottage. . , Registered from Portland are: Myrtle Henderson, L F. Buck. M. Mose&sohn, Henry W. Fries and wife, Dr. Fred A. Reisacher, B. H. Bodley, Miss A. Warnock, Mrs. J. W. Fowler, Florence J. Fowler. Mrs.. Louis' Dammasch. Mrs. Walter Owen,, Mrs. G- W Whitney, M. L. Kline, wife and boy, Charles B. King, Ethel M. Stiles, R. M. McCally. H. P. Palmer and wife, Katherine Cain. Cecilia Cain, W. L. Barns H. W. Reichert, ' O. Peterson, M. A Barnes, Louis Dammasch. L. H. Boon, F. R. Baldwin, George E. K. Fichtner. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harrison. Mrs. Percie Hill, B. Lovelace,' W. B. Livingston, F. C. Livingston.' B.. C. Paul. Miss Mjiude Dobbs. P. - W. Kloostir, Miss G. Klemson. Mrs. Brown. Leo Selling. Others registered are: L. Egan. Seattle: Mrs. J. H. Blandlng. St. Croix Falls. Wis.; Mary Richards, Rachel Richards. Emporia.. Kan.; H. Sklbbe, As toria; Mrs. E. C. Sprague and Mrs. Athy G. Weeks, Kormandale, Mt. Tabor; Lillian