The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1908, SECTION TWO, Image 13

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Pages 1 to 12
NO. 20.
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The stout chain cable of fifty-eight sturdy yearly links holds this great store close to the principle on which it
. was founded: "Good merchandise only; Quality considered, our prices are always the lowest. " Yearly we celebrate
this anniversary, making it the great sales event of the year. Last year it attracted the largest crowd of shoppers that
ever attended any sale held in Portlands This year, with a wealth of bargains that surpasses all previous events, we ex
pect to make our FIFTY-EIGHTH the banner anniversary year. The variety of the offerings, the uniformity of their
exceptionally high character, their extreme desirability and seasonable nature, are all features that make this the great
est of bargain events ever held. Nowhere else in America has any store ever devoted three full pages of advertisements strictly
to bargains. In every way more generous values than you ever dreamed of. ' Remember that every one of these 58th Anni
versary offerings was bought for you especially for this occasion under unusual price concessions. It is the especial purpose
of this sale to give you a dollar's worth and more for FIFTY-EIGHT CENTS. . It means bargains unparalleled in Portland
merchandising. Shop early, crowds will be enormous. 250 extr a clerks to wait on you. Get a shopping guide at the door.
$6.50 Net Waists, $2.69
$5 Lingerie Waists $2.38
Hundreds of new Net Waists in ecru and white, made with cluny
insertion, fine novelty lace and ribbon trimmings; all have elbow
sleeves and are made over silk. Selling
regularly up to $6.50. 58th Anniversary
Sale Price
350 dainty Lingerie Waists, made of finest sheer lawns and lin-
gerie. with lace insertions, medallions and Valenciennes lace
trimmings. New elbow sleeves with lace gf V f
edgings. Selling up to $5.00. 58th Anni- N J a
versary Sale price "i
See big corner window display. These are only two of the many waist bar
gains in this sale, which are not advertised for lack of space.
$8.75 Petticoats, $4.43
It would be impossible to buy the silk in
these garments at retail for the sale price
of $4.43. It's a fortunate purchase of 170
Petticoats of best and heaviest quality taf-
feta silk, splendidly made, with section
flounce, shirred and tucked ; come in black,
gray, green, white, red, brown and navy.
While they are regularly sold at $8.75,
they're really $10.00 value.
58th Anniversary Sale
price only
Get a Shop
ping Guide
at the Door
$1.00 Pictures, 15c
Famous Rmington Wild West Pictures,
notable for their technique, as well as
the pulsating life and vivid color.
Formerly $1.00; 58th Anniver- 1 C
sary Sale price O C
$1.75 Pastels, 98c
Exquisite Pastel Landscapes, variety of
subjects, in modest gilt frames, $1.75
values; 58th Anniversary Sale QQ
price wOC
50c Pennants, 25c
All 50c and 60c Pennants of every col
lege and school in America.. Large
size. 58th Anniversary Sale HP
price 3C
Diabolo at Vz Price
Diabolo Sets, finest make, for the great
new sport played everywhere;
58th Anniversary Sale 2
$3.25 Jars, $L65
300 Russian Hammered Brass Bowls,
suitable for fern dishes, etc. CJ 1 JC
Regular $3.25 values V vO
35c Stationery, 23c
Eaton-Hurlbut's regular 35c boxed
Stationery, finest quality, latest size and
shape; 58th Anniversary OO.
Sale OC
Postcard Albums
Postcard Albums, to hold 200 to OQ
250 cards, 45c value. tSJC
Postcard Albums, to hold 500 to 7Q
650 cards, $1.25 value OC
100 Engrav'd Cards
100 Visiting Cards, in five styles of lat
est script, printed on best vellum cards,
from engraved copper plate; plate and
100 cards together; $2.00 1 f
value J
100 "Visiting Cards, printed from your
copper plate on best vellum
cards; special
100 Engraved Wedding Invitations or
Announcements, with double tQ AtZ
envelopes, reg. $16.50 value. 0
"To Call Thee Mine," "The Rose and
the Breeze" (Red Feather), "My Very
Own." "Red Wing," "Smarty," "I'm
Afraid to Come Home in the Dark,"
"Hello, Mr. Stein," "Nobody Knows
the Answer," "Noah" (Marie Cahill),
"Bye By, Dearie," "Home, Sweet
Home, Sounds Good to Me."
20c Stockings, 10c
Children's excellent lxl ribbed black
cotton Stockings, double heels, "1 f
soles and knees ; only for this sale "C
$1 Razor Strop 45c
Reppenhagen's fine Razor Strops of fine
grade Russian leather, with linen A C
nanvus ha-fc. $1 (10 trains I3C
500 Highest-Class Tailored Suits
Vals. to $85 Sale, $28Zg
Vals. to $48go Sale, $19g
LOT NO. i Highest class Novelty Tailor-Made Suits, of all the
finest imported materials, in plain colors and fancy novelty cloths, in
cluding white serges. Made in the newest, choicest styles in most
instances only one of a kind; a great many are imported sample gar
ments in the newest pastel shades, including white. The skirts are made
in the newest gored and flare effects. Selling regu- rt nn 'TK
larly up to $85.00. 58th Anniversary Sale Price pOi.O
Lot No. 2 Highest-Class 'Tailor-Made Suits, in fine tailored and novelty
trimmed styles. There are Prince Chap and jacket suits, finely man-tailored
and of finest materials, with plain and fancy silk linings. Also Novelty
suits, with butterfly sleeves trimmed with fancy and plain braids, lined
with self-colored and striped silks. The skirts are all in the latest gored
land flare styles. Selling regularly up to $48.50. 58th f CL C
Anniversary Sale price JL700
Fine Pongee, Rajah and Taffeta Silk Coats
Selling Regularly to $75 for $21.50
A large purchase of Imported sample models of finest Long Coats and Capes
enables us to offer these most extraordinary bargains. The assortment corn
bines about 73 Coats of finest quality pongee silk in the correct tan shades; also
50-inch Novelty Taffeta Silk Coats in black, made in loose and fitted styles; some
airiined with white silk. All the newest and most up-to-date
ideas in sleeves and trimmings are represented in this novel
display. Selling regularly to $75. 58th Anniversary Sale
$8.50 Jaunty Box Coats
30-inch Jaunty Box Coats of all-wool fancy striped and checked materials in light
and dark shades. Strictly tailor-made, with velvet collars and coat (JJf 713
sleeves; selling regularly to $8.50. 58th Anniversary sale price pEZ4!5
for Ladies A J 15
and Misses tpX.Z $
43c Underwear 29c
Women's fine swiss ribbed Vests, low neck,
no sleeves, either trimmed or plain, on
43c quality tiJC
75c Swiss Ribbed Vests, 47c
Women's extra fine swiss ribbed Vests, mer
cerized lisle or cotton, crochet edge A T
or lace trim ; 75c quality r
$1.25 Swiss Ribbed Vests, 83c
Extra fine swiss ribbed "Vests, lisle thread,
cotton or mercerized, beautifullytrim 'd QO,i
and finished. Reg. $125 quality OOC
Children's Dresses
Children 's colored gingham and chambray
Dresses, made in Buster, French, guimpe and
plaited styles, in blue, pink and oxblood. Sizes
2 to 6 years. Values to $1.50
$5.00 Children's Coats, $3.38
Children's colored cloth Box Coats and
length Reefers, fancy stripe and plain colored
materials; sizes 2 to 6 years; val
ues to $o; 58th Anniversary
( Reg. $2 Gowns $1.29
Extra quality long cloth Gowns, with em-'
broidery yoke, ribbon trimming, etc. Regular
$2.00 value; 58th Anniversary djl OQ
Sale price J) X
$1.00 Cambric Drawers, 59c
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers,
regulation and circular cut, dainty embroidery
and lace trimming, values to $1.00; CQ
Anniversary Sale OJC
$1.65 Combination Chemise, 98c
Fine nainsook Combination Chemise, dainty
iace, Deamng, etc. Values to QQ
$1.65; Anniversary Sale.
J1.00 Dt oxygen, 1-lb. bottle, Owl cut
rate 67
$1.00 Herplcide, Owl cut rate... 57i
J1.25 Syrup of Hypophosphites, Owl cut
rate. . . 37
oOc Murine Eye Remedy, Owl cut
rate 44
60c Olive OQ, G'nt'd Pure 2 for 67c
35c"Bestof all" Witch Hazel, Pt. 1 8c
50c Absorbent Cotton 1 -lb pkge 29c
60c Bland's Pills, 6 -grain, 100 to bottle.
Owl cut rate ...29
20c Compound Licorice Powder, Owl cut
rate ; ; . . .14
J1.00 Aseptlne, Dr. Lister's formula. Owl
cut rate 67
25o Aseptlne,' Owl cut rate 16J
25c Oregon Kidney Tea, Owl cut rate..l4
25c Boracic Acid, Owl Cut Rate 14c
50c Emerson's Bromo Seltzer, 37c
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 69c
25c Oregon Kidney Tea. Owl cut rate 14i
35c Henderson's Kidney and Backache
Pills. . 14c
25c Man-drake Liver Pills, Owl cut
rate X2d
35c genuine German Malt Extract, out
rate 19
Moth Balls, large size pkg., cut rate..8d
Sulphur Candles for fumigating, cut
rate 5
50c Derma Viva, Owl Cut Rate 39c
25c Espey's Cream, Cut Rate i6c
25c Sanitol Face Cream Sale 1 6c
50c Solution Five Chlorides, Owl cut
rate. 35
Be Chloride of Lime, Owl cut rate 2
75c-tl.O0 Rosewood, Ebony and Satinwood
Back Hair Brushes, cut rate 45
25c large size Bath Sponges, cut rate..9
50c-75c Rubber Gloves, all sizes and
colors 39
25c Pond's Ex tracf Cream Sale 17c
25c Mennen Talcum Sale Price 14c
25c Cuticura Soap, Cut Rate 16c
60c Ajax Toilet Paper, cut rate, dnz..30c
BOc Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, Owl cut
rate 33(i
50c Eastman's Benzoine and Almond
Cream, 8-oz. size. Owl cut rate 23
50c Graham's Koumes Cream, Owl cut
rate 33
25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 14c
25c Eastman's Tooth Powder, 14c
50c Eastman's Crushed Rose and Violet
Talcum, 1-lb. size. Owl cut rnte 18
20c Bradley's Woodland Violet Tal
cum 12
25c Borodont Tooth Paste, Owl cut
rate. . . . 12
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 1 6c
25c Pears' Scented Soap only 13c
1 0c Sapolio, Scouring or Hand 5t
75c Glycerine Soap, large size cake,
dozen 45
25c box Glycerine, Violet and Sandalwood
Soap, 3 cakes In a box...- 19
2oc Breast Pumps. Owl cut rate
11.75 2-qt. White Combination Syringe, 3
hard rubber pipes, guaranteed. .$1.19
$1.50Gouraud'sOrient'l Cream 93c
$1.00 Listerine, Owl Cut Rate 59c
25c Formaldehyde Torches at 16c
25c Best Nursing Bottles. 2 for 25
40c-50c Japanese Nail Brushes, Owl cut
rate 19
I. ic Soaptree Bark, Owl cut rate 9
15c pkg. Lavender Flowers, cut rate..9e
15c Powdered Orris Root, Owl cut rate SC
4-oz. Pkg. Pure Powdered Borax 3 c
50c California Syrup of Figs, 36c
35c Violet Ammonia, Cut Rate 18c
10c pkg. Copperas, Owl cut rate 6J
25c Effervescing Sodium Phosphate, cut
rate 19
Corn Plasters, round, ovaii thick or
thin. . 7i
II. 00 Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery 75d
10c Cascara Bark, Cut Rate 5c
50c Wyeth's Eff. Vichy Salts 29c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla, sale 78c
15c Bicarbonate of Soda. 1-lb. package 5
10c pkg. Epsom Salts. Owl cut rate....5
15c pkg. Buchu Leaves, cut rate 9
60c bottle Cuticura Resolvent, cut
rate 36i
, ..... . 'I
- - J)