HIPIITF FV DUFFI F v ' ' THE ' SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 7, 1908. A JUNE WEDDING. When June, the month of weddings, j came, poor Traddles heaved a sigh 4 u&t 5 IX I "If Fluffy'd only answer Yes I'd like tojTWvKf make a trv -oA3M vr pacing oown ine tusie wnu ii within a church's arch "And lis'ning to the organ play the Wagner wedding march' His -chance soon came (poor luckless wight), but not the way he wished (It really seems that, come what will, his plans are always dished); For though an aisle they both did pace and though the organ played, He paced it as an awkward usher, she as bridal maid. Twas Stuyvesant Van Nostrand Smythe who wedded Ellen Noyes, And Traddles had known Stuyvie Smythe, since both of them were boys, , While EHen Noyes and Fluffy had been chums at boarding school And never since that time had they allowed their love to cool. Dear Fluffy as a bridesmaid looked quite sweet enough to eat And Traddles as an usher would have passed through any street jw'lji Vf But aisles are nor as wide as streets and, S-rr. CjflJI " bravely though he tried, .jf'J A Poor Traddles wasn't a success while acting as a guide. Now, though 'twas not her wedding. Fluffy Boiffles was the star. The church was filled with people who had come from near and far To see the famous maiden who had such magnetic charm, And as she neared the church's porch a boor put out his arm And offered it to Fluffy with a very foolish grin. She shrank from him in great alarm: then Traddles waded in; He caught the fellow round the waist in spite of drunken, lurch And ran him through . the vestibule and threw him out of church. Then, coming back, he walked with her beneath the church's arch 1 And heard the strains of "Lohengrin" the Wagner wedding march. VSome time' thought Traddles, "if I'm good perhaps I'll have the pride "Of marching. out of this same church with Fluffy for. my bride. (COPYRIGHT." WOT." BY NEW YORK HERALD CO. All Rights Reserved. : mm i mm 1 O Mr -iv'sr 5 fU jv VMWM '