THE SUNDAY OKEGOyiAX. PORTLAND. JULY 5, 1908. JTEW TODAY. Ot Exceptional Bargains $80,000 1 For a quarter block fth 3-story building:. Third street; pays 7 per cent net; guaranteed lease. Corner, 3-Btory brick ; pays 7V& per cent; Fifth street, close in. $85,000 if r ffi Quarter block, with kk I II III brick building; Third DJkJ mJJ J street: an excellent ' speculation. Qfm ff( 50x1(10 feet on Sixth f I I II I! I street: will pay 8 per VwlfUUU cent lf Properly Ira- ' proved: location be tween Gllsan and Burnside streets. ' $45,000 Quarter block; Second street ; with improve ments; pays 8 per cent; this is a great buy. 50x100 ft.. First and Morrison sts.; pays al most 8 per cent income. $70, 1,000 f f f tt For a quarter block, fK Ilj III fully improved: located ipXJiJmXXJXj riKht down town: pays ' 7 per cent net income. The above named prices are exceptional bargains and are well worth to investi gate. GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-H2 Sherlock Bide- Third and Oak Sts. verdale THE BEAUTIFUL If there is any suburb -of Portland that stands superior to all others in all particulars, it is Villa sites of from 3 to 5 acres each. Wonderful Panoramic View. IT PAYS TO SEE US. CHAPIN 8 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phones Main 1652, A 4770. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, Cali fornia style, elegantly finished, full lorner lot, 12 minutes' ride Haw thorne ave. $700 cash, balance $20 per month. SNAP Swell 7-room residence, strictly modern in every respect, brand new, south front, Hawthorne Addition, west of 17th st. Only $500 each, bal ance very easy terms. Frank Bollam 128 Third Street. QUARTER BLOCK MORRISON ST. Near High School. Price 50 per cent less than opposite quarter is held at. A genuine bargain. SEVENTH ST. Comer, near Union Depot ; puaran teed Wse 5 years, to one tenant; pays 7' o per cent net on price. $21,500 FRONT ST. Centrally located, brick, 3-year lease; pavs S'o per cent net on $28,500 E. J. DALY 22-223-221 Failing Building. Williams Avenue Business Lot That very desirable 50x125 feet, southeast corner Williams avenue and Knott street. Improvements, two-story business liloi'k, with two stores and rooms up stair. WakefieId,Fries 6 Co. 229 Stark Street. Near High School. Price 50 per cent Hood River ORCHARD AND SUMMER HOME Scenic tract of 10 acres overlooking the magnificent Columbia River Gorge, only one mile from town. Has bearing m hard, young trees and hav. Fine soil. Near the handsome De Hart reM-.len.-e. An trieal place for the Portland business man's familv. River front .ropTtps are hard to (ret now, so look this up It will pay yon. Mac Rae & Angus Hi Chamber ol Commerce, Riverdale NEW TODAY. $6600 SPECIAL SNAP 11 improved acres, 5-room house; on electric line, 5-cent fare; half cash) cheap at $1000 an acre. Will ex change for house and lot in city. WILL TRADE Quarter block, 100x100, Columbia, near 18th, West Side, three houses; income about $60; for vacant lot or cottage, north of Hall and west of Sixth. EXCHANGE Two modern, new flats, 6 rooms each, rented $75 per month; also cot tage rented for $35, full corner lot, across river on Taylor street, Haw thorne Addition, walking distance; value $12,500; pays nearly 10 per cent; will trade for vacant fraction lot, West Side ; prefer corner close in, suitable for apartments or flats. Will assume some incumbrance. Frank Bollam 128 Third Street. From 5 to 40-acre tracts, $30 an acre and up for raw land. Orchards from one to eight years old. Installment plan. Manchester & Wilson 508 Wells-Fargo Building. Branch Office, Mt. Hood Hotel, Hood River. H. R. BUTLER, Manager. INVESTMENTS $350,000 Best corner on Washington street. $130,000 Five-story brick building, 100x100, on Front street. $115,000 A good corner on Third street. $100,000 An Alder-street corner; fair revenue. $55,000 Three vacant lots, Alder street. $50,000 Two-story frame building, Alder st. $40,000 Four-story brick. Front street. $40,000 Morrison street, near Eleventh. These are all good buys and should be considered. HUMASON & JEFFERY, 226 Stark St. Phone Main 1189. Double Your Money Hood River Bargain - 15 ACRES Rich clay loam soil; lies per fect; county road on two sides; only 3 miles from Hood River, right in the heart of thla beautiful valley. Prime orchard of SO New towns. 300 Spltzenhergs. and 75 assorted family trees; 3 acres In potatoes. 3 acres In strawberries, bet w een trees : 1 acre in al falfa. 3 acres In timothy and clover; 6-room story-and-a-half frame house, barn and out buildings; Implements and tools. PLENTY OF WATER. Everything is in flrst-dasa condition. Price, $0500; $3500 CAH pay ment, and the place will pay out the bal ance when it will readily sell for IMU'BLE THK ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICK. Sounds good, but it looks better. DEVLIN 6 F1REBAUGH 08-a Scotland Bide. Cor. 5th and Wuk. J. L. FIREBAUGH HOOD RIVER REPRESENTATIVE. NVESTORS, ATTENTION! We hav a free milling gold quarts mine. 165.000 in ore blocked, $160,000 ad ditional practically in sight. Average as say value J19.33 per ton. We want $16,000 for equipment, with which this property will net 60 per cent per annum on J100. 000. By increasing capacity of plant that profit can be doubled. Will share prop erty with individual or syndicate sup plying this money. No time to waste on trlrters. Write or call on D. L. McLEOD Failing Bldg. Need a Residence? We have an attractive list of resi dences, scattered from Portland Heights to Mount Tabor, and ranging In price from $350,1 to $35,000. on the install ment plan, and otherwise. WHITING ROVXTREE, 81 Mi Third Street. A Fine Place in an Up-to-Date Locality 5-room cottage, all furnished for housekeeping. Price, $2750; $1500 cash. See Til E. Salmon. THE UlXX-LAttRESCB CO.. 24S Alder St. Near the River With nearly an acre of ground, rustle and artif-tlc bungalow, 6 rooms, fin ished in elegant style; $3509 cash. THE Dl'lVN-LAWRBNCB CO 248 Alder St. LAND NEW TODAY. A Few Homes 50xllS and 7-room house, modern, being 1110 Franklin ave. This Is one of the pret tiest homes on Willamette Heights; price, $6500. Terms. 50x100 and 7-roora house; 347 East 7th St., between Broadway and Weidler. Price, $4200. Terms. 50x100 and new 7-room house; 21st and Ash st. Price, J3SS0. Terms, $600 down, balance to suit purchaser at 7 per cent. 100x100. N. W. cor. Oregon and E. 25th sts, and 9-room house. Price, $4200. Terms. $1000 cash, balance terms to suit. 60x50 and fi-room house; S42 E. Pine. Price, $2000. Terms. 50x50 and 6-room modern house, S. E. cor. 26th and Pine sts. Price, $2750. Terms. 37x100 and new, modern. 6-room house. Look at it. 767 E. Ankney st. Price, $6000. Terms. 50x100 and nice 7-room house, in best res idence district in East Portland: on East Burnside st, bet. 20th and 22d sts. Price, $3950. Terms, $2000 cash, balance $35 per month. Apartment Bouses, flats and Flat Corners. EAST SIDE 50x65, X. W. cor. Cherry and Ross sts. Price. $2000. 50x100, S. E. cor. 9th and E. Davis sts. Price, $4000. 100x100, a E. cor. 10th and E. Davis sts. Price, $5500. 100x100, N. W. cor. E. 11th and E. Burn side sts. Price, $7500. WEST SIDE 100x100, 21st and Irving sts. Price, $10,000. 100x100. N. W. cor. 19th and Marshall sts.; lnstde 2S feet improved with modern flats; Income, $40; 75x104 on corner vacant; suitable for residence or flats. Price, $12,000. Terms, half cash; bal ance 6 per cent. 50x100 and new 2-story frame building, being 750 Thurman st.. bet. 22d and 23d sts. Look it up. This is a line invest ment. Price, $10,000. Income $95 per month. Terms. 60x100 and four-tier flats; 825 Northrop St.. bet Hth and 25th sts. Price, $12,500; income, $110 per month. Terms. 50x100 and 10-room modern house; on Savier it, bet. 22d and 23d sts. Price, $4500. Easy terms. 60x100 and modern 8-room house: on Sav ier st.. bet. 20th and 21st sts. Price, $6000. Terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St.. and 392 E. Burnside St. rvington Asphalt streets, cement walks, sewer, gas and water, parked streets. Building Restriction Make your home in this neighborhood and you will never regret it. Modest prices, easy terms. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark St., cor. Second. Or East Seventh and Morris Streets, Irvington. Income 9 Rents $142.50 Per Month Quarter block. Nob Hill, four nine room, modern houses. $600 per acre. 11 acres, on car line: 10 acres, clear; good soil; house, barns, fruit and berries. Olflfl Nice 8-room house, modern, in vu IUU Piedmont; cement basement t11fin QUARTER BLOCK, in Coles' 01 IUU Addition; fruit, etc. MQnn 6-room house; full lot: ber OuuUU ries, fruit; near Union ave. t94ffl N,ce modern house, in Vernon; ijuu casn. $2500 4 acres, near this city; 4 room house and barn. S600 S600 Ful: lot on Macadam and Cali fornia sts. cash, balance $20 per month, nice bungalow near Hawthorne ave. OOnfl o-room house. East Side, close VUtUU in, walking distance. $1400 sMdern nou8e" ful1 'oti East (ICtn Full lot and new house in OluJU Overlook; lot alone sells in this addition for $1000. tOKflfl IjCt 82x112 and 6-room vlUUU house in Montavllla. Rfin A nice 6-room, modern house OfJUU on Willamette Heights, $1500 cash; gas range, blinds and water heater. LANDLORDS AND WON.RESIDENTS I will rent and care for your houses and stores and collect your rent for 2 per cent of monthly rent if rent amounts to under $50, and 1 per cent if over $53. NO COMMISSION Charged for Selling Tour Real Estate. TWO jinvANCK In Price. You Deal Direct See Me About This New Plan, Martin J. Higley 13a THIRD STREET. BEAUTIFUL. Five -Room Cottage Has 2 larsre bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large reception hall, porcelain hath, medicine chest fine linen closets, living room, dining-room with opening, fine china closet, fine kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink with back, elec tric fixtures, nice front and rear porches with lights, cement basement; everything modern; house one year old; nice lawn and shrubbery; good neigh borhood; size of lot 50x100 feet Price $2100 cash, or terms $2200, $50) down and $35 per month. This place is close in on the East Side and a snap at the price. RALPH At'KLEY, 803 Corbett BIdg. Mr. Investor! Portland Property Values are at the lowest figure. Buy Now! Seventy (50x100) lots near 10-mlnute-car service, 3Vb miles to center of rltv; high, level, very sightly, with 60-ft streets. Only $12,500, H cash. Less than $1I0 each, and 25-ft lots selling for $400 a block away. G. E. WALLING, 243 Stark Street NOTICE Knapp A Maekey, real estate, re moved to 313 Board of Trade bldf., cor. 4th and. Oak. NEW TODAY. "Os NGE upon a time, said an old resident of Portland, "I could have bought the whole of Rose City Park for $20 an acre." Whv didn't you, was asked. "I didn't have $20." the The old pioneer's ex cuse is the only valid one that can be given for not buying a home site .there today. Rose City Park is the prettiest spot in the city of Portland upon which to build your home. We grant you that it is not covered today with magnificent resi dences. If it were, you could not buy lots for $400.00 and have all your street improvements in and paid for. But in less than one year, over a score of handsome, honestly built homes have been erected and occupied and a dozen more are now under construction by people who bought lots there. Seeing is believing. Let the man who wants to sell you in an other direction tell lies about Rose City Park until he is tired. Then come to our of fice and visit Rose City Park at our expense, or drop us a letter and we will call for you. HARTMAN UHOMPSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STRANGERS And others in quest of profitable investments axe cordially solicited to give us a call and an oppor tunity to show them our extensive lists of business and residence property. We can offer a few propositions in downtown proper ty, very attractive indeed, as both speculative and revenue produc ing. If interested in flats or apartment-houses we can surely satisfy you. Looking for a home? We can place a well-selected list at your disposal in any location desired. A number of choice building sites, one of which in particular, in the best part of Nob Hill,, we are authorized to sell considerably below prevailing values in that vicinity. At your command to serve you. Golds chmidt's Agency 2534 Washington, cor. Third. $40,000 Corner Brick, Near E. Morrison and Grand Ave. Income good; on lease; $10,000 will handle. You Must Act Quick. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 Couch Building Fourth St., Near Washington CHOICE HOMES tCfinn "-room modern bunealnw: lot OOUuU 100x100: splendid surroundings; this is a choice home in Piedmont. COXnn 5room. new, modern bungalow; OZH-UU splendidly designed; full lot; terms. $500 cash, balance 525 per month. ?1QDn k-room, modern bunealnw: full I3UU lot: a splendid little home: terms $300 cash, balance $30 per month. 0OOnn A splendid 7-room, new, modern OlOUU house: full lot; terms, $400 to $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. tQKflfl "-room, new, modern house; WdiiUU block; terms can be made. OTTO & HARKSON 13314 FIRST ST. HOOD RIVER LAND WE HAVE WHAT TOU WAST.' Our list Is too large to advertise. The best properties at the lowest price are our specialty. J. H. HEILBRONXER A CO, Davidson Bldff.. Hood River, Or. Corhett Bid.. Portland, Or. NEW TODAY. THE NEW ADDITION, FLORAL PARK LOTS NOW SELLING $250 to $450 EASY TEEMS. Graded streets, fine soil, city water, suitable building restrictions. Most lots are 50x100; some are extra depth. These lots are NOT 4 to 5 miles out, are NOT priced to carry a $25,000 advertising expense, are NOT 25-foot frontage, are NOT covered with stumps, brush, etc. TAKE SELLWOOD CAR TO ELLIS' AVE., WALK TWO BLOCKS EAST. All lots priced in plain figures. Go see today. Heiiman & Lathrop 210 ABINGTON BLDG. 9 NET $15,000 for 3-story flat with lot: 12 bedrooms. 4 parlors. 2 reception halls, 2 dining-rooms and 2 kitch ens. All modern conveniences. Will sell furniture lf wanted. On 13th St., near Salmon. Was built for home and not to sell, location can not be beat for exclusive boarding and lodging-house. This Is better than 4 per cent in savings bank. To Close an Estate $3250 for an attractive 5-room dwell -insr with 50 by 100 lot on Ross street, the Nob Hill of McMillan's addition: only 20 minutes' walk from Third and Stark streets. Now rented for 4'iO per month. An Excellent Home S3200 for a splendid, new. 8 - room house, with 55x1 00-foot corner lot, at Clark's Station, on Mount Scott carline; modern conveniences. Was built by the owner for a home and not to sell. Kverythingr in fine shape. Ideal Poultry Farm S4000 A 7-acre poultry farm near Lents, on O. W. P. Ry. All cleared; with 3-room. ceiled dwelling; one 24 by 24 two - story barn with cement floor and basement; 3 chickon-houses and 3 poultry-yards: assorted fruit trees, consisting' of apples, cherries, etc. Two fine wells on property. This ideal fioultry farm cannot be duplicated for $5001. Can be had today for $4000. Terms. No phone informa tion. R. H. BLOSSOM 316 Chamber of Commerce. An Investment Four fine nine-room houses on Nob Hill, paying $142.50 per month; can be increased. This is a very line property, with lots 100x100. In fine locality, where houses are never vacant. A safe and sure investment: $19,000; $10.00 cash, balance 6 per cent, will handle it. Martin J. Higley 132 THIRD STREET. BARGAIN. $850 cash, nice building: lot. about 40x on Stanton Ft.; street Improved. In quire 193 Ivy st. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. A Co., M 3240, 33 Hamilton bl Baker, Alfred A., S15 Ablngtoa bldg. Chapin & Herlow, 335 Chamber of Commerce. Compton, J. F.. Pac & A 1848. 100 Ablngton ul Cook. B. 8. & Co.. 507-8 Corbett bldg. Cross ley Co., TO 8-9 Corbett bldg. M 7S55. Goddard, H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d bL Jennings & Co. Main 1SS. 206 Oregon Ian. Kinney & Stamp her, 531-532 Lbr. Ex. M 443C Lee. M E., room 411 Corbett building. Mall & Von Borstel, 104 2d st, 392 E Burnside. typonnell, J. F., M. 4561 & A 25G1. 230 Stark Palmer, H. P.. 213 Commercial Club bldg. M 89. A 2653. Parrish.-'Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. Reed. Fields & Tynan. M 7004, A 3651. 102 2d Schalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main 392. A -8.2 Sharkey, J. P. & Co., 122 H Sixth st. Swenason, A F. A Co., 253 Washington at The Oregon Real Estate Co., SSV Third at. Holladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 832 Chamber of Commerce Waddel, W. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 227" Washington at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. When you -ran get 3 acres within easy walk of good carline for Jess than the price of a city lot, on which you can make a good living, why it's up to you. for we have it, and on eaiy twnn. Price from 185 per acre up to $300 per acre. Be wise for yourself let go -the landlord. CHAPIN & HERLOW. S32 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652. A 4770. $2500 Neat S-room house and lot 50x60 2-3, K. cor. Bawt 37th and Kast Main; porce lain bath, electric lights and gas. Including gas range and all shades; nice yard and plenty of rosea; 5500 cash, balance as rent. THE M. FLORA CO.. 215 Ort-gonian Bldg. EVER eeen "Overlook 7" It today. ACRE joining Carson HMfxhtw: good vlw; liea fine; little over 4 loti ; graded street, hent buy in Portland at $595. M. E. Lee, room 411 Carbett bldg. LOT 35xl0n, E. 7th. near Broadway; sewer, water, gas, concrete walk. $1150; if 40 wide. (1325. Culver, 623 Chamber of Com merce. ACRE AND HALF in city limits, make offer; must sell. Farrlngton, Commer cial Club bldg. FLORAL PARK Ask your friends to join you in an investment or in locating a permanent home. Just what you want. FOR BALE Ideal home, fruit, garden; need some cash ; will take vacant lot. A 61, Oregoslan. FOR building lota on or near Hawthorn ave., see M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. FLORAL PARK Why not take a car ride out today? Agents on the ground. FOR KALE Horn in Walnut Park. Inquire at No. 1058 Cleveland ave, near Alberta. 12TH ST. lot.' Ideal for flats. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. FLORAL PARK has graded street city water tn each lot. FOR SALE Good lot in El berta. Flora Co., 216 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS. R-acres on carline, level, fine grove for building site; spring water, with fall suf ficient to raise water 75 feet above the property. An Ideal home site, only $2100. 10 ACRES ON WILLAMETTE. 350 feet beautiful river frontage, large building can be remodeled convenient Iv an d made into an elegant borne with frontage of a long sweeping slope down to the river. Lota of fruit, best of aoil, and close to carline. Nothing superior on the river for a suburban home. See us for price and terms. R ACRES IN ALTO PARK. All Improved, with large crop of cher ries and apples; house and other build ings; price $J0O0. Alto Park is a high tableland this aide of Oswego and 30 minutes walk of 5c fare on Oregon Electric. We will sell 2 to 5-acre tracts at $300 per acre. Culti vated; just the place for & home or in vestment. B. S. COOK & CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing In acre vr half acre tracts In Portland: water mains laid and terms of only $ 10 cash and (10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO, 110 2d St. FROM OWNER, TWO TO EIGHT CHOICE LOTS AT TREMONT PLACE. About seven blocks from the end of the W.-W. carline. 25 minutes ride from 3d and Yamhill Ms. ; good car service; two of theBe lota are set out to garden truck, with a small cottage on same; iaay terms; lots 40x120. with alleys. Addreaa W 67, Oregonian. 8 ACRES. All cleared, living spring, 'no rock, no gravel. For $1800; Easy Terms. 16 minutes from buainesa center on the new electric line; beats anything on the market; you will agree with me when you aoe it; will be sold without reserve; nrst come first served. Call room 2v9 Wash ington bldg., cor. 2d and Washington. $10K PORTLAND HEIGHTS $1000 1 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW SITE. Sufficient height for beat view of city and rivers, walking distance and 1 block of 2 carlines. B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON 6 large rooms, outside sleeping room, bath and toilet separate, toilet In basement, gas range, gas and electric fix tures, furnace, fireplace, pass pantry, with cold water colls In cooling cupboard; cooler in kitchen, shades to all windows; every thing that you would want to have in your own home; lot loOxlOO; half block to street car line; let us chow it to you. Cady & Selple. 322 Mohawk bldg. NEW map. showing territory 25-mile radius of Portland, giving alt the new railroads, c mplcted and In c Jurse of construction, new electric lines, bridges and tunnels, county roads, townships, ranges and sec tion numbers. Price $1.00. mounted on linen, $1.25. P. RKIMERS. 700 Corbett Bldg. WE offer an investment that will pay 10 per cent net; lot 50x100, on Grand, ave., with 2-story house, 8 large rooms.1 Can be turned into flats at small cost, which will rent for $30 each per month. This will be business property in short time, ll;irtman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. A SNAP. S acres of very tine land, in cultivation; living springs ; only 15 minutes' ride from business center, for $1800, upon eay terms; 3 lots, same distance out in any other di rection will cost you as much; here is a chance. Russell & Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg., 83Va 3d st. IF sold before Saturday next, the finest 7 room mansion In Montavllla; 100x100 lot, all fenced; house-new and all modern; no better snap ever offered; if sold before Sat urday next will take $3500, $1500 cash, balance time at 6 per cent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison els. SOMETHING NEW. Price $26'KI. TERMS. A bargain, just completed. 5-room bunga low; mrictly modern; on Sellwood carline, only 12 minutes' ride on river bank; get off at Gratton'a Grove and go 1 block west. R. Hoard, owner, 354 College st. EAST COUCH ST., CORNER. We have one of the choicest corners on East Couch st., for sale, or will build to suit purchaser. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg., Main 8699. A 11653. IRVINGTON S-rooms. lot 50x100, east front; 14th St., near Thompson ; full ce ment basement, furnace, two fireplaces, two toilets, circulating water cooler in pantry, to a rd wood floors; house just being finished: will tint walls to suit. Cady & Seiple, 322 Mohawk bldg. BEAUTIFUL building site, 100x100. on th southwest corner of E. 13th and Division sts., facing Ladd'a tract. Price only $1800 for the whole quarter block; must sell at once. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. WHERE Is It? '"Overlook" fs reached by the "V" or "M" cars, with transfer to "R-S" car. $250 FOR 50x100 Lot joining Hyde Park :md Rose City Park; $5 cash. $5 monthly ; level, nice ground, fine car sni-vice. PORTLAND INVESTORS CO., 268 Stark, rocm 12. SNAP $500 CASH. 5-room pretty bungalow, grounds wall im proved; $500 cash, balance aa rent; won't last long. ZIMMERMAN, 521 Corbett bldg. CHEAP HOME. Double house of 9 rooms, fractional lot, almost walking distance. East Side; you could rent one part for $8 or $10 per month. Price $13Mi. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. READ THIS. Do you want an irrigated farm for $2O0; $10 down' and $10 per month, better than Government land? Let me tell you about It. Taos. McCusker. 2o5 Couch bldg. Main 7646. 6-ROOM cottage on corner lot. 50x100, East 8th and Wygant ata.; electric lights and porcelain bath, rosea, bearing fruit trees and shade trees; a snap at $2300. Phone owner at Pacific 250. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 rooms, eart and north front; fine view; strictly modern: furnace, fireplace, electricity and gas; lot fifixlOO can be bought at a decided bar gain. Cady & Seiple. 322 Mohawk bldg. $550 BUYS a cozy little home: good 3-room house, lot 4x100, one block from good cchool and postofffce, stores and streetcars; good neighborhood; 5-cent fare. See owner, 328 Corbett bldg. Main 7351. FRACTIONAL lot near Park and Hall at very reasonable figure; suitable for swell bungalow; good location for business man. Phone East 4073. evenings. CHOICE lots, $5,V; the best for the money, cement walks, city water, close to carline; terms $10 per month. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. .and E. Ankeny. $15,000 Whole block, close in, income on part of block ftl2 year, balance good for man ufacturing or warehouse site. Apply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side. FOR SALE 50x100 lot. 4-room hoiwe, 1 block from carline; $K50; one-half cash. In quire R. E. Myera, 50ft Walden ave.. Sell wood. $20.000 Splendid investment, new apartment bldg., paying lo pr cent net; close In, West Side; worth $22.50O; terms. AF 41, Oregonian. FOR SALE in Irvington. modern 8-room house, cement basement. East 54 12 to at. N. Owner. 329 East 34th. 7-ROOM houfre. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $."250. John P. Sharkey Co., 122 H 6th at. Main T50. A 2537. FOR SALE or to exchange Inside Salt Lake City property. The Curtiaa Company, 30y Abington bldg. FINE residence or flat site between West Park and lOth at., south frontage. Owner, AD 52, Oregonian. FOR SALE Lower Peninsula lot, $100 be low market value. Y 52. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, cost $3000, for $2400, $450 down, terms. Call East 072. 6-ROOM houce end full lot, near carline; $1500. O. M. Smith. Main 3960. TWO lots on 24th. 130 feet from Alberta at.; $700 cash. CaU Wood la. w a. 119. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $5500 10th at., near College, modern 7 room house, furnace, electricity, etc., nice lawn; 15 minutes' walk; $1500 down. $'Mi0 Hawthorne ave., not far out. modern 7-room house, ,Vxl00 lot; $M0 down, $30 per month; forced sale; a bar gain. $H350 Weidler St., modern 5-room cot tage, fireplace, etc.; ideal little home. $o000 32d st., north of Hawthorne ave., swell little bungalow. 5 rooms, strict lv modern, fireplace, electricity, gas, etc."; nice lawn, roses; lovely home and cholera neighborhood; very easy terms. $1900 Cheapest place in the cltv; Ave room house, 30x100 lot, on East 2th st., block to car; handy to school. Tou can t beat this. All cash. $2100 Portland Heights. 75x140: splen did building site, level and In grass; gna . and water the street; 50 feet to the car. Ideal site for home or flats. Hawthorne Park A fine corner lot. $t75 150 feet off the avenue, south. f !HX Weidler St., 50x100. $ .00 Wo od ! a w n ; a snap ; full lot. $1000 block, Fulton Park. Good terms on all the above, J. R- STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. FINH new modern 6-room house, well lo cated; only $2660; $250 cash, balance in stallments. Fine 5-room cottage, with an extra fine lot, full of strawberries; 1 block from E. Morrison carline; a beautiful home; $3750, good terms. Fine new bungalow. 5 rooms, near car line, on East Side. $2250; $500 cash, bal ance easy terms. Fine a-room house. 2 good lots, some fruit, on carline. $3000; good terms. Fine 4-room house. East Yamhill near 84th; only $1400; good terms. An extra fine lot. East 27th, near car- line: lota of fruit and. shrubbery; only $1300; terms to suit. CHARLESON CO., 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1196. NEW COTTAGE BUNGALOW 30x40; 5 ex- tia larxe rooms, china cupboard, 2 largo -chamber closets, enamel tile kitchen and bat hroom. basement, concrete f oundat ion and porch pillars, wide porches, fiber plaster, natural and golden oak interior finish, best enameled bath, sink, toilet and bowl ; electric wired ; on choice 50x1 0 lot, in restricted residence district; block of streetcar; exceptionally fine and cheap, only $2000; h down. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison st. MT. TABOR HOME, v We have instructions from the owner to drop the price on the beautiful half-acre tract, with. 6-room house and lota of fruit trees, grape vines, etc. ; prettiest view that can be had of Portland. We will sell this place on Monday fori $2550. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone Main 8699, A 2653. 24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice ! walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 mln- j utes' ride on Salem Electric line on coun ty road, county achool. churches, stores , and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while; it lasts; easy terms to parties who will j Improve the property. Deal direct; no j agents. L 66, Oregonian. JUST OPENED. ; New tracts from 10 to 20 acres at ' Curtis Station. Falrvlew. Cedarvllle, Bor- ing. Eagle Creek, Morrow, and Estacada. ; All near our electric lines. O. W. P. LAND CO.. 1st and Alder Sts. SNAP BUY. New 5-room modern bungalow on East I 23d rt., 200 feet south of Alberta St.; lot 50x1 JO, house 32x37; everything of the ; best. If you want a snap, call on prem-. lses Saturday or Sunday. Must be sold. ; Take Alberta, enr and get off at 23d st. SOMETHING NEW. Ask about our Home Certificates, they; simplify the method of raising the neces- j sary amount to make the first payment on ! your new home. i BUTTERWORTH -STEPHEN SON CO., Ino 1 317 Abington Bldg. Main 8529. : 6-ROOM modern home, complete, new j house, near 41st St.. East tde, $2600; terms. . New modem complete house, a rooms ? and alcove, close in on East Side, cheap; ' small payment; terms. B. S. Cook &. Co., 503 Corbett bldg. WILL sacrifice new modern house, 5 rooms, lot 100x100. barn, fruit and berries, all kinds shrubbery; all Improvements in, situated between Morrison and Hawthorne ave. $450 also takes fine level lot, cor. 38th and East Harrison. Call Tabor 12. SACRIFICE 5 acres, close to Portland ; high state of cultivation; good improve ments; valuable stock, several hundred dollars' worth of crop, implements, chick ens, etc., $500 cut in price never before quoted. B. S. Cook & Co., 603 Corbett bldg. COUNCIL CREST. We hava seme good bargains in lota on Council Crest and in Greenway. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg., Main 8699. A 2653. TERWILLIGER homestead on the West Side, three carlines through the prop erty, ten minutes from business center; graded streets, cement walks, fine view; lots from $400 up. Phone M 3177. A 4450. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Com. CHOICE LOT, $1200. We have a choice lot. 50x100. On East 24th st.. for $1200. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Main 8699. A 2655. FOR SALE 2 lots in Nob Hill Terraces, head of Lovejoy st. ; If sold this wee a will go at two-thirds regular price that lots are sold for in this addition SEE KNAPP & MACKEY, Office. 213 Board of Trade Bldg. AN afternoon spent at "Overlook" pleasant and profitable. BEAUTIFUL East Side home, north of Ir vington, 8-room house, lot 100 feet square, corner; modern and very convenient. Owner leaving city; $4500. X 68. Oregonian. RISLEY ACREAGE. Oregon City carline, 2 acres or more, all In cultivation; fine spring. C. W. Risley, owner, Rlsley's Station, i'. O. Mllwaukle. MUST sell quick, so offer bargain 7-room modern house, full lot, basement, high and sightly, 20 minutes' ride East Side; $2400; terms. AF 65. Oregonian. FOR SALE Strictly modern 6-rnom house, a bargain; must close out estate; corner East 10th and Schuyler; choice location. Inquire 240 Front st. BARGAINS Handsome, brand-new -rorm modern residences; fireplace; East Side. $;i250. $350O; terms. Owner, 608 Main St., Oregon City. VERY choice acre at end of Maverly-Rich-mond line, fine view, good soil; price $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 8177. THREE large lota near river; 30 minutes' rfde; $225 each. Purse, 823 Chamber of ' Commerce. Main 73C9. CHOICE building lots for sale In all parts of the city. Washington A Oregon Realty Co.. 108 2d St., Portland. FILE listings in sight; no handling of card"; our solicitor will call; complete outfit, $6 50. Main 5634. . HOLLADAT PARK ADD., new modern 6-room house, $3000; terms. Owner. Phone East 2756 - FOR SALE One 7-ronm and one 6-roomj modern house; desirable location. For in formation call at 1200 Albtna ave. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Sightly modern. 8-room home; your own terms. Call room 40. Washington bldg. J. M. KERR A CO.. Real estate, farms, 208 Stark St.. room 10. A 0148. Main 1222. 10 ACRES of sightly ground, suitable for platting, on good car line, $3600 CaU room 40 Washington bldg. 1 TO S-ACRE tracts, in. strawberries; best of soil. See Jordan & Garbade. 233 1 Washington st. 80x200, close In. West Side, for lease long term years, $100 month. Phone owner. East 1507. $1100 5-room cottage, full lot, near car; close in, a bargain. Terma, $900 cash. Room 530 Lumber Exchange. $10 DOWN and $10 a month buys a lot near 49th and Hawthorne. Cobb, Wella-Fargo bldg. TO BUY "Jorbade" sere tracts takes little money and brings big results. See Jor dan A Garbade.- 232 Washington st. SEE 784 East Yamhill -Handsome, brand new, modern 6-room house, fireplace; bar gain, $3500 ; terma BUY 'Jorbade" acre homes and have straw berries and cream. Jordan A Garbade. 232H Washington at. FLORAL PARK Is 2 blocks from fine car service and 12 minutes ride from bridge. A CHOICE lot at Seavtew. Stark st. Inquire 202 V FLORAL PARK Take Sellwood car' to Ellis ave., walk 2 blocks east. FOR SALE 60-room hotel, $12.000 a snap. Call owner by phone. A. 25Z.