4 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 31, 1908. CORNELL LEADS IN TRACK ATHLETICS Close Finish in Intercollegiate Meet, With Pennsylva nia Second. RAIN SAVES THE RECORDS Contests Held on Field Ankle-Deep in Water, Amid Torrents of Rain. Four Yale Men Tie in Pole-Vaulting. PHILADELPHIA, May 30. Under weather conditions that wore about as bad as could be imagined for a track meet, the stouthearted athletes of Cor nell University today, on Franklin Field, won the intercollegiate championship, the premier college athletic event of the year, by a margin of A points. The total points scored by the Ithacans were 34. Pennsylvania was second with 294; Yale, third, 22; Harvard, fourth, 17; Dartmouth, fifth, 17. Michigan and Swarthmore each made 6 points. Prince ton and Columbia made four each, and Syracuse 3. - No records were broken, but good time was made, considering the conditions. A heavy rain, which set in early in the day, was coming down in torrents when the meet began. The track was flooded in many places and the field was ankle -deep with water. Cornell's all-round work was excellent, her men scoring in seven events. The Ithacans took four firsts, three seconds, two thirds and one fourth. Pennsylvania also scored in seven events, winning four firsts, two seconds, one third, one fourth. And dividing one fourth place. Cornell practically won on her showing in the two-mile race. A noteworthy feature of the day was the performances of the Yale pole-vault-ers. All four of the Yale men who quali fied yesterday tied for first place at 11 feet, and in consequence the New Haven team scored the entire 11 points in the event. The summary: l(M-yard dh, smi-flnal. three to qualify Won by Cartmell, Pennsylvania; wecond. Gamble. I'rtmeton: third, Lremontalne, Tlmo, 10 4-T. neconda. Second heal Won by Sherman. Dart tiinuth ; second, Whit ham, Pennsylvania; third. Carey. Tale. Time. 10 2-3 McondR. l"0-yri hurdle, ml-ftanl hrat, two to qualify First heat heat won hy Talcott, Cornell; aecond, Kobbina, Yale. Tim, ltf 5-5 seconds. Second heat Won by Shaw, Dartmouth; second, Hqwe, Yale. Time. 10 4-3 seconds. 100-y$.rds dash and the high hurdles were run In the face of a driving rain. M iltt run, flnal Won by Halatead, Cor--Hell; second. Rowe, Michigan; third, Haynen, Columbia; fourth. Spttaer, Yale. Time, 4:30. 4-to-yard run. final Won by Taylor, Penn sylvania; aecond, DfteMing, Harvard; third, .arpeuter, Cornell fourth, Henrle, Swarth more. Time, fiU 1-5 second. 1-0-yavd hurdle, nnal Won by Shaw. Dartmouth : second, Talcott, Cornell ; third, .rVihblns. Yale; fourth, Howe, Yale. Time, ' 17 .t-S second. Shotput, flnal "Won by Kruejter, Swarth more, 44 feet; second. Bang, Harvard, t;iv feet; third, I.tttio, Harvard. 42 feet f) Improvement of Vista Avenue, Estimated to r Approxlmntely $125,000 will be the expense of relocating nd widening Yljiia avenue, Portland Heigh t, from the Ford-street bridge to Twentieth Btreet, according to the plans and pacification that have been approved by the Portland Heights Improvement -r? s-fr: f' V: as tiiiit.... . r,. .j. , , , , inches; fourth, Stephenson, Harvard, 42 feet. High Jump Palmer. Dartmouth, and Harwood, Harvard, tied for first place at - feet tiS inches; third. Pope. Harvard, 5 feet 5 Inches; Newberry, Pennsylvania, and Somera. Harvard, tied for fourth place at o feet 34 inches. 100-yard dash, flnal Won by Cartmell, Pennsylvania; aecond. Sherman. Dartmouth; third, Whitham, Pennsylvania; fourth. Gam ble. Princeton. Time. 10:r'-". Two-mile run. flnal Won by Truby, Cor nell; second. Youns. Cornell; third. Hall. I'olumbla; fourth, Golyer, " Cornell. Time, :3. 2-yard hurdle, semi-final Won by Hart ranft, Pennsylvania; second, Howe, Yale. Time. 2-" 4-3 seconds. Second heat Won by Shaw. Dartmouth; second. Gardner, Harvard. Time, 2 sec onds. Broad jump Won by Cooke, Cornell. 22 feet S'i Inches; second. Heath. Michigan, 22 feet 3H .Inches; third, Connor, Prince ton. 21 feet 8 Inches; fourth, Sherman, Dartmouth. 21 feet Vt Inch. Semi-finals. 220-yard dash Flrat heat won by Whitham. Pennsylvania; second, Blumer, Harvard; time. 22 4-5 seconds. . Second heat Won by CartmeU, Pennsyl vania ; second. Sherman, Dartmouth. Time. 2? 1-5 seconds. Hammer-throw Won by Peat, Cornell, l.W feet 2V Inches; cecond. Horr. Syracuse, 131 feet 6 inches; third. Baker. Cornell. 150 feet 9s inches: fourth, Foiwell. Pennsyl vania, 143 feet 10 inches. Half-mile run. final Won by Jones, Penn sylvania: second, French. Cornell; third, Kirkassoff. Yale; fourth. Frantz, Princeton. Time, 2:02. 220-yard hurdles, flnal Won by Howe, Yale; second. Hartranft, Pennsylvania; third. Shaw, Dartmouth; fourth, Gartner, Harvard. Time. 24 3-3 seconds. Pole vaalt. flnal Dray, Kelson, Gilbert and Campbell, all of Yale, tied at 11 feet and 11 points go to Yale. 220-yard dash, final Won by Cartmell. Pennsylvania; aecond, Whitham. Pennsyl vania; third, Sherman, Dartmouth; fourth, Blumer, Harvard. Time, 22 flat. Points, final score Cornell, 34 : Pennsyl vania, 29H; Yale. 22; Harvard, 174; Dart mouth, 17; Michigan, A; Swarthmore, 6; Co lumbia, 4; Syracuse. 3; Princeton, 3. NATIONAL LEAGVE. Pittsburg 1-4; Cincinnati 0-1. PITTSBURG, May 30. Pittsburg shut out Cincinnati In the morning game. Maddox won his own game in the fourth Inning by sacrificing to left field, scoring Kane. Score: R. H. E. R.H. E. Pittsburg ..1 5 0ClncInnati ..0 6 0 Batceries Maddox and Gibson; Coakley and Schlei. Umpire Ernslie. Pittsburg took the second game to day from Cincinnati by a score of 4 to 1. Score: R.H. E.t ' R.H.E. Pittsburg ,.4 9 9Cincinnati ..1 7 2 Batteries Lester and Phelps; "Wei mer and Schlei. Umpire Emslie. Xew York 5; Brooklyn 0- BROOKLYN, May 30. New York scored another shut-out on the Brook lyn team in the morning game today. Score: R. H E.i R. H. E. New Yok..5 7 0Brooklyn ...0 3 Batteries McGinnity and Needham; Pastorius, Wilhelm, RItter and Bergen. Umpires Rudderham and Rlgler. Afternoon game postponed; rain. Chicago 10-11; St. Louis 2-2. ST. LOUIS. May SO: Chicago won the morning game from St. Louis with ease. Score: R.H.E.I R. Chicago ..10 14 OlSt. Louis ..2 DitufncB wvciuii, neuioacn, ni own and Kling; Lush, Fromme and Ludwlg. imp ires jonnston and Klem. Chicago found the St. Louis pitchers for a total of 16 hits and easily won the afternoon game, 11 to 2. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis ..2 6 5ChIrago ,..11 16 I Batteries Beebe, McGlynn. Lush and Hostetter; Lundgren and Kling. No Gaines at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, May 30. Both Association, which Is directing the Im provement. The plana were prepared by Olmsted Brothers, landscape archi tects of Brookline, Mass., and the Im provement Association at a recent meeting subscribed $1500 as a preMml nary fund for Initiating tba work. Ex- Philadelphia-Boston games were post poned; rain. AMERICAN LKAGl'E. Break Even at Boston. BOSTON. May 30. Young pitched in fine form this forenoon, allowing only one man to reach first base, and Boston won. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Boston . ...6 12 Washington. 0 14 Batteries Young and Crigtr; Burns, Patten and Street. The visitors took the afternoon game,. 7 to 4. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Washington 7 13 2Boston 4 8 1 Batteries Falkenberg and Street; Tannehill, Pruitt and Donohue. Detroit 6-9; Chicago 3-5. DETROIT. May 30. Detroit won the morning game by batting White out of the box in the first inning. Score: f R.H.E.I R.H.E. Detroit 6 10 2iChicago 3 5 0 Batteries Killian and Payne; White, Owen and Sullivan. In the afternoon game Chicago was beaten after driving Siever out of the box. Score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Detroit .... 9 10 ljChicago 5 12 3 Batteries Siever, Mull in and Schmidt; Smith and Sullivan. Break Even at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, May 30. The morning game went 14 innings before St. Louis won from Cleveland. Felty pitched a strong game. Score: R.H-E.i R.H.E. Cleveland.. 3 7 sjst. Louis & 16 4 Batteries Thielman and Liebhardt and Bemls; Pelty and Stephens. Cleveland batted timely and beat St. Louis, 6 to 4, this afternoon. Score: R.H.E.) R.H.E. Cleveland.. 6 9 2 j St.' Louis... 4 14 0 Batteries Joss and Clarke; Howell and Spencer. No Games at New York. NEW YORK, May 30. Both New York Philadelphia games postponed; rain. STANFORD TEAM IS BEATEN University of Utah Wins Salt Lake Meet, 6 4 to 53. SALT LAKE, Utah. May 30. The track team of Stanford University en route to Chicago to take part , in the Western Conference Athletic meet, lost to the Uni versity of Utah team today by a score of 64 to 63. Five state records were broken. The Californians go from here to Boulder, Colo., where they are to meet the Uni versity of Colorado on Tuesday. Follow ing is the summary of today's events: 100-yard dash Britton (Utah) won, Vander voort (Stanford) second; time 10 1-5 seconds. One mile run Judd (Utah) won, Bradford (Stanford) second: time 4:45. 1 20-yard hurdle Horton (Stanford) won. Hunt (Utah) second; time 15 4-5. 880-yard run Miller (Stanford) won. Bailey (Utah) -second; time 2:04. 220-yard dashj-Brlton (Utah) won. Rich ardson (Stanford) second; time 22 4-5 seconds. 220-yard hurdles Ferguson ( Utah) won, Horton (Stanford') aecond; time 24 3-5 aeconds. 440-yard dash Briton (Utah) won. Miller (Stanford) second: time 51 3-5 aeconds. Two-mile run, one-mile relay Maundrell (Stanford) won, tie between Ally and Judd (Utah) for second; time 10:45. Shot put Horton (Stanford) won, Convill (Utah) second ; distance 46 feet tt Inches. Hammer throw Crawford (Stanford) won. Young- (Utah) second; distance 143 feet. Broad Jump Hunt (Utah) won, Bellah (Stanford) scond: distance 21 feet 11 inches. High jump Martin (Stanford) won, Hunt (Utah) second; height 5 feet. Pole vault Bellah (Stanford) won, Ruseell and 'Anderson tied for second; height 12 feet. Discus throw Convill (Utah) won. Horton (Stanford) second; distance 111 feet 1 inch. City Attorney L. A. McXary has been retained as legal counsel for the asso ciation. On that part of Vista avenue which will be improved, the streetcar tracks will be set in against the wall and a roadway, 26 feet wide, with not to WEST SIDE FIRST Portland High School Athletes Win at Corvallis. M'GUIRE GETS THE MEDAL Henderson, of Hood River, Slakes Xew Record in Shot-Pu Griggs, of Corvallis, Beats Minton, of Salem, by Foot in Mile Run. CORVALLIS, Or.. May 30. (Special.) The West Portland High won the Inter scholastic field meet here this afternoon, won the relay race, and McGuire of the same school won first place and the gold medal for the largest number dt Individual points. McGuire won ten points, taking first in the high jump and high hurdles. The interseholastic high school record was broken by Henderson, or Hood River High, who put the 12-pound shot 43 feet Hi inches. One of the prettiest races of the day was the mile, in which Griggs, of Corvallis, won over Minton, of Salem High, by only a foot. An immense crowd witnessed the meet. Tpnight the visitors are being entertained at a banquet at Waldo Hall. The sum mary of events is: 100-yard dash Dart (West Portland). Short (Astoria), latourette (West Portland); time 10.02 seconds. Pole vault Fisher (Ontario). Henry (Lake side). Woodcock (Corvallis); height lO feet. Running high jump McGuire (West Port land). Harbert (Astoria), Haspalr (Roseberg); height 5 feet 6 inches. 220-yard dash Kay (Salem). Siiort (As toria), Walters (Island City); time 28.05 sec onds. Hammer throw Baxter (Dayton). Eulurg (Baker City), Harpham (Rosebere) ; distance 131.2 feet. Mile run Green (Corvallis), Minton (Sa lem), Dorris (Lafayette); time 4.45 seconds. 440-yard dash Walters (Island City), Mc Danlell (Portland), Dorris (Lafayette); time 53.02 seconds. Shot put Henderson (Hood River), Means (Pendleton), McCann (Dayton): distance 43.1 leet. 120-yard hurdles McGuire (West Portland), Latourette (West Portland), Harbert (As toria); time 17.01 seconds. Running broad jump-Hickson (West Port land). Gabrlell (Dayton). Turner (Pendleton); distance 10.5 feet. Discus throw Means (Pendleton), Kulurg (Baker City), Hunt (Salem); time 15.4H sec ond.". 220-yard hurdles Kimball (West Portland), Moddy (Ontario). Latourette (West Portland); time 27.04 seconds. One-half mile relay "West Portland, Eugene, Astoria; time 1:37 4-5. FIRST DAY OF TOURNAMENT Goss Defeats Scott in Tennis at Ir- vlngton Club Match. The handicap tournament of the Irving ton Tennis Club started off well, barring several short showers during the day The most exciting match of the day was in the men's singles, between W. K, Scott and W. A. Goss. The handicap committee showed its class In this match. Goss, by a final spurt, won out, with a score of S-. 6-4. 9-7. The scores of the day follow: Goss beat Scott. 3-6, 6-4, 9-7. Wilder beat Mersereau, 6-4, 10-8. Rosengeldt beat Cawston. Bellinger beat Warren, 6-3, 3-6, Cost About exceed an 8 per cent grade, will be curbed off from the tar tracks. The plans further propose the condemna tion of a strip of land SO feet wide, only 60 feet of which will be used, leaving a space of 20 feet-below the lower concrete wall, 40 that U)e view 6-1. Brewer beat McAlpin."6-2, 6-L An drews beat Fisher, 6-2, 6-4. Black beat Ferris, 6-3. 6-2. Warner beat Chamberlain. 6- 0, 6-2. Goss and McAlpin beat Warren and Chamberlain, 6-4, 6-3. Harrigan and Black beat Brewer and Mersereau. 2-6. 7- 5. 6-3. Miss Moore beat Mrs. Northrup, 6-3. 6-3. The Monday schedule of the tournament follows-: 2 P. M. E. L. Mersereau vs. W. W. Morse; Miss Leadbetter vs. Miss Goss. 3 P. M. Miss Fox and Mr. Cawston vs. Mrs. Judge and Mr. Scott: Mrs. Northrup and Mr. Andrews vs. Miss Schaefer and Mr. Rohr. 4 P. M. Starr vs. Starr; De Schwenti vs. Shives. 5 P. M. Andrews vs. Black; Warren vs. Harrigan; Fisher and Scott vs. Wild er and Andrews; Wickersham and Bel linger vs. Rohr and De Sen wen tz. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. ' Tacoma 4-2; Aberdeen 2-5. TACOMA, Wash., May 30. (Special.) Tacoma and Aberdeen broke even on the double-header played here today. Ike Butler again pitched his '.team to victory In the first contest. He had everything bis own way, and let the Black Cats down with five hits. Three of these were bunched in the first inning, and gave Aberdeen its two runs. Boyle opposed Butler, and was hit hard. Steedle opened In the afternoon, but was soon chased to the bench. , He was wild and bases on balls and hit by pitched balls, coupled with three hits, gave Aberdeen three runs In the first two innings. Hall, a local pitcher, relieved him, and the youngster bad the champions on his hip. He struck out six batters in as many innings, and gave only three hits. His control was splendid. He was robbed of a three base hit in the last Inning by cutting first base. Scores: Morning game R.H.E. R.H.E. Tacoma 4 8 1 Aberdeen 2 4 1 Batteries Butler and Kellackey; Boyle and Boettiger. Umpire Frary. ' " Afternoon game R.H.E. Tacoma 0 1000100 02 5 1 Aberdeen 1 2000110 05 2 Seattle Wins From Vancouver. SEATTLE, Wash., May 30. (Special.) Seattle took both games from the Cana dians today. The morning game was a pitchers' battle between Coy and Warren Hall. In the sixth inning Vancouver bunched three hits on Coy and scored once. Seattle converted one of Hall's passes into a run in the third, Cahlll coming through with a hit. Adams opened the eighth with a hit and a sac rifice and an error scored him. Hickey started the afternoon game for Van couver and was very wild. He wild pitched one run home in the first and Se attle landed on him hard in the second, two doubles and two singles with an er ror netting four runs. Two doubles and more errors in the fourth brought in three more scores for Seattle, and Flannigan was brought in from center field to pitch the rest of the game. Only one run waa scored off him on a wild pitch In the seventh. Vancouver's two runs came when Nordicke put the ball over the fence in the sixth and when Flannigan scored on a couple of hits and an error in the seventh. Scores: Morning game R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Seattle 2 4 2 Vancouver ....1 6 2 BatteriesCoy and 8tanley; Hall and Sugden. Umpire Caruthers. No Game at Butte; Rain. BUTTE, Mont., May 30. (Special No Butte-Spokane game; rain. Alco Club Defeats College Nine, ALBANY, Or., May 30. (Special.) The newly organised baseball team of $125,000 to of the city will not be obstructed by buildings. On both sides of the im proved avenue will be reinforced con crete walls averaging 20 feet in height, one to retain the upper embankment and the other to support the roadway. the Alco Club won Its first game this afternoon by defeating the Albany Col lege team in a fast contest on the col lege grounds by a score of 7 to 3. The eollege team excelled In fielding, but in batting was at the mercy of Tom Stevens, the Alco pitcher. The college used two pitchers, and the clubmen hammered both for several clean hits. Batteries Alco Club, Stevens and Weatherford: college. Birt Chet. W. Patterson and I. Patterson. Umpire Brandeberry. Having won its initial game with so little practice, the Alco Club believes it will soon have one of the fastest teams in the Valley. Oregon City 10-3; Albina 14-11. OREGON CITY. Or.. May 30. (Special.) The Decoration day double-header matinee here today was played on a sloppy field and the Albina Wanderers took two from the Papermakers in games that were devoid of features, save the slugging of the visitors. Most of the first game was played in a drizzling rain, and the spectators were not numerous. In the second game Kruger threw the ball at McBride, an Albina player who was standing on the side lines, letting three runs in, and the Oregon City third baseman was sent to the bench by Cap tain Cliapin. The Papermakers go to St. John tomorrow to play a double-header with the Apostles. The scores: First game Oregon Ctiy 0 1002330 110 Hits :...0 2 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 13 Albina 9 0103010 0 1.4 Hits . . ' 5 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 19 Second game Oregon City 0 2 0 0 13 Hits 12 1127 Albina 1 7 0 2 111 Hits 1 4 1118 Mount Tabor Nine Loses. The J. G. Mack Company baseball team won its third straight game of the season by defeating the Mount Tabor nine yesterday morning. The final score was 10 to 6, and the game was won In the ninth inning, when the victorious team scored six runs. The score: J. G. Mack Co 3 0 0 0 0 1 6 10 Mount Tabor 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 6 Summary Two-base hit, Meyers. Hits Off Faulkner, 6; off Pritchard, 8. Sacrifice hits Walker. I,a Follett. First base on balls Off Faulkner. 3; off Pritchard, 3. Struck out By- Faulk ner, 4; by Pritchard. 3. Hit by pitcher Meyers (2). Time of game 1:30. Um pire C. Howard. Wasco 1 ; Goldcndale 3. GOLDENDALE, Wash., May 30. (Special.) The Goldendale Reds de feated the Sherman County team to day in an exciting game. Score: Wasco 0 0000001 0 1 5 3 Goldendale .0 0200100 03 4 2 Batteries Wasco, Meyeree and Jew" ett; Goldendale, Klaus and McMasters. Struck out By Klaus 5, Meyeres 8, La Grande 6; Baker City 5. LA GRANDE, Or., May 30. (Special.) Two two baggers for La Grande broke up a ten-inning game this afternoon win ning by a score of 6 to 5. Batterie3 La Grande, Kotterman and Fournier; Baker City, Metcalf and Ward. Brainard Cubs 7; Grants Pass 5. GRANTS PASS, Or.. May 30. (Spe cial.) The Braniard Cubs, of Portland, met the home team on the diamond and in a fast and furious game defeat ed the local players 5 to 7. Must Play for Championship. The- nine students of the Williams avenue school and the ball lads from the Chapman school will have to play a game before the championship of the Grammer School League is settled. Just when the game will be played has not yet been decided because of Illness among the students of the Chapman school. Be Made on Portland Heights Between the cartracks and the upper wall will be a concrete sidewalk and there will aleo be a concrete sidewalk at the outer edge of tue roadway. The space between the cartracks will be turfed. Viewers will be appointed to assess iler 1, U b.V -tiiXartc-W Ml I A 'if T .... fw6r,'len3 LfcrtlCft "ON EVERY TONGUE' L Harper Old, mellow and frag, rant; for three gen ertlona the choice of discriminating judges Sold Bt Leading Dealers m - The Ieagrue officials are of the opinion .that the big event will be played within the next ten days, either on the VaiiRhn street grounds or on the new Multnomah Club field. t the benefits and damages accruing to pi operty-owners from the Improve ment. When the City Engineer has estimated the cost of the improve ment bids will be asked and the con tracts will be awarded. I I'M mm Whiskey