THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 31, 1903. 11 BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. - ELLIS. YORK. & CO.. 2"1 Merchant Trust bldg., 826 Washington, S. W. corner Sixth st. A FEW OF THE BEST BUYS. Are round In the following list. But we have others; all styles, ail sizes, all prices. If you want any kind of roontlnf rouse that is on me market in Portland, we can show it to you. Term may be arrancwi on anv. See us quick; NOW hi the TIME TO BUY. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. 27 rooms. In best residence district, near 33th and Morrison sts. running hot and cold water in every room, eteam heat, car pes velvet. Axmiiarter and brussels; fur niture mahogany, K. E. map!-, weathered sna quar. oak: rent oniv SlZit: lease: re ceipts $375 a month. This is the best pron- wition in residence eection la the city .trice saooo. HERE IS A PRIZE. 1" rooms, right near buFinees center' rme corner, extra weil furnished eteam heat : best ."I years' leae in city clears Jw a month. See It anf you will Duy it; price $1700, $1000 down. BEAUTIFUL AND A BARGAIN 11 iom in fine location, south of Mor rison st., furniture good as new. quartered oag. K. iL. maile. iron bees, hair mat' tresses, excellent carpets, running water In rooms, entirely modern house; pay you 9ot a montn; price only UoJ. flOOn AND MODERN' 20 room, near busineaa center in real aence location; furnace, gas, porcelai lurnianen new years ago: every th-lnu iroo.i. We can sell this at a prio itiat js .riwj oeiow me actual value. Don delay If you want a bargain. NEARLY NEW. AND CLEAN. . 14 rooms; all one floor, well located: 1 housekeeping. 4 single rooms: furnisl new year ago; always full and pays $00 month clear; rent $00. with lease. Price $lOw; cash. $000. HOOMlXG-HOrSE HEADQUARTERS, LUETZ-M 1'ELLER CO.. 417-418 Corbett Bldg. M 150. A 1566. Now Is the time to buy rooming-houses and hotels while they are cheap. We have several gilt-edge buys, t.s you will nonce beiow. EXTRA GOOD. 1I rooms, new. modern building, steam neat, right in the center ot city, elegant ly furnished; low rent, good lease; this house is worth $2500. but we will sell it lor jHiOO. THIS IS GOOD. 48 rooms, new. modern brick; steam neat, hot anu cold water in every room private baths, long lease and reascnable rent; easily worth $0000. We are instruct eu to lei it go ror siro. DIRT CHEAP. 12 -nice large rooms, down town loca tion, nicely furnished, including good pi ano; this would be a good buy at $700, V; will sell it to you Monday for $400- A-U I Ii EM. . 12-room bouse just furnished, new, clear ing 4U above all expenses; close-In loca tlon and god modern house; splendid uuy ior aoou. FAMILY HOUSE. 30 rooms, very swell, nicely furnished. beautiful yard and large verandas, rent i-; lease. Clears about $200 uer month strictly modern house. This is the best little house in the city. Price $0000. VERY. VERY GOOD. 14 rooms, brick, nicely furnished; rent $30. 2-year lease: bit money-maker: new modern building and you can have it for The above list has been carefully select ed and they are all good buys. We have several large apartment-houses and ho tels on our Udt, that we are not at liberty iu auveruse, DlETZ-MUELLER CO., 417-18 Corbett bldg., Stk and Mcrrlson. FIRST-CLASS furniture business in one of the best towns in Oregon; business paying uer ii per cent net on investment; stock will invoice about $17,000, but can be re duced if desired; this proposition will stand the very clo?st investigation. Address J civ, uiegnniuQ, MOVING PICTURE MEN. ATTENTION Machines, all makes, films and song lines nt per cent cheaper than anywhere ele, and far better. Get the prices of our competitors, compare with ours; let us prove our assertions; we teach absolutely nee an purchasers or machines and equipment from us. Newman's Motion Picture Company. 293 Burnside. the town of 8"o population, prosperous wheat, cattle and sheep farming com munity; invoice $0HH; good terms to live man; this Is the best proposition in East- Inquire Mrs. J. A. Woolery. Admix . lone. Or., or B. F. Sinshelmer, 40 Front A BUSINESS monopoly In a thriving ooun try town near Portland is something worth having: we have oiie for sale: hardware. farm implements, paints, oite. etc.; netting n yeai iy ; win sen now at a sacrifice. ti-'7 corbett bldg. FOR SALE Complete sawmill of 2".000 feet capacity; shingle mm, siMHWf; xii wu lmnette donkey, now. with line and rig' King : 2 teams; 1 O.uOO.OoO feet fir and cedar and JJ'-O acres of land. C 9S0. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE i or whole interest In a plan ing 'mill In the bet town in Oregon; has been limning f;til capacity for past year and has plentj of business ahead. Ad dress S 0fo, Oregon lan. FOR SALE- A most profitable machine: territory rights of American Floor Sur facing Machines; easy conditions to re liable parties. For particulars. M. Schwind. 307 Stark st. WE pay especlnl attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phono Main 44S0. Kinney & Stampber, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. WANT a party with $2J00 to take stock with u. as our business is growing faster than we exp--, ted and we have to lay in n larger stock of. goods. p 975. Ore gonian. SHOEMAKER wanted to take full charge of shop, complete with tools; has good trade and in a good location. Write or Inquire of A. Peterson. Hnseburg. Or. GENEKAL SToliE If you want one and knew about thin, we would have no trou ble In doing business, for the price Is right, that la certain. (7 Corbett bldg. BAKEltY, and a good one. for wile far be- IiW its value: business $00 day now, $7 day In Summer. Phone Main 3017. 027 Corlett bldg. $:00 BUYS the best confectionery and ice dream parlor In St. John; this store will ret $900 In tlreo months. See owner, loH N. Jersey st. HAVE some aereuge on hilis near city; best and cheapest to te had: only $100 per acre; this is a genuine bargain. Thoe. McCubker, 2 0 Couch bldg. Mi in 7040. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock -or bond? F. J. Catterlla A Co.. 125 Abington bldg. ROOMING -HOUSE. 20 rooms, new furni ture, transient trade; very central; terms; lease; no gold brick. Address X it Mi. Oregnian. RETAIL BAKERY One of best locations In city; brick oven, cheap rent: good opening for lunch-room. A SI. Oregonian. FOR SALE, reasonable, restaurant and deli catessen business, A-l stand and location. 12 Gruud ave.. East Sid. Cail 1 to 4. AS I am tired of hired help will sell half Interest in one of the best located saloons in town. O 170. Oregonian. LEASE on good store. 11th. near Washing ion, rents $it per month. Address X a7a, Oregon inn J-CH AIR barber shop: good business; fell cheap ; half cash, easy payments. G W7t, Oregonian. IF YOU have $5m you can have half interest In fine established nuu.on picture theater. Particulars 213 Burnsl.'.e. See Newman. IF LOOKING for a bargain In a planing miil proposition, address Box 2M. Hills born. Or. FOR SALE 300 snarej of OfsterviHe Co. stock fr a fw days at par. Call 367 Stark at. 40-BOOM hotel, well furnWied. clearing $20 per month; price $30w. Address Box 111, St. John, Or. UCr.r ireiiiiti - ket Chance to ni um uhm-.. -j mm tlculars uddrtss K- E- Voeth. Newiwrt, Or. ni t r;.tartMshed hardware businest at invoice: houl J2oo0 requii-ed; 1U health and uocl Sent caue of King. F 9M, Oregonian. 'ft'tVTKT) To buy. or invest in a promatwe Wln(is: must stand investigation. O 9o. Oregonian. V0-4 pool tables, cigar, fruit and con V tknerr stand; cheap rent. Call room Sv lumber Exchange bidg. BUSINESS CHANCES. 16 PER CENT dividends guaranteed annu ally. Dividend? will far exceed guarantee. Opportunity for small and large invest ors. Worth investigating The National Financing Co., 412 Marquam bldg. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 2tt-t27-028 CORBETT BLDG. Main 3517 a 2772 My Business is Your Business and Your Businese Is My Business. - m . 1 1 "lii uujiiLws as muiuai. Come and let us talk together, if you want to get into or out of business. I can R. B. MAY, MGR. RESTAURANT. On Of the larirfM. most centra 11 v locat ed restaurants in the city; furniture and equipment nrst-ciasa; rent only $120, with lease 2U years: this is the beat nronosi- tion for sale; during this quiet month of -uuy iias ciearea .tuu over all expenseu; has cleared $tiA; price. $3.0'; a snap. ELLIS, YORK & CO., Room 201. 32tf Washington St. A MILL supply store in a thriving sawmill country, stock new and clean. Will sell or trade for a house in Portland, on West feme, in good neighborhood. Stock in voices over $0000. Only miil supply store in town or vicinity; Is doing a paying business but must be sold. Manchester A wuson. jus w el is-Fargo bine- NEW and modern downtown family hotel, containing 62 rooms, newly furnished; hot and cold running water, steam heat and electric lights in every room; long leae and lowv rental; nets over $300 monthly; a genuine bargain and $25o cash will han dle this, balance easy terms. B &M. Ore gonian. RELIABLE real estate man tired of hired help, wants an honest energetic partner. Experience not necessary beyond ability to show land. etc.. and little money re quired. He will guarantee active man at least $100 a month. Particulars 244 Stark st. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 18d5 furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-20 Abington Bldg. HARDWARE To active man capable of as- DUI""'s "nja.6e men i, tor enure; interest in fine business situated in best town in Oregon, close to Portland, $4U00 ; stock turned better than 5 times last year; best of reaaont for selling; Invite investigation. F ttsu, Oregonian. SMALL clothing and gents' furnishing goods oluic ni uusy suouroan location, aomg business of $700 a month rent $45; leae 2 yearw; tine opportunity to get a big pay ing and rapidly growing business for $10uo. ELLIS, YORK & CO., Room aol, 32tiVj Washington eU PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus- iraieu guiue pcok and list of inventions wanted free to any address. Patent se cured by us advertised free In World's Progress. Sample copy free. Evans, Wil kins & Co., Washington, D. C. WANTED Man; must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our local repre sentati e ; no canvassing or soliciting ; good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., Dept. 7i2 C, Washington, D. C WILL build and equip steam or electric railways; one-naif cash, one-half bonds. Give full particulars. International Con struction Co., 705 Plymouth bldg.. Chi cago. STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, in- austriai or railway company wanted for sale; commission basis. Address full par ticulars. Clientele, p. 0. box 208. New York. FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream and cigar stand; tine location; doing good business; must be sold on account of hav ing other business to attend to; very low rent; price $100. Phone Main S020. HOTEL In R. R. division town; large pay- roil irom snops, roununouses, coal Dunk era, etc. ; I know this business personally and it Is a money-maker. 627 Corbett bldg. $504 K) A music store, fine established trade. best line in the est; cash trade; would consider land in Western Oregon. Washing ton or California. Courtney Music Co., t8 3d and Flanders sts. SPLENDID location for grocery and general mercnannise; mouern corner store, 3 7th and Belmont (Sunuyside), for rent; good residence district, meat market adjoin ing; reasonable rent. Don't miss this. THE CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, re moved, to room 417 Marquam bldg.. now ready for business. If you have anything to exchange, come and see us. OWING to dissension In present company me advertiser wants a party with ?3o00 cash to loin him and Durchane control. tirand opportunity to make a large sum. u oregonian. FEED and livery stable and dray business tor sale; no competition ; good location; growing community. H- E. Waite. Mosier, Or. HOTEL, 14 rooms; new furniture and build ing; doing good business; growing coun try; splendid opportunity; for sale cheap. H. E. Walte, Mosier. Or. FOR SALE New and clean stock of gro ceries, prominent corner, reasonable rent; liberal discount for cash; reasons for sell ing explained. E 9!S5, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, doing good. constantly increasing business; splendid chance to build up a big business; for sale cheap. H. E. Waite, Mosier, Or. WOODY ARD, etc., partner wanted at once. u ill pay active man $ioo to $20O a month; experience not necessary and only $000 required. Particulars 24H Stark st. TO LET Furnished or unfurnished, a 15- room nouse at .North cove. Washington. Surf and bay bathing. Apply to Post master, North Cove. Washington. SMALL general store In suburbs; fine trade; living: rooms in rear; cigars, notions, dry goods, drugs, etc. ; Just the place for lady. tJ27 Corbett bldg. BOA K DING or rooming-house, all full, 3 blocks rrom postoihce; will sell cheap If sold at once, or exchange for real es tate. Call 103 West Pnrk st. BY OWNER The best-built and finished house on market. it you want swell home call at 003 Holly st.. Ladd's addition. Phone B 2u74. WANTED Partner in real estate office, to snow lanu. etc..; only tuu required. Call room 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted. Candy-making business; j..i.iu requireu; owner will teaen vou; pro fits very large. Call 24SH Stark st. $4iXK BUYS cash buslnr- that pays $0K) per munm; terms it uestreu. .taure&s J vd, Oregonian. $1000 to invest in the laundry business with radical man; would consider other pay g business, p t7l), Oregonian. S0Q WILL buy well equipped foundry, cen tral location, cneap rent, good lease. Ap ply -IS Customs bldg. $3000 to $ttV0O0 annually easily made trad ing in wheat; I teach you how no pay unless satisfied. Write box M, Chicago. FOR RENT S-room hotel, unfurnished, very reasonanie, growing town. i. v. naymona, Raymond, Wash. HALF of desirable store for rent, reasonable: good show window; use of both phones if desired. C 965 Oregonian. NEW 13-room boarding and lodging-house. an run. transient boaroers; good furni ture; $i00; rent $30. P U80. Oregonian. . SHOE specialty store requiring $2000 to take care of orders on hand and enlarge the business. ti27 Corbett bldg. FOR PALE 22 rooms. nlce!y furnished: 2 years lease; no agents. Phone East 6344. 1)3 K Vnion ave. ROCERY Partner wanted; $375 required; pays big. Call 248 Stark st. $tKH) WILL buy grocery and confectionery at t;v commercial st.. cor. Morris. OR SALE Half interest In confectionery store. 10 N. 0th st. CIGAR and candy store; $400: can. clear SO every" day. Call 248 Stark st. lMo 3S-room rooming-house, all full, clos In. Call room 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. MAN of mean wants to Invest in some paying business, C 9i4, Oregonian. BONVILLE PUB. CO. stock $10 per share and going up. FOR SALE Shooting gallery, 8th sT. near depot, inquire Gv r. 3d st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. DEVLIN & FIREBAL'GH. 00S-0H9 Swetland bldg. We have the most complete list of ho tels and rooming-houses in the city. If you are In the market call and inspect same. We can save you money. NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN. 60 rooms, strictly modern and excep tionally well arranged; hot and cold run ning water steam neat and electric lights in all rooms thoroughly furnished in first-clas? manner; this place will clear $3io monthly and can be handled with $20oX cash, or will consider good mort gage on real estate security rent very rea sonable. Call for particulars. BEST BARGAIN EVER. 36 rooms, modern brick building, ele gantly furnished, including piano; hot and cold running water in every room, electric lights and steam heat; clearing $250 per month net; reasonable rent and long lease; best value in town for 'price asked. -wuu; easy terms. STRICTLY MODERN. 35 rooms, beautifully furnished with Desi grane or carpets ana furniture; pri vate baths; steam heat, gas and elec tricity; best location in the city for high- class transient ; clearing $.nj per month nee rice and terms reasonable DOWN TOWN TRANSIENT. 25 rooms, newly furnished a few months ago; pest transient location in the city attractive lease; clearing $175 er month above expenses; a genuine bargain and i-u casn win nandle it. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. 10 rooms, beautifully furnished a few months ago with Axminster carpets and mgnest grade furniture; fine location, nea postoffice; reasonable rent: clearing $7 per. month; $6ou cash and balance month ly. A GENUINE "BARGAIN An elegantly furnished 12-room house, nice comer location, lars-e vsrd. room1 large and airy, strictly modern: clearing $70 per month above all expenses. This is a Dig snap ror some one. DEVLIN & FIREBAL'GH. oOS-50tf Swetland bldg. IF YOU are possessed with the spirit of a speculator can put you in a position whereby you can make from 100 to 10.000 per cent on your money. We trade in ail commodities and enter rinses of commer cial value. A little money invested in an Invention listed with us may be the means or making the investor a fortune. We buy, sell and trade in all the important stocks and bonds on the local market and are in a position to give you information- where by you can make several hundred per cent on your money. Attractive prices quoted on. rooming nouses ana business cnances. List your wants. City Business Exchange, Jiain o34. A 113S4. 215 Commercial Hlock BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE. 100 American Telegraph one. I'jOO Aiifio-Amerlcan Oil. 3 American Marconi. 100 Canadian Marconi. i 1000 American Wheel & Vehicle. 10UO Alaska Pet. & Coal. CTreas.) 5000 British Columbia Amal. Coal. 2ou0 Butte Boys. 000 Comstock Golden Gate. 7 German-American Coffee. 100 Omaha Independent Telephone. 25 Portland Home Telephone. 5000 Rawhide-Portland M. & M. Co. ROBERTS & CO, 134 6th st. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. fi2 rooms, 5th et;, cheap rent; good con dition; cheap; $3000: terms. 80 rooms, Wa-hington st., rent $200; owner away; $utF lor quick, sale. 40 rooms, hoieekcepinp- apartments; new ana nrst-class ioc.tlon; 53MX: terms. 17 rooms, Washington St., mtut be sold in two utijs. , Others, all sizes and prices. MARY B. LENT, The Continental Agency, 243 Stark st. MOVING PICTURE PEOPLE, NOTICE. Today we have opened another $20,000 shipment of M. P. Machines; new song slides from Chicago, new films. We are in the association f nd can land new films here from all manufacturers first cn the Pacific Coast. We can equi you with everything, and our guarantee goes with everything. Look at Edison's improved universal machine for $70. information freely given The Laeminet Film Service, 4itf Marquam bldg., Portland. PARTNER Aggressive max.. wod personality. used to meeting Pig Dus.nosji men, commer cial experience, dt."t want any other. To taKe snare in established business, and ao outside work interviewing business men. etc. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN CITY. $1500. Have been paying outs'de man salary $100, anu nnu tney den t worK as tney snouid. This Is only reason for disposing of share, as man coming in has interest of business at heart. Box IUH. Portiandi. Oregon. OPPORTUNITY for reliable man, to buy nan interest in real estate and immigra tion office, who have a colonization propo sition, and who sell far;ne. who have over 150 prospective buyers from Eastern states this Fall, am frank in stating I solicit the man who believes in square aeais. jv hh-i, uregonian. $10 CASH and $10 per month will buy beau tiful California vine-yard, the Income from which will be suincient to make you Inde pendent tor lire. .Handsome pamphlet, val uable information and contract free. Sacra mento Valley Improvement Co., St. Louis, Mo. GOOD FOR LITTLE MONEY. Creamery store, handling ice cream, but ter, eggs, etc., and doing a good' business in .Portland's best suburo; only fJW. ELUS. YORK & CO., Room 2oi, 32tl Washington st. BOHEMIAN restaurant that is a money maker, cozy and Becluded; 7 elegant fur nished room? in connection; wine privilege and a big regular select trade. t27 Cor- toett bldg. A FEW dollars will start a prosperous mail order business; we furnisn catalogues and everything necessary; by our easy method failure Impossible. Mllburn-Hlcks, Chi- - cago. $400 WILL get yon half interest in best manfg. business in city; demand exceeds supply; no competition; Important affairs In East require my attention. E 900, Ore gonian. SPECIAL Contracting firm wants a steady. sober partner. The profits are large, duties easily learned; $oo required; secured. Call 24SH Stark st. HALF interest well-established, in a good pay . Ing photograph business, best location, rea sonable rent; Oyear lease; 3o,0u0 Inhabit ants. A H.s2, Oregonian. " BEST-PA YING cash grocery, confectionery store; invoice about $70O; rent $15, store and rooms; living and good wages assured. 23d and Albarta sts.; Alberta car. BROKERAGE business Partner wanted. Rare chanca for a live man with $1000; rt-ferences given and required. Particulars 24S14 Sark st. ESTABLISHED advertising business; will take a man with some money in as partner; we can show ym a big permanent Income. 627 Corbett bldg. NEED HELP To right man interest in old established contracting firm for $oj0; will pay $Hn per month salary for services. J OS. Oregonian. THREE fine business chances Imploment, tinshop. manufacturing; profits large; cap ital small; investigate. E 986, Orego nian. OPENING for specialist; elegant office fur niture and fixtures, on prominent corner; low rent; established many years; $500 re qulredV Address H 90ti, Oregonian. FOR SALE Postal shop, price $350; profits $3.50 to $5 per dav; trial given. Call the Nifty Postal Shop, 43 N. 3d st. WANTED Partner in furniture and uphol stery business; grand opportunity for prac tical man. Address 127 11th st. EOO,MI.N'0-HOl'SB A good-paying transient roominn-house ; $10X handles it. Address SS4 eth St., room 20. MAIL-ORDER bus-lnss paying $100 per month, which- can easily be doubled; suitable for lady; $5tH required. G Oitl. Oregonian. RESTAURANT and COFFEE HOUSE, do ing good buiness; half or whole interest; investigate. 347 Morrison st. 20 ROOMS, furnished, best proposition in city; snap if taken at once; owner quit ting business. F 12. Oregonian. 627 CORBETT BLDG. will be open Sunday from 1:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. See ads. Phone Main 3517. A 2772. A GOOD grocery location; no fixtures to buy; a good, clean stock of goods. Call at 2of L?t st. for particulars. Rent $25; price $450. FOR SALE Elegant 2o-room modern house near post of floe; lease; for terms call Main 3378. PARTNER with about $000, for good gro cery. Call. Main 2040. BARBER SHOP, with baths, $50 a week. A 4174. IF you are looking for a good grocery lo cation "cheap." write F I?. Oregonian. SEWING MACHINE agency at your own price. box j ww, cregonian. CI G A R ST A ND, good location, cheap for catn. loo 4in st. FOR sale at sacrifice by owner, rooming nouse at too, t rant st .Mrs. carone. CANDY and fruit store for sale. 132 Grand av. RrSIXKSS CHANCES. MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity desires Oregon manager ; demonstration in leading department stores ; office fur n ish ed ; th ree years' con t ra ct ; salary $1'10 0 and commission : good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 314 Snowflake bldg., Toledo, O. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS The proprietor of one of the best con fectionery, cigar. Ice cream and news stands on Washington street, close In, has decided to sell, and will consider a real estate trade for ;art. This i a rare op portunity to secure a high-class business. Good lease. J. R. STIPE. 223 Chamber Commerce. "THE MASTER KOY" has pointed the way to financial independence to many. Per haps it has a message for you. I will be - glad to send you a copy, together wirti a very valuable contract, without cost or obligation on your part. If Interested, address W. A. Brandenburger, Secretary", 1041-3 Liggett bldg., &U Louis, Mo. FOR SA4,E GO-room hotel, close to bsfitness center; low rent, long lease; full of guests; this place is modern, newly furnished, steam heat. gas. bath, electricity, plenty of linen and dishes, range and piano. See owner. Easy terms, also thorough In spection. B ftK3, Oregonian. GROCERY BUSINESS. Small grocery stock, fixtures, horse, wagon, tools, etc.: one of the best loca tions on the East Side; cheap rent; will invoice about yitfOO; will sell for invoice or trade for good real estate. DEVLIN & FIREBAL'GH. 5OS-503 Swetland bldg. BAKERY and confectionery This is a good paying proposition, located in a live town of-2.i!0 population: owners old and retiring from business; $2251. -rt2 AMES HKKLAM lLK AUKACI, Abington bldg. PORTLAND'S most modem furnished hotel. European plan; new building. Ideal loca tion ; sample rodms for salesmen, modern grill and billiard hall, private baths, tele- pnone in every room; win sen at sacri fice. B27 Corbett bldg. PARTNER wanted; a good restaurant cook must be first-class all-around eok, sober and reliable, to take half interest in ' good paying restaurant; a small amount o; money will do. with a whole lot of ability, on to wetiarvct bldg. SPECIAL $3500 will buy a business that win pay you $2oO a month alter all ex penses are paid. Will make terms; also give you a trial, can a4,4 stark st. IF you have $000 and wish to get into busi- nees that .will pay you SlSuO per year. exierience unnecessary, call room 48, -iou it Morrison st. WANTED Partner In established, paying business; rererences furnished and re quired; $000 required. X 0iK. -Oregonian. TAILOR SHOP for sale; good location, fine window; doing good business. 112Mi North u bird. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. iiflliiiUHinii SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET $10 TO $100 'ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CO N FI DEN T IA1 WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECCRITY COMPANY. 7o4 OEK.UM BLDG., HOURii 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEUri. AND SATS. UNTIL S P. M. ItSSS.Sft$SSSt$ S-SSSXXfSXSSS WE will bur your telephone bonds and stock and pay the highest cash pries for Oregon Trust. Merchants National or , Title Guarantee accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Kothchiid biuK.. cor. 4tb and Wash. The recognized d.ic of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can ooiain monv ox. ua on nis note without security. $15 Return to us $4.00 a Mo .io iteturn to us o.w a mo. $0O Return to us $13.35 a Mo, confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AUENCx. 20 McKay Bldg.. Cor. Third ana stark. Are you earning a salary You can get money irom us on your note, cuaiaoaa con fidential: no unnecessary lnauirles. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly. $76 Return to us ....$2u.00 $10.W) $5 00 fH) Return to cs 13.35 6.G5 il 35 0 Return to us h.UO 4.00 2.J0 Li Return to us 4.O0 2.00 1.00 Office open A. M. tj 8 P. M. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos, s urmture, - v arenouse Receipts, Horses, insurance Policies and ail ninas or securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO., 2o6 Abington Bldg. NOTICE We pay the highest cash price for Title (Juarantee; and Oregon irust accounts; also Tel. bonds. Cohn Bros., lbu 1st. Main 4773. , MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own name wiinout security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In iii principal cities; save yourseit money ujr getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington bldg., 106 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system is best ior rauroaa men, cwrm, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 2&ti Washington sL TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good real estate security, atrraignt loans, low rate of interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 MuLkcy bldg, 2d and Mor rison ft is. TO LOAN- $3000 at 6 per cent for one year on good lnsiue property, inquire oi c. r . Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey Bldg., Cor. 2d and Morrison sts. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid in monthly installments. call lor particulars. Columbia Life A Trust Co,, 214 Lumber Exchange bidg. WE3 BUY Oregon Trust & Savings, Merchants National, Title Ltuatantee & irust accounts for cash; also stocks and bonds. 611 Cor bett bldg. I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee, Mer chants accounts and other collateral; also money to loan. Thus. McCusker, 2u6 Couch bldg. Main 7046. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest ior iong or short time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers, 209 Washington st. $100,000 to loan in sums or $1000 or more to UP., o to 1 per ueiiL uu jihio veu realty. . G. Griffin, 2u0 Stark, opp. Cnara. of C. PRIVATE party wants to buy Title Guar antee, Oregon savings, Merc nan ts Na tional accounta S bi2. Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum, iuu anu up; see us. Vaughn & Burt, 4U2 Corbett bldg. MONEY to loan on timber claim or farm land; irom $:iou to iow oy private party. . ayi, Oregonian. $.', "XI TO loan in sums of $loo0 and up wards on reai csune l u aim i per cenu Ferrera, 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS on real estate, -chattels or personal security. v - a. uaioaway, iv vt asnington bldg. Pacific 1832. PARTIES wishing to sell interest-bearing cer tificates or oupueit in goou solvent banks address J 924. oregonian. State funds loaned. per cent. W. . Thomas, state agu. M ui tnoman -o. 4ou c ox com. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 ueaum MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. v - ti- rtunn. &ott bneriock bldg. LADY'S barber shop; hair cutting, 25c 12 N. 4th and tiurnsiue sts. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bids. $3500 OR less, 6 per cent, reai estate. Far- rington, Lommerciai v-iuo Diag. Loans on dwellings $500 to $1500, 2 or 3 yra. Ward, attorney. Aiisny Diag. jaain TiJZtt. Loans W a nteo. $12,000 TO $25,000. security high-class West bide semi-business reai estate. a ts vox. Oregonian. WANTED $5tKr0 to $IO,W0, Portland Rail way Co. s bonds, 6 per cent, olti Kothchiid bldg. WANTED ifiOOO for 3 years, 6 per cent; Loans Wanted. WANTED To borrow $2)00 from- private party; security zu.mhi timber on Colum bia. M 9eS. Oregonian KIN AN C LAX Loans Wanted. IDLB MONEY. Live on the interest and don't consume your principal. We can get you from 10 to 12 per cent. The National Financing Co., 412 Maruuam bldg. WANTED To borrow $233 for months on two fine central lots on Coos Bay; will pay $30 bonus in advance. Address K W76, Oregonian. $1000 gilt-edge security, netting over per cent, fisr sale; guaranteed on face bv Portland financial institution ; matures about 3 years. V fS2. oregonian. WANTED To borrow $30n0 for building pur poses; first-class security; will deal with principals only. Address D if s 1 , Oregonian. WANTED TO borrow $20j0 on g;od secur ity at 6 ptr cent interest. K DJtj, Orego nian. WANTED To cash three notes at $1040 each, bearing a per cent interest; will discount. K i5, Oregonian. $2.00i to loan on inside property in sums - of $1000 or more. G 0s5, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $3U00; real estate. Harrington. 410 Commercial Club bldg. PKKSONAX GERMAN, 34. steam engineer, wishing to engage in some business, would like ;o make the acquaintance of an honest- thinking young: lady matrimonially in clined; poor working girl preferred; flirts please save postage; strictly confidential ; state particulars and address. M ttbl, Oregonian. U.U1T YUL'h HABITS. If you want to quit your habits.-call on Dr. D. F. Lane, the specialist, h ho cures whisky, morphine, opium and tobacco habits. No money until cured and thor oughly satisfied. 304 Montgomery St., Portland. Or. Phone, A 3U:y. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helringfors gradu ate, cures rhe jmatism, moinach troubles and ner ous disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 Eat 11th st., one door I rum fclast An keny car. Phones Eat 260. Home B lbu3. SUITS pressed while you wait. 60c. To visitors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the taiior'a, C 6th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies' skirts pressed, 6oc. Feathers and boas cieansd and curled. Phcne Main 4U44. ARCHITECT In order to get acquainted win maae all kinds of pians. spqi-itica tians and blue prints at the regular price. My work is nrst-class. W. Fritsche, northwest cor. 30th and Belmont. Take bunnysiue car. Phone. Tabor .stiO. LIFE is worth living wnen your nerves are strong: Sexine PiUs make them stronic. $1 a box, tt for $0; full guarantee. Address or can rne j. a. Cieniensou Drug Co cor. 2d and Yamnill sts., Portland, Or. LADIES Ask your druggist tur Chicheslers jjiauiond lirand Pllis. b or 25 years known as tne best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand PiUa are old by drug g Was everywhere. SOLDIER'S widow, strange, good home, desires to meet honorable, elderly G. A. R. widower, object matrimony. Mrs. A. Wilmar, Lake City. Utah, general de livery. YOU MAY HAVE perfect nerves by using bextue Pins, $1 a box, o for o, run guar antee. Address or call The J. A. Clem enson Drug Co., cor. 2d aud Yamhill sts., Portland, or. WOULD you marry if Bulled? Matrimonial paper containing advertisements mar riageable people, many rich, from all sec tions, mailed sealed, free. O. M. Gunnels, Toledo, O. MARRY Best plan on earth; nothing like it ; pnoto oi every iauy meinuer puu llshed with descriutlon: many beautirul, wealthy, etc.; act quick. The Pilot, Dept. ll i. Mars nan. Mien. YOUNG MAN from the Bast, strictly tem perance, good r-efs., wants to meet first class working girl from IS to 25 yrs. old, with good health and rets.; give descrip tion; object matrimony. E 978, Oregonian. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, per box or J .boxes Dr. Pierce, 1st st. MARRIAGE paper, highest character; in corporated, Jltn year: 4000 members; pa per, sealed; send 10c. K. E, Love, box 1000, Denver, Colo. HONORABLE bachelor 49, desires correspond ence with Christian woman of culture and means; country woman preferred; object matrimony; no agents. P Ui4, Oregonian. EASTERN young man of 23 would like to hear from intellectual Western girl who tor also fond of outdoor ife. AddrtaM S i77, Or- guiiian. GET your prescriptions' filled and your drug wants supplied by our quick service mail order department. Miller Drug Co., 404 Washington st., Portland. DRESS suits for rent, alt sizes; $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, preawd, buttons ewed on, rips eewed. Prompt calls and de liveries; Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. DR. ISABELLA MACK1E. Women and children's specialist, room 10 M liner bldg, 330 Morrison, pnone Main 4021. A 1044. Residence phone 7320. PACIFIC INTRODUCING CLUB A boon for lonely people; come and get acquaint ed; many homes secured and people made nappy. circular iuc. -vs ibi st. GENTLEMAN, age 34, sober, some means. desires to meet re lined iauy under ,3o; one who is fond of reading and the the aters. D 980, Uregonian. GERMAN. French, Spanish and, other For- eign Dictionaries, lext Hooks and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First st. CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club, for honest, sober, single people, fully of age. Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 207 Jefferson, bet. 3d and 4th. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex. desiring acquaintance or companion, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 1S1 1st st. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve ionic tablets, box. Eyssell s Phar macy, 2Z1 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d. DON'T be lonesome: join the only reliable . marriage bureau in the world; Send IO cents lor tne June paper. Jox Zxi, Seattle, Wash WO R KIN OMAN, 45, would like to meet lady 60 to 4; years or age; object matri mony. E 961, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN in comfortable circumstances would like to meet lady between 2, and 40; object matrimony. R 9S1, Oregonian. LONELY lady wishes to meet a pleasant gentleman; object matrimony, rt WhZ. ore gonian. Mme. Court wrlght, skia anu scaip treatments: xaciai oetormities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Fi:edner bldg. M. 5042. A 2009. GENTLEMAN. 42, worth $75,000, would marry ; strictly confidential. R box 35, Corr. League, Toledo, Ohio. SEND 10 cents for a trial box of the Levy laxative pill. Miller Drug Co., 4t4 Wash ington st. - TWENTY-FIVE assorted Portland pest cards sent by mail ror cents. Miner urug Co., 4aA Washington st. DAINTY people use Eversweet; it prevents the odor 01 perspiruuon; -ic a jar, an druggists, or J. A. Clemenson Drug Co. ATTENTION Superfluous hair, moles, etc.. removed. Electric neeule. Established lha4. Parlors 170 luth st. Main 0207. MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay wnen married; new plan. H. A. Horton. Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Mich. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman would like to meet suitable auy; object matrimony. D 912, Oregonian. MRS. QJiKOCK Masseuse, bat ha, salt giow. alcoiroi ruo. cream massage; reierencea 262 Park. Main 2403. A2734. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice tree. tvi fid st- Main 8770. OFFICES AND APARTMENTS. MILNER BLDG., 30 0 7t MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. A GENTLEMAN opening ice cream parlor, dituirp 'arlv nartner: mllirttnlti 11 979, Oregonian- LADY'S barber shop; haircutting, 25c. 12 North 4th and if urns 10 e sts. Mrs. Sophia Seip, reliable splrit'l r'dngs; 302 Aiteky Diug. jruoiio circles 1 uea. jvri. eve. PILES CURED without operation by a well BALM OF FIGS for all female disease 54 East 13th st. North. Phono E 4034. MOLES, wrick lee, superfluous fca lr removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 3dU r lUdner b.dg. Jr-ac 135. DR8. ATWOOD: private hospital: maternity raiM' vnnrl fartt'. trma rlfh! A A Allaltti K GENTLEMAN Stranger, would like to meet a lady; object matrimony, x oregonian. PERSONAL. . FURS, FURS. FURS. Now is the time to attend to your furs. No charge for storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods called for.- Remodelling, re pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Sam mer prices. Old mink blended to look like cew. Eadies call and wee process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 563 Wash ington st. A 5472. JOIN our Post Card Club, and receive cards from all parts of country. For 20c, we will send you full value in cards and place your name in our directory, free of charge, for six months. State- class of cards wanted, whether comic. Oregon views, birthday, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Post Card Buxaar, Hills boro. Or. MME. A. A. LUCKEY. Pyscho -magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; m full Una of electrical appli ances: newest and most improved elec tric blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 3d. aOO Morrison at. Main 2011. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A black horse, a white spot on fore head and left side was seen on Section Line., 3 miles west, of Greaham, Any one finding it. kindly notify M. Hager, Monta 1 villa, at ouce; reward. LOt T From Union ave., Madison, dark iron gray mare, lame in left hind leg. Notify ftt. clair Ice & Coal Co.. 34 Front sc Main 3623. Last seen at Rose City cem etery. LOST a bunch of keys somewhere between Rothchild bldg. and loth and Market sts. f inder will be rewarded by returning to 332 iota st. LOST Lady's lavender enameled breastpin with diamond. Finder will be rewarded by returning to George W. Hazen, uOi Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOST Lady's breastpin, square green stone uwwuucu 0 uiamona and pearls; finder win be suitably rewaided by re turning to C. K. Henry. 250 Stark Bt. LOST Fox terr'er dog. on May 28; black bead, biack spot on right side, small scar on back. Return to SuO Ankeny et.. be tween 5th and tun sta. Suitable reward. FOUND Where nair mattresses ars reno vated, returned nam i!v u Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair r iiuij. xi. sieuger. IOWT Kotn-ocn -Vfl- J . . rison on Grand ave., purse containing 40 . ,-- iu tmu, niuiu iy aet oin si re ward. WILL party who took leather handbag from fcunnyside grocery store Saturday night 'dun 10 il.. .iisi bt. jjioerai reward. LOST On Seaside train, about two week ago, pair diamond earrings. Return to o.u Bverett st. ana receive $25 reward LOST A silver and gold inlaid fountain pen; Julius V. Blum engraved on same. Liberal levoaru. X'llOUS Main xtotsx. LOST Brown purse containing Oregonian receipt, silver money, -near Soldiers' monu ment.. May mk teward. D 9S7, Oregonian, LOST Friday on Went RMp rnral noi-t lace. Please return 73 1 Overton. Phone main -tyu. Keward. LOST. Stolen Or St raved nn verv rinrk n v horse, weight 1200 lbs.; reward $5. John oteiger, Agents, it. j?-. i. iso. 2. LOST Thursday, gold open-work bracelet set lucuijnio. j: in uer yieiura etui jaain lOlil LOST A gold-beaded chain; very liberal rewara. iiwo w est Park. FOUND On Plaza block, jady's gold watch, Initials on case. A 3!37, at 335 10th at. LOST Lady's gold chain. CaU at 296 West iarx and receive reward-. SPECIAL NOTICKS. Miscellaneous, RECEIVER'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed. Receiver of J. M. Acheeon Company, will sell the property and assets of said corporation (except the grocery stock), at public auction, on the 3d day of June, 1908, at the honr of 11 o'clock A. M., to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the con firmation of the District Court of the united States for the District of Oregon all of the assets and property of said cor poration (except the grocery stock), .said as sets consisting of a stock of merchandise. book accounts, fixtures and unpaid stock subscriptions, will be sold together, a list of all said property can be seen at the office of the said corporation on Fifth and Alder streets, by applying to the Receiver. The amount of the highest bid must be paid to the Receiver in cash, or by certified check, payable to the order of said Receiver, when the bid Is made and accepted, and the aie win oe oinoing, subject only to tne con firmation of said Court. E. C. MEARS. As Receiver of J. M. Acheson Co. BEACH A SIMON and A. F. FLEGEL, Attorneys for Receiver. NOTICE to creditors and to all persons, firms and corporations interested in the Title Guarantee Trust Company In pur suance of an order made by the Honorable the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Oregon in the suit of N. Coy, plaintiff, against the Title Guarantee & Truest Company, a corporation, and oth ers, notice is hereby given to the creditors, as well as all persons, firms and corpora tions having any claim or demand against the said Title Guarantee & Trust Com pany, a corporation, of Portland, Oregon, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, fully verified, to the undersigned . receiver of said Title Guarantee & Trust Company, at hto office in the City of Port land, Oregon, on or before three months from the date hereof. Portland, Or., December 16, 1907. Time extended to July 6, 19o8. R. S. HOWARD, JR., Receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get copy Pacific Builder ana xiegmeer. Sis Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Account as ta fi. H. COLLIS, 324 Worcester block, public accountant anu euiaiv agent. Auditing, in vestigating, systematizing; permanent keep ing of books and reooros a specially. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 818 Chamber ox commerce, oince systematizing and general accounting. .Established lbUs. Architects. SEASLDE bungalow. See Johnson, 204 Mo- haw a bidg. Mam uuvi, J. iniL. Assayers and Analysts. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and attayers. u- w &nmgton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory aad PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust bougnu u aiuw bl. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. EHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasullne. en gine ana electrical repairing, iuo biark au Chiropody. WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Deveny, the only acienunc cbiropooisu, pariors zou Drew bldg.. 102 2d at. phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring, Mrs. M, D. H11L row ill u r ueuuai uiu. ruum rtwiog Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ahip brokers, com mission mercnants, anerioca oiug.. foriiano. Dancing. I'ALTZ, two-step, three- step and stage dancing lessons 25c -Prof. Wal Wlllson s school. Siyhi Washington St., between W. Park and loth st. Both phones. PROF. RINGLER'S acaoemy; correct dancing. Cor. tirana ave. wiu jaurrisoa. rnones. Detective) Agencies, BRUIN DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. Rooms 37-38 Hamilton bidg. Phones Main 4943. A 2645. Dos; and Horse HospitaL Dr. C. B. Brown, D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog. norse noepiuu, ivo om bi. 1,11100- irana lo. Electric Sign. ELECTRIC SIGNS Sola and rented. Port land Electric biga ao., b H4K Fred Stores. EJ. L. COOPER & CO., hay. grain, feed. 128 Union ave.t East ion, 0 Gasoline jEngluea, Etatlonsry. marine, electric equipments launch es, accessories, wnoiesaie, retail; engine re pairing. Reierson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mor Harness . and baddlery. THB Georgs Lawrence Co., wholesaJs as,ddio aad narnees manrrs.. ev-so asu .nam a. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kducavtio ual. ENGINEERING Civn, eiecirK-al, mechan ical, survey, away, cyaniue; established 1M4. an del- Nallion School, 51dt and, Teiegraph, Oaklanu, Cal. Houbccleuning. JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. and Burn ishing Brass Works. 2. 4th su A 00j3. Pac. 2126. M. N. Frank. Lnuncnett and Yachts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware gas olina engines. Si-e Hews, 171 Madison. Leather and Finding. J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished isos. Lt-ather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock, full llus Eastern Jumbos. 1SD Front sc. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, tap nifrs." finding. 1 Junk. Hide and Pelts. L. SHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, uieiala an I Musical. MANDOLIN, violin, banjo, guitar instruc tion; private lessons only; tjibs-.n mando lins. Weber's studio, -isj -i Wash, st FREDERIC CUE1TZ Violin instruction! fciudio 23 Cambridge bidg.. 3d and Mor rison WASHBURN mandolin and Stewart banjo for sale cheap. R. h. Eing. 004 Couch. EMIL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of Sevcik. A 4100. Pine 34. lac. 2U9. Osteopathic Phytdciiuia. DR. R. R. NORTHKL'P. 415-lt-17 Dekuai lildg.. Third and aabii.gtuu Sts. Phone, office. Main J49. Residence. S. 103. PaiuU. Oils and Cuasn. F. E. Beach & Co., th Pioneer Paint Co. V. indow glusu and glazing. 16J 1st. M. 133. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PROTECT your idea. We can patent It. Moulton & Sco bey, attorney a, 604 Coiuna bia bMg.. Portland, Or. R. C. W RIGHT, domestla and foreign pat ents: Infringement rases. tW4 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHHEIMEU. pension and patent at torney, rooms lXi-21 Labo bidg. PATENTS, trace marks. cc rights. A. J. Matter, 618 Commonwealth bids. Photo Engraveis. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatten Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sta DESIGNERS, photo engravers. Neisrf & Coa naway, loi) 2d st. A 4573. M. 7319. Rubber Stamps. s-LSO trade checks nd all office goods. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phona 1407- Painting and Pnperhuuglng. Fainting, furniture repairing and finishing. T. J. Wilson. :00 Hurnside. Main 8109. Faints, Oils and (.laws. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. lid and Taylor. Signs. 1 FOSTER & KLE1SEH. SIGNS. The largest sign-makers in the North west. Dth and Everett ate. Phone Private - Exchange 00. Home A 1100. ELMER J. WALLACE, art signs and office lettering. - 327 Stark. Pacific 1500. Spiritualists. Al 1EN ITON! NOTED A R Rl V A L. ZOLA MILFORD IS HERE BY REQUEST. The people no longer question the strange and mysteiious powers oi o,a Milford, the world-renowned clairvoyant. The crowds which fill her parlors every day is unde niable proof that the people of Portland are anxious to consuit a genuine psychic. Zola Miliord is here to help those who need help. If your heart is heavy, if in trouble, nave ill luck, bad health or misfortune, call on this gifted woman at once. She Js a clairvoyant by naiure, a medium by divine giic No matter what your trouble, she will help you. she tells your name, whom and wnen you will mairy, with name and date; gives reliable advice on business, deeds, patents, Wilis, friendship, love, mar riage, divorce, chances, travels, sales, and in fact eve-y qutsuun of importance to the human race, bhe reunites Irienus in bonds of love aud alte:tiou and cau--s quick and happy muxria&e with tut) one oil your choice. Hours 9 to 9. Special rates touay and to morrow. SATISFACTION GIVEN OR NO FEE AC CEPT a d. Do not forget the name and address. ZOLA MILFORD, 3u9J. Fir'iii ST. HO SIGN ONLY NAME 4jN DOOR. PHONE MAIN 304. FREE! for one w eek more, bring this ad and receivb absolutely; free One of my. CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Beat PROFESSOR KH1MO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all a If airs of life, tells your full name au4 what you called for, whom you will marry, how . to control the uqu you love, evea though miles away ; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control; does all others advertise to do. Oil ice,. No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater bldg., 302 Wash, su M, 107. MME. AD WARD, spiritualist medium, can be consulted on bu.siuo.-j, lawsuits, love, matrimony; uunes the separated, 110 mat ter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed; reading ,0o cents, daily and fcunday. Moved to the Palmer, cor. Park and Alder sts.. pariuis 3 and 4. JOHN SLATER will hold a test seance to night, b:la shaip, V oiuuii of Woodcrait Hall Taylor cor. loth. Tests, messages and CseaiedJ written questions. 11 awertU. MATTHEWS Lectures and free tests every night. o'cIock ; reading lice. J4o Otu st. Phone Pacific Ai33. ORIENTAL Mystic, noted palmist, medium ana clairvoyant; low n.e. :: cents, nos a Morrison si. Main 33M. FKoJt". N1BLO. Clairvoyant. Bring tiiiti advertisement for free test. 303 Washington st. ELS M EKE A white mystic of India; astral cairvoyant. -4ju w asningtou st. MAY ANDREWS, card reuuii:g at 3Z0 Main. DIEtBOLD SAFE & LOCK CO. John E. Davis. 60 3d st Bargains in second-hand sales. THE MUSLEU SAFE CO., 108 2d at. Safei it factory prices. acond-hanu sales. bhowcusc. Dunk aud Mors Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mig. Co., showcases. camlets, bboie uiiu uttice uxiurts. z& Couca st. Pacific 21&1. R, H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter AUIIlvei J., 1 MdlUULOU U1UK. mix I a OOuOw CHICAGO FIXTURE CO., showcases, office fixtures xai Aiad:son. Jnoite miu c23i. . Storage and Trunxfer. C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office and commodious lour-bioiy bn.k warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fire-proof vault for vaiuabUa, N. W. corner of 2d and Pine sts. Piaiioa and turuitura nmv d said packed for shipping. Main 50, A 1996. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Bob Ashby and Judd Fish. Furniture aud p:auo moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office luj Front st. Phones Main iu!. A 1102. OLSEN-iiOE 1HANSPER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos asd lu:imurc moved and uacked for shipment. 2VJ Oak St.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Street Paving. WARREN Construct m:i Co.. street pavlnj. sidewalks and crossings. .:i4 Lumow i-.xch. THE BARBER AtHHiALT PAVTNG CO., at Port land ortlce, 44z- w orcester block. Typewrit ere. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold and rented; alio state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange, hi 3d at. Main 600. SPECIAL prices, ail makes rented, auh. re paired, f. d. 1.. to., ultk, main iivi. Wholesale J oh l vein. WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers. manufacturers. eommisston merchants. 4th and Oak. THE HAWTHORNE FUEL CO. Dead 4-ft. fir, $4; green. $0: dry. $...00; .Vk extra for sawing. Phone Eat 310. East 8th and ' Main. WOOD Great Northern Wood Co. Dry. 4 foot fir cordwood. $4: sawed, $4.50. Mala' 8508, A 3030- East 8th and Main.