The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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All well cleared and under cultiva
tion; no rock, all dark rich loam; best of
truck land; cheap house and bam; price
$3600, urmi.
4 lots, or of an acre, at Mtlwaukle
Heights; splendidly located, beautiful view;
price $500.
2H acres at Gilbert station, on the Ei
tacada line; level and nicely located, loc
fare; price S730, terms.
Near Mtlwaukie; 10H acres, 6 cleared;
orchard and email fruit, fine &-rrvm bunga
low, water and gas in the houe, all the
comforta of city home; line creek running
through place; barn, 2 chicken-house, 3
Incubators. 3 brooders. 600 chickens, R
cows, light wagon, plow, cultivators, all
other tools and Implements; price $5&0u,
FOR rale: or trade.
10 acres, beautifully located 1 H miles
from Oregon City; 8 under cultivation; fine
young orchard, all kinds of berries, good
well and spring, dandy new 5-room house;
price $2200, eay terms, or will trade for
improved city property.
270J4 Washington at., room 8.
$0 acres In cultivation and crop, miles
from the line; snap.
79 ACRES, 86500.
68 acres In cultivation, running water,
- large 9-room house, good barn, mile of
good school, fine soil.
60 ACRES, 83000.
S6 acres in cultivation, large 7-room house
barn, mile to good school, 1 acres good
orchard, fine spring water in house, all
kinds of berries, fine land, close to electric
elation, fine place,
K-0', ACRES. 980 PER ACRE.
90 acres in cultivation, bat. good pasture,
plenty of wood for 40 years, large fl-room
house, new and fine, first-class barn, new,
another barn 40x80, good orchard, tins
fen cm S tnllt In Behool XL mi 1a to sta
tion, on Salem electric line; fine place.
All In grain, nearly square tract land,
close to electric station; fin level land,
well fenced, snap.
TO ACRES, $4200.
33 acres In cultivation, bal. good open
pasture, some onion land, good house, new
fine barn, plenty of fruit, good water,
close to atatlon.
204 Corbett bldg.
1 GOO 60 ACRES bottom land. 25 miles
from Portland, 800 or 400 cords of vine
maple and. chorr y wood, accessible to
fotn river and rail transportation; this
s a good buy and should And quick sale.
$4260 Dairy outfit of 60 cows, 60 hogs,
3 horses, wagon, top buggy, harness,
plows, shovels and farm tools; 1 boiler,
12 milk cans, a complete cheese outfit, 1
cream separator, 1200 lbs. capacity, runs
with steam (separator and engine goes
with the rental of tlx) place); good green
pasture all through the dry Summer
months; the place If handled properly
will support 100 cows profitably; a man
with a family of children large enough
to do the work can clear 88000 per year.
Leonard Bros.
For 4 acres, ft of which are In cultivation
and all first-class apple and berry
land after same Is cleared; cost
or clearing will be light; , situ
ated a1 miles 'om the Mt. Hood
road now being built: good 5-room house
and other outbuildings; fine spring piped
to house; splendid small orchard ; close
to school and three sawmills; a snap at
the price of $12.V; terms. We have a
list of fine farms .for sale.
607 Commercial Bldg., Cor. Second and
Washington Sts.
80 acres of the finest unimproved land
In Yamhill County. 6 miles from the rail
road town of Willamina; running water
from large pprinsr on place flows all the
year; over SOO.rtOO feet good saw timber
on the place; 50 acres covered with oak
grubs ; no better land can be found in
the county; will sell for part cash or
will trade for city real estate, telephone
bonds or small rooming-house; excep
tional opportunity for party who means
B4hS-KOft Swetland Bldg.
160 ACRES. 7-room house, tarn, water piped
into both: over 2 million feet of good
timber, about 16 acres In cultivation, .'10,
000 shingles and cream separator; about
1.4 mile from a small town. Family or
chard of best varieties. Price only 2700,
40 acres, with $1500 of stork, etc., ad-
Joining good town. Price fiiSOO; take
82500 Portland home in exchange.
198 Morrison Et.
TWELVE acres 8 miles from Hood River;
fin soil and all In cultivation; 650 New-
tnwn n H RnltCAnhArv nnnln t r( 9 rift
Crawford peach trees, all one year old ;
one acre in strawberries; raspberries,
blackberries, cherrk's and small fruit for
home use.; tools and personal property go
with place; 6-room house; good water
right. Price $.1000, half cash and bal
ance on easy terms. Briggs-Ament Land
Co., room 6, Davidson bldg.. Hood River,
12500 ONLY A nleo 40-acre farm In Mult
nomah County. 23 miles east of Portland;
1 acres under cultivation, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2-acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
year around ; finest of soli, some good
timber; an Ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a good farm.
. For a short time only at that prioa. C.
F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison sts.
40 acres of best Hood River apple laad;
SO aeres in commercial orchard, balance
cleared but not grubbed ; 5 acres of
vtrawberries; house ami bam: only 6 miles
from Hood River. If you are Interested
In Hood River and want to make a good
buy, come In and see me about this one.
204 Corbett bldg.
160 ACRES near Hlllsboro; school and
church on the place; fair house; good
barn; hop-house and prune dryer. 25 acres
In hops; 15 acres prunes, and 50 acres
large timber. Good soil. For particu
lars addres
412 Commercial block.
Phone Main 5866.
81 ACRES, near Vancouver, all new build
ings, 2000 full-hearing fruit trees; will net
this year 82500 to faooti: all stock and
implementa. SH."no. 10 acres, 3 4 miles
from M osier. 6 acres cleared; pric $1100.
Will exchange for Portland vacant. We
have a large list of farms, all sizes.
132 Fifth St.
FOR SALE 10 acres of fine fruit land, one
mile of Ashland. Or., all In cultivation;
good 6-room house, good barn, 40x60. with
sheds, good well of water, well fenced,
rich black soil. This Is an ideal place for
a fruit ranch. Price S3;00. eany terms.
Might consider trade. Cooper & Kuntz,
room 401 Worcester bldg.
An orchard, In excellent condition, near
Vancouver. Wash., overlooking the Co
lumbia River; will sell ror 8 W00, less
than It cost.
607 Commercial Bldg.. Cor. Second and
Washington sts.
On Weat Side S. P. line, right at sta
tion, all level, practically all under cul
tivation, 1H acres In orchard, good house
and bam; a splendid buy and will make a
fine platting proposition. Western Oregon
Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. Main
If you wan, good timber, well located,
and good-sized tracts, at reasonable price,
see C. J. McCracken, 904 McKay bldg.
4u.000.it00 LARGE, smooth green, A-l yel
low fir. 1 M miles of deep water on Oregon
side. Columbia River; a rare bargain for
a brief time. 511 Swetland bldg.
7-ROOM house, lot. Nob Hill district, value
$t000, to exchange for equity In timber
lands; state full particulars in first letter.
N 19, Oregonian.
1200 ACRES yellow fir on Columbia River;
quality, location, price and termo favorable
Charles H. Pratt. Hotel Franklin.
WE always have the best timber In Oregon
and Washington; buy, sell or trade. Inde
pendent Timber Co., 816 Rothchlld bldg.
HOMESTEAD for sale, 1 mile from ertore,
email house on place, about 1 million
timber. G 16, Oregonian.
FOR SALE: A 8.000 000-foot deeded timber
claim cor 82500. Oscar E. Olson, TH 1st
THREE yellow pine claims; Government lo
cation. 323H Washington at. P. A- & C.
50 ACRTES of timber on Mt. Scott line, near
Foster road, to sell cheap. Boggers, 143
HAVfl good homestead relinquishment In
Slletz for sale. Allen 4k Buoy. 338 Cham
ber of Commerce.
TIMBER claim to trade for city lota. 627
Corbett bldg.
wt have a Umber claim we will ttadtt lor
' iirtmohUSh, ftUZ ocbtt feldav
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle
20 Chamber of Commerce,.
Do you want a timber claim with 7,
000.000 feet yellow fir, within 100 miles
of Portland? We can fix you out if you
have a timber right so you can get patent,
for X2SOO. Moulton & Scobey, 50-4 Colum
bia bldg., 865 Washington St.
5.000,000 feet yellow fir. on logging
stream flow in e Into the Columbia, at 40
bents per thousand. Moulton & Scobey,
504 Columbia bldg., 365 Washington at.
WE are constantly acquiring nne tracta of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises or all kinds. Phone
Main 4486. Kinney btampner, Wi-33
Lumber Exchange bldg.
NINE MILLION relinquishment In Slletz;
good cabin, near county road, postoffict,
store, telephone line and good stream;
81500. A. W. Nelson & Co., Lafayette
bldg., 6th and Wash.
FOR SALE 5,000,000 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock ; 1UO acres deeded
land ; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 160 acres N. P. settlers scrip.
Can be laid on surveyed or unsurveyeil
land. Guaranteed. Cheap if taken at
once. Donald McM&ster, Vancouver, Wash.
THREE timber locations, must be taken
this week. 627 Corbett bldg.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
I WILL sell at public auction to the high
est bidder at the Iexter Stables, 45 N.
4th St., Tuesday morning at lO o'clock
sharp, June 16th, '08, '22. head of horaes
and mares all we.II broken, as follows: 1
pair of bay geldings, 5 years old, weighs
2400 lbs; 1 pair of geldings, weighs 2730
lbs.; l . pair of matched blacks, weigh
1050 lbs. each; 1 pair of matched roan
drivers, very stylish; 1 pair of matched
browns, weigh 11O0 each ; fine surry or
express pair; six bead of nice single driv
ers; it head of well-broken saddle horses,
safe for ladles; several cheap farm
mares; 10 sets double harness of all
kinds; 6 sets of single driving harness,
4 saddles and bridles, 1 stake truck, 3
farm wagons, & rubber and steel tire
runabouts, breaking carts, 1 side-spring
buggy and many other articles. Be on
time, lO A. M., Tuesday, June 16, '08.
Mr. Richmond auctioneer.
THEY have arrived, 40 head of young
horses.' well broke and all in good condi
tion; some well-matched pairs and some
well-broke single horses suitable for de
livery or ranch work; remember you are
not getting something worn out. they are
young and right, ranging In weight from
1000 and up. Call and we can show you.
Palace bale Stables, 5th and Montgomery
FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bulls, cows
and heifers, secured at Alex Chalmers' sale.
We will furnUh email breeders and farmers
with these animals at small prices. In order
to Introduce good blood into their herds.
These cattle carry the blood oT all the noted
cattle, particularly rich in Scotch blood,
and are all from dairy lines also. Call or
write Portland Union Stockyards.
SNAP Team, weighs 2640 lbs., aound and
true pullers; also new heavy harness,
complete, price. 1 pair of matched
browns, weigh 1100 lbs. each, new Stude
baker wagon and hand-made harness; fine
camping outfit, price 8235; 1 brown de
livery ho re, weighs ll.jO lbs., price 870.
Call stables. 13th and Stark sts.
HANDSOME bay mare, 8 years old, weighs
1100 pounds, sound, combination riding
and driving, single or double; price rea
sonable. Phone Sellwood 1173 or address
K. 990, Oregonian.
HANDSOME coal-black mare, weighs 1200
lbs., coming 6 years old, very stylish in
harness, suitable for surry or carriage
work; also new rubber tire runabout and
hand-made harness, whip and Tobe ; sell
separately. Call stable, 13th st., just off
FOR BALE Black 5-year-old horse, sound
and gentle for ladies or children to ride
or drive; also very near new buggy and
harness; it Is a sacrifice, party leaving
city must sell; 8175 buys the outfit. Mrs.
W. C. Reid. Phone A 13t9.
WANTED Horse for keeping only few days'
easy drive; 7 weeks idle in good mountain
feed; home early September; good place for
horse to rest and get fat. Call at 485 Union
ave. north. Phone, East 675, Monday.
FOR SALE Pair well-matched 6-year-old
bay mares, aound and gentle in all harness,
city broke, weight 2200; they can b
bought worth the change. 21H Montgomery
FOR SALE Fine matched pair buckskin
mares. 6 years old. well broke and gentle;
weight 3440; they are worth coming to see.
Palace Sale Stables, 6th and Montgomery
JUST arrived, with a carload of horses at
Union Stock Yards, weight from 1000 to
1300 pounds. . It will pay business men
and dealers to call at the yards.
WANTED For R. R. and street work, from
1 to 40 teams. $5 per day, with harness
only. Canadian Employment Co., 21
North 2d at. Phone Main 3074.
LIGHT team, harness, 2 wagon, buggy,
for sale or trade for heavy young, sound
team (mares) and heavy wagon. X 7,
FOR Summer months or by the day, A-l
horse or horse and buMness buggtt suitable
for light delivery. E 20 Oregonian.
PASTURE for rent On river road, 1 mile
south of Oswego; can accommodate 100
hoad. For terms apply box 79, Oswego,
WANTED 'Rent horse and spring wagon for
Summer; small ranch, close In, light work,
good pasture, option buying. M 19, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE A delivery horse, weight 700
lbs.; price $54. National Market, cor.
Grand ave. and East Burnside. Phone
East 42, t
GENTLE driving horse, used to the city;
also runabout cart and harness, cheap. 034
E. Main St., cor. 31st st.. city.
FOR SALE Reasonable. 4-year-old, gentle
mare, broke double. Kt8M East Irving st.
Montavllla car; Windmill Station.
FOR RENT Saddle horses at the Riding
School. 15th Burnside. Phones A 3046,
M 7306. Tlin Rodger.
WANTED Gentle horse for light driving,
for feed; references. 60S Union ave. N.
East 1334. C 1323.
FOR SALE Toung horse, good for saddle,
express or milk wagon. Take Sell wood
- car to 030 Mtlwaukle sr.
WANTED Two good horses in team or single;
pay cash. Call Tabor 668 today; Monday
call 7 'A 1st st.
FOR SALE: Two fancy driving mares;
standard bred; worth the money. Charles
Frey, Mllwaukle, Or.
WANTED Good delivery horse: will ex
change lot r purchase. Phone Main
4306. Jersey Dairy.
MAKE me an offer on Business buggy, horse
and harness. 59 West Sumner st., near
Denver ave.; St. John car.
GOOD pasture for rent, between county road
and river. Inquire of A. Olsen, Linnton,
FOR SALE Bay horse. 8 years 'old, sound
and a good worker In all harness; weight
1450. 294 Montgomery st.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert & HalL 266 4th at.
TO BUY Two saddles, single and double
harness, light spring wagon. 030 Cham
ber of Commerce,
FOR SALE Bay team, weight 2400, gentle
and sound, wagon and harness; one cheap
bay hotse. 275 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Team of young bays, well broke
and gentle: weight 2100; fine for delivery.
302 Front Bt.
THREE good heavy work horses for sale.
Phone East 5827, B 1929. 84S E. Stark.
FOR SALE Horse, harness and cart. 7x7
tent, cheap. 121 7th ave.. South Lents.
WANTED To hire a horse for delivery
wagon for a. month. East 760. B 1760.
ONE span of bay horses, age 7 years, weight
2900. Call 220 Jefferson st.
WANTED 15 teams for railroad work. 723
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Light horse and cart. Apply
Charles Herrmann, City Park.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sal. St4 Montgomery.
GOOD, sound horae or Bale, 25. 86 Union
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
MUST be sold; a large line of vehicles, con
sisting of gooseneck trucks, grocer, butcher,
bakery and laundry wagons, two and three
seated hacks, buggies, surreys and phae
tons, also a full line of harness and sad
dles, one good work horse, also good work
mare. 211 Washington, near 1st.
1907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car, top
and glase front; 81600.
1907 Stevens-Duryea. top; $1250.
1906 Franklin. $1000.
1907 00 H. P. Haynes, top; $1500.
These cars have been traded In on Plerc
and Cadillac and must be sold at once;
no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
VICTOR hand-forged automobiles, $460 to
$800; strongest machine built; 12 h. p.
runabout; 4 passenger, and cars for light
delivery. Solid or pneumatic tires. Local
agents wanted. Write for catalogue and
signed statements from customers. Vic
tor Automobile Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.
MODEL XII Pope Toledo, better than new;
a bargain if taken at once; model L Rambler
with glass front, top and side curtains; a
bargain if taken at once. Merrill, 10S 7th
A NEW 24 h. p. 5-passengcr louring car;
sliding gear transmission, shaft drive: a
bargain. Call at 510 Alder st. Tel. Main
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 503
Alder st.
80-HORSEPOWER automobile runabout for
sale or will trade for city property or
acreage. F T. Oregonian.
A LATE model Olds runabout at a bar
gain; It will pay you to investigate.
-Phene Monday A 3606 or Main 606.
WHITE steamar automobile, just like new,
for sale at half Its original cost. G 26,
20-HOR8E power Franklin touring car, Al
condition, for sals or trade for real estate.
V 983, Oregonian.
OLDSMOBILE runabout for sale, or will ex
change. A C 15, Oregonian.
HIGH-SPEED roadster automobile for sale,
cash only. Real bargain. H 8, Oregonian.
FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call
on Portland Motor-Car Co.. 626 Alder.
1907 REO touring; car, cheap for cash. 173
4th street.
HIGH-GRADE, 4-cyllnder touring car; sell
or exchange for real estate. Hall. 266 4th.
PIANO, almost new; will sell cheap for
cash. i8 Church st.. North Mt. Tabor,
M. V. car. phone Tabor 536.
GOOD dressmaking done at a reasonable
price. Special to working girls. Phone
Main 4304.
FOR RE NT P 1 a noe for Beach. Ellers Piano
House for satisfactory service and reason
able terms.
A SNAP Handsome Wheelock piano, rose
wood case; cost $800; will sell for S250
cash. Call at 498 Clay L
FOR RENT Pianos for Beach. Ellers Piano
House for satisfactory service and reason
able terms.
HIGH-GRADE piano; cost $600; will sell for
8225 cash, phone East 818.
A FINE) $450 piano for sale cheap. B 1420.
East 18G2.
JACOB DOLL piano, good condition, very
reasonable. 269 Harrison st.
BRAND-NEW $400 piano only $250; $15 down,
balance 85 per month. Call 350 Alder.
COLLI B for sale cheap: full brother to first
prize-winner recent show ; 5 months old.
Mrs. Thos. Carmichael. Gaston. Or.
FOR SALE New gas range and new water
heater; house can be rented. . Phone A
SIX puppies. English Gordon and Water
Spaniel. Call 1111 E. 28th St., North. Take
Alherta car.
EDISON and Powers machines, song slides,
supplies rented, bought, sold and exchanged.
Newman. 293 Burnside.
WILL sell cheap, 260 shares Douglas Coun
ty mining, 600 shares Tiger Butte. 616
Chamber of Commerce.
NEW bicycle with coaster brake; cost $65
will sell for $30. 616 Chamber of Com
merce. FOR SALE Young halfbred Jersey t2 gal
lons now), make good milker; cheap, $40.
420 Florence, near Alberta st.
LIGHT driving- team, buggy and harness,
separately; outfit $185. S. Barney, route
8, Oregon City.
POTATOES About 200 flacks upland potatoes;
Make offer f. o. b. Portland. Merrill, lo8
FOR SALE: Two thoroughbred female fox
terriers. 223 W. Park, or Dhone Main
HOMERS for squab breeding; mated birds,
prolific breeders; free catalogue. Missouri
Squab Co.. St. Louis.
FOR 8 ALE 20-foot launch. 8-foot beam,
canopy top, 10 horsepower engine; every
thing complete. 201 WashinKton M.
ONE pair wooden roller nickel plated
skates, No. 3. Almost new ; price $3.50,
wera $6.50. A D 7, Oregonian.
FOR SALE: a 14x17 camera, a Rockfort
airbrush, picture sample rolls. 308 Burn
side. JUST like new; 21-ft. launch in perfect con
dition; 4 h. p. engine. $400. 68 Harding
St.. Lower Albina, or L 18. Oregonian.
PARTI-COLORED black and whlta cocker
spaniel puppies; pedigree. Phone 3587. 263
11th st.
FOR SALE One large pleasure launch, 27 Mi
feet long. 6-ft. beam; completely equipped,
8650. Phone Taoor 11O0.
FOR SALE Two exceptionally good cowa,
big milkers, perfectly gentle. Phone Ta
bor 842.
CHEAP Three bronzed iron beds, with
springs and mattress, almost new. 404
Madison st.
WILL sell cheap $35 Edison phonograph
and 28 records. Phone Main 359.
BACK flies of National magazines for sale.
Y 13, Oregonian.
PLATE camera. 6x7, for sale cheap. In
quire 422 2d St.. flat B.
FOR SALE 14 Buff Orpington hens and 1
cockerel. 708 Qulmby; take 23d car.
FRESH cows at 709 Harold St.; take bell wood
car. Phone Sell wood 1171.
TWO good dairy cows, rresh. West Ave.,
Section Line road. Phone Tabor 1690.
REMINGTON typewriter, 5x7 camera and
outfit, cheap. 8."H Russell st.
FOR SALE CHEAP Nearly new Blickens-
dorfer typewriter. Call up C 1024.
SECOND-HAND safe for sale, cheap. 244 2d
FRESH COW and calf. 1032 1st. Take
SPEED launch, 30 h. p. engine and boat house,
excellent condition; bargain. J 2, Oregonian.
supplies, slides, fllme for rent. 165H 4th st.
FOR SALE One roll-top desk and one type
writer. Call 240 Burnside st.
$35 OAK sideboard, $18; email bookcase, $5.
Call at 253 Hancock mt.
BICYCLES, new and second-hand ; repair
ing done, 189 Morrison.
LAW BOOK For sale. vol. 2. Oregon Code,
cheap. Address D 8. Oregonian.
FOX TERRIER puppies for sale, cheap. 353
Jackson, cor. -Park.
FOR SALE One oval showcase. 4 feet long;,
cheap. 733 Union ave. N.
FOR SALE: An Underwood typewriter, $65.
617 Chamber of Commerce.
NATIONAL cash register and 4 umbrella
casea. Meredith' a, 312 Washington.
FAMILY cow for sale cheap. 1150 &. 19th
at. North, cor, Kllllngsworth.
A SMALL new Whits Mountain Ice chest;
also lady's wheel. Inquire 501 Hoyt st.
ORIENT bicycle, splendid condition; tires Al;
only $9. Call 350 Alder st.
HOLSTEIN cow, good milk and lots of It;
fresh; $55. Sell wood 127.
NEW ie wing machine, half prloe ; leaving
city; must be sold. 1531 Knowlea ave,
GOOD cow Xor saia. Phone Tabor 1664.
3000 new cement blocks.
Genuine coal tao $4 barrel.
Genuine coal tar. $4 barrel.
Genuine coal tar. $4 barrel.
Genuine coal tar. $4 barrel.
H00 rolls, 1, 2, 3-ply, all in first-
class fhape.
l-a-ply, 1 square.
1- ply. $1.25 square.
2- ply $1.75 square.
10O0 .rolls Paragon deadening felt. A-l
shape. $1 per roll.
Corrugated Iron, painted and galvanized.
Wire nails, $2 keg.
30,000 feet new, 3, 4, and 6-in. pipe.
2"(0 feet new 12-in. pipe, $t.7. foot.
2000 feet new 10-inch plpo. $1.50 foot.
50,000 feet 1-inch pipe, largest amount
of second-hand pipe in the city. We dip
pipe, which makes It aa good as galvan
ized, free of charge.
All kinds cast iron soil pip-s and fit
COO vises, practically new.
5000 picks, mattocks.
Carload crowbars.
Several carloads wedges and sledges.
, 50 tons new sash weights.
Any amount bolts and nuts.
Blocks, ropes and cables.
Staples. $2 per keg.
rooo single and double-bit axes.
60 iron and wood wheelbarrows.
Telephone, hop and fence wire.
Poultry netting.
Sinks, bathtubs.
12-H. P. Rasoline hoist.
2-H. P. gas engine and pump.
S-H. P. boiler.
12-H. P. boiler.
3 54x16 boilers.
1 35-H. P. engfne.
1 4-mold Berg brick press.
1 brick plant mixer.
36 Iron cars.
Lot 16-lb. rails.
1 1000-gaIlon wood tank.
1 0000-gallon tank.
2 SOOO-gallon tanks.
2 2000-gallon tanks.
'Several smaller size tanks. .
Pulleys, iron and wood.
Sheaves, wheels and drums,
500 new steel sheaves.
Cogwheels, bevel gears.
Flour mill machinery.
Boxings, hangers, shafting, betting,
leather and rubber.
All kinds of rubber packing.
Babbitt metal.
2i and 3-inch Are hose.
Sprocket chain.
Dynamos, all sizes and makes.
Grate bars.
All sizes rails, suitable for all pur
poses, cut In lengths to suit.
Mortlser machine.
20,000 capacity sawmill; snap.
50 tons sheet iron.
Carload I beams.
All kinds of steam coils.
Sprocket chain.
We positively are the largest dealers
and carry the largest stock of second
hand machinery in the city. If in need
of anything that is manufactured from
Iron, see us, as we can save you money.
Mail orders promptly attended to. We
buy, sell, trade or exchange anything in
the second-hand pipe or machinery line,
sio matter how small or largo.
244 to 230 Front st.. main offices 490 to
496 Front St.. 344 to 3."V2 Water st.
$125 NATIONAL cash register, $75; Daven
port bed. $10; white maple ladles' desk,
$5; golden oak princess dresser, $12; metal
beds, $2; oak combination book case and
desk. $13.50; XVI century oak hall rack,
$8.50; sectional book case. In weathered
oak $12; birdseye maple chiffonier, $1:!;
black walnut combination desk, $10; $.0
oak upright folding bed, $16; mantel fold
ing bed, $5; hotel dresser, $r; kitchen
tables, 75c; kitchen treasures. $1.75; No.
7 cookstoves, $5; hardwood extension
table, $4.50; fine mahogany finished ward
robe, $ 12 ; cooker chief gas stove, $." ;
Tents and all kinds of camp furniture;
carpets, rugs, linoleum, all sizes and cheap,
too; all sorts of exchanging allowed, and
a square deal guaranteed. McGrath Fur
niture Co., M North 3d at. Main 2087.
SEWING machines in good order. $5; rock
ing chairs. $1 up to $7.50; sofa bed, uphol
stered in nne plush, $3.50; couches, $1 up;
lawn rockers, painted green, $ 1.50; good
No. 8 cookstovc, $6; reliable gas range,
$7.50 ladies' genuine mahogany dressing
table. $0.50; heavy oak extension table,
$12; weathered library table, $5.50; good
kitchen treasure, $2; hardwood bedroom
set $12.50; mantel folding beds, $5; cabi
net folding bed, $7.50; good Iron beds, $2;
wardrobe, $I; chiffonier, $7.50; hotel
dresser, $4.50. If you i-eod anything In, call on us. Western
Salvage Co., 2Jth and Washington. Mam
11 OS.
Carload of machines just received; must
make room; sale begins at 10 A. M. Mon
day, June 15. Drophead Singers. $15 to
$28; drophead Wheeler & Wlluons, $25; drop
head New Homes, $22 to $'; box top ma
chines of all makes, $5 to $10; of make drop
head machines, $7.50 to $12. Above ma
chines are slightly used and second-hand
machlnee; terms are spot cash. .
420 Washington St.. Cor. 11th.
DOES your talking machine, violin. mando
lin, guitar, banjo, piano or musical Instru
ment of any kind need repairing? If so,
Graves Music Co., Ill 4th St., Is better
prepared to handle this work than any
other firm in the Northwest, having a com
plete snd fully equipped repair shop. Phone
us your trouble In this line. Main 1433,
Home A 1433.
SPRING SCALES, chair seau?, davenport,
box couch, liogs mattress, bed springs, chif
fonier, rockers, diners, straw , matting;
siust be sold before Tuesday. Bijou Up
holstery, 127 11th st.
THE FORD AUCTION CO. Is buying all
kinds of second-hand furniture and paying
"the best price" in cash. East 9SS. B
"For sale or trade for vacant lots; a good,
new houseboat; an ideal borne for the Sum
mer. Main 19t3.
DROP typewriting dek and Smith-Premier
typewriter, good as new, cheap for cash; no
use for It; will call. Address N 9, Ore
gonian. A BRAND NEW 3-chalr high-class barber
outfit; used only bne month; will sell cheap
and on easy terms. W. L. Morgan, 213
Abtngton bldg.
NO. 1 fresh Jersey cow and heifer calf for
sale. E. li. Klorschmz, with Peninsula
Lumber Co.. foot of Mc Kinney ave.; take
St. John car. Phone Woodlawn 16S1.
40-VOLUMB set Editor's Encyclopedia and
Dictionary (with bookcase), half leather;
just Issued. For sale cheap. 616 Cham
ber of Commerce. ,
FOR SALE One 10-h. p. traction engine,
also wood sawing outfit, all In good run
ning order. Address H. Kllnkman, Route
2, Mtlwaukle, Or.
SEVERAL fine water color- paintings, ma
rine and landscape; bargain ; Interested
parties address B 8, Oregonian.
FOR SALS Second-hand Remington type
writer No. 6, with tabulator. A C 17, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Two houses at 33 and 35 North
7th St.; price $50 each. Inquire of H.
REFRIGERATOR. $10. Medium-size Her
ri ck cedar lined, first-class condition.
Phone Sell wood S06.
COUNTER and stool n and outfit for oyster
and chop house. Call Fultnn Fish Market,
Alder St., between 1st and 2d.
YORKSHIRE-TERRIER pups; sired by Mike,
nrst-prizo winner. Hattle Coyle, 413 Main
COW for sak), giving 4 gallons per day;
come and see. 978 E. Yamhill. Tabor
AM leaving city; will sell my typewrit ar
and typewriter desk at a bargain. N 15,
AN up-to-date Visible typewriter cheap. G
25, Oregonian.
GAS range for sale cheap; Reliable, nearly
new. 295 3d st.
$15,000 HOME TELEPHONE stock for sale.
627 Corbett bldg.
WE will pay 14 per cent interest on $3000;
guaranteed security. 627 Corbett bldg.
BICYCLE, brand-new. high-grade, $30. Room
224 Custom House. 8th and Davis.
GOOD 16ft Old Town canoe nearly new, at
i first cost. M 15, Oregonian.
13-FOOT Truscott canoe, $30. Apply 226
Stark st.
COCKER spaniel puppies for sale. Cheap.
Sire has pedigree. 63 E. 30th st. S.
FOR SALE Hand printing; press, 7x11; also
small canoe. 423 Everett st.
FOR SALE Tent. 10x12; used two months.
719 East Ankeny st.
ONE lathe machinist's No. 4 tread and seat,
$20, cost $M. Staples the Jeweler.
TYPEWRITER $30, a snap. F. M. Schoon
maker, 708-0 Corbett bldg.
FRESH Jersey cow for sale. Call 74 East
IZlh. 9L Taka Seliwood car to lUione.
M lac ellaneous.
Do you want to save money ? We can
furnish you plumbing , goods of all kinds
for less than you can get them else
where. Se us for prices.
See us for your pipe wants if you want
to save money. We carry the largest stock
of both new and second-hand pipe in the
Northwest, either black or galvanized, in
sizes ifc-lnch to 14-inch. It will positively
pay you to see us before placing your
order for anything in the pipe line.
We carry a complete line of second
hand machinery, pulleys, gears, belting.
. shafting, bar iron and steel, etc., which
we arc selling at very low prices.
We have in stock the most complete
line of second-hand cable ever shown in
the West. See us for prices before buy
ing, as we can save you money and the
stock is strictly first-class.
We also carry in stock a complete Una
of vises of all kinds, wire netting and
wire, in all sizes, nails, shovels, etc.. etc..
which we are selling away below whole
sale cost.
All our advertisements are positively
347-3o3 Gllsan St.. Corner Eighth St.,
N. E Corner Fourth and Glisan Sts.
An exceptionally well built gasoline
freighter, of light draft and large carry
ing capacity, but under the 15-ton limit,
so that It can be readily and legally
operated by two men The vessel is 60
feet long, with a 13-foot beam, and is
equipped with a 20-horse engine of first
class make. She Is now at Umatilla. Or.,
in care of James Atchison, who will
show her.
For price and terms address
61 Bailey bldg., Seattle. Wash.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged,
at very low prices.
Singer; Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic,
Household, Standard, New Royal and others.
100 second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken In exchange;
machines sold .on monthly or weekly pay
men La; no interest on fn tract sales.
S. 8. BIG EL,
35 Morrison st.
To visit our place before you order your
stoves, furniture, carpete, because we carry
a full line of new and as good as new
stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of
which we con saUsfy the tame of everyone.
People's Auction House, 167 Front st
Morrison. Telephone Main 6670,
SPBEJD launch Flirt, and house, bargaip.
Launches, $150, $400, $S00, $itOP, $050, $1000.
Skiffs, $17, $20. $30. $50. $56. Canoe, $20.
Dealers in launch hardware, and brokers.
Main 7408. 171 Madison St.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with, privilege of buying-; modera
bar fixtures; cheap prlcea fcruniwick-Baike-CHlender.
49 Third st.
COMMERCIAL relations of the United
States, 1S91 to 1905, 15 volumes; twelfth
census of the United States complete, 12
volumes ) , most volumes cannot now be
procured. A F 5, Oregonian.
POINTER puppies, best bred on the Coast,
Champion Plain Sam and champion
Marks Rush stock; l0 weeks old. healthy
end strong. Call or write, C'has. H. Jones,
Manager the Pacific Monthly, Portland.
GOING East, sell New Home sewing ma
ch lra, hite model, drop head, automatic
lift, used four months. Apply Mrs. Booth,
475 Morrison, cor. 14th, Sunday after 12
o'clock and evenings after 7 P. M.
FOR SALE, CHEAP 12 thoroughbred Here
ford bulls, from 1 to 4 years old. Inquire
C. P. Hall, at Union Stock Yards, or C.
Mlnsinger. care Star Sand Co.. foot 15th
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters. JUS
TUford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts.
EXPERIENCED solicitors to solicit among
retail merchants; a strictly first-class
proposition that takes well ; can make
from $90 per month and upwards. In
quire superintendent, 513 Commercial
bldg., 2d and Washington.
Carpenter work on high school, Scappoose.
Or. Call to see plans Sunday, Hotel Per
kins, city; after that, Scappoose. A. C.
WANTED 850 men to call tomorrow and
Kt your shoes shined free at th-e Model
barber shop; shaving IB cents; hair cut
ting 5 cents. The finest 12-ehair shop Jn
the city. 81 6th st.
WANTED Young man to work In grocery
store; must have some experience and good
rffrences; state married or single. P 8,
TWO men of business ability and good ad
dress; splendid opportunity for right par
ties; advancement certain. Call fore
noons, 705 Swetland bldg.
OTHERS are making $50 to $150 monthly.
Why not you? In spite of panic, agents
doubling sates. Address Sayman, 2272
Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo.
WANTED High-grade salesman; one who
Is capable of earning $500O to $8000 per
year. Call at 148 5th St., upstairs; ask for
Mr. Marthello.
SHOES shined fre; hair cutting, 25 cr;
shaving, 15 cents; neck shaved free. Tne
Model, the finest 1-chair barber hop In
the city. 01 0th st.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
In real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Call room 318 Allsky bldg.,
cor. itd and Morrison.
WANTED Teamsters for canal work,
Klamath Falls. Or.; all Summer's work.
Maney Bros. & Co.
For Men '250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 56U4
COMBINATION office man, bookkeeper and
stenographer; g-ive phone, also what ex
perience. D 22, Oregonian.
I WANT bids on five acres stump land to
be cleared. Homer D. Angell, Oul Fenton
WANTED First-class barber to go to Butte.
Mont.; wages $4 week. For particulars
apply to Uewie tilcnger B. S: Co.
WANTED Young man to enter clean and
profitable business, small capital or se
curity necessary. E -1, Oregonian.
MAN and wife at my home: housework and
chores; four in family; suburban home, on
carline; $400 per year clear. Seliwood 127.
WANTED Experienced French cook for flmt
claw restaurant. Call 335 Ankeny st..
Hotel Scott bldg.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Man to put together sash and
doors. Oregon Planing Mills 10th and
Vaughn sts.
HUSTLER for real estate office; good prop
osition. Call Monday, 9 to 12. F. M.
Schoonmakcr, 708-9 Corbett bldg.
ADVERTISING solicitor wanted at once for
high-claps publication ; salary and commis
sion. GoO Dekum bldg.
HIGH-CLASS advertising solicitor for coun
trv work; special edition man preferred.
520 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Saleemen, all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bldg.
WANTED An elderly gentleman to solicit.
all Monday f22 Union, ave. N. Superior
Cleanera & Dyers.
WANTED First-class moving-picture oper
ator; salary S-5 weekly, Newman's Motion
Picture Co.. ZU- F.urnoide.
sion all the year; enter now. 630 Wor
cester block.
YOUNG man. over 18, to work in cigar
stand; with experience; call Monday be
fore 10. 1134 Washington.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, salesman,
all lines, country and city. P. A. & Co.,
323 Washington, rooms 30-41.
DRY GOODS salesman, bookkeeper and
stenographer. o232 Washington t., rooms
Su-41. P. A. Sc. C. Co.
WANTED At once, first-class tea and coffee
solicitor. E 22, Oregonian.
BAKER wanted at Mrs. Van Gorder's
bakery. 40B Washington st.
WANTED Assistant drufigtst, stats salary.
Box 385. Forest Grove. Or.
WE SECURE positions for our members; spe
cial membersnip. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED July 1, a good cake and bread
baker at Boyle' a bakery, Rea lde. Or.
GLAZIER wanted. Portland Sash A Door
Co., 230 Front st.
WANTED Painter to take Job of painting.
Call or address 343 N 23d s.
BOY wanted. Hotel Perkins Pharmacjr.
SALESMEN WANTED Why work for a
small salary when you can earn from $100
to $1000 monthly and your expends as a
traveling salesman? No former experience
required; we will teach you to be on by
mall in 8- weeks and secure you a position
with a reliable firm; hundreds of calls for
graduate. Write for free catalog. "A
Knight of the Grip" and list of a-ood po
sitions now open. Address Dept. t8 1 , Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association.
Chicago, 111., Minneapolis, Minn.. or
Kansas City. Mo. Write nearest office.
Wanted by local corporation, who may
also take poeition of president and gen
eral manager of the concern at a fixed sal
ary of 5i a week ; must invest $30u0,
which gives you also a third interest In
the business and profits; money amply se
cured by assets of the company ; only a
brtKht, wide-awake young or middle-aged
buelness or professional man wanted.
2ui -32(1 16 Washington st.
SALESMEN To handle an advertising spe
cialty of exceptional merit ss a side line.
Can be sold to merchants in any line of
business, wholesale or retail. Banks, brewer
ies, in fact v. ill interest any business or
professional man. Samples carried In pocket.
Average commission on each ale, $'20. An
unusual opportunity for hlgh-claus men. Ad
dress Firm of A. L. tiilbersteln, 47 tt Broad
way, New York.
WANTED Man of jfood address and strong
personality who can sell on very easy
terms the bent Investment proposition ever
offered, batted on real estate and backed
by well-known business men ; can secure
a contract worth toOOO or more per year
by answering- this adv. promptly; can
give you names of local parties who want
to buy. Add. Opportunity, care Nelson
Chesman & Co.. -St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED An ambitious young man of
absolute integrity and ability to invest
$1000 and services in an established, well
and favorably known i eal estate busi
ness. I want an active man of good char
acter and address as associate. Highest
local references given and expected. A
splendid opportunity. Fine offices, loca
tion, etc. AF 3. Oregonian.
A LIVE mercantile agency has vacancies
for representatives in a number of Oregon,
Idaho and Washington cities and towns;
an opportunity for young men of business
ability to add to their income without in
terfering with present occupation; refer
ences required, pacific States Adjustment
Co., suite 435 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland. Or.
WANTED Real estate salesman with clean
record to handle high-class property. Ap-
Lly Yelaura Beach Company, room 6,
afayette bldg;. Ask for Mr. Custer.
$210 Motor cycle or horse and buggy fur
nished our men for traveling, and $SG per
month and expenses, to taka orders for
the greatest portrait house In the world.
You will receive, postpaid, a beautiful lOx
HO reproduction of oil painting in answer
to this ad. Write for particulars. R. D.
Martel, Dept. 87, Chicago.
SPLENDID opportunity just now open for
gentleman of character and ability so
liciting investments in Mission Villa; ab
solutely non-speculative and enormously
profitable; highest bank and commercial
references. See description another page.
V. S. A.. 601-2 Buchanan bldg., 2S(Va
Washington st.
WE WANT A MAN of ability as business
manager for local concern; good salary;
must invest at least $3500; money well se
cured. Don't answer unless you mean
business. No agents. Give phone number
for appoint menu Address S 0l7. Orego
nian. 10, 0W POSITION'S.
For graduates last year; met aad. women
to learn barber trade In eight weeks: help
to secure positions; graduates earn from
$1 to $23 weekly; expert Instructor, tools
free; write for catalogue. Moler System of
Colleges. S3 N. 4th St., Portland. Or.
SALESMEN wanted, steadily traveling, sell
ing to general merchandise stores, small
towns, to handlo complete lace embroid
ery line from leading importers. Liberal
commission. Mark Co., 416 Broadway,
New York.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line to
sell gereral trade in Oregon. An unex
celled specialty proposition. Commissions
with $35 woekly advance for expenses.
The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
"WANTED Rebrown your own gun barrels;
"cost about oOc"; no paints or varnish;
brings out different metals most beautifully;
formula with explicit instructions for $1';
money order. Aii-iress W. Dempster, lion
704, Snchomtsh. Wash.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue ; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Covne National
Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St., San
TRAVELING salesman of ability to carry
first-class side line of men's glovee on com
mission; state territory and pxesent line;
references. Address for two wevks A. S.
Bloch & Co., (ilove Manufacturers, 3378 24th
st., San Francisco, Cal.
A JJVE man of good address, over 30 years
of age, of education and refinement; per
manent position and good pay to the
right man; references required. Apply af
ter 10 A. M. Monday. J&. J. Stanley, care
Hotel Lenox. B 2104.
WANTED Superintendent for sawmill; must
be experienced, reliable, understand every
branch of aw and planing mill work;
best of references required. Address D
15, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and cashier, thoroughly ex
perienced, strong on collections, good of
fice executive, must have good record and
give bond. Salary to start $100. Address
A E 3, Oregonian.
YOUNG man who has experience In silks
and dress goods, one who has the abil
ity to sell goods and to take under charge;
a good chance to the right party. Address
II 6. Oregonian.
Employment Office Men's Department
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1520.
Help Free to Employers.
WEST SIDE grocery wants active, honest
young man aC once; one who thoroughly
understands the care of horses and de
livering; give age, address and references.
R. 13, Oregonian.
WANTED by private family In city. German,
English, Scotch or Irish couple; woman
to do general housework and cooking, man
to care for cow, pony, yard and do chores.
Apply 434 Salmon st.
WANTED Representatives In all cities and
towns, exclusive territory; permanent
business offer; good pay. Send for partic
ulars. Bryant, Shreve building, San Fran
cisco, Cal.
SALESMEN Experienced in specialty lines
preferred; liberal commission; regular
weekly advance; only live ones willing to
earn $400 to $t00 monthly wanted. Ster
ling Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
WANTED If you are a progressive solicitor
earning less than $300 per month, write
for particulars, inclosing references to the
B. H. Potter Co., Chamber of Commerce
bldg.. Pasadena, Cal.
WANTED At once, partner In real estate
office to show land, etc.; only $100 required
can easily make $160 per month. Cajl 12
Fifth et.. room G14 Swetland bldg.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oklahoma
with staple line. High commissions, with
1 100 monthly advance. Permanent posi
tion to right man. Jeas H. Smith Co., De
troit, Mich.
SIDE LINE salesmen, add $25 to $..n
weekly to your commissions selling the
best postcard line on the road. Manhattan
Post Card Co.. Dept. G-10, Chicago.
MOVING PICTCRB machine operators earn
$25 to $35 weekly; easy work; short hours;
learn the bualnes In short lime; terms rea
sonable. See Newman, 203 Burnside.
WB want a few more wide-awake, hustling
salesmen to handle our line of trees, shrubs,
etc.; some choice territory open; commission
advanced. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
BOOKKEEPER for general office work, one
with some R. R. office experience pre
ferred ; state age, experience, salary and
references. F 1 L Oregonian.
WANTED Five flrstclass salesmen for high
grade industrial proposition; salary after
first month. People's Safe Deposit Com
pany, Dekura bldg.
WANTED Salesmen, salary or commis
sion, to sell advertising signs to mer
chants; quick seller. Write Royal Sign
Mrg. Co.. Chicago.
DETECTIVES Shrewd, reliable man for
S rod table secret service ; act under or
ers: no experience necessary. Write H.
C. Webster. Indianapolis, lnd.
LEARN watchmaKng. engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking. En
craving School, eor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait
agents; new offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
A RELIABLE solicitor for a ready, salable
article, ftrt 4th st.
EXPERIENCED shoe salesman, 323 H Wash
ington st., rooms 39-41. P. A. at C. Co.
The reason the hlfih-grade employers of
Portland are more than catiMled with the
System U th:it
Save them the time, trouble and ex
pense they have had rei-ourse to in se
curing the right man for the right place.
We owe our success to the thorough
system we use and our Ion? experience in
placing hiKh-jtrado competent men. If you
are a hiKh-prade competent man In your
particular line and are looking for a
change to better opportunities or are tern'
porarily unemployed, call and talk over
our svstem.
402-4(Vt-4V4-4O.- Swetland Bldg.
Experienced ymifm w-jnan fr randy store
and Ice cream parlor. $."o a month.
First -claw hotel housekeeper, ,top wages
for risht party.
2 ca nip wa 1 1 reses. 2." ; con n try hotel
cook. f40 to f.V; 3 family cooks, $:ST and
$40; 5 second pirls. ? 2o and $2.; 3o h'U.-e
girls for cooking and general housework,
$15 to $.5. Woman to work In a dyhoue,
a week. Others of various kinds em
ployment. New Places Daily.
The Rest Wagw for tiood Help.
r.4.".1 Washington S,t.. Cor. 7tn. upstairs.
YOT'NO man of pond address, character anl
ability, to r present one of the rti oncost
financial insti tut ions of the Northwt. a a
a talesman. An excellent opportunity for
the man whose principle requires for his
patrons only the hes-t security as vel as
earnings. Sit ate age. experience, etc S
11, Oregonian.
We have a large list of new posit long
at our office avry day.
Today we want loggers, mllthands. wood
cutters, farmhands, teainsters, laborers,
carpenters, cooks, porters, etc.
12 North Second St. Both Phones.
WANTED Live men to represent us as
agents;, we haa several good locations
in Oregon and California; tine line of
premiums as aids to secure trade; wagon
equipment furnished; state reference and
experience. Grand, L'nion Tea Co., 474
Washington st.
WANTEJD Bright young man with f
show property: can easily clear $100 a
month. "'2b 0th at.
WANTED Johbing house wants younsr man
for collection and assist ;nt in credit de
partment: good opportunity for permanent
man willing to work flrt year; moderate
salary; references required. S 18. Ore
gonian. TWO young men wanted by professionals
to take part in a comedy musical vaude
ville sketch. One to take Dutch charac
ter part. Must play some hand or orches
tra instrument. Apply tcday (Sunday) 07
Sherman st., near d. West Side.
LIVE men. handle greatest magazine club
hlng offer: three magazines, 1: rOc com
mission. R. H. Hanson. Lexington. Ky.
WANTED Party well acquainted in the
city to sell real estate. Inquire of Lee,
411 Corbott bldg.
YOUNG lady and gentleman for vaudeville
dramatic sketch. atl a rter 7 P. M.,
Ervin Haines. :t4ft Yamhill st.
WANTED A good pirl for general house
work ; small family; cood hrs. Call
781 E. Yamhill at., or phone East !!.".
ORDINARILY experienced girl for light
housework; 2 i-n family, j-room llat; call
Monday. 7'2'2 Johnson st.
WANTED Capable, middle-aged woman for
permanent posit inn : no t riders need an
swer N IS, Oregonian.
WANTED A good coMc In small family;
good wages. Apply southwest corner King
and Main sts.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
Final I family; good wages. Call ."i'jij Glisan,
eor. 39th.
NEAT girl for general housework for thr
adults; good home and waces fur right
girl. Apply W8 Clackamas.
YOl'NG lady as clerk In candy store, fall
Monday bet. 2 and 4. Shetland's, STl
Morrison st.
Dft ESSMAK Eft wanted, one up to date. A i
ply Monday A. M.. 34$ 3t(th St.. Haw
thorne car.
SHORTHAND by private lessons, dny or
night classes, $tt and $i. Phon Wood
lawn 151H.
THOROUGHLY competent girl for general
housework. mnll family, good wages. Ap
ply mornings. 71H Overton st.
, '
WANTED Experienced saleshidy for refidy
made wear department. Inquire Bannon
& Co.. ."&S-;ittO East Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good home, good wages; small family.
4140 East Ankeny st.
FIHST-CFjASS woman cook for small res
taurant. No Sunday work. 1 12. A F 7,
MIDDIE-AGED woman to help with gen
eral housework. 174 K. 3tth st. Phone H.
WANTED Girl for hou.ework to go to Sea
side. Apr'y today. Hs Vaughn st. Phone
Main fi0n4.
WA NTED Girl for general housework,
small family. ior.4 Qulmby st. Phono
Pacific r-'3.
WANTED A kitchen girl, :s, and waitress,
S'25 and room. Call at St. Charles Hotel,
room 110, from 2 until 6 P. M.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work and cooking. Apply mornings, 39
ll!th si.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family, good wanes. Aoply 770
Marshall at., or telephone Main Hh24.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., AOS Roth
cnild bldg., 4th and Washington.
CAT..T MORNINGS Waitresses. chamber,
kitchen, family. Astatic hip (city, coast),
dish washers. "Drake's," aohington.
Ladles' Department. 206 75 Morrison St.
Phones Main lot2 A 144d.
S43H Washington st.. comer 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
COMPETENT girl, good cook, for two; fi
room flat; wage made satisfactory- 71
Kearney st.
Gl RL to assist in housework or woman to
get dinner only. Three adult s in family.
tt-Stt Hoyt. phone Pacific Hil4.
WANTED Hand Ironers and machine girls.
Opera House Iaundry. d and Everett.
OPKRATOKS wanted on pants; steady work,
good pay. lft9 I'd st., room 2.
WANTED Young girl to go to beach with
small family. Phone Pacific 0ft2.
WANTED Girl for housework; small family.
MO East Madison st.
22UV6 1st st. Phone A .la).
WANTED girl for general housework;
family of 273 rtth st.
GIRL to assist in cooking and general house
work ; three in family. 471 Main.
WANTED Experienced waitresses. Palace
Restaurant V2'J 4th st
FIRST-CLASS waitresses warned at Wat
son's Restaurant, oiil Wapiti he ton st.
COOK wanted in family of three. Apply at
once. Kant tio71.
A LADY to canvass, nothing to sell. o75
Stark, cor. W. 1'ark.
WANTED Pianist, used to orchestra, for
season at the Coast. B 21. Oregonian.
WANTED A waitress at IGtf 12th St., cor.
AN experienced dining-room girl Immedi
ately. r30 Couch.
YOCNG lady wanted at once to larn bar
ber's trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th fit.
WANTED Cook, at 735 Hoyt, 3 In family
good wages.
WANTED Plain cook, family of 2, wash'
lng; wages $'25. Call 14-1 North lth st.
YOCNG woman or girl to assln with bablej
and housework at beach. 77d Johnson st.
GIRIS wanted for laundry work; good
wages, steady work. Troy Tvaundry cv.
GIRL for general housework. 770 Flanders
WANTED Girl for general houiwwork: family
of 4 adults. Irvtngton. Phone East 32.14
WANTED Waitress, 44 Union ave.j wageJ
& to $7 per week.