SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL J and SOCIETY VOL. XXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1908. NO. 20. Fine Portieres Odd pairs in a special sale. The materials are fine tapestry, in rich Oriental or floral effects, or in plain colors. TJiese are all finished .with heavy silk cord-edge. Many qualities are concerned. Best Regular $7.00 values, for this sale. Best regular $10.00 values, for this sale. Best regular $12.00 values, for this sale. Best regular $lo.00 values, for this sale. Best Regular $20.00 values, for this sale. Best regular $35.00 values, for this sale. INTERMEDIATE GRADES . IN THE SAME PORPORTION $5.40 $7.65 $9.40 $10.90 $14.90 $21.90 35c Wash Dress Goods 18c Yard The wanted sorts of high class fabrics in the newest weaves and printed effects. Silk and cotton material that can be fashioned into the smartest and most sightly Summer frocks. The premier Wash Goods bargain of the season and regularly 35c the yard, for Monday in and Tuesday at only IOC Children's Shoes The house of Olds, Wortman & King has earned the reputation of being the leading children's shoe store on the Coast. STYLE B562 Children's Friend Maker Shoes, of bright Dongola kid, with dull calf top, 8-button style. Soles are splendid quality and weight, made without exten sion. Give sturdy wear, but look light and dressy. STYLE 550 Children's Friend Maker Shoe of bright Dongola kid ; heavy sole, with slight extension. This sole is finished with a beveled edge, making it look lighter than most soles of this weight Blucher cut, dull calf top; fast-color eye let and silk stitch. ... . STYLE 500 Same as above, only patent vamp. FRIENDMAKER PRICES: Sizes 5 to 8, inclusive, $1.49 Sizes 8V2 to 11, incl., $1.79 Sizes 1 1 1-2 to 2 for $2.19 Sizes 2 1-2 to 7 for $2.69 BOYS' SHOES Seleto box calf, lace style. Heavy half-double soles of the finest Oak leather. This shoe is made of a specially tanned leather that is very soft and has wonderful wearing qualities. Made unlined, with double vamp. This gives absolute protection against ripping and double wear where most needed. Excellent wear and splendid appearance. ' Size 912 to 13 $1.98 Size 1 to 2 $2.39 Sizes 212 to 5y, .$2.69 Shade and Drapery Work Come and consult us or phone us about any thing in the line of Shades or Draperies. "We will send an expert to take- measurements and give estimates. "We carry the largest stock of high-grade Drapery Materials to be-found in all Portland, and supply thoroughly competent men to do your draping. Shades made from best quality oil opaque, mounted on Hartshorn rollers. 'Twill be to your advantage to confer with us. 4SBP. . J iMiiiHli'ii mm w ctpiw mi 1 1 Expert Jewelry Repairing Have your timepiece repaired by an expert work man. We do this sort of work at' a minimum cost. All work guaranteed to be satisfactory or money refunded. Compare these prices with regular jewel ry store charges : Cleaning $1.00 Crystals ....... 15 Diamond Setting, Fine Jewelry Repairing, Old t Jewelry Made Over. Special Monday and Tuesday Heads put 'on 25e gold-plated Hatpin Stems at the low price of..lO Pin's put on Brooches at this low price, each.. 5$ Portland's Greatest Suit Opportunity Ever Offeree!. Vals. to $100.00 Selling at $19.98 Any reasonable suit want can be supplied from the magnificent assortment offered in this sale. If you desire an ultra smart street model, it's here; if you prefer something that can be worn on semi' dress occasions, you'll find hundreds of them. All the economical all the fashion students will tarn out en masse Monday morning to be early at this greatest of all garment sales. Values that stagger belief are grouped here in wondrous plenty; suits in so large a quantity that the very daring of the purchase would take away the breath of the average merchant. Taking advantage of an acute need for money by two of the largest garment makers in New York, we purchased these suits for ready cash at such absurdly small figures that we are in a position to electrify the entire Pacific Coast with the bargains we can give. In brief there are: Plain colored fabrics or fancy materials, elab orately trimmed or severely tailored models, in every size and every wanted style. No saex ever featured by this store or any other house west of Chicago, ever presented such tremendous values st or assortments, values to $100. 00, your choice SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY. NONE SENT ON APPROVAL OR SOLD ON PHONE ORDERS NONE LAID ASIDE ON PART PAYMENTS Pattern, Trimmed or Tailored Hats Vz to lh Less We group all patterns, Tailored and Trimmed Hats; regularly worth $2.50 to $12; women's, misses' and children's included in a large lot at sensational reductions. Those wanting modest-priced millinery should avail themselves of this phenomenal oppor- mi "W tunity to save. All hats worth $2.50 to $12 Monday 3 X-C?O0 Trimmed Hats, Pattern Hats and Tailored Hats, regularly priced from ,$13.50 to $75, in another lot for Monday's selling. Included are the clever productions of our own workroom, the best conceits from New York milliners and the very elaborate affairs evolved by the style artists of Europe. $13.50 to $75 values Just 12 NONE ON APPROVAL NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED NO C. O. D'S NONE EXCHANGED. Lace Curtains o00 pairs of very high-gfade Irish foint Lace Curtains. . Ivew and handsome designs, with plain or scroll centers, and heavy lace bor der. A sale that offers tremen dous opportunities to tasteful and economical home fitters. For $5.00 pair Cur- 'CO OC tains, per pair only. . . ,P&0& For $0.75 pair Cur tains, per pair only. For $9.00 pair Cur tains, per pair only. For $10 pair Cur tains, per pair onlv. For $12 pair Cur tains, per pair only. For $18.50 pr. Cur tains, per pair only . INTERMEDIATE ' ..$5.30 .$6.85 ...$7.75 .. $9.40 $13.90 GRADES IN THE SAME PROPORTION Colored Dress Goods at 79c Up The most stylish and service able wool fabrics, in wanted weaves and colors. Qualities regularly worth from $1.00 to $2.50 a yard. The $2.50 grades are now $1.69; the $2.00 grades are $1.39; the $1.75 qualities, $1.29; the $1.50 grades for $1.09; the $1.25 goods, 89c and the $1. 00 grades on 79c Infants9 Dresses Long Dresses of fine cambric, with yoke of embroidery insertion, fin ished with clusters of tucks and embroidered ruffle. Regular price $1.50 each ; on sale Iff 1 y at, only fP 1 1 INFANTS' SACQUES In kimono style, made o fine wool cashmere and flannel. Finished with silk floss stitching or wool hand crochet work. Regular $1.50 (f f JQ values : special at p J. & CHILDREN'S APRONS Of blue or red and white checked ging ham. Mother Hubbard or box styles; come with long sleeves and pockets. Trimmed with O white tape; 1 to 8 years. DRESSER SCARFS 18x45 or 18x 54 inches. Made of heavy ecru linen, with double hemstitched bor der, hand-turned corners. C'7jt Worth SI .50 and $1.75 J I C CUSHION TOPS And Backs with tops tinted and stamped in Smoker designs. With each one goes enough floss to complete the em broidery design, and diagram showing arrangement of colors. Complete outfit, special for this sale OOC $1.00 SILK AT ONLY 79c Shantung Pongee Silk ; 54 pieces of a genuine imported weave. The most serviceable silk made. Reg ular $1.00 quality, 70 for this sale, only ( ZfC "ZIRA" THE NEW SILK This new and exceedingly popular silk is to be found nowhere but here. We are exclusive agents for Portland. It's the fabric fad of the season. a The Newest in Hosiery A special display Monday in' the' hosiery aisle of women's and children's stockings in the most wanted designs and the most popular grades. The infants' come in plain colors; the women's in plain black, fancy and in boot-lace effects. The- plain blacks have split foot or all black. In colors there are tan, white, pink, . blue, navy, , cardinal and gray. Choice of any hose mentioned - r g here at the very low price of, pair. ...'C WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, low neck, sleeve less style; plain or trimmed yoke; tight-fitting or lace-trimmed knees. All sizes. 9Q 50c values, on special sale at, suit. . . . &C BOYS' WAISTS, the famous "Mother's Friend" make. A com plete assortment in all sizes and an endless variety of pat- (Zff terns. Choice, -each iJJC DR. DEIMEL'S LINEN MESH UNDERWEAR for women and chill dren. Separate garments or union suits in all styles. Summer weights. A Few Everyday Needables DRESS SHIELDS - in, crescent shape, neatly trimmed with lace. Regularly 2oc the pair, 1 Q on special sale at 7C HAT PINS, with large jet heads in round or oval shape. Regular ly 25c each ; they go on J C g special sale Monday at....' HAIR CURLERS of real kid; as sorted sizes. 1 dozen in CZ the package; special price.. SAFETY PINS, of best quality; black or nickelplated ; all sizes; have guarded spring; spe cial sale price, the dozen...., HAIR PINS, of wire; as- ff sorted sizes; 10c values wC FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, 70 hold 2 quarts. $1.25 value. POND'S EXTRACT, reg- Of lar 50c bottle, special JCfC 5c TliviAJJ lor sewing carpets; a heavy black linen; large spools, special sale' price.. DRESSING COMBS of white cel lulfiid. New ideas extra heavy and all coarse teeth. Q Worth 50c, special, each..'C PASTERINE TOOTH PASTE, comes in tubes. An excellent dentifrice, that sells regn- . y larly at 25c the tube, sp'l.. C JAP ROSE GLYCERINE SOAP for the toilet; 10c value, y special price, the cake TOOTH BRUSHES of high grade. Imported from France and worth 25c each ; on special sale at the verv low price of. WRITING PAPER, with envelopes to match; plain or ruled Ifif paper; 25c values, box.....- " Our Greatest Petticoat Sale Astonishing Values All of our American-made white Petticoats are included in this wonderful sale. Hundreds of skirts, and over 50 patterns to choose from. The materials are fine white nainsook or cambric, trimmed with the most exquisite ly beautiful laces and embroid eries. Made with deep lawn flounces and finished with tucks, Hamburg or Swiss embroidery, Valenciennes, cluny, malteseand torchon lace. $5 to $5.50 Skirts for $3.58 $6 to $6.50 Skirts for $3.97 $7 to $7.50 values, spl. $4.48 $8 to $8.50 Petticoats $5.39 Petticoats regularly worth QO f) f $50. Very special at only PJiUU Corset Expert Here Come in this week and let the best trained and informed corset iere in America select and fit for you the model best, adaped to your figure. Even the famous Royal Worces ter gains by being fitted by such an expert as MISS MILNE who is with us, giving practical applications of her knowledge of corsets. She is assisted by the beat trained corset-fitters tn Ao found on the Coast, regular em ployes of this store. Know all there is to know of perfect corset comfort; have a pair of Royal Worcester, Bon Ton or Sapphires fitted this week. 35c to 75c Ribbons 29c A special on ribbons in the new Dresden effects, changeable taffetas, two tones and plaids. Widths are 4x2 and 5 inches;" just right for sashes, hair bows, etc. Qualities that bring regularly QQ 35c to 75c yard, priced Monday at only. . . . C SILK GLOVES, 16-button length, in white or black. All sizes. One of the most popular gloves possible to mention. Regularly $1.75 and $2.00 & 1 TO the pair, on special sale for only, pair. . CHIFFON ELASTIC BELTING, for making crush belts. Comes in black, white, red, navy, light blue, pink, brown, champagne and gray; 4 inches QO wide. Worth $1.50 and $2 yard, Monday. . COC Beautiful Oriental Laces at 19c Laces, 3 to 6 inches wide, in Oriental designs. Val ues 35c to 45c the yard. Also Venise galoons in ecru or white; to 2 inches wide; worth Q to 60c the yard, either lot, choice .X7C Waist Patterns and Embroidered Robes at $2.98 Each SOME KITCHEN NEEDS IN A BIG SALE lis Skimmers, sale price 8" 15c Pndding Pans, special. .10 ISc quart Dippers, special. .'.13$ 22c Sauce Pans, special at... 18 40c Sance Pans, special at..33 30c Tea Pots, special price.. 22 35c Coffee Pots, special at. . .2o We are sole Portland agents for the best cut-glass manufactured, the world-famous "Libbey." We have a late shipment showing all the new Spring designs. Hundreds of pieces to select from; the name is a guaran tee of quality. 70c Dish Pans,, special price. 50 85c Tea Kettles, special at. . .63 4-H00K CLOTHES RACKS, reg ularly sold at 15c ; now, on Q special sale at 7C 6-hook, 25c value, special. . .15 HAT RACKS, 7-pin exten- Q 10-hook style, 20c value 15 COAT AND HAT HOOKS, y 10c values, special price C Asbestos Stove Mats, special. 3 Dover Egg Beaters, special... 7l? Rolling Pins, special price.. 10 Fruit Presses, special price. .25 Polished Toothpicks, pkg 3 sion style, 15c value for MARBLE STATUARY AND PEDESTALS All this week we offer special prices on statuary in marble, terra eotta, ivory finish. Very - appropriate for wedding presents. Take advantage. $S.50 pieces sell for. . . . $5:90 $13.50 pieces sell for $9.45 $12.00 pieces sell for $6.30 $19.00 pieces sell for... $13.60 Men's Underwear 49c Shirts and Drawers in Men's Black Lisle Hose fancy balbriggan, nicely Absolutely fast color; ex finished. A lot of odd gar- tra good 35c qual- p ? ments in pink, blue or ity, Monday entffpeS. 49c - Pleated Men's Silk and Linen bosom style, m neat pat Handkerchiefs In hair- terns. Attached or sep line checks and 'stripes, arate cuffs. Good mate Beautiful colorings. A rials, fast colors. $1.50 goodly assortment, Q grade, at the d 1 CZ $1.00 vals., choice . special price . . . V