The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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Bookkeeper and Clerks.
ADVERTISED iif purchasing agent (also di
rects Jobbing sales ivfnulnf $13J,ooo month
ly), large Chicago factory, but would like
to make connection with Western or Pa
cific Coast concern; has Intimate knowledge
of market and of source, supply for met
al, lumber, machinery, hardware electrical
apparatus and supplier; U tactful, resource
ful, good executive, knows modern business
methods, system, account, etc.; 15
yarn' experience, 7 years with present con
cern; first-class correspondent, college grad
uate. If Interested, a dure as C. P. I., care
Uuenther-Bradfordi & Co.. Iu8 Randolph at.,
WANTED Permanent position In'wholesaie
or good retail hardwood store July 1;
have had 10 years' experience In the bus
iness, past 5 years of which has been
as traveling salesman; am 118 years old,
can show good record and have no bad
nanus; oniy first-class Arms need reply,
Address until July I H. E. Richardson,
general delivery, Seattle, Wash; alter
juiy i, Portland. Or.
EXPERIENCED sales manager and corre
spondent desires nosition calling for exec
utive ability: can handle men. inaugurate
a selling campaign, write advertisements,
devise and create ways and means and
otherwise prove himself a live-wire man
AD 2ft. Oregonian.
ENF.RGETIC young man. age 25. of good
eaucaunn ana possessing executive a on
ity, desires position with local firm; pre
ferably in claim department or as assist
ant to credit man. Is employed at pres
ent ana tan rurnisn nignest references,
both local and Eastern. C 25, Oregonian
SPECIALTY salesman, experienced, high
grade, fluent, aggressive, convincing and
resourceful, desires position demanding
above qualifications where ahillty of a
'"n oruer na prime requisite. jLLf sto,
HARDWARE man who knows the heavy
naroware, bunders, stoves, ranges and
cutlery business, desires traveling nosi-
tlon with some good house; prefer a
strong line of cutlery; strictly temperate
ana can make good. H 28, oregonian.
MAN" OP EXPERIENCE In office work.
bookkeeping and collections, wants take
- place of some one wanting to tane a vaca
tion for a month or longer; can furnish
satisfactory references. Y 28. Oregonian.
WANTED To manage branch office for
reliable Portland real estate firm; ex
perienced in business and office estab
Holt ed. Address W. 274 East 13th at.
Eugene, Or.
WELL educated, young married man 35, ex
emplary habits, desires situation as book
keeper or salesman, etc.. city or country;
speaks and write German perfectly. Ad
dress T 27. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with reference, experienced in
both bookkeeping and collecting, wishes em-
ployment; moderate salary to commence
- with. A D 27, Oregonian.
POSITION WANTED a foreman In sash and
door factory, capable, of detailing, billing
stock: have executive ability: beet of refer
ences. Address A S3, Oregonian.
WANTED By competent office man, posi
tion where, if mutually satisfactory, finan
cial Interest may be acquired. A E 16. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man. good education, energeUc,
seeks office or other employment in town
or country; Al references. R 2'-'. Oregon
ian. BOOKKEEPER, cashier or general office
work ; fully experienced ; splendid refer
ence; salary $00 per month- Address V
32, Oregonian.
EX PER IE N "ED shipping clerk and ware
house man. well acquainted in city, is
open for an engagement. B 29, Ore
gonian EXPERIENCED young man wishes position
an drug salesman or grocery clerk; ref
erences, s :t2, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT of first-class ability and ex
perience wants stiuatlon. Phone Pacttls
POSITION wanted by young man, bookkeeper
or falpuman; 10 years of office and out
side experience. K 2$, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by single, middle-aged
man as Janitor or assistant, or similar
work ; understands horses, cows, garden
ing. A B 36, Oregonian.
M A RFC 1 ED man, age 3a, strong and tem
perate, wants wortc in warehouse or simi
lar work. A F 2ft, Oregonian.
FEW gangs of 15 or more Japanese for any
outdoor work, or to contract said Job. J. -A.
Business Agency, 80U N. 3d.
CHEK cook and wife,- or man alone. In
country hotel or city; experienced ref
erences. F IS, Oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese, honest and gentle,
wishes situation as waiter in small grill.
G 29, Oregonian.
WINDOW cleaning, redressing floors a spe
cialty. Main 6573 evenings after 8. Thom
as Green, 122 7th st.
STRICTLY temperate laundryman of 15
years experience desires position. H 29,
WANTED Plates and films to develop for
amateur photographers; good work; price
reasonable. Room 16, 21i'i 1st st.
WANTED By man and wife, work on
ranch at once. Experienced In farm work.
A D, 32 Oregonian.
JAPANESE young boy wants to do house
work in family or other place. A E, 32
GERMAN- man and wife want work on
farm or private place; no children. A E
84, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, experienced family cook, wants
position at Summer reaort or coast. G 48.
, FIRST-CLASS all-round cook; steady and
economical; state wages. a. xi zo, ore
gonian. JAREL WILLIAMS CO., phone. Pacific
731. We do washing windows, 10c each.
3.15 Couch st.
WANTED Position with ethical dentist;
state salary in first letter; fine workman.
V 31, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as day or night watch
man ; experienced; good references.
Watchman. 60 Nehalem ave., city.
MAN and wife wish work on ranch, man
agement of same preferred; good wages
A F "35, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED baker wants position to
make the genuine French bread. X So,
POSITION as watchman by capable, trust
worthy man; aged 55; good recommenda
tion. R 22, Oregonian
WANTED Position as teamster, porter or
watchman or any kipd of work; strictly
temperate. N 20, Oregonian.
BOY 18. wishes position to work his way
back East. Any honorable work accept
ed. P 30, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by man, wife and grown
son, country hotel, ranch or eawmlll. Ad
dress X 24. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man wishes position in fur
niture store doing cabinet work 702
Savler. corner 23U. Rudolph Moscr.
WANTED Situation by Japanese bov to do
housework and washing dishes. R 32, Ore
gonian. WANTED A place on a dairv farm to
learn business. Address W. E". Arnold, 870
Wilson st.
YOUNG man wishes to complete electri
cian's trade. AE 27. Oregonian.
JAPANESE: Employment Office, male and
femaie. 240 Couch st. Phon Main 6521.
PAINTER wants day or contract work.
F 10, Oregonian
A-t CHEK wishes position In hotel; sober
and thoroughly competent. Y 2. Oregonian.
SEVERAL hours' work wanted; Japanese. V
26, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes position as coachman;
good references. X 2ft, Oregonian.
JAPANESE! boy wants any kind work; speaks
English. X 30. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position.
Call Kunday. lOttl E. Morriwon.
GOOD tenor singer Is open to any kind of
engagement. Address Y 36. Oregonian.
GOOD plain young Japanese cook wants po
sition. Y S3. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position. Janitor work
or any other kind work. P 34, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants to do chamber work or
any kind hotel work. V 33. Oregonian-
Japanese Employment Co. furnlahes all kind
help. 268 Everett. Main 4658. A 4073.
GENERAL housecleaning by day, Job or
' hour. Thompson. Pacific 731.
SITUATION by bov of 17 as driver or any
outside, work. 62JJ Everett. Maia
YOUNG man of 2-4 deslrea clerical work t
any kind ashore or afloat; willing to
leave city; speaks German; salary no ob
ject for chance of advancement, a Ml
POSITION by well-educated man (27), book
keeper, typist, accustomed to handline
correspondence, advertising and general
ariice worn; town or country; wnat offers.
u uregonian.
I AM a first-class engineer. I would like a
situation, thoroughly understand the wear
and tear of machinery and bo 11 era. Ad
dress i' 27. Oregonian.
WANTED Position mm frrm n -at labor
ers': excavating, street grading, etc. ;
airiciiy rename ana temperate. - u so.
WANTED Bv middfce-aed man. with 10
years experience in own business, men's
lurmsnings, general merchandise. A sit
uation in or out of city. Y 31, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes position with private
family; understands gardening and care
or norses; best oi references, u Z9, ure
OfOUNG man wants a good position; knows
city wen; can furnish good references ana
can handle 2, 3 and 4-horse teams, l. zv,
WANTED Position. Have had 15 years' ex
perience as general salesman. No objec
tion to going out of city. E SI. Orego
YOUNG man of correct habits and with
, business experience, wants position in
gooa real estate omce to tearn me dusi
ness. E 49. Oregonlan. .
CHAUFFEUR from 'Frisco' wishes posi
tion. Knows city. Kererenoes; macoin
ls. 'F 32. Oregonian.
STRONG Japanese boy wants chamber work
or any kind hotel work. D 47, oregonian,
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
WANTED A peimanent position by a
thoroughly competent young lady sten
ographer and bookkeeper; well acquainted
in city; several years' experience -in law
. and general office work; can furnish best
or city rererences. i'none wooaiawn
YOUNG lady desires to keep small set of
double entry books evening; business dis
trict preferred; $4 per week. M 27, Ore
gonian. EXPERT accountant, systematUer and gen
eral office man. 12 yaars' experience, de
sires position, married, age 33; highest
credentials, p zz, oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and typewriter would like
general office work ; experience In doc
tor's office; substituting during Summer.
A C 34. Oregonian.
YOl'NO lady, refined, neat, very quick and
accurate at figures, wishes position : best
references; also able to operate Reming
ton and Underwood. AD. 30, Oregonian.
REFINED, educated young woman. Under
wood operator, desires position. $1 1.75
per week ; city references. Phone Main
6813. 10 to 12 Sunday.
REFINED young lady wishes a position as
cashier in restaurant or store; can fur
nish references. J 26, Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer desires engagements
for substituting. Address AE 20, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, experienced, de
sires position; able to work on small sal
ary. Phone Main 642.
EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper, rapid and
accurate, desires posit I n. permanent or sub
stitute; references. T 23, Or gonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504.
Tested and certified.
REFINED young lady desires position in an
of fine; quick at figures; references. Main
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position: commercial .work pre
ferred; city reference. F 84, Oregonian.
COPY work, abstracts, circulars and enve
lopes; reasonable. Main 247ft.
ART LA MODE, 181 6th St.. opposite the
Portland. Main 3378, A 5320 High-class
ladles' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day; charges reasonable. Phone A 4007.
361 Taylor at.
GOOD dressmaking at a reasonable price;
special to working gins. Fnone Main
EXPERIENCED - dressmaker wjshes en
gagement oy any or win tatte work nome.
Mlsa Larsen. Main 3865.
LADY would like to do plain sewing, darn
ing, mending, by day. Phone East 54537.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en
gagement in families. Main 8G68.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the
day, $1.50. Phone Main 1995.
st. Main 8678. Mrs. McLeland.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would like en
gagements by the day. Pacinc 495.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
aay, rnone xaoor 4o.
SEAMSTRESS Sewing by day or week.
fnone acinc iioo.
WANTED Sewing to-do at104 11th at., near
asaingion. rwne a ioo.
LADY of experience would take charge of
permanent or transient rooming-house on
salary or shares: would keep house for wid
ower or bachelor., with reference. 482
Washington st. Phone Main 1103.
MIDDLE-AGED Eastern lady, housekeeper
in hotel or rooming-house; experienced
and best referenre ; would leave city.
Phone Pacific 2-O60.
A BUSINESS woman of experience would
like position as managing housekeeper
for a hotel or a roomlnj-house; can glj,e
reference. Phone Main 8737.
M I DDLE-AGED woman wishes position as
housekeeper for family without children;
good references. T 43. Oregonian.
VERY capable woman wants management
of gentleman's home, or place of trust;
references. E 34. Oregonian.
WIDOW with two small children wants po
sition on ranch as housekeeper; good
cook. A. E. 33. Oregonian. ,
COMPETENT woman housekeeper In widow
er s family; good home in city, p si, Ore
gonian. 9
LACE CURTAINS earefullv home laundered.
40c a pair. Phone Pacific 2185. I
GRADUATE nurse would take invalid to
care xor. szi
WANTED Work for competent woman, wash
ing or ironing. Mrs. Wood Young. Woman s
Christian Association. Main 3267.
WANTED Wldew with nice home, no
children, wltl give, motherly care to one
or two children. 429 E. Davis st.
WANTED Day work of any kind by capa
ble woman. Room 1, 2G5H Morrison.
Main 1V.2.
EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cets.
Phone Main H900.
YOUNG lady wishes position as nlanlst:
- good sight reader. Address L 33, Ore
LACE! curtains washed and stretched 40c
a pair. Main 8574. A 4387.
WANTED Old Chenlle curtains to make
into new rope portieres. 62 E. Clay st.
COMPETENT woman wants work by the day.
Phone Pacific 1496.
WOMAN wants day work; good laundress.
3111 U rd st.. room 10.
WOMAN wants day work sweeping and clean
ing. Phone Main 2206.
EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind
of work by the day. Phone Main 4510.
WORK by the day or hour by capable wo
man. Phone 4394.
WANTED Washing and housecleaning.
Phone Pacific 2024. room 12.
WOMAN wants work by day; rooming-house
preferred. 56t Overton st.
GRADUATE Chicago piano college wants
pupils; 76c 46 minutes. East 1407.
LADY will give mandolin or guitar lessons
in exchange Xor laundry. M 2 Oregon iao.
THE 8. & L. Hand Laundry; family work a
specialty; we aim to please our customers;
we call for and deliver our orders. Office
loft X. 12th st.. Phone Main 7003. .
A COMPETENT woman wants? steady work
for Tuesrity,- Wednesday and Thursday.
Phone Tabor 034.
A LADY who piaye the piano and. sings
would like work evenings; would furnish
her own piano. G 19, Oregonian.
WANTED A good home in private family
for girl 14. to work for small wages or
board. V 34. Oregonian.
TEACHER desires position as Instructress,
companion or chaperon e during vacation.
V 28, Oregonian.
LAUNDRESS wishes day work; first-class
worker; re fere noes if required. R 30, Ore
YOUNG German woman wants position as
cook, for .some wages and room for hus
band. 861 H rd st.. room -19.
YOUNG lady gives) private lessons in gram
mar grade .studies, also classes in draw
ing. Main 8183.
LADY pianist wants engagements playing
with orchestra, private parties or accom
paning. ii.a8t 14U7.
WANTED One or two children to care for;
best- of care; reasonable; good home. K
29, Oregonian.
LADY wants work by the day. housecleaning
and washing. Phone B 1338.
ONE exclusive agent for every town to take
orders for made-to-measure suits for men
and women; 1C0 monthly or more easily
earned ; sample outfit, 250 styles newest
woolens,, in handsome carrying case, free
of cost; opportunity to establish prosperous
and growing business without investment.
Full instructions with every outfit. Apply
today. The Eagle Tailoring Co.. Dept. 34,
212-218 Franklin, st., Chicago.
AGENT in Massachusetts has &old 41 dozen
Cramm automatic kettle covers. You can
sell one In every kitchen at 25c. Brand
new. aluminum; never wear out; won't
rust; prevents scalds Great thing, men
or women, 100 per cent profit. Agents
sample 15c. Write A. W. Cramm Com
pany, Haverhill, Mass.
AGENTS' fortune maker! Wonderful self
working washer.; does warning itself. Runs
automatically by waterworks pressure;
saves all hard work of wash day; new in
vention; sales unprecedented. Agents want
ed who can handle high-class proposition;
exclusive territory; $300 tb $400 per
month. The Eagle Tool Co., sole mfrs.,
Dep't 813. Cincinnati. O.
WANTED General agents, something new,
Dlozo disinfecting and deodorizing cabinets;
sell at 75 cents: last four years; require no
attention; no liquid; 20,000 sold first eight
weeks ; exclusive territory ; amazing profits ;
each of your suba gents makes $13.50 daily:
. ten subs make you $54 dally; small cap
ital insures permanent, lucrative business.
Parker Chemical Co., Chicago.
AGENTS Summer resor. Decoration Day,
Fourth of July and. campaign buttons,
badges, canes, pennants, confetti, postal
cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath
er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes,
the latest fad; 2000 different novelties for
fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Write
for Illustrated catalogue. W. P. Miller,
168 Park Row, New York.
AGENTS Sutniner resort. Decoration Day,
fourth or July and campaign buttons,
badges, canes, pennants, confetti, postal
cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath
er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes,
tlve latest fad; 2000 different novelties for
fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Write
for illustrated catalogue. W. F. Miller,
158 Park Row, New York.
MAIL ORDER business. Before you start
get a copy of my large illustrated l-io-page
book: tells how to advertise, buy
goods, exposes all secrets; not issued In
interest of any supply house; over 3O.000
copies sold ; satisfaction guaranteed ; par
ticulars free. A. Swett, 50 Royal ir.jur
ance bldg., Chicago.
AGENTS make $103.50 per month selling won-
derlul self -sharpening. patented scissors
and cutlery. V. R. Glebner sold 22 pairs
In three hours, made $13; you can do it;
we show you how: free outfit. Thomas
Mfg. Co.. 500 Fourth st., Dayton. Ohio.
WANTED District managers qf either sex
10 sen me dcsi ana most up-to-aaie in
surance policies and to appoint agents: top
contracts to right parties. Call or write,
Oscar Ekman, 313 Eitel bldg., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales
men; liberal terms; excellent territory;
outfit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars " address with references. Ore
gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or.
A SPLENDID opportunity to make money
ceil vine ujary 01 tne Home ; every ram
ily wants It; biz commissions. Griff ith
Stlllings Press, 358 Congress st., Boston,
AGENTS $36 a week, expenses paid, no ex
perience required; photo pillow tops, 30c;
enlarged portraits, frames, lowest prices;
free samples, catalogue. Dept. X8 Bitter
Art Studio. Chicago, 111.
SELL our clothes washing machine; retails
money maicer ror live agents; sens at
eight; write for circulars, territory and
prices. Nowak Washer Co., 215 Austin
ave., Chicago.
AGENTS wanted to handle biggest money-
maaing nre excinguisners; special start
ing offer; exclusive territory; $73 to $300
per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful seven-piece kitchen set: send for
sworn statement of $12 dally profita; outfit
free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 900 Jefferson st.,
Dayton, Ohio.
TAFT'S life and speeches; official edition.
with chapter by President Roosevelt; only
$1; big terms to agents; freight paid: out
fit ready; send 10 cents postage. Zltfler
Co., 205 4th st.. Philadelphia.
WANTED Two or three good men for a
proposition tnat is never turned down;
good, contract, exclusive territory. 40 Vs
Raleigh bldg.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we neea you; complete outnt free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS Either sex. to sell new campaign
noveiry. nit or season, ran only be had
from us. Be firsVln field. C. B. Carr & Co.,
AG PINTS to sell automatic screen door catches
no cnecKa; exceptional proposition ; sample
catch, postpaid, 25c. Auto Catch Co., Chi
cago. WANTED Agents, legitimate substitute for
siot macnines; patented; sells on sight for
$1. Particulars. Gisha Co., Anderson. Ind.
AGEJNT.S wanted; if you are willing to work
ior . 10 a nay can today at 215 N.
Grand ave; no competition.
AGTTNTS The Wonder vest pocket many-tool
pencu ; greatest seuer out; sample, 15 cents.
819 Chicago Opera House. Chicago.
WANTED To rent a 10 or 12-room dwelling,
close In. furnished or unfurnished, O 35,
WANTED July 1. by man and wife, a 4
room flat; must be on West Side, and at
a reasonable rent. Address N 32, Ore
gonian. 6 OR 7-room well-furnished house, piano, for
six months, longer; Wtst Side; no children.
G 17, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 3 unfurnished rooms per
manent people; central. Main 8001, or G
27, Oregonian.
WANTED Py younw bunlnees woman. rl
ant. wU furnished room, with board; Port
. land Heights preferred. K 34. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a 7 or R-room house on
Kist SMe. not too 'far from carllne. B
46. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a ft .or fl-room house
within 3 blocks of carline on East or West
Side. B 45. Oregonian.
BY couple, two or three nice rooms, furnished
or partly, for housekeeping ; reasonable ;
state price, location. J 30, Oregoniun.
WANTED Country board near Portland
for Summer by married couple. Address
K 30, Oregenian.
WANTED By July 1, two or three well-fur-nlshed
housekeeping rooms in good location -walking
distance. S 21, Oregonian.
WANTED Board for two young ladies, sls
- ters. private family; give price and loca
tion. O 28, Oregonian.
SMALL houses to rent; we have several;
tenants waiting. The Spanton Co.. 270
Stark st. Main 2428.
TO rent a small cottage at eithor Newnort
or Nye Creek tor season; state conveniences
and price. M 54. Oregonian.
MODERN bungalow of 5, rooms. West Side,
by bachelor, unfurnished ; references ex
changed. E 44, Oregonian.
WANTED room and board for man and wife
la private Iain ily. S 29, Oregonian,
WANTED By representative of an Eastern
firm, a location on Washington at., corner
preferred, below Tth not above 9th; must be
large enough for wholesale and retail mil
linery; possession not later than Aug. 1;
best of references and capital; strictly con
fidential. H 32, Oregonian.
MAN or woman for Inside office work; splen
did opportun ity for right party ; goo 1
salary and earnings permanent; must have
few hundred dollars. Write F 43, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Location suitable for cloak and
suit house by local firm whose lease expires
soon; Washington st. preferred; will pur
chase stock and fixtures and lease at a
reasonable figure. L 20, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class modern 6-room cot
tage in good location In suburbs, near car
lines, for Summer months or permanent,
furnished or unfurnished. cell Main 2050
or A 1268.
WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms
bet. Washington and Taylor and 11th and
th, with use of bath; reasonable; refer
ences exchanged. A 35, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man wants board and room: pri
vate family preferred; must have break
fast so as to be at work by 7 o'clock;
give terms. Y 29. Oregonian.
WANTED 5-room flat, modern, fireplace, for
year or more: young couple; no children ;
not over $0: close in on West Side. Phone
Sunday Pacific 248.
BY JULY 1, 8 or 4 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms by lady and grown daughter;
must be modern; state price and location.
D S2, Oregonian.
COUPLE) with Infant wish room, and board !n
private family where there are modern
conveniences and a yard.- F 49, Ore
DOES, your talking machine, violin, mando
lin, guitar, banjo, piano or musical Instru
ment, of any kind need repairing? If so,
Graves Music Co., Ill 4th St., Is better
prepared to handle this work than any
other firm in the Northwest, having a com
plete and fully equipped repair shop. Phone
us vour trouble in this line. Main 1433.
Home A 1433.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 5655. A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price im'd- Cal1 at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 3722.
A FIRST-CLASS 500-ft. well drill, mounted,
gasoline engine; price low down; time no
object ion w i th security. D. M. Watson,
331 Washington st.
NOT remembering borrower of my Oregon
Code. Vol. 1, will party please return?
W. W. Graves. 311 Commercial block.
WANTBD 3 housekeeping rooms, partly fur
nished. West Side; give location, price,
phone. F 17. Oregonian, or Main 4584.
THRBE-P1ECQ string orchestra to play for
wedding; state terms first letter. H 33, Ore
gonian. 'WE pay the price" for second-hand fur
niture. Ford Auction Co., 37 B. Mor
rison. Phones K 98S, B 2311.
WA NTED Live cub bear. Hon and any
other live wild animals. By R. Stenzel
Fur Company. Salt Lake City. Utah.
WANTED Second-han-d visible typewriter;
state name, lowest casta price, and con
dition. M 33. Or gonlan.
WANTRD Two-seated surrey, pole and light
double harness, cheap for cash. Phone
Seilwood 489.
WANTED A large icebox. Apply Log
Cabin Bakery, 114 Russell st. Phone East
WANTED To buy some office furniture;
mu7t be good and cheap for cash. AE 30,
WANTED A sideboard or buffet In good con
dition, reasonable. B 26, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-friend city directory 1908.
Starfe price. E- 34, Oregonian.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Phone Main 1431 or A 1433.
GOOD second-hand top. rubber-tire, light
buggy. A 19f8.
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer. Phone East GS88. -
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
"WILL piy PTlce for Pierce wheel; order must
be good. Hall 211 4th, near Salmon.
TWO pleasant unfurnished front rooms,
separate entrance ; also unfurnished
rooms. 2-05 Uth st., cor. Taylor.
Furnished Booms.
FOR. RENT Pleasant room, reasonable., to
1 or a young ladies. A 6, Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms, 269 14th st., near Jef
ferson. 262 12TH, a suite of lovely furnished rooms
for two or four gentlemen.
CHOICE furnished rooms, private family,
very reasonable, central. Phone A 3944.
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms. $1.50
10 o week, 00 cents, i nignt.
THE ELWOOr-Newly- furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; aiso transient rooms, au Morrison.
DOWNSTAIRS, nicely furnished, to reliable
family of adults: close in. Main 7224.
26 N. 17TH Pleasant room: hot and cold
water; $3 week. First door off Wash.
There are thousands of women
in .Portland vrho make their pin
money by reading the classified ad
vertising; pages of THE OKEGO
NIAN every day.
Instead of throwing away their
soiled dresses and the old clothes
and old shoes of their husband
and children, they place a small
For Sale advertisement costing a
few cents in the classified col
umns of The Oregonian.
The following morning some one
who is watching THE 0EEG0
KIAN every day for the names of
people who want to sell their old
clothing comes to- their house,
gives them a good price and takes
the clothes away. He sells them
to poor people, who are not par
ticular about style.
Many women take their bid fur
niture no matter how dilapidated
110 matter how much out of style
from the garret or the cellar,
place a small advertisement in
day, under the proper classifica
tion, and the following morning
one of the manv dealers who read
THE OREGONIAN for informa
tion of this kind calls with his
wagon, gives the woman a . good
price for the furniture, takes the
furniture away, fixes it up and sells
it to somebody else.
You have no idea how many
women make their pin money in
this wav, and how easv it is when
you know that THE OREGONIAN
is THE paper in Portland for these
Furnished Kooms.
Parties looking for pleasant and comfort
able rooms, with all modern conveniences,
for the Summer, will find Just what they
want at the SARGENT HOTEL, corner
Grand and Hawthorne ave.
conveniences. 334 YamhiU, corner
Tth st.' opposite Hotel Portland.
Neatly furnished rooms, hot and cold
water: free baths and phone. Transient
$1 and up. Special rates for rooms by
the week. Dining-room in connection;
strictly home cooking, family style; rates
reasonable. Phone A 1356. 361 Yam Mil
, st., northwest corner W. Park.
One of Portland's motit elegant apartment-houses
situated on same street, (,6th),
and only 4, blocks from postofnee; rooms
single and en suite; rates reasonable.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL. Iflth and Couch,
near Washington, has the best rooms in
the city, $ par month and up; single
or en suite, with or without board; hatha,
steam hat, electric lights both, phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
and pool tables; all fre U guests.
THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark,
why not have the best value for your
money? Well furnished rooms with steam
heat, hot water, bath and elevator; new
brick building with all modern conven
iences; look these up; they will please
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un
der new management; thoroughly reno
vated throughout; rooms( single or en suite;
transients, $1 ; pee la, rates by the week;
free bath and phones. Mrs. N. A. Hills,
THE DORMER, 283 13th street, corner
Jefferson, new corner brick, steam heat,
hot and cold water, elegantly furnished
rooms, single or en suite, newly decorated
throughout; both phones free;, depot and
Jefferson and 13th st.' cars pass doos.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
. ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suitej with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In alt rooms.
If you are looking for a clean, respecta
ble place o room, new furnishing?, reasona
ble rates, call at The Grand, &7 Yamhill
One elegantly furnished outside room;
hot and cold running water and all mod
ern conveniences; very reasonable. The
Mercedes, near 2Uth and Washington sts.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and lTth
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience $3 week
ly up; dally, 75c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
Thoroughly modern rooms with or
without private bath, opposite Portland
Hotel. 33U Yamhill.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electric
depot: running water in all rooms; free bath
and phone; 50c to $1 !ay; $2.50 to $4 week.
$10 BRIGHT, newly furnished room, fine
porcelain bath, gas. quiet, central. 325
1 2th st. ; both phones. Pacific 2102; A
HOTEL KEN YON, T8th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite;
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
NICE front room, with bed-room connected,
in small private family; new and modern,
close in, reasonable to right parties. Phone
E 6314. K 33. Oregonian.
Nicely furnlahed rooms, all modern con
veniences; central ; Fifth-street car from
depot. 309 Jefferson.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished,
steam heat, bay window room, walking
distance, (3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 445
, Columbia at.
HOTFL PHILIP otters the very best of out
side new modern rooms; 10 public free
baths; run right; $4 week. fith and Burn
side. THE HY LAND 490 Morrison, well fur
nished rooms, steam heat, electric lights
oatns. ostermoor oeas; reasonaoie. rnone
A 2210.
AIRY front room in new, modem private
home; light, bath. Phone Main 5043. 52
Lucretia st., bet. 22 d and 23d, near Wash
ington.. NICELY furnished front room, private fam
ily, strictly modern, walking distance;
suitable for ouu or two gentbemen. 268
McMillan. ' Phone C 1016.
Sunny outside rooms; stsm heat, hot
and cold water; most reasonable rates.
456 Alder.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold run
ning water, hot-water heat. 201 14th St.,
cor. Taylor. Main 4100.
LARGE, pleasant room, with alcove, very
central; terms reasonable. 454 Taylor, or
Phone Pacific 15S4.
TWO beautifully furnished rooms In new
house for single ladies. Call aftes 6 P.
M. at 30W Montgomery st.
ONE large, sunny front room, unfurnished,
on first floor, to lady; Kant Side; $5 per
month. F 33, Oregonian. .
TWO rooms, ftrst-class, suitable for gentle
man, on Park block. Phone pacific 1270.
NEATLY furnished rooms, private family:
gentlemen only; bath, phone, gas. 170
17th st , bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
LARGE, elepant furnished corner room with
piano; others, $1.50 week up. ,3494 An
keny st., cor. 7th,
PER WfiEK. furnished room in private
reeidence ; modern conveniences. 750 Love
Joy, near 23d.
MANLEY COURT. 577 Williams ave.; fur
nished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms, en
suite, also sleeping rooms..
309 11TH. near Columbia, large well furnished
room, one or two gentlemen; oam, ugnt,
YOUNG lady employed can have home rea
sonable wit h pleasing young lady. 7G
East Powell st.. cor. 20th.
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, downstairs,
running, water, electric light, suitable for
one or two, very central. 11 12th.
ONE front room, furnished, suitable for
latiy or gentleman, with bath and phone.
Irving St.
TWO furnished rooms, $f and S month;
use of kitchen. 38 2Jst St. North, cor.
Washington. '
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 4
Stark, corner 6th. Mra Maud J. Eatna
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, very reason
able; across from Portland Hotel, 1S1 6th
st. -
PLEASANT room, hot and oold running
water, free phone, $2.50 per week. 341 Har
rison. Main 8737.
LARGE, newly furnished front room, mod
ern, rent reasonable. 407 Ho la day ave.
Phone East 2013.
HOTEL OXFORD, corner nth and Oak: sin
gle or en suite; modern conveniences ;
rates very reasonable. Main SS.
LARGE, pleasant room. modern conven
iences, walking distance; one or two gen
tlemen. 14 E. 7th st.
250 TTH Vry nice room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen; centrally located;
LARGE pleasant front room, north win
dows. 3d floor, bath, nice y&rd; reasonable
price. 632 Flanders.
HOTEL MONARCH. 3B5 Stark, cor. Park;
furnished rooms, single and en suite; very
NEW, elegantly furnished rooms: modern
conveniences;, new building. Phone Main
2009. 469 Jefferson st.
181 , FIRST ST.. cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonabfe, modern; both
phones; permanent or transient.
A NEAT and clean front room to man and
wife or two gentlemen. 16 Park st.
3-ROOM nicely furnished flat, modern 208
11th st.
MAXWELL HALL, 2n 14th. clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
Furnished Booms.
PARLOR, suitable for two gentlemen, or
would rent to music teacher, part lessons,
use of piano. 650 E. Morrison st.
DESIRABLE rrtly furnished rooms; owner
absent for Summer; good yard. 690 E.
Alder. East 6071.
A Sl'ITB of rooms, suitable for two or three
young men, or would rent for housekeeping.
Pacific 1185.
NICELY furnished front room, first floor;
2 other rooms, near White Temple. 475
LARGE front room, suitable for two; rea
sonable to right parties. Phone East
S10 PER MONTH Large room with closet.
Including bath and phone; clean and well
furnished. 327 West Park.
NEATLY furnished room, suitable for one or
two people, with or without board. 504
Eaiat Pine. B 1320. Bear carline.
WELL furnished room, all conveniences. S
minutes' walk from postofnee. 4 72 Yam
hill. NICELY furnished outside suite with use r(
piano, reasonable. 409 Wash., bet. 10th
and 11th.
PR IV ATE residence, furnished rooms. S6.
$10 month; 6 minutes walk postofflce;
bath. 292 10th.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room for one or
two In small private family, four blocks
off Morrison. Phone A 4441.'
FINELY furnished rooms for man and wife
or two or three gentlemen, private fam
ily. 830 Halsey at., near E. 2d.
LARGE light front room, downstairs, with
piano; suitable for two; nice location. 268
3d st.
S LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, ground
floor, modern. Phone A 8456. 648 Lovsjoy
NICELY furnished rooms. $1.50 per week
and up. Cottage Rooxnlng-House. lt3
North ttth st.
NICELY furnished rooms, housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. 104 11th St., near Wash.
Phone A 4786.
A FURNISHED room in a private family,
with or without board, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 427 3d.
NICELY-FURNISHED rooms, block and a
. halt from Hotel Portland, $2.50 and $3 per
we?k. 351 Taylor st.
ONE nicely furnished private home for rent;
fine location. Phone B 1050. 768 East
Burnside st.
THE WILLAMETTE S22, Stark st-, large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; 92.&0 to So week.
8 NICELY furnished rooms' with houkeep
ing privileges for adults at 35 East 3d
North. Phone B 19&1.
$S.50 PER month, nice room for gentleman:
private falmly; walking distance. Main
1114. 553 5th.
NICELY furnished room with congenial fam
ily for one or two gentlemen. 26 N. loth.
TWO furnished rooms at 506 Johnston very
reasonable. Call forenoons.
NICELY furnished front room; 1
phone. 227 7th st. Main 5217.
bath, gas.
DESIRABLE single rooms; best accommoda
tions. 347 Hall, near 7th.
$6 A cozy basement room for gentleman;
close In. Sl 10th st. Main 3312.
FURNISHED room for gentleman; bath. 482
E. Wash.
S OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; private
bath; no other roomers. 554 Taylor et.
NICELY furnished room, brick building;
central; rates reasonable. 342 1st st.
FOR RE XT Nicely furnished room, all up
to date. Ridgeway, 270 tith st.
BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, suitable
for two; also single room. Z2a 7th at.
FURNISHED room, modem, reasonable. 4S2
Benton st. Home phone C 1297.
FOR RENT Furnished single rooms, reev
sonable prices. 215 11th, corner -Salmon.
845 11TH ST. Furnished room for gentle
man; private family ; modern conveniences
505 EVERETT Furnished room, suitable for
one Qj- two persons; rent $15. Call A 1561.
NICELY furntehed rooms In private family.
w. Montgomery st.
1 rfC
NICE fumisihed outside room arm bath, $12
4 HO Main. Phone Main .'i.VO.
TWO furnished front rooms, with bath. 466
Market st. phone A 5040.
NICE furnished rooms at 471 'Morrison st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished; unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite, quiet and very suit
able for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg.,
1st. and Pine.
THREE unfurnished rooms, reasonable, Hol
laday ave.. walking distance; call fore
noon, 221 Adams. Phone Main 21 32
PORTLAND Helghts Furnished or unfur
nished Tooms, large yard and fruit. Call
489 21st st.
ONE or two unfurnished light rooms on car
line. 460 Union ave. N., near Eugene.
TWO unfurnished front rooms, $5 per
month 338 Til la mock St., near Union ave.
TWO light front rooms, gas and water. SS.
340 Front st. Phone Main 5S64.
Booms With Board.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison:
cosy, clean, comfortable; good table; low
rates. Call and see.
4 YOUNG men want board and room, private
- family preferred; state rates. J 27, Ore
gonian. NICELY furnished well-kept rooms, $1.50 up
per week; meals If desired; car direct from
depot. Hotel Mason, 247 6th.
THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. wet!
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
BOARD and room in private family for 2
young men; walking distance; reasonable.
Phone Main 8401.
ROOMS and hoard for two, modern, close
In; also table board. Phone East 722
S: East Sth st. N.
FIRST-CLASS hoard, good room, private,
modern, reasonable ; also table board for
one. 521 Couch.
33 NORTH 17th St.. one Mock .off Wash
ington, well furnished rooms with or
without board.
ROOM and board for two young ladies or
men; walking distance; reasonable. 624
East Morrison.
GOOD rooms in stylish new corner house,
walking distance, hom privileges; rea
sonable. Phone Main 2219.
168Vi 10TH Large, nicely furnished front
room, with or without board; piano; other
FURNISHED rooms, with .board; good home
cooking; price $20 a month. Call 469
Taylor st.
BOARD and room for men and wife or two
gentlemen; nice locality. Inquire at 264
7th st.
"THE COZY," 1U5 Tth. nicely furnished
rooms1, one block south Hotel Portland,
with or without -home cooking. Mrs. Lohr.
ROOM and board for two, $5.5f. per week :
walking distance. Phone Pacific 1460. 308
DESIRABLE front room. , well furnished,
with board. 201 16th st-. cor. Taylor.
Main 2284. . 1
25S 11 TH ST. Front alcove room, all con
veniences, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with
FOR room and board in private family,
modern - conveniences, walking distance,
call up East 'H. r
FIRST-CLAS3 board and rooms In private
family. .135 Montgomery. Pacific 800.
CLEAN, desirable lst-floor room, with board.
walking distance, home cooking. 3h7 12th.
SUITE, also small room, with board. 015
ATTI C bedroom., su I table for two. with or
without board. Paciflo 1218. . $84 1st.
ROOM or rooms with board at 195 N. 23d st.
Phone Pacific 922.
FRONT room with board; home cooking. 328
6th. Phone A 3622.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ocark.
225 Hth st.
NICELY furnished rooms with board; also
table boarders. 453 Morrison, corner 13th.
NEWLY furnished room In modern flat, dav
enport bed, board It desired, 346 6ih st.
Hooms Wkh Bessrtf.
LARGE room, elegantly turnished, with
board, in private Nob Hill residence; rates
reasonable: first-class accommodations;
suitable for married couple or two young
men. Address R 35. Oregon tan.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished large front
room; running water; two people; board
if desired; good home cooking; 2 blocks
Postofflce. The Vallamont, cor. West Park
and Yamhill.
BLAKELY HALL. 300 Jefferson, nice rooms,
first-class board, beautiful grounds, finely
located for business people; transient or
permanent guests; .price to suit times;
special rates for two In room. ,
FOR RENT Large, neat, light room, suit
able for 3 or 4 gentleman; reasonable;
good board, home cooking; walking dis
tance. 37tf Yamhill st.
WANTED Boy about 17 wishing good
home where he will haw no board to
pay; must be tall and good looking. An
swer with full particulars, P 28, Orego
nian. LARGE room, with the best of home board
(private) ; all office men In house; rates
for one, $25 per month; for two, $45 per
month; close In. 229 13th at. Phone
Pacific 12S7.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year:
rooms with board, use of sewing-room,
use of library; Womui'i Exchange. Ad
dress Mrs. Ella Rawlings, Supt, 610
Flanders st.
FIRST-CLASS room and board, $5.50 and $
per week; all conveulancee; nice yard and
porch; also table board. $4 per week; good
home cooking. Aster House, 7th aad Uadi- i
FINE front room for two; everything new j
and modern; alt home .cooking; home prl i- '
irsev; pniaie lamuy. iso Jtwn, corner lay- i
ROSBDALE, 4M Medieon; double parlors
for family or four men: board good,
home cooking; rates reasonable. Phone
Main 2006.
ROOM and board $4.5tr per week, lovely
quiet home-like place, home cooking. 6'.4
Guild ave., near Nt-rth Pacific lumber
WANTED By gentleman, wife and 6-year
son. a connecting rooms, with board,
modern, within SO minutes of business; ;
private family preferred. N 31. Oregonian. ;
IN private family, neatly furnished front!
room, with breakfast. 9 East 15th. be
tween Ankeny and Burnslde. Phone B
NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; '
strictly home cocking; modern conven- '
lences; walking distance; $6 per week The
Llndell, L6B Market.
THE CLAY, corner 2d and Clay, furnished !
rooms, with board for one or two gentle
men, with all the comforts of home. $5 and
$5.50 per week.
LARGE airy rooms, modern conveniences, t
hot and cold water, exten'slve grounds, ;
excellent board. $17 Kearney. Paciflo
314. A 2618.
NICELY- furnished front room with board; :
goo.l hoim- coeking; .vaiking distance; suita
ble for two gentlemen. Phone Main 5490.
395 6th.
LADY all alone, having nice home, beauti
ful lawn, all kinds of fruit, would tak
one or two gentlemen to board and
room. 821 Corbett st.
PLEASANT front room with board in pri
vate family; all conveniences. 91 N. 17th
st. Phone Pacific 3fe2.
BOARD and room, large front room for ons
or two: $6 per week. 328 Clay. Phone
Main 5963.
TWO furnished front rooms with board,
nefghborhood first-class; terms reasonable.
2101 14th st.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, home cook
ing, all modern conveniences; rates rea
sonable. 349 Jefferson.
Madison, handsome brifk. Just completed:
four-room, reception hall and bath resi
dence apartment, possessing very modern
convenience, including electric automatic
elevator and telephone exchange; hardwood
floors throughout; the maximum of con
venience, elegance and equipment at ex
ceedingly reasonable terms; location and
surroundings unsurpassed : only two left.
THE ORMONDE The best 5-room apart
ment In the house, which means the
most desirable In the city, for rent at
moderate Summer rate; all modern equip- :
ment for convenience, excellent Janitor's
service; see this today, phone Main 8251.
THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished a-room :
apartment, with bath; new, modern and
fully equipped for convenience; fine loca-.
tlon, saves carfare. Apply to Janitor. 7th
and Jefferson sts.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4 -room resi
dence apartments', new. Including all mod
ern conveniences; save carfare; also one 4
room apartment, completely furnished. Ap
ply janitor, 18th and Couch.
SWELL FURNISHED four-room apartment. .
658 Flanders st.; new and fully equipped
for ail modern convenience; all outside
rooms, very desirable, moderate rent. See
Janitor. Phone Main 8251.
THE MAJESTIC, 390 Clay st near West
Park. Elegant new apartment, unfur
nished; four rooms and bath. heat, hot
water,, phone. Clone in. Vacant July 1.
lumbia; .modern 4-room unfurnished
apartments; excellent location; reason
able rent.
IONIAN COURT Elegantly furnished 4
rooni residence apartment, all modern
conveniences. Apply Janitor, l$th and
3-ROOM flat, cozlly furnished, modem, cen
tral; no children; private residence. 429
2d st.
FOR RENT Apartment with bath for July
and August. Call Wellington Court, city.
86 N. 15th st. i
THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders.
5 and 6-room apartments, every modern
FURNISHED apartment, 6 rooms, every
modern convenience. The Marlborough,
21st and Flanders sts.
HARRISON OOURT, 5th and Harrison, tin1
furnished apartmtnt of 3 rooms, with bath
and private hall. Phone Main 6148.
FURNISHED 6-room apartment, corner,
fine location, central; trms reasonable;
lawn, flowers. Phone Main 221$.
IRIS APARTMENTS 362 3d st 6-room
unfurnished, modern conveniences,, large
rooms; rent $40.
BEAUTIFUL Colonial 6-room apartment
hous. large verandas, reduced rate. 660
FOR RENT One 6 and one a -room apartment
at 6ti8 Water st. Jennings &,Co., 206 Ore
gonian. NICE apartment. 3 rooms and bath, modern
service, close in. Inquire 655 Kearney st.
AT ONCE A 6Ux8 view outfit; must be
bargain. N 27, Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia. "The Bralntree."
FOR RENT Modern fl-room upper flat,
rent $30. Apply 264 N. 19th st.
FOR RENT 8 -room corner flat, all modern
conveniences. Inquire Mrs. P- Stott, 208
FURNISHED apartment. "The Irving"; Jow
rent to responsible party; references. M.
3731 or A 373L
2 BEAUTIFUL 5-room flats, best residence
district. 711 and 713- Kearney st.
5-ROOM flat, all light rooms, good location
Inquire at 698 Union ave. N.
3-ROOM apartment in modern flat, $1250
per month. 402 Ross st.
MODERN 5-room flat, cor. Ross and Dixon
sts., $20. Inquire 402 Ross st.
3-ROOM flat and store to rent ; all the
latest Improvements. 70S Union ave. N.
286 16TH Nearly new modern 5-room flat,
$18. Inquire W. L. Morgan. 213 Abington.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat; good loca
tion. Corner of E. 16th and Alder sts.
$11.50 5 rooms, with basement, telephone
and water; gas for cooking. 525 Mill at.
MODERN' 4-room flat for rent, 475 Falling.
Call Woodlawn 456.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat. 768
Williams ave. Phone woodlawn 1&20.
NICE 6-room flat, close in. good oonditlon.
See Janitor. 230 Hall st., rear cottage.
NEW flat for rent. 208 17th St.. near Ty
FURNISHED 5-room flat, close In, elctrio
lights. 271 7th st.
MODERN, completely furnished flat; ref
erences. Phone A 603L