8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, MAY 17, I90S. ; ; c . - . FOR BALE FARMS. WANTED BEAK. ESTATE. . FOB SALE. FOB BALK HELP WANTED MALE. - 1 HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FLU ALE. NO. 177. I WAST a small place, anything from a Pteava. HImvIIsiimm ----------- ' .---. 40 acres 114 miles from R R.. 10 acres few acres to 60 acres. Improved or on- anscMiancona. COURTNBYS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. In cultivation; old orchard, also young Improved; will trade house and lot as GENUINE BARGAIN Strictly A-l $330 pnp RaTF- rnrip Are you looking for a position? If you We have work for several experienced , XVXrrnVtLlll So", frt 'ITSrSf 'aff!. JSr. WSl Tmentd'own'ial'aasy meanli SSa ggS 111 K ItgR: "-nfca"," SSJ .'XJVZ!?fZl&oZS!. an3d.Parmng;h?UfleneflL9.(hircows. . Oxonian. LWyir.: neath""1 pIpE" CPETAR- Spi? Too'VZ" yU 0,1 " KS.,'?. TS'S" OtKI 16 year, and over, to work In fsc yearlings. 2 fine horses, 40 chickens, some isooMP PROPFRTY 1 : 2000 f " 12-lnch standard pipe. B Bookkeeper ist o7 new Vk everyday "r- Applj -at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevllle BU?S?lIS3i3,S We h.ANSJS?S?V--lnt SQr.;AtREcJ,irmorn1nSj33,1lti0nt'0r " ,1.la.P7 V"?-, . . P 606 call. ?o? m.nwith experience !n PACIFIC EMPXMENT t O.f Co.. 8,h and Davis sis. with farnT There MM worth of tor a piece of Income property on either rent. Call mornings. 33 N. Park. 5000 feet I-lnch galvaniwd pipe wholesale house, used to taking trial 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. tools dmPleret. Included Price Front or First St., not over 120.000. U.ll.-- l & ? -. ? f" "-'-c standard pipe, balance, preferably with creamery expe- VJooo. "Pe included.. price . PALMER, Mlscellaneona. 1 1.1 p. r foot, rienre; salary $1)00 to $1100 to start. Ad- WANTED Man to work on gold dredger; ROSE CITY REALTY INVESTMENT 213 Commercial Club bldg. 40 QUARTERED oak dresser. ,19.50: ,35 --ct ,PpTpe " iScpe? foot. vancernent. SALESMAN ih.,:! to ,4S l 1?an..r,,'nve": BM. HM(B TM Wl WANTED From owner only. 5-room mod- V'WllV W IT'D 'A Pfoot. p 620.L Mn know.E'h" Abu,ineM. to ia nf PF ' 955. Oregon- Rooms 308-9 Merchants Trost Oldg., ern cottage in South Portland; price must fnTachPne good asew 4-Inch pipe, 25c per foot, take charge of this department; $!W0. - COOK, country. l; cook, city hotel. 35; Sith and Washington sts. b(- reaJK)nable: have ,1000 cajb Phone machln m lSw Ti "?ount of a'l other sizes of pipe THREE SPK.C1ALTY SALESMEN. A GENTIFMn ho. --,---,- cooks, family. . 40: waitresses, country. ,40 acres; , highest state of oodlaw. t 1272, or addrea, R 953. Ore- 'tne S?5 'kin.", inVWSK free ofHch,rhg.U any SU."" OUr P, ,f .tte, KTaTSS? wYth'ec'o'r'd1- !?? ?a ""? Ssea-Vn.'S.Xr? cultivation. 14 acres in fine cedar and gonian. hree-piece black walnut parlor suite, new 10.000 feet 3. 4. 6-inch new pipe: ,. "-0 cash to ca7rv them 30 diys- "" f."nd' ""Sunday noon. So N. .treV-$TTo Per .y " " t',SbrUw,ftT?ridTrinrarv1 iTe W A NTE D To purchase . V, or acre - SSi ff'Sf' RlUbl'T.1 1 x20 engine; 1 10x1$ englnS; 1 12x18 able tSfural" persoraT bonl 500. " . ., R. H.n.en. Jr. HANSEN'S LAD1E.-?' AGENCY, house, line new barn and granary. 2 eel- Mt. Scott car line. Must be rca- ?p, eh ,:' 1 , ?g e' 8;S2: engine; 1 100 h. p. boiler; 3 54xl boilers; BOND SALESMAN. wivtcii- Z T 343t Wash. St. Main 2.182. lars. painted chicken house. 2 good wood- ,onable. or will buv eauitv In lot or acre !! ,..,"," Eclipse cook etove. with high 1 12 h. p. Ore box boiler- 1 8 h D bolter- t oiit. m.n h . WANTED Flrst-clana lunch waiter at the ! sheds, running water. IS fine mllcl .cow. Jle, "buy qu ty In 1 ot or acre 5U; No. 7-15 Mabel Saint Clair Uooo-gallonVo" tank's 3000-gSilon 'iron orcf. VwL'eZVSl Tirr Wy b MIDDLE-AGED lady. un.n.-umbered. for 6 young heifers, J! good horses about 1400 f coo . . " no pedesta 1. weathered tanks; 1 2000-gallon iron tank: several ary and commission waiter 10:3O A. M-. 6th and Alder. general housework and help with chll- pound. each harness. wagons, hack yROM ner only, a 5 or ft-room cottage. buffet ITA tiSi.!"0'- 1000-gallon and smaller: 15 different size BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER. c-TTT dren: "ne home, easy work, steady em plows cultivators disc harrow mowing near canine w" afnerrf dlnt?t,5l ,,i;.i.-?'i..8 Pumps; 1 60 k. w. dynamo; aeveral dlf- p .3 al be com blnatio Tman NLi- Cl T,TER odlery department In whole- ployment. and if you treat u right we machines, hay tedder, fanning mil . 12 . and o,,,. about 1600; .maU paymenta. MO 50 twlishe on hf'iii-a , ferent size dynamos. irt l i to tso de3. on sale saddlery house. Chas. L Mastlck will treat you like a sister. Give phone "anmnrair W 906, Oregonlan. fijf. -d ..j. .,-- -0 0 ar ,0 h0. nd. on w.u,. ieather. Front and Oak. number. S 9:.,,. Oregonlan. SK'.OOu; terms $4000 cash, balance on , WAXT a house and 500 , mM. "widlseA rSSt hUh "w. "n,y "mounT puUeysfboxei" "rfanler." and men n our C-S?-RTCNEYsr Dif,Sl-lr ra,n w"y- lp REAL, ESTATE man wants bright man a. R.'.Uf flTY rfatty INVESTMENT must be a bargain; give full description. Duy '"i, afe 5ver.! collars; 6000 picks. 30c each; 60 ton. 402-405 Swetland Bldg. at 54-. G. D. G. partner to show i.nd. etc.; can make lr.. ROSE CITY REALTY A I.wtSTMl.M j d termB flrot ietter. H T. Ore- thln' , .hit, grate bars; 20 tons all kinds Iron doors: Z w...Tpr, 7T r; r to 200: no experience necessary: very COMPANY. gonian. etSv w-, idi,. " . .5 1 Berg brick press; 36 iron cars; 1 lot jTPQvtM h m . . , . WANTED Waiter. Pup Saloon. 275 3d St. little cash required. Particulars Multno- ""JWokWSiS WANTEDS ntc. home of 5 or 7-room Si ra,,; WANT a boy. . ,0 Ka, D.vk, ,t. Wa.h.ngVoo XT mlW&Wrp lpVWogethfrr terms' OE,L blrd.eve maple ,adlM, dres,- ?S42: !?S SS' .S.HV'Hi KELP U'AVTF tl w $2 PER DAY paid one lady ,n each town . rp.llroad wnd town. 60 acres In cultivation; pass Oregonlan. table al SrSP?J2?i . fc-5 gasoline hoist: 1 2 h p gas engine and h " . man ln 8 wfT. b5..ma" HELP WANTED FEMALE. distribute circulars and take orders for most all crops In; 25 acres beaverdam ' 'JTraa'n- tkin7j5 'jL? ty Pump; severa cases flour mill rolls- 60 KfUa.rante .yOU P0"ltlon ,wlth a Concentrated Flavors and Toilet Prepara- nn.l rich swale, running creek. 7-room WanTBD-To buy modern house of about flinch Frencii m-lrrSr $15- mantei ironPWheelbarrowr 10?? square, rubber aeffec?ed bvm.trlke.SOo; harTl.'".'' WANTED Chambermaids. housekeepers. tion. in tubes; permanent business. J. S. pnintert farm house, milk house, large g TOO Wcst slde preferred; state price l a-nSnV b vhtta roofing; 5000 rolls deadening felt paper. .fwav? sure ot a S nisTTtan w ,ttresses. girls for general housework. Zlegler & Co.. Chicago. iSSSa! w " A siSKs SSSSS'S SSsrS.c ..-r -awav.ara-a calves. 7 sheep. 8 lambs. 3 horses, harness corner loT wANTF.D-On Bast Side be- caUlcT- $22 Brt 8 JerSeyTu v cSo telephone , wtre; 60 ton7nlw sh wePgSr. WUJ1(0 f,rh ,rru,tand , f rn m?.? J10" PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. at,,rward to do enI,al housework. Ad - and wagon, plows. Incubator mowing tween Ankeny and Hawthorne, west of 2pth $S-: Sardwot T extensfonabi $4 -M Batl tub.. Vnks. all .IzeT rope and J. r':h( fTrlU" ,v "lfi, tAeo'"eSlih.t Ladlea' Department. 205 Morrison l dres. Mra Truman Butler. Hood River, machine, rako. and all tools and cultlva- mt .. ,tate l0est cash price. X 851, Ore- roll-top T desk. t25- $23 ; fla"toD desk 312 60 blocks: any amount of sprocket chain; v.,i ? LP', toda.y- dd,p;M f1' 6fl- " r- tor.. Some timber and no .tone or gravel gonlan. ; revolving oS ci iialr? T.OP Iryou want 100 tons assorted nu and bolts; any on'0naMn'ai"ma " "r, T"; bfcASS? WANTED Lady stenographer, one who on the farm. Soli cannot be equaled. bargains see us- we will ai-i-e vou any amount of chain o 1.. J! . noc5 Chicago, III.; operate. Remington typewriter; must be E?,TWe co',y any Photo on a fine sateen Will make a .uperb .tock. dairy or onion kind of a Itrade 'you want McOraMi Fur The above is i. small list of what we Scarrltt bldg.. Kansas C ty. Mo.; I.um- experienced, rar-id. accurate and furnish P"1"" top free. Will .rand washing and farm. Price $5,000; $1600. balance easy. FOB SALE. SituraCo Z. North to St " Mate carry In k Ve carry Vitlvely thS Seare.rofVJIe'- SdlnneapoUs- Mlnn- Wrlle reference.; $10 a week to begin. N R.. J TTLJ'lJ0- Or will take $.,00 cash and $200 cash : . ; largest and b?st assortment of second- nearest office. Oregonlan. t all Chas. E. Hulling & Co., Spo- basls In improved city property, the re- Horses. Vehicle and Harness. BATH TUBS nd machinery and miscellaneous .tock . ' ' asn' mHindvir easy terms. WATER ivn enn prprfl on the Coast We bnv sell or trade in WANTED Success Magazine require, the SALESWOMEN. . , ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT 132J BUYS bay team. 8 and 9 weight 3000. PLUMBING Slippi lV anything Give u a call Mall order. services of man In Portland to look after Llpman, Wolfe & Co. require 30O extra ANTED Man to care for country place. COMPANY. arid harness Just reciveTwo cfroabrand-new Promptly" at ten deTto Mailorders expiring subscription, and to secure new saleswomen. Apply, ready ?or work. Mon- "ar t;.wn; must thoroughly understand Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash. Chunky team, mare and horre. 9 cast iron and steel white enaiSd bath J SIMON A BRO business by means of special method. day morning. Apply to Superintendent. gardening, care of stock, vehicles, etc: no : - years, weight 2S0O. harness. ' tubs; all kinds of Dlumbina suDDliea. err 244-"46-250 Front st usually effective; position permanent; prft- application considered unless city refer- GIVB THESE YOUR ATTENTION. $2fi.V-A chunky team. S and 7 years, which we are sellme awa? below whVle- f-r one with experience, but would con- VOGUE SCHOOL OF MILLINERY A thor- ences are given. X 903. Oregonlan. " acres, half ln cultivation, bal- weight 2S00. and harness. sale prices. nvE c , ,,. ., ju slder any apr-llcant with good natural ough course of millinery taught in 4 . . . : ante pasture. 2 sfts old buildings, livinw $13.V A chunk- team, weight 2000. and We also carry a comDlete line of nine o?k -i .h.Jf XVw -iu- qualifications; salf.ry $2 pe.- day. w'.th week.; terms reasonable. 373 Stark St.. l"t,'?..'"s-r"TMak.e '-1ltary oelts at wa-.er. flrst-cla dairy ranch. 344 miles harness; also dolible truck, express was- for bolhaaiw and .Wrt Si' JS.2fU"'j mi0!, commission option. Addresa with refer- cor W. Park. hme; material, furnl.hed; $15 per hun- Matlon. Yamhill County. Price Includes n, and waKon geara cheap. Can be seen we SVM iVt st CsJl li?ncS? mattress 606 6th encei R c JPeac0ck. room Id. Success dd' ,PaI",t'cul?r'' tampd envelope. cr.-.p. at Dexter Stables. 43 Fourth st. Mall lnulrleV iroSntlv answered St. Call Monday. Magazine bldg. New York City. WANTED A young lady stenographer as Dept- ' Dearborn Specialty Co., Chl- $,iV0 acres. 15 minutes walk Salem : : M BARDF A SONS FOR nv t,.i-, u--h.k ,ii hi,-), second girl ln Insurance office, willing to teS. orchard. Bu 347-353 Gl.n f&ti Z.ril Tor rZ&,l "lfl "ZrX: WANTEDA glr, or middle-aged woman for 7-fwnl "houM In ieclww otbu"idlSm flrst-class shape. A chance for Km. bar- 8 sets logging truoka. C lng In answer to this ad. Write for par- Call Sunday. 7B0 Michigan ave. Take L car. SALESWOMEN Aider St. FOR SALE Pair matched sorrel horses. I"? 03-' man. Tel Voodlawn 1198. . WANTED Good mechanical draughtsman "a";. Wolf- Co Apply Monday mfrnU. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. ... ..,., 8 year" ,old' aod workers well broke . HOUSEBOAT For sale, new, 2 rooms and Will trade one-half inure.t In the pat- to work. Appl to Ml., hrl.tlanson. SOLICITOR One that is willing to 110 acre5rmldSa?t?enE.,he three fa- "d" claS sp n Zon" 5?S , . "PB- PIPE- pIp& mall back room, partly furnished. Chas. ent right of a big novelty hit for the .erv- WANTED Girl for light housework, two ln 'o;;a, good pay, either .alary or commiwlon. moua si. lnRs. Colllna. St. Martin-, and na" ""5. aS?L ?ui,fbio f c-T SS'ress o? ff-h"8,, for . Tour p,lpe We can Busse, Rlverdale Depot. Ice. of a first-class mechanical draughts- famy. no washing- good home u it Call afternoon after 3 o'clock 127ia Lowna- New Mineral Springe, on new North Bank iS- n b. Ln il ih. P.lJ. S.rlS? P'Pe to you. lnan' quantity; eee man. I am working on something bigger piano- give name and tenhone nnmher dale road. Just 12 miles below- Hood Hlver: i E?? and Montaomerv Palace Stables, us 'or price, on it before buying else- DIAMOND ring, pure white stone, carat and and need accurate drawings. This i. a Orea-o, telephone number. . mile from the Columbia River: finest apple 5th and Montgomery. macMner? m, iSv.'"!?- a.mP,"tS '"if of 9". Tiffany -etting. Box log. Port- big opportunity for the right man with N " Oregonlan. WANTED A working housekeeper in family and berry land in the world: 6-room house. HORSES 60 trade aching 5 ' ' OT ' , A lil'Ore'ilnian " nothlng to 1om- A COMPETENT girl for general housework SLk.adu,,": m"8' comp.tenT.nd a good B acres !n orchard and small fruits, flne At auctlon without fail at Union Stock- 2 nn . i-rvo orvr i,k 7ZZIZZZZ7ZZ 7 ' r'Bonian- and cooking; small family. 215 N. 25th f,'Sk: ," cashing: $:i.1 to 40 a month to v-orina- of water nitwd ln house aood horse i. witnoui lau at crion BtocK- M. BARDH at SONS, FOR RENT Smith-Premier typewriter in .Bt can mnrnii,-. flrst-class woman. V 904. Oregonlan iS ta- saffiiS 5 LM'i2; 1 p; a good Eighth and Gllsan St.. good condition. 348 Clay st. Phone Main WANTED For new bank in Portland, a.- Ca" morn'ng'' ! -gonian. nrd will bear fine crop this year; splendid a C,lt. 1 and 2 veaf'old? don"? fadf?" , 3462. slstant manager, controller, auditor, cash- WANTED Flrst-clas. cook- no other need JHAKSEN'8 LADIES' AGENCY. market for eggs, poultry, vegetable, and attend? Mine efrlv Taiil. RlcSird TV, IT WILL PAY YOU ler. assistant cashier, bookkeepers and tell- , v- mall family- wages $40 TT S43 Wash, St.. cor. 7th. up.talra, fruits at fprlnss. Price. $33.K1. half cash. attend, come earl. Twaddle & Richards. Jo visit our place before you order your FOR SALE, cheap, scholarship International ers; only men of absolute integrity need ap- pC MoTdiy Ma n 1(70, c 1(1! Phones. Main and A 2992. : Address H. Graham. Horn. Valley, Wash.. FOR SALE Sorrel horse weight 1400 12 toJ'' '""'''"re. carpet because we carry Correspondence School. Pup' Saloon. Call ply, ln writing, for one month, to F. X. , P""e Monday Main 162 or C 1603. Help Supplied Free to Employ.rs. and 1 will meet vou with a rig & Sorrel horse, weight 1400. li a. full line of new and as good as new at 275 3d t. Rose. L. G.. 327 Chamber of Commerce. Port- WANTED nirl vn,, , ,,,. -- meet you with a rig. year, old: good worker. In all harness; etovee. carpets and all sorts of furniture, ' land. Or. ' car J 0I2 children It belch? Anew 77S WANTED $5 weekly earned at home ad- FOR SALE Salr J"1"- we" snatched horse and mare. of which we can satisfy the taste of every- MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slide., Johnson st cn"dren at bch. Apply 778 dressing postal, for prominent educator. 40 per acre, if sold soon, will buy 10 Snv wfii J?m .? i Zl,ZJiZ .i" S."8' -The People's Auction House. 167 supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman. TOUR WINTER'S COAL ABSOLUTELY Enclose 10 cents (silver) for particulars. acres choice apple and pear land .in t,he MintgomeVy st " Front .. near Morrison. Telephone Main 203 Burned.. FREE! GIRL Good cook, general housework; must Secretary Pitman School. Toledo. Ohio. flne'l rTyP'lorbesu 7 T " ' UNITED W.relea, Preferred .tock; will trad. chSce,PartlCUla buMneM he competent; 0-room flat; ,25. 721 Kear- Set to TrSles cho"ce W me'r varieties J F1NE hpa,,rmare! i , and , 10 y,ears, Jf SPECIAL Sewing machine sale from 8 A. for property, cheap for cash. Box 4. CARDIFF COAL ft COKE COMPANY. ney- Wanted-Glrl. 16 yjars of age, bright aVJches: "'acrec'Serrie.."1!1 TeadTf,Ch'eavln work ho.e.' Just -t0 -- -M- ""- May 18' We wl" Prtlad- FAVJu. v SUABLE middle-aged woman to ,.si.t "'11 slwhed and partially cleared- other im- ? 1 neay work nor.es. Just sell slightly used drop-head machines, Phones A 3613, Main 884S. v with housekeenlna- Phone Fist S17't 4un . OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING. , PI?Temen" IncTudln ho&rn ? cMcken- ?nvm., nncth rTis atH'WU .h-Da,V,'f "r choice of makes. White. Wheeler & FOUR fine butter cows, Jerseys; 8 fresh. ! Benton .t ,. house, large chicken yards; pasture, run- Jniestment Co., 16 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Wilscn. Singer. Davis. New Home, for $20 . W East 80th; Sunnyslde car. Phone East 10,000 POSITIOriB. .Benton St. GIRL lo years old, wants place to taks nlng water, part of the year. For fur- ?.acV This is a cash proposition. White 6506. For graduates last year; men and women ro-MptrTtnT rtT- nir w . care of child or assist in light housework; ther particulars address the owner, thohoi ch hb ct Hrir oJ Sewing Machine store, 420 Washington to learn barber trade ln eight weeks; help housework iniv 7K w M.Sin also woman for day work for Thursdays WE BUTLER THOROUGHBRED dark bay Morgan road st. 11. D. Jones, prop. - FURNITURE to be sold 14 less than cost, to secure position.; graduates earn from iuJ, ??,h.. PP y ' Madlson- corner and Saturdays, phone Pacific 37. Lyle. Wah t l7 sears old; flne traveler very 11 including 1 art rug. 9x12. Call 1271 East T5 to $25eekly; expert instructor, tool. East 19th st. . J "Hl.SSS" lble,:, guarantee as to be- PATENT FOR SALE Automatic music leaf Taylor, st. Phone Tabor 1458. free; writs for catalogue. Moler System ot WANTED Girl for ,-neral h..- GIRL, with reference.. 15 to IS year. old. .'AN T BEAT THIS IN OREGON. l?rB. ".ound , and Kntle. Call at Anderson turner for pianos, organ, and orchestra; Colleges, 36 N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. SlnT.mllv mf T. 1 7.1.' t.,ass'"t 'n housekeeping and care of 4M acres fine fruit land not far from Bros, .table. simple, reliable and cheap; having lust FORD AUCTION CO. nhon. H 12 " children ; good home to right party. S 957 Hood River, in choice fruit belt: 60 acrts . . . . . . " been granted a patent n the above music Must want second-hand furniture pretty SALESMEN wanted. Bteadlly traveling. puone o x.o. Oregonlan. have been plowed, balance easily cleared; !,, 7 ,X. matcnea Drown turner, I offer the same for sale, or will bad when they pay such high prices. selling to general merchandise stores. WANTFD Oni .Tn.ri..H w. TTZ . t.mber Is oak and cordwood; will nearly ps- horses full brothers, alike in every na- exchange for wild or Improved lands. J. H small towns, to handle complete laoo- , b!rmald, it iTeverK v.rt WANTED Experienced girl for general f..r clearing; 3(H) acres of this is level, soil fpec; ' and 8 year old. good workers Collier, 394 E. 11th St.. Eugene. Or FIXTURES for confectionery store at Long embroidery line from leading Importers; 'WS Yatnhlll Beverlj. Park housework: seven-room house; three In flrst-elasf.. running water on one fortv, Jn ali harness Call at once; they won't , : Beach. Wash.; showcases, candy Jars. L liberal commission. Merk Co., 416 '"' ; ; family; no washing. Address J 861, Ore house and born, 8 miles from town, lies nice last long. Only $190. 294 Montgomery. SINGLE blue iron bed complete, like new, 943. Oregonlan. Broadway. New York. WANTED At once, experienced skirt anJ gonlan- j once; 'pnce'Vltt 8prJac,rJC"'' " bou"hl at FOR SALE Beautiful thoroughbred black gas o"n. ameit saf'wlckr'rocker'.1 opera Moving-picture exchange Machines. sup- KEEP vour lob. double your wages; sell km" nnls"er- Mm- Summers. 12 N. WANTED Middle-aged woman or girl for J. F. NOW'LIN. team, well matched, city broke; with glasses, fine place, set andirons, etc Ap- PlleB' 'des. Him. for rent. 1654 4th st. our monthly payment slcknes. and accl- general housework; good wages to right Room 315 Allsky Bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison harness and double-seated surrey, nearly Ply between 10 and 12 Saturday or Sun- . dent policies on the lde; experience un- rOMPFTCK-T ,IM w.t. r., K party. 324 Jackson t. Portland. Or. new; entire outfit. $,0o: good reason, for day mornings, 1H5 Thurman .t. FOR SALE Good domestic smoked pork, de- necessary; other, do this: you can; write. C PkS. cmfortkble hom. 'S wi T , 7 selling. Phone East 141. . Uvered. 311 Larrabee st. North American Accident Co.. Epler ' M 10th V1?RY light housework; 2 ln family; will OL EEN CITY REAL ESTATE CO.. . T FOR SALE New and second-bsnd blUlard Block. Seattle. District agent, wanted. " tao ' over 1: experience not neces- 112 Wash. St., Vancouver. Wash. F?R SALE One team of horsey age 5 and and pool tables: easy payments; we rent 16-FOOT launoh. cheap. Phone Main 2466. GIRL for eeneral hm,.wArV .v,... "ary- RcP'y once. Phone Sellwood lo45. Everything In farms, residence., lots. 7 years; weight 2S00 pounds. Will sell one tables, with privilege of buying; modern "I Ablngton bldg. SALESMAN who can show good record. "J-, '?Z era1LiJ Tnot" wa,?. iafISS; , ; homesteads, relinquishments. timber r both. Address Wm. Elliott. Pittsburg, bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswick- of sales he has made. This will pay Sfi iSrf P cook, wage. J0. Phone YOLNG lady to demonstrate 'Loleto," new claims and business chances. Columbia County, Oregon. ' Balke-Collender. 40 Third at. GOOD second-band Hall safe 'at bargain. Ad- you $600 monthly; staple line, heavily J toilet article, ln department store; must be 12- acres of orchard. 75 grape, and '; . dress Y 908. Oregonlan. Bdvvsrtlsed, new selling plan which ln- wantfti A ZZTZZZTlZZZZi ZZZZZZZZ Tl experienced. Call 235 Pine st. other small fruit; a good variety of apples. W:'!TE;D y" horse 4 to 6 years old. AT A SACRIFICE. sures sales. Permanent position for right rJJtr l!?v ?. iT.Jf, "d TZ 1000 prunes, good 8-room house and barn; i-, lbs., i5 hands high, city broke, work Elegant Wilton rug. mahogany daven- REMINGTON typewriter, nrst-claes condl- man. Address Box 496. Iowa City. Iowa. vCSSS'L ui ,,?L J . 1J and 2 6T- LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY, 230U Yam price $2SO0 single or double. Oregon Planing Mills, Port, table chairs, and rockers also tlon- x 92- Oregonlan. -Nortonla Hotel. 11th and Stark. hill; good help and situations of all kinds IO acres. 3 acres mixed fruit, 800 grape., jst and Vaughn. Turkish leaf her rocker, all new ; giving up , MAKE MONEY Why go to work when I ,..TP.. v, . T Main 5413. strawberries and raspberries. 8-room . housekeeping; call today. 771 East Yam- Foa SALE New studio outfit, with good can guarantee you $150 to $200 doing noth- W?T EiC&1iIl ma,1f' , ,Ii"'anent Posl- . house barn, workahop; price $2.50. I"OR SALE or trade for larger team. 1 team hill st. lens, also other thing.. 476 Washington st. inK. call today: no experience required iyl,- K.?5, B c 434 10th "(- Phone FOR general housework in small family. Ap- of small horses, suitable for express; al-so and very little cash. Multnomah Invest- -again ..-mt. ply 154 14th. st. North, corner Irving, MOSIEK FRUIT LAND HOMESTEAD. wagon and harness. Call Sunday, bet. 10 $325 BUYS a handsome, well-matched black ELEGANT baby buggy in fine condition for ment & Realty Co.. 3864 Washington St., xv-n I , ,., , . , upstairs. We have 2 good homesteade containing and 12, 328 3d st. Phone Pacific 591. dr,VJV team- and T ar. eight 21 W. cheap. 645 Yamhill St. Ioom 11. years? nfc f home piano PhonT I 1?S1 CTFvnrp.Pu k 16( seres each, one containing 50 acres snd harness, thoroughly city broke; alsd -,7-a m. nome. piano. Phone E. 5281. STENOGRAPHERS should take our special and another eo acres of A-l apple land: FOR SALE 23 head of sound, well . broke rubber-tired pole buggy cheap; can be GAS RANGE, good as new, for sale cheap. WANTED An experienced mineral water merry st. drills, night school, for better salaries. these are located ln the Mosler district and horse, from 900 to 1200 pounds; also at Dexter Stables. 43 Fourth at. Call at 67 E. 20th. salesman- elve exoerience and references: T , , . Business University, Worcester block. will go to the first parties securing them f Rood saddlers. 183 East 34th. Phone Main 2S86. U"n St- "J fQua'nteo with liluor ana restau: WA?rlEDT19oodv15',':l. Boneral house- . : Monday momlng; price $150 each. Phone Tabor 1112. - aaT.. No 4 Smith-Premier typewriter; fine con- JrXto Ft5laV Tnd 0,. p- SSme phono i-ol ' 21" SCHOOL or working girl can have room or DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. F SL,E 6 C0W8' "d breed, all fresh dltlon; $40. C950 Oregonlan. ferred. 402 American Bank bldg.. Seattle. "ome pnono room and board In exchange for services. 5O8-509 Swetland bldg. WANTED Single road horse, two-seated 1 'his Spring and good milkers, age from : Wash. EXPERIENCED cloak and ult ie.iai.. 645 Tamhill st. surrey platform spring cutunder wagon. 2 years up; 4 miles west of Cedar Mills No. 2 L. C. Smith typewriter, used one Vtafe Texnerlence and itan wanu? T S' avtv ,t . j 1 ' BKTTBR than Hood River, closer to Por- good for 0000 or more; give phone num- on Cornell road, at the Stoffer place. In- year; $60. C961 Oregonlan. WANTED Young man. experienced tea and n"Sfiv, salary wanted. 1 9-, WANTED Up-ts-date dressmaker to work tland: Washington County fruit lands, $20 ber. E 921. Oregonlan. quire at L. s. Laundry. 214 Grand ave. . coffee salesman and solicitor, fine line ""gonian. ln smaII town ln southern Oregon. For par- per acre- easy cleared. Hoban & Taggart . ' AT 331 Market st., J cook stove and heater, 0r premiums good pay to right party; wivTpn xfiiiinAPV ,.,. tlculars addrecs Box 96, Oakland, Or. Allsky .l" laggart. poR SALE 1 set double harness, 1 delivery 2 HP. and 3 HP. vertical boilers complet. al.o dish closet. Call after noon. reference "equfred; 7rnin.nl poK WtA?e. pply Lowengar ?Fct? a2PXl .VTOn . 1 ' y wagon covered, and 1 horse, weight about with injector, etc.; absolutely new. less than Grand Union Tea Co.. 473 Washington st. street Lowengart ft Co.. 92 Front WANTED Attractive blonde, for new posing : 90 lbs. Call 381 East 7th st. South, or cost; Just the thing for bakers, poultrvmen, WALL map of City Portland for sale cheap. ; act- 0 in.; $25 weekly and expenses. FOR SALE IRRIGATED LANDS Phone East 788, dairymen, or anyone needing hot water, 515 Cham, of Com, Pac. 1955. SIDE line salesman for the strongest post- GIRL for general housework- muat be good Call A. M. only. 467 Montgomery st. FOR SALE-12 head ot young heavy draft T FOR SALE-English setter pups. 507 Love- o'v. tin llrZrT'i cook; 6 adults in family; $26. Main 4162. WANTED-Stenographer. good salary, short lEyardF AS .i a - - loS? SSg3 roof is NOW" A REALITY! . 7T Z T aU4 DSters,' 52 l foIL 14: other Pens' HELP WANTED MALE. HUSTLERS can make $100 to $500 month- BOOKKEEPING Private lessons $4 per Wt7E)DTI? maU Pr,lvate 'amily. oompe- Water is ruVmng in , ON. f"v dr iav'in J'cuwm "P- "d Ranch. Ballard. Wash. ly representing us. Send 10 stamps for nth. PhoMPMlflc , mITamI P ' MondJ aWfL houwork- --pply lh main canal down . y tdr'. Zhr.ll VZf, isna 1 1 A PBI7P wiMv.vn e . . Z 1 STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. full particulars to Overland Co-Opera- . Monday. 964 Corbett St. to Hooper and front sell at a sacrlHce. Phone East 4804. Tm1S1s?wt'?r For Men 250 Burnside Street. live Realty Association. Box 477, Seat- WANTED Competent woman to cook: with w.CTrn-p e ' ' thence ln lateral No. 1 . farm and grocery w.mn, bo ntn!is or win ""ordlng to Phone Main 5694. tie. Wash. references. Apply 653 Johnson st WATJ?" Refl,n?1- capable woman for r. to cover PA LOUSE ORCHARD'S 5 HOKr. farm and grocery wagons ho- P,lans T furnish designs to respon- . lli " sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth- The su"eJi this out Hubert kal? 2cT4th,est' rererene'e? G -eRar Or io, perlence- WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and SALESMEN WANTED Everywhere to WANTED A competent nurseglrl: mtutt h.V. "a 4" Washington. enterprise Is assured! out Hubert & Hall. 206 4th St. references. G 9-8, Oregonlan. eaies men. all lines. Commercial Abstract carry a side line new. popular, adver- references; wages $30. 730 Hoyt. .-,-,- DT m To he salitlied or this fact n-tvTrnTm.ii, .n.iirt nrt fo.t FOR eiic ..,, TT . Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. tised household specialty. Exceptional : . T . 1 iV V , , ' . Our'offlce tcfr7e ""hoOPER 'gSrWTSTSS TftLSKi HKi ORGANIZERS, granfraternity M organ- KSES?fr cS&ST food 'rSSftt JSSST will be irlad toPHOV YOU" eK a rnnvAr w4 h t' 'a snipped from Van- ization, new proposition; biff pay to right , Z r.X.ta K-HaVnesf l Ziegler.-BiyWas-"0- oderstando the SSWTSS ZJ? T? Zi W?!K SSoST"..1" WaSh,nKtn- ' MK7T ZrP?Per-?ZTTZ pflartifcu7aVraaddre.s UlSSSSS JS- LADY stenographer wanted; Remington wInLd-A girl to do cci r7 "aiVVacir $,50 ND-HAND piatform express wagon, ca- x-r-lSrSn : "wl.T 'J Eon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. chine used. V 950. Oregonlan. ti?T'&&? ijFJStfSt ,U r acre-:ao:rtvelrh'e Concluded Slh'd'Toy blacksmlth "ale-. Particular, at 209 Rothchild $36 a week and expense, to men with rig C. R. HANSEN. JR. DISHWASHER wanted at Adams" Restau- 12tb " ' Montgom.ry. . 10 advance the price 1 Zl K to Introduce poultry compound. Grant Employment Offlce Men's Department. rant. 23d and Savier. . 7 to $200 per sere on June.l. for S1LE Fine driving team with harness BIRDSEYE drerser 11,1) rl..u ,,... k.j k Co P1- Springfield. 111. 26 Norih Second 8t. , MAN with small capital can get Into good S..J-?h 'S SISP S.f " c.lltomori.w and get WTS, ZTXg'X ' " lrr acre by buving now but we uoempecner, in iiuamooK. r-aTi .1 rurnlt"re r 7-room house cheap. your shoes shlned free: halr-cuttlng 28 cents. Z . won t know f..r" certain " BLACK team weight about 2850 lo rrav Ankeny. The Model Barber Shop, 91 6th st. ATTORNEY wanted to take charge of R. WANTED An experienced waitress. Hobart- iiHA'S5N"? LADIES- AGENCY. tmlnu you tell us! teanT about 2 0 good f o? alL puos?. CASH REGISTER soda fountaio ZZT . ..- . J '. R. company's work; must Invest $5000 Crtla. 14th and Jefferson St.. M3' Washington St.. correr 7th. upstairs. Te 0? OTt nrRTUNITT- Cn beasSnt2aAnderr'.abre!- J, f W3Sr5 'S'St fS. nSn! JSi Pa"d Vuorl.TV.rTT GIRL or elderly woman for l.ght housework 7 !2! TlI'-'SlSllOATIOX ft POWER FOR SALE Good light road team, good tlLT1 Mnlay' Address Albany Planing Mill, Alb--y. Or. the next year. D 920. Oregonlan. mJj rb;byWThnonfe0rw'ooafawnUr0rk SZSTSSr'gS'lSfcEZ PortUnd of!lc'.?LI24rt',s'tark street. at one.""! 953rnoregoilanbarga'n " taken A CHANCE to bv ,o, c,rni. , Z ' WANTED Large, bright boy to learn the, MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster- WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- : ' U.-.I ortk-e at Hooper. Whitman County. at once. 1 in-egonian. chamber si?, mZn S .,?tap,2 ,rad'- Apply Oregon Plating Works, cor- mg and bricklaying: day and night: no ply usa Lovejoy st. mux ..... PTTT . . ' Washington. LANDAU In good condition, cheap: detailed cSScn. 18x4o VcSS cook ltc Ssomecr" " 19th a"d A'der "" 5,ook; J".,t,,T"SiUr"d;K trrSS ' OIRL to assist with housework. 289 -4th It. P. s.-The railway runs within half a information on application. N 953. Ore- pets. 2 rockers refrigerator ScnTon. h, Coyne National Trad. School. 2J0-240 8th WANTED Woman to bake few pie. dally at ' mile of everv tract and three railroads gonlan. roc-era, retngerator. I OB union ate NEAT Bright, honest demonstrating window St.. San Francisco. home. See manager Hotel Lenox. T , . will run through the new townslte of "Pa- mcvm ui nwvi tn-. , ZT7 salesman, handle razor; recommendations re- BOCLP WANTED MALE OB FEMALI. j:!Ur Fa is -Son to ut on th. HORSES, mare- rig. and harness ot all JustSm fctor'v cagued af $65mwl!i Q"'red. P 950. Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE SALESMAN Real estate In- GIRL for general housework. 2 in family. M(m Mw , - market. kind, for .ale 264 Mot.om.ri in for ttk p ! u 7. : T vestment carrying 15 per cent Interest; Call Monday morning. 230 10th st. 8000 MEN. women and children wanted to, kino, ror aie. Montgomery. piihrh ?'ri P00"1 224 -Ustoms House. WANTED Experienced sll-around man ln principal and 6 per cent guaranteed. Pick strawberries ln Hood River VallevJ TWO light wagons cheap- have been run but a f-igntn ana avis. - clothing store ; good position for right man. Splendid opportunltw, city work. X 921. GIRL to do cooking and general housework. 7he "eason will begin about the 18th of? short time. N 952. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A 7-room houseboat with run- Oregonlan. Oregonlan. 648 Lpvejoy st. nirnlsh'he ownmouTnt b o5'"'!6'1 ' WAyrKI REAL ErtTATB. HORSES for sale W. J. Kelly. Overland room- Taunch n'o.nd'iSinS!. WANTED Man to help around an apart- CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with A GOOD reliable girl for housework. Phone ha"ul 'them to -Sdfromhe' depS-Wood WANTED From owner. -room modern Stable.. 5th and Gllsan. t"rina Ad?ess A918 Oregonta S k" m5, houBe' g,m'v DOaj;d? "iary' ""-Pi llne: high commia-ions. with $100 East 1811. furnished and plenty of good water. Also house, between Morrison and Hawthorne a uregonian. Madison Court. Park and Madison sta. monthly advance; permanent position to good camping grounds. Your letter will not over fttXKl; give price and location. V A-l BLACK. 1100-pound mare, cheap; 7 BOX COUCH dining- chairs mattina- cbif wivrs-n . --,---h -,- -, l?hi man- ,era H' Smlth Co- Detroit, YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn th. be handed to a grower to answtr. thus 9.5. Oregonlan. year, old. 241 N. 17th. tonl davenportboj f imTttress.' hfirtop: Mn "Tnd ? SSZThoS Mlch- barber-, trade. 12 N. 4th st. ena bun yotmakedl rect arran gement. WANTED Acre tract with good Improve- HORSliJS for sale. Nobby Stables. 12th and Washington Mnday' 127 lltn t- near 11th and Stark. ' BALESMAN wanted for Portland to sell dl- ACTRESS and chorus girls who can sing. , and get a roJnd-tripTlck et! It l"s cheap"" erw!ihnernratlFn """ GASOLINE launch l f , BOYS WANTED 3 boys over 1. with K S5 'ZnXtZ JLi!4.: . SJiTuAW 8 gon: t0Kelher WU" ,fnng" FOR SAI E-A youths cowboy saddle and 7,, CK0W iT" " TsL' address lock box 9. Toledo. GIRL or woman wanted for light housework. ard. manager. Hood River, Or. "SheP W WTFD Modern to 8-room house re bridle $10. Phone IVoodlawn 1328. quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with EXPERIENCED house servants. Japanese so'nabl'y close ln : will exchange ; per ceit HORSE WANTED Sound and cheap. Call boathQ-se. W 73. Oregonlan. HAVE you $400 to Invest with services ln WANTED Reliable man for position in a GIRL for general housework. 14$ N. 17th Chinese or white. Japanese man and bomls: price not to exceed $5000. V tts. at 313 14th st. South. TWO fresh j . T '?cS.M'n' business opportunity? Address business as partner; experience unnoces- between Hoyt and Irving. ' wife preferred; small family, good wages Onogonlon. HawthoTie carlfn? m7 Tr? h "J V 938. Oregonlan. . sary; pay active man $25 a week: $200 , . Apply 691 Hancock today or Monday TEAM FOR SALE6 and 7 years old, "e pu" PSne, East 4!? ' & C'" WANTED -drv-good sa'lesman and, book-' required. Particulars 248 Stark st. , GIRI. wanted for general housework. 349 Pbaa C 1306. " Jttonday- WANTED A neat 5 or 6-room house, mod- 2700. 646 E. Madison. Phone E. 2991. - ' " Etp T a r ST su wuS, 7 2th st.. North. rrn. convenient to car. price about $2700. FOR SALE Chean- m.hIan. ZZZZZZZZ7 T1 c0" w wasning- LEARN watcnmaalng. engraving and op- . , STENOGRAPHERS to take our night s--hool THE M. FLORA CO.. 215 Oregonlan bldg. J150 FOR horse, buggy and harness. Call desk and chal fine st??l M-rrf: Ucs: essy tenris: position, secured; money WANTED Girl for general housework; course in bookkeeping for positions at $50 Tabor 144 A 1 i engravings; - - - - - earned while learning. Watchmaking, En- family of two. Ca 1 at 302V4 Park st to e0- Business University. Worcester MODERN HOUSE WANTED 8 or T rooms. velvet rug. 9x12. Call Monday. 207 14th. WANTED Good drug and dental salesmen graving School, eor. 4th and Pike. Seatt!.. .block. "Chester strictly modem, ln good location; will pay Automobile. ALMOST new six hoi. -, ZTT -Z.-f ' commlMlon- t j ; GIRL wanted for general housework; good H to 3500. F P50, Oregonlan. " . A Ms J. f10" ra nge . with coils; 800 Dekum. HONEST, sober, registered druggist; splen- wages. Apply 58 Ella St. WAITRESSES, city; pantry, chamber, cook- - 19(r- stoppard-DATTOV tourlna- car SfiHl' y Monday. 447 E. did judce of salable goods: successful lng, family, dlsher, help- farm hands W ANTE D To purchas. equity In one or ""iw ?SyVDtouAriVgcar,0,Ir,n,r urz, . ceneS'prosttfon -ndpirpromoUon1 So P'a? al?an: "'o f TCeSStUl " ANTED Flrst-class Preiser; th. best only milk)." eliphon.' Dpakcs." Wn! cVV9n63-.m..nMUBt e We" ,0" V" 'Z'", C" EXHIBITION moving picture machine. 20O0 ..PTP'C"0P 'n1 Proro"n- 400 bustnes. history. M 896. Oregonlan. nee- apply. Dye Works. 445 Gllsan J. Ington. TSars'Va.nra-ldTri on " . Hall. 266 . m,ta, -0,h.n Ap. ASSISTANT manager, weekly newspaper. GOOD woman cook in private boarding-house; LADY or gentleman .0 take charge of otflc. MODERN 6-room house or bungalow, close Cadillacs and Pierce-Arrows and must be ' "" , ilv oSroa P adna rU coni ' IM experienced var lous d epytments; write good place for right party. Call 251 7th. In good paying business, with half lnt.r- k.rMTfaTd-iS,U"f,,e",, -;dd once; no rea-onabl. offer re- For LE-One good -.sss wall case, ao -no Z32? sts.'""" glSSE""1 GIRL or woman for general housework. 832 -a""''a'' K 957, Oregonlan. FOUR OR FIVE ACRES In suburb. 'with lanWJMTOi ' House. 167 Front st. Phone PMaln P."0" WANTErMovlng J LIVE men with strong personality ,0 lfJ: . hr'SS cTSli k-SZ.8ZZZ&. "'" AUTOMOBILE. 6 H. P.. .ing.eMnder. air- "i&Zti 'Zetween f? ST.! V'f Vir" '' - -n. . cooled. 2-seated runabout for sale reasona- day or Sunday, mornings. 1145 fhnZin nn ivpht hov 18 must know su.t Louis. YOUN'O lady or gentleman who can play and I HAVE .bout $2000 I want to Invest, house ble. 14S0 Macadam Road. , mom ngs. ii4j Tnurman. DELIVERY boy over must know East ; NEAT girl for second work. 695 Davis, be- ins 'n theater. V 941. Oregtmian. and lot or vacant lot. not too far out; pre- FRESH COWS some good Tersevs no i2 willing to work. 375 E Morrl- E WANT represertattves in all cities and -tween 21st and 22d. , fer East Side. S 964, Oregonlan. P HIGH-SPEED roadster automobile for sale. Herfold 1st-" tak? S?lwood ca? Phor. "00" t?w "??' the""fr00d pay: " HOUSE of 7 or 8 om. on West Side. In III? l'JS Se.lwood 1171. ' ' V SS. "aaf lve' bsl. uHS?" " B1TUATION WANTED MALK. Xhl.Fo7egont-nW'U W r AUTOMOBILE. 12 horsepower, ho.ding 5 iigZrm'SSSrlZ DENTISTS wgnunj: all-around men to ... WATED-A 'girl for dlnlng-room work.' Bookkeeper, and Clerk, peop'.e. Price low; cash or real estate. half price. M 952. Oregonlan " YOUNG man about 17 years, must be pro- cSai.0..t llart ,,1 2"" OUt2f the Th Norton. 12th and Morrison. HARDWARE MAN. with 8 years' expert- TSTJ-TfM- OLD VIOLIN3 and stringed lMtrum.nt. " "" Uorr- CM BEST wage, for first-Cas. wa,W draper. wl?e. V.ulon samTn; d" b"d- Abl-"n" 8ToA-reNC.eE m 'EWIoTF WAXTEtt-Boy of good parentage ,0 learn FOREMAN wsnted for sash, door anO fixtu "U-- b.dg.. loth and Washington. references. HP,52 Oxonian. CITY real estate to exch.nro for Hood ij, ' " "Chane" HaU- -68 Tllford bid... 10th and Morriao, -U. drug business. P.rkln. Hotel Pharmacy. factory: good salary to nrst-c.ass ; goc3 WANTED-A girl for housework, small OFFICE work by young man quick and Rltr land. 4n Chamber of Commerce. . VERY stylrsh rsceptlon gown, never worn; 1. m9 18 'dou.8 J.ll.g IpoK sijj, reference, required. O. M. Hansen, Salem. family. 57Q E. Madl.on st. curate at figures; neat, legible hand; mod- A"8U A.eLTV Srewon?aSm: tomP" rTri"'1 ,SOi "e" tOT $1S" m 83QHS WANTED-GIrl to help with general house- "ate saiary; reference.. O 953. Oregonlan. COTTAGE WANTED- or 4 rooms, modern. . -I Phone Eaat 328. WANTED Hustling salesman to take $1000 work. Main 2416 or call 3 N. 7th St. WANTED Position by young man expert- f nr-Ii-i ! ; "a" '''Mt cash price. F AUTOMOBILE for sale cheap for cash. D SCHOLARSHIP in. International Corre- iSsS S salesmen wanted. Call at room 9. .tock in a TOyoratlon having established enced in groceries and general store work; Oregonlan. 958, Oregonlan. - spondence schools of Scranton. Pa.. chw '. iraoSi "rSiii. n EOB wltb- stock. GIRL for housework ; fami y of two; must references. O 954, Oregonlan. ' - , h . QOq , L 927. Oregonlan. be good cook. Flat 1. 521 Everett st. . WANTEDTo buy for cash, vacant -lot; AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade. D 967. Ore- f"" 90- Oregonlan. Ser3lowrd? S, '""Si Ut V mattre ., tr.v.. T POSITION In general merchandise .tore; ,2 give price and location first letter. D 929. gonlan. FOR SALE; Stock In established mfg. com- """ Edwards Co.. 191 1st A hZn,,l ,n Zr, fTf." ?al? hy WANTED Experienced tick .ewer. J. H. years' experience: best reference.. N. gf Oregonlan, . . nenv- w-tll ov ner tvnt anri av., . v, TT 7TT T ' reliable house to salesmen to visit dealers. oltring. 348 1st st. Berg General Delivery. . pia-o- pany. will ray -5 Wrcent and oer. InveaU- WANTED Upholsterer and couch maker. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co Chi- -erg, general -.en.ery. . WANT TO FITY Two lots between Stark K J. H. Woltrlng. 348 1st st. cago. ' a NURSE girl to assist in second work. Ap- WANTED By young boy. position CJ and Hawthorn, on E. ,4th . I75E. NElton piano. ,,25; need money. It 936, FOR SALE-40 buffet. ,20; $53 steel range. WE IfMor- for our members; WANTED All-rond printer who can op- P'y rth 21st st. " ttVtTolS . -1 . - lmn Bl- clal membership. Y. M. C. A. erate a Simplex. Glacier, Hood River. Or. GIRL or woman to assist In housework FINE horse and buggy, v.lu. $250. as part FOR RENT Piano. Hallet ft Davis, ln good FOR SALE Complete moving picture outfit- PLATEN nressfeeder AoDlr Ore-on cZZ, pi i-mbi-H lohher w.-t.- .... X ApPly 820 6th' W A NT ED Situation by expert bookkeeiyr; pay on vacant lota. S (K.2. dregontan. condition. 452 Mcrrl,n. cor. 13th. Uue and b. 419 MarquaS, bld,.Utflt- ?gjr5--!XSl j 'W'SSSSS SKIRT e.p wanted. 415 Washington st. Salj Vhone'S''