r THE STTVnVT OREGON IAN, . PORTLA'ND. JULY 5, 1908. 9 Mm NO -ATCHLEY RENT FURNITURE FRICEJ5 THEIR SIWMB "iPrCAL PlCtS ARE BOTH flASAfll.E ANY FIRM THAT CAN MAKE A SrtCIAL CUT EXCEEDING- PEf CENT, HAS IT J OOOi PRICED TOO HIGH sir c twk y t Mf oi A r Xvv FECIAL P1'"SARE wwfl.et;lAft. tP , ftf Ge Sc fffCH RE&JT PRICE AQM WEJ7-. .SV-Pg. p--rnhT j-TUT. EZ gyi LEfi-f ae Ty lyihg- a soot SPECIAL. BAG-A,N3 ? 0 DO THEy ffos TE P&OPLE : i v 5x1 vSb&v. I Fart ? Ptrii I I "M-A's" Very Low No-Rent Prices Reduced 25 Per Cent This Week on All of Best Furniture Our first year's business expectations, although enthusiastically large, have already been exceeded by thousands of dollars. For a new firm to have accomplished such wonderful results in six months is a most remarkable achievement, all the more astonishing because we are on the East Side, many blocks from the central retail district. It surely proves that LOW PRICES WILL BRING CUS TOMERS, no matter where the store is located. That we established a new era in the Portland furniture market is self-evident. Fortunately, we were opportunists. The people had vainly pro tested against the unreasonably high prices demanded by the furniture dealers, only to see them soar higher and higher, and were ripe for revolt. No other firm was in position to become a Moses iV"" u" , , " Z. 7 . 6 , . , rri? . ' uig ueaiB1 were iu uunuage 10 xugn-reni-aemancung lanaioras. we naa erectea a large four-story building, covering one-fourth of ,ciX block' 0.ne-?alf of biding affords an income that meets interest and taxes on the whole investment. The other half gives us space for our big furniture store space that would cost us $1500 a month m the central retail district: and the fact that we CAN AND DO sell the same furniture eanh -month fnr ftifinn l pea tVl J n if ttra wara no Tri-n rr rant imt'Wimr in r n mm. .1..V r-w vw vuuiu v nwv wjruLg a vxiu y iiiniaiii jubu cto UlUVXi lliuiicy alow I Who Can Sell the Cheapest? has given us the trade. We are in a class entirely by ourselves. Others can never compete with us, because Others Pay Rent, We Collect Rent on Half Our Own Building w e iCC1 veiy Mitteiui oyer our wonaenui success inai we wm ceieDraie tne acnievement tms week in a most fitting manner in a way to demonstrate to the public our appreciation for the verv large patronage given us. We can well afford to forego profit-making for one week, and do not care whether we make a dollar. WE CAN'T HAVE ANY FIFTY PER CENT reduction sat.p NONE OF OUR GOODS ARE MARKED THAT WAY, AND NOBODY IS SELLING UNDER COST. BY OBSERVING -SPECIAL CUT '-PRICE SALES YOU C SEE WHOSE RE GUT, AR BgDOOEHT Et Son0&NSS$ tf N0?pT. PRICES PRACTICALLY ME ANS SW APPING DOLLAR? SSSlWSam BE REDUCED OVER 15 PER DENT WITHOUT GOLNG BLLOW COST. We will so regulate this sale as to get enough above wholesale price to pay for handling and delivering the goods. Gen erally speaking, however, ALL OF THE VERY BEST GOODS WILL BE REDUCED 25 PER CENT. Steel Ranges are Ixcepted, the reduction being 15 per cent, and Phonograhs and I Records, $S?f C2? o? gdS' Ca0t b! reded onf Penvi Window Shades only 5 per cent. With these exceptions, you can buy anything marked $45 or more at a discount of 25 per cent, goods marked S30 to $45, 20 per cent discount, and from $1 to $25, 15 per cent discount. Terms during this sale will be spot cash or C. O. D., or goods held 30 days on deposit of one-fourth the price. One Week of Extra Special Bargains to Celebrate Our Phenomenal Success. Profits Not the Object. Prices Prove It W Tm 00 Mahogany fPFWl' TERMS During this gale are spot cash or C. 0. D. Will hold 30 days on deposit of one-fourth This is not an "Odds and Ends sale," or a sample sale, or a sale of defective goods, but a sale wherein the very best furni ture in stock is re duced to the limit. $218.50 Circassian Walnut Set (like cut). Special for This Week We invite inspection of this handsome $400 Mahogany dining-room set (like cut) which we offer this week at OVU The Chairs are solid mahogany and the. other pieces represent the very highest class of workmanship in mahogany veneering. It is an absolute fact that "West Side houses would price this Dining Set regularly at $600. We marked it $400. To secure a 23 per cent reduction on our very low No-Rent Price gives you for $300 a Dining Set that would ornament a $25,000 home. Upon deposit of $75 will hold till your new house is completed if within 3 months. . n $41.50 Dress'r $31.15 Big Price Boys would ask $55 for this fine large quarter 'd oak Dresser. Our No-Rent Price is only $41.50 and $31.15 .Gets it this week. "We have many others, all reduced from 15 to 25 per cent. $56.25 $75 Leather Davenport.. This Davenport (like cut) is a handsome piece of furni ture ; quartered oak frame, -weathered finish ; a fine mis sion pattern, upholstered in genuine Spanish leather; West Side prices of same are $100, our No-Rent price $75; during this sale you can have it for $56.25. We have other patterns from $50 to $90. One-fourth off any of these this week. r,s Him Bedroom $163.50 $55.00 TURKISH ROCKER $41.25 This handsome Turkish Rocker, upholstered in genuine No. 1 black leather; sold by the Big Rent Price boys for $70, our No-Rent price is $55 ; this week it will cost you only $41.25 a rare bargain. OTHERS PAY RENT, WE COLLECT RENT ON HALF OUR OWN BUILDINGWHO CAN SELL THE CHEAPEST? W. L. MORGAN GEO. T. ATCHLEY S. H. MORGAN r 6I-83-8& CORNER B.SrRf MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN MAHOGANY It requires a vivid imagination to conceive a more beautiful Bed room Set than this. No home can be so elegantly furnished that it would be considered cheap. West Side houses would not think of pricing such an outfit at less than $325. Our No-Kent Price, $218.50. One-fourth off this week gives you this elegant Circassian walnut Bedroom Set for only $163.50 little more than quartered oak. Will hold till your new house is completed on deposit of $50 if within three months, The celebration of the Fourth, or Declaration of In dependence, is over. The celebration of the Declara tion of Independence for freedom from the Big Price Boys is on this week. It is a big Fourth Reduction Sale. You are invited to profit by our profit-sharing sale a sale to celebrate our wonderful success. $63.75 Buffet at $47.80 ft This large, hand some quartered oak Buffet, like cut, is in the weath ered finish and of best Eastern manu facture. The Big Rent Price boys would never think of marking it less than $85.00; our regular No - R e n t price is $63.75 ; for this week it w i i 1 cost you only $47.80 We have a large variety of weath ered oak Buffets reductions on all of them from 15 to 25 per cent. ez n