THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 14, 1908. NEW TODAY. T.W TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. HW TODAY. KEW TODAY. MW TODAY. BEFORE YOU BUY DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE BEST RESIDENCE ISTRICT NATURE DID MUCH, MAN IS DOING MORE FOR CITY PARK Take the car at Third and Yam hill streets, get off at brick store, and stroll down the Ala meda to the beautiful Country Club See the handsome homes now building, and know that you can buy lots in this beautiful residence district, with im proved streets and cement side walks, for $400 to $700. They will be worth twice that in two years A first payment of $40 is all that is required. Call or write for particulars. SELLING AGENTS Chamber of Commerce Apple Orchards nstallment Plan 10 acres of the very best kind of apple land; planted and cared for five years. The first crop after it is turned over will more than pay for the land. Manchester 6 Wilson 508 WELLS-FARGO BLDG. Bargains for You 700 One lot In Highland. $2.500 For four lots on First street, near Hamilton ave nue. Buy one or all of these. Kleetrlc line proposed for Hamilton avenue and over to Council Crest. 87.000 One lot with two houses on Belmont, near East 6th st. S8.000 hy 100 on East 7th and Clay sts. Sll.OOO One lot. Grand avenue, near Ankeny st. S12.000 mo by ion. with small barn, 7th and Belmont sts. Kvery one of the above are enhanc ing ' In value. Terms if desired. No phone Information. R. H. BLOSSOM 316 Chamber of Commerce. THIRD, NEAR COLLEGE Apartment-House Site Price $5750 Lot ROxlOfi and small 5-room house, situated at S4S Third St.. near College. A fine investment. See us. We can ar range for terms. Mall & Von Borstel J 04 Second St. and 80S K. Burnalde St. Hancock Street and Havelock Lots Streets fcraded: cement sidewalks; will take Oregon Trust or Title ac counts. H. W. GOOD ARD, 110 Second Street. CHEAP BUILDING LOT OJf EASY TKHMS. Holladay Avenue and E. 21st. PRICE S500 50x1.10 on K. 21st. between Pacific and Jlolladav ave. Terms $100 down, bal ance installments of $10 a month or more: interest 6 per cent on deferred payments. ' Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 803 E. Burnalde St. HANFORD & BLACKWELL CIVIL. KKGIJTEERS. Railroads, Power Plants, Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska Bids;., Seattle, Wash. ROSE WHO WANTS TO DOUBLE HIS MONEY What luck! "We have secured short option on 280 acres of the very choicest apple land in the "White Salmon Valley. It will subdivide into 10 and 20-acre tracts better than anything else in the valley. Genuine red-shot soil. Located in the commercial fruit belt of the valley. Tartly cleared and planted now. "Whole tract HeS fine and is easily cleared. Only $10,000. Can sub divide right now and double your money or hold two years and do even better. THE JACOBS-STINE COMPANY Co-operative Farm Lands Dept. 148 Fifth St. GRADED STREETS SIDEWALKS BULL RUN WATER BUILDING RESTRICTIONS IN Lots are 50x103 $350 to $500 Includes All Improvements On Montavilla Car Line Agent at Tract Geo. D. Sciialk 264 Stark Street Main 392, A 2392 HALF-ACRE WIS BRENTWOOD This is no small subdivision, but a tract of 160 acres cut into 320 half acre tracts, making a large addition, with uniform and attractive condi tions. We Have Sold 110 of Tlisse Tracts to Homebuilders. It is the best thing offered, the price is right and the terms are only $10 cash and $10 per month. Today (Sunday) go to Tremont Station, Mount Scott car. Brentwood agent at station. Churcliill-Hattliews Co., Inc. 110 Second Street. Nice Building Lot EAST DAVIS STREET Price $885 TyOt 50x100, situated on the south side of K. Davis Rt., between E. 32d and 33d sts. Can make terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 32 K. Burnalde St. $9000 Beautiful country place of 2S acres, on the O. W. P., less than an hour's ride from town; entirely out of the gravel belt; all laid out In finest varieties of small and large fruits, English walnuts and almonds; Income wijl pay for the place in a few years; fine 7-room house. Whiting & Rountree THIRD STREET. NEW RESIDENCE IN IRVINGTON for sale owner on the ground- after noons of 14th, 15th and 16th of June. 457 E. 19th North. COOK 6 TRUBY Real estate, timber lands, general brokerage business. Phone A 2184. Boom 511. Corbett Building. JON Si. FOR THE Homeseeker FOR THE Investor FOR THE Orchardist 12,500 ACRES IN THE FAMOUS UMPQUA VALLEY THE ITALY OF AMERICA About 200 miles south of Portland, on the main line of the Southern Pa cific R. R., TRACTS from a town lot up to any number acres. Price, from $10.00 to $100.00 per acre. ' Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on time to suit purchaser, with 6 per cent interest. No other locality in the state is so little susceptible to frost. The land is located in the locality that markets the first strawberries and vegetables in Oregon. Two railroad stations on the tract. Corn and peaches raised on this tract given first premium at State Fair at Salem. Apples, . Cherries, English Walnuts and Pears grow to perfection. Ideal for melons and small fruits. Paradise for all kinds of livestock. Especially adapted to diversified farming. Purchasers can have tracts set out to fruit and taken care of at actual cost until bearing. Buy direct from owner, F. B. WAITE, Koseburg, Oregon. Or Room 336, Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon. FINE RESIDENCES For Sale We have a number of elegant resi dences In different parts of the city for sale at very attractive prices. $35,000 Will buy one of the most elegant homes In the city; modern, new; very handsome design; finely finished throughout the interior; commanding one of the best views in the city and altogether a very elegant home. $16,000 Buys a new modern residence; grounds 100x100 feet. The exterior Is of very handsome design; Interior finished with hardwood floors; plate-grlasa windows. House is just finished, ready to move Into. $13,000 Buys a very fine, well built, handsome residence on East Morrison street. Close in. Ground 100x100 feet In size, and the ground alone is worth the price. Irrespective of the house. This property will prove not only a good home, but splendid Investment. A number of other residences In dif ferent parts of the city at right prices. If you want a good home, be sure and call upon us before buying elsewhere. Charles K. Henry 6 Son 250 Stark St.. Portland Oregon. A New Plan AVe will sell your property for you and not charge you any commission, and will not advance the price, but simply tell our customers your price and send them to you. See us about this new plan of selling real estate. Martin J. Hig'Iey 132 Third Street. South Portland Property MOYKR ALLEY Lots 9 and 11. subdivision of blocK 3. Portland Homestead, being 100 feet east of Corbett st. CORBETT STREET Good five-room and basement cot tage. No. 1092. for sale at a bargain. HAMILTOV AVRM'B Southwest corner of Kelly street triarisular lot, with 100 feet front age on Hamilton avenue. KRLLY STREET Triangular lot on east side of street, between Bancroft and Hamilton aves. 31 ACAD AM STREET Kast 130 feet of lot 2. block B, Port land Homestead. This lot Is over 7fi feet wide by 130 feet in length, and we can sell It for $1000 If taken at once. HOUSE NO. 179 BANCROFT AVE. Good roomy 9 -room house, pleasantly situated; size of lot 41x110 feet. WAKEFIEUURIES & CO. 229. Stark St. 25th and Oregon Streets 8-ROOM HOUSE Price $3150 Corner lot, 50x100, good S-room house. In fine condition; situated on the N. W. cor. 25th and Oregon sts. We can sell this property on very easy terms; $500 down, balance In monthly Installments with interest at 6 per cent on all de ferred payments. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 382 K. Burnalde St. For Sale Real Estate Corner lot, 19th and Northrup. OWNER, Phones, M 1515. A 1270. Ch OIC tiys $22.500 "Well-Improved quarter block, renting $167, business part Holladay ave. Owner wants cash, but make us a proposition. 87000 65x100, with new and modern dwelling on Broadway. Choice locality and easy terms. Owner going: away and must sell. S6500 A little gem of a home, cor ner on Hawthorne ave., that will appeal to both mind and purse. 86O0O Full . lot, modern dwelling. Broadway, near 8th. A borne you would be proud of. S3SOO Two lots, Thtirman, near 2Sth, that are a bargain, surely. $2000 10-acre tract on Oregon Elec tric, near Multnomah Station: only 20 minutes' ride and halt the price of surrounding prop erty. $700 lots. Peninsula No. 4; very eighty and near Swift hodlngs; half cash wanted, but make us an offer. For Exchange . S0-acre Clackamas County ranch for good modern residence, close In. Corner business lot. worth $4000, for dwelling equal or greater value. Also California bearing orange grove, valued $4000, for good residence. & Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St. 80-Hood River-Acres 20 ACRES under cultivation; com mercial orchard of 500 full-bearing, trees and 100 5-year-old trees, all iu prime condition. This is one of the finest orchards in the valley, and the owner will take 5000 Boxes of Apples from it this year. This will more than make the first payment of $4000 Balance of land easily cleared; vol canic ash soil; lies almost perfect; county road through place. Splendid buy for some one. Devlin & Firebangh 508-509 S WETLAND BLDG, Cheap Building Lots See the lots we are selling from $500 to $800 each on Thompson, Tillamook, Halsey, Schuyler. Broadway, Weidler, Clackamas and Wasco streets. Mall & Von Borstel 14 Second St. and 302 F.. Burnalde St. Washington-St. Lease Choice Location RETAIL DISTRICT 3-YearV Lease GOOD BUILDING Whiting & Rountree S3V4 THIRD STREET. lO ACRES I have 10 acres of land for sale on easy terms. No better soil in Oregon. At $300 per acre, or will ell 5 acres at same price per acre. Take Estacada cm at First and Alder sts. George T. Parry Wichita Station 's The orie BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. Tha Oregon Real Estate Company 88 i Third street, Portland, Oregon. APARTMENT HOUSE SUE We have for sale a very choice piece of property. 100x100, on the southeast corner of Fifth and Montgomery. This Is splendidly adapted for apartments or flats, being close In and within walking distance. The property as it stands brings in 6 per cent net. For full particulars apply to Charles K. Henry 6 Son 250 Stark St., Portland, Oregon. Nearly new 8-room modern residence on Wasco st. ; furnace, fireplace, cement base ment and floor: lot 75x100; paved street, sewer, cement walk, tine lawn, shrubbery and flowers. J. F. O'Donnell 230 Stark st. Phones. Main 4ol: A 2561. ONLY $5500 Up-to-date 7-room, residence, gas, electricity, furnace, laundry tubs in basement, corner lot, high and sightly, convenient to cars, in the swell resi dence district of the East Side. THE DUNN-LA WRENCK CO 248 Alder St. Special Bargains $400 only, for beautiful lots on East Glisan; best bargains In tha city for the money; easy terms. Dubois & Crockett Washington bldg.. Room 3. $4000 Lot BOxlCO. with nice, up-to-date home, 861 Killingsworth ave.. Piedmont. Close to two carlines. Can be bought on very easy terms. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 392. A 2392. 264 Stark St. Holladay Addition $6500 Striking Offer in Acre Tracts Beautiful, fertile soli. In 1, 2 and 8 acre tracts; 15 minutes from the center of city, on the Oregon Electric car line, and all cleared and in cultivation. Lota are being sold all about these acres. What an Acre Will Do An acre of this ground will mak yon a seller instead of a buyer of fruits and vegetables, not to speak of what you can do with chickens and other fowl, while you continue work in the city at the same time. One of these Madison Villa Acres will make you Independent. You'll al ways have a place to turn a leisure day or hour Into a productive one; you'll have a home place that's beautiful and that will bring you a big advance on tha cost In a short space of time if you wish to sell: 16 minutes on the Oregon Electric takes you to Madison Villa Acres, closer to town and cheaper than lots in any other direction. The re maining acres, $550 the Acre and Up TERMS. Cars leave Front and Jefferson at :25 A. M-, 7:35 A. M., 8:35 A. M . 11:10 A. M.. 12:05 P. M., 2:05 P. M-, 3:30 P. M.. 4:23 P. M., 6:05 P. M. Equally fre quent cars returning. Get off at Alder Springs. Regulation fare Is 5 cents; single fare, 10 cents. Come out today; agent on the ground. F. BRESKE 444 8HEH1.QCK BLII.DIXG. MODERN New Six-Room HOUSE In Menefee Addition. Full lot. beautiful shade trees and all Im provements in. Only S25Q0 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. cor. Third and Oak Sts. TIMBER SACRIFICE SALE 320 acres in Douglas Co.. Or.; 8 miles from good town; 2 miles from saw mill. Cruised 9,000,000 feet yellow pine, fir and red cedar. This you can rely on. A great bargain at $15.70 per acre. COAST COMMERCIAL CO. 604 Delcum Bldg. Ideal Poultry Farm POH SALE A 7-acre poultry farm near Lents, on O. W. P. Ry, All cleared: with 3-room, celled dwelling; one 24 by 24, two-story barn with cement floor and basement: 3 chicken-houses and 3 poultry yards; assorted fruit trees, consisting of apples, cherries, etc. Two fine wells on property. This Meal poultry farm cannot be duplicat ed for $6000. Can be had today for $5000. Terms. No phone Information. R. H. BLOSSOM 316 Chamber of Commerce. 20 acres of good level land, 3 miles east of Montavilla. on Base Line road: 6 acres in cultivation; small shack and barn on land. Price, $180 per acre. , GOOD FARM Of 104 acres: 75 acres in cultivation, 12 acres of hops; all fenced: near St. Louis, on the Salem Electric car line. Price, $75 per acre. J. L. WELLS CO. 30& Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Modern 9-Room Residence Corner 11th and Market streets, full lot, 50x100 feet. Will be sold for $13,000, on very easy terms. SCO. 250 Alder Street. A Bargain A Fine Vtnt or Factory Property, TENTH AND EAST DAVIS PRICE, S5500 100x100 on the southeast comer of 10th and East Davis streets. It is a bargain. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Secand St. and 392 E. Barnalde St. UNEQUALLED IN PORTLAND S3600 For a 5-aere tract of the finest kind of garden . land, beaut i ' fully located, with nice view on fine avenue East Portland, 2hi miles from Madison bridge. Unexcelled for a fine country home right In Portland, or for a truck gardener to coin money. $1000 cash will handle It. F. FVCUS, 221Vi Morrison Street. LOANS REAL. ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Administrator of estates and care of large Interests a specialty. R. H. BLOSSOM 316 Chamber of Commerce. Investment $12,500 Brand-new hotel, 20 rooms. West Side; guaranteed lease for 10 years; on two car lines; nearly io per cent pays for Itself In that period. FRANK BOLL AM Successor to Bollam, Grnsal A Hlsrley, 128 Third Street. ' IO ACRES Council Crest S3500. L. E. THOMPSON 221 Third St. FINE BUY JORBADE" ACRE HOMES JUST EAST OF VERNON 25 minutes' ride, electric line, 5c fare. 60 acres in this tract, all rich black loam, in cultivation; half of the tract in small fruit; acres at lot prices. $800 to $1000, on easy terms. First come, first choice. Jordan & Garbade 23212 Washington. Street. Riverdale An ideal homesite of 4 acres, beau tifully located, commanding a won derful view of the river, mountains and the city. Covered with the fin est of trees. This property will appeal to any one looking for a home in the country. It Fays to See Us. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1852. tUnfl 60x100 on E. 10th. near Tilla- 01 lUU mook st; snap. 1 1 C fl 0xl00 on E. Taylor, near 25th W I I0U St.; all Improvements in. CICnn 6 2-3x100. 8. W. cor. E. 19th OuDUU and Washington sts. MT. TABOR Home sites on the west slope of Mt. Tabor, on electric cars; easy terms. HOUSES Large 8-room house. 50x100; K. Glisan. Bargain. Cor. lot, S-room house; E. Sal mon; very nice. 7-room house; 50x100; Hawthorne ave.; near 10th. $3650 $3700 $5000 CHEAP. A large and commodious home; large grounds; thoroughly modern house, 9 rooms; on Hawthorne ave.; a bargain; owners leaving city. F. W. Torgler 106 Sherlock Bids;. Mosier Orchard Lands in 10 to 320-acre tracts, $20 to $125 per acre for uncleared land, $200 to $7000 .for bearing orchards. Easy terms. A delightful three-hour ride along the Columbia on the O. R. & N. Buy an orchard now and get the year's crop, which promises to be as full as the tree can carry. H. EL WAITE Mosier, Or. $2000 At Woodstock, four blocks from carline, one block contain ing 12 lots 10 lots 54x124 and 2 lots 58x124. This is more than $500 under the market of sur rounding property. $1000 5-room house, partially fin ished, one room complete; lot 100 xlOO; two blocks from car. 2900 5-room ' cottage and attic, toilet, bath and gas; full base ment; on Rodney avenue. LEONARD BROS., 334 C. of C. 100x100 Feet On 23d, near Thurman street. For sale reasonably. See us about this. Parrish, Watkins 6 Co. 250 Alder Street. HOLLADAY ADDITION If you are looking for a modern home, with 100x100 feet, In the most desirable part of this addition and within easy walking distance, that the owner is willing to sell at a very rea sonable price, come In and we will give you the exact location and price of a property that ought to suit you. F. V. ANDREWS G CO. Hamilton Bids., 131 3d st. Tel. Main 3340 Quarter Block on Nob Hill, with 4 9-room houses a good income piece of property; or I will sell each house separate. Will make four fine homes. Martin J. H. Higley 132 Third Street. CHEAP BUY! E. YAMHILL ST. Price $2650 Lot 60x60 and good 6-room house, sit uated southeast corner of East 22d and Eaet Yamhill streets. Terms, J600 down and balance to suit purchaser at b per cent. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 892 K. Burnalde St. $3500 Hawthorne avenue, not too far out; handsome 7-room house, built last year, therefore, modern in every way; best car service in city; easy terms. You'll want this If you see It. Whiting & Rountree ffift THIRD STREET. Coanirr Maps, HoOtt'i, 84 Third. COME OUT TODAY AND SEE RAILWAY ADDITION Corner Lots $1001 Inside Lots $ 85 TERMS: $10 Down and $5 Monthly 10 Discount for Cash Improved streets, 5-cent fare, good soil. Title guaranteed perfect. No building restrictions, and imme diate possession. AGENTS AT TRACT EVERY DAY. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Take Montavilla car at corner 3d and Morrison streets, get off at the corner of Villa and Hibbard streets, Montavilla branch office; for further particulars call office C. P. WELLS 231 Worcester Building. Phone Main 3253. RosEmere IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE Will be RosEmere, for there's no mora perfect soil in the Rose City for grow ing roses, and the lay of the land Is Ideal for lawns, shrubbery and flowers. Spend Sunday at Rossmere. the beautiful, and see the IMPROVEMENTS ALREADY MADE. Take Kossmere car. Third and Yamhill. JOHN W. COOK, Manager GEO. K. CLARK, Gen. Agent S'M Chamber of Commerce. Main 5407 A 3252. Aarents on ground Sundays and after noons. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS A Bargain and Koney-Maker Two milen from town; 14 acres in bear ing orchard: all standard varieties; tres 6 to 33 years old; 7 acres in alfalfa, bal ance of place can be stet to fruit; 6-in. water-ripht: estimated crop for this sea son, 7500 boxes of apples. Jn other words, $7U0O net income. IT PAYS TO SEE US. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce, - Phone, Main 1652. IRVINGTON We have for sale some very choice building; lots In Irvington. located in the best rcidence district. Cement sidewalks, streets, sewer, Kan and water mains all laid and paid for; streets parked and shade tree growing. Thompson street Is being paved with bitulithic. pavement. There are no ad dition costs. Take any Union avenue car to Eugene street, and walk one block east. The tract is bounded by East Seventh. East Thirteenth. Thomp son and Brazee streets. Will quote close prices, and Rive very easy terms of payment to those who wish to build. CHARLES K. YeNRY 6 SON 2T.0 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. CHEAP PRICE $4500 50x100 and lfl-room house, modern; being No. 731 Savier st. Kasy terms. See us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 302 E. Burnalde St. $3500 Handsome 6-room house on Fast 25th st., new, modern and tine, with cement basement, furnace, beautifully tinted walls done under the direction of an artist; in stallment plan if you like and just the house you want to live in. Whiting & Rountree 82i THIRD STREET. HAWTHORNE PARK RESIDENCE Twelve rooms, modern; beautiful lawn and roses; 1 block from car line, facing north; 590 East Madison, near East 15th. Kasy walking distance. H. W. GODDARD, lfO Second Street. LOT BARGAINS For spot caih to cloie out an estate: $1600 8 lots In block 4, Goodmornlns Add. $1000 lots In block 30. Portsmouth. $400020 lots In block 20. Portsmouth. F. W.REILS Bid WILLIAMS AVE., Phon Woodlawn lOiiS PTRNISHED COTTA.GR FOR SAI.K AT SJ5ASIDE, ORFKON Commanding fine view of entire beach; 18 rooms, bath, hot and cold water. A snap at $1600; quick, cash- Address A i, care OTegonfan.