The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    PORTXAXT), MAT T7, 1003.
Cipman, UloSfe go.
Cu4 Meckel.. OmI-Qm1iI7 CiM'mi Ow At. At... M L
Virginia City. (Bcm)
L r
a&a- III 1867
liiilll JRi
greatest sales event in our fifty-eight years of merchandising history, and which was wide-
id the largest business and waited on the largest crowds of shoppers of any salesday in
sible to give the greatest bargain sales in Portland's merchandising history in commemo-
ational, even when compared to the great bargains of the past few months. The pictures
y, erected in Sacramento during the argonaut days of 1850, the business of S. Lipman
Stil it became the largest in Sacramento. In 1865 a branch store was opened in Virginia
and was famous for its high quality merchandise, so much in demand during the golden,
ortland, Oregon, Mr. Adolphe Wolfe leaving Virginia City to assume its management,
st and Washington streets, and commenced business with a force of eight employes. It
esent proportions making the substantial name . and credit of the firm respected and
nt princes ot trie West, btep by step the firm has grown, from eight employes to over
Ick. Fifty-eight years of honorable business success have created for this firm a nrestitre
e established an enviable bond of confidence between this store and its customers. Lip
chandise of simple elegance and sure appeal. These facts, coupled with the high rating
usiness and present proportions. And so we are holding this ereat ;8th Anniversarv Sale
. Three full pages of advertisements in this paper the largest advertisement ever
Jtd for this sale. Every bargain on these pages and one full page in the next section of
e crowds will be enormous before the day is over.
See Our Large Full-Page Advertisement on First Page of NextSection
Men's $3 Felt Hats $1.15
Men's $2 Neckw'r 85c
"Young's" famous $3.00 Hats for men such a good hat that
there are 8 stores in New York devoted to their exclusive sale.
Soft and stiff felt hats in pearls, tans, browns and
black. Regularly $3, 58th Anniversary Sale price
50 dozen Men's Finest Quality Four - in - Hands, Tecks and
Squares. All made of fine imported silk in the very newest
and most exclusive patterns. The kind of tie you would
gladly buy for $1.50 and $3.00, 58th Anniversary qpj
900 Men's Fancy Vests
Vals. to $3.50, $1.55
The greatest bargain of the year in Men's
White and Fancy High-Grade Vests, the
very latest models, made of mercerized and
silk mixtures, stripes, plaids and neat fig-
ures, light and dark col
ors, values to $3.50, 58th
Anniversary Sale.
$ 1.55
$1.25 Shantung Pongees 83c
1500 yards Shantung Pongees, natural color, heavy quality, suitable
for coat suits. Regular $1.25 quality, 58th Anniversary
85c 19-in. Biack Taffeta at 59c Yd.
1000 yards 19-inch Black Taffeta, high finish, rich luster. ECrv
Actual value 85c yard, 58th Anniversary Sale price Oi7C
Crown Colored Taffetas at 73c Yd.
Crown Taffeta, the best colored taffeta made, a quality sold in first
class stores at $1.00 yard. Over 100 shades, including white,
ivory and cream, 58th Anniversary Sale price OC
$1.25 Bonnet Black Taffeta at 79c
22-inch "Bonnet" Black Taffeta, the best quality for outer- "TO
garments. Best $1.25 quality. Fifty-eighth Anniversary price. . ' C
Best $1.75 Black Taffeta at $1.39
3000 yards yard-wide Arnold Constable & Co. guaranteed black Taf
feta for suits, coats and ontergarments. Best $1.75 qual- dj 1 O Q
ity. Only 3000 yards will be sold at this low price pl.OU
$1.25 Imported Messaline 89c Yd.
Imported Messalines extremely popular fabric for Summer wear.
Colore Light and dark brown, helio, garnet, cardinal, Copenhagen,
navy, gray, myrtle, olive, ivory, cream and black. Best QQ
$1.25 value . CtZJC
$1.00 Figured India Silks at 73c Yd.
32-inch figured India Silks in beautiful floral designs for house
gowns, kimonos, etc Best $1.00 qualities. Fifty-eighth Anni- 7
versary Sale JC
Laces, Vals. to $1.25 at 49c
Values to $275 at $1.23 Yd.
White, cream, ecru and black Venise, baby Irish, net, filet, chantilly
and applique lace's, insertions, galloons, festoons, medallions and all
overs, in pretty designs, from the dainty baby Irish to the heavy
Venise and soutache effects; also cluny, Spanish, Grecian and filet
effects, single and double width nets. In two large assortments, re
duced as above.
White Imitation Torchon Edges and Insertions, 1 to 6 inches wide.
"Values to 20c per yard. Fifty-eighth Anniversary Sale C
price fC
3500 Pairs Women's Sample Hosiery
ft All Styles, Val. to $ 1 .25 Pr., 29c
Another of our famous sales of women's sample hosiery
An offering of 3500 pairs, in nearly 100 styles, including 37
plain colors, as well as an infinite variety of fancy stripes,
plaids, etc. All sizes and all styles, plain liale, plain maco,
all-lace lisle, boot-lace lisle, plain mercerized, embroidered
designs, fancy weaves, etc. All this hosiery is the finest in
grain, having been dyed before touching the looms and not
dipped afterward, resulting in a brilliancy of colors and
elasticity of fabric unattainable by the dipping
process All colors, black and white. Choice at
800 Pairs of Long Silk Gloves
The most sensational bargain in elbow-length Silk
Gloves we have ever offered 8oo pairs full elbow
length, double - tipped fingers, made of the finest
quality silk, every pair perfect. All sizes in black
and white. Sold regularly at $1.50 mw
and ' $1.75, 58th Anniversary Sale 7 Vf
Our Entire Superb Stock of High-Class
Fancy Silks, Values to $2.00 Yard at 89c
Itfo reserve our entire stock of high-class Fancy Silks in all this season's best styles and colorings, selling regularly from $1.50
to $2.00 a yard at the most sensational sale price in years. The styles chevron - stripe plaids with satin stripe,
checked with coin dots, striped tussor and Pekin stripe, in all the fashionable colors, such as Copenhagen, tan, brown,-
navy and green. Also printed warp silks. Sold regularly from $1.50 to $2 a yard, 58th Anniversary Sale price
f .p.
Men's Madras Shirts
$1.50 Vals. $1.15
There's a great variety of pleasing effects
in these $1.50 Shirts for $1.15 attached
or detached cuffs, coat style or regular,
made of smart madras or percales, plain
or plaited. All regular
$1.50 Shirts for
Men's Hosiery
1500 pairs men's fine imported
socks, sample assortment includ
ing lisle thread, fine maco cotton
and mercerized in fancy colors,
black tans, checks, plaids, etc
Every weave. Values ,
to 35c pair, on sale at 1" 2C
$5-$6 Silk Umbrellas, $2.50
A limited lot of fine All-Silk Umbrellas in all colors, for sun
or rain; plain tape edge, also fancy border. Great JQ Cft
variety of pretty handes. Regular $s-$6 vals., sale.j)a3l
50c Pillow Slips, Ready for Use, 33c
Serviceable and attractive Pillow Slips, tinted in natural
colors in floral effects, ideal for Summer porch and hammock.
39c Lithograph Pillow Tops for 23c
Endless variety of designs, all new, regular 39c values..... i..23
75c Stamped Lunch Cloths at 48c
Scarfs and Squares for lunch cloths and bureau scarfs, A Q
drawn work and hemstitched, stamped ready for working. . . . "OC
300 House Dresses
Vals. to $2.75, $1.59
The most sensational of all bargain events
in Women's One and Two-Piece House
Dresses, made of striped and plain cham
bray and figured percale. Values to
$2.75 58th Annivers
ary Sale price only
$1.00 Kimonos 49c
Special assortment of Women's Short
Kimonos and Nightingales, made of fancy
Japanese crepe lawns, etc. Values to
$1.00, Anniversary Sale .
c Gas Lights 38c
20c-35c Mantles 10c
1000 Gaslights, 170 candle-power,
with genuine Jena opal globe, best
mantle, patent regu
lated burner, fits any
gas fixture. Limit of
one dozen to a custom
er. N o n e to dealers.
75c values
Incandescent Gas Man
tles to fit any fixture,
strong weave, regular
20c, 35c and
35c values. . .
10c 1
it imMUli
$2.50-$2.75 Lace Curtains at $1.89
Nottingham Lace Curtains in neat plain effects; large variety of patterns,
both in plain and figured centers, in madras weave and Scotch lace
effects; 3 yards long, 45 to 50 inches wide.
$4.00-$4.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $3.15
$5.00-$5.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $3.89
$6.0Q.$6.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $4.79
$7.50-$8.00 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $5.89
Large variety of patterns in all this season's best effects in Renaissance,
Cluny, Marie Antoinette, La Savoie, Irish Point, Battenberg and new
novelty effects; all made of good quality of imported bobbinet; white
or Arabian color, 21, and 3 yards long.
$1.50 Dress Goods 75c
2750 yards most popular novelties in all-wool and silk
and wool fabrics, 40 to 50 inches wide, scores of styles.
50c Wool Dress Goods, 29c
3000 yards most popular styles in 36-inch suiting, includ
ing new monotone and two color stripes, black and white
shepherd plaids and checks, etc
$1.25 Imported Dress Goods, 69c
New plain and fancy weave mohairs, 44 to 54 inches wide,
new stripes, checks, shadow plaids, shepherd checks, 54
inch cravenettes, mohairs, etc..
$1.00 Wool Dress Goods, 69c
950 yards fine all-wool taffetas and chiffon Panamas,
48 inches wide, strictly all wool, all colors.
$1.75 All-Wool Suitings, $1.29
1250 yards this season's latest weaves and colors in the
irresistible monotone stripes, handsome shadow stripes,
satin prunellas, India twills, silk and wool taffetas, etc.
$2.75 Napkins, dz. $1.50
bleached Napkins, regularly I' Cf
$ dozen; Anniversary Sale. . ..V x
25c Supporters at 10c
25c Pin-On Supporters, frilled, as- 1
sorted colors, fancy bow and buckles.. "C
35c Supporters at 18c
35c Diana Pad Supporters, four straps, fancy
decorated pad; assorted colors; 58th I Q
Anniversary Sale price IOC
1 0c Box Hairpins at 5c
10c Hair Pin Cabinets, 250 crimped C,
pins, assorted sizes, on sale at .."C
A Notion Anniversary
5c card Belt Pins, 1 dozen, 2 cards 5
15c card Hair Pins, shell, crimped 8S
15c Coat and Trousers Hanger for 8
20c Bristol Playing Cards, deck 10
20c, 25c,. 35c Gas Mantles, sale price .... 10J
25c pkg. Gold Dust, Anniversary sale.. . .17
15c pkg. Pearline, Anniversary sale
10c pkg. Dutch Cleanser, Anniversary 7J
15c Handkerchiefs, 10c
Women's all linen Handkerchiefs, 1 fX
4-inch hemstitch, regular 15c values. . . vC
20c Kerchiefs at 12V2C
Women's all linen plain and cross-bar Hand
kerchiefs; also hand-embroidered 1 OlU
initials; hemstitched .t ZC
50c Handkerchiefs, 25c
Hand-embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs,
laundered and unlaundered, plain and wreath
designs; regular values to 50c;
Anniversary Sale price JC
$2.50 Couch Covers $1.49
Oriental Couch Covers, in handsome patterns,
reversible tapestry, fringed, 3 fl1
yards long, 60 inches wide JX.trJ
$7.50 Couch Covers $4.49
Heavy reversible Couch Covers, handsome Ori
ental and conventional designs, fringed, cord
ed and plain; $6.50 and $7.50 val- QZA AQ
ties; Anniversary Sale price Ptt.'tI
$2.50 Back Combs, 75c
Fancy Back Combs, gold filled band, chased
designs, in many pretty patterns; val- "7P
ues to $2.50; sale price.... OC
$1.00 Waist Sets, 49c
3-piece Waist Sets in gold, white or blue
enamel, this season's new designs; ACktt
values to $1.00 xiC
75c Bead Necklace, 18c
Pearl Bead Necklace, one strand, 1 Qf
regular 75c, Anniversary A OC
$1 Alarm Clocks at 68c
Our regular $1.00 Beacon Alarm . CO.
Clock, guaranteed for one year OOC
$3.75 Cut Glass, $1.48
Many choice patterns in cut-glass J' AQ
Nappies, $2.50 to $3.75 values P 1 .xO
15c-18c Silkoline at 9c
10,000 yards Silkoline and Silkosheen, great
variety of patterns ;n sale in the drap- Q
ery section JC