The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 05, 1908, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 40

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SEATTLE, July 4. (Special.) The
month has witnessed much progress
in the work on the grounds of the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition at Se
attle. Landscaping around some of the
finished buildings and the plazas and
gardens has been started, which makes a
great improvement on the beauties of the
The work that had been done in this
line recently demonstrates to the layman
In exposition construction that it takes
very little time to put the grounds into
shape after the buildings and roadways
are completed. Generally the visitor to
the grounds who has never seen an expo
sition grow cannot see how everything
can be put in shape on time. With a
large nursery and an experienced force
of gardeners, like the Alaska-Yukon- Pa
cific exposition maintains, there will be
little time lost in putting on the finish
ing touches. There are millions of plants
and shrubs now being cultivated in the
1209 fair's nursery and these are being
net oxit -at the proper time. James Daw
son, of the firm of Olmsted Bros., of
Krookline, Mass., tho famous landscape
artists, is in charge of this work. Air.
Dawson is one of the best men in his line
di the country.
Official Flower of Kxpo'sition.
The cactus dahlia, a flower that blooms
more profusely around Puget Sound than
any other section of the Pacific Coast,
hes been selected as the official flower
of the exposition. In appearance this
plant resembles the chrysanthemum the
blossoms being as large as that flower
and the petals curling in the same man
ner. It blooms profusely in many colors
Trom June till the frosts of Autumn. The
landscape department is taking advan
tage of the beauty of the official flower
by providing unique beds with which to
fleoorate the grounds.
Two of the largest temporary buildings
arp finished, the Palace of Agriculture
and the Palace of Manufactures. The
first ceremony held in any of the ex
Sunday in
First, the White Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor streets Rev. J. WMtcomb Broufcher.
D D.. pastor. "One-accord" prayer meet
ing In Temple parlor, 10 A. M. ; morning
rvlce, 10:;tO o'clork; sermon by Rev. W.
B. Riley. t. D., of Minneapolis. Minn.; sub
ject. "The Stray"; Bible school, 12 M. ; 3:30
P. M., meeting for men only; Dr. Riley will
speak on "The Sixth Commandment"; young
people's meet Ins;, 0:30 P. M. ; popular even
ing service. 7:43 o'clock; Dr. Riley will
preach: subject. "A Sinner In the Modern
Sodom." Special music by the Temple quar
tet and grent chorus choir.
Central. East Ankeny and Twentieth
streets Rev. W. . T. Jordan, pastor. At
10:3O A. M.. "liOve's Service Standeth In
Love's Sacrifice"; a P. M., "Making I-lght
of Religion."
University Tark Rev. A. B.' "Waltz, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; worship, 11
A. M. ; topic. "The Revelations and the Se
crets of Jehovah"; 8 P. M., "The Seeming
Infelicity of God's Nature"; B. Y. P. U..
7 P. M.
Calvary. East Kighth and Orant streets
Rev. 1. N Monroe, pastor. Sunday school.
10 A. M ; preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30
P. M. ; communion service In morning; even
ing topic. "The Everlasting Gospel of Eter
nal God."
Mount Olive Rev. B. B. Johnson, pastor.
Services. 10::t0 A. M. and 7:.'JO P. M.
East Forty-fifth, corner East Main street
Rev. B. C. Cook, pastor. Sunday school,
10 A. M. ; services. 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ;
B. Y. P. V.. 6:45 P- M.
Arleta Rev. E. A. Smith, pastor. Sunday
school. 10 A. M ; Junior Union, P. M. ; B.
Y P. U.. 7 P. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. and
7;.: p. M
Swedish. Hoyt and Fifteenth Rev. Eric
JFcherstrom. pastor. Preaching. 10:45 A. M.
and 7:45 P M. ; Sunday school, 12 M.
St. John Rev. E. A. Leonard, pastor.
Sunday school, 10 A. M. : preaching. 11 A.
M. and 7:45 p. M. ; B. Y. P. U.t 6:30 P. M.
Third. Vancouver avenue and Knott street
Rev. R Schwedler, pastor. Sunday school,
10 A. M. : B Y. P. 7 P- M.; services,
11 A. M. and S P. M. .
Chinese Mlssinn, 352 Oak street near park
Sunday school, 7 p. M. ; preaching In
Chinese. 8 J. M.
First German. Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. J. Kratt. pastor. Preaching. 10:45 A.
M. and 7:;iO P. M.; Sunday school, 8:45 A.
M ; B. Y. P. V.. 6:43 P. M.
Sellwood. Tacoma avenue and Eleventh
street Rev. John Bentzien. pastor. Preach
ing It A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school.
lt A. M.
Sunnystde i German, Forty-first street and
Hawthorne avenue Preaching by C Feld
meth. 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 0:43 A. M.
Union-Avenue Mission Swedish). Skid
more street Sunday school, 10 A. M.
it. John t German) Preaching by Rev. C.
Feidmeth. 3 P. M. ; Sunday school, 2 P, M.
Second German. Rodney avenue and Mor
ris street Rev. F. Buerrmann. pastor.
Preaching. U A. M. and 7:30 P. M. , Sunday
school. 9:45 A. M. : B. Y. P. U., 6.45 P. M.
Highland. Alberta and Sixth streets Rev.
J. F. Heatock, pastor. Sunday school, 10
A M ; B Y. P. V.. 7 P M. ; preaching. 11
A M. and 7:30 P. M.
Norwegian-Danish. Mississippi avenue and
Fhaver street Sunday school, 12 M. ; Indus
trial school. Saturday afternoon. 2 o'clock.
Gresham Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; serv
ices. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P, M., by Rev. T.
J Elklns.
Lents. First avenue near Foster road
Rev. J. F. Heaeoek. pastor. Sunday school,
10 A. M. : preaching. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Immanuel Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. pastor.
Punday school. 12 M. ; preaching. 10:30 A
M. and 7:30 P. M. ; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30 P. M.
First. Park and Madison streets Rev.
Luther R Dyott. O. D-. pastor. 10 A. M..
Bible school; 11 A M , holy communion and
reception of new members; pastor's theme,
"Spiritual Entlchment." Y. P. S. C E-. at
8:45 P. M.: 7:45 P. M.. patriotic services;
pas: or s theme, "America's Destiny: "What
Will It Be?"; other sermons In tlie series
entitled. "Themes for Thinkers"; "The Des
tiny of the Human Family: What Will It
Be?" "What Are the Dead Doing?" "Are
Pouls In Hell Altogether Bad?" "Are Those
In Heaven Altogether Good ? By unani
mous request of the church the pastor's
sermons will hereafter be published In
pamphlet form.
Highland. East Sixth and Prescott
streets Rev. K. S- Bollinger, pa a. tor. 11
A. M., rommunion service: Sunday school.
10 A. M. J. D. Ogden. superintendent ; Y.
P. S. C. E.. fi:45 P. M-; T:45 P. M. patri
otic praise service, with add-ess by the Hon.
Fobert A. Miller. The following musical
programme has 'been arranged by Z. M-
position buildings was the commencement
exercises of the University of Washing
ton, on June 11 and 17. Other buildings
completed are Machinery Hall, Emer
gency Hospital and the Fire Station. The
Oregon building will be completed within
a few weeks, while the Auditorium, a
permanent structure, has its steel work
in place and the brick work finished up
to the second story. The Mines building
is being enclosed and it will not be long
before the staff decorations will be put
on. The Fine Arts palace is rising from
its foundations and the Fisheries build-,
ing has been begun. California and Mis
souri will break ground for their build
ings about the first week in Judy, and
Utah and New York are expected td be
gin operations soon afterward.
Illumination to Bo Feature.
The lighting system of the grounds and
the decorative illumination of the build
ings is being worked out by J. R. Thomp
son, electrical engineer, who designed the
lighting effects of the Lewis and Clark
exposition. The central - fountain court
and the four surrounding buildings, the
agriculture, manufactures, fisheries and
mines, will carry 30.000 electric lights, out
lining the main architectural lines In a
string of fire. No colored lights will be
used, as experience has shown that plain
white light is by far the more artistic.
Red and other colors in electric globes
will be permitted only on the Pay t-treak,
the gaiety boulevard.
New studies are being worked out for
the cascades, one of the principal fea
tures, and the geyser fountain. Subma
rine and spray illumination will be used
on these decorative features. The foun
tain will not be like other electrical foun
tains at former fairs; it will be as nearly
as possible an exact reproduction of a
huge geyser, with the water colored by
a new method upon which Thompson is
now working. Along the bottom of the
geyser basin will be electrical bulbs en
cased in water-tight receptacles, and one
looking down will be enabled to see the
fish swimming aVout.
The drops of the cascades will be trea-
Parvln. musical director: Chorus, "To Thee,
O Country" Eichenberg) ; "Hall! Our Coun
try's Natal Morn" (Palmer): "Our Flag and
Union" (Harding); "Columbia's Banner"
(Parvln) : "Star-Spangled Banner."
Sunnyslde, East Taylor and Thirty-fourth
streets Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor. Morning
service at 11 o'clock, subject, "His Hands";
evening service at 8 o'clock, subjbet, "The
Oldest Form of Writing"; Sunday school,
10 A. M.; Junior Endeavor, 3 P. M. ; Se
nior Endeavor. 7 P. M.
University Park, Haven and Bowdoln
streets Rev. F. L. H. von Lubken, pastor.
Morning worship at It o'clock with sermon
on "How to Meet Discouragements" ; even
ing service at 8 o'clock with sermon on
"The Foundation of True Liberty"; Sunday
school at lO A. M.; Senior C. E.. 7 P. M-;
Thursday evening service at 8 o'clock.
First, Park and Columbia streets Rev. E.
S. Muckley, minister. 11 A. M., "Not Less
Than My Income's Tithe to God"; 8 PL M.,
"The Fruit of Suffering"; Bible School, 9:43
A. M.; Christian Endeavor. 0:43 P. M.
Kern Park Rev. E. M. Patterson, pastor.
Services, 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; Bible
school, 10 A. M. ; Christian Endeavor, 0:45
P. M. Themes. "The Upper Room and the
Uttermost Part of the Earth" and "The
Universality of the Gospel."
Woodlawn. Church of Christ Rev. Ctark
W. Comstock, minister. Bible school, 10
A. M. ; Y. P. S. C. E., 7 P. M.; morning
sermon. 11 o'clock, "Influence"; the evening
sermon at 8 o'clock will be "The Man Who
Is Only Halfway Right.
Central. East Twentieth and Salmon
streets Rev. J. F. Ghormley will speak at
10:45 A. M.; theme, "The Gospel Leaven In
the Social Measure of Meal" ; 8 P. M..
Mrs. Louise Kelly will speak. Special mu
sical program. H. A. Easton, chorister.
Rodney-A venue Services In the tent on
Knott street between Williams and Rodney
avenues. Rev. F. Elmo Robinson, pastor.
Evangelist D. C. Kellems will preach at
11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Topics: "Every Man
In His Place" and "The Greatest Creature
God Ever Made"; 9:45 A. M., Bible school;
7 P. M., Y. P. S. C. E.
First Church of Christ. Scientist Scottish
Rite Cathedral. Morrison and Lo'Wnsdale.
Services ll A. M. and 8 P. M.. sub4ect of
lesson sermon, "God"; Sunday school at the
close of morning service; Wednesday even
ing meeting, 8 o'clock.
Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Elks
Temple, Stark, between Sixth and Seventh
Sunday services. 11 A. M. and, 8 P. M.;
subject of lesson sermon, "God"; Sunday
school, 11 A. M. ; Wednesday meeting, S
P. M.
St. John's. Sellwood Sunday school, 10
A. M.; morning prayer and sermon, 11
o'clock; Archdeacon Chambers will officiate.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr,
Thirteenth and Clay Rev. H. M. Ramsey,
vicar. Holy communion, 7:30 A. M. ; Sun
day school, 9:43 A. M.; morning service, 11
o'clock : evening service, 7 :30 o'clock.
Good Shepherd. Sellwood street and Van
couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector.
Sunday school. 9:45 A. M. ; holy communion
and sermon, 11 A. M.; evening prayer, 8
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, S
and 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
St. Paul's. Woodmere C. L. Parker, lay
reader. Sunday school. 9:43 A. M.; service
and sermon, ll A. M.
St. Matthew's. First and Caruthers streets
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, In charge. Holy
communion and sermon, 11 A. M. There
will be no Sunday school during July and
St. Andrew's, Portsmouth Sunday school,
9:43 A. M.; holy communion and sermon,
11 A. M. ; evening prayer. 7:30 o'clock. R.ev.
Francis O. Jones, priest in charge.
Church of Our Savior, Woodstock Morn
ing prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock.
St. Mark's, Nineteenth and Quimby streets
Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 8 A. M..
holy communion: 10 A. M.. Sunday school;
11 A. M.. matins and litany; 8 o'clock,
Bt. Davld'e. East Twelfth and Belmont
streets, clergy, the rector. George B. Van
Waters. D. D.. and Rev. Dr. H. C. Collins
Holy communion, 8 A. M. ; holy communion
and sermon. 11 A. ,M.; evening prayer and
sermon. S P. M.
United. Ockley Green. Gay street and Wil
lamette boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox. pas
tor. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and 7:45
P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; K. I. C. E.,
6:45 P. M.
Swedish Evangelical Union mission serv
ices at Strajer s Mission, Fourth and Couch
vy4 Sfyi
streets. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock and
Sunday at 3:80 P. M.
St. James' English, West Park and Jef
ferson streets Rev. J. Allen Leas, pastor.
Services, 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. In the even
ing the pastor will give a report of the
meeting of the Pacific Synod, held last week
at The Dalles. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ;
Luther League, 7 P. M.
Bethania (Danish), 640 Union avenue
Rev. J. Scott, pastor. Services, 11 A. M.
and 8. P. M. ; Danish school, Tuesday and
Thursday. 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. ; young
people's meeting. Tuesday, 8 P. M.
Norwegian Synod. East Tenth and "Grant
streets Rev. O. Hagoes, pastor. Services,
10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M., in English; serv
ices at 3 P. M. In Vernon Presbyterian
Church. -
Trinity, Missouri Synod, "Williams avenue
and Sellwood street, J. Rlmbach, pastor
Sunday school, 9:15 A. M. ; German serv
ices, 10 A. M. ; English services, 8 P. M.
First. Taylor-Street, Dr. Benjamin Young,
pastor 9:30 A. M.. classes; 10:30 A- M..
morning sermon; subject, "The Key to a
Wonderful Door"; 12:15 P. M., Sunday
school ; 8:15 P. M., Epworth League ; 7 :45
P. M., evening sermon, "Three Good Cheers."
Grace, Twelfth and Taylor William H.
Heppe. D. D., pastor. Communion service,
with brief communion address at 30:30 A.
M. At 7:45 P. M. the pastor will begin a
series of Summer evening addresses on
"Ancient Characters In Modern Costume" ;
theme tonight. "A Politician With an Ideal
Pull'"; morning class, 9:30; Sunday school,
12 :15 P. M. ; St. Paul Mission. 3 P. M. ;
Epworth League devotional and praise. 6:30
P. M.; special music by quartet. Profes
sor W. M. Wilder, organist and choir-master.
Epworth, Twenty-seventh and Upshur
streets Rev. Charles T. Mcpherson, pastor
Services will be held in the Oregon build
ing at Jhe Fair grounds at 11 A. M. and
8 P. M. ; morning subject, "The Promised
Best"; In the evening L. D. Mahone will
speak, subject. "The Supremacy of Ameri
ca"; special music; morning solo, "Rock of
Ages" (Johnson), by Miss A- Crossley. Even
ing Duet, "Through the Gates of Gold"
Hart), by Miss A. Crossley and Mrs. George
S. Smith; Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; Epworth
League. 7 P. M.
Centenary, E. Ninth and Plne Rev.
Clarence True Wilson, D. D.. pastor. For
July and August, Sunday school at 9:45 A.
M.; public worship, 11 A. M. ; twilight meet
ing. 7 P. M. The Wesley Epworth League
will lead the first half hour one week and
the Thoburn League the next Dr. Wilson
will deliver a series of Sunday night lectures
on 'Science and Religion." July 5. 'Does
Science Supply a Basis of Religion?"; July
12, "Has the Ultimate Ever Spoken to the
Finite?"; July 19. "If God Made Things.
How Account for Evil?"; July 26. "Does
Science Help Us Understand Christ?"; Au
gust 2. "Modern Science and the Holy
Spirit"; August 9. "Scientific Light on
Prayer"; August 16, "Scientific Light on the
New Man": August 23, Scientific Light on
the New Life"; August 30. "Cause and Ef
fect in Retribution." These lectures will
follow the Young People's opening service
and will be limited to a half hour; the
service closing at 8 P. M. People, who at
tend Invited to write out questions for the
pastor to answer in his lectures.
Sunnyslde. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth
streets T. B. Ford, pastor. Sunday Patri
otic day 9:50. Sunday school, F. W. Han
son, acting superintendent; 11 A. M..
preaching by the pastor, subject, "The
Greatest Need of the Hour" ; members of
Ben Butler Post. G- A. R. and W. R. C.
wilt attend in a body, and old soldiers of
the city are invited to attend; 6 45 P. M-,
Epworth League devotional meeting. Frank
Francis, president," Lafe McKay, first vice
president ; 8 P. M., patriotic services, a
grand musical concert under direction of
Fred Miller, choir director, assisted by the
Rose City Quartet; quarterly conference and
official board meeting Monday evening;
prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Trinity. East Tenth and Grant streets
Rev. Lewis F. Smith, pastor. Sunday school.
30 A. M. ; public worship, 11 A. M. ; class
meeting. 12:15 P. M.; Epworth League. 7
P. M. ; evening service. 8 P. M.; subject for
morning service. "Receiving Power to Be
come a -Son of God"; evening service. "The
Christian Life." Illustrated; Bible class,
Tuesday evening. 8 o'clock; prayer meet
ing. Thursday evening, 7:30 o'clock.
Swedish Evangelical Union Mlmion serv
ice at Strayer's Mission. Fourth and Couch
streets, every Saturday at 8 P. M. and Sun
days at 3:30 P. M.
Swedish. Beech and Borthwlck streets
Rev. John Ovall, pastor. Preaching, 11 X.
J4 .
5 w V
and R P. M. ; topic in the morning. "Loy- 1
alty That Pays." and In the evening, "Con
ditions for a, Happy Life"; Sunday school,
10 A. M. ; Epworth League. 7 P. M.
Friends Church. East Main and Thirty
fifth streets Sunday school. lo A. M. ;
preaching services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ;
Young People's- meeting. 7 P. M. Lindley A.
Wells, the new pastor, late of Berkeley, Cal..
will have charge both morning and even
First. Twelfth and Alder streets Rev.
William Hiram Foulkes, minister. At 10:30
A. M. the . minister will occupy his own
pulpit, preaching upon "The Cure of Souls";
12:10 P. M., Sunday school and Bible
classes; 6:45 P. M., young people's monthly
consecration service; 7:30 P. M., organ
numbers by Mr. Coursen; 7:45 P. M., gospel
service, with a sermon by the minister on
the subject, "Transformation Versus Con
formation." Special anthems by the quar
tet. Morning Prelude, "Offertory, Op. -TO.
No. 2" (Batiste); anthem, "Send Out Thy
Light" (Gounod); baritone solo and quartet.
"God Is Love" ( Shelley ) ; postlude "Ada
gio" (Freyer). Organ numbers at 7:30 P.
M. : a. "Elevation" (Batiste); b, ' "Song"
(Sullivan); c, "Evening Prayer" (Shelley);
d. "Chorus of Angels' (Clark). Evening
"Menuet" (Tourst; anthem, "God That
Madest" ; (Gilchrist) ; anthem, "Jerusalem
the Golden" (Marston); postlude. Maestoso"
Hawthorne Park. Twelfth and East Tay
lor streets Rev. E. Nelson Allen, pastor.
10:30 A M., communion service and recep
tion of members; 12 M., Sunday school; 7
P. M., Y. P. S. C. E.; 8 P. M., public wor
ship. Calvary. Eleventh and Clay streets Serv
ices. 10:3O A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Rev. J.
R. Wilson, D. T.. will preach both morning
and evening. The regular quarterly com
munion service will be held in the morning.
Miss Margaret Lamberson. organist ; M r.
Caughey. precentor. Sunday school, 12 noon;
Miss Caroline Strong, superintendent.
Mlzpah, Twelfth and Powell streets Rev.
Harry Leeds will preach morning and even
ing. Morning service, 10:30 o'clock; even
ing service, 8 o'clock; Sunday school, 12
noon; Y. P. S. C. E., 7 P. M.
Mediums and Ministers Protective Asso
ciation, Auditorium Hall, Third between
Taylor and Salmon streets Conference, 2
P. M. : spirit messages, under control, by
Mrs. Florence Lyons. 3 P. M.; lecture by
Rev. J. H. Lucas, followed by spirit mes
sages, 7:45 P. M. All services free.
Church of Our Father. Seventh and Yam
hill, Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeri
tus; Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr.. minister. Serv
ices, ll A. M. ; subject of sermon, "Three
Phases of Human Liberty." The Sunday
school is discontinued for the Summer.
Church of the Good .Tidings, East Eighth
and Couch Rev. J. D- Corby, minister. Wor
ship, 10:45 A. M. ; sermon topic, "A Relig
ion That Makes Us 'Ashamed of Sin and
Shirking"; Sunday school at noon; no even
ing service.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints will hold its conference Sunday,,
July 5. in the West Side Woodmen's Hall,
corner Eleventh and Alder streets. Services,
10 A- M., 2 and 7 P. M. Some distinguished
members cf the church will be present.
Rev. Henry Victor Morgan. the New
Thought Evangelist, In Alisky Hall, Third
and Morrison streets, at 8 o'clock, subject,
"Spiritual Telepathy; or. How to Use
Thought Force in Healing Disease."1 Mr.
, Morgan also speaks in the new Home of
Truth, 701 Irving street, every Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock; class lessons, Tues-
, day and Friday evenings.
Millennial Dawn G- A. R. Hall. Second
and Morrison streets. Services at 2:30 P. M.
Christian and Missionary Alliance, Eaat
Ninth and Clay streets Rev. C. D. Saw
telle. superintendent; Sunday school, l:30
A. M.: preaching, 10:30 A. M.; Young Peo
ple's meeting, 6:30 P. M.; preaching, 7:45
P. M.
S?ul Culture meeting at Mrs. Mallory's
parlors, 501 Yamhill street, Monday even
ing. July 6, 8 o'clock. Subject for dis
cussion, "Do All Things Tend to Good?";
silence meetings Tuesday and Friday, 2:30
P. M.
Child Marriage in India.
Mrs, Caroline P. Wallace, from In
dia, and Miss Carrie Tennant, from
California, are late arrivals in Port
land, eojourning here for one week on
their tour over the United States
arousing interest in behalf of the little
child-wives of India. This custom of
early marriages is prevalent through,
out India, girls being compelled to take
this sacred vow before they reach the
i age of 12, with betrothals at infancy.
JULY o, I90S.
Mrs. Wallace has thoroughly investl
gaied this subject in India and is pre
pared to lay before her hearers re
markable facts and thrilling incidents.
Three meetings will be held in this
city, for women only and one a general
assembly, women of all denominations
invited. The meetings will he held as
follows: Sunday. July 5. 3 P. M., Cen
tenary Methodist Church, corner East
Pine and East Ninth, to women only;
Sunday. S P. M., .Hawthorne Park
Presbyterian, corner East Twelfth and
Hawthorne avenue, mixed audience;
Monday, 3 P. M., Congregational
Church, corner Park and Madison, for
women only. Miss Carrie Tennant will
sing a solo in keeping with the sub
ject at each meeting.
May Buy Out Pacific States.
MARSH FIEL.D, Or., July 4. (Special.)
It is reported that R. T. Durett, who has
been applying for a telephone franchise
I want to impress
restore to you
that nature intended you to enjoy.
Following are some of the symptoms of wasted powers and a debilitated system:
Pains in the back, nervousness, insomnia, feeling of exhaustion on arising in the
morning, dull headache, a constant sense of weakness, aching in joints, palpitation of
the heart, drains, lack of ambition, and a general consciousness that j'ou are "all in."
My Fee in All Un
complicated Cases
Is Only
You Pay When Cured
I undertake only cur
able cases, and when I
promise a cure I guar
antee it, and my busi
ness standing and bank
references assure the
patient that my guar
antee is absolutely
binding. I do not think
1 can show better faith
In my ability and meth
ods than my unqualified
offer to patients to
wait for my fee until a
thorough cure Is ef
fected. I could not
make such an offer if I
was not positive I could
cure any case that I ac
cept for treatment.
You've probably
been treated for
so-called weak
ness and helped
tempo rarlly or
not at all, and the
reason is very
apparent, when
cause of loss of
power in men Is
Weakness is
merely a symptom
of chronic inflam
mation, which my
treatment re
moves, t h e r e by
permanently re
storing stren gth
and vigor.
Consultation and Advice Free
HOURS: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. SUNDAYS, 1 0 to 1
Cor. Second and Morrison Streets, Portland, Or.
Landscape Gardening, Now Under Way, Reveals Beauties
of Seattle Exposition Site.
jcjv$Xa -zttv&w jcjfjg
xs-ZTrs-r rr -r-r y7 rwr r
ted In an entirely new way. The elec
trical effect 01 the cascades at the St. !
Louis exposition was one of the features
of that fair, but the 1909 exposition will
excel it in every particular. An attempt '
will be made to utilize the primary colors
of the prismatic scale. By the use of a
specially prepared varnish of different
colors applied to the drops of the cas
cades it is hoped to secure a unique effect.
Looking at each fall one will be able to
see the spray illuminated in the different
colors of the prismatic scale. Thompson
has been playing streams of water on
fire to produce this effect.
The Pay Streak will be a blaze of dif
ferent colored lights, -each concessionaire
having his own Illumination to conform
with the general scheme. An approach
of totem poles, each 30 feet high, dis
tributed on each side of the avenue, will
lead up to the main gateway of the
amusement street. The eyes of the to
tems will blink with lights and festoons
of bulbs will be strung between them.
The permanent brick buildings will be
outlined with lights and the natural
park portions of the grounds will be il
luminated with strings of incandescent
lamps stretched from tree to tree.
Japanese Statue of Perry.
Japanese residents - of Seattle and the
State of Washington will erect a statue
to the memory of Commodore Perry at
the exposition. Perry was the first
American to enter Japan and open up
communication between the Orient and
the Occident. Money for this purpose is
now being raised. The Japanese resi
dents desire to show their appreciation
of Perry's deed which did so much to
develop the Flowery Kingdom.
The total sum of $177,577 has been ap
propriated by 15 counties of the State of
in Marsh Meld!, may purchase the local ex
change from the Pacific States Telephone
Company. The latter company is repre
sented In the negotiations by the division
superintendent, John W. Gilkyson, who is
now in th city. The City Council has
suspended any action on Mr. Durett'a
petitions pending the possible sale.
Old Folks' Home Is Burned.
OAKLAND, Cal., July 4. Eighty-five
Inmates of Altenhelm, a German home
for old people, were in great danger of
losing their lives in a fire last night
which broke out on the roof of the an
cient building and completely destroyed
it: The place is situated just at the bor
der line between Oakland and Fruitvale.
Heroic work on the part of the Oakland
fire department, which had a long run
to reach the place, saved the lives of
many of the inmates, but the building
mind the fact that I can
on your
the full
vigor and perrect
If you have any of the above symptoms, don't delay any longer. Come to me at
once. There is a state which is beyond all hope. Don't wait until you have reached
that state. Come now, while you still retain vitality enough to serve as a foundation
f or healttist-rength and happiness. Don't put this matter off another d&y not an
other minute. Make up your mind to come TODAY.
I have cured hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of physical
and mental energy as a result of private ailments. My success in curing difficult
cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases.
This success is due to the study I have given my specialty, to my having ascertained
the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly
methods of treatment I employ.
Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous mine r a 1 s
to drive the virus to the
interior, but harmless,
blood-cleansing r e m e dies
that remove the last poi
sonous taint.
Absolutely painless treat
ment that cures com
pletely in one week. In
vestigate my method. It
is the only tharoughly
sclent ific treatment for
this disease being em
ployed. FREE
My colored chart, show
ing the male anatomy and
affording an interesting
study in men's diseases,
will be given free upon
"V . ,
?x&y77av TTe&r &vr
rrr 72fT JZiCST
Washington for participation in the ex
position. It is expected that when all
of the 87 counties have made provision
to take part, the sum of $285,000 will b
appropriated. At the last session of the
Legislature a bill was passed allowing
each county to appropriate a sura equal
to one-half of one mill of the assessed
valuation to be used for exposition pur
poses. Within the next month it is expected
that the United States Government will
begin the erection of Its main building
and the structure to hold the displays ot
Hawaii, Alaska, Philippines and the fish
eries industry.
Arias Quits Race for Presidency In
PANAMA, July 4. At a conference of
six hours' duration today between Ri
cardo Arias and Jose Domingo de Obal
dia, Senor Arias resolved unconditionally
to resign as candidate for the Presidency
of the Panaman Republic, thus preventing
further friction at the elections which
are held July 12.
The news of Arias' resignation wu
received with joy throughout the country.
Oregon ' People In Chicago.
CHICAGO, July 4. (Special.) Ore
gon people registered at Chicago hotels
today as follows:
Auditorium Annex H. C. Harmon, A,
M. Lovelace. Portland.
Great Northern Jack Beresford, Mist
Betty Love, Portland.
was doomed before the firemen arrived.
The loss is estimated at $80,000.
Four Killed in Train-Wreck.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., July 4. The Utica
Flyer on the Rome, W ate it own & Og
densburg Railroad was . wrecked near
Boonville this morning. Four persons
were killed and 15 hurt. The passenger
train with two engines collided head on
with a freight train.
Both engineers, O'Brien and A- Rieber,
of Utica, and their firemen, one from
Watertown. were killed. The injured
were taken to the Utica Hospital.
Grants Pass Delays Paving.
GRANTS PASS. Or., July 4. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the Common
Council last night the matter of pav
ing the principal business section was
defeated by a vote of four to three.
The Leadtnff Specialist
You can depend upon a quick and
thorough cure by my treatment. A
quick cure is desirable because a
slow cure is apt to be no cure at all.
and a chronic development will
come later. I cure you beyond the
possibility of a relapse and In half
the usual time required.
Often the conditions appearing to
be the chief disorder Is only reflex
ailment resulting from some other
disease. Weakness sometimes comes
from varicocele; skin and bone dis
eases result, and physical and
mental decline follow long standing
and functional disorder. My long
experience In treating men enables
me to determine the exact condi
tions that exist, and treat accord
ingly, thus removing every damag
ing cause and its effects.
Call or Write Today
Entrance, 2341 Morrison Street