8 THE. SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 24, 1908. FOB SALE FARMS. VANCOUVER AVD CLARK -40 acre, easily cleared, mile to R. R. station and store, church and schoolhouse; $5t0 worth of wood on the place, wood wagon road, thickly settled neighborhood; land all around thin tract Is selling for $10u; . cut it up In 10-acre tract and make aome money; fee quick, for $35 per acre takea it. ft acres of wild land. mile to R. R. station; the biggest snap In Clark Co.; price $50 cash takea it. 5 acre. $450. 40 meres. $5n. 11 acres. IV0.. ft acres. $H75. . 100 -acres, $1000. 36 acres, ft 1400. 29i acres, $1600. So acres, $2100. acres. $3j00. i 31 acres, ft'.Tuo. 2"0 acres, fl30. 1W acres. $36V. 156Vk acres. $5550. 100 acres, $SouO. Above is only a partial list of the many ' bargains that wa have to offer you. Call on u. D. 8. CAMERON REALTY CO.. Big- Blue Sign, M0 Wash St., Vancouver, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE. 11 acres near Nnwberg, 6 acres in crop. 1 acre in black-caps; good 6-room house, barn and chicken-house; all fenced and cross-fenced; price. J 1800. 160 acres all good land, 125 acres in cultivation; M acres of good orchard all fenced and cross fenced; good 8 -room house and barn, other outbuildings, wind mill and tank, water piped to house and barn ; on good road, near church and school. H mile to Willamette River; sear good town. Yamhill County. Price, In cluding crops, 9l per acre. 37 4 acres near Beaverton, fine 8 -room house, barn: land all cultivated ; family orchard, good water, 12 miles from Port - land. Price, $5600; terms. 44 H acres near Sherwood, good 8-room . . house, orchard, stock and machinery, 22 . acres In cultivation. Price. $5600. 43 acres near McMinnvtlle. all In crop, , land is the very best. Price. $60 per acrv. 40 acres at McMinnvllle, fine house and barn, water piped to. house and barn, good orchard, 25 acres in cultivation, plenty of shade trees and shrubbery; this Is a fine hom3. Price, 13500. W. H. LANG, 266 Stark St. FoR SALE 10 acres of the most beautiful land Id the Hood River V alley and one of . the "show" places of this famous fruit dis trict: level as a floor and every acre culti vated; onmatn road. 2 mile from postoffice; & acres 1-year-old, 3 acres 2-year-old and 2 , - acres 8-yar-old Rpltsenberg and Yellow wton apple trees in finest possible condi tion; ft acres strawberries between the rows; value of crop annually flfr.O to $2000; this - will decrease gradually, the apple crop tak ing Its place; buildings alt new; neat ft-room cottage, with slg magnificent oak shade trees; large new barn and other outbuild ings In good condition; pretty lawn and grand view of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams; an excellent buy: 110.000: terms $3lf00 cash. balance ftl4x a year for 6 years, interest 8 per cent. unggs-Ajnent Land Co., Hood -,- Rlvar, Or. A SNAP AT TIGARDVILLE. 41 -acre farm. 1 mile Tlgardville sta tion, Salem Electric, 25 acres under high .stats of cultivation. 20 acres In oats and bay. 3 acres In potatoes. IV acres of beaverdam in onions, balance mostly clear, ail unaer rood fence, rood 7-room house In first-class repair. 2 barns, 1 new 34x50x22. one 34xS wagon shed, potato house, chicken house, good orchard of 75 trees, bearing, of assorted varieties; also small fruits; near school. R." F. D. ; land In same locality selling for $250 to $300 fer acre; this place will bear the closest nvestlgation; price $160 per acre, this place is worth $200 pr acre; more than $2oOO worth of buildings; If you want something- good be quick a this will not last long; all crop included; terms. $4-560 cash, ba.ance to suit, 0 per cent interest, R 971. Oregonian. GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN (LARK CO.. WASHINGTON. 105 acres, 12 miles from Vancouver. 1 x to railroad. ftO In cultivation, crops in. acres beaverdam swale, running creek. 7- ; ' room painted farmhouse, milkhouse. large barn, good outbuildings, old orchard and new one; also included: 21 hogs, 30 chick ens, cows. 9 yearlings, o calves, T sheep, 8 lambs. A horses, harness and wagons, f.lows. Incubators, cream separator, mow ng machines, rake and all tools and culti vator; some timber. Roil cannot be . equaled. No stone or gravel on the farm, Special price, $4700. Terms. $1200 cash, ' l' lance easy yearly payments. ROSE CITY REALTY ft INVESTMENT - COMPANY. Room 51S Lumber Exchange bldg., cor. 2d ana Biartt. 20 ACRE8 all level land 9 miles from Vancouver, 2 miles from station. mile i mm scnooi, 4 mne rrom cnurcn, gooa roans; id acres in hay, 2 acres m pota toes, 1 h acra In strawberries, 2 acres In oats, plenty plums, pears, prunes, ap- pie trees; nne nouse on brick foundation new woodshed, milk house, good barn. horses, 3 milk cows, 2 yearlings, 2 hogs, cnicKens, 1 neirer, wagon, buggy, hack ' harnesses, plow, 3 harrows, other Imple ments; crop worm siuuu. trice ssiuu. t asn down J0U0. balance 2 years. 6 per ceiu. in is is one 01 me greatest oar- gains in tne countv. SWEDISH LAND & IMMIGRATION CO., 311 Worcester bldg. 42'a ACRES on Rae Line road, all in high i n-iw or cultivation, ricn eon, no grav or atone: 6-room house. 3 barns, windmill. water pljted (n house and barn, also living water on place: fine orchard of assorted fruit; nicely locaied for subdividing into 5 and 10-acre tracts; terms; might consider COOPER A KUNTZ. Room 4tl Worcester bldg. 22 ACRE'S near Vancouver; 6 acres under cultivation. 0 acres pasture, lt acres fir J timoer. o rrult trees, lot of assorted ber- rlrs; .-room house, good bat n, on R. F. near scnooi; only 23tt. CALL ON US. 1 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 714 Couch bldg.. 4th st.. near Wash. $112.30 PER ACRE. 100 acres. One. rich soil, lit miles tmm Portland on Oregon Electric; house, barn and orchard, 30 acres under cultivation, balance cord wood and piling; estimated ttiw0 cords of wood : lees than 4 mile from spur. Room 3UO Dekum bldg. Main 12000 4 ACRES, with house, barn, orchard running water, good outrange, easy terms big snap; near Portland. $2000 22 acres, house, barn, flrw fruit land, near town; bargain. Good places, larger and smaller. Call Mccoy, room 31, Raleigh bldg., 323 asnmgton si. ALFALFA RANCH FOR RALB. One of the beat alfalfa and stock ranches in tne state; acres in alfalfa: an abund snce of water for irrigation purposes and plenty of sheep range; 0000 sheep; must be sold at once. Inquire of the owner, James Smith, Burnt Kanch, W heeler County, Or. 82 ACRES, 5 miles from Sherwood, 3 miles from Salem electric car. 10 acres In cultiva tion and crops, balance timber and pasture, . farm but Mings and. orchard; price, incluilln; props, stock and Implements. $3(XH. Mai: 1459. Whlten A Bryant, 5::5 Chamber or 1 ommerce. "WILL relinquish homestead and sell Im provements or exchange for Coast land. 10 acres, 2 wells, on county road, near a railway towns; springs close, pasture, ruiidings; soout oo acres piowea. Now $1000. Write Wafter McMuIlin. Trinl dad. wash. - 82700. 27 acres, 2 miles from Sycamore Station on O. . P.. Johnson Creek runs throufr pisce; a iso 2 springs; tne ei.tire place h been seeded to pasture. Terms. J. ODonnell, 230 Stark st. Phones Mai oiu, a. .oui. UK CAl.e. un or tne oest 7-acre farm . In Clark Co., Wash., t miles from Van couver: high state of cultivation; an Ideal -place; per acre; 40to cash. Moss man-Charlton Really Co., 408 Commercial TO INVRSTORS. If you are In the market for timber, see my proposition before buying : it will stand Inspection; I can also give you large or email trams in pine or nr. c, Mccracken. 304 McKay bldg. 5uo-ACRE farm. 9 miles from Salem on Willamette uiver. 1 he nil est of land i;;t pr acre; nan casn. MOSSM AN-CH ARLTON REALTY CP 408 Commercial i'iub bldir.. SWEET. 204 Corbtl Rldir. See what w h ave near Rea verton in m in p 1 a ces cnea p ; 11 win pa v vou SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. FARMS, orchards, timber, acre tracts, choice homesteads, vacant lots and houses; our lins are inn ot snaps. Swedish Land Immigration Co., $11 Worcester bide. FOR RENT NO acres. 3 miles south Scappoose. good buildings. sX fruit trees In bearing. Call on or address John A. Wattaon. Routs No. 1, Scappooae. Oregon. t TIMBER claims in Douglas County, cruis ing S.tO4.000 and ft.ooO.OOt) feet each; must have the money and will sell cheap. 627 Corbett bldg. 75 ACRES, partly Improved. tWroom house, large bam, 30 acre timber, 7 miles from Vancouver. L. A. Miller, Vancouver, Wash. Manor route. S EV PRA.L fire gra In and stock fa rms in Eastern Oregon, $lrt to t'2S per acre. Room 16 Wash. bldg. Main A741. 20 ACRES cleared No. 1 land at Tfgardvllle, near Saiem electric carline. Price $fi00 o ; trma 2Q 4 to st. Mala 2039. A 2S24. WANT ED REAL ESTATE. - WE have a client who wants a ft or -story building suitable for a wholesale mercan tile business or cme one who will put up a building on a long )eae: absolutely re sponsible parties, with best references want to move m about November and will sign lease immediately. What have you got? Let us know not later than Wednesday. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY., T14 Couch bldg., 4th St., rear Wash. WANTED House and lot for small payment down, balance on monthly payments; state best terms, price and location in first let ter. N 95, care Oregonian. WANTED Between East 12th. ISth, Haw. tr orne ave. anq fcaat Stark, inside or corner lot, or modern 7-room house; state location, cash price. F 970, Oregonian. WANTED To buy email cottage at Summer ' resort. Long Beach or Ocean Park preferred; ) owners only; bargain. Williams, 49S Clay : St., Portland. WANTED From owner, 6 or 7-room mod- J ern house, West Side, part cash. Daiance t on time. State price and location. N j vol, Oregonian. ROOM cottage. Holladay or Sunnyslde pre ferred; about $2500; easy terms; no a genu Nothing but. bargain considered. B 6ti, Oregonian. - WANTED Modern five to eight-ioom house; good location; can pay part cash, raianca in 6 per cent bonds. Address C 962, Ore gonian. BUSINESS location wanted, bet. Yamhill. Burnside. Front and I2tn; owners or agents, p 968, Oregonian. WANTED By Denver man. best home in city for $4O0O to $MK)0; no agents; full particulars, street No. X 9t6. Oregonian. WANTED One or more lots within three- mile circle, or would buy house and lot 11 reasonable. X 964, Oregonian. , WANTED Acreage or lot ; $500 lease and furniture of suburban hotel as part pay ment, bal. terms. J 902, Oregonian. MODERN 5 or 6-room house, about $2300; terms, $500 and $50 monthly; no agents. A 964. Oregonian. 6-ROOM house. West of 40th St.. Sunnyslde district, not over uuv. js wus, ureg-j-nlan. WANTED Rooming- houses from to $1500; give full particulars. ' wL we gonian. ' WANTED 6 or 7-room house on full lot; can pay o00 cash, balance 4 yeara time. E 973, Oregonian. WANTED 6-room house In Albina. Owners only. D 972. Oregonian. LIST your property with us for quick sales. toeveral Eastern parties. 4U uarquam oiag. WANT to buy from owner good dairy ranch near Portland. C 904. oregonian. PARTY from Alaska wants 1 to 3 acres on 5c fare; no agents. O 91. Oregonian. WANTED FARM 8. SPECIAL. I want a neat farm of about 25 to 40 acres in exchange for an 8-room modern house in South Portland valued at $;t500. Have cash to put with It. Wanted at once. J. 967. Oregonian. FARM WANTED We want to hear from owner having good iarra lor sate at an honest price. Send full description and terms. Address Buyers Co-Operative Com pany, Minneapolis. Minn. WE have buyers for acreage and farm prop erties; ir you want to make quick sales, list your property with COOPER & KCNTZ. Room 401 Worcester b ag., Portland, Or. WANTED Farm land on- the Columbia River, between Washougal and ine Dalies, with or without improvements. O 957, Oregonian. WA NTED 1 0 acres in or around Hood River, cleared or uncleared; terms. L 964, Oregonian. WANTED Small farm, give full descrip tion; state easiest terms and give lowest cash price. M 9ol, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE 18 head of sound, well broke all around horses, single and double; some good drivers. Will sell right. -182 East 4th St.. near Taylor. Phono Tabor 1112. WANTED Horse, buggy and harness for its keep; very iignt work and best or care. Call or write Blackmore, 215 N. Grand avenue. $175 BUYS 7-year-old family mare, good road mare, gentle for lady, with nice rubber-tired buggy and rubber-trimmed harness; no dealers. Main 6227. FOR SALE filack mare. A 1 traveler and city broke. We can recommend her as a first-class driving mare. Pacific Laundry Co., 231 Arthur st. FOR SALE Very handsome bay horse. years otu, weignt aoout lioo; nas been used under saddle, also used as double driver. J. A. Buckley, 344 Montgomery st. FOR SALE Nearly new 2-seated park wagon, rear seat detachable, good canopy top. shafts, cost $125; will sell for $tf0. 434 Marguerite ave. Phone E 1651. WANTED Team ot well-broke. gentle horses. 1000 to 125 pounds each; must be cheap; pay cash or trade launch for same. P 967. Oregonian. WILL take one or two horses to drive and make gentle to street cars and automo biles; $1 per day with board. Lu God dard. Railroad and Lewie St., Alblna. FOR SALE Young, sound driving or de livery horse, inquire m. u. uruiKe. an. Zlon; take Portland Heights car, get- oft at Mt. Zlon. 5-YEAR-OLD road horse, good siee. weighs 1200 ; can . be driven by laay; narness. z buggies, equal to new; will sell separate. 343 Williams ava. A BEAUTIFUL driving mare. 6 years old. gentle lor laoy to arive; win sen cneap; owner leaving city. Phone East 4804. ONE light gooseneck and 1 largo spring wagon for sale very cheap. 31 Madi son st. FOR SALE cheap Rubber tired runabout, or exchange on good top buggy. Phone East 5505. FOR SALE Fine driving ttam. with har ness and carriages. Can be seen at resi dence of F. S. Dornbecher; 771 Tillamook. FOR RENT Barn stalls for 35 horses. $25 per month. Phone C 1811. or inquire 64 Albina ave., near Goldsmith. FOR SALE 10 head of draft horses and 2 good driving horses. G. K. Howitt, Montavllla. Phone Tabor 623. TEAM of horses, weighing 1200 lbs. each, bargain If taken at once. 454 East Tay lor. FOR SALE A span of S-year-old horses, weight about 1300; wagon and harness nearly new, price $450. :U14 E. 10th st. GOOD delivery horee wanted, no blemifh, 1100 lbs. six years old. Highland Market. 1O05 Union ave., N. Woodlawn 1546. C 1097. LAWLER'S livery stable, fine driving- horse, rubber-tired runabout, hand-sewed har ness, cheap. ONE team, harness and wagon, in good con dition; $500. taken at once A F 957, Oregonian. SPAN of mules. 5 travelers. Add res amas. Or. tnd 6. sound and good 1 Walter Wilson, Clack- FOR SALE A fine 8-year-old dark bay driving mare. Fred Vail, Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 77 7. DELIVERY how, about 1 IOO lbs.. $75. National Market, cor. Grand ave. and East Burnside. East 42. B 2242. WANTED A single buggy, with or with out top. Call up A 2-"90, or Main 10. FOR SALE 'Team, harness and 3 -inch wagon; $275. Phone Tabor 14. WANTED Good buggy and harness, cheap for cash. M 965. Or'gnnian. HORSES for sale. W. J. Stables, 5th and Glisan. Kelly. Overland HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for saie. 2i4 Montgomery. ALL KINDS up to 13T0 lbs. : prices right, at 5 Alder St., Portland Riding Club. A FINE young pony for sale very cheap. 21 1 Washington st. GENTLE, well-broke young team. i!500, mare and horse, cheap. 651 Hood st. WANTED A light delivery wagon in good repair. A F 960, Oregonian. SADDLE PONY for sale. Inquire at 73 North 6th st. $1K.T BUYS a brown mare, 7 years, weight 1275- Inquire at Dexter Stables, 45 4th. FOB BAILS. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. 25 HEAD of mares and geldings from 4 to 7 years old arrived today at 204 Mont gomery St.; from 000 to 1700 pounds, all weil broke, some extra weil-mat;hed driving; teams some good city delivery horses, few nice saddle ponies, frentle for - children- one pair of matched tt-year-old mares, sound, kind and gentle, weighing ."l.'t'O pounds; if you need anything in the horse line, come and get the right horse at the right price; we also have a few top business buggies, runabouts light and ' heavy team or single harness for inspec tion, call Palace Stables. Oth and Mont-' gomery sts. BARGAINS Bay mare. 6 years old. rides, drives single and double, with nice little light rubber-tire buggy in A-l condition, and nice harness, complete, $125; -bay 5-year-old mare, gentle in all harnees and saddle, $00; small pony, gentle for little girl, with saddle. $40; pair of matched bay (re! dings. 7 years old. can pull buggy S-minute clip, with nice' liarht harness, $ 10. 204 Montgomery st. WE have for sale in our warehouse, ve hicles of ail Hinds, which must be sold. Goose-neck trucks, grocery, milk, baker and butcher wagons; also buggies and carts; a full line of harness and saddles, new and second-hand; horses and rigs for hire. 211 Washington St., warehouse foot of Jefferson st. PAIR of matched mares, ft years old. sound in every way; weight 3370 pounds; pair of matched geldings, & and years, weigh 2:t00. sound and work any place; pair of Rood Bud bay mares. 6 years old. sound, stylish, broke every way; e-y ear-old brown, mare, weight 1380; bal 8-year-old gelding, weighs 146-5 pounds. Palace Sta bles. 5th and Montgomery. 30 HORSES 30 W will sell on Mnday. May 25, 1 P. M., at the Union Stockyards. Portland, Or., the best lot of unbroke horees we have .ever shipped to these yards; they are big, gdod and young; be there and see them sell. Twaddle A Richards. $335 BUYS chunky pay team, 8 and. 9' years, welgM 200O. and harness; $2 a chunky bay team, J and 7 years, weight 24O0, and harness; also double truck and ex press wagon cheap; can be seen at Dexter Stable. 45 Fourth street. F1XB bted black horse. 7 years old; also harness and buggy; can be driven single or double: a stylish looking horse and dandy roadster; a great sacrifice at $250. A D 905. Oregonian. FINE team of sorrel mares, no faults. 7 years old, one in foal; 'well matched; weight 3150. Julius Vanderschuren, R. F. D. No. 5. Gresham. Or., or Segher's wood yard, 9th and iiisan sts., city. FINE-BRED black horse. 7 years old. can be driven single or double; rubber-tired buggy included. A very graceful horse and dandy roadster. Special price. $25 X A D 965, Oregonian. AutomoDlles. 1907 STODDA RD-D A YTON touring car, top ana glass tront; $ieoo. 19f7 Stevens-Duryea. top; $1250. 1906 Franklin. $1000. 11MI7 50 H. P. Haynes. top; $1500. These cars have been traded In on Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at once; no reasonable orrer rerusea. COVEY MOTOR CAR -CO.. 16th and Alder. M 6470. FOR SALE Fine 4-cy Under. fi-passenger automoDiie. new top. full equipment, lamps and toots, nearly eood as new. cost $25O0; will sell for $1MK cash. 434 Marguerite ave. iJhone E 0ol. WILL sell 24 -horsepower touring car for $70O; In A.1 condition; you can have it on time if you mean business. Phone Tabor 1153, B 2126. AUTOMOBILE, 12 horsepower, holding 6 people. Price low; cash or real estate. O 9o0. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good 20-horse-power auto runabout; perrect conaition. inquire zze starK st. AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade. Oregonian. - REAL ESTATE to exchange Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. CADILLAC runabout In good condition. Ap ply 100 second, or Portland Motor Car Co. Pianos. FOR SALE or exchange, $07 certificate on Kiiers iMano House in Oregon. W ashing ton. California or Idaho; void after June o; price $15. A B 97. Oregonian. $20 WILL BUY a $100 certificate, good for race value, at tellers iano House until June 6. Address Mrs. Wade, 208 S. 13th st. GOLD BON D certiflca te, $72.50. redeemable at Eilers Piano House at face value. What will you give? A 903, Oregonian. FOR SALE $400 Decker piano, nearly new; will exchange for suburban lot. A 965, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL, brand new piano, only $185; small payment down, balance $5 per month. 354 Alder st. PIANO certificate, value $67; will sell cheap. Miss C. Bauer. 514 Jefferson st. Phone mornings Main 5432. FOR SALE, $7250 Certificate on Eilers Piano House for $15 'cash; good until June 6. 510 Washington t. FOR SALE or trade. $92 Eilers Piano House certificate, reasonable. Room 31 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts. HOLDERS of piano certificates will hear something to their advantage by address ing at once V 965, Oregonian. CHEAP $67 Filers piano certificate; must be used by June 6. ' E 963. Oregonian. FOR SALE One $07 cash certificate on new piano for $15. 266 Blandena st., city. $67 EILERS gold bond Phone A 4500. $10. EMERSON grand square piano In first-class condition. 804 E. 31st. M Isrella neous. IT WILL PAY YOU To visit our place before ycu order your stoves, furniture, carpete, because we carry a full line of new and as good as new stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of which we can satisfy the taste of everyone. People's Auction House, 167 Front St., near Morrison. Telephone Main 5670. SPECIAL sewing machine sale from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Monday, May 25. We will sell slightly used automatic lift and drop-head sewing machines, your choice for $12. 50 cash. White Sewing Machine Store. H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington, cor. 11th. MOVING PICTURE MEN. ATTENTION! Everything In setting up moving picture houses; operating taught. Films to rent. SOOO to choose from. Big new shipments to hand. The Laemmle Film Service, 419 Marquam bldg., Portland. FOR SALE OR RENT 1 9xlO logging engine. 1 7x10 logging or hoisting. 1 6x8 hoisting. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 324 Chamber of Commerce. FREfr-H COW for -sale; this is a good gentle cow; you' can see this cow at my farm on the old Canyon road, 3 miles west of city Park. Address Perry Ellis, Hillsdale, Route 1. FOR SALE A lfl-ft. 2-h. p. s-asollne launch complete; cheap If taken soon. 321 E. 8th st. North. Phone East 261lt. $600 DECKER BROS. grand upright piano, cheap: easy terms. 617 Tourny bld-g. Pa cific 244., A-l NEW sllc trombone. $8; nickel tenor. $9; genuine bargains. Portland Phonograph Agency. 350 AMer. FOUR good milch cows for sale. 709 Har old. Phone Sellwood 1171 ; take Sell wood A TEDDY FEAR, 3 months old. for sale. Phone Sellwood 907, or call 6t7 Leo ave., Sellwood. FOR SALE Speediest launch for the horse power on the river; a beauty; less than cost. Pacific 'J585. DESKS, office chairs, rugs. etc.. at-sacrifice; must move Tuesday. 318 All sky bldg. Call Main 4773. A 3819. 3 COWS, some fresh, all good milkers. Ap ply 79. E. Main- st.. corner 2.th. FOR SALE Cheap. 3-room scow and row boat. Call at 34 N. 23d st. TWO showcases, bridge. 18.1 Madison st.. NO. & L. C. SMITH visinle typewriter; must sell this week. M 971. Oregonian. SMITH PREMIER No. 4 type-writer, cheap; must be sold. M 969. Oregonian. COW 4-gal. fresh, cor. K 13th N. cheap. 559 Failing St., NO 1 fresh cow for family or dairy; large milker. '1041 East 30th North, city. NEW Domestic sewing machine; newr used; sold cheap if taken at once. 187 17th st. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. 51" Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. Z CONCRETE MIXERS. 2 ore skips. 1 orange peel bucket. 1 clamshell bucket. . 2 donkey engines. 1 gasoline launch and four skiffs. 1 locomotive. Ittx24 1 plledriver on scow. 2 land drivers. 1 centrifugal pump, with gasoline en gine. 1 steam pump, and 2 low-down pumps. WILLAMETTE CONSTRUCTION CO.. 419 Failinr Building. GARLAND cook stove, with water coil, in nne shape. $12.50; reliable gas range. $8.50; sewing machines. $2.50 up to $7..V; rocking chairs. $1; iron beds. $2: library table, $5.50; fine weathered oak extension table. $15; $35 solid oak sideboard. $18: hardwood bedroom suite, $12.50; mantel folding bed. $5; large chiffonier. $".."h; $35 quartered oak wardrobe. $18; refrig erators. $4. We buy, sell and exchange household goods. For bargain call -us up. Western Salvage Co.. 20th and Washing ton sts. Main 1108. oc-A 379-3. BATHTUBS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received another car cast iron, white enameled bathtubs and plumbing supplies of all kinds. We also carry a complete line of pipe, machinery, pulleys, shafting, cable, etc., lots of it. brand new and all of It at very cheap second-hand price. M. BARDS A SONS. 8th and Gllian sts.. and 4th and Glisan sts. FOR SALE Miscellaneous pipe, machinery. ee us ror your rtoe wants, ir you wani. to save money. We carry a complete "line of pipe of all sizes and kinds. We also carry a complete line of machinery, pul leys, shafting, cabl?. etc.. on which we can save, you from 15 to 75 per cent. M. BARDE & SONS. 847-353 Glisan and N. E. cor. of 4th and Giisan Sts. CLEARANCE sale of 25 Piano Players from rent and exchanze stock: nil In good or der, closing out at $45, $05 and $75 worm io wnen new. 11 you nave 1 piano, place one of these players to it then anvone of the famiiv can Dlav any thing they like all the best music. Call or write before' all are gone.. Eilers Piano nouse, 303 wasnington st. BATH TUBS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. We have Just received another carload brand new bath tubs and plumbing sup plies, which we are selling away below wholesale prices. We also carry all kinds ot pipe for water, steam, etc. M. BARDE & SONS. 347-353 OliHan St., cor. 8th. RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand single-comb unbeaten color cham pion "Rex Glory," mated to 10 daughters and .sisters. $2.50 for 14: other pens, $1.75 up. tex tteas nancn, jjauara. wasn. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buyinx: modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bru aswlck Balke-Collender. 49 Third at. CHICKEN-S. Disposing of an excellent line Buff Leg- norns; while they last, hens $1 each, cocks. $2; eggs. $1 per setting. 651 East mi in ion si. A BARGAIN Diamond ring for' sale, worth JliOQ at any store, will go if taken at once ror iso; a steel blue stone, weign lng over a karat. Call at 565 Washing ton st. A. O. Cartozlan. FOR SALE Two registered English point ers, male ana temaie; partly broken. years old this Fall. $25 and $35. L. A. Gregory, Klamath Falls, Or. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top. 13 r. 4-cynnaer engine. Dras nnishincs. quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with Doainouse. w 750, oregonian. FOR SALE New houseboat of four rooms one of the prettiest on the river. Will trade for good lot or acreage. H J 3, Oregonian. HOMER . PIGEONS In first-class condition at $1 per pair; matings guaranteed. A. Waldwick. Route 3, Box 73, Tacoma, wasn. FOR SALE One gold bond certificate for $72.50, good until June 6. on Eilers Piano House for $50; save $J.50 on your piano. Aoaress iock dox uw, Maranneia, or. THREE good cows, young and gentle. $:i5 each ; u oodrtock car to Kenll worth sta tion, south 2 blocks in field. Call today. CONTRACTOR and builders, attention! All izes steel rails, cut to length for rein forced concrete work. Railway Equipment o.,- jz i.narrtoer commerce. ONiB new Standard Encylclopedia of 12 vols, . guitar and mandolin, for sale cheap. Call 230 No. 18th at., Monday, between 6 and PIGEONS 300 full-blood Plymouth Rock Homers for sale cheap. Take Alberta car to E. 9th t.. N.. walk one block south. O . R. "urdy. 44 Springfield st. FOR SALE A surplus of 300 single comb Knnae island H.?d yearling hens at ti.nQ eacn; aiso o oinerent sizes ot incubators. John Lentz. Hillsboro, Or. $l TALKING MACHINES. SO: 22 ftvle 1; S horns. X4.ts: all record cabinets 20 per cent off. Portlana Phonograph Agency., sou Aiaer. FIVE bull terriers. 10 weeks old. elierlbi to register; price reasonable. 644 East Morrison. LESS than cost, 25-foot launch, 8-foot beam, 10 -horse-power engine; everything; complete. jvi w asnington st. FOR SALE One good glass wall case, also snow-case to matcn. f copies Auction House. I67 Front St. Phone Main 5670. GREAT DANE for sale; a bargain; first prize winner at last Portland dog show onristopner & Young, Arieta, or. LAUNCH Elegantly finished, equipment in cludes searchlight and boathouse; seats 15, Jt 966, Oregonian. OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 318 Tllford Mdg.. 10th and Morrison sts. MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slides. supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman, 293 Burnside. LARGE wall man of Portland for SI 2.50. cost $25; perfect condition. 438 Vorcester DIOCK. OFFICE fnrniture. 2 new desks, revolving chairs.- sitting chajrs, rug and table; must FRESH Jersey cow : good dairy cow. Sout Mt. Tabor, opposite tore. Phone East 4377. A BARGAIN New $25 wall map of Port land for only $10. 515 Chamber of Com merce. Pacific 1155- HOUSEBOAT, new. 2 rooms and back room, partly furnished,- cheap. Chas. Busee, Riv erdale depot: FOR SALE Iease on storeroom at 134 ftth M.; aiso ban 10 fixtures. Call on or address S. A. Reid. at above address. FINE double-deck and small showcases, also counter. 9S5 Albina avenue. L car, corner Blandlna. FOR SALE Yacht Anona, class A, holds class and handicap cups of the Willam ette. Phones E. 72i and B 142S. TEN shares United Wireless Telegraph stock for sale at sacrifice. Address 103 East 12th st. 16-FOOT famil launcjh. almost ik?w ; just the thing forthe war ships; a bargain. F 973, Oregonian. TWO fresh cows, ' good milkers, or trade for beef. 1668 East 19th, Umatilla, Sellwood. will near THREE fresh cows, very big milkers. Phono East 5505 or call Monday 95 East 30tli. FOR SALE 240.000 feet rough lumber for cash. J 969. Oregonian. FOR SALE 3- handsome mirrors, baskets, screens. 171 King sL FOR SALE $55 steel quire 2ftV 10th st range for $2K In- FOR SALE! English setters, old, cheap. 104 12th st. 10 months LAUNCH. $225 Excellent condilion; seed 10 miles. National Colortype Co.. 1:9 2d st. GOOD cow 1097. Phone Wocdlawn Moving-picture exchange Machines. sup plies, slides, films for tent. 165Vs 4th st. FOR SALE: 5 bull pups for sale. 307 Stark st.. bet. 5th and 6th. GOOD second-hand Hall safe at bargain. Ad dress Y Oregonian. ABOUT -40 cords of wood to haul. L. Kingsbury. Clackamas. Or. Apply FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred toy Spitz pups. 592 Market. Call after 1 o'clock today. ELEGANT baby buggy for sale cheap. Yamhill st. EILERS' voting contest check for $67 for sale cheap. 435 Washington st. FOR SALE A gas stove. Home Phone B 120. FOR SALE. M Iscellaneoas. FARMERS, contractors, mlllmen, get wise and visit us and you will surely save money. We are offering for sale cheap; I Coal tar, $4 barrel. Poultry netting. istaples and nails. $2 keg. - Deadening feit, $1 roll- looo squares rubber roofing. 5' tone hop. fence "and telephone wire. assorted vtee. Carload weds and sledges. 50OO picks and mattocks. Bathtub and sinks. 5 wheelbarrows. 12-lnch pipe, positively new, $1.75 foot. 10-inoh pipe, positively new, $1.60 foot. 2- lnch pipe. 8c per foot. 2-tnch pipe, 12c per foot. 3- lnch pipe. 15c per foot. 50 feet 4 and 6-lnch new pipe. Wecarry all sizes of pipe and fittings from to- 32-inch. We cut, thread and dip all sizes of pipe. 1 12 H. P. boiler. 1 H H. P. boiler. 3 54x16 boilers. 1 100 H. P. firebox boiler.. 1 Mi H. P. engine. 1 complete sawmill, 2000 capacity, at s, snap. -Several different size pumps. 1 12 H. P. gasoline hoist. 1 2 H. P. gasoline engine and pump. Several dynamos. 80 lights and up. . 1 eroo-gallon tank. 1 5ftt-gailon wood tank. 3 Case flour mill rolls. 2 M0-gaMon tanks. 2 2O00-gallon tanks. Several smaller tanks. 1 4-mould Berg brickpresa. 36 iron cara. Lot 16-lb. rails. ' Any amount heavy rails. fiO tons I beam. 750 steel sheaves. Positively more pulleys', boxes and shaft ing than all the othr places combined. Any amount of belting. Lot of fire hose. All sizes of sprocket chain and wheels. Iron drums and cog wheels. All sizes of grate bars. Any amount sheet iron, all lengths and we'ghts. .We are positively .the largest and carry the -most complete line of second-band mer chandise In the city. J. SIMON A BRO-, 24"4-2-6-250 Front. $14 COOKER CHIEF cas range. $8.50: gran-a superior cast range, cost 4o. in good condition, $15; good cook stove, $7."0; kitchen treasure. $2: bardwood ex tension table. $4.50; iron folding bed. $10; hotel dresser. $5: cabinet folding bed. $10; couches. $2..V: olush bed lounge. $3.,M); Iron beds. $2: white maple dresser. $12. !W; black walnut dresser, $10; .carpets, rugs. matting, linoleum, an sizes; tents ana camp furniture; any kind of exchanging consmereo. ana a square aeai guarapieea. McGrath Furniture Co., 66 North 3d st. Main 2ON7. LOOK! LOOK! Do vou need any of the following: Pipe. hop wire of all kinds; roofing of all kinds: all sizes of wire netting: horse shoes; rod-iron; hMcagon and other steel. 1 and a hundred other things !n kindred lines. If so. see' ua for prices if you want to save money. 1 M. BARDE & SONS. Northwest cor. 4th and Glisan sts. FOR SALE $25 buys transferable certifi cate on Eilers Piano House, good for $02.50 on purchase price of any piano. Address j. h. Harden, coburg. or. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN who can show good. records of sales he has made. urns will pay you 5oo monthly: stanie line, heavily ad vertised; imw selling plan which Insures sales: permanent position ror rignt man. Address box 4e. Iowa city, la. WANTED Man, must be willing to learn ; ana capable 01 acting as our local reo- resentatlve. No canvassing or soliciting; good Income assured. Address National Co-Operative Realty 1C0., Dept. 792C, wasnington, u. j. FAKERS and agents to sell Rose Festival souvenirs during the Rose Show. Address XX, Oregonian. WE want 30 salesmen acquainted with hardware, harness and general store trade; salary or commission; good refer ence must accompany application. Un derwood Whip Co., Sidney, O. A YOUNG man to take Dutch character part In a comedy musical vaudeville sketch; must play some band instrument. Apply too ay (Sunday) zuj Sherman st.. near 3d St., west side. WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy; wages tH to i per month wnen com petent; good opportunity; day and evening classes. Oregon College. 83 5th et. WANTED Man and wife .to take charge and work on farm close to city; oMy thos-i that have bad experience need apply. H W74. Oregonian. WANTED Traveling salesman. thorouphly conversant with crockery and glassware lines; none other need apply. H 904, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, lumber exoerlence (Idaho): dry eoods salesman. In country: salesman, all lines. 323H Washington st.. Rooms 39-41. Pa. & C. Co. FIRST-CLASS gun and bicycle repairman; good pay for right party, bugene uun Co., Kugene. kjt. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5094. WANT-ED Executive, technical, clerical and sales men, all lines. Commercial Abstract Co., 4US Commercial Club bldg. - AY A NTED 200 men and boys for Pain's "Vesuvius." Apply Exposition Skating Rink Monday evening. :ao, stage manager. STUDY LAW In session all the year. Port land Law School, Worcester block. Phons Main 40O4. WANTED Shin carpenters and caulkers. wages $4 and $5, 8 hours, long Job. In quire 12 North 2d st. BELLBOYS wantedf Perkins Hotel. Inquire bet. 9 and 5 Monday. E. Elltngson, head hall man. STENOGRAPHER Young man. one desir ing permanent position; good penman. V 964. Oregonian. TWO men. good address and ability, perma nent, irood-paying positions; promotion rapid. 400 Oregonian btdg. FEW acres to ciaar. North Irvlngton. Ap ply at 848 Vaughn st., near 23d. Main 3839. WANTED First-class man for grinding and corrugating flour mill roll. Aildress Union Machinery A Supply Co., Seattle. WANTED T-Andscape gardener. Address communications to Clt Recorder. McMinn vllle, or. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON pacific tuM 1 aa 1 12 North 2d st. Both Phone WA NTED Man to work on gold dredger; must have $400 to loan or Invest; wages $2 to $4 per day. wo, irregoman. WANTED Salesman, good appearance. call on city business men. Address H 960, Oregonian. $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rig to Introduce poultry compound. Grant Co., Dept. 87. Springfield, ill. BOY about 16 yearw of nge wanted for offica I work and as messenger. A B 952, Ore- ! gon lan WANTED Cigar salesman to close out stock good cigars; gooa proposition. t ore gonian. WANTED Boy for general chores In pri vate family; wages $20. Apply 7T2 Mar shall. Tel. Main 2M. WANTED First-class lunch waiters. Apply head waiter. Pert land commercial Club, Sth and Oak, bet. 8 and 9 A. M. YOUNG man wanted to work in grocery. Apply at once. 1 urana ave. HIGH-CLASS energetic business salesman; compensation Isrge. 215 Commercial block. EXCHANGE good residenre lot for painting and decorating, waning. iarn st. WE SECURE positions for our members; spe cial mcmoersnip. r. 31. a. WANTED Errand boy. ing Co., - 48 1st St. Apply James Print- W A NTED First-class harness maker light work. P. J. Cronin Co., 129 1st. P A INTERS A NTKU oal l sou t h east cor ner East 7th and Couch. M. Mattson. GOOD advertising solicitor. Address H 962, Oregonian. YOU will find the Rose City 5-cent cigar to be the best you can purcnase. WANTED 2 good carpenters. Phone Tabor 1153. B 2126. . CARPFtNTERS at Arieta School. Mount Scott canine. ART GLASS cutter and glazier, first-class. Pacific Art Glass Works, lol Front street. HELP WANTED MALE. COURTNEY'S. In the past three months we have found it Impossible to fill many positions. Owing to the fact that we were unable to deliver once THE. RIGHT MAN FOR THE RIGHT PLACK. The followtnr notations we were unable to nil, owing to thts reaecn : Man ah eh. vom. drpartmext store. $3uoo. HEAD bookkeeper. $isk. BUYER JLXD M..4.XARER DRY GOODS. $100. AiH AND DCOR SALESMAN, $13W. ADVERTISING MAN. $1500. ST E NOG HAPH ER. WHOLESALE H SE. . $1200. PAINT AND OIL SALESMAN, SALESMAN, SALESMAN. $1200 $1200 $1300 COii- AND EXPENSES. CONFECTIONERY AND EXPENSES. BARBER U PPLY AND EXPENSES. SAFES SALES MAX. $600 AND MISSION AND EXPENSES. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. $1200. DRUGGIST. $1200. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPH BR. $1100. STLWOGRAPHKR, $0O. SHIPPING CLERK. 9o0. GENERAL OFFICE MAN, $900. FURNITURE SALESMAN, $0"0. AWT BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRA PHER. $900. STENOGRAPHER. $1100. JEWELRY SALESMAN. $000. SAFE SALESMAN. $1200. MEN'S FURNISHING SALESMAN. $900. CLOTH T NO SALESMAN. $W00. SHIPPING CLERK. $750. ORDER CLERK. $d00. STENOGRAPHER BEGINNER). $W. . And others too numerous to mention. So. experienced executive. technical, clerical -men and salesmen, call and talk over our system; inexperienced men. v 1 ALL. It wastes our time and yours, too. COURTNEY'S. 4O2-4O&-4O4-405 Swetland bldg. MAKE MONEY Easy, qu ick. sure ; men. women; experience unnecessary: spare or all time; see what others are doing; C. O. Garrett. Ohio, showed 7 families, sold ft; Droflt $18: A. B. Verrett. La., sold 8 one day, profit $24: N. Boucher orders- 75 more, says "everybody wants one; best business 1 ever had' ; Mm. J. Brown, ra., soia iu, made $30 first 3 days-; only two sales per day means $36 per week profit. Free sam ple to active agents. Famous Easy Way clothes washer cleans family wash In 30 to f0 minutes, while you rest ; no work. only move knob occasionally not a wash ing machine; nothing e;e like it; no cnem icsls: no rubblns:: no washboard or boiler; every family wants one when ehown; easy to eiiv low price. . w e create aemsna. Write today for new plan. Specify ter ritory; act quickly. This won't appear again. Harrison Mfg. Co.. 3 Harrison bldg., Cincinnati. O. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE CAN TJSE SEVERAL SHOE SALESMEN TO HELP OUT ON SATURDAYS. GIVING PREFERENCE TO THESE WHEN EVER AN OPENING FOR A PERMANENT POSITION OCCURS. APPLY TO SUPT. 8 TO 9 A. M. WANTED Young, thoroughly experienced retail hardwaru man: must be a hustler, good salesman, a '"stayer," reliable, tem perate and no bad habits. Give names and addresses of former and present em ployers, copies -of references and nature of work done. Give description of your self, age. salary wanted and when you eouia come, pio cigarette smoaers or joar ers wanted. Helena Hardware Co.. Inc. Helena, Mont. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES A COMPETENT CLOTHING SALESMAN. APPLY TO SUPT. BEFORE 10 A. KEEP your job, double your wages; sell our montmy payment- sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co., Epler Block, Seattle. District agents wanted. WANTED Private secretary; man of big brain caliber, big heart, big hopes and great faith; not only a forceful talker, but an orator, brim full of peculiar wit; to prepare business letters. A D 968, Oregonian. WANTED Capable, energetic business man, 10 x years, or pleasing address, ror In and out-of-town work; fair wages- to start with; good future prospects; state age. experience and references. A 97V, Oresronlan. , WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sale men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references, Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. C. R HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department 26 Norih Second St. Phones. Main and A 1524. Help Free to Employers. MAN TO run steam heat plant, keep plumb ing and lighting in repair, and! general handy matt on the premises; state age, ex perience, references; married man pre ferred. Address H 972, Oregonian. WANTED By June 1, good watchmaker for the Summer; all-around man to work at bench and wait on trade; give full partic ulars and wages expected in first letter. Address H. A. Vincent, Ilwaco, Wash. WANTED Reliable man in every locality to represent large real estate organiza tion ; good pay ; instructions free ; exper-i lence unnecessary. North American Re alty Co., Des Moines, la. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing ana oncKiaymg; a ay ana nignt; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyns National Trade School, 230-240 Sth St.. San Francisco. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with etapie line; nign commissions, witn xj) monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. MOVING picture machine operators earn $20 to weeiciy. win teacn you the busi ness In a short time. Lessons reasonable. Positions secured. Newman's. 293 Burn side. WE WANT representatives in all cities and towns west of the Rockies; good pay; ex clusive territory. Write today. Bryant, Shreve bldg., tian Francisco, Cal. WANTEDA practical printer with about $1500 to take interest In one of best newspaper chances In Oregon. Address A 971, Oregonian. MAN with small capital can earn from $10 to io aatiy in tne motion picture tneater business. Full particulars given. Call at 293 Burnside. LEARN watcnmaKlng. engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions securea; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. WANTED Detectives, shnowd, reliable men for profitable secret service, to act un der orders; no experience necessary. Write H. C. Webster. Indianapolis. Ind. WANTED Man with small capital, for half interest in gooa-paying Dusiness; investi gate. 518 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. 1 GOOD compass man for long job '.n Washington. Apply Monday morning after 9 o'clock. The Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED immediately, an experienced and thoroughly capable bookkeeper; should understand collections. Call Wad hams, Kerr Hros. $25 per week and traveling expenses paid by rename nouse to salesmen 10 visit aeaiers. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chi cago. BEST location in city for lst-ciass cobbler. wages guaranteed. Apply Heights Pressing Works. 20th and Laurel sts., Portland Heights. WANTED Married man to work on growing fruit ranch; good permanent place to right man. See John R. Mann, baggage-room. Hotel Portland. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who can invest $15oo to take charge or ortlce or new cor poration; references required. A 919. Ore gonian. 1 WANTED Boy who lives at home to learn plumbing trade; must oe intelligent ana honest. Inquire Monday, 7:30 A. M., 222 Grand ave. f25 TO $60 per dav made easily. No capi tal required. How ? Send stamped ad dressed envelope. William M. Clawson, 1710 Fairfax ave., Cincinnati, O. j "WANT an expert In the art to give me practical lessons in forging ana. tamper ing steel; cash consideration. W 950, Oregonian. i WANTED A hardware man who can do shop wora: wouin sen nair in rarest to the right man. M 966, Oregonian. WANTED Two couch-makers; steady work. 55 Front t., cor. Davis. HELP WANTED MALE. SAL ES M A N wa ri t ed You can earn from, fooo to SI 0,000 & year when iual tfled. We will teach you to he an expert trav eling salesman by mail in 8 weeks at your home and securo you & position with a reliable firm. No former experience re quired. Thousands of good openings. Ws have more calls for our trained sales men than we can till, from k-ading firms all over the United States, and are dally placing our graduates In good positions. . Salesmanship is the- most lucrative, easi est, pleasant profession In the world; be sides, a good salesman is never affected by strikes or hard times, and Is always sure of a good position because he pro duces the business that keeps the wheels of commerce turning. Why not be a producer the man they cannot get along without and Instead of being contented with poorly paid, hard or dirty work, earn a big salhry? It Is the best field in the world for ambitious young men. If you want to enter this highly honora ble and lucrative profession. wrl(c for our free catalogue. "A Knight of live Grip," and testimonials from scores of men whom we have recent iv placed in good positions. Address Dept. tisl. Na tional Salesman's Training Association, Monadnock blk.. Chicago, III.; Kcarrltt bldg.. Kansas City. Mo., or Lumber Ex change, Minneapolis, Minn. Write nearest office. ALASKA. ALASKA. ALASKA. 0 laborers, common work, no exper ience, necessary, for placer mine worn. $S a day and board; I can save you $:" on our ticket If you want to o to tht n ru in Alaska. Chef, for Seaside hotel, must contract for three months' work. $1M month; night clerk for hotel, references, $40 to $.. room and board: kitchen help, wait ers. R. R. men for work, in various places. Including California, Washington and. Oregon, free fare. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. 2 North Second Bt. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. We have a number of good jobs for sash and door factory men at good wages. , 1 We can aleo use good mill hands, losj gers, farm hands, teamsters, etc. Large list of new work every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, 32 North 2d st. Both Phones. WANTED Success Magazine requires the services of man In Portland to look arter expiring subscriptions and to secure new bui-inee by means of special methods usu ally effective; position, permanent; prefer one with experience, but would consider any applicant with good natural quallnea tionw; salary $2 per riay with commission option. Address., with refer-nces. R. C . 1 eacock. room 115, Success Magazine bldg.. New ork City. AGENTS wanted to sell Hl-Po batteries on commission; the greatest dry cells ever Invented; positively waterproof; highest and most permanent potentiality; abso lutely guaranteed; nothing like them for motorboats. automobiles, bells, etc Appli cations from first-class men only will be considered. References must be given to receive attention. Lincoln .Electric Co.. 1 Union Square. New York. HHDnin. in 8PK,,1 Position! for 2 Inte Igent. energetic, rrvan. These H,n! rJ11 pa &0 10 per week right at the start. Call Monday 10 a. M-J3 f- M Ke Mr. Mills. THE JACOBS-STINE COMPANY 148 6th at. ?ITfc-Ii-J lrst-ci marine engine and boiier draftsman at .. pr dlPm: Nav wi ?,hTUrLSouni' Wa8h" examination Si m 5mdhat attl June IS, ;L.T I1 n above position. For appli cation and further information ad.1res Wa ' Nvy-yard, Puget Sound, 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates .ai year; men and worren to learn barber trade in elgh? week.T help ii$USPwilt,w: radua; ra from tlL- weekiv: xpert instructor, tools tree, writ for catalogue. Moler System of Collet-.., 86 N. 4th st.. Portland. Or. WANTED Men in town of 10.000 and un der every state, to solicit accounts for collection on commission basis. Agents paid w hen accounts received and verified Live men make $10 dally; splendid in dorsements, good territory open. William irvin, 426 Adams Express bldg., Chicago DISHWASHER for restaurant and coffee house. ;w.5 Morrison st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. Wants Monday Waitresses for first-class countrv hotels. Shaniko, South Bend. Roseburg Ths Dalles, $25 and $30. fares here; chamber maid, springs. $:m: chambermaids, city, $i5 and $30; linen-room woman for hotel. $.1.1; camp cook. $40; hotel cook. $50: cook, city. $45; private family rooks. $35 and $30; second girls, $25 and $2f: child's nurse; references required. $30. room and board; dressmaker. $1.25; family house girls, girls' to assist, housekeepers. REMEMBER NEW PLACES DAILY. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 33 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, house girls, good wages. We have a large list good positions com ing in at our ortlce evrv day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department. 2f3H Morrison Et. EXPERIENCED skirtmaker to take cbarge of skirts; power machine; good wages; steady position; none but experienced n"ed apply- J. K.. Stern. 429 Washington. Ladles' tailor. A GOOD home for a girl who can do house work and assist with cooking; family of 3; on East Side. Phone between 10 and 12 this morning. East 764 or C 1910. VOGUE SCHOOL OF MILLINERY Thor ough course of millinery taught in four weeks; terms reasonable. 875 Stark -St., cor. W. Park. WANTED Girl to cook and do general house work; also second girl for nuree and assist in general housework. Apply between 9 and 2 Sunday and Monday. 722 West Main st. FIRST-CLASS wages to competent girl to cook and do general housework, small fam ily. Apply Rosemont, Station Six, Port- land Height. SALOON porter, cook combined. $10; wait resses, hotels, restaurants (Heppner $25 , chamber, maid. Drake's 205 Washing ton. BY JUNE 1. neat, respectable middle-aged lady for general housework; good home to right party. Phone Main 8560. GERMAN or Swedish girl to do general housework, plain cooking: wages $35, If good honest girl. 512 Chapman. Main 81l2 , WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 287 Marguerite ave. phone B 2033. COMPETENT girl for cooking and house work; must be good lain cook. Small family. Apply fi24 Marshall. WANTED Middle-aged lady as housekeeper for family oT. 4; mu.t be reliable and good, plain cook. 66 North 20th st. RELIABLE and competent second girl In private bnardJng-liouse. 1 SI IHh et. Phone Main 53;;0, A 350. WANTED A reliable lady stenographer and bookkeeper, and lady clerks. Apply to An drew Kan- & Co.. 2S7 Morrison. WANTED A good girl to assist in kitchen work; wages $25. Call 77 W. Park- SHIRTWAIST patterns cut to measure, &c. Miss Clarke, 133 12th. Phone A 3230. WANTED Scond girl; city " reference quired: wagej $25. Call Main 3i(W. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wagrs. 363 Sth. Main 3274. WANTED First-class coat makers and waist trimmers. 4(5 Flledner b'.dg. GOO D n u rse girl, near 23d. , Apply 740 Flanders St., EXPERIENCED girl for g-neral housework, f a m 1 1 y of t hree ; good wages. 1 28 14th rt . WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Phone today Main K21W. WANTED A girl to assist with housework . and slt-ep at 1-ome. S03 Marshall st. LUNCH WAITRESS wanted at Morris' taurant, 229 Washington t. WANTED At once, lady to sew by the day. Phone B 24X. YOUNG girl to do light housekeeping work; good home. Call 817 Irving at. GIRL in confectionery store, san, cor. 6th. after 5 30 P. Apply 315 GM M. WANTED Party to care for and board de mented lady. 9H5H Albina ave. L car. GIRL wanted to assist in general house work. 114 N. 17th st. OPEIi ATORS on pants, steady work, ex perienced only. Third St.. room 10. GIRL to assist with housework. 29 North 9th st. ' GENERAL housework girl wanted. Mrs. David Goodsoll. S32 Raligh. GIRL Xor general housework. 425 Tillamook.