10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, FORTLAXD. MAY 17, 1908. FOR RENT. Flat. WEST SIDE. 750 Irvimr st., H rooms, newly tinted, modem and convenient, 940. 7 1 2 Kearnev st., 4 rooms, lower, new, modern plumbing. $27. SO. T Johnson, new up-to-date flat, fur nace, fireplace, modern plumbing, $38.50. 25 Northrup. two 4-room lower flats, modern plumbing. nicely tinted, gas stoves. 927.50. EAST SIDE. 217 Russell st., 4 rooms, good plumbing, convenient. $15. 41 Benton, 5 rooms, modern. $18 4 Ibarra bee. two lower flats, good view over river, modern, $20. 24si 0cident, 5 rooms, modern. 929. . 1'ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. S. E- Cor. Third and crak sts. MODERN flats, ail size, for rent. East and 1 West Sides. Portland Trust Company of t Oregon. 3. B. cor. 2d and Oak. Faoo I Exchange 72 j MO UBRN 4-room flat. East 28th and j tsurnsiae, on car line: siL'.au per monm. VAN W. ANDERSON, 213 Lumber Exchange. Fl R8T floor cottage, well furnished, well lighted, bath. gas. phone, good yard; ref pr' nc-. 20 N- 31th st.. 2 blocks from Washington. Pacific 1358. MODERN upper flat of 5 rooms and bath; fine view of city and harbor; 3 blocks from Meel bridge; block to car. Rent 922.50. Phones Main and A 4804. FOR RENT Large store with fine base ment: also .Vroom flat upstairs, all light rooms, house new. Inquire at grocery, 608 Union ave. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern upper corner flat; close in; gas and electric light; at tic; basement; tinted walls; new. 229 Knott; call 235 Knott. MODERN flat of 6 rooms, centrally located. West Side. Nob Hill district, janitor, steam hnt. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Abing ton bldg. 4-ROOM. steam-heated lower flat, 'gas range. Khades: 925; also 4 and 6-room upper lUt, nice yard. See janitor, flat E, 401 Hith. FOR RENT 5-room fiat partly furnished. 313 E. 3d N. TWO 4-room flats. 243 Stark at. Housekeeping Room. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate home, walking distance. 348 Harrison t.. near 7th. UNFURNISHED suite, also single room, for rt-nt in the Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor. TWO large nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences; reasonable. 511 Taylor. THREE large furnishe housekeeping room; modern - piano; adults. Phone East 1958, M2 E. Salmon. FOR RENT Unfurnished room, electric llsht,., bath and phone; $8 per month. 186 E. 23d st. Phone East 3K36. Fl VB ROOMS around floor, completely furnished; yard, lawn, fruit and roses. 356 14th. Main 3256. . THRKB furnished housekeeping rooms. 910 per month ; phone in house; no children. 30 East Eighth, North. THP3 ONRONTA. 187 17th St., near Yamhill; furnished suites, hot water, steam heat, baths; free phones; no children. 91.2ft a week, furnished room with use of -k itohrn to lady employed during day. 2u4 North 17th st. ONE or two nice front housekeeping rooms for rent or single rocm. 20O 14th, cor. Taylor, 4S7 TAYlxtR. pleasant 2-room furnished suite, upper floor, furnace heat, modern conveniences, $16.50 month. N K ATM furnished- rooms for housekeeping; phone, gas and laundry. The Fir, 32 N. 11th t. PLEASANT furnished rooms for housekeep ing; electric lights, gas, bath, phone. 555 Fifth st. $1.50 WEEK up. large clean furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath 184 Sherman st.. South Portland. NI 'ELY furnished rooms, gas, bath and phone; walking distance; 92 per week. :iN24 Hawthorne ave. T1IKRK nice connecting front furnished housekeeping rooms; water and sink In kitchen. 214 13th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lower floor; modern. 434 E. Morrison St.; apply E. Morrison st. TH B EI. MS Two and three-room suites, rompletelv furnished; phone, heat and bath. 101 14th st. THE .TEFFERSONIAN, 514 Jefferson. 2 or ."-roon suites, all modern conveniences. Phone Main 5432. H H'SKKEKPING Suite of 2 rooms, front, beautiful view, 1st or 2d floor. 515 Yam hill. Nh'KI.Y furnished 4-room apartment, cen tral. East Side, gas, phone. 21 E. 7th, corner Ash. ONE suite of housekeeping, gas, running water, eleotrle lights; also rooms for single gentlemen. Phone A 2961. 117 N. 18TH The Victoria, beautiful light, airy, modern suites, close in. desirable neighborhood; 910 and up. 191 E. 31ST. 3 partly furnished or unfur nished housekeeping rooms. 914); private family; 1 blocks S. S. carline. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, de sirable location, reasonable rent. 333 2d St., cor. Mill. 2 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms; everything modern. 140 North 16th. Phone Main 0t7. TWO or three rooms, furnished or unfur nished ; near William ave. Phone Wood lawn 1733. FRONT SUITE, laundry, hath, very con venient, first floor, reasonable. 60 Grand hvo. N. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; sink, water and utw of bath. 586 Petty grove st. SUITE of rooms, completely furnished for hfusfkt-eplng; bath, gas, phone. 342 Clay Ht. Main 1799. TWO very nice, large, modern furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, large lawn. 4Vt 2d st. $25 Four furnished housekeeping room; phone, water. 5fe9 Kearney. Pacific 412. References. PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping: nice vrtrd; walking distance; no objection to Wilid. 331 14th. TWO 2- room suites for housekeeping; all front room; reasonable rent. "Wash. Mreet. Xb'K furnished hruekee-plng rooms; nice anl. lo5 2d; $15 month up. Phone Main 3 oR 3 housekeeping rooms: walking dis tance; g.Mid location. 4.M E. Davis ait. 2-S 5TH ST. Suite of 3 rooms, furnished for housekeeping; ground floor. iTift 13TH ST. Front rooms, arranged for housekeeping: single room. UPSTAIRS of 268 Mill st. for rent, furnished for housekeeping. Rent 915. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, good view. 700 E. Yamhill St.. near 20th SINGLE housekeeping rooms, furnished, rea sonable, walking distance. 555 Morrison st. 3 i'HEAP housekeeping rooms, 2 blocks from Postofflce; 97.50 per month. 3uS Salmon. FOR housekeeping. 2 or 3 connecting rooms, walking distance; no children. 347 Market- TWO unfurnished mom. lO minutes' walk to P. O., desirable neighborhood. 350 Harrison. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. 125 12th st. ONE housekeeping room for rent cheap. Call 433 Everett. 205 ilth, near Taylor, furnished housekeep ing rooms: yard; walking distance. FIRST FLOOR. fumishea; ' modern, nice lawn, walking distance. 258 13th st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. t;. Burnsme. near iin. THR EE unfurnished housekeeping roons, bath. In private family. 630 Hth at. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, ft 53 Everett st., cor. 17th. NICELY fumiehed housekeeping rooms, close In. 3O0 4th at. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 2201 1st st. TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping. 210 14th t. The Newcastle, 4021 3d st., furnished house keeping; single rooms, reasonable. Main 600. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER APARTMENTS. 12th and Marshall st.; newly furnished, funy equipped for toouseaeeping. including gas range, with the free use of electric lights, not water, hatha, large reception room and laundry room, from 9 up: Ji0 "mRi rooms with similar conveniences, 92 50 per week up. There is nothing In comparison In the city for ths money. This place will bear Inspection. Short distance from Vnion Depot. Take "6" or 16tn-st. car.-, going north, get off at Marshall st. Phones Main 6771. A 4560. No dogs alio wad. THE HARTFORD, 21st and Flanders Sts. The most beautifully furnished apartment house In the city; steam heat, private baths and reception halls, free phones, return cw bells, janitor service, hot water all the time, all outside rooms and nothing lacking for housekeeping; prices reasonable; no chil dren. THE HARTFORD, 21st and Flanders Sts. . THE MERCEDES. One newly and elegantly furnished -s-room apartment. 920; also one magnifi cently furnished and beautifully arranged apartment, 935; heat, hot and cold run ning water; return call bell in rooms, free baths, janitor service, both phones, strictly modern. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington ' THE GLEN DOR A HOTEL, 18th and Couch st., will furnish - a few housekeeping rooms to suit tenants; the cheapest in the city; 912 and up; baths, steam heat, both phones, electric light, fine lawn and ver andas, billiard and pool halls, all free. THE HOW LAND APARTMENTS, 6S1 A Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gaa ranges, not water, free bath, free phone, boUi floors; nice suites from 912 up- 3 OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, large yard, by small family. 849 E. Biark, cor. 28th. Phone B 1586. COUPLE can have suite of housekeeping rooms for care of few rooms on West Side. Call C 1K45 Home phone, from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. THREE well furnished airy rooms, large closets. good housekeeping equipment, gas, bath, phone; walking distance; adults. 500 Hawthorne. TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms; fhone, gaa, bath, laundry and furnace eat; $16. 215 N. Grand ave. Phone East 6333. O 1572. THE LUXOR, 13th and Clay sts.. 2 beautiful unfurnished housekeeping apartments of 3 and 4 rooms; new and up to date, phones. Main 81U5, A 5U56. TH E SANGERT. comer Washington and Trinity, bet. 19th and 20th. newly fur nished 2 and 3-room apartments with private baths, complete for housekeeping. A SUITE of large rooms, upstairs, nicely furnished for housekeeping; lovely yard; laundrv; close in; reasonable. Call Mon day. 175 14th. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington, near 20th Handsomely furnished housekeeping apartment and single rooms; strictly mod ern, one basement suite. LARGE well furnished connecting house keeping rooms; bath, gas, free phones; sowing machine; large yard; private fam ily. 421 2d at., cor. of Hall. A SUITE of furnished light housekeeping rooms in private family. Call between 9 and 12 o'clock. 28 N. 20th, nar Wash ington st. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, well furnished, 91 week. Also part of cottago and flat. West Side river. Apply room 31, Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington. "MILNER BLDG.." 35tl$ MORRISON ST. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single or en suite, with modern conveniences; cen tral location; reasonable. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeeping-rooms, all modern conveniences. In private home, with use of phone. Phone East 3tK8. CHEAP Two light and pleasant, well fur nished housekeeping basement rooms, pantry, bath, wood room, hot and cold water and sink in kitchen. 191 Park. 432 7th 3 rooms, upper floor of cottage, good neighborhood, $14. Phones A 3727, Pacific 1067. FURNISHED rooms for light Housekeeping; electric light, gas. phone and bath. Call after 1 o'clock. 3S3 11th st. FOR good housekeeping rooms, reasonable, call at Cottage Rooming-House, 102 a rtth st. North. TH REE sunny front rooms, bath, electric lights, fuel, telephone and water; very reasonable. Phone Sell wood 806. COLUMBIAN apartments, 11th and Co lumbia, one four and one five-room apart ment for rent; adults. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath and phone; no children. 110 E. 14th, near Alder. 40fl 4TTH ST. Two nicely furnished rooms; gas, bath, phone; also single rooms; walk ing distance. ONE, two and three-rooms; very desirable furnished housekeeping rooms. 2&5. Mont gomery St., corner ftth. LARGE housekeeping rooms, first floor, very reasonable. Phone, gas, fine location. 448 Yamhill. TWO-ROOM suite, clean, modern, near in; comfortable home; reasonable rent. 427 & 6th st. 2 ROOMS suitable for housekeeping or sleeping rooms; bath, gas, phone. 658 Quimby st. 3 CLEAN, light rooms, completely furnished housekeeping, gas, bath, nice yard, rea sonable. !a Front. FU R N IKH ED housekeepin g room, also nice clean room suitable for 2 young men. 2O0 4 Park. THREE well furnished rooms for house keeping,' with hot and cold water, hath, gas range and telephone. 6S8 Irving st. NEWLY furnished connecting suite house keeping rooms; gas. bath, reasonable. 187 Chapman, near Yamhill. 308 13TH ST. Furni&hed housekeeping suite, second floor; gas, bath, phone; no cHll dren. TWO front housekeeping rooms, furnished; 93 week. 348 Union ave. N., near Broad way. TWO extra nice housekeeping rooms, fur nished; bath, cheoi, rent; flat B. 388H East Burnslde. THREE nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable, walking distance. 44 1st at., flat I. FOU R f urnl h ed housekeep i ng rooms), mod ern, rent 916. 711 Water St., bet. Hooker and Meade. TWO LARGE outside housekeeping rooms, clean, nicely furnished, well located; ref erence. 665 Irvin- st. NICE quiet housekeeping rooms in good location, phone, bath; reasonable. Main 3S16. Houses. CHEAP 6-room modern cottage, walking distance, fine yard, nice neighborhood. Particulars phone East lt46. FOR K TNT 7 -room house; gas, bath; rea sonable. Inquire 330 Jackson. FIVE-ROOM cottage: shades, hot water; no bath. 2'.o Kast Htn. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 566 Mill at. bath and gas; rent 915. FOR RENT Modern 5-roora cottage. 545 E. 22 d st. MODERN 6-room house on 2th and E. Hoyt. Phone E. 5797. FOR RENT Six-room houff; very reasona ble; fruit trees. Apply 675 Oregon st. 8-ROOM house. 371 Cable; rent 922. Wake field, Fries ft Co.. 229 Stark. 8-ROOM modern house, comer lot. Call after 3:30 P. M.. 694 East Ankeny. WE rent houses and flats. Haverstic ft Gal lagher, 3431 Washington st. 7- ROOM house, corner, 6 closets, gas and bath. 94 E. 12th. or East 1710. 8- ROOM house, near Union ave. 394 Mildred st. ; i Woodlawn car) ; 916. FOR RENT 9-room house, 771 Hoyt st. Ap ply at 662 Johnson. FOR RENT A 7-room bouse, 912. Inquire at 346 Sheridan st. 8-ROOM house, $25; furniture for sale, cheap. 46 7th. 6-ROOM cottage. fi-Sl Belmont. $16. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance, 349 Ross st. Inquire of owner. 373 Ross BY JUNE 1 fc-room residence, walking dis tance. Apply at promises. 312 Cherry st. FOR RENT. Rouse. "SO HOYT ST. 8 rooms, good yard, good plumbing, -modern. 950. HO 4th, 8 rooms, clea:. bright; mod ern plumbing. 932.50. 271 N. 22d, new bungalow, hardwood floors, $65. 2hs N. 20th 7 rooms, good plumbing. 922.30. , , Southwest corner Hooker and Water. 7 roctni, gio. 304 East 1st North. 7 rooms, first class in every respect, $32.50. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak. 770 MARSHALL ST., net ween 23d and 24th ats.; 10 rooms, thoroughly good home In fine condition; full lot. In best neighbor hood; with choice shrubbery and attrac tive appearance; for rent at $55 per month, or for sale on very good terms Key at my office. ELNATHAN SWEET, 204 Corbett bldg. Main or A 5790. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the say ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balanct. MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. MODERN -ROOM house. East Sherman at.. 92C per month. Good 5-room cottage, all conveniences, 415 E. 9 Ph. 915 per month. Neat 7-room house. 462 Spokane ave., Sel wood, 913 per month. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder st. 922.00 6-room modem cottage, very desir able and convenient; stationary waeh- bet. 22d and 23d; newly tinted. A K. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. ONE 6-room and one 7-room house in West irvington, 92u per mouth, and If you want to buy it. pay 9150 down and 6 per cent and the house is yours. Now. will you own your homfr? See Davis Invest ment Co.. 16 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. CLEAN 5 and 7-room cottages and 4-room lurnisnea or unrurnisiied. on wet Side of river; also housekeeping suites. A ery low rents. Apply room 31 Raleigh bldg., Cth and Washington. FARM 9 -room house, barn, orchard, 6 acre vicar, mna unaer rence; rree wood for own use: 3 miles Cornell road, west of Port land; 915 a month. Inquire John Kloster man, or of Wakefield -Fries Company. DO you want to learn about first-class house. UUlii DV owner, in xwell restricted nele-ti- borhood ? If so, phone B 2074. or G vi, uregonian. 7-ROOM modern house, Garfield ave., 918- OTTO & HARKSON. 133 First Street. 1 WOULD like desirable tenant for two ele gant up-to-date residences, 7 rooms, about In K11 i 1 H n si rrh W k. i i . rent about 970. X 926, Oregonian. . NEW BUNGALOW Four large rooms; thoroughly mod ern: nantrv. elnet basement porches; fruit; near Mt. Scott .-.r. mrs. uoxiey, Xremont. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house at 910 Monroe st. ; electric, gas, furnace, lawn, shrub- utrry. nee owner, 310 Monroe st. A NEW 7-room house for sale or rent, south frontage, excellent neighborhood, modern In every respect. Call at 402 Corbett bldg., or i me nouse, ino. 'io iast li'erett st. FOR RENT Modern brand new 5-room cottage, electric liehts and as. Kant ait between Ankeny and Burnslde. Phone FOR RENT New 8-room cottage, gas and electric light. All modern, east Ankeny n a .mn bis. can Detween 1 and 5 P. M, No children. MODERN 8-room house, 15th and Kearney sts.; rent 937.50. Inquire 460 Clay st. or Miiuue jumn 231 MEADBv near 2d. 6 rooms, newlv nn. pered, 914. Key next door. Owner, Main 5-ROOM cottage, eras and hath. 555 Murltnt vey jai.cnapman st. Phone Woodlawn iti'j. NEW. modern 6-room house 34 Shaver t near Union, $18 month. 61t Commercial DlOg. 7-ROOM modern house. East Side, 2 blocks irum nrooKiyn canine. per month. Moul ton & Scobey. Columbia bldg. MO DERM 7-room house srtnri In urn Q51 st Flanders st. Take Ankeny car. Inquire at "uw or ,n inamoer or. commerce. FOR RENT Modem 8-room house. 389 Har rison, near Park ; 940. Kalrchlld. Tele phone East 2154-. FINE 7-room house, East Ankeny, near 17th; full lot, lawn, rose; 937.50. Vanduyn ft vt a uon, oiii tnamoer commerce. FOR RENT 2-story, -room house, choice lo cation. Last bide, conveniences. 1 block car, full lot; low rent. Pacific 795. UPSTAIRS of building, corner of East Water ana wasnington; la nice rooms; rent 930. r . u. isonnrup, 31a coucn oidg. STORE with 7 rooms and bath over 128 13th near Washington. Sheeny Bros., 282 lHmnin. main iui. 5-ROOM modern house, $16 per month. 212 East 28th st. J. J. Richardson, 640 Cham ber of Commerce. MODERN 5-room cottage, walking- distance to wholesale and retail district; adults. 569 Mars nan t. -ROOM modern house, 681 2d mt.; rent 920. Inquire 405 Chaimber of Commerce. Main 5c63. -ROOM modem house, cor. 17th and Yam hill. 932.50; vacant May 25. Sengstake ft Lyman, yo 5tn st. MODERN 6-room house on East 10th st Inquire room 14, Mulkey bldg. Phone .racinc 1&41. FOR RENT Desirable 6 and 7-room houses for rent: well located. Inquire 325 Ablng ton Diag. NICE 6-room cottage, choice location. West Side, close in; reasonable. Key 328 Park street. FOR RENT 3-room cottage. all large rooms; nice lawn, flowers and fruit; 920 per month. 617 E. 24th St. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, with yard and furnace. Call Monday from 1 to 3. 4 50 Montgomery at. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. 514 E. 21st st. W. W. or W. R. car. 4-ROOM cottage for rent and furniture for sale. Call till 2d St., forenoons. 4-ROOM cottage at Lents, 97.50 per month. Phone East 3308. FINE modern 5-room cottage. $15. Inquire I. O. Royce. 1158 Prince St., Woodstock. Furnished House. FURNISHED 7 to 9-room house, modern, close In. from June 15. bestrreferences. 549 Johnson St. Phone A 4681. FURNISHED house, 705 Overton st, June, July and August. Address room A, 1024 2d st. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow, with piano and sewing machine. Inquire Woodlawn 534. NINE-ROOM modern house, seven furnished. Nob Hill; no objection to children. G 931, Oregonian. FOR RENT From June 3 for 3 or 4 months, modem cottage, nicely furnished. 777 E. Salmon. A 6-ROOM completely and w-ell furnished house: to desirable tenants, rent 940. call bet. 2 and 6 Sunday. Owner, 4O6 2d st. 6-ROOM house In Irvington, one block from Broadway carline: will rent either fur nished or unfurnished, phone East 141. LOWER floor of furnished house for rent; no children; also houseaeeping rooms. 421 7th. COMPLETELY and well-furnished house. 5 7 rooms, as desired; bath, gas, phone; for Summer. 350 14th st. ; rent reasonable. FOR RENT New, modem 7-room house with bath and water; 913 month. 615 Spencer St.. Montavllla. 5-ROOM cottage, completely furnished, gas, piano, lovely yard and fruit. Phone Wood lawn 1507. 243 Munroe st. U. or R.-S. car. FOR RENT New house, furnished, from June to September. 801 Clackamas st. Phone C 1143. NEATLY furnished new .Vroom bungalow; furnace, gas range, electric light, station ary tubs, porches. 785 E. Salmon. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat; bath. gas. 514 E. 21st st. W. W. or W. R. car. WELL furnished 9-room residence, convenient to 2 cars. 253 22d st. North. Call mornings. 5-ROOM furnished house, with piano; mod ern. 1106 Belmont. Phone Tabor X1&2. FOR RENT. Furnished Hon FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Modern 9-room house, completely fur nished for housekeeping, near 21st and Irving sts.; will rent to responsible party for $45 per month. DEVLIN ft FIREBAUGH. 50S-500 Swetland Bldg. FROM June 5 to September 5, completely rurnitned moaern 7-room home, every con venience, fine neighborhood, walking dis tance; small fruit, roses; references. Par ticulars. Inquire 813 Oregonian bldg.. Phone Taboc 26S. GOOD 5 and 7-room cottages. 4-room flats ano nouseKeeping rooms, rurnLsnea or un furnished, on west side of river; low rentals. Apply room 81, Raleigh bldg, 323H Wash ington st. IRVINGTON. 8-room furnished house, June to September; all conveniences, gas elec tric light, nice lawn, flowers, etc.; cheap to responsible party. Phone East 5314. FURNISHED house, b rooms and bath, email yard, from May 15 to September 15; rea sonable to responsible party only. 404 13th. Pac. 857. FOR RENT Furnished house. 7 rooms, full lot. vegetable garden, fruit of all kinds, poultry park, stable for 2 horses and cow. Phone A 2i61 for particulars. 6-ROOM furnished flat for summer, from June 1. Inquire Mrs. Gifford Nash. 706 Irving Phone A 4276; references re quired. FOR R ENT Nicely f urn Ished, new. mod ern house, alt conveniences, nice yard, ideal Summer home, very reasonable, walking distance; references. A 4tMJ0. COMPLETELY furnished cottage. all con veniences, nice lawn, flowers, berries for the Summer, to responsible adults, walking distance. Phone East 3579. SIX large rooms, bath, pantry, closets, basement, fine yard, fruit trees, roses, near Burnslde bridge. East Side, Phone East 4152. FURNISHED house of 6 rooms; fine locality; best neighborhood; convenient on -carline; West Side ; very desirable. References. Tel. Pacific 3096. FURNISHED or unfurnished modern 5-room cottage; reasonable; call Sunday mornings. 231 E. 37th. FURNISHED bouse, 7 rooms, mod-em. in Irvington. from Juno 15h September 15th. Phone East 134. LARGE! 4-room choice upper flat, furnished complete, piano, porches, sleeping porch, view. 468 Hall. FURNISHED upper flat, three light rooms, alcove, bath, gas, hot water. Inqulru forenoons, 239 Hall. 8-ROOM corner house, handsomeJy fur nished; all modern Improvements; 9-15; no children. Phone B 2187. NEW 6-room house, furnished, 772 East Yamhill, near 23d. Phones East 6306, B 1625. NICELY furnished house. 253 22d North. Call mornings Phone Main 1608. 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished with piano. 669 Union ave. N. Main 2294. Houses for Rent Furaituro for SaIo. AT A SACRIFICE. Elegant Wilton rug, mahogany daven port, table, chairs and rockers, also Turk ish leather rocker, all new, -riving up housekeeping; call today. 771 East Yam hill st. FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for sale; price 940O; 1-3 down, balance $25 a month: apartment for rent; within 10 blocko of postofflce. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR SALE The furniture In an exceptionally beautiful upper 8-room flat; family moving away and must sell at once. Mrs. M. Kabot. 547 H Yamhill. STRICTLY modem 7-room house, nicely furnished.-, reasonable rent, furniture all or part), cheap. 751 East Ankeny. Call any time. NEWLY furnished 6-room flat, up-to-date ani very convenient!; 3 minutes' walk from P. O. ; furniture for sale; rent reasonable. In quire 311 5th. 8-ROOM house for rent. $20; furniture for sale complete for housekeeping $200, or 3 rooms for $50. 373 4th st., near Mont gomery. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale. 2 kit chens, good places to rent rooms. $250: rent 920. Call Sunday or evenings. 36 2fvt . st. N., cor. Wash. FOR the season at Centervllle. Long Beach, Wash., a 4-room furnifihed cottage with water In hou?e; also season's wood. Inquire of E. Schiller's cigar store, 6th and Wash. FOR SALE Elegant furniture of newly fur nished 8-room house; everything the best, location exceedingly desirable; $1050; rent 925. Room 508 Corbett bldg. 9205 BUYS furniture, modern 7-room new fiat, close in, near Washington; Income 940. W 954, Oregonian. HOUSE for rent, furnished or unfurnished; good location; East Saimon; furniture for sale; terms reasonable. . B 2267. 5-ROOM cot fc-ge for rent, neat but inex pensive furniture for sale; any reasonable offer accepted. 110 12th St., near Wash. FURNITURE and caroetsj of 7-room house complete, good condition, cheap. 73 West Park st. Fof the season, a "6-room well-furnished cot tage, with fireplace and -block yard, at Ocean Park. Wash. Phone Main 8485. FOR RENT Completely furnished cottage at Sea View, hajf block from the ridge. Phone C 3979. E 4198. GOOD FURNITURE of 6 rooms; new house; choice location on carline. East 1938. THE FORD AUCTION CO. will buy it they buv anything and pay the price, too. East 988, A 2311. NICELY furnished 10-room nouse In good location ; will sell cheap. Inquire S3 Park st. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage, $150; good furniture; walking distance. 302 East 11th st. 2-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for sale. Inquire Wellington Court, apartment 19. , SMALL apartment-house. clean, modern, near in; peimanent tenants, profitable in vestment. V 937. Oregonian. 5-ROOM cottage, Brussels carpets, gas range, kitchen furniture, folding bed, shades. 955. 231 Clay. FURNITURE of very desirable 7-room flat, centrally located, for sale reasonable. Call 40 Clay. 6-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale. 411 11th st. FURNITURE 5-room modem flat. All new, centrally located. 565 Everett st. ROOMS, good furniture, rent 930. rooms rented, central. Phone Pacific 2853. FOR RENT or sale. 6-room cottage, fur nished, 323 Mason st. FURNITURE of 5-room modern cottage, 9250. 533 Northrup. cor. i6th. FURNITURE for'"sale. house for rent, close In. Phone Main 1854. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage for sale; house for rent. 329 Main st. FCRNITURE of 5-room hou 912. 7 East 13th. for sale; rent $20 Close In. plainly furnished 6-room cottage neat and clean. Telephone Sell wood 289. AFTER June 15 8-room house, carpets and some furniture for sale. 175 E. 23d. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage at Sea side, facing ocean and boulevard: electric light, hot and cold water, with bath, toilet, sink and lavatory; $175. Apply 441 Wash ington st. GEARHART Completely furnished 8-room bouse; bath, toilet, electricity, fireplace, for season. V 931. Oregonian. SEAVIEtW Bungalow, finest on beach, com pletely furnished, new and first-class. Phone A 4460. 149 Porter. A COTTAGE for rent at Seaside for any length of time. Phone Main 4191. GIBSON cottage to rent for season Sea view. Wash, phone Woodlawn 1705. 6. 7 and 2 ROOMS, furnished; cottages on ridge at Seaview. Wash. A 3fi3. TWO large new stores, good location. West Side; can have living rooms In rear. Rent $30. 409 Swetland bldg. ONE fine storeroom In new building for rent, corner Hawthorne and Marguerite st. Inquire room 13. 303i Washington. HALF new brick store In wholesale district; long lease at low rent. X 904, Oregonian. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two-story brick building, 25x 1"0. on Front st.. between Yamhill and Taylor. Apply 383 Madison st. FOR RENT A new store room, prominent comer. 917 Williams ave. FOR RENT Comer store. 750 Alberta. Offlo ''MILNER BLDG.." 351, MORRISON PT. Desirable furnished or unfurnished offices, single or en suite, with modem conveniences, central location, reasonable. DEK ROOM for rent and very fine front . office room, carpeted: telephone and at tendant; rent reasonable. 320-327 Corbett bldg. DESK room in Marquam bldg. for office, reasonably. Room 503 Marquam bldg. Phone Pacific 1949.' DESK room or space reasonable, reception and 2 private rooms, fully equipped. 302 Com mercial block. FOR RENT 3 front office rooms In Ruseel bldg.. cor 4th and Morrison. Inquire A B. Steinbach Co. OFFICES to rent tn the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. ?10 Corbett bldg. LARGE room for manufacturing or sample room; 2d. near Wash, st- Howe, Davis ft Kllhara, 111 2d st. COURT rooms 912-50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth 920 up. 315 Swet land bldg. FURNISHED office or desk room. Including phone and attendant. 29 Raleigh bldg. FOR RENT First-class office or desk room; use both phones. 534 Worcester bldg. OFFICES Corbett bldg.; large, roomy office. Call 410 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. . Apyly room 808. DESK room for rent, with use of telephone and office. 424 Lumber Exchange. Miscellaneous. WAREHOUSE, 268 N. 13th; terminal facili ties. Phone East 563. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold ft Co.. Main 7311. 351 ; Morrison St. Devlin ft Flrebaugb. 506-9 Kwetland bids. Ellis. York ft Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. O'Toole. Cbas. J.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE following stocks we will sell or buy: 1000 Alaska Petroleum ft Coal. IO American TelegrapUone. lOOo American Wheel ft Vehicle. HWX Big Hill Coal. 10,000 B. C. Amalgamated Coal. 2hM Butte Boys Consolidated, at Hc 100 Campbell's Automatic Gas Burner. 500 Comstock Golden Gate. lOOO Copper World at ac. 10,000 Denny Dulln. 2O0O Fidelity Copper. 2O0O Florence Central Mining. 40 German American Coffee. 25.000 Gold Dredging Co., of America. 500 Hurst Switch. 5OO0 Mammoth. 500O Morning, lono National Copper. 30OO Oregon Diamond Coal M. ft D. Co. 5IMJ0 Oriole. 250 Portland Coal ft Dev. 1O0 United Wireless, your price. We can give you price on all telephone bonds and all other stocks offered on the market: try us and see. F. J. CATTERLIN & CO., 125 Ablngton B:cg. GROCERY STORE for sale at Invoice, less 5 per cent for cash; stock and fixtures Invoice about 1800; fine stand, good busi ness; selling on account of sickness. See store and owner, 479 Williams ave. WANTED An Eastern man to go with me In placing an orchard property The best earth on earth and the best money-maker large acreage. Address E 9aJ, Orego nian. SPECIAL Steady, sober partner wanted for a strictly cash store; 9350 required and previous experience not necessary; you must be satisfied to start at $18 to 925 a week. Full partciulars 248 y& Stark st. MEAT MARKET, good location and well established business, excellent fixtures, .good horse and wagon; must be sold at once; come, make offer. 52.1 Lumber Ex change. HARDWARE business, clearing $3600 year ly, country town near Portland, tributary to large farming district: must be sold . at once. I have other business and can't attend to both. 627 Corbett bldg. FOUNDRY and machine shop, located near Portland, complete equipments and in position to compete with Portland prices; will be sold together or separate. 627 Corbett bldg. GROCERY in good location in city, doing $30,000 yearly, at inventory. Aiso a country store, building and stock, doing fine business. McCoy, room 31, .Raleigh bid?.. 323 Washington. THE AMERICAN BANK ft TRUST CO.. 90 7th st.. Elks Temple, solicits your business, pays 4 per cent on time depos its and 2 per cent on checking accounts. FOR SALE Good foundry In near-by town, doing good business; good opening for machine shop: have good reasons for sell ing. Address Foundry. N 889, Oregonian. FOR SALE dean, well furnished rooming house of 12 rooms, close in, price reasonable and rent low. Inquire of Mr. Strong, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. $3000 WILL secure half -interest in good le gitimate retail business; will bear the closest investigation: poor health of owner the reason of selling. Y 950, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted In business that pays 93000 a year; 200 to 95OO needed; mu sician preferred. Investigate this. T 956, Oregonian TRADE IS-room rooming-house, all full, clears 9100 month; fine furniture, steam heat; must leave town. Main 8666, owner; 91650. - MOVING picture men, attention Laemiile film service and moving picture outfits, everything new. 419 Marquam bldg. Call or write. FOR SALE Small rooming-house, 7 rooms, elegantly furnished, in connection with first-class restaurant; reasonable price, good terms. Call 247 Taylor st. FOR SALE 250 shares United Wireless pre ferred stock. Will sell reasonable. Ad dress C. R., care Oregonian Agency, Asto- FOR SALE Restaurant doing nice business, 2-year lease; must leave city on account sickness; investigate this; no agents. Ad dress H 056. Oregonian. FOR SALE Delivery business, two wagons. harness, -etc. route paying $190 per . month. T 954, oregonian. COUNTY rights for sale in Oregon for Wnlrllng Wind sign. i;an 00 tn st., cor ner Pine. Phone A 3162. ROOMING-HOl'SE, 25 rooms, transient, al ways full. Price $2,100; terms; new fur niture. Address 127 11th sL FOR SALE Paying Washington restaurant, on account of family trouble. Investi gate. W 986, Oregonian. FO R SALE Rooming house, 20 rooms, 6 unfurnished, all rented for housekeeping. Call 272 Montgomery. FOR SALE Choice rooming-house, 22 rooms, fine location, elegantly furnished. Phone Main 6028. REAL ESTATE broker wants a reliable partner, can show $25,000 net commis sions last year. 627 Corbett bldg. THE CORNELIUS, corner Park and Alder, has for rent one of the best locations In Portland for first-class barber shop. PARTY to combine with me in the real es tate business ; references given. It's the man 1 want. J 928, Oregonian. FOR SALE Blacksmith, horseshoeing and carriage shop, with tools and machinery. 102 Russel St., Albina. FOR SALE 22 rooms n.cely furnished : J years' lease; no agents. Phono East 5344. 93 ht Union ave. 94000 BUYS cash business that pays $500 per month; terms if desired. Address J 923. Oregonian. FURNISHED dining-room; no cash rent. New Grand Central Hotel, 3d and Flanders. MANAGER for Mfg. Co. just coming to the Coast; must have $250. J 955, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP, 3 chairs, for sale; doing good business. Apply 303 E. Morrison st. WANTED 600 to 800 sheep to keep on shares. C. C. Anderson, Washougal. Wash. FOR SALE 18 rooms; good furniture; well filled; 9450. 209 Clay. $700 16 rooms, well furnished, best loca tion; a snap- No 2 N. 14th st. SHOE SHOP Plenty work; J5; sickness; telephone Main 4170 or G 92 Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK, ft CO.. 2ol Merchants Truet bldg.. S26H Washington, S. W. corner Sixth st. A FEW OF THE BEST BUYS. Are found in the following H. Rut iri have others; all styles, a!! sires, nV prices. If you want any kind of rooming house tiat is on the inarket In Port 'and, we -an show It to you. Terms may be arranged on any. See us quick; NOW is the TIME TO BUY. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 40 rooms, corner brick, near this office: steam heat, extra well furnished, cheap rent, lease 2 years: piym $3oo clear profit monthly. Here's the best buy you can ' get for 95750. ALL THAT CAN BE) DESIRED. 80 rooms, new brick. most modem house and bet furnished place in Port land favored with high-clara business; receipts running 91200 to 9150O a month. Price reasonable; terms can be arranged. CENTRAL. TRANSIENT. BIG PATER. 3o rooms. In central business district, good corner, well fumis-hed, cheap rent with lease; one of the best transient houses In the city; clears o a month over all expenses : price 92t50; best buy in the city at this price. BEST LEASE IN THE CITY S8 rooms, right In the business center lease 4 yeans at $ltt a month; furnished lej than a year ago with elegant fur nishings; all iron beds, steam heat, new building: dears over 9200 a month; price. $4500; 92500 down. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. 27 rooms. In best residence district, near 13th and Morrison sts.; running hot and cold water In every room, steam heat, car pets velvet. Axmlnster and brussels; fur niture mahogany, B. E. map!e, weathered and quar. oak; rent only 9125; lease; re ceipts 935 a month. This is the best prop oMtion In residence section in the city. Price 935O0. HERE Tfi A PRIZE. 17 rooms, right near business center; fine comer dwelling, extra well fumlirhed; steam beat; best 3 years' Ieae in citv; clears 9100 a month. See It and you will buy it; pries 91700, 91060 down, BEAUTIFUL AND A BARGAIN. 10 rooms in fine location, south of Mor rison st., furniture good as new. quartered oak, B. E. maple, iron beds, hair mat tresses, excellent carpets, running water in rooms, entirely modem bouse; pay yoo $tO a month; price only 9950. TAKE ME QUICK. 30 rooms in apartment all rented and a waiting list: rent only 975; lease 2 years; receipts 9225 a month. It goes for 91000, terms or lot as part. PRICE CUT FOR QUICK SALE. 20 rooms. $2100 takes building and fur niture; ground rent oniy 910; lease 5 years; building extra well constructed and new 3 years ago. costing 92900: furniture fait and receipts from rooms 9175 a month. Figure this up for yourself and you will find it a great investment; then see us. Price for all only 92100. DON'T DELAY, ITS A SNAP. 18 rooms, near 11th and Washington; well furnished, mostly housekeeping; rent only 95o: will pay you 960 clear, besides good rooms for yourself. It goes Monday for 9550, terms. YE BARGAIN HUNTER! 24 rooms, well furnished, low rent, good lease, fine location; can clear over 9100 per month net; was 92000, but sickness com pels immediate sale, and 985o, mostly cash, will take this on Monday. DIETZ-Ml'ELLER CO., 417-418 Corbett Bldg. THIS IS GOOD. 19 rooms, elegantly furnished, right In center of city, very low rent and good lease, every room In- the house Is full of good roomers and Is clearing about 9125 per month: w-ill trade for good city property. Price $1650. DIETZ-M UELLER CO. , 417-418 Corbett Bldg. FOR RENT, FURNISHED. A large, new, modern European plan hotel; close to the business center; com pletely and thoroughly furnished ; for lease to responsible party; rent very rea sonable; this is a good one. Call for par ticulars. DEVLIN ft FIREBAUGH. 508-5O9 Swetland Bldg. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency estab lished 1895) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. WANTED Man. must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our local repre sentative. No canvassing or soliciting. Good Income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., Dept. 792 C, Washington, D. C. 50 NEW Improved Hllo Denny Deanut vend Ing machines. Will earn $45 weekly for you ana not interrere with your other work. $2340 yearly profit on 9600 invest ment. Beware of unscrupulous Imitators. mho Gum Co.. (inc.), Portland, Or. SOLID business, partner wanted. SS000 re quired, which goes Into the business; will pay you 9200 a month salarv and if dis satisfied any time, you will have your uuu reiurnea 10 you. particulars 248 Si Stark st. IF you have $2000 to $5000 cash to put Into an A-i orcnara proposition it will pay you to communicate with me at once. Am clearing 300 acres In Hood River. Give references. Address ts tmo. Oregonian. REAL ESTATB man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 10 -oo ; no ex penence necessary ; very 11 1 tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 386 Washington St., room it. GOOD LOCATION FOR BUTCHER. 91950 Store and 6-room dwelling on the coming business street of Brooklyn, ana canine ; terms. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. STOCK, bond ottering, mining, elecUlc, In dustrial or railway company wanted for sale; commission oasts. Address full par ticulars. Clientele. P. O. Box 208. New York. w a.n 1 E.IJ tjrignt. nonest, young man with $200 to take active interest in established business. Must be satisfied with $30 a week. Address G 950, Ore gonian. ROOMING HOUSE: Finest in city, centra! location; will be sold Monday at a sac rifice: don't fall to Investigate. 627 Cor- nett oidg. FOR SALE Restaurant fixtures cheap. In cluding lunch counter, chairs, tables, two gas ranges, dishes, cooking utensils, eta 83 1st st., bet. Stark and Oak. THIS week at sacrifice, best-paying little cash grocery, confectionery store: trial given, rent $15 store and rooms. Rare op portunity. Corner Alberta and 23d sts. 93000 for I interest in established transfer business, or will trade for real estate. Best reasons for selling. Better Investigate. D 955, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in job printing business now clearing 9400 to 9500 per month. 92500. Terms If desired. Address at once, E 951. Oregonian. SPECIAL 935O0 will buy a strictly cash business that will pay yGu 9250 a month clear after paying all expenses; trial given to prove it. Call 248 Stark st. I PARTNER wanted for a woodyard. etc., will pay active man gi2S to 920O a month; little money required. Call 248 Stark HAY. grain and feed business for 91500; rare chance for an energetic man; profits large. Call 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT receiping 315 to. $20 daily. Will sell cheap. Just the place for two. 150 N. 6th- No agents. PRODUCE commission business for sale - cheap. In good country town. Call 248 W Stark st. PHYSICIANS, druggists, dentists, exchange properties and practice bought, sold, ex changed. 1028 Stout St., Denver. Colo. FURNITURE 20-room hotel, lease, rent 935, for lots, acreage, cash; terms. 306 E. Wash ington. ' SNAP in a first-class coffee house, fixtures an d loca 1 1 on can' t be beat, 94 25. 318 Allsky bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE. 18 rooms, fine furniture, clears 910O; all full. Owner, 349U Ankeny. Main 8666. FOR SALE Few shares of stock in a well managed producing gold mine. Particulars E. A. Clem. 105a 4th st. SNAP in restaurant and rooming-house; new, modem, in seaport town. A 4&H0. WANTED An active partner in hardware business. 327 Worcester bldg. 40-ROOM hotel, clearing $200 per month; Price 9300. Box 111. St. John. Or. FOR SALE: Confectionery store. 19 N. 6th st. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUY, SE1-L OR TRADE Any part of 5O0 Anglo-American Ore. 200 American Telegraphone. l.ooo American Wheel & Vehicle (Treas.) 1.0TO Alaska Pet. ft Coal lTrea. 5,0rto British Columbia Amal. Coal. lO.Otto Champion Group M. Co. 50o Comstock Golien Gate. 2o German-American Coffs. $39. 2.cOO Smuggler G ft C M. Co. lo.OMt Portland Home Tel. Bunds. O.Om Rawhide Portland M. & M. Co. 1U Pacific Wirrle. ROBERTS & CO., 134 6th St. FIVE CENT RESTAURANT. I am going to sell my 5-cent restaurant at the North End because 1 am going away. I bought it from :an who made 916.O0O out of It in four years and I've been doing; just as well; It's a money maker every day In the week; figures out more profit on the money invested than any hljrh-toned restaurant In Portland.' 5-year lease on the premises that I could sell out tomorrow for 91500. Lease, good will and fixtures with a sure profit every month of 9300, all for 92750, D 953, Ore gonian. PAYING ROOMING-HOUSES AXD HOTELS for sale or trade lor resl estate: GH rooms, brick, close In. lease. $5500. 42 rooms, brick, close In, lease. $320o. t rooms, clofe in. ica.e, toii, IS rooms, ciose in, lease, 92loti. So rotims. hotel, boarders, lease. 9100. Others, larger and smaller. McCoy, room 31 Raleigh bldg., 823 1 Washington. ANOTHER SNAP. 8 rooms, nicely furntshtd, low rent ant choice location; clears $2o per month net besides free living rooms: only 9350. D1ET.-MUELLER CO., 417-418 Corbett Bldg. I MAKFJ MONEY Why go to work when I can guarantee you 9 1 50 to 9200 on sma 11 investment in good business opportunities such as real estate, confectioneries, rooming-houses, profits $l5t; employment of. flee, gurarantee $20 bona fide proposition; grocery stores, barhev shots, etc. Money loaned on all deals. Particulars Mult nomah Investment & Realty Co., 386 3 Washington st., room 11. STATIONERY and book store on Morrison st., splendid location. reasonable rent, long lease, doing a fine business; a good place for 2 ladies or man and wife, 91275. Restaurant, on Washington st., cheap rent, long lease, the best location In ths city for the money, $450. 511 SWETLAND BLDG. WANTED Bright, energetic man to push the sales of the biggest novelty hit Ln the United States; a man who understands advertising can make a big success. I will give a half interest to the right man. but he must be willing to put $1000 into the business. Must take entire charge, as I have other business. A fortune in this if handled properly. A 916, Oregonian. GENERAL STOREsS Well established, clean, salable stocks, fine Oregon towns, rail and water lines to market; ?60oO to 915, 0:o, cah or terms. Have other good bargains. Eastern or local buyers, see us; Information free. Wells Mercantile Agency, LaFaette bldg. I HAVE 200 acres of Hood River orchard land want responsible party to Join m in putting It on the market. Address E 959, Oregonian. ONE of the best groceries on the East Side, doing about 90" a year; must sell by 1st of June. If looking for a high-clews business and good clean stock. Investigate; will sacrifice stock to make quick sale; good- reason for selling. J 912, Oregonian. STRTCTLY cash ctore, owner wants a steady sober partner, as he Is tired of depending on hired help; experience not necessary, as he will soon teach you the work and will pay you at least $100 a month.; 9625 required; secured. Call 248 Stark st. YOUNG MAN willing to work and leam the business, will be taken Into old established real estate office and given a half interest for small amount of money; guarantttd 9150 per month to start.. Call 4o2 Lumber Exchange bldg. I HAVE an investment in real estate that will make mony. owner must sell; also have a manufacturing Investment that haa no equal on the Coast. Let me tell you about them. Thos. McCuskor, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7646. 70-ROOM hotel, one of the best locations lnN the city; rooms always full; owner hns interests elsewhere which require his im mediate attention and will sell at a sac rifice. Dahney ft Dabney, 412 Commercial block. Phone Main 5S66. WANTED Partner with $1000 to take one- third Interest in going concern to act as outside salesman; must have education and experience, from 25 to 30 years old; salary $100. Box 108. Portland. RELIABLE real estate man. tired of hired help, wants an honest partner and will guarantee him at least $150 a month; ex perience not necassary and little money required. Particulars 24HV Stark st. WILL sell 14 Interest In one of the best pay ing and equipped real estate and brokerage afflces In the city. If you have some cap ital and mean business. Investigate this, it will pay you. M 958, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for candy-making busi ness ; experience not necessary as on net will teach you the work and pay you at least $25 a week; 9300 required. Call 248 Stark st. A YOUNG GRADUATE physician and sur geon who would be willing to take up a proposition on a salary and expenses; no interference with regular practice. H 963, Oregonian. CHANCE OF LIFETIME. A well-equipped doctor's office, doing spe cial practice, in hustling Boise, Idaho. Doc tor Is sick; office closed; must leave city. Address J. F. Colvin, Atfy, Boise, Idaho. SALE OR EXCHANGE First-class up-to-date general merchandise stock of $35.0)o in a good county-seat town In Oregon; will take large part in Portland realty, balance cash. Brace, 268 Stark st., R. 32. SALOON and rooming house. I want part ner for all or for saloon alone; rooms finely furnished and doing good business. 627 Corbett bldg. HALF INTEREST in old established real estate business : part caeh, balance out of bujMnees; will guarantee 9-5 a week clear. 142 2d st.. room 10. BA K ERS Do you want one of the best paying bakeries In the city? If so, wa have it, and can be bought far below its value. Call 627 Corbett bldg. BLACKSMITH and wheelwright shop in a country town with no competition; this came highly recommended to us and we know it is O. K. 627 Corbett bldg. TEAM, wagon and harness, to exchange for stock of groceries or general merchandise, about 91500; w ill pay cash difference, Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce.. PARTNER WANTED To take Interest in a well-established and good paying busi ness; 9350 required. Call Sunday from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 511 Swetland bldg. CORNER rash grocery for ?600; you can also handle hay and feed; will easily pay you 9100 to $150 a mcnth. Call 248 'i Stark st. WANTED For colonizing. 1000 acres up, must have merit ; get busy if you have the soodf. Owners or real estate men. A 957, Oregonian. $650 Small restaurant, clearing $150 ti $200 per month; have other business. Call 273 Salmon. SALOON doing good business: must be sold; owned by a lady, who cannot manage It. K 055. Oreonian. FOR SALE 2000 shares Butte Boys min ing stock at 5c per share. L 939, Orego nian. MASSAGE and manicuring parlors, with good trade for eaie cheap if taken at once. 350 Morrison st.. rooms 3 and 4. BARBER shop, choice central place, doing immense business; will sell on easy terms. Particulars 24HV- Stark st. WILL buy home bakery from owner or agent, spot cash: must be reasonable. Swank, room 8. 8.S'r 3d. FOR SALE Half interest in old established tent and awning factory. D 951. Orego nian. S300 Want partner for meat market or res-, taurant; must be reliable. Swank, room 8. S-Si, 3d. WANTED Man with references and few hundred dollars as manager of city really department. G 956. Oregonian. MUSIC Copyrights and plates for sale, or let on royalty, by owner. Address P 951. Oregonian. OWNER leaving the city, must sell good transfer business cheap for cash, if taken an once. V 950. Oregonian. 91100 buys a new stock of drugs near Port land; gfod location. K 052. rare Oregonian. MI ST raise money on ri:;uo Portland bonds aud stock. L 920, Ore&or.ian.