The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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"Nemo Week" Continues Until May 23d-Great Sale and Demonstration by Manufacturers New ModelsExpert Fitters 2d Floor
The Meier & Frank Store-The Meier & Frank Store-TEe Meier & Frank Store-The Meier & Frank Store
We're After Summer -Stocks With the "
Agents for
B utterick
ft ft rg & ft '
Backward season has started us doine nolice dutv in everv deoartment All lasrxards and loiterers eiven the "Move On" "Move On" sign -We must be the
custodians of our own stocks We must compel surplus stocks to "move on" in this store Stagnation is the death of trade; no lazy departments here When
new, high-class merchandise refuses to move for one reason or another, we get busy doing police duty We go after them with the " Big Stick " and prices are rad
ically and effectively lowered and the natural result is that seasonable, fashionable and desirable goods start to "move on" and at a lively gait These are the facts
of the story we have to tell today -Summer merchandise will commence moving tomorrow because no shrewd buyer will pass up tfoe wonderful money-saving op
portunities to be found throughout the entire establishment - All Mail Orders will be given the prompt and careful attention of our experienced corps of shoppers
New Silk Walking Skirts
Vals. to $22 at $8.45
TJie season's greatest bargain in women's high-grade Silk
Walking Skirts 300 of them all new, beautiful styles, in
rajah, taffeta and peau de soie. The color assortment in
cludes tans, brown, copper, Copenhagen, navy and black;
styles are full pleated, kilt effects and plain flare, also 15
gore skirts, trimmed bias folds, stitched taffeta bands and
braid; all new, pretty styles; values up to CO
$22.00 each; your choice at this low price, each. 0"J
35c-40c Hosiery at 19c Pair
3000 pairs of women's fine Hosiery in lace, dropstitch and
plain styles, medium weight; seamless and full-fashioned,
also gauze lisles and embroidered cottons ; black and 1 Qf
tans, all sizes, 812 to 10; regular 35c and 40c values.
1000 $8 Silk and Net
Dress Waists at $3.98
Great special offering of women's Net, Fancy and Tailored
Dress Waists, in messaline silks, taffeta silks and foulard silks,
trimmed in lace and medallions, pin tucks, fine pleating, fancy
buttons, etc.; fasten front,, side or back; long or short sleeves;
plain colorings, checks, plaids and stripes tan, cream, Copen
hagen, champagne, pink, blue, brown, green and black; great
assortment. Regular values up to $8.00 each, QR
on sale at this special low price, the garment. yJ7U
Heatherbloom Petticoats $2.28
1000 best grade Heatherbloom Petticoats, full flare, 15-inch dou
ble flounce, tucks, pleating, shirring and pleated ruffle; black
only; best regular $3.50 values;. your choice while DO Oft
they last at this exceptionally low price, garment.S''-'
5000 Pairs Silk Gloves
$2.50 Values at $1.73
5000 pairs of new best quality Milanese Silk Gloves, double
tipped fingers, all the best makes; black, white, tans, browns,
etc.; sizes 5Y2 to" 8 ; -values ranging from $2.00 up to $2.50
a pair. Anticipate your Summer needs at, the pair. .$1.73
Mail and phone orders will be promptly and carefully filled.
1000 pairs of women's 16-button-length Chamois Gloves in
white and natural, all sizes, 5y2 to 7; best regu- d 1 QI
lar $3.00 values, on sale at, special, .the pair.P
Mail orders will be given very prompt and careful attention.
The greatest value in the city in new Cape Gloves for misses
and children; "Dent" style, 1-clasp, all the best shades of
tan; sizes 0000 to 4, for children 6 months to 16 QC
years of age; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, pair.
A very large showing of new Gauntlet Gloves for women,
misses and children, in all grades and at all prices. See them.
10 G N"S- IV
300 Summer Costumes
40.00 Valqes at $ 1 8.45
Portland's Largest and Best Cloak Store places
on sale tomorrow a remarkable special lot of
300 women's Linen Princess and Princess Jum
per Suits in this season's prettiest styles at a
price that will attract an enthusiastic throng of
eager buyers The assortment includes white,
cream, light blue, pink, tan, reseda, copper;
also fancy stripes in a splendid variety Some
have lace yoke and sleeves, or kimono sleeves;
others trimmed in dainty laces and embroideries
or heavily braided All new, up to date; stylish
Summer apparel of the highest grade All sizes,
values to $40 each Take
your pick tomorrow, each
Great values in Tailored
Suits Great values in Silk
Petticoats Great values
in Cotton Waists Great
values in Coat Sweaters.
Elevator, to Second Floor
Portland Agents for
Butterick Patterns
Toilet Articles
To "Move On
' 1 Hl
- .... v J
' t o
Graves' Tooth Powder, sp'1.14
Pompeiian Massage Cream.. 59
Robertine Face Powder at.. 39
Pond's Extract of Cream at.39
Idaline Face Powder, special. 23
Benzoine and Almond Cream. 19
50c French Perfumes at, sp'1.29i
Lustrite Cuticle Softener at. .17
2-quart Fountain Syringe at.49
All-rubber Syringes, special.. 49
"Life Buoy" Soap at, cake...4i
Rainier Mineral Soap, special . . 7
M. & F. Toilet Soap, dozen cakes,
on sale at this special price. . 25
Dennison's Paper Doilies, pretty
floral patterns, at, per dozen.. 8
Dennison's Paper Lunch Sets, all
patterns, 25c values, at, set.l6i
Ideal Art Stationery fine quality
Linen Writing Paper; regular 35c
values, on sale at, per box.. 23
Veil Pin Sets, gold and colored en
amel; 75c values, at, the set.39
All Toilet Goods at lowest prices.
New Ribbons Less Than Mill Prices
The Ribbon Department is greatly overstocked with new, desirable merchandise The
" Move On " Sale enables shrewd buyers to supply every need in Ribbons at a saving
175,000 yards of changeable Messaline Ribbons, 6
inches wide, for millinery and other pur- 1
poses; regular 35c values, special, the yard.
75,000 yards of heavy Satin Ribbon, 3 and 3'2 ins.
wide; in black, white and all the leading I Of
shades; regular 35c and 40c value, at, yard.
3000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 3 inches wide;
comes in black, white and all colors; the 11
best regular 20c values, at, special, yard.
20,000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 5 inches
wide; in black, white and all colors; best 1 '
regular 25c value, on sale at, special, yard. w
20,000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 6 inches
wide; in black, white and all colors; the "f
best regular 40c value, on sale at, the yard.C
13,000 yards of fancy Warp Print and All-Silk Rib
bons, 5 inches wide; come in all colors; best "lf
regular 35c value, on sale at, special, yard.''
50,000 yards of 5-inch Moire Ribbons; come in black,
white and all the best staple shades; the
regular 40c value, on sale at, special, yard."'
20,000 yards of heavy fancy Ribbons, warp prints.
Dresdens and Jacquards; 4V& and 5 inches i
wide; regular 75c and 85e values, at, yard."'
15,000 yards of the best
heavy all-silk fancy Rib
bons, 6 to 8 inches wide,
all beautiful styles; $1
and $1.25 values, CLff L, j.,
on sale at, yard" v
Wonderful values in narrow Silk
and Wash Ribbons, at prices rang
ing from 8c to 57c a piece 10-yard
pieces. Take advantage of this sale.
50,000 yards of new Wash Batiste, Lawns and Swisses ; all
the new styles and colorings, in marvelous assort- 1 Kf
ment and exceptional value, at this special price, yd.
500 pieces of fine white nainsook, 3(i inches wide, 12 yards
to a piece; regular value, $2.25; your choice of 1
500 pieces at this unusually low price, the piece.?
500 pieces fine French and Scotch Ginghams fast colore,
beautiful styles for Summer dresses, misses' and O
children's apparel; best values in city, yd., 30c and. w JC
$5 Curtains $3.95
1000 pairs of fine Lace Curtains, Irish points, Clunys, Marie
Antoinettes and. corded Arabians; great variety of the very
best patterns ; 2 and 3 "yards long, 50 inches C O Q C
wide; the best regular $5.00 values, at, the pair. V
Sale extraordinary of Table Covers, l1 yards square, heavy
tapestry material, floral and Oriental designs, best colorings,
fringed all around. Great values, at the following prices:
$1.00 Table Covers, ea., 63 $1.60 Table Covers, ea., 98
Regular $3.50 Table Covers at this special price, ea., $1.95
Curtain Corners 59c
1005 sample Corners of high-grade Lace Curtains, selling at
prices from $5 to $15 a pair; these sample corners are I14
yards long and from 45 to 50 inches wide, and suitable for
small windows of all kinds, transoms, door panels, etc.; they
are samples of Irish points, Marie Antoinettes, etc., CTQf
and all marvelous value at this special low price, ea.''
500 weathered oak Stools, 19 inches high, top 12 Qm
inches square; every stool reg". $1 value; choice, ea.'''
We are sole Portland age'nts for "Vudor" Porch Shades.
$2 Lace Veils at 98c
Women's fine Chantilly Lace Veils, handsome patterns, in
small and large designs; black, white, gray, brown, navy and
red; iy2 and 2 yards long; regular $2.00 values, each.. 98
Women's Chiffon Auto Veils, 3 yards long, nicely hemmed
and made from fine French chiffon; in black, white, light
blue, pink, lavender, gray, brown; $2.00 values, at.. $1.18
"Merry Widow" Net Veils, edged with taffeta ribbon 1
yards square; black, brown, navy, alice, light CO fQ
blue, etc.; regular $4.00 and $5.00 values, each.SOif
"Move On" Undermuslins
2000 pairs of cambric and
nainsook Drawers, trim'd
in lace and embroidery;
wide ruffle and fitted
waistband; great variety
to select from; the best
regular $1.25 val- JQr
ues, at, special, pr.
W o m e n 's cambric and
nainsook Gowns, trimmed
in dainty embroideries
and laces, tucks and inser
tions; high or low neck;
long or short sleeves; the best regular $2.50 P 1 f
values, on sale at this special price, the garment. V
Special lot of Maids' Aprons, made of lawn,, with
plain hem and bib: regular 40c values, on sale at, ea.
Special lot misses' and children's white Underskirts, trim'd
in laces and embroideries, tucks and insertion; pretty styles,
great values, on sale at the following special low prices:
Reg? $1.75 values at $1.22 Eeg. $2.50 values at S1.69
Children's cambric and nainsook Nightgowns, made high and
low neck and trimmed in laces and embroid- CI 1 Q
eries: regular $1.50 and $1.75 values, for, each.M'
Special lot of children's closed Drawers, made of cambric
and nainsook and trim'd in laces and embroideries; CTT f.
"Move On" Carpet Specials
2000 Utopia Axminster
Rugs in the very best pat
terns and colorings;" two
immense lots ; extraordi
nary values. Third Floor.
24i48-inch, each, $2.35
50x60-inch, each, $3.35
2000 yds. Smith's Axmin
ster and Velvet Carpets,
good patterns and combi
nations. A great special
value at this low price
sewed, laid and lined yard take advantage of sale.. 98
Kashmir Rugs Greatly Reduced
Three sizes of Kashmir Rugs at exceptionally low prices;
best designs and colorings ; best values ever offered. 3d floor.
7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, on sale at, each. .$8.45
9 by 12 feet, on sale at this special low price, each. .$9.95
10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, at this special price, ea.$12.5Q
Complete stock of "Crex" Rugs for porches, Summer homes;
best patterns and colors, very low prices. , Let us show you.
Oriental Rugs at one-fourth off regular price. Third Floor.
"Move On" Easem'nt Bargains
Kitchen and Household Furnishings at Saying
Prices. Come early
Tea and Coffee Strainers
at this low price, ea.lO
25c Sink Strainers. .19
Best Egg Whips, each. 4
10c Soap Holders, ea.8
20c E x t e nsion Strainers
at this low price, ea.l7
Mrs. Potts' Iron Holders,
at this low price, ea.ll
Wire Potato Mashers. 2&
Regular 25c Frying Pans on sale at this low price, ea. .19J
Regular 75c Square-Pointed Shovels, at this low price.. 55
Axes, priced regularly at $1.00, on sale at, special, ea..65
No. 7 Nickel Tea Kettles on sale at this low price, ea. .94
No. 9 Nickel Tea Kettles on sale at this low price, ea.$l,OT
2-quart Nickel Coffee Pots on sale at, special, each.. 87
1-quart Nickel Tea Pots, on sale at, special, each.. 82
100 Hose Reels, great special value at this price, each..79
One-half -gallon Water Pitchers, fancy patterns, each..43fr
4-piece Glass Table Sets, on sale at, special, the set.. 49
Plain Glass Table Tumblers at the special price, of, each. 4
Common Table Tumblers on sale at, special, the dozen. .30
7-piece Glass Berry Sets, at this special price, the set. .49
"Move On" Laces-Emb'deries
45-inch Nets for making
sleeves, yokes, waists, etc.
Plain and figured filet,
plain and figured Notting
hams, also Calais nets; all
new, pretty styles; regu
lar values up to CQ
$1.50 the yard for. J't
New 45-inch Dotted Nets
in black, navy, brown, etc.,
for veils, costumes, waists,
etc.; very handsome styles
and marvelous values, at the following low prices, the yard :
Regular $1.25 Nets at 87 Regular $1.75 Nets at $1.29
$4.00 Embroideries 98c yd.
5000 yards of fine embroideries, comprising beautiful flounc
ing 18 to 45 inches wide, bands, galloons and medallions in
swiss, batiste and cambric; eyelet, baby Irish and Japanese
effects; suitable for trimming waists, gowns and women's
undermuslins; values up to $4.00 a yard, on sale at, yd. 980s
2000 yards of Oorset Cover Embroidery, worked on crossbar
dimity; a new idea; regular $1.00 value, on sale at, yd. 49
5000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and
Insertion, 1 to 9 inches wide; 40c value, at, the yard.. 15