The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 19, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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Wanted If you can earn a better sal
ary, if you can command it by sheer abil
ity. If yon can how us that you are
a high-grade competent man whom we
can confidently put before an employer,
who must appreciate your ability and wi.i
buy your services so much cash for so
much value call and ww can aave you
a vast amount of trouble and expense
In obtaining Just the position you desire.
402. 403. 404, 40fi Shetland bidg.
SALES MANAGER to represent several
established manufacturers in Orejon; only
competent and experienced men i.eed ans
wer; must devote entire time to business
and be able to maintain head office at own
expense. Position will net $."000 to $10,f0
yearly to right man, depending; upon his
energ'v and ability. Party must be well
recommended and have satisfactory line
o; credit as small stock will be carried.
To receive consideration givo particulars
In answering. F 93. Oregonian.
SALESMEN wanted. We are placing; hun
dreds of men in good positions all over the
Cnlted States and always have good open
ings. Why not learn to be an expert
traveling salesman? You can earn two- to
tn times what you can in any other
profession, and your expenses besides. No
former experience required. Write for our
book. "A Knight of the Grip Address
Dept. Sfi5 National Salesman's Training
Association. Chicago, Kansas City, Mo.,
Minneapolis. Minn. Write nearest office.
AN ambitious, hurtling ynung man. no
drone need apply, can have an active in
terest in a proposition of magnitude and
certain auccess if willing to Invest a small
amount of capital with active services;
only general busines experience neces
sary. Address T US, Oregonian.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trnds in eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to 125 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4tn at..
Portland, Or.
WANTED Capable representative of good
address to transact business for well es
tablished firm; permanent position. In
replying state age. qualifications, salary
' expected and references, or tvo attention
will be paid to answer. T 90, Orego
nian. WANTED Partner, handy with tools; light
work Inside and out, for real estate owner;
good pay, large profits; splendid chance; f.UM)
required. Particulars Pacific Business Ex
change, 303 i-s Washington at. Suite 4. Phone
Main 8675. A 2082.
'WANTED Man. Must be willing to learn
and capable of acting as our local repre
sentative. No canvassing or soliciting.
- Good Income assured. Address National
co-Operatlve Realty Co., Dept. 7B3 C,
Washington, D. C.
HEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
do books, free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 239-210 Eighth at.. San
W anted, young man with $50.
Fine opening for man with $300.
Wanted, bookkeeper with $750.
Room 3, 225 5th st.
SALESMEN WANTED To fill two vacan
cies August 1 ; experienced specialty sales
men preferred: positions permanent; sal
ary or commission; staple well-known line,
responsible manufacturer. Address A D
S7. Oregonian.
YOt'NO man, well acquainted In city, to
. learn real estate business; good address,
honesty, energy eistnUal; good pay for
right man. Give age. experience and ad
dress. X SS, Oregonian.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1524.
Help free to tmployers.
DON'T look further; if out of work, send
lor my samples and particulars; start a
business of your own; paying big profits.
Write Sayman 22711. Franklin ave.. St.
Louis. Mo.
ASTHMA, hay fever sufferers I have found
liquid that cures.. If you want free bottle
send 6 cents in stamps for free bottle. Ad
dress T. Go r ham. Grand Rapids, Mich., 444
Shepard bldg.
HIGH-CLASS salesmen for New Era Safety
Accounting systems for banks, merchants
and professionals. Wonderful opportunity.
I'lew & Mot tier Co., 251 6 Wabash, ave.,
IF you are out of work and have few hun
dred dollars, call and inves;lgate this
tine bunlness opening. Angele?, 411 Com
monwealth Bldg., tith and Ankmy.
WANTED Experienced salesmen. Holiday
season just opening. Popular line with
attractive advertising features. Liberal
compensation to producers. Box 674, Dept.
79, Chicago. . B
WANTED Experienced operator, familiar
with the manufacture of bolting cloths.
Reply F 02. care Oregonian, stating age,
experience and wages expected.
W A NTED A bright young man with
driving horse to act as collector. Apply
between 2 and 5 P. M. Monday, J. Gevurtx
& Sons, 173 1st at.
BOYS wanted to lenrn hardware trade;
high sehool graduate preferred. Must
give good references. Address W 95, Ore
gonian. WANTED An automobile driver. Pope To
ledo. Must understand his business. Ad
dress Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon
City, Or.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tick ; easy terms; positions secured; money
rarned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattla.
REAL E bT ATE man wants hustler for half
Interest In office; active man can make
$15 per month. Call room S18 Alisky
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
BrtTCK wheeler. $2.75; laborer, $2.00; city
farm hand. $30, and other positions. A. B.
C Real Estate & Employment Co., 2264
Morrison st. Main 30U 2.
f Al.KSMAN making regular trips in Eastern
Oregon or N. P. to carry a first-class es
tablished side line. Apply Russell A Gil
bert. CAMPAIGN buttons, side line. The leading
line in three Presidential campaigns. Lib
oral commission. Sell In every town. Dept.
X, Cruver Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
WANTED A druggist in Mllwaukie. a buy
er for lots 26 and SO. block 16. Tremont
Place. $200; easy payments. Inquire F.
C Harlow Co., Mllwaukie.
For Men 250 Rurnslde Street.
Phone Main 5694.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning otter. Cutberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Salesmen, ail lines, bookkeepers',
stenographers and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co., 407-&-9 Commercial Club bldg.
WB have a position for an experienced ap-
prentice In composing room. Alvln S. Hawk
Printing A Stationery Co.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
In real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10. 253 Washington.
WANTED A tailor; tine opening for right
party. Phone Main $261 or call 20th and
Laurel ma, Portland Heights.
COM LUNATION office man; must be good In
shorthand, also good bookkeeper: give phone
and referenda G 03. Oregonian.
4 T1UTKERS. 1 dumper, 1 wheeler. 1
striker. McMahon Bros, brickyards, 44th
and Division.
WANTED WeP. -dressed de luxe book sales
man, new proposition, big money. H 92.
VIM. vigor and virility restored for $1. Ad
dress with age, single or married. P. O.
b.. 240.
WANTED Ore first-class coat and pants
maker. Address Frank E. BeaU Bclse,
PHARMACIST, registered in Oregon W
REVELERS wanted for Pacific Art Glass)
Works. 151 Front st.
LOT or saddle horse for house painting or
decorating. 243 Stark.
ACTORS wanted in all lines at once repre
sent show. D 90s Oregonian.
WANTED Young man, experienced in fur
trsde. H Liebes A Ox. Corbett bldg.
W ANTED Young man In frame factcsry.
Apply Lowengart Co., 92-94 Front st.
W A XT E D 1 0 men
at once. Apply 295
AN experienced driver for grocery wagon.
App:y East lrith and Broadway.
PITCHER and shortstop for baseball club;
steady position: xood, m. UL uwmiim.
Invite applications from thoroughly
competent persons for various posi
tions In the different departments
of their new store. All communica
tions must state the position applied
for, lowest salary to begin, also the
firms for whom you have worked.
Address In confidence R. J. Camp
bell, care J. A. BafTlargeon & Co.,
Seattle, Wash.
Wants experienced Utters, sewers and
other hands for their cloak department
alteration rooms.
WANTED Six cooks, $30 to $45; 10 wait
resses, city, $8 to $10; 5 hotel waitresses
out of the city, $25, room and board; 2
chambermaids. $23, room and board ; 15
girls for general housework, $1-5, $30;
several girls for easy positions, wagea
$13 to $25.
Large list of other positions too num
erous to mention here. Call .early Mon
day morning.
Ladles' Department. 205 Vs Morrison at.
Phones Main 1062, A 2064.
GIRLS, 16 years and over, to work In fac
tory. Apply at once, Amcs-Harris-Neville
Co., 5th and Davis sts.
Waitresses, chambermaids, hotel, boarding-house
and family cooks, second girls,
nurse girls, -housekeepers, girls for gen
eral housework, some with cooking, some
to assist. Women for plain ironing, $1.50.
343 H Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs.
WANTED Middle-aged, neat, plain cook
for country boarding-house, home for
right party; no objection to child between
5 and 10; write or phone; wages $35;
also good plain seamstress. 2 or 3 weeks'
work. Write or phone to M. V. Olsan,
Underwood, Wash.
EES this space every day of the week for
a good situation, as It gives a few of the
many good ones that will te listed each
and every day except Sunday, stating the
prices and if in or out of town. The St.
Louis. 209 H 4th. Main 2030. A 2624.
WANTED Young lady In billing department
of large concern; must start at bottom;
elate qualifications, experience and salary
expected in first letter. NT 98, Ore
gonian. SALESWOMAN, well acquainted In city,
outdoor work, legitimate business; good
address and energy necessary ; good pay
for good work. Give ado r ess. Y 87, Ore
gonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general
housework and cooking in small private
family; a good home and pay to a re
liable woman. Call Monday after 10 at
739 Clackamas st. Broadway car. phone
East 4994.
FIRST-CLASS trimmer for exclusive mil
linery store in Portland, one capable of
handling .makers and apprentices; state
salary, experience and salary desired. O
$6. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenog
rapher for position In growing town 0000;
opportunity for advancement; state sal
ary desired. F 04. Oregonian.
A COMPETENT NURSE desires sick or an
Invalid to care for; has a pleasant, quiet
home; rates reasonable; references. 604
E. 8th St., North.
843 Vi Wash, st. , cor. 7th, u pstalra.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
LA1Y SEWERS Make sanitary belts at
home; materials furnished; $15 per hun
dred. Particulars stamped envelope. Dept.
719, Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago.
EXPERIENCED salesladies, cloaks and
suits, liberal salary besides commission on
sales; name references; strictly confiden
tial. AB 97. Oregonian.
WANTED 45 weekly earned at borne ad
dressing postals for prominent educator;
inclose 10 cents ( silver ) for particulars.
President Pitman School, Toledo, O.
WANTED A woman to help cook and wash
dishes with other lady cooks. Address
Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon City.
Ol RL or woman for housework and com
panion; no laundry; no objection to widow
with child. Mrs. Bender, tiu3 Goodnough
EXPERIENCED girls wanted to sew on elec
tric power machine. Apply Monday morn
ing. 8 o'clock, at the High-Grade Skirt Co.,
room 8. Raleigh -bldg.
SWEDtSH lady to do housework, assist aged
lady. Apply 34 N. 1st at. between 12 and
1 o'clock, or E. 2Sth at., cor. Ankeny, at
any time.
TWO waitresses. $9; one girl for confec
tionery store. A. B. C. Real Estate A. Em
ployment Co.. 226 V Morrison. Main 3022.
YOUNG lady as clerk in candy store. Call
Monday after 2 P. M., Swstlanda, 273
GOOD-LOOKING young lady to Join com
edian for vaudeville act. Address S 95,
FIRST-CLASS cook for small hotel In coun
. try; woman preferred; good wages; good
home to right person. H 88. Oregonian.
S4SH Washington a:., corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Refined, capable womnn for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co . 603 Roth
cnlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework
In small family; must be good plain
cook. Address S 87, Oregonian.
Ladles' Department 2o6li M orison st.
Phones: Main 1062; A 2064.
WANTED By an established house, a bright,
energetic woman for position at once. Y SO,
Oregon la n-
WANTED A girl, for cocking and wash
ing only. Apply 668 Everett st. Phons
Main 5828.
ELDERLY lady can have good home by
assisting with care of two children; ref
erences required. W 93, Oregonian.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
good wages. 374 East 12th, North, corner
Schuyler. Take B car.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
good wages. Apply 229 Cornell Road,
head of Lovejoy.
YOUNG girl for general housework, family of
2. Call Monday. 775 Schuyler St., or phone
E 9ol.
SALESLADY for hfgh-rlass millinery store
in Portland; state experience, reference
amd. fa it y desired, i) v,; , Oraaonlana
WANTED At once, competent girl for gen- J
era! housework; must be good cook; ref-
North 22d il Phone Main 7625.
LADIES to make health shields; material
furnished; $15 per hundred.. Particulars
stamped envelope. Dept. 457, Health Belt
Co., Chicago.
MILLINERY lessons given at 549 Morrison;
satisfaction guaranteed. Call between 1
and 6 P. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for cook. In private
family; good wages. Telephone Pacific
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family. Good wages. Call at 564
CAPABLE colored girl or middle-aged wo
man for general housework and cooking
In small private family. Phone East 4ifl4.
GIRL or woman, experienced cook and
housework, 2 In family. 5 IS 21st St.,
corner Laurel. Phone Main 55SS.
WANTED Waitresses: Spring?. Heppner. $23;
Kent, (fares coast: cooks, chamber, family
help. "Drake's," 205j Washington.
CAN you talk? If so, we have work for you
that will pay; all or part time; married or
single. Call 705 Swetland bldg., mornings.
PROFESSIONAL or amateur actresses for
road show; quick. W. Honig, 107 Va 3d st..
Room 4.
WANTED Girl for general housework; small
family; good wages. 874 Savier.
LADY ARTIST, one able to color photographs.
X 96. Oregonian.
WANTED A plain cook, to go to the beach
on Wednesday. Apply 251 King st.
WANTED Experienced mangle girls. East
Side Laundry. E. Ash and 6th sts.
WANT Lady piano player, sight reader,
travel with show. E 07, Oregonian.
WANTED Youn? girl to assist with general
housework. Call forenoons, 725 Weldler st.
GIRL for light house wftrk; small family;
wages $15. Sellwood 898.
WANTED-J-Women solicitors, good pay for
energetic work. Call 111 10th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family. 233 Halsey st.
"WANTED Young lady of good appearance In
physician's office. 1011 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Millinery makers and apprentices.
Apply Lowengart & Co.. 92-94 Front st.
WANTED Experienced fur ""operator; steady
position. H. Liebes & Co., Corbett bldg.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Good wages. Tabor 107.
LADY- barber wanted at once, and will
teach.young lady the trade. 12 N. 4th st.
EXPERIENCED girl in confectionery. 315
Glisan, cor. 6th. Apply after 5:30 P. M.
PIANO player for road show; quick. W.
Honig. 107 3d St., room 4.
A GIRL TO assist with light housework;
wages .$20. 787 Glisan st.
WANTED Several gtrls for easy positions.
Call room 1. 205 4 Morrison st.
WANTED A girl to assist with housework.
1SH 13th st., corner Taylor.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply
6S4 Everett st,, . near 21t.
WANTED First-class waitress, 385 East
Morrison st.
WANTED Strong girl for general house
work, plain cooking. Main 8353.
WANTED Experienced laundresses; also
laundresses to work on body Ironer. Also a
washer competent to attend engine and
boiler. For particulars, write Klamath
Falls Steam Laundry, Klamath Falls, Or.
REP. show people wanted, male and female.
D SO, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SALESMAN desires position about August
15 with established wholesale house or
manufacturer on the road; Oregon, Wash
ington or California preferred; experienced
In drugs; steady, reliable, presentable,
healthy, age 34; will accept moderate sal
- ary to start ; best of references. 2 S.,
360 South 3d St.. Walla Walla, Wash.
YOUNG man above the ordinary, experi
enced office .work, possessing necessary
moral and mdhtal requisites, will show ap
preciation of chance given by reliable
commercial concern desiring services of
resourceful, first-class, all-around man.
Highly recommended. M , Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as clerk, manager or book
keeper in general or hardware etore by
married man with 12 years' experience as
bookkeeper and clerk and 4 years as mana
ger and buyer; would travel; what can you
offer? AB 83, Oregonian.
WANTED Position, clerk hotel or rooming-house,
day or night, middle-aged, ex
perienced, references; quits present posi
tion July 25. city or country. K 84, Ore
gonian. MECHANICAL draughtsman wants employ
ment; heavy machinery, railroad and lo
comotive experience; college graduate.
Address L, Plummer Drug Co.
WANTED Position as shipping clerk or as
sistant by experienced man; can keep
books or do any kind of office work. AB
91, cars Oregonian. 9
YOUNG man, experienced bookkeeper, cash
ier, collector, good penman, best of ref
erences; only applications of reliable
firma considered. C IHi. Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper would keep small set
of booka mornings or afternoons; moderate
charges, city references. J 84, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position as house
boy ; speaks English fine. R 97, Orego
nian. A YOUNG married man wants steady posi
tion of any kind which will support his
family. AF D7, Oregonian.
CHINESE, first-class cook, wants position,
hotel, boarding-house or family. Home
phone A 38o&.
LICENSED chauffeur wishes position in or
out of town: reliable and steady. A C
89, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation, cook
helper, in boarding-house or restaurant.
231 N. Burnside.
STEAMFITTER. with long experience "on
power and heating work, wants position,
city or country. V 95, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants boarding-house
or restaurant. W 90. Orego
nian. BOY 16 would like position as errand boy in
drugstore or Ice cream parlor. Phone Pa
cific 186.
WAITING, all-around man, wishes position
in private family, city or beach. F.
Torres, 3S9 W.
TWO men want position of any kind, city
or country; good references. Address
Frank C. Sweetman. 29 N. 9th st.
WINDOW cleaning, floors redressed. Main
(5073, evenings -6. Thomas Green, 122 7th
st.. N.
JAPANESE cook wants situation cocking or
general housework in family. Pacific 986,
A 4577.
PARTY answering- and receiving reply to
advertisement F 11, Oregonian. of June
14th. please write M 9&, Oregonian.
SOBER, active young man wants work In
wholesale house, .city or country. S 92,
Oregonian. -
WANTED evenings, office work r if good pen
manship and neatness are essential, I'm
your man, Y 98, Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like position in store.
German and English education. 6$ N.
14th at.
LADY wishes sewing by the day. reasonable.
Main 8139.
YOUNG man wishea place to work for
board. AC 94. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by nrst-class Japanese
gardener to work city. A3 N. 4th st.
SITUATION wanted by first-class Japanese
cook to work city. 53 N. 4th st.
YOUNG man wanta position to take care
of horses and garden. P $9, Oregonian.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
YOUNG man would like employment few
hours each evening. J 76. Oregonian.
BOYS 15 and 16 Tears wish work of any
kind. George Alhusch, 791 Albina ave.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
i-t-H h:n. 03 Everett. Main 4659 A 4073.
A-l CHEF, has been employed in finest ho
tels, clube and sanitariums. East and
West, also In France, England and Ger
many: familiar with all fancy and plain
cooking, all latest dishes; excellent meat
cutter and pastry cook ; best manager In
large or small kitchen; strictly sober
and very neat, desires position where such
man's ability and bel service will be ap
preciated, city or country; ill give goj!
references. Address J. F. De Harak, b9
6th st., room 12, Portland. Or.
WANTED Position as principal, academy or
prlwte school in Northwest, by teacher of
13 years" experience in the states : wifs
' graduate of New England Conservatory,
Boston, to teach music. Address R. Lee
Black, Principal American School, Guada
lajara, Jal, Mex.
PRINTER wants steady situation as fore
man; first-class compositor with a thor
ough knowledge of all branches of the
business; married man;, no bad habits;
strictly sober and reliable; correspondence
Invited; city job office or country daily
preferred. F 97. Oregonian.
WANTED Employment with large farming
Implement supply house, setting up machin
ery, familiar with all kinds: am a first
class stationary and hoisting engineer. Res
idence No. 180 East 45th st. Phone Tabor
POSITION wanted by middle-aged German
to take care of private residence or other
wise, garden, including Horses, cows, etc.,
city or country. References If required.
P 83. Oregonian.
DO you want the services of two young men
for several months, to help you with
something out of the ordinary, requiring
nerve and common sense? If so, address
O 92. Oregonian,
AN Oriental student wants some light
housework in a small family; no objection
to small wages; must be In country and
have a nice room; good English. A C 88,
POSITION wanted by middle-aged man as
foreman of R. R. construction work or
street grading; thoroughly experienced, re
liable; will leave city. D 91, Oregonian.
EMPLOYERS desiring Hindu labor to clear
land or all other kinds of help. Apply
K. S. Sasmas. care Noah Bona, Hood
River, F. E. R.
SITUATION wanted by a single, middle
aged man as janitor or assistant; under
stands horses, cows, gardening. n 80,
ENERGETIC, educated Englishman, aged
2.H. requires situation; real estate pre
ferred ; will give first month's salary to
introducer. A D 89. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with 5 years experience as
stationary marine engineer, would like
to have position, can give the best of
references. E 86. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants situation in
printing office, city or country; have had
experience In both; also experienced news
paper man. P 90, Oregonian.
MAN. WIFE, grown son. want position on
farm or logging camp; man understands
care of stock and grain. Address Frank
C. Sweetman, 29 N. 9th st.
SITUATION wanted, hoisting or stationary
engineer; large experience and can furnish
good reference. Address Engineer, 517
Chamber of Commerce.
FIRST-CLASS bushelman; experience clean
ing, pressing and alteration; city or coun
try; guarantee reference. A. Sanne.
Houston Hotel.
BY sober, active young man, situation as
bookkeeper: references; salary io object;
no objection to leaving city. A D 86, Ore
gonian. SITUATION By an elderly nan. as office
assistant, timekeeper or other light work;
good penman and accountant; moderate
salary. R 85. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN. 18. desires work that won't
interfere with hours 2:30 till 6:30 in af
ternoon ; good elevator operator. K. 91,
WANTED Position in general store; 12 years'
experience ; best references N. Berg,
Beaver. 12th and Marshall.
PRINTER Straight compositor wants po
sition with country paper; sober and in
dustrious. L 93, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
CAPABLE business woman must have work;
good penman; Remington or Smith Pre
mier operator; can take dictation, but
am somewhat out of practice; salary rea
sonable; Eastern references. Address A
F 88. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, understand
. ing booking; give age, experience, references-
and salary desired, AF 91, Ore
gonian. SCHOOL TEACH EH, graduate of Chicago
High School; 1 year, experience in teaching,
wants situation. P 70, Oregonian.
YOU KG lady desires to keep small set double
entry books evenings; business district pre
ferred; small salary. N 96, Oregonian.
POSITION by competent lady bookkeeper
and billing clerk; wholesale house expe
rience. J 60, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; good references. "Willing to work for
small salary to start. Y SI. Oregonian.,
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires job
work or position; will accept small sal
ary to start. East 4246.
YOUNG lady, experienced In bookkeeping
. and 'office work, desires position. C 93,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position;
good references furnished. J 87, Ore
. gonlan.
COMPETENT and experienced stenographer
desires position or will substitute; good ref
erences. Phone Tabor 730.
WANTED Position - as cashier or office;
experienced; references. X-83, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young !ady stenographer de
sires position; references. Main 7509.
GOOD dressmaking and sewing of all kinds,
very reasonable; evening engagements to
those employed during day. Phone Main
434. v
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, tailoring and
alterations; prices reasonable. Mrs. Frost.
414 6th. A 1522.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, shirtwaists and
Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon
at. Mra McLeland.
SEAMSTRESS would like sewing by the day.
Pacific 2735.
WANTED Plain sewnig; will go out by
the day. K 95. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en
gagements In families. Main 8668.
A COMPETENT, respectable woman will
give $10 for position as landlady In good
rooming-house or hotel; references. Wood
lawn 539.
LADY from East, unincumbered, wants man
agement of hotel or rooming house; bank
reference; might buy Interest. A 4164.
POSITION as housekeeper for gentleman or
old couple by middle-aged lady. AB 94,
LADY, with girl 4 years, wants housekeep
ing in widower's family; 'good cook; city
or country. A B 84, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED infants nurse wants posi
tion; wilL- go to the coast or mountains.
V 88, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse wishes en
gagements; best of references; extensive ex
perience. Phone Main 3202.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants work by day
or week. Phone Main 1523.
EXPERIENCED nurse would like maternity
cases. Phone Woodlawn 726.
. f
GOOD COOK.' wants work; beach. ranch,
country hotel or city. Mrs. Foster, 103
N. "6tu at.. Cottage House,
SITUATION as cook and assistant, two
ladles, camp o- boarding-house, camp pre
ferred. J 75. Oregonian.
A COMPETENT cook wants place for the
beach; wages not lees than $35. AB 93,
A CAPABLE woman wants work by the day.
Main 4394.
LADY wishes work by day or hour. Mrs.
Thomas. Tabor no.
LAUNDRESS wishes day work; fine work a
specially; 25c per hour. Phone Main 5462.
I LACE curtatna washed and stretched, 40o par
1 pair. Phone A 4587, Pacific 738.
TWO young women want day work from 8 J
to 12 on Wedpesday. Thursday or Satur- i
2 to 6; don't call Sunday.
PRACTICAL woman of good appearance
would take general agency for some good
t article, W 96. Oregonian.
WANTED Position bv capable young wom
an in store near Portland. Phone Wood
lawn S3 8.
YOUNG teacher wants piano pupils; prices
very reasonable.. Miss Wilcox, 468 Yamhill
st. Phone Main 7090.
WANTED By young lady, place In private
family of two; use of piano, and $16 per
month. A F 94, .Oregonian.
YOUNG lady gives private lersons In grammar-grade
studies; also class in draw
ing. Main S1&X
WOMAN wishes day work, sweeping, window
cleaning, etc.; no washing; 25c per hour.
A 4434.
GOOD laundress) wishes work Monday and
Tuesday. Phone Pacific 1395 or address Mrs.
Kemp, 275 Salmon st.
WANTED Position in doctor's or dentist's
office by young lady with references. J
78. Oregonian.
CAPABLE young lady with excellent busi
ness experience and reftrerce, would like
responsible position. J 77, Oregonian.
SCHOOLGIRL wants home in good famllv;
please state particulars. AF 92, Ore
gonian. ,
YOUNG lady with business experience wtuild
like office position; small salary to start
with. J 79. Oregonian.
AN experienced woman wants charge of
rooming-house or chamber work. Call or
address 269 Vi 1st St.. room 15.
FRENCH lessons reasonable by lady from
Paris at pupils' homes. T 96, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman, good cashier, steady work
er, wants position. N 90, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by first-class cook. In
private family. Call 405 First St.. flat K.
WOMAN wants work by the day; no half
days; references. Woodlawn 1611,
WOMAN wants work by the d ay. Phone
Main 8137.
YOUNG lady give? music lessons; beginners
a specialty. Main 4419.
LADY wishes washing, ironing oa, house
cleaning. G 91, Oregonian.
LADY wants day work, housecleaning or
washing. Phone B in:i8.
WANTED Women agents everywhere,
geatest opportunity ever offered. The first
and only perfect bust form for undevel
oped women, an air form corset waist,
weighs only four ounces, delicately inflat
ed ; gives the ideal bust of perfect woman
hood; absolutely impossible to detect by
sight or touch. Sells on sight to seven
out of 10 women; amazing profits. Write
today. Helen Harlow, salea manager, 719
Tacoma bldg., Chicago.
AGENT Men and women be Independent,
manufacture and sell - your own article.
Start in the Chewing Gum business. A
capital of only a few dollars, with my
formula, will enable you to start In this
prosperous business. Write and by en
closing only one dollar I will send you
the complete formula with directions and
selling plan printed, worth $100. J.
Schmedeg, 521 Washington ave., St.
Louis, Mo.
AGENTS Summer resor. Decoration Day,
Fourth cf July and campaign buttons,
badges, canes, pennants, confetti, postal
cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath
er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes,
the latest fad; I'OOO different novelties for
fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Write
for illustrated catalogue. W. F. Miller,
J 58 Park Row. New York.
AGENTS WANTED Both sexes earn big
money selling new imported Mexican
drawn work and exquisitely embroidered
shirtwaist patterns, etc National Im
porting Co., desk D, 699 Broadway. New
AGENTS Make $103.50- per month selling
wonderful self-sharpening patented scis
sors and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22
pairs In three hours, made S13; you can
do it; we show how; free outfit. Thomas
Mfg. Co., 600 4th St., Dayton, O.
WANTED District managers of either sex,
to sell the best and most - up-to-date In
surance policies, and to appoint agents.
Top contracts to right parties. Call or
write, Oscar Ekman, 313 Eltel bldg., Se
attle, Wash.
CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con
. tract whereby you can make $10U to $20
oer week; write today, giving references.
410 Corbett Bldg., Portland.
AGENTS to handle biggest money-making
nre-extingulshers; special starting offer;
exclusive territory; 75 to $:100 per month.
Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee,
AGENTS $300 every month sure, selling
our wonderful seven-piece kitchen set;
send for sworn statement of $12 dailv
protit; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 600
Jefferson st., Dayton, O.
AGENTS wanted, to sell guaranteed safety
razor; price 50c; big profits. Every man
who shaves buys one. Standard Supply
Co.. 2017 Whiteman at., Cincinnati, Ohio.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; Complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
$21 PER WEEK can be made In the mail
order business with our plan; immediate
returns, particulars free. F. Glese &, Co.,
w hiteman st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Leffler & Co.. St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED By August 1, 4 or 5-room mod
ern furnished flat (lower), or house, for
2 months; close in. West Side; good care
for reasonable rent. Three adults. Y 94,
WANTED Two young men, room and
board, private family. East Side, walk
ing distance, $20 month ; breakfast and
dinner; references exchanged. K 93, Ore
gonian. WANTED August 1, 3 or 4 clean house
keeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished;
fiat or cottage; permanent; must be walk
ing d Istance ; reasonable. Address A B
9t, Oregonian..
BROTHER and sister want 3 modern fur
nished rooms, close In, for light house
keeping. August 1; give location, price
and conveniences in detail. O 97, Ore
gonian. WANTED One or two furnished housekeep-
ing rooms, in private iamiiy. tor gentle
man, on East Side, near carllne; perma
nent. N 86. Oregonian.
FURNISHED apartments or furnished heat
ed flat of 5 rooms, close in. West Side ;
adults. Give full particulara Y 84, Orego
nian. WANTED to rent for term of years, 10-room
house; electric lights, all modern conven
iences, yard, etc. Address O 91, Ore
gonian. YOUNG couple would like from 4 to 6-room
furnished cottage or apartment for Summer
months; must be modern and nicely fur
nished. AE 98, Oregwian.
WANTED Three furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; modern with all conveni
ences. E 92, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room modern house
with lawn IrvInKton or Holladav Dreferrd:
) reasonable rent. Phone C I960-.-
TWO ladles with good reference would like
to take care of home during Summer for
rent; West Side. K 92. Oregonian.
PRIVATE family. 4 adults, want 6 or 7-room
modern house, unfurnished; West Side pre
ferred; best care. X 93.- Oregonian.
WANTED Large, airy room for housekeep
ing, by a nurse; private family; gas. bath,
phone; unfurnished. A B $2. Oregonian.
6 OR 6-ROOM cottage, modern, good loca
tion. Give particulars. Permanent. Y 83,
WANTED to rent in Irvington district, a
7 or 8-room house, near intersection
Broadway and 15th St. F. 96, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, a modern suburban cot
tage, furnished, with barn. Particulars
first letter. O 90. Oregonian. -
FIVE or six-room cottage, furnished or not,
in good section on West Side. Phone
Main 6869. Inquire for Nelson.
WANTED To rent a 3 or 4 -room cottage at
Long Beach for 4 or 6 weeks. H. Martz
. loff. 206 Couch st.
WANTED To rent, a furnished houseboat,
particulars first letter. O 89. Oregonian.
WANTED House of 14 to 20 rooms. In good
condition. West Side. Phone Mala 7504.
WANTED Unfurnished house of 8 or 10
rooms in good residence district for on
year or more, from August 1. by responsi
ble family of three adults. Address, giv
ing location and brief description, V 41,
Wanted To lease for six months or a
year, a suburban place of one acre or
more with residence and small bam, close
to carllne and school; good location.
Adapted to chicken ranch and garden. S.
E. Lauder, Hillsdale. R. F. D. No. 2, Box 7.
WANTED To rent houses., cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call oil Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone, Exchange 72.
WANTED Two bedrooms and flret-class
board for two adults In private family in
or near Portland; state price and particu
lars. S 94. Oregonian. '
ROOM wanted by widow In private family.
V 9S. Oregonian.
And any thing else ycu have to sell.
Main 5655. A 4121.
A BOAT or skiff. 16 to 17. feet long, with
small engine installed: must be in good
order and price reasonable. David In
gram. Cathlamet, Wash.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal. 62 N. 8d at. Phone Pacific 1722.
YOUNG man wants board with outdoor
sleeping room and inside dressing room;
. give phxne, price and address. P 66,
WANTED A young married lady would like
the care of a young child; will give It a
good home. 1078 BX 20th, North. Take Al
berta car.
WANTED Covered buggy, with extra long
bed. In good condition, with pole and
steel tires. Cash if price Is low. O 6S,
care Oregonian.
rHE Ford Auction Co. will buy your sec
ondhand furniture if you give them a
chance; they pay the mosu East 988.
B 2311.
WANTED By experienced party, a
thoroughbred dog to care for or young
puppy to bring up; terms reasonable. T
97, .Oregonian
WANTED A secondhand, safe and type
writer; must be cheap; will pay cash.
Y Y Y 40 0, Oregonian.
WANTED 100 tons rye straw. For par
ticulars address P. Sharkey & Son., 53
Union ave.. Portland, Or.
WANTED 2 rooms and board In refined fam
ily, for gentleman, wife and little girl;
references exchanged. Y 95, Oregonian.
WANTED A horlsontal tubular steam boil
er, about 30 to 40 horsepower. Address
Box 63, Salem.
YOUNG lady desires room and board in pri
vate family: home privileges; willing to
assist. P 93, Oregonian.
WANTED Good high-power five or seven
passer, ger automobile. Answer, giving full
particulars. H 87, Oregonian.
WANTED View camera, 5x7 ' or larger;
give size and lowest cash price. N 93,
TO BUY Good, young, fresh cow. Inquire
corner Powell Valley and Lents roads. W.
M. York.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest prioe paid; prompt attention.
WANTED A little girl to board; nice home.
Main 8394.
WANTED One or two children to board;
lovely home; mother's care. Sellwood 220.
I WANT a good rooming-house ; give loca
tion and lowest price. E 95, Oregonian.
WANTED Ice box or refrigerator. Phone
East 4476. 303 Larrabee st.
ONE or two small children can find com
fortable home at 230 East 7th st.
IF you want window screens, tall C. Zlegler.
889 Michigan ave. Phone Woodlawn 2132.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash
Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite: quiet and very suit
able for single gentlemen. Kamra bldg.,
' 1st and Pine.
MODERN furnished or unfurnished rooms,
housekeeping privileges; reasonable, phone
Main 1299; central.
4 UNFURNISHED rooms, all modern con
veniences ; chea p if taken at once ; private
family. 353 12th st. Phone 8643.
2 HOUSES, 4 and 5 rooms each, $10. Inquire
150 Page. Phone East 656.
Furnished Rooms.
FURNISHED room in new home. Portland
Heights, to young business man or woman;
breakfast if desired; references. Phone A
SINGLE or suite of rooms, nicely furnished
or unfurnished ; wood and gas stoves;
close in on West Side; prices to suit;
adults, babies. Phone Sellwood 1109.
TWO front rooms in private famllv; walk
ing distance. 451 Goldsmith st. Free
phone. E 14481.
468 TAYLOR 2 -room suite, neatly fur-
nisnea; aiso sleeping room, suitable lor two;
modern conveniences.
THE AUDITORIUM, 208H 3d. newly fur
nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water In
each room; permanent and transient.
DESIRABLE room for gentleman; running
water and best of other accommodations.
347 Hall st.
THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Stark at., large
light rooms, well furnished single or en
suite. 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
FURNISHED room. 2 blocks from postoffice;
nice residence district ; $2 per wek. 308
YOUNG- lady can have room in a strictly
modern house; use of piano: desirable lo
cation. Telephone Main 7509.
NICELY furnished front parlor; all con
veniences, nice neighborhood. 175 14 th
st., cor. Yamhill.
258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family; new house; every con
venience; gentlemen only; reasonable.
TOURISTS will And a beautiful room, mod
ern private home, reasonable. 190 16th st.,
cor. Kearney.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on
Washington, near 11th; rent $25. Inquire
427 Washington.
COOL comfortable rooms, newly furnished,
walking distance, all conveniences. 50
Davis, bet 15th and 16th.
FINE large cool front room, with veranda;
very central and convenient; private resi
dence. . 2S6 12th at.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. :i'27
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. -Estes.
THE ANKENY Clean. beautifully fur
nished rooms. $3 to $5. 349 Ankeny
st.. both phones and gas.
ONE LAJtGE front room, nicely furnished,
suitable for two; also one smaller one. 215
11th st., three blockjp from Morrison.
ROOMS The best walking distance In city,
and up today at bed-rock prrces. Home
Phone C 1655.
NICE clean room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen; bath and phone; rates reason
able.. 414 Main St.. cor. . 11th. .
ALEXANDER HOTEL, 10th and Alder, rooms
with all modern conveniences, hv the hoV
PLEASANT room to one or two young la
dies by Jady alone; rent nominal. M 78,
FURNISHED room, neat and convenient, pri
vate family, modern flat, close In. 349
6th st. -
$2.25 PER WEEK UP.
First-class furnished rooms, fine neighbor
hood; central: free baths. 309 Jefferson.
43B- TAYLOR ST., near 12th Furnished
suite. Bath, light and phone. Call Sunday
11 to 5. week days after 6:30 P. M.
I THE DORMER, 283 13th, beautiful rooms.
modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up.
Furnished Rooms.
THE DORMER, 25SJ 13th, cor. Jefferson
New corner brick, steam heat, hot water,
elegantly furnished rooms, single or en
suite, newly decorated throughout, both
phones. Depot and Jefferson and 13th st.
cars pass door. $2. 50 up.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un
der new management; thoroughly reno
vated throughout; rooms( single or en suite;
transients, $1 ; peclal rates by the week:
free bath and Mrs. N. A. Hills,
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnlshfd throughout :
new buildings suitej with baths.' hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all room.
IF you are looking for the best rooms In
the city for the money, phone the Glendora
for particulars; rooms $5 to 4H5 per month;
strictly modern. 19th and ('ouch, one block
from Washington. Main 2m.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington ana 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; daUy, 75c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
HOTEL GLENWOOD, 2d and Salmon New
and elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water In every room, private baths, steam
heat: transient. $1 and up; speclul rates
by week or month. .
$10 PER MONTH Large nicely furaisned
room, batii. iignt. etc.; private family; no
other roomers, walking distance.. 124 E.
15th, near Morrison.
HOTEL KEN YON. ISth and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
THE ANGELUS, 272 6th. ccr. Jefferson
Front suite furnished, also single room,
free phone, bath and light ; rates rea
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem E'.ectrta
depot; running water in all rooms, nath and
phone, A 1539; 5to to $1 day, $2.50 to $4 wk.
NIi'E front room, with large bay window,
use of gas. bath, phone; breakfast if de
sired; one or two ladies. Call 144 Curry
st.. South Portland, or phone A 3061.
FURNISHED ROOM. 464 Jefferson St.. near
l.'tth ; everything new and all conveni
ences; gentleman preferred.
BEAUTIFULLY furnt5hed. cool, quiet room.
1st floor, also 1 email housekeeping suite.
215 13th.
HYLAND, 490 Morriwn. furnished room.;
baths, electric light. all conveniences;
walking distance. A 2210.
NEATLY fumtehed room, suitable for two
reliable young men; reasonable. 326 6th
st., near Clay.
PLEASANT front room suitable for one
person; modern conveniences. 731 E. Yam
hill St.
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, running
water, electric light, very close in, reason
able. 211 12th.
ONE nicely furnished room; steam heat,
hot water, electric lights. 434 Morrison
St., Flat, 10.
2C5 11TH ST.. first floor of private residence
for rent; yard, walking distance; permanent
to desirable tenants.
ONE front room, first floor, suitable for 2
gents or gent and wife; $2.50 week.
11th st.
HOUSEKEEPING suites of two rooms. $15
and up; laundry, ga and bath; light and
convenient. 69 Grand ave. N.
190 PARK ST., large alcove front room for
one or two gentlemen. 12 per month.
364 CLAY Furnished front toom. Phone
Pacific 1748.
NICELY furnished front room, modern;
cheap. 407 Jefferson, cor. 10th.
WELL furnished alcove room, good !catlon,
for two or three gentlemen. 2."il 10th.
CLEAN furnished room, bath, $8 month. 36
21st, North, corner Washington.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; modern
rooms, bath. 5uc to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
HOTEL ROYAL 108 & 4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 -veek. 50 cents, $1 night.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. 451
East Yamhill St., with gas and bath.
VERY comfortable small front room: modern;
$2 per week. ISO 17th, cor. Yamhill.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to
$5 wk; also transient rooms. 343V& Morrl.
THE STARK Newly furnished rooms. $12
to $JS per month. 351 Vi Stark st.
394 Columbia, corner loth, well furnished .
rooms, modern conveniences.
$150 BY the week, one furnished sleeping
room. Phone East 5341. 24.T E. 6th st.
NEWLY furnished rooms. Cheap. 35 E. 3d
FOR RENT 3 furnishtd rooms, close in, most
desirable in city. 141 11th st.
THREE furnished rooms, strirtly modern, 1
at $6 a month, 2 at $12. 422 Jefferson.
LARGE room, furnished; walking distance;
$12.50. 395 3d st.
NEWLY furnished front room, at reasonable
price; modern conveniences. 308 10th st.
262 12TH ST. Very nice room, with running
water; reasonable.
$8 UP, clean, light furnished rooms, bath,
phone. 415 Taylor, cor. 1 1th st.
168 10TH, large, handsome front room, with
or without board; other rooms.
NICE outside rooms. $2 and up a week, suit
able for girls; good home. 4o!ii. Wah.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.
$9 per month. 266 12th st.
FURNISHED front room, 324 14th St., prics.
$2 a week.
FURNISHED room for rent at 504 Glisan St.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, 492 Glisan, near
14tlk st.
- Rooms With Boh rd.
JUST room for two more young men: flrsr
clafs room and board, $5.50 per week; sll
conveniences1; good home cooking. Aster
House, 7th and MadUon.
NICELY furnished rooms, with first -class
table board; strictly home cooking; fic
phonee and baths; reasonable rates. 2!)5
ICth st.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, rates
reasonable, home cooking, modern con
veniences. Main 5S2i. 349 Jefferson st
LARGE, clean, weU-furnlhed front room, with
board; good location; walking distance. 3o7
12th st.
NEAT, cool room, running w ater, easy
walking distance; private entrance; $6
month. Phone Main 2219.
FINE large room, new house, good bath,
electric lights, choice, ctntral; reason
able. Phone Main 2219..
NICE rooms and home cooking 1 in private
residence, for gentlemen, 574 Glisan St.,
cor. 18th.
FUR N LSHED room, private family, suit
able for two gentlemen, with or without
board. 427 3d st.
33 N. 17TH St., one block off Washington,
well-furnished rooms; modern; board op
tional. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. $25 per
month. The Glendora, 1 block from
Washington on 19th.
WELL-EQUIPPED bachelor club, fine loca
lion, has room for one or two gentlemen,
references. S 91, Oregonian.
NEATLY furnished front room, with bath
adjoining. East Side, walking distance.
296 Weidler st.
ROOMS, with board, homn cooking, hath,
free phone, 2 biccks from postoffice. 2i
5 th.
. ,
258 11TH Alcove' room and single rooms,
with board; private family; could accom
modate 4 gentlemen.
THE MARLYN. Washlrgtcn and J 7th. well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient,
THOSE wishing a nice home place to board
and room should call at Mrs, George
Maiden's. Oswego. Or. X
THE MANITOI", 201 13th at. Large, airy
rooms; rent reasonable. v
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board.
The Cozy. 195 7th st.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark.
.225 11th at.
ROOMS with or without hoard. 350 Madison,
near Park ; modern conveniences.