The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 31, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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Coal tar. $1 "barrel.
Poultry netting.
,v(, all kinds.
1000 cement blocks.
. thinks, bathtubs.
(;ratn and potato sacks.
Staples. $2 keg, new,
AH sizes rope.
Carload trace chains.
Mora fir flm nrotet'llon. 2 4 and 3-lnph
We buy and sell all kinds scrap iron
and metals.
50 wheelbarrows.
20V dozen writing tablets.
1M) rolls wrapping paper. white confectionery bags.
irwv rolls deadening flt, 1 roll,
10 0 squares rubber roofing.
,Vnm squares corrugated Iron.
Nails, $2 per keg.
2- Inch pipe. 8c per foot.
2 4-lnch pipe. 12c per foot.
3- inch pipe. J5c per foot.
4- Inch pipe. 25c per foot.
JO.itOO feet 3, 4, 6-lnch new pipe.
lO-inch new pipe. $1.50 per foot.
tV-lrw-H nnr Tifi I1.7H Tier fOOt.
We do all kind cut tin thread and
dipping of pipe.
Wire lor fencing, hop yards, baling,
telephone and building purpose.
fable for logging, guy wires, operating
Jessies ana otner purposes, an lengm aim
sizes. ,
Anv amount of strap Iron, hand Iron,
round iron, nuts, bolts and washers at
practically scrap prices.
picks at 30c each.
Any amount of crowbars. sledges,
wedges, mattocks, top mauls, blocks,
tents, etc.
3 54x16 boilers.
1 40-h. p engine.
1 12-h. p gasoline hoist.
1 2-h. p gas engine and pump.
1 10O-h. p. firebox boiler.
1 mortlser machine.
1 6Vk. p. dynamo.
Several other size dynamos.
1 6000-gallon tank.
2 MOxwVgallon tanks.
1 2000-gallon tank.
1 lOOO-gailon wood tank.
1 4-mould berg press.
ri4 Iron cars.
Lot fire brick.
Lot l-lb rails.
Also all sizes other rails.
All sizes car wheels.
Several pumps In A-l shape.
Any amount sprocket chain.
All izes anrocket wheels.
3 -case flour rolls, also lot of other flour
mill machinery.
We hove any amount of pulleys, both
wood and Iron. box-3i hangers, shafting,
gears, sheaves and other light machinery.
ri Hi new steel bronze-bushed sheave
All kinds of Iron drums and winches.
We carry positively the largest stock of
secondhand merchandise on the Coast, and
if In need of anything see us, as we can
save you money.
244-246-250 Front St.
Io you want to save money? We are in
a position to furnish you plumbing goods
and pipe for lens than you can get them
for elsewhere. See us for prices.
Pee us for your pipe wants; we Tiave
on hand the largest stock in the North
west of pipe, both new and second-hand,
either black or galvanized, in sizes from
m in. to 14 In. Let us save you money.
We carry a complete stock of second
hand machinery, pulleys, gears, belting,
etc.. which we are selling at very low
price. Shafting, bar Iron and steel.
We "have Just received two carloads
practically new cable In sizes from In.
to IV in., all lengths.
All our ads are positively guaranteed.
347-333 Glisan St., Corner Eighth.
N. E. Corner Fourth and Glisan Sts.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged,
at verv low prices.
Sinner. Wheeler 8c Wilson, Domestic.
Household, Standard. New Royal and others.
lito second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken in exchange;
machines sold on monthly or weekly pay
ments; no Interest on contract sales.
33ft Morrison st.
We have opened today great stock of
machines, new films, and all things for
the business; we can set you up in the
business from A to Z and teach you to
opt rate. Look -at our new Edison ma
chine, stereoptlcon combined, for $75. We
stock exhibition models and Power's ma
chine. The Laemmle Film Service, 419
Marquam bldg.
To visit our place before you order your
stoves, furniture, carpet, because we carry
a full line of new and as good as new
stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of
which we can satisfy the taste of everyone.
People's Auction Houee, 167 Front at., near
Morrison. Telephone Main 5670.
GO TO the "Odd Job" shop, 387 East
Washington St., for cheap bicycles and
supplies. New wheels, $20 to $25. Frame
pumps, 35 cents; bells, from 10 cents up.
All kinds of repair work promptly done.
Lawn mowers, scissors and knives sharp
ened, guns, umbrellas and locks repaired;
keys fitted.
FOR PALE Columbia Commercial Grapho
phone. complete with dictating tube re
cording and re pea ti na needles, clari phone
and 20 blank records; outfit new, used but
A months; no reasonable offer refused. Y
971. Oregonian.
1 9x10 logging engine.
1 7x10 l.iRtrfiiR or hoisting.
1 Ai,ax8 hoisting.
324 Chamber of Commerce.
grand single-comb unbeaten color cham
pion "Rex Glory." mated to 10 daughters
and sisters. $2.50 for 14; other pens. $1.75
up. Rex Reds Ranch, Ballard, Wash.
FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modem
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col
lender. 4v Third st.
FOR SALE Two launches at a bargain If
taken this week; A-l condition, new en
gines; speediest on the river for the
horsepower; both entered In Carnival pa
rade. Main M'fcl.
FO R 8 A I- K New houseboat of 4 rooms ;
one of the prettiest on the river; will
trade for good lot or acreagn. H 973.
A BRAND NEW 3-chair high-ctass barber
outfit; used only one month; will sell cheap
and on easy terms. W. L, Morgan. 213
Abmgton bldg.
FOR SALE Two cottages. 683 and 67
Hcyl st.. to be removed from the premi
ses, inquire of the owner, G. Winter,
5lO Tavlor st.
fir, $t; (treen. $5; dry, $,VMi; Vt extra for
sawing. Phone East 815. East 8th and
PUNCHING bag. practically new. pear
shaped. "Reach" bag and steel platform,
$ lo ;. value, for sale $6. B 969. Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Marabout opera cane; coat $40O;
swHifwi in city; never been worn; if sold
this week. $125 takti it. M W0, Ore
gonian. Foil SALE one (rood glass wall case, also
showcase to match. People's Auction
House. 167 Front st. Phone Main 5670.
LAI M'll Kieganlly finished, equipment in
ciuileti nearchltgiit and boaUiouse; seats 15.
K 96ti, Oregonian.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
taught. stMd and exchanged. L. inters, 4is
Ttlfcrd bldg . ICth and Morrison sts.
E1LEUS $72 50 certificate; make an - offer;
go. d on any piano purchase. Lewis,
FOU SALE Hat ten berg evening dress: e'e
g.nt Rinvn; will sell cheap. Address M 987,
A LAKiih. Ourney refrigerator, as rood as
new. and will seil cheap. Inquire 481 V E
Couch, or phone E. tliiy'Z.
$10 SINGER Sewing Machine, first-class
condition, with attachments; big bargain.
Call 3S3 East Morrison.
BARGAIN Strictly flnt-ctaftn Remington
typewriter, splendid condition, for $22 50.
Call 350 Alder. Main UVh.
FOU SALE By lady goir.g awav. ywll
brand new white tailor gown, below cost
Phone Pacific 1532. 1069 Vaughn at.
MAKE me an offer f"r No. 2 I, c. Smith
viMMe typewriter, perfect condition. B 9M,
Oresvnian. '
WANTED A good boy to leurn baker's trade.
U right's Bakery. Phone East 25v2.
HIGH-CLASS. erergetc business aW sman;
compensation large. 215 Commercial blk.
This country Is built" on BUSINESS.
BUSINESS is intelligent, useful actively
Now the BUSINESS men need high-grade.
competent men in their organizations to
make these same organizations BUSINESS
PERFECT. Now, our business is to supply
the high-grade BUSINESS man with the
necessary high-grade, competent man to
matte nis bimaess system perfect. If you
are such a man and are looking for an op
portunity to BUSINESS betterment, call and
talk over our method of placing high-grade,
competent men with firms needing them.
It wastes our time and yours, too, as
we handle only experienced, executive, teehr
nical, clerical men and salesmen.
402-403-4O4-4u5 Swetland Bldg.
SALESMEN WANTED No former expe
rience required; hundreds of good posi
tions open; you can earn from $20K to
$2t,ooo a year when properly trained ;
we will teach you to be a high-grade
traveling salesman in eight weeks by mail
and assist you to secure a position with
a reliable firm; a good salesman Is never
affected by strikes or hard times and Is
always sure of a good position; we place
hundreds of men In good salaried posi
tions; If you are ambitious and want more
money, write for our free catalogue. "A
Knight of the Grip.' today. Address
Dept. 681, National Salesmen's Training
Assn.. Chicago. 111., Kansas City, M.. or
Minneapolis. Minn. Write nearest office.
SALESMAN First-class salesman wanted to
sell cigars. Salary and expenses in keep
ing with abllitv to sell goods.
SALESMEN To handle an advertising spe
cialty of exceptional merit as a aide line.
Can be sold to merchant In any line of
business, wholesale or retail. Banks, brewer
ies. In fact will Interest any business or
professional man. Samples carried In pocket.
Average commission on each sale, $20. An
unusual opportunity for high-class men. Ad
dress Firm of A. L. Sllberstein. 476 Broad
way, New York.
A LEADING distillery of Kentucky offers
most attractive commission proposition to
high-class salesmen for the sale of whisky
In bond ; applicants must be well ac
quainted with saloon trade and come highly
recommended. Address with fullest par
ticulars and references, Cloudcroft Distilling
Co., 46 American National Bank bldg.,
Louisville, Kjr.
$:jlO motor cycle, or horse and buggy fur
nished our men for traveling and $85 per
month and expenses, to take orders for
the greatest portrait house In the world;
you will receive, postpaid, a beautiful
16x20 reproduction of oil painting in an
swer to this ad. Write for particulars.
R. D. Martel, Dept. 941, Chicago.
WANTED The Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
has opened a new market on the East
Side and every man in the vicinity should
see that his family is supplied with
Smith's Oregon meats. 512 W Ullams ave.,
near Russell st., opposite the Williams
Ave. School. See Smith's ad in Monday's
For graduates last year; men and women
to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn from
$'5 vo $25 weekly; expert instructor, tools
free; write for catalogue. Moler System of
Colleges, 89 N. th st., Portland. Or.
WANTED Young men to learn merchant
tailor cutting, our simple system mugni
by mail. "It's easy to learn." Write for
booklet 9-A. free, containing full informa
tion. Rochester Academy of Men's Clothes
Cutting, Incorporated. Beckley bldg-.,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Partner: a good restaurant cook;
must be a first-class all-around cook, sober
and reliable, to take half interest In a good
paying restaurant; a small amount of
money will do. with a whole lot of ability.
611 Swetland bldg.
BAKERS 2 first-class men wanted, one for
bread and one for cake; married men pre
ferred; part interest in business to the
right men If arrangements made at once;
only sober men need apply. 00 3d ave.,
Aberdeen, Wash.
W A NTED An energet Ic man of good ad
dress, well acquainted in the city, to learn
the real estate business; good pay to a
.man willing to hustle; give age, references,
phone number, etc., in tirst letter. Address
K 971, Oregonian.
SALESMAN at once; staple, attractive spe
cialty Jewelry line; old reliable house;
$304)0 to $5000 yearly to good salesman;
permanent contract; liberal advance, high
commission. Puritan Mfg. Co., Iowa City,
Iowa. ,
SALESMAN wanted, steadily traveling, sell
ing to general merchandise stores, small
towns, to handle complete lace-embroidery,
line from leading Importers; liberal
commission. Merk Co., 416 Broadway
New York.
WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales
men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out
fit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars address with references, Ore
gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or.
STENOGRAPHER Young man with expe
rience at both stenograpny ana statement
work for railroad accounting office; must
come well recommended both as to ability,
habits and character. F 979. Oregonian.
RELIABLE men to sell a quick-selling line
of household goods on the installment
plan ; liberal commission, no former ex
perience necessary; bis money for hust
lers. J. D. Sherman, 2ii2 Third.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing ana bricklaying; any ana nignt; no
books; positions secured; free catalogue.
Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 Sta
st., San Francisco.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones, Main and A 1536.
Help Free to Employers.
WANTED Thoroughly competent man
cook for first-class interior hotel; gooa
wages to good man; fare paid. WYite
with reference to Hotel prlneville. Prine
vllle. Or.
SALESMEN wanted to sell souvenir postal
cards as a side line. Most varied ana ex
tensive souvenir postal card line in coun
try; state references. Gartner & Bender,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon w 1th
staple line; high commissions, witn lU'U
monthly advance ; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
A thoroughly experienced and compe
tent man wanted.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics: easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
WANTED Young man to take half inter
est In real estate office, only a little
money needed, balance to be paid out of
business. 142 V 2d st., room 10.
THIRTY real estate salesmen; new city trat;
new scheme; large commission: get your
money every day. Judson, 4U9 Couch bldg.,
Tuesday, between 8:30 and 10.
AF.L-ROUND office man, . bookkeeper and
stenographer combined; give phone, also
salary expected and references. J Oil.
$25 per week and traveling expenses paid by
rename nuut iw iiemcii iu visit ueaiffrs.
Experience unnecessary. Purity Co.. Chi
cago. WANTED Energetic, honeet young man who
can furnish a horee to solicit work with
my wagon. Staples, the jeweler, 162 1st
W ANTED 10 live. "up-to-noW real eetate
salesmen; splendll opportunity for gxd
men. Call at 148 5th st., upstairs. Ask
for Mr. Marthello.
WANTED Firsv-classt lunch waiters. also
waiters tor ounquets. Appiy neaa waiter.
Commercial Club, 5th and Oak, bet. 8 and
9 A. M.
WANTED Silk and dress goods department
manager and tmjer in anotner city. An
swer fully as to experience, salary, age,
etc. O 978. Oregonian.
WANTED Two first-class addlemakers.
Must be nrst class, no omers neea apply.
Address Los Angeles Saddlery & Finding
Co., Los Angeles. Cal.
STUDY LAW in session all the year. Port
land Law School. Worcester block. Phone
Main 45u4.
PHOTO-ENGRAVERS t wanted. nonunion;
State experience ana wages expected. AQ
dres P. O. Box 937. Milwaukee, Wis.
WANTED An experienced dry roods man
to travel in Eastern Oregon: one familiar
with the trade. Answer N 977, Oregonian.
F. H. Have, room 48 Hotel Antlers,
10th and Washington.
WANTED All-around dentist; steady position.
Chicago Dentists. 6th and Washington st.
WANTED A man and wife to do chores
and housework. B 975. Oregonian.
MAN AND WIFE no children, to work on
small dairy and poultry farm, just out
side suburbs; man to assist milking and
other general work; woman to cook for 2
men and five more or less attention to
poultry. Inquire Sunday up to 11 A. M.,
northeast corner Clifton and 2h sts..
Portland Heights. On Monday northeast
corner First and Ankeny sts.
WANTED The Frank L. Smith Meat vo.
has opened a new market on the East
Side and wants a steady job "fighting the
beef trust" in that vicinity. Buy your
meat there and keep the price down. 512
Williams ave., near Russell st.. opposite
the Williams-Ave. School. See Smith's ad.
in Monday's Oregonian.
DO YOU want a good position? We have
an opening for good man, good salary;
must Invest $3HK). well secured: only
those who mean business need answer
Give phone number for appointment; ref
erences required; must have man imme
diately; no agents. Address X Ore
onian. "WANTED Competent stationary engineer and
electrician for sawmill plant near Portland;
t must be capable of keeping up and oper
ating steam engine, electric generator and
motors; reliable, competent references re-
' quired. Apply 303 Couch bldg.
A YOUNG man wanted by professionals to
take Dutch character part in a comedy
mueical vaudeville sketch; must play some
band or orchestra instrument. Apply today
(Sunday). 267 Sherman st., near Sd st.,
West Side.
COOK wanted to take half Interest In a
restaurant; must be a good all-around
cook; little money and a whole lot of
ability; here is a snap for tome one. 511
Swetland bldg.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; high commievions, with $100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Salesman or manufacturens' agent
to handle line of wire rope fittings to sup
ply and hardware houses, on commission;
send references. The Cincinnati Railway
Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
WANTED A first-class stock sales manager;
$25,000 a year; don't answer unless you can
give the finest references and can prove
your ability to earn that amount. C 090,
WANTED Young man to take half Interest
in an office business; one handy with a
typewriter preferred; $350 required. B
WS5, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, goo?
publications, proposition is worth investi
gating.' Benedictine Press Inc., 603 Good
nough bldg.
YOUNG MAN to aswist in shipping depart
ment, sash and door factory ; must have
some experience. Apply Monday, A. M.
Nlcolal-Neppach Co., 227 Davis.
NEED HELP To right man Interest In old
established contracting firm for $500; will
pay $loo per month salary for services.
J tt8S, Oregonian.
WANTED A good watchmaker; $20 per
week; muet have references. J 977, Ore
gonian. COUNTRY printer, $15. weekly paper. Ore
gon. Newspaper Brokerage, ttOtf Good
nough bldg. Main 5558. (No boozefighter.)
MEN and boys, sell Rose Carnival caries, etc.;
big money; lowest wholesale prices. Call
37tt East Morrison, room 26. Adams.
WANTED A boy, about 16 years of age.
for. office work and as messenger. Apply
The Bradstreet Co., Worcester block.
PHYSICIAN wanted as substitute for large
country practice; professional references
required. Address' O 984, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with $25 to $50 to take posi
tion &f sales agent. Monday. 1 P. M. . Ro
tary Mfg. Co., 320 to 327 Corbett bldg.
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5094.
WANTED Hustling young man as partner
for o ff 1 ce ; no fa ke. A dd ress L 976, Ore
gonlan. 30 a week and expenses to men with rig
to Introduce poultry compound. Grant
Co.. Dept. 87, Springfield. 111.
make $5u0 per month; good contract.
Room 40 Raleigh bldg.
FIRST-CLASS sausagemaker. alfo wagon
driver. Apply Harry Wood Market-Co.,
1st and Alder.
WANTED Salesman of good address to sell
shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co., 39 Hamil
ton Bldg.
CLOTHING salesmen, sell custom pants to
public direct; make own prices. Abrams
Co., 11 Nassau St., New York.
WANPED Executive, technical, clerical and
sales men, all lines. Commercial Abstract
Co.. 406 Commercial Club bldg. ,
PARTNER Man 25-35 years to step into a
money-maker with me; a few hundred
only necessary. B 986. Oregonian.
WANTED A man to attend fish and poul
try market who can dress chickens. Ap
ply at once. 360 Morrison st.
WANTED Man and wife to work on dairy
-farm. Applv bet. 2 and 5 P. M. 16 East
30th st. North.
WANTED Sober, reliable man, $150 cash;
good wages guaranteed; experience unre
quired. Call room 5. 2MVi Alder St., 9 to 5.
BOY wanted to learn engraving; must have
talent for drawing. Apply 271 Morrison
st.t room B.
WANTED Experienced and reliable young
man ao oooKKeeper ana casnier; state sal
ary expected. X 975, Oregonian.
WANTED Man with $100; average $30 week
ly, expenses; experience unrequired: must
travel. Room 6. 351 H Morrison st, 9 to 6.
WANTED First-class active solicitors for
our acre tracts. 332 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WE SECURE positions for our members; spe
cial membership. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED A second baker. Wright's Bakery.
Phone East 25t'2.
BUTCHER wanted for Kalama. Apply 130
Grand ave.. Sunday. 9-12.
CLERK and general utility man, Summer re
rt. L WO, Oregonian.
10 extra waitresses. $2 day, no fee; 15
steady waitresses, city and country, $20 to
$3i with room and board, $25 and $30 and
board. $10 and $8 a week and board; 4
chambermaids. $25 room and board, or $30
and board, no room; plain laundress, $25
and found. Summer resort; 2 waitresses,
$7.50 a week, 8 hours daily, city.
Special 10 girls to make paper flowers,
no experience needed, no fees ; 4 women
for plain sewing. $1.50 a day; housekeepers,
family cooks, second girls, nurse girls, hotel,
restaurant cooks and kitchen help. Others.
343 H Washington at.. Cor. 7th, upstairs.
WANTED The Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
wants a steady situation aupplving meat
to ail East Side folks in the vicinity of
their new market. M2 Williams ave.. near
Russell st.. opposite the Wll!mms-Ave.
School. Read Smith's ad. In Monday's Ore
gonian. WANTED 4 waitresses. 3 chamber maids,
2 cooks, several girls for general house-w-ork;
good wags.
Large Uwt of n-w work every day.
Ladies' department 205 S Morrison st.
WANTED Young woman slightly deaf
wants general housework; New Thought
family preferred. Miss May Huel'ert. R.
p. 4. Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED A woman to help In a first-class
boarding-house of 11 rooms; good wage.:
none but experienced help need apply. 1SS
WANTED Lunch waitress: no Sunday
work at Winters' Restaurant, 230 First
COMPETE NT girl for cooking and general
housework. 101 14th st.. cor. Morrison.
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory.
93 Front st.
WANTED Colored woman, middle-aged, grod
cook: two in family; good wages. A 4725.
YOUNG LADY wanted at once to learn the
barber trade. 12 N. 4th st
GIRL wanted for housework. Inquire at
2."1 St. Clair st. phone Main 2564.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid; wages
$25. 53 North 18th St.. cor. Davis.
WANTED A girl for general housework
Inquire 251 St. Clair st. Phone Main 254.
A LADY who understands the care of
young baby. Phone E 49S8.
A GOOD girl; good wages. 561 Washington.
GIRLS, 18 years and over, to wcrk in fac
tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harri-Nevllle
wo., ota ana LtavLs sis.
THE Hoqulam General Hospital. Training
School for Nurses offers a two-year course
of study to young women from 18 to 30
years or age. who are desirous- oi enter
ing the nursing profession. For informa
tion address the superintendent. Hoquiam
General Hospital Training School for
urses. ttoquiam, W ash.
WANTED The Frank L. Smith Meat Co
has opened a new market on the East
t-me ana everv housekeeper in tne vicinity
Is requested to trade there. 51A Williams
ave., near Kussell st.. opposite the Win
lams-Ave. School. Read Smith's ad. in
Monday s Oregonian.
WANTED Lady stenographer with $50O to
Invest in corporation, salary $50 per
month and one-fourth the net profits,
which will net 50 per month more. Call
SMite 47-4S Milner bldg.. Morrison and
Park sta
WANTED Ladies to make aprons; $3.60
aoz. ; no cost to get worn; materials sent
prepaid. Inclose stamped addressed en
velope. Home Apron & Dress Co., Los
Angeies, uai.
WANTED Experienced players for profes
sional ladles' baseball team; athletic girls
considered ; good salary. Apply all after
noon today. Birdie Carleton, Philip Hotel,
otn and uurnside.
WANTED Young woman billing clerk for
wholesale house; must have experience In
extension work and operate Remington type
writer. K 979, Oregonian.
S43H Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones, Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
plain cooking; no washing. Call Sunaay
afternoon or any time Monday. Carfare
paid. 632 Raleigh St., corner 25th.
WANTED Girl for light housework; two in
family ; no washing; use of piano: no ex
perience neceesary; good home; give name
and telephone number. F 9H9. oregonian
VOGUE School of Millinery; a thorough
course of millinery taught In 4 weeks;
terms reasonable. 376 Stark st., cor. W.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework; family small; no washing;
wages $30 to $35 per month; references re-
quirea. App.y ta$ ianaers st.
LADY sewers, make sanitary belts at home;
materials furnished; $13 per hundred,
Particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 355,
Dearborn Specialty Co.. Ohlcago.
KIND young Etrl to assist with light house
work and two children; kind treatment
and good home; smll wages; go to beach
ror summer. v vai. uregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to do laun
dry work, also cook for two gardeners at
gentlemen's country place. P 981, Orego
Thoroughly experienced and competent;
none other need apply.
WANTED A competent general housework
girl, must be good cook; a good position
for a capable woman; pay, $36; three in
lamuy. rnone tast 44.
YOUNG woman ' for general housework or
to assist witn it; gooa wages, good location,
small family. 725 Weidler St., Irvington.
Phone East 4159.
WANTED Three first-class waitresses and 1
chambermaid; best wages to competent
help. Call at the Beverly, Park and Yam
hill. WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good wages paid. Call at 410
Holladay ave., or phone East 558.
GIRL for general housework ; must be a
gooa cook; small ramiiy adults; good wages.
Phone E. 2062. 306 Grand ave. North.
WANTED Body lroners and starchers. Av
ply Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and
feast Anxeny at.
EXPERIENCED waist and coat makers,
best wages for experienced help. 405
Fliedner bldg.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Koth
chlld bldg., 4tb and Washington.
Ladies' Department. 206 Morrison SL
Phones Main 10G2 a 1400.
443 H Washington st., comer 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
LARGE businees firm desires a woman not
under 30 who is trustworthy and) energetic;
experience not necessary. G 982, Oregonian.
WANTED Swedish or German girl for gen
eral housework and plain cooking. Call
Sunday, 704 Northrup st. Phone Pac. 528.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, small family, good wages. Call
East 2390.
A NEAT girl to assist with housework in
flat: 2 In family; give phone number. K 983,
FICE 230 Yamhill; good help and situa
tions, all kinds. Main 5413.
WANTED Girl for general housework; fam
ily 3 adults; Sundays free. Mrs. Roberts.
370 Park.
SHORTHAND lessons by experienced stenog
rapher and teacher; $6 per month day les
sons. 681 Vancouver ave.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 626 East Burnside. Call fore
noons. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
in small family; good wages. Call Mon
day, 547 7th.
LADY demonstrator for toilet preparations;
must have good complexion and be fluent
talker. 235 Pine st.
WANTED German girl or woman, general
housework, $20 per month. Call bet. 8
and 10-A. M. 273 Taylor st.
YOUNG lady with $26 or $50 to take position
as sales agent. Monday, 1:30 p. M., Ro
tary Mfg. Co., 320 to 327 Corbett bldg.
WANTED A girl who hae had experience
in ironing and turning collars. Apply at
Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid; goo J
wages. Phone Main 84 1 0.
STENOGRAPHER. Apply 129 let st. P. J.
Cronln Co.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 315
11th, cor. Clay.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
6S6 Lovejoy St.
WANTED Kitchen help for Finnish boarding-house.
248 North 17th.
WANTED Strong woman or girl for board-lng-houee;
cook preferred. 248 North 17th.
GIRL for general housework. Call 712 E.
Taylor et.
BOOKKEEPING Private lessons, $4 per
month. Phones Pacific 048, A 4048.
WANTED An experienced second girl at
103 12th St., corner Morrison.
WANTED An experienced cook and second
girl. Phone Main 3068.
WANTED Experienced waitress. Call
Council Crest ice cream parlor at once.
COOK wanted out of town, good wages. 550
Hoyt st.
WANTED A competent girl for housework.
Apply 770 Marshall.
EXPERIENCED dining-room girl Immediate
ly. 535 Cnuch. corner lttth.
GIRL wanted; light work. American Badge
Makers Co., 151 'North 23d St., near Irving.
229U 1st st. Phone A 3380.
WANTED Girl for gereral housework, to
sleep at home. 790 Marshall.
A COMPETENT woman to do general house
work. 1544 Belmont st. Tel. Tabor 39.
WANTED Girls to fill and label spice tins,
etc. Apply 26 Front St., Monday.
25 WAITRESSES, city (2 Heppner, $25),
cooks. "dlehers." waiters. domestics
wanted daily. "Drake's," 2o5H Washing
ton. STENOGRAPHERS should take our special
drills, night school, for better salaries.
Business University, Worcester bldg.
$3 TO $5 earned daily soliciting magazine
subscriptions ; short or long hours. 6fi3
Good iu ugh bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED and reliable man, age 36,
wishes place as cashier or bookkeeper or
general office man ; have had six years'
bank experience as bookkeeper and teller:
bet ot record and references. Address W.
H. Tucker. 367 6th St.
ENERGETIC young man of .temperate habits
wishes position as bookkeeper, collector or
general office man; college education; best
of references; ready to commence any time.
G 902, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, 26. college education, 5
years' experience as bookkeeper and sales
man, desires position with chance to ad
vance; best references. N 974. Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of
fice man. capable taking charge of cor
respondence, desires position with respon
sible party. C 9e8, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced book
keeper, accustomed to handling collec
tions and correspondence. C 979, Orego
nian. POSITION as private secretary; have had
three years' experience. A-l bookkeeper
and stenographer, with ability to handle
your correspondence. B. vol, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman desires position
with reliable party in any capacity where
business ability is needed; best references.
C 989, Oregonian.
NEAT-APPEARING young man of good edu
cation and business ability desires position
in any capacity. Address u uv, orego
nian. EXPERIENCED Journeyman plumber, non
union, wants a job in city; wages no ob
ject. Address G 993. care Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young man employed all
day. desires position as bookkeeper or
stenographer evenings. L 9t8, oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position with wholesale
firm; 4 years' experience in general office
work with railroad. A 985, oregonian.
POSITION is bookkeeper by man of thor
ough experience ara nrst-ciass rererences.
1&4 East Madison st.
YOUNG man wants position as salesman; any
line; give run particulars, l vti, oregonian.
WANTED By a man. strictly temperate
ta of gooa naDits, wn m perrectiy sin
cere, honest and trustworthy, who has a
purpose in life and believes life has a pur
pose for him, who Is sober, thoughtful and
Intelligent, of "Advanced Thought" Ideas
and in the process of mental and spiritual
unfoldment, inclined to scientific and
philosophical thought and study, at pre a
ent holdinir nositton as clerk In small ho
tel. to communicate with man of similar
characteristics with view to obtaining
position, if agreeable, affording an oppor
tunity for the cultivation of mental
growth and unfoldment. The person to
whom this may appeal Is invited to ad
dress p. o. box "Z, Arlington, or.
ROSE CITY Visitors or Resident Who among
you is willing to put a young single man.
American, good references, good education
and jud-gment, and high character, in the
way of a desirable wage or business open
ing, requiring but small capital, in either
the country or a country town? Qualified
for either manual labor or clerical work, or
both combined. Interview me it interested.
Willing to go anywhere in the Pacific. West
ern or Northwestern States. A 986, Ore
gonian. 2 BULGARIANS, 17 and 24 years old, first
experience 1 year In drug store, wish any
kind or ngnt work ; epeaa gooa tngnsn;
second wishes to work at shoe shop, ex
perience 6 years; talk Just little .English.
35 N. 2d St.
WANTED, by a steady, temperate married
man. a position as stationary engineer;
no oblections to leavlne city: will agree
to stay term of years Tf wages suit. W
975, Oregonian.
CIVIL engineer, broad experience on Indus
trial plants, would associate himself with
architect or engineer as a partner or on
salary. V 979, Oregonian.
RVpRRiPTNCED superintendent, builder and
designer of medium, low price, high class
bunaalows lo open to an engagement. P
986, Oregonian.
WANTED An apartment-nouse to manage
by one who is well experienced and under
stands his business; stranger In city. . H
914, Oregonian.
WINDOW trimmer ana card writer wants
position ; three years' experience ; excellent
reference; married; have fine air brush, tx
979. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED married man seeks steady po
sition; security furntehea ror one or trust;
not afraid of work. O. Tribon. 1132 Bel
mont. WANTED By man and wife, middle-aged,
no children, to work and manage a farm.
Address 19 and 20 Madison bldg.
MAN 35. Dane, just from the East, position
as coachman or janitor or anything; good
appearance. E 981, Oregonian.
MECHANICAL draftsman, technical educa
tion, experienced In contracting and con
veying machinery. V 980, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position;
references. Call or address 1091 E. Mor
rison st.
JOB compositor, first-class workman, wants
situation, city or country. E 989, Ore
gonian. YOUNG MAN of ability, references, wishes
position with business firm in city. Phone
Bast 1036.
POSITION in railroad office by young man, 4
years experience; references. A 986, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man desires position on farm; state
proposition in first letter. N 979., Ore
Ionian. GARDNER wilt grade and seed lawns,
fences built. Phone Tabor 1175.
WANTED Laundry and other day work.
Phone Tabor 1175.
POSITION with reliable stock broker to learn
the business; references. Y 977, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position of any
kind- E tfMi. oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female, Z4U Joucn st. fnons juatn odxi.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires a position.
480 Wash. st. Phone Main lttfu.
Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind
help. zs c.verett. Mam oo. a wta.
EXPERIENCED janitor wants steady posi
tion; good references. J 983. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers und Stenographers.
YOUNG LADY with special training and ex
perience in collecting tor pnysicians, wants
position in physician's office as bookkeeper,
collector and office girl. First-class refer
ences. Phone Main 7554.
COMPETENT stenographer, experienced in
general office work, desires supply or per
manent position. Address Y 982, Oregon
ian. BOOKKEEPER, first class. with knowledge
of shorthand, wants permanent position;
best references. M 976, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thor
oughly experienced ana competent; s.ou
per dav. M 974. Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone clerical ornce, Main 4W.
Tested and certified.
ART LA MODE, 181 6th st., opposite the
Portland. Main 3378. A r36 High -class
ladies' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
MADAM DUPRE Parisian robes, exclusive
designs, evening costumes ana party
gowns a specialty; perfect satisfaction
guaranteed, high-class patronage solicited.
350 Clay st. (No sign).
DR ESSM A KING a t home or by t he day ;
Wood lawn 539.
ALL kinds of fancy dressmaking and
ladies' tailoring, $s a aay. rnone Main
DRESSMAKER Excellent fitter, fine de
signer, w isnes eiiK:iiieiiiH hub monin omy.
Main 6581. 471 Morrison.
CMPETENT seamstress desires engage
ment in r amines; terms reasonaDie. fnone
Main 2437
DRESSMAKER and tailoress will make en
gagements oy tne aay. rnone wood lawn
DRESSMAKING by the day $2: good work
guaranteed, rhone fa cine tfJ2.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladies' tail
oring. LSI i aavier. rnone Main i.'44.
EXPERIENCED dresemaker wishes engage
ments ny oay. miss iarsen. Main iPwio.
COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day
work, rnone Monday, beiiwooa 1103.
WANTED Position as first-class cook or man
ager large hotel; first-ciass buyer; has grow
ing daughter, can fill any position; city or
country. G- 979. Oregonian.
WANTED Lady wants position as house
keeper for widower, with 1 child. Call
449 Lexington ave.; take Sell wood car-
AN elderly widow wants position as house
keeper for widower or In small family. C
9M, Oregonian.
A THOROUGHLY competent day worker
would like a few more days In good fam
ily. Call after 6. Main 1199.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper for single
gentleman, or take entire charge of rooming
house. Call Pacific 1997, room 4.
A THOROUGHLY competent hotel house
keeper wants post Ion, city or beach; best
references. Address S 984. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper for hotel or
lodging-house. Phone M 185, room 10.
GRADUATE nurse, having pleasant home,
large lawn, fruit and flowers, would take
Invalid to care for. t21 Corbett.
AN elderly nurse would take care of baby
at the coast or springs, or would travel.
Nurse, 2S6 Caruthers st.
KINDDRGARTNER will care for children aft
ernoons for board, in private family. F 078,
WANTED Positions for Summer by Teach
ers College girls, as tutor, care of children
or cashier. Apply Young Women's Chris
tian Association.
ANTED Position as preceptress or matron
in some college, by widow of Congl. clergy
man; references. N 911, Ot-egonian.
YOUNG lady with talent for drawing and
painting would like work, call or write
711 4th st.
WILL give beginners or advanced p"uplls
lessons on the piano lor 25 cents a lesson.
M 985. Oregonian.
COMPETENT young woman wishes the care
of children for the season; will go to Coast.
Address H 987, Oregonian.
CAPABLE woman wishes day work; fine
lingerie a specialty; 25c per hour. Phone
after lO A. M. A 46S6.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work,
window cleaning, etc., no washing, 25c
per hour. A 4134.
LACE CURTAINS done up. 25c and up.
Pacific 3641. A 5026.
MEN'S old clothing, shoes Highest prices
paid. 73 H N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694.
WANTED Day work: can give reference.
Phone Pacific 936, A 4252. Room 15.
WANTED Washing and ho usee leaning.
Phone Pacific 2024, room 12.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work Mon
day. Tuesday. Wednesday. Phone M. 6140.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c per
pair. Main 8574, A 43K7.
WOMAN wants permanent day work. Main
WOMAN wants day work washing and Iron
ing. Apply 387 25th st. North.
EXCITING buslness Make money quick
sure. All or spare time. Experience unnec
essary. Dave Crawford, of West Virginia,
writes: "Made $42.75 first week." M. L.
Smith, of Pennsylvania, with a $16.25
outfit writes: 'Turned out $301.27 worth of
plating in two weeks." Thomas Parker,
school teacher, writes: "Made $9.80 profit
one day." George Crawford: $7 one day."
R, R. Howard: "Have more plating than
1 can do." H. H. Bender: "Great demand
for replating." W. R. Sweaney: "Easy to
learn." $5 to $15 a day in rold. silver,
nickel and royal plating business. Every
body has tableware. Jewelry, watches and
goods needing plating. Materials cost 10
cents to do $1 worth of plating Big
profits. No competition. We do plating
ourselves teach you to do finest plating
furnish receipts free. Outfits $16.25 and
up guaranteed. A life-time business of
your own. We're old firm capital $100,000.
Write today; circulars and free sample t
plating. Clip this out. It won't appear
again. Gray & Co., plating works. No.
2 Gray bldg., Cincinnati, O.
Democratic candidate for President of the
United States! His grrat new book "THE
wildfire. Agents make $20 to $50 a week.
Here's your chance! Exclusive territory ; out
fit free. Send 25 cente for mailing. Address
Sales Manager, The Thompson Publishing
Company, St. Louis.
BIG money can be made bv men and wo
men canvassing for subscriptions for the
American Boy. the best magazine for bo va
in the world. There Is a boy in nearly every
home and all parents want their boys to have
it. The cash commission is large, and each
month we distribute cash prizes besides.
Write today to the Sprague Publishing Co.,
7th floor Majestic bldg., Detroit Mich.
A RICH opportunity in a unique field for
first-class solicitors, salesmen and broad
gauge men in general; immediate earnings
as high as $7T a week: renewals assure
steadily increasing; Income; positions of
district manager open; if equal to the big
gest and best, write; small potatoes keep
away; not insurance. Caribbean Company,
42 Broadway. New York.
AGENTS make $103.50 per month selling
wonderful self -sharpening patented scis
sors and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22
pairs in 3 hours, made $13; you can do It.
We show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg.
vTo., 500-3 Fourth St., Dayton. Ohio.
and expenses easily made selling our pop
ular combination policies and appointing
agents; experience unnecessary. Write
Oscar Ekman. 313 Bitel bldg.. Seattle,
AGENTS can make $5 to $23 a day; no ex
perience needed; circulars teach the busi
ness and our patented goods do the rest;
If making less than $300 month write us.
Address the West Coast Supply Company,
Oakland. Cal.
AGENTS WANTED Newly patented article,
sells 50c; several necessary every home or
building; best seller; highest commission;
exclusive territory. Write today the Hunter
Latoh Company, Los Angeles.
HELP-A-PHONES A necessity, every busi
ness place, easily adjusted to telephone;
shuts out noise, makes voice distinct;
agents making $15 a day. Help-a-Phone
Co., 1133 Broadway, New York.
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
-wonderful 7-plece kitchen set; send for
sworn statement of $12 dally profit; outfit
free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 500-3 Jefferson St.,
Dayton. Ohio.
AGENTS wanted to handle biggest money
making fire extinguishers; special start
ing offer; exclusive territory; $7i to $300
per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.,
Milwaukee. Wis.
AGENTS wanted for new patent household
article, something new. every housekeeper
wants it; exclusive territory given. Write
The Eastern Novelty Works, 826 Liberty
St., Pittsburg, Pa.
WOMEN Big profits, easy work, spare time
or steady work; choice of 30 ladies' new
specialties. Particulars and $2 free offer
of Fair Mfg. Co.. Box 478, Racine, Wis.
100 AGENTS wanted to sell toilet articles
at 60 per cent commission. Washington
Chemical A Dentifrice Manfg. Co., Col
vllle. Wash.
AGENTS to sell stock for the Collins Wire-
less Telephone Co., long-distance talking
without wires. J. O'Connor Mgr., 323
Fliedner bldg.
FREE SAMPLES ofour many useful articles
are sent to lady agents; liberal commis
sion. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., Buf
falo, N. Y.
WANTED Experienced solicitors, ladies or
gentlemen, to can on pnysicians and dent
ists. Call room 48, Milner bldg., Morri
son and Park. ,
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees.
nrura, vie. uuiui luroimoa tree; com
mission advanced each week; good terri
tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
AGENTS WANTED Can yon sell goods? It
so, we neea you; complete outnt free; cash
weekly. Writs for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
thing; retail 50c; sample, your name and
agents' terms, 20c.. Gibson-Ailing Co.
Akron, O.
AGENTS to handle a washing tablet; new
thing, unerai commission; sens irc pkg.
&U5H V. Easton avenue, St. Louis. Mo.
WANTED Agents, legitimate substitute for
slot machines, patented: sells on sight for
$1. Particulars. Gisha Co.. AnderBon, Ind.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made in puppiying perfumes to lamiitea. Ad
dress Le ftler A Co., St. Louis, Mo.
LADIES and men for permanent well-paying
lines, tan alter v, izv ism u
MONEYMAKER for men. women easy,
quick, sure all or spare time showing,
taking ordera appointing agents expe
rience unnecessary. B. H. Huestead. of
h'ffan: writes: "Sold U one day."
(Profit $J0 to $43 on doa, orders). Geo.
Robinson, of Maine: "Am delighted, so are
friends; took 12 orders in three days." Ed
Wilson: -Sold five first day." tieorge Hal
man; Already have 70 ordera" This pat
ent new nothing else like it Two sales a
-ymk ftw to 4i woflt weekly. Most
wonderful low-priced valvelesa. wick less.
? A" " and lr-bui ntng stove ever Invented.
Consumes 305 barrels air to one gallon
v"hE olJ S 1-8 to H on fuel bills.
"k those sold In stores. Burns like
gaa. blue flame, no wick, no valve. No
more hot fiery kitchens. William Stevens,
of Massachusetts, writes: "Best stove out;
nr smoke; easily operated; perfectly safe."
S-t2anxrou" ilke li". Enormoua de
mand. Where operated causes excitement
people atop. look, ten aee. tight buy. 30-
Sy .offr- A" sisM; Prlc :i -"' d
QUn arly tor territory. Write to-Si--
r t w.on't aPPr again. World
Mfg. Co.. No. 5 World bldg.. Cincinnati.' O.
BIG money handling Fetrys hand paste.
Best of all cleansing preparation. Write
lrtaiI!p It anL Kreat Kncy proposition.
r-erry & Co.. ft. Warren st.. New York.
VV ANTED To rent houses, cottacss flats.
S!i ?". nimill-houaea, etc ' Land
lords will do well to call on Poland
Company of Oregon. S. . cor. 4
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
MAK desires room with breakfsst
and dinner. West Side, close in preferred;
rates muet be reasonable; can give refer
nc lt wanted. D Bss. Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room, with pleasant
family surroundings, by young single gen
i.eman. Address, giving rates, L 978, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED couple want part or all o
furnished house, flat or apartments. Wsat
Mde. close In; must be reasonable; ref
erencea. Address R 084. Oiegor.lan.
WANTED Boar-; and room, with use of
bath, in private family, reasonably central
location, at not over $2 to $22.50 per I
rnonih. Answer L 975, Oregonian.
ROOM and breakfast in private family by!
lady employed during the day; East Side
preferred; references exchanged. N 980
THREE or 4 furnished housekeeping'
rooms, including regular kitchen, prefer
ably in modern flat. West Side. Phone
Main 60f2.
WANTED To rent for the Summer, mod-,
ern neatly furnished cottae. by famjiy
of throe adults; references if required.
B 980, Oregonian.
6 TO 8-room furnished house. June. July,
August, to family of adults responsible)
party. C 987, Oregonian.
WANTED By responsible parties. 12-room
house, unfurnished; West Side, close In. M
9S0, Oregonian.
ANTED To rent or buy small house o
bungalow; must be modern; give location
and terms. L 985, Oregonian.
WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms or small
cottage with yard; state price. V 978,
WANTED t or 5-room furnished' apart-i
ments for man and wife; lease if neces-
sary. N 97S, Oregonian.
KINDDRGARTNER will care for children aft
ernoons for board, in private family. F 978, i
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms with ra-!
spectable family. D 990, Oregonian.
A LADY wants room and board in private)'
family. Y 976, Oregonian. ' ;
And any thing else you have to sstL
Main 6655. A 41tL
WANTED In Or near Vancouver. Wash., or
Portland, one or two good Jersey cows;
-must give good milk and plenty of it; state
age and price wanted. Address F. G. Zleg
ler. Port Blakely, Wash.
WANTED A young lady of refined tempera
ment, under 20 years of age, aa companion
to young married lady; must be willing to
and good home. Y 979. Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing antt
Shoes; we also buy household furnishing,
highest price paid. Call at the "FaUt
Deal," 62 N. $d st. Phone Pacific 1723.
ELDERLY lady can secure good home with
family of two; all comforts and conveni
ences; terms reasonable. K 992. Ore go-
2 MAHOGANY bookcase, each to be about
14 inches by 43 inches by 48 inches; give
lowest cash price. Address D 989, Ore
WANTED TO BUY Rifle, prefer Winches
ter, 22 special; state price. T 969, Ore
gonian. WANTED An automobile In trade for fur
niture, by a dealer. Address P 978, Orego
nian. A COPY of Bellinger & Cotton's Code; sts La
condition and price. Address box 27.
Irrlgon, Or.
WANTED Hubbard oven, good condition,
reasonable. Address J. C. Cash en, Boise,
Idaho, General Delivery.
WANTED 500 cords heavy timber, flr wood,
delivered on cars within 20 miles of this
city. H 988, Oregonian.
LADY having home on river would like two
boarders, man and wife or two young ladles.
Address Milwaukle, R. F. D., Box 60.
I PAY cash for housencld goods Sarags a
Pennell Fur. Co.. B45 1st. Phone 860.
READ if money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer, phone East 5888.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt '
attention always given. Pbons East 1067. i
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL THORNTON, under new manage t
meht. newly furnished, rates very reason
able, centrally located. 271 V4 3d st. !
LARGE, pleasant room, private home, walk- 1
tng distance. W car at depot passes near.
6"2 Flanders st.
THE E3TE8 Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eatea
RYAN HOUSE, 2G0t 5th St., elegantly fur
nlshed rooms, en suite or single; opposite)
City Hail.
181 H 1T ST. Corner Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, permanent or transient
bath, both phones.
NICELY furnished suite, and rooms, modern
conveniences, suitable for two or more per
sons. 213 13th.
VERY pleasant large front room, newly fur
nished, suitable for two gentlemen, walk
Ing distance. KM N. 16th.
NICELY furnished front rooms, modern, very
reasonable, every convenience. 180 17th at.,
cor. Yamhill.
TH E CADILLAC. Sd and Columbia: newly
furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy
walking distance from center of city.
$10 PER MONTH, front room, all modem
conveniences; gentlemen preferred; prl- .
vate home. 414 7th st.
PLEASANT front room suitable for two
ladles, or man and wife; lower floor. 248
i:;th st.
LARGE furnished room, gas or electric lights,
bath, three blocks from Good Samaritan
Hospital ; nurse preferred. Phone A 2662.
CLEAN rooms, nicely furnished, at low
rales; free phone and bath. 16fi Park;
st. Phone Main 7910.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, mod
ern,' walking distance. 275 Vx 14th st.
LOVELY rooms. elegantly furnished,
transient; S depot car to door. 429 3d.
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms. 24T
Taylor St., between 2d and 3d.
NICE clean rooms for Festival vWtora; single
or en suite; rent reasonable. 515 Yamhill.
FOR RENT I. 2 or 3 rooms1, or whole flat of
5 rooms. 540 Washington BU
FURNISHED front room, 281 4th at., cor.
354 CLA Y Furnished front room. Phonv
Pacific J748.
ONE furnished room. 262 12. $12.