The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 24, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 23

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201 Merchants Truet bldg.,
$26 Washington, b. W. corner Sixth St.
Am found In the follow tng list. But ire
have others; all styles, all sizes, all
prices. if you want any kind of rooming
house that la on the market tn Portland,
we can show It to you. Term may be
arranged on any. See us quick; NOW la
40 rooms, corner br.ik, near this office;
steam heat, extra wll furnished, cheap
rent, lease 2 yearn; pays $3tru clear protlt
mo n rh 1 y . Here's tee be st buy you can
ffet fur $575u.
3o rooms, in central business district,
rood corner, well furnished, cheap rent,
with lease; one of the best transient
houje in the city; clears $2o0 a- month
over all expense; price $2650; best buy
In the city at this price.
?18 rooms, right in the business center;
leat-e 4 years at $150 a month; furnished
les than a year afro with elegant fur
nishings; ail Iron beds, steam heat, new
building: clears over $20o a month;, price,
$45u0; $25u0 down.
27 rooms, in best residence district, near
l3t h and Morrison eta. ; runn ir.g hot and
coid water in every room, steam beat, car
pels velvet. Axminster and brussels; fur
niture mahogany, li. E. maple, weathered
and quar. oak ; rent only $125; lease; re
ceipts $375 a month. This la the best prop
osition in residence section la the city.
Price 3500.
17 rooms, right near business center;
ftne corner dwelling, extra well furnished;
steam heat; best 3 years' lease in city;
clears $100 a month. See It and you will
buy It; price $17uo, $lo50 down.
lo rooms in fine location, south of Mor
rison St., furniture good as new. quartered
k, B. E. maple, iron beds, hair mat
tresses, excellent carpets, running water
lr. rooms', entirely modern house; pay yott
$50 a month; price only $900.
30 rooms In apartments; well-furnished
and always full; receipts over $200 a
month; rent $75; lease a years. Here la a
anap, so come early.
20 rooms, near business center In resi
dence location; furnace, gas, porcelain
bath; furnished new 2 years ago; every
thing good. We can sell this at a price
that is $500 below the actual value. Don't
delay If you want a bargain.
lft rooms, near llth and Washington;
mostly housekeeping; furniture good and
worth twice price asked; rent only $50.
You clear $60 a month, which will pay
your money back In less than a year, and
then sell for as much, as you pay; only
$550; terras.
14 rooms; all one floor, well located; 10
housekeeping, 4 single rooms; furnished
new year ago; always full and pays $00
month clear; rent $55, with, lease. Price
$1000; cash. $050.
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity
desires Oregon manager; demonstration
In leading department stores; office fur
nished ; three years' contract; salary
l.'ioo and commission: good opening for
man of character and ability. Address
Manager, 314 Snow fluke bldg., Toledo. O.
$10 CASH and $10 per month will buy beau
tiful California vineyard, the income from
which will be sufficient to make you Inde
pendent for life. Handsome pamphlet val
uable information and contract free. . Sacra
mento Valley Improvement Co., St. Louis,
$2500 FOR wholesale hay, grain and feed
business; first-class and will stand the
closest Investigation.
631-332 Lumber Exchange.
Phone Main 44S0.
REAL estate man wants bright man as part
ner to show land, etc.; can make $150
to $2O0; no exierlence necessjy; very
little cash required. Particulars Multno
niHh Investment & Realty Co., 386 Wash
ington St., room 11.
FOR SALE One of the best paying and
cleanest grocery stores In Portland, $3000
stock; best of reasons for selling; this Is
a strictly first-class proposition. See us
If interested. Cady A Seiple. 322 Mohawk
bldg. .
RESTAURANT Owner Is busy doing the
conking and wants honest partner to be
cashier, etc.; experience not necessary and
liitlo money required. Will pay you $4
a day and board. Call 248 4 Stark st.
DOCK and wharfage and established hay
and feed business, long lease. West Side,
ouly location, In city for sale. &27 Cor
bett bldg.
We can give you a special pries on any
mining stock or bond T F. J. Catterlla A
Co., 125 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE Restaurant, newly . fitted up
doing a good business in best location in
city; bargain if taken at once. phone
Main 8570.
BEST furnished and located European ho
tels in Portland; to the right party this
is an opportunity not often offered. 027
Corbett bldg.
GROCERY st-re for sale, a bargain, do
ing good business; stock will Invoice about
$S00; good reasons for selling. A E. DOS,
CASH STORE Owner has more work thnn
he can do and wants active partner; $375
required. He will guarantee you $25 a
week. Call 24R Stark st.
ROOMING -HOUSE, clearing $425 per month;
located in heart of city ; gocd lease and
everything in first-class condition. A E
900. Oregonian.
$2500 BUYS half Interest In established trans
fer business, or will trade for real estate;
will stand close investigation; snap Tor come
one. X 905 Oregonian.
OLD-ESTABLISHED paint and paperhang
Injr business, with plt-nty of work and good
prospects; goes Monday for $2U0. 85 5th
HALF Interest good paying meat market;
will accept country property; easy terms.
D 066. Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted for prospecting trip.
Southern Oregon; must be experienced;
references required. A C 064. Oregonian.
GROCERY for sale or exchange for room
ing house, no u gents, phone Main 6510.
531 Morrison.
IF LOOKING for a bargain in a planing
m!il proposition, address Box 284, Hills
born. Or.
WASTED Good confectionery and cigar
Ftore; will pay cash. Cady A Seiple. 322
Mohawk bldg.
UROCKR Y for sale; new stock ; fixtures
and building; living rooms above. A. F.
l3S. Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted for a cash business; must
be steady and satisfied with $4 a day ,
$200 cash required. Call 248 Stark ht.
GOOD confectionery and cigar store for
sale; fine location. Inquire at 180 Mad
ison St.
FOR SALE Delivery business, two wagons,
harness, etc., route paying $190 per
month. T 954. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good restaurant business in town
of 2.VO people: no other restaurant in place.
Price $;i50. F 060. Oregonian.
SAlAiON. central location, retail district,
long lease, low rent, everything new; this
is a gentleman's place. 027 Corbett bldg.
$4000 BUYS cash business that pays $5O0
per month: terms if desired. Address J
025. Oregonian,
RESTAURANT on Washington St., newlv
fitted, bargain if taken at once. P 902,
Oregon iad.
BAKERY, confectionery and lunch room
at Kulama. Vah. Price $550. Full par
ticulars th st.
BAR HER SHOP for sale, 3-ohalr. central
good business. Apply 303 E. Morrison st .
not 303.
GROCERY and confectionery for sale cheap'.
OS 4 Commercial St., cor. Morris.
$25 By Monday, buys cleaning and pressing
shop; sickness the cause. 17 Madteon st.
PHYSICIAN Good location. office furnt
ture for sale. A D 903. Oregonian
BARBER SHOP for sale cheap; easy t-rms;
central location; lease. Ewvll. 100 2d.
WANT partner with $m. can clear big
money. W 006. Oregonian.
B U 1 N KSS PAYING $ 1 5 per month; m ust
sell: $75. Smith, 411 Buchanan bkig.
0-HtOM rooming-house for
213 3d st.. cur. Salmon.
sale, $hm cash.
IS ROOMS, good
filled; only $4o0.
furniture, lea
2U Clay at.
417-41$ Corbett Bldg. M 150. A 1560.
Now is the time to buy rooming-bouses
and hotels while they are cheap. We
have several gilt-edge buys. you will
notice below.
19 rooms, new. modern budding, steam
heat, right in the center of city, elegant
ly furnished; low rent, good lease; this
house is worth $2500, but we will sell It
for $1050.
48 rooms, new, modern . brick : steam
heat, hot and cold water In every room;
private baths, long lease and reasonable
rent; easily worth $5000. We are Instruct
ed to let It go for $S150.
12 nice large rooms, down town loca
tion, nicely furnished, including good pi
ano; this would be a good buy at $750.
We will sell It to you Monday for $450.
12-room house Just furnished, new, clear
ing $40 above all expenses; close-in loca
tion and R'Jod modern house; splendid
buy for $5O0.
23 rooms, all housekeeping, nicely fur
nished, rent $5; good long lease; always
clears about $100 per month; reduced from
$2UOO to $1000. Best buy in the city.
30 rooms, very swell, nicely furnished,
beautiful yard and large verandas; rent
$125; lease. Clears about $250 per month;
strictly modern house. This is the best
little house in the city. Price $5000.
14 rooms, brick, nicely furnished; rent
$30, 2-year lease; big money-maker: new
modern building and you can have it for
The above list haa been carefully select
ed and they are all good buys. We have
several large apartment-houses and ho
tels on our liat, that we are not at liberty
to advertise.
Corbett bldg., 5h and Mcrrison.
A large new, modem, European plan ho
tel, close to the business center; completely
and thoroughly furnished, for lease to re
sponsible party at very cheap rent. Better
see this place.
508-509 Swetland Bldg.
INVESTMENT brokers, take notice. I have
the best proposition In Portland for the
man who can interest ready capital in a
legitimate and established business. Lib
eral commission paid for quick results.
When replying give phone number and
address. W 962, Oregonian.
WANTED A live man to handle our pat
ented certified milk-bottle caps, for ad
vertising purposes. The greatest medium
in the world. Enormous profits. Exclu
sive territory. Ability to make good the
only requirement. Thomas Nat'l Auv.
Co., Washington, D. C.
The proprietor of one of the best con
fectionery, cigar and newstands on Wash
ington street, close in. has decided to
sell and will consider a real estate trade
for part. This is a rare opportunity to
secure a high-class business. J. R. Stipe,
223 Chamber of Commerce.
A SNAP A saloon for sale, good location.
With a 50-room hotel overhead; first-class
fixtures, l safe, 1 roll top desk, cash reg
ister and glassware, all ready for business.
Part cash, if desired. For information call
at 33s Chamber Commerce bldg. E. G.
MANUFACTURING business, including share
to suit - buyer in equipped machine-shop;
patent rights of articles in demand, well
tested the past two years; now Introduced
on market; also Flock on hand; at rate of
1-3 interest for $1850; a rare opportunity;
Investigate. S 963, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Four-year lease on saloon and
12 furnished rooms; bar fixtures and fur
nishings of rooms go with sale; Summer
garden In connection, with electric lights
and buttons; books open for Inspection; a
certain bargain. Inquire at corner of T anl
23d sts. North.
60 NEW Improved Hilo penny peanut vend
ing machines, will earn $46 weekly for you
and not interfere with your other work;
$2340 yearly profit on $00 investment; be
ware of unscrupulous imitators. Hilo Gum
Co., (Inc.), 302 Commercial blk.. Portland,
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free Information - on
opportunities tn mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
204-205 Ablngton Bldg.
WE pay especial attention to business open
ings. Before buying, call us up and see
what we can offer you. Phone Main 448a
Kinney A Stamp her, 631-32 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
WANTED A young man who can furnish
$1500 in cash and services, in one of the
bet-paylng- proposition on the Coast;
money absolutely secured, and good sal
ary to right man. a 000, Oregonian.
I wish to dispose of my surveying and
engineering business; a splendid oppor
tunity for a capable man. R. C. F. Ast
bury. Astoria, Or.
RESTAURANT The best paying, best lo
cated and best appointed quick lunch place
In Portland; reasonable rent and good lease;
$30o0 takes It; no agents. Address R 908,
RELIABLE real estate man Is alone and
wants steady, sober partner to help him;
experience unnecessary and little money
required ; will pay active man at least
$150 a month. Call 248 Stark st.
EX GBLIjENT gold mining property In heart
of proven mineral belt. Eastern Oregon;
price, $10,000; investigation solicited; rare
bargain. Anthony Mohr, Baker City, Or.
COUNTY rights for sale, Oregon, for Whirl
ing Wind Sign, with privilege to manufac
ture. Address Wind Sign Co., 60 4th St.,
Portland, Or. Phone A 3162.
FINE upholstering and furniture business;
can make $2500 per year; fine store, good
lease; small capital required. L 960, Ore
gonian. OYSTER and chop house, ftne location in
retail district, to anyone who will put In
their time this can't be beat. 027 Cor
bett bldg.
MODERN bouse, centrally located; five years
lease; all light rooms, suitable for hotel
or boarding-house; bargain If taken at once.
W 961, Oregonian.
SHOEMAKER wanted to take full charge
of shop, complete with tools; haa good
trade and In a good location. Write or
Inquire of A. Peterson, Roseburg. Or.
$725 BUYS beat cigar, candy, fruit and Ice
cream stand In town; good lease; cheap
rent ; living room; at 504 Wash. st. No
Flrst-Class business, suitable for lady; 8
years established; the right chance for the
right woman; owner desirous retiring from
business. Y 957. Oregonian.
SALOON. old-established business, good
milling and logging town, In Washington,
$45O0 will handle. Particulars, address
a 914, oregonian. ,
PARTY with from $300 to $2-000 can get a
fine chance in one of the best manufac
turing businesses in Portland. A. F. 964,
WANTED to buy. a legitimate ravine busi
ness of some kind in gocd location, from
owner only; saloon preferred. Address,
L 903. Oregonian.
RESTAURANT A great bargain, takes m
$25 to $50 per day; fine location. Will
be sold quick. 94 First st. Winters A
GOOD newspaper opening; one of the best In
Oregon; tne rigni man can get in for about
$180O cash or good paper. Address A 972,
Furnished hotel. 30 rooms, a money
maker; 45 miles from Portland, on R. R.
Inquire at Rainier Hotel, Rainier, Or.
$950 BUYS the best confectionery and Ice
cream parlor In St. John; this store will
net $1)50 In three months. ee owner, 109
N. Jersey st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand store at
Invoice; good location; cheap rent, lease.
Address N 960. Oregonian.
WANTED To invest In some light, profitable
business. What have you?- S 994, Ots
gonlan. MARKET and "grocery for sate, doing good
business; must go East. M 959, Orego
nian. MANUFACTURING business, good, sure In
vestment; $50OO required. Will stand
investigation. M 960, Oregonian.
$3ot)0 to $10,000 per annum easily made trad
ing in wheat If you know how. Pay noth
ing unless satisfied. Box 680, Chicago.
MODERN house, 252 Gtbba. Established fur
niture business. 321 First, at sacrifice on
account of death.
STATIONERY and novelty store on prin
cipal street, low rent, good lease, small
Investment. 627 Corbett Wdg.
508-509 Swetland bldg.
We have the most complete list of ho
tels and rooming-houses in the city. If
you are In the market call and inspect
same. We can savM-ou money.
3 rooms, modern brick building. .e3
gantly furnished, including piano; hot and
cold water In every room; electric lights
and steam heat; clearing $250 per month
net; reasonable rent and long lease; best
value in town for price asked. $4500 ;
easy terms.
35 rooms, beautifully furnished with
best grade of carpets and furniture; pri
vate baths, steam heat, gas and electric
ity; best location in the city for high
class transient; clearing $700 per month
net. Prioe and terms reasonable.
14 rooms, elegantly furnished a few
months ago with axminster carpets and
polished golden oak furniture; furnace
heat, running water In rooms; fine corner
location ; Income $150 per month; rent
only $60 per month; $600 cash and bal
ance monthly.
10 rooms, beautifully furnished five
months ago; axminster carpets and high
est grade furniture; fine location, near
postofnee; reasonable rent; clearing $71
per month; $550 cash and balance month
10 rooms, beautiful location near High
School; attractively arranged for boarding
and nicely furnished; rent $50 per month:
price $1100.
608-509 Swetland bldg.
Finest Equipped Hotel
In Portland.
Absolutely Fireproof.
85 Rooms Elegantly
and Cold Water, Every Room.
Moon Beam Ceiling Electric Lighted.
Electric Elevator Service.
Fine vGriIl and Bar in Connection.
Roof Garden All Ready to Open.
Cheapest Lease in City of Portland.
Convenient walking distance to heart of
business district.
This is a chance for a live hotel man
with $8000 to walk Into a fortune if he
understands his business. For further
particulars and Information address,
231 Worcester Bldg., City.
FULLY secured, gilt-edged, real estate In
vestment; certain large profits on modest
outlay; ssly opportunity of Its kind in
Portland. Call; principals only; suite 26-28,
Hlcks-Chatten bldg., 2d and Alder.
MONEY-MAKERS I can guarantee you $150
to $200 month on small investment in good
business opportunities, such ' as rooming
houses, confectioneries, cigar and fruit
stores, general merchandise and employment
office, restaurants, groceries, barber shops,
also half interest real estate office. Par
ticulars City Realty Brokerage & Trust
Co., 533 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 3d
and Stark sts. Phone Main 6420.
ANY man seeking a new noening or wishing
to change his business can learn something
to his advantage by writing me; I have a
proposition for ambitious and honest men
who are of good standing in their com
munity, whereby they can make from $2000
to $5O00 or more annually. If Interested,
write me fully regarding your business ex
perience. No poetalcard replies given at
tention. L. M. Whitney, 237 William St.,
New Bedford, Mass.
Small clothlnfr and gents' furnishing
tore in best Portland suburb: doln busi
ness of $700 a month; rent $45; lease 2
years; 2 living rooms. Here is a great
opportunity for the right one. price $15O0.
Also a creamery store; butter, eggs.
Ice cream, etc.. for only $300.
201 Merchants' Trust Bldig..
826 Washington, S. W. Cor. ttth St.
FOR SALE or trade for Portland property,
established cider and vinegar business.
. Including buildings, real estate, on switch;
tanks, machinery, etc. ; operated for 7
years; best Willamette Valley town; $3000
cash will handle; good opportunity for
feed mill or storage warehouse on side.
Phone East 656 or C 1811 or call or ad
dress E. H. Ingham. 04 Alblna ave., Port
land, Or.
$92.50 PER ACRE
190 acres, 16 miles out on Oregon Elec
tric. 30 acres under cultivation ; balance
piling and cordwood; estimated 9000
cords; y, mile, from spur; rich, - level
ground; house, farm buildings, good or
chard. Room 300- Dekum bldg. Phone
Main 706.
If you are a restaurant man, and If you
re not, I will convince you that there Is
more money In a 5-cent restaurant at the
North End than any first-class "grill' on
Washington at. 1 am going to sell mine
for $2750 that never fails to make me $30
a month. Write and ask me about it. G
958, Oregonian.
A MAN capable of managing a grocery store
to invest $500 in the business and take
''charge of same. This is a good opportunity
for the right man, which la proven by the
fact that the present owner Is not willing
to sell over one-half Interest, and only does
that to get a manager for the business.
Y 964 Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted to buy half Interest In
grading contractor's outfit; 0 months work
secured ahead; can clear from $;i000 to $5000
per year; experience not necessary, as I
will teach partner the business. Reason
for selling, cannot attend to business alone.
$3000 required. H 791 Oregonian.
OWING to family reasons I will sell at a
bargain my wholesale and retail liquor
store ; my location is one of the best in
the city; about $5000 will handle It and
my books1 will show you tfcat I have a
money-maker; my trade is established and
the best. Address S 900. Oregonian.
SPECIAL 20 acres fruit and berry land:
bent kind of soil; close to Forest Grove
and new carllne; 17 y acres under the
plow; 2 acres fine grove; very cheap at
$1800, easy terms. western Land Co.
248 H Stark st.
I HAVE beat manufacturing propostton on
the Coast, small amount of money will
net bio- Drofits. Also aood Investment in
orchard land In Hood River district. Let
me show you seme money in this. Thos.
MnCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7G46.
28 ACRES. 20 acres under plow, 2 acres
timber, has he use. barn, orchard, etc. ;
creek runs through it: price. Including
crop, i7uo; easy terms. can western
Land Co., 248 Stark st.
GROCERY store at invoice, stock and fix
tures. Invoice about $1800, less 5 per cent
cash; clean stock, good business, good
transient street, long lease, selling on
acount of sickness, toe 3 btore and owner,
479 Williams ave.
CANDY making, growing business, owner
can't depend on hlrea help and wants
partner; he win teacn you ana guarantee
you at least $25 a week; $350 required.
can z-svb utarK si.
FOR SALE Candy store, one of the best in
city; must sen at once on account of sick
ness1: long lease, cheap rent; will inventory
..uu; win sen 10 r siew. Address sa 960,
Oregonian. .
A LIVE,' well paying grocery-confectionery
store at invoice. Jiving, gooa wages guaran
teed; rent $15; store and rooms corner Al
berta and 23d sts. Alberta car.
PARTNER wanted In an established, well
equipped real estate office, paying $5000
ana better a year. Julius casa required.
U ntw, oregonian.
I HAVE $1000 equity in new. thorouehlv
modern 5-room cottage, which I will trade
lor interest in gooa Dusiness. J 964 Ore
gonian. 8PECIAL $3500 will buy a strictly caah
business that will pay you $250 a month
clear after paying all expenses ; trial
given jo prove it. . Call 28 Stark st.
GENERAL merchandise store doing $100,
000 yearly; will sell at less than invoice:
part cash ; grand opening If you wil
work. 67 corbett blag.
FOR SALE One complete bakery outfit, also
noree, wagon ana harness ; must sell at
once. Call 321 Water st.
WANTED Have three buyers for room In ir-
houses; owners only. 413 Marquam bldg.
FOR SALE A good-paying country hotel. W
tfiu, oregonian.
ProsMisaUa invited.
Wash.. May 20. 1906. Sealed proposals
In triplicate, endorsed on cover "Proposals
for Transportation" and addressed to the
undersigned will be received here until
11 A- M., June 19, 1908T then opened, for
trans-Pacific Transportation from or to
Portland. Oregon, and Puget Sound Ports.
for passengers, animals, freight. TJ. S.
troops, eic as specinea on scneauie,
which will be furnished on aoDllcation.
A guaranty of $2000.00 must accompany
proposal. The Government reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids
or parts tnereor. or rurtner informa
tion address Major W- S. Wood. Quarter
master, V. S. Army, Seattle, Washington.
Proposals Invited.
Sealed proposals, plainly marked on
the outside of the sealed envelope. "Pro
posals for Science Building, Oregon Agri
cultural College. Corvallis. Or.." and ad
dressed to the Secretary of the Board
of Regents. E. E. Wilson, at the college
effice. until 2 o'cock P. M-. of June 2,
190S. for the construction and completion
of a three-story brick and concrete sci
ence building, at Corvallis. Or., in strict
accordance with the plans, specifications
and instructions to bidders which may
be examined at t.he office of the Secre
tary, at the college, and at the office of
the Architects. Bennes. Hendricks & To
bey, 67 Labbe building, Portland. Or.
CHIEF Quartermasters' office, Vancouver
Barracks, wash.. May 12, 19 8 Sealed
proposa.s, ' in triplicate, will be received
at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., May
26, 1908, then publicly opened, for fur
nishing and laying 6-inch wooden stave
pipe at Fort Casey, Wash. Specifications
may be obtained at this offce and at the
offices of the Quartermaster, Fort Casey,
Wash., and Seattle, Wah. The U. S. re
serves the right to accept or reject any
or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes
containing proposals should tbe marked:
"Proposals for laying wooden stave pipe.
Ft. Casey. Wash.,' and addressed to the
Chief Quartermaster", Vancouver Barracks,
Misci Uaneons.
STATES, for the District of Oregon. Ninth
Judicial District, In equity N. Coy, com
plainant, vb. The Title Guarantee A Trust
Company and Others, defendants In the
matter of the insolvency and receivership
of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company.
No. 3209. Order filed on the 12th day of
May. 1908.
On this day R. S. Howard, Jr., receiver,
presents his petition an d application to
this court for a rule and order upon all
persons interested to show cause why the
prayer of his petition on the proposals
therein nominated, to wit, that lands in
Oregon held in trust or other wis by the
Title Guarantee & Trust Company should
not be sold and disposed of by application
thereto upon the part of persons applying
therefor of unpaid check or savings account
balances owing them from the Title Guar
antee & Trust Company toward the whole
or a part of the purchase price of such
moiety of said lands as might so be applied
for by them In reduction of the indebtedness
of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company,
the balance. If any, to be- paid in cash
for any moiety of said lands so applied for,
and the whole of said purchase price com
posed of or including said check or savings
account balances so applied to be credited
and applied to the Indebtedness owing from
the syndicate owners or ceetuis que trust In
said land so held In trust or otherwise by
said the Title Guarantee & Trust Company,
and It appearing to the court that a hear
ing should be had thereon and that notice
thereof should be published in The aiorning
Oregonian dally for the space of two weeks
on each day from the giving of this order,
and that the 28th day of May, 1908, at
the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said day Is a suitable time, and the Fed
eral Courtroom in the postofnee building
at Portland, Or., a convenient place at the
coming In of court on eald day for the
hearing thereof;
It is therefore considered and ordered
that all persons as their interest may appear
shall there and then be and show cause.
If any they have, why the prayer of said
petition 'should not be granted and the
proposals therein presented allowed, and
of this order due publication shall be made
as aforesaid.
Given and done this 12th day of May,
Pursuant to above order this notice is
given and publication thereof made. -
Notice of sale of bonds of School Dis
trict No. 15 of Adams County, State of
Whereas. It has been duly certified,
that at an election held In the above dis
trict on the 5th day of May, 1908, it was
voted that the directors of said district
were thereby authorized to borrow money
and Issue negotiable coupon bonds of said
district to the amount of $30,000 for the
purpose of building a school house in said
district. Said bonds being payable 20
years after the date thereof, with inter
est at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually.' Th
right la hereby reserved to pay any part
of said bonds or the whole thereof after
ten years from this date.
Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given
that said bonds will be offered for sale
at the office of the County Treasurer- in
the City of Ritzvllle, in said county and
state until Saturday, the 0th day of June,
1908 at 2 o'clock P. M-. at which time
bids for said bonds will be opened by the
County Treasurer and directors of said
district, and said bonds sold to the best
bidder therefor.
Such bonds to be payable at the office
of . the State Treasurer In the City of
Oiympia, vvasn.
Bidders will name, the price and rate
of interest at which they will purchase
aid bonds or any part of them.
The Board of Directors reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and no bid
below par will be entertained
County Treasurer,
Ritzvllle, ' Wash.. May. 14. 1908.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the under
signed. Receiver of J. M. Acheson Comoanv.
will sell the property and arsets of said
corporation (except the grocery stock), at
public auction, on the 3d day of June, 1908,
at the hour of 11 oclock A. M-, to the
highest bidder for cash, subject to the con
firmation of the District Court of the
l nited States for the District of Oregon,
all of the assets anJ property of said cor
poration (except the grocery stock), said as
sets consisting of a stock of merchandise.
book accounts, fixtures and unpaid stock
subscriptions, will bo sold together, a list
or an aaia property can oe seen at tne
office of the said corporation on Fifth and
Alder streets, by applying to the Receiver,
The amount of the highest bid must be paid
to the Receiver in cash, or by certified
check, payable to the order of said Receiver.
when the bid Is made and accepted, and the
sale win oe Dinaing, euojeci oniy 10 tne con
firmation of said Court.
As Receiver of J. M. Acheson Co.
Attorneys for Receiver.
NOTICE to creditors and to all nersons.
firms and corporations Interested in the
Title Guarantee & Trust Company In pur
suance of an order made by the Honorable
the Circuit Court of the United States for
the District of Oregon in the suit of N.
Coy, plaintiff, against the Title Guarantee
& Truet company, a corporation, ana otn
ers, notice is hereby given to the creditors,
as well as all persons, firms and corpora
tions having any claim or demand against
the said Title uuarantee c 1 rust com
nan v. a corporation, of Portland. Oreiron
to present the same with the vouchers
thereof, fully verified, to the undersigned
receiver of said Title Guarantee A Trust
Comoany. at his office In the City of Port
land, Oregon, on or before three months
from the oate nereoi.
Portland, Or., December 10, 1907.
Time extended to July 6, 1908.
Receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust
DEPOSITORS of Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank. Notice is nereoy given to all ae
posltors In the Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank who subscribed for bonds in the Home
Telephone Company of Puget Sound or the
Independent Telephone Company of Omaha.
and who have not received the same or
trustee's certificates therefor, to call at the
German-American Bank and secure the
same. All business with out-of-town sub
scribers may be transacted by mail. Thos.
C. Devlin, Receiver.
Money to Loan.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum, iuv ana up; see us.
Vaugnn tk suri, orueit uiug.
TO LOAN $7500 at 7 per cent fcr 2 or 3
years, on improved real estate. West Side
preierreu. auu-iobo r umgunian.
PARTIES wishing to sell interest-bearing cer
tificates of deposit in good solvent banks
address J V-, oregonian .
LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington
bldg. facmc i&s.
2.vo OR less to loan on improved property.
Inquire M. D. Schwartz. 830 Chamber of
$14,000; also $5000 or less; good Improved
proper. , ais u ui tucr
MO.N EY to loan on timber claim on easy
State funds loaned, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas,
state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 058 Sherlock bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security, c v . rauett, f en ton bidg.
$3500 OR less, 6 per cent, real estate. Far-
rington, ttu diuuici uai uu uiutf.
Loans on dwellings $300 to $1500. 2 or 3 yra.
Ward, attorney, AiisJty Diag. Main 7326.
MONEY to loan on real estate, 0 per-cent.
R. Buetlkofer, 265 Salmon st.
PRIVATE money to loan; only principals ap
nlv to Box 372. Oregon City. Or.
$471 OREGON trust account; highest cash of
fer. 017 To urn y bldg. Phone Pacific 244.
Money to Loan.
i ! ! ! i'l ! ! i ! I i ! ! !. ! i
"GET" $10 TO $HM
HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
tf$$t$t $$$C$$$tt
402 Kothchild blag., cor. 4th and Wash.
The recognized bank of the wage-earner.
A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or
.employe can obtain money of us on his not
without security. - 1
$15 Return to us $4.00 a Mo.
$30 Return to us $S.oO a Mo.
$50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rates on " pianos, furniture, etc.
209 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third ana hi arc
Are you earning a salary? You can get
money from us on your note. Business con
fidential; no ucnecesaajy inquiries.
Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly.
$75 Return to us ....$20.00 $10.u0 $5 O0
60 Return to us 13-36 S 35
80 Return to us 6-00 4.00 2.J0
16 Return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00
Office open 9 A, M. to J P. a
FOR a few days we will pay the highest
casn price tor xitie ana urtgen iru -
counts; we also buy and sell Home Tele
phone bonds. Apply at once to Conn Bros.,
180 1st st. Phone 4773, A S819.
SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em
ployes and on Pianos. Furniture, wareuouss
Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies and ail
kinds of securities.
2u6 Ablngton Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names witnoui securiLjr ,
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in
66 principal cities; save yourself money by
getting my terms first.
TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 3d.
Money loaned on salaries; no other security;
my system is ueoi ior nwiiuu mcu, -..
bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others;
business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611
Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington iu
TO LOAN Large and small amounts on
good real estate security. Dtrmsni,
low rate of interest. C. F. Pfiuger A
Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg, 2d aud Mor-
rison sts.
MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be
repaid in monthly installments. Call for
particulars. Columbia Lii'e & Trust Co., 214
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WB BUY Oregon Trust & Savings. Merchants
National, line uuaraniee ec iruit huwuuh
for cash; also stocks and bonds, 011 Cor
bett bldg.
YOUNG man from the East, good references.
strictly temperate, wiauco 10 lui ictpji
with young lady; object matrimony; kind
ly give description.
WB loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for long or short
time. A. A M. Delovage. jewelers, 269
Washington st. -
WB HAVE $2000 to loan on inside city prop
erty for three or four years. For particu
lars call at room 12, Chamber of Com
merce. FOR SALE A gilt-edge mortgage bringing
7 per cent payable quarterly, amount
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st.
$100,000 to loan In sums or $1000 or mors to
suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. a.
G. Griffin. 206 Stark, opp. Cham, of C.
I BUY Oregon Trust. Title Guarantee and
Merchants accounts. Thos. V.cCusker, 205
Couch bldg. Main 7646.
PRIVATE party wants to buy Title Guar
antee, Oregon Savings, Merchants Na
tional accounts. S 882, Oregonian.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattsl. Tbe
Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
Loans Wanteo.
Live on the Interest and don't consume
your principle. We can get you from 10
to 12 per cent. The National Financing
Co., 412 Marquam bldg.
LOAN of $5000, responsible party; will give
first mortgage on $15,000 worth of real
estate. H of it improved, and pay 7 per
cent interest; three to five years; best
bank references given. K 963, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $2000 for two years. 8
per cent; A-l real estate security. C 903,
WANTED Loan of $750 for one year; real
estate security valued at $3000; will pay
8 per cent. C 963, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $300. 8 per cent, on
house and lot; value $1600. J 960, Orego
nian. WANTED A loan of $3000 on first-class col
lateral security; redeemable 1, 2, 3 years.
O 968. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Promissory note for $1150, se
cured by first-class real estate in this
city; call room 9 Washington bldg.
$12,000 TO $25,000, security high-class West
Side semi-business real estate. A B 961,
WANT a loan of $1300 for S years. 7 per
cent; good security. B. L. -Hagemann, 91
6th at.
WANTED A small loan on Peninsula prop
erty. M 964, Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $3000; real estate.
Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower who has
pleasant home; light work; everything
modern; must be cultured and refined.
Address, giving phone number. M 970,
MARRY Best plan on earth; nothing like it.
Photo of every lady member published with
description; many beautiful, wealthy, etc.;
act quick. Tbe Pilot, Dept. 107, Marshall,
REFINED, educated young woman desires
acquaintance influential business man not
under 85. - Object matrimony. L 966,
DO YOU want to be up to date? Then join
the Leap Year Club and- marry wealth and
beauty; large list, both sexes. Stamp for
particulars. Box 1360, Spokane, Wash.
CONFIDENTIAL reports on persons or busi
ness; accounts and notes collected; terms
reasonable. Wells Mercantile Agency, La
Fayette bldg.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens Nerve
. Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar
macy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d.
DAINTY people use Eversweet; it prevents
the odor of perspiration ; 25c a Jar, all
druggists, or J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.
Mme. Court wright, skla ana scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
225 FUedner bldg. M. 6042. A 2069.
ATTENTION Superfluous hair, moles, etc.,
removed. Electric needle. Established 1894.
Parlors 170 10th st. Main 6267.
LADY 23, worth $10,000, would nrarry. Con
fidential; best reference. A Box 35, Corr.
League. Toledo. O.
WANTED To meet honorable ladles and gen
tlemen, responsible age; view to matrimony.
S 59, Oregonian. '
MRS. QBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcotTol rub, cream massage; references.
282 Park. Main 2403, A 27 34.
WANTED To meet a lady 25 or over. I
am 32 and earning good wages; object, mat
rimony. R 965, Oregonian.
JUST OPENED Lady's barber shop; hair
cutting, 25c; shaving, 15c; no grafting. 12
N. 4th st.
MARRY wealth and beauty. Marriage direc
tory free; pay when married, new plan.
H. A. Horton, Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Mich.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170
3d st. Main 8770.
Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable splrit'l r'dngs; Su2
Alifeky bldg. Public circles Tues. Fri. eve.
PILES CURED without operation by a well
established physician. Box 270. city.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseasea 54
East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 30 Fii.dner bldg. Pac, 133.
DR6. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Allsky b.
AGNES Grandad very low; would like to
see or hear from you. K. O.
M. E., WILL you please call for your letters
In Postoffice, general delivery.
W. A- If convenient answer soon. F. P.
Sv-ara removed, laces bleached and enam
eled, superfluous hair removed without
scars by the latest French method; moles,
warts, birthmarks. pimples, blackheads,
red nose, veins, freckkc, sallow complex
ion removed, falling balr. bald epots, dan
druff cured, busts developed or reduced.
Mme. Marcott, specialist from Parts, assist
ing. Consultation and booklet free. Upn
ewninga and Sundays. Special rates this
362 Washington st., cor. Park.
Now is the time to attend to your fur.
No charge tor storage, when repafis amount
to $5. Goods called for. Remodelling, re
pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Sum
mer prices. Old mink blended to look like
new. Ladles call and ee process. A. Reiner,
f radical furrier, expert fitter. 563 Wash
ngton st. Phone A 6472.
Pyscho-magnetlc. and suggestive thera
peutics; a fuU line of electrical appli
ances; newest and most Improved elec
tric blanket. All diseases successfully
treated. Room SO. S50 i Morrison st.
Main 2011.
MARRIAGEABLE ladies and gentlemen, all
ages, want correspondents; many wealthy.
Why live alone? Send me only 30c iil
ver or stamps) for 35 complete names and
addresses of either sex, so you can write
direct without further charges. Your money
refunde'd If dissatisfied. ' Guarantee Bu
reau. Box 301 M. Portland. Or.
If you want to quit your habits, call on
Dr. D. F. Lane, the specialist, who cures
whisky, morphine, opium and tobacco
habits. No money until cured and thor
oughly satisiied. 304 Montgomery St.,
Portland, Or. Phone A 3629.
ARCHITECT In order to get acquainted
will make all kinds of plans, specif lca
tiDns and blue prints at h the regular
price. My work is first-class, w. Fritsciie,
northwest cor. 39th and Belmont. Take
Sunnyslde car. Phone. Tabor 65.
SWEDISH trained nurse. Helringfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing,
fcteam. sweat and tub baths; both aexfa.
7 East llth st. , one door from East An
keny car. Phones East 200. Home B 1803.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 60c. To visitors
of Portland hotels and to public at large:
Suite pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the tali or1 ,
06 0th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles'
skirts pressed, DOc. Feathers and Duma
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4b 64.
LIFE is worth living wnen your nerves are
strong; Sexlne PlUs make them strong;
$1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Addrem
or call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.,
cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chic heaters
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no. other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere.
YOU MAY HAVE perfect nerves by using
Sexlne Pills, $1 a box, 6 for $5, full guar
antee. Address or call The J. A, Clem-
, en son Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill sta.,
Portland, Or.
WOULD you marry if suited? Matrimonial
paper containing advertisements mar
riageable people, many rich, from all sec
tions, mailed sealed free. O. M. Gunnels,
Toledo, O.
LADIES A young lady from the East will
do halrdressing. shampooing, scalp treat
ment, manicuring and facial massage at
. your residences at reasonable prices.
Phones East 2319. C 1774.
DULL Gillette and other safety razor blades
sterilized and resharpened, 2 cents each ;
customers everywhere delighted; wo re
turn your own blades good as new, many
say better. Keen edge Co., 29 Henrietta
bldg., Chicago.
I WISH to correspond with a refined young
woman who has some money and lier
services to put into a legitimate paying
business; state amount of funds. M .967,
ough course of millinery taught In four
weeks ; terms reasonable. 375 Stark at;,
cor. W. Park.
CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club, for
honest, eober, single people, fully of age.
Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 261
Jefferson, between 3d and 4th.
MARRIAGE PAPER. incorporated; 4000
members worth $100 to $100,000; paper,
10c sealed. K. E. Love, Box 1006, Denver,
DRESS suits for rent, ah sizes; $1.60 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips eewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3u9 Stark.
for lonely people; come and get acquaint
ed; many homes secured and people made
happy. Circular 10c 133 5th st.
WIDOWER Mechanic. who earns good
wages, would like to make the acquaint
ance of a lady with good character; rea
son, matrimonial. N 970, Oregonian.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
- Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed
periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr.
Pierce. 181 1st St. Phone Main 1965.
Women and children's specialist, room 10
Milner bldg., 350 Morrison. Phone Main
4521. A 1644. Residence phone 7320.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex.
desiring acquaintance or companion, send
lOo for circular. Portland Introducing
Bureau, 181 1st st. Main 1965.
GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a. specialty). A. W.
Sen male Co.. 229 First st.
BYRUD'S sure corn and wart cure, never
fails. Stops pain at once. Clean aud
easy. Nonpolonous. 15c by mail, post
paid. 149 Ashland blvd., Chicago
DON'T be lonesome; Join the only reliable
Marriage Bureau in the world. Send 10
cents for the May paper. Box 251. Se
attle, Wash.
RESTAURANT Nets $15 daily; $15o0; sale
or exchange; act quick. C 966, Oregonian.
TWO fine refreshing shampoos for 6c.
13th st.
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD, 336 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife plaiting and pinking.
B. H. COLLIS, 824 Worcester block, public
accountant and estate agent. Auditing, In
vestigating, systematizing; permanent keep
ing of books and recorus a specialty.
Chamber of Commerce, office systematizing
and general accounting. Established 1899.
Advance Building information.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers get
copy Pacific Builder and Engineer. 15
Chamber Commerce.
SEASIDE bungalow. See Johnson, 204 Mo
hawk bldg. Main 5607, A 4321.
Asaayers and Analysts.
Wella A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem
ists and at Bayers. 204 Wellington.
MONTANA ASSAY OFFiCa Laboratory and
ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st.
PAUL BAUMEL, assay er and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
EH AW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and aiectrlcal repairing. X6 Stark U
WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew
bldg.. 162 2d at. Pbone Main 130L
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 830 F lied nor bldg- Pbone Pacific 135.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Main 7843. 303 Stark.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing.
Cor. Grand ave. .and Kt Morrison. Phones.
Detective Agencies.
Rooms 37-38 Hamilton bldg. Phones Main
4943, A 2546.
Dog and Hone Hospital.
Dr. C. EL Brown, D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog,
horse hospital, 196 N 6th st. Union Trans Co.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechan
ical, survey, assay, cyanide; established
164. Van der Nalllon School, 51st and
Telegraph. Oakland, Cai.
Klectrio Signs. '
ELECTRIC SIGNS Sold and rented. Port-"
land iaiectrlc biga Co., 44 2d mu Mala
Feed b tores.
X L. COOPER A CO.. hay. grain, feed. 128
Union ave. East 1517, B 1617. -- -
Gasoline- Engine, -
Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch-';
es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re
pairing. Keierson Machinery Co.. 152-4-6 MoT ,
Harness, and baddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle)
and haructt manfrs.. 80-86 1st. Main 226.
Ho asecleanin g.
JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. and Burn-
lsliing Brass Works. 1 N. 4th St. A 6OO8, ' -Pac
2120. M. N. Frank.
Junk. Hide and .Pelts.
1 " 1 " , , y
L. SHANK ft CO., purchasers of hides; pelts, -wool.
furs, tallow, old rubbsne, msiala and 'u
sacks. 312 Front sc.
Leather and Findinn.
tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings; Stock-'
ton sole leather and cut stock; full Una
Eastern Jumbos. 1&9 Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, tap mfrs.' findings.
L-iuncbes and Yachts.
FOR charter and sale: marine hardware, gas-,
. ollne engines. Si-e Heyes. 171 Madison.
MANDOLIN, violin, banjo, guitar Instruo-'
lion; private lessons only; Gibson mando
lins. Weber's studio, 489 Wash. st. v
EUROPEAN lady pianists will exchange
piano lesslons for German, French or Eng-'
lish lessons. S s. Oregonian.
FREDERIC CREITZ Violin instruction.
Studio 23 Cambridge bldg., fid and Mor rison
EM1L TU1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of
Sevcik. A 4100. Pine 334. Pac 2989.
Oateopatnio Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Thud and Washington Sta
Phone, office. Main 349.
Residence. E. 1028.
Paints, oils and Glass.
F. E. Beach A Co., the Pioneer Paint Co
Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334.
RASMUSSEN A CO., joboers paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.. .
Patent and Pension Attorneys,
PROTECT your idea. Wo can patent It.
Moulton & Scobey, attorneys, 604 Colum
bia bldg., Portland, Or.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents: Infringement casea 604 Dekum. .
J. J. HIRSHHE1MER, pension and patent at
torney, rooms 2U-21 Labbe bldg.
PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J.
Matter, 618 Commonwealth bid.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. HIcks-Chatte
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Nelss A Con'
naway, lu9 2d St. A 4573. M. 7319.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all offios goods. P
D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. .
Painting and Paperhanging.
Painting, furniture repairing and finish ing.
T. J. Wilsoq, 56 Burnaide. Main 8159.
Signs. . :v,
The largest sign-makers In the North'
west, Cth and Everett sts. Phone Private
Exchange 55. Home A 1155. - -- ,-:
ELMER J. WALLACE, art signs and office
lettering. 327 Stark. Pacific 1566. - - - L
Spiritualists. -
The people no longer . question the strange.'
and mysterious powers of Zola MUford, the
world-renowned clairvoyant. The crowd.
Which fill hi- nnrlnr. tvv Aon i- iln,U. '
niable proof that the people of Portland!
are anxious to consult a genuine psychic, j. .
Zola MUford is here to help those who need,.;
help. If your heart Is heavy, if in trouble,:
have ill luck, bad health or misfortune. .
call on this gifted woman at once. She'
. is a clairvoyant by nature, a medium by'
divine gift. No matter what your trouble,;,
she will help you. She tells your name.,,
whom and when you will marry, with name
and date; gives reliable advice on business,;.,.
riage, divorce, chances, travels sales, and!
In fact vrv run u 1 Inn nt irr iruirtflnm tn th"
human race. She reunites friends in bonds
of love and affection and causes quick andl "
iiupyy uitiriiutie wim tne one oi your cuuitn.
Hours 9 to 9. Special rates today and to
Do not forget the name and address.
One of my.
Always Consult the Best
Greatest living astral dead-trance clalr-V
voyant of the age; adviser on business and
ail affairs of life; tells your full name and
what you called for, whom you will marry,
how to control the one you love, even
though miles away ; reunites the separated ;
gives secret powers to control; does all'',
others advertise to do. Office, No. 3 and 4'
Grand Theater bldg.. S52 Wash. sl. M.
JOHN SLATER, the world's greateet plat-'
form teat medium, will hold a grand test .
seance tonight, 8:15 sharp, Women of Wood-'
craft Hall, Taylor, cor. loth; tests, mes-
sages and answers to (sealed) written quea- ' .
tions given.
MME. JOHNSTON, clairvoyant, spirit, card. '
reader. Daily and Sunday. 282 3d st,,'.
cor. of Jefferson. 50c to $1.
Clairvoyant. Bring this advertisement for'
free test. 803 Washington st,
ELSMERE A white mystic of India; astral
clairvoyant. 4u9 Washington st.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at .326 Main.'
26c. Phone Main 7648.
known spiritualist medium, 489 Wash. St. v
66 3d st Bargains in second-band sales. -
THE MOSLER SAtid CO., 108 2d st. Safe
at factory prices. Second-band safes.
Showcase, Bunk and Store Fixture.
THE James L Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,:
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couuii
st. Pacific 2181.
R. H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6536.
CHICAGO FIXTURE CO., showcases, office
fixtures. 181 Madison. Phone Main 5237.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office
and commodious four-story brick warehouse,
with separate iron rooms and fire-proof
vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and
Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1996, J
Bob Ashby and Judd Fish..
Furniture and piano moving, baggage, .
freight and general hauling. Office -lug
Front St. Phones Main 62. A 1162.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for '
shipment. 2o Oak MU, bet. Front and let.
Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. j
Street Paving. ";
WARREN Construction Co., street paving. "
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Exch.
Portland office, 402-8-4 Worcester block.
Typewriters. -
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all!
makes, repaired, sold and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. The Type-1
writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 606,
SPECIAL price a all makes rented, sold, re-i
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark, Mala Ho7.'
Wholesale Jobbers.
W A DHAMS A CO. . wholeeal grocers, -manufacturers.
commission merchants;
4th and Oak.
WOOD Great Northern Wood Co. Dry. 4
foot fir cordwood. $4; sawed, $4.50. Mala
8508, A 8030. East 8th and Main.