The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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TTiiw-P?icrft Arlv.Todav Largest Ever Printed in Portland ly to bargains"
85c Leghorn Flats 43c 1.25 Roses 73c
$2.89 Leghorn Flats, $1.79 29c Foliage for 12c
For Summer wear a Leghorn Flat is the most desirable
of styles. Hundreds of stylish hats will be made from
them this season. These were exceptional values A"fm
at 85c. 58th Anniversary Sale ; tOC
Superb Leghorn Flats in black and natural colors ; sold
regularly at $2.89. Fifty-eighth Anniversary yg
Large American Beauty Roses, made of fine quality im
ported linen, three to the bunch, with foliage, some with
buds. Exquisite colorings of cerise, old rose, deep p7'ie
red, gray, helio, brown, etc.; reg. $1.25 values.. JC
Large sprays of imported Rose Foliage, green and brown
shaded, used extensively this Summer. Regular "1
29c value '. LtC
Crushed Roses, American Beauty Roses, Foliage, Lilacs,
Blossoms, Bluets, Field Flowers. Beautiful shadings.
Sale of Flower Hat Trimmings
Values to $1.39, Anniversary
The Lowest Price in 20 Years
Full 16-Button Length
.Regular $4.00 Values
$3.19 Pair
The genuine French kid, same as sold
in the Bon Marche of Paris. Without
doubt the best glove in the world. Han
dled by Lipman, Wolfe & Co. for ao
years and never before sold so low. All
sizes and colors.
Eipiiian. Oldie & Co J
White Skirts $3.50Val.,$ 189
Hand-Embroidered Chemise, $1.33
Extra fine quality White Skirts, deep
Fawn flounces, daintily trimmed with
lace insertions and edgings; also other
styles. Values to $3.50,
58th Anniversary Sale. ...
French Hand-Embroidered and Hand
Made Chemise, scalloped edge and em
broidered front design. Values to
$2, 58th An
niversary sale
Corset Cavers
Nainsook Corset Covers,
with dainty trimmings of
fine laces, etc. Val- jj Q
ues to $1.00, for....OC
K--: IV-Jsr
$2.25-$2.75 Veils, 89c
$1.25 Veilings, Yd. S3c
Chenille Dotted Tuxedo Veils, 1Y2 and 2-yard
lengths, with velvet and ribbon borders. Also
Chantilly Lace Veils in round and oblong shapes,
all colors and designs. The swellest novelty veils of
the season. Regular $2.25-$2.75 values. qq
58th Anniversary Sale pijice 05C
Black, white and Colored Tuxedo Veilings by the
yard, with large and small chenille and velvet dots. Values to $1.25 yard. CO
58th Anniversary Sale price only UOC
$7-$8.50 Handbags, $3.98
Pigskin, alligator, seal and walrus leather Handbags,
lined, fitted with coin purse, all new and beautiful de-
signs. Regular $7.00, $8.00 and $8.50
values, 58th Anniversary Sale price
Ofrnian, COolf e 0.
ORlr-OwfilCMMwW 0r Ptc At AHrys UvM
Sacramento 7o "Vl
:. ill!
riPSil JSiiii!
Every Portland shopper remembers our tremendous anniversary sale of last year t
ly imitated in this and other cities. So sensational were the bargains offered that we
our business career. Business conditions in the East are such today as to make it
ration of our fitty-eighth anniversary. IT IS THE ESPECIAL PURPOSE OF THI
pose to make this sale an event to be talked about to give bargains that will be seH
above give some idea of the various periods of thus store s history. In the small sh
was started. From the beginning it was successful, and year after year added to it
City, Nevada, under the management of Adolphe Wolfe. The firm prospered there al
days of the Comstock excitement. In the Spring of 1880 another branch was started in
This branch occupied 65x80 feet of the first floor in the old Dekum Building, corner
would make an interesting history to tell in detail how the business has grown to its
known in the markets of the entire world, and ranking its founders among the mere!
500; from the small building of 1880 to our present location covering nearly half a
of which it is justly proud. Accurate statements with strict fulfillment of promises h
man-Wolf es is now, as ever, a Mecca for women of correct taste who desire good n
of the firm in the markets of the world, is largely responsible for its immense volume o
the biggest genuine bargain event ever attempted by this or any other Portland y.
printed present only a few of the hundreds of magnificent bargains we have plerl
paper, represents a truly extraordinary value. Do not tail to be early Monday;
15c Gingham at 9c Yd.
27-inch Ginghams, in splendid assortment, es
pecially for children's wear, in pink, tan, red,
browns and blue; 12y&s to 15o values,' Q
58th aurriversay sale sC
Regular 85c Sheets, 75c
Our famous "Castleton" Sheets, made of
good, substantial sheeting, ready for use.
72xfl0-inch Sheets, 8oc regularly, now...75
81x90-inch Sheets, OOe regularly, now... 79,
36x45-iuch Pillow Cases 15
12V2C Percales, Yd. 10c
Percales in new designs in cadet blue, navy
blue, red, and blmek and white; regu- 1 r
larly 12c yard; Anniversary Sale... lvll
12V2C Silkoline, Yd. 9c
36-iiu;h Silkoline, in plain colors, white, cream,
blue, rose, pink, red, green, olive, black,
lnauva. Regularly 12y2c yard, at do- Q
mestic section; sale price
25c Organdie, Yd. 13c
Cnrras Organdie, white and tinted grounds,,
self-satin stripes and plaids, choice printed
floral designs. Regularly 25e yard; 1 O
58th Anniversary Sale XOC
Regular 15c Batiste, 10c
Florette Batiste, white and tinted grounds,
large collection of pretty patterns ; 1 f
reg. 15c yd., 58th Anniversary Sale. vt
20,000 Yds. Embroideries
Values to $1.25 Yard, 39c
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Flounces and Corset Cover Edges, 15
to 22 inches wide a variety of designs to choose 9
from, all newly imported. Regular values up to jJ7J
$1.25 yard, 58th Anniversary Sale price only . .
Values Up to $3.50 Yard at 98c
15c Crown Etamine, 9c
Crown Etamine, wool finish, in brown, tan,
navy, royal blue and black and white effects.
Regularly 15c the yard; 58th Anni- Q
versary Sale
35c Moreen, Yard 19c
Regular 35c Moreen Skirting, in black, gray,
tan. brown, pink and blue. 58th 1 Q
Anniversary Sale price, yard . w
65c Taffetas, Yard 45c
"Royal"' Lining Taffeta, a silk warranted for
finish and durability. Ideal for drop skirts,
waists and petticoats. Anniversary AVf
Sale, price, the yard.
10c Pearl Buttons, 3c
Pearl Shirtwaist Buttons, two and four holes,
sizes from 14 to 24, 5Sth Anniver- O
sary Sale price. .
25c India Linon at 16c
Vhite India Linon, 30 inches wide, smooth,
even weave, regular 25c yard, 58th "1 ?
Anniversary Sale '. "C
$1.80 Long Cloth, $1.25
:H5-inch long cloth, soft finish, ready for needle,
12 yards to piece, regularly $1.80 djl OC
piece, 5Sth Anniversary Sale
85c Stand Covers, 48c
White linen Austrian Stand Covers, size 30x30
inches, 4 rows 'of drawn work; regu- A O
lar 85c; Anniversary Sale price...... "OC
25c Huck Towels, 16c
Bleached Huck. Towels, 38x20 inches; J
.r t , si r .rv raIa Ttrice ..... A
$ 1 .75 Bedspreads, 98c
Swiss, Nainsook, Batiste and Cambric Edges, Insertions, Bands,
Waistings, Allovers and Flounces in one large assortment, 3 to 27
inches wide. Soutache, filet, French and English eye
let effects. Values up to $3.50 yard, 58th Anniversary
Sale price only
Values Up to 75c Yard at 18c
Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered Flounces and Cor
set Cover Edges, 18 and 20 inches wide. Regular
values to 75c yard, 58th Anniversary Sale price only.
Regular 10c-20c Values Yd, 5c
5000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edges and Inser- P"
tions, 1 to 6 inches wide; beautiful patterns in neat effects. .tj
Regular 10c to 20c values, 58th Anniversary Sale
58th Anniversary Sale of Room-Size Rugs
Lowest Prices Eve
Known in Portland
These room-size Rugs were bought especiafly for this 58th Anniversary Sale, from a great New York importer, who found it impossible to sel
except at a great saenhce.
Regular $35.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, Anniversary Sale, $23,
Regular $32.50 Axminster Rugs, 83xlOV3 feet, Anniversary Sale, $21.
Handsome Axminster Rugs, in an unusually large assortment of well-selected patterns, in Orients
and floral designs, with all of those rich, soft colorings so desirable.
Regular $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, Anniversary Sale, $24.91
Regular $32.50 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, Anniversary Sale, $22.94
Yon know how a good Body Brussels Rug wears and how easy .it is to keep clean.': Thes&-comd
in a large variety of handsome patterns. Just the rug for the dining or living-room.
Regular $28.50 Velvet Wilton Rugs, 9x12 feet, Anniversary Sale, $19.9:
Regular $28.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft, Anniversary Sale, $19.9?
Handsome Velvet Wilton Rugs in Oriental and conventional patterns,
wire Tapestry Brussels Rugs in a large variety of new patterns.
Regular $18.00 Kashmir Rugs, 9x12
rich colorings; also tei
feet, Anniversary Sale, $11.4S
Regular $15.00 Kashmir Rugs, 8"3xl0'a feet, Anniversary Sale, $10,4
Regular $12.50 Kashmir Rugs, 9x9 feet, Anniversary Sale, $9.43
Kashmir Rugs are by far the most serviceable inexpensive rugs manufactured; look like a Brussels rug; sweep clean and are reversible. Come i
a large variety of pretty patterns in soft, rich colorings. Just the rug for the bedroom.
Anniversary NECKWEAR Sale
Lace and Embroidered Bows, Jabots, Collar and Cuff Sets, Coat Sets,
Yokes and Collars our full regular assortments reduced as follows:
All Our 65c to $1.00 Neckwear, 49c
All Our 35c to 50c Neckwear at 23c
All Our 95c to $1.25 Neckwear, 79c
All Our $1.50-$1.75 Neckwear, $1.10
Two large assortments of FEATHER BOAS, including
Coque, Marabout arid Ostrich Boas
Boas, Values $3.50 to $6.00 at $2.85
Boas, Values $7.50 to $10.00 at $5.25
Reg. $2.75 C. B. a la Spirite Corsets, $1.6Sf
Reg. $2.00 W. B. Nuform Corsets, Pr. $1.
Our own popular "C B. a la Spirite" Corsets, made in the most up-to-date models, of fane
brocaded batiste in white, pale blue and pale pink. Medium bust with short hip, sizes
to 26; medium or high bust, with long Princess hip, sizes 18 to 30. Never
before sold for less than our regular price of $2.75 pair, 58th Anniversary Sale.
Our famous "W. B. Nuform" Corsets, extra quality coutil, new high bust and long hip, flai
tening back, hose supporters attached, sizes 18 to 26. Always sold for $2.00.
58th Anniversary Sale price .-.
Fancy Dresden Ribbon
Values to, 75c Yard at
19 c
Fancy Dresden Ribbons in floral, plaid and checft effects. A
variety of designs and colors, in one large assort-
ment, values to 75c yard.
Reg. 30c Taffeta Ribbons, Yd. 15c
All-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches wide, all colors.
Full-size crochet Bedspreads, regular QQ
$1.7. value. Anniversary Sale '..J'J
$8.00-$8.50 Cowhide Suitcases at $5.19
Brown cowhide leather Suit Cases, shirt fold, straps all around, JC -1 Q
patent locks and catches, $8.00 and $8.50 value. . ; piJ 1 17
$6.00 Suitcase, $3.98
Straw Suit Case, heavy leather
ztraps all around, leather corners,
waterproof, very light, CQ QQ
$6.00 value pO.I70
$8.00 Suitcase, $4.19
Matting Suit Case, leather corners
and side, with shirt fold, GiA 1 Q
$8.00 value; sale price. . .P"
$1.75-$2.00 Belts, 89c
A sample line of White Kid Belts,
largre back and front buckles, all new
designs ; $1.75 and $2.00 fiQ
values, sale price OIC
$1.00-$ 1-25 Elastic Belts, 63c
Black Elastic Belts, plain and cut
steel studded, back and front CO
buckles, $1.00 and $1-25 vals.. OOC
$5-$7 Trimmed Dress Hats $2.95
A large collection of stunning Trimmed, Ready-to-Wear
and Tailored Hats, including natty turbans, medium and
large dress shapes of straw and silk braid; tastefully
trimmed with wings, quills, flowers and J
ribbons, etc Regular $5.00 to $7-00 jj
values, 58th Anniversary Sale price TT
$7-$9 Tailored Hats $5.95
Very seldom, if ever, have we shown such stunning
Tailored Hats as these, and at the above price they should
not last throughout the day.
Fine fancy Straw and hair braid bape, cleverly trimmed
with fancy feather., winga, ribbon, etc-.
All tbe new shades Copenhagen, mail
or burnt, brown, etc $7 to $9 Vals. for
60c Books li
cloth bound, handsome cover ;
sign, olivine edges, illustrate
regular 35c, 50c and bUc 1 C
Hnnbs XJ
50c Gifts Books, 15
Dainty Gift Books, in handy
nme size, dainty white and
bindings, boxed, about 100 1
titles, 50c values "
60c Standard Books, 15
Library edition of eminent autho'
cloth-bound, gilt tops, all tne
mous English classics, 1 1
fifli, trainee i
"More About Teddy-B,yH
Teddy-G, the Roosevelt gpr
Bears." Reg. $1.50, sale PO