The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1908, Image 1

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    64 Pages
Pages 1 to 12
Both Houses Tell Com
mittees to Act.
Discord Reigns in In
terstate Board.
Two Members Employ Sons as
Confidential Clerks.
One Traveled With Father at Gov
ernment Expense, Now Studies
Law Working Clerks Jealous.
. Deudlock on Spokane Case.
WASHINGTON, May 16. (Special.)
In administration circles it is well
known that perfect peace and brotherly
love do not exist 'any ' longer in the
ranks of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission. There has been no open breach,
but the smoldering fires have been
smoldering so long that a tiny flame
now and then tries to burst out, though
it ia extinguished before It has a chance
to do much harm. The discord that ex
ists in the commission is likely soon to
lead to a few minor changes, and some
"confidential clerks" are likely to lose
' their positions or ''sinecures," &a same
of the commission call them. The
charge of nepotism In a small way Is
laid at tne door of at least two of the
Sinecures Given Their Sons.
A long time ago some of the commis
sioners thought it might be well to
lighten their burdens. In order to do so,
they succeeded in securing the right and
the appropriation necessary to employ
one "confidential clerk" to each com
missioner. The salary was fixed at $2000
a year, but, of course, the duties of the
new position were never defined.
Not much was said regarding the mat
ter when two of the commissioners, the
only ones who have availed themselves
of the privilege, selected and appointed
their own sons to the positions of "con
fidential clerk." For several year3 one
of the commissioners used to take his
"confidential clerk with him on all of
his trips throughout the country. So far
as an outsider could see, the clerk had
pretty much of a holiday, with all of his
traveling expenses paid and his salary
thrown in to boot.
Studies Law I'nder Salary.
His traveling education finished, one
"confidential clerk" settled in Washington
and began the study of law. His course
is uncompleted, but it is presumed that
when he graduates he will be given the
position of special examiner for his father,
which position has a little better sound
than that of "confMcnttal clerk." It also
has more work attached to it than the
present position as at present handled.
The other "confidential clerk has not
been quite so great a traveler, but his
sinecure has been just as comfortable.
For some time he did not even have a
desk at the commission's . headquarters
and was rarely eeen there. For more
than two years, however, his father's
health has been such that he could do
very little work and the "confidential
clerk" has had to earn a part of his sal
ary, at least.
Make Other Clerks Jealous.
Both of these employes have fine quar
ters at the commission offices. In fact
their accommodations are so much bet
ter than the average clerk's that the fact
has created comment and jealousy.
Space is valuable at commission head
quarters, which are cramped. This does
not affect the situation so far as the
"confidential clerks" aj-e eoncerned.
They have plenty of room, -which they
use rarely, while other employes of the
commission are huddled together in a
more or less uncomfortable fashion.
Fu rt hermore, the f act tha t the re are
ciultft a number of competent and hard
working commission clerks who receive
only $1400 or $ltW0 salary and work very
hard to earn it, adds to the talk and
(Concluded on Page 2.)
What Ai the. Wild Wivm Saying
About That H !, Materf
Growers and Pickers Say Dumping
of American Hops Is Raining
Home Industry.
LONDON", May 16. A great army of
men and women interested in the hop in
dustry in. England, estimated to number
more than 50,000, held a demonstration in
Trafalgar Square this afternoon in favor
of imposlns a duty of J10 on every hundred
weight otf hops imported into this country.
Special trains brought in thousands from
Kent, Sussex. Hampshire, Worcester and
Hereford, the great hopgrowlpg counties,
while 1 the East End of London, whence
emanate almost all the hop-pickers, fur
nished a contingent perhaps twice as
large as the growers and laborers from
the provinces.
After being marshaled on Victoria Em
bankment, the demonstrators with ban
ners flying and hands playing, marched
to the square, where Englishmen with a
grievance always have been accustomed
to assemble. Speakers from half a dozen
platforms harangued the multitude on
the ruin of the . industry through the
dumping of American hops into England,
and resolutions were adopted by acclama
tion calling upon the government not to
delay in helping to re-establish the in
dustry and placing a duty on all im
ported hops.
Announces Engagement and Brings
Trousseau for Wedding.
NEW YORK, May- 16. (Special.)
Edna Goodrich, the actress, returned
from Europe today accompanied by her
mother. She brought with her a dozen
trunks. Pointing to them, she said, with
a smile:
'Yes, they contain my trousseau. I
am going to marry Mr. McMillan in
Berkeley on June 10. I want to deny
right here all that talk about Nat Good
win. He has no strings on me. My con
tract . has expired and all I can say is
that I am going to forget the stage, at
least for some time.
Harry McMillan is a well-known min
ing man residing in Berkeley, California.
He made a fortune in Nevada and re
cently his engagement to Miss Goodrich
was announced. A short time ago, when
Nat Goodwin was interviewed in regard
to the report that he was to retire per
manently from the stage, he answered,
"There is no more truth in that than In
the absurd report that Miss Goodrich is
to marry a mining man of Berkeley."
After the announcement of the engage
ment, Goodwin hurried from Rawhide,
Nevada, to Europe, but if he hoped to in
tercept Miss Goodrich he was unsuccess
ful, as they passed each other on the
Crank Makes Threat of Violence and
Protection Ia Given.
WASHINGTON. May 16. Unknown
to himself, William J. Bryan, during
the three days of his stay here this
week in attendance upon the Gov
ernors' conference, was the object of
watchful care by central office detec
tives. This was caused by threats in
volving personal violence made against
him by a white man who called at the
office of Willis J. Abbott, a friend of
Mr. Bryan. Mr. Abbott did not see
the man, who left the message with a
clerk in the office. Mr. Abbott thinks
the man was simply a harmless crank,
but as a matter of prudence communi
cated with the police authorities, sug
gesting that the mah be watched dur
ing Mr. Bryan's stay here. The police,
however, centered their attention on
Mr.. Bryan.
Small Storms Sweep Louisiana, Do
ing Little Damage.
CROWLEY, La., May 16. Reports
reached here tonight of four deaths today
in tornadoes near this place. The dead:
At Chatalgne Henry J. Young and a
child of Thomas Young.
At Plainuemine Ridge Two negroes.
About a dozen persons were injured, but
none fatally.
Somebody Bound to Get Hurt.
All Delegates Elected
and Totals Made.
Secretary Has. 592 Delegates
. Nailed Down.
Fairbanks Is Only Favorite Son Who
Has Own State Solid Knox Is
"Second in Race, 500
Votes Behind.
Instructed, or committed dele
Kates 472
Uncommitted delegates for Tart.. 5!
Contested delegates for Taft 64
Taft vote ' on first ballot (esti
mated) 594
Necessary to choice 491
Taft's majority on first ballot ... ..103
WASHINGTON, May 115. (Special.)
WJIliam H. Taft will be the choice of the
Republican National Convention for the
Presidency. His nomination is assured on
the first ballot. It is within reason that
all opposition will fade away before the
balloting begins at the Coliseum in Chi
cago, and that the unanimous nomination
of the Secretary of War immediately will
The last delegates to the convention
were elected this afternoon. The list of
men who will represent the 46 states and
the seven territories, whose delegates will
gather in Chicago just one month from to
day, furnishes the basis for the forecast
which is presented herewith. Careful
compilation, honest allowance for conflict
ing claims, sifting and harmonizing of,
statements which have issued from the
headquarters of all of the candidates for
the chief place on the National ticket
produce the following results:
Clear Majority Assured.
Mr. Taft has tonight actually instructed
fov him or otherwise committed to his
candidacy, together with his friends
among the uninstructed, a clear majority
of the 9S0 delegates to the Chicago con
vention. At the lowest estimate, one-third of
the uninstructed and unpledged delegates
expect to vote for Mr. Taft.
Supporters of the Taft candidacy will
be in complete control of the organiza
tion and of the committees of the con
' vention.
The "allies" in the antl-Taft camp can
not control one of their native states
solidly, with the single exception- of Vice
President Fairbanks in Indiana.
Taft Has Won in Walk.
When the final figures came In late
this afternoon, the Taft managers "toted
up" the ' columns, sat back and with
pleasurable pride announced that the fight
was over and that the Secretary of War
had won in a walk.
Their figures indicate confidence in the
claim that practically two-thirds of the
delegates will take their seats In the
Chicago convention prepared to vote for
the Ohio man. The compilation of the
states and territories, as indicated above,
shows that nothing but a dispensation of
providence will prevent the nomination of
Mr. Taft on the first ballot.
Sure of 5 92 Delegates.
In the first place, Mr. Taft has 592
delegates either nailed down by in
structions or definitely committed to
his cause by resolution of the conven
tions which chose the delegates, or by
personal pledges and public announce
ment of their pro-Taft views.
In the next place, of the 106 dele
gates who are either uninstructed or
unpledged, or who have not expressed
their feelings, the Taft managers could
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Interrupted Obsequies.
Paris Journalists Go to Meet Lovers
and Only Find Their Bag
gage at Depot.
PARIS, May 16. In order to escape
observation. Prince Hells de Sagan and
Mme. Anna Gould, who left Monte Carlo
for this city last night, alighted from the
train at La Roche, where two automobiles
were in waiting" for them. The motors
took them to' ' the Chateau Marais,
Mme. Gould's Summer residence outside
of Paris.
"When the Monte Carlo train rived
here, there were newspaper men at the
station, but they found only the baggage
of the couple.
After taking luncheon at the chateau,
the couple came into Paris by motor.
Mme. Gould went to her residence on the
Avenue Malakoff and the Prince de Sagan
to his lodgings.
The Weather.
TESTER DAY'S Maximum temperature, 58
degrees; minimum, 43.
TODAY'S Cloudy, with probably showers;
warmer; southwest winds.
Anna Gojild and Helie de Sagarr cleverly
dodge Paris reporters. Section 1, page 1.
English hopmen m&ke great demonstration
In favor of duty on American hops. Sec
tion 1, page 1.
House peases Government employes' liability
bill. Section 1, page 1.
Both houses of Cong re ss order tariff inquiry
by committee. Section 1, page 2.
Head of paper trust denies Its existence.
Section 1, page 3. .
Dissension In Interstate Commission grows
out of nepotism. Section 1. page 1.
Politics. .
Last Republican delegates elected and Taft
sure of nomination on nest ballot. Section
1. page 1.
Officers appointed for Republican National
convention. Section 1, page 1.
Nebraska railroad employes will aid railroads?
in fighting rate laws. Section 1, page 1.
Roosevelt makes speech to Methodist bishops.
Section 1, page 2.
Canadian wheat crop will be bumper. Sec
tion 1, page 3.
Streetcar strike at Cleveland begins with riot
ing ; strikers reject arbitration. Sectioa
1, page 2.
Two men accused of New Mexico express rob
bery captured. Section 1, page 5.
Hearing of Thaw on Insanity charge com
pleted. Section 1, page 5.
Montgomery accused of stealing securities
from bank and surrendered by bondsmen,
ejection 1, page 4.
Pacific Coast.
Good conduct of sailors and marines during
fleet's visit to San Francisco. Section
2, page 3.
Gallagpc reveals Ruefs schme to mak
Ach JMstrlct Attorney, Section ltpage
Report tjhat cruisers will go direct to Phil
ippines aenled. Section 2, page i.
Washington Democrats may declare for in
itiative .and referendum. Section 1,
page 8.
Prohibitionists working hard to make Doug
las County "dry ; campaign in other
courittes. Section 1, page 8.
Head of Chehalis reform school resigns as
result of friction. Section 1, page 8.
Yale defeats Harvard at track meet. Section
2, page 2.
Cornell wins field meet with Princeton.
Section 2, page 2.
Oregon track team wins at Pullman, 62 to
60. Section 2, page 2.
Forthcoming- Multnomah field meet attracts
stars of Coast. - Section 4, page 9.
Oregon Yacht Club to hold regatta Me
morial day. Section 4, page 8.
Multrmmah Club making football schedule.
Section 4, page 8.
Beaver hitters still in lead. Section 4,
page 9.
Ketchel champion In his class. Section 4,
page 9.
Commercial and Marine.
No snap to the wool market. Section 4,
page 11.
Wheat continues weak at Chicago. Section
4, page 11.
Advance Is unchecked In stock market. Sec
tion 4. page 11.
Small decrease In surplus shown by New
York bank statement. Section 4, page 11.
Steamship Hornelen clears with lumber for
La Boca. Section 4, page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Bourne men declare they will support Cake.
Section 1, page 9.
Methodists will demand prohibition plank
in Republican platform. Section 2,
page 12.
Bell-Gaze "war of roses" aired In court.
Section 1, page 10.
Commercial Club moves to new quarters.
Section 3, page 8.
East Side children parade to be Rose
Festival feature. Section 3, page 12.
Episcopal Missionary Convention in Port
land this week. Section 3, page 11.
Federal grand Jury to probe Eastern Oregon
land-frauds. Section 4, page 0.
O. N. G. to take part in Army maneuvers
at American Lake. Section 4, page 12.
Judge Gantenbein sentences Army comrade.
Section 4, page 12.
Anti-saloon forces call local option election
at St. John. Section 3, page 10.
Heavy sentences for four criminals. Section
4, page lO.
Exciting game of steamboat racing revived
on Columbia River. Section 4, page 6.
Farm lands are in great demand. Section 3.
page 8.
"Go It, Betay! tio It, Bear!"
Purpose to Fight Rate
Leaders Say They Can Swing
the Election."
Farmers and Other Wage-Earners
Declare They Will Fight for Con
tinued Regulation and .
Jjower Kates.
LINCOLN, Neb., May 16. (Special.)
Employes of railroads in Nebraska
have entered politics In earnest, and
they are not a bit backward in an
nouncing the fact that they have lined
up with the companies against the reg
ulation of the roads by the state and
against a reduction in rates. Some of
the leaders declare they have enough
votes to swing the election, and they
propose' to use the ballot against every
candidate who will not declare himself
in a satisfactory way. The committee
which authorized the declaration, and
which claims to represent practically
the entire railroad working force in
Nebraska, has been holding meetings
In Lincoln and Omaha for a month
past, The committee declares that the
movement Is spontaneous among the
men, and has not been stimulated by
the managers.
Means Political Revolution.
The declaration is not wholly a sur
prise, but if it is adhered to and the em
ployes can control anything near the
number of votes they say they can, it
will work a political revolution in the
Six years ago such a movement would
hardly have caused a ripple, because ex
cept for occasional spasmodic rising, no
serious opposition to railroad domination
had been attempted. As the situation
now stands, every political party in the
state is committed to railroad regulation,
and the Legislature, at its last session,
did more to correct abuses than any ten
previous Legislatures. Regulation and
rate reductions have been the order of the
day for a year and it Is the fear that the
reductions In freight and passenger rates
will eventually fall on the employes in
the shape of lower wages that has
prompted the present action.
Farmers Ready to Put Up Fight.
Their declaration, they say, Is not
sudden. . It has been brewing ever since
the 2-cent fare law took effect. As to
the strength of the movement, Rate Clerk
Powell, of the Nebraska Hallway Com
mission, finds there are 21,000 railroad em
ployes in Nebraska. Of that number,
roughly divided, there are 3000 in the train
service, 5000 in the track service and 13,
000 in all other branches of railroading.
The men assert that they control three
times this number.
As a reply to the threats of the rail
road men, it is asserted that the farmers
and wage-earners in other lines declare
their readiness to combine and wage a
battle for continued regulation and rate
reduction, even if it be necessary for
the time being to desert old party lines.
The farming classes assert they have
asked nothing unreasonable of the roads
and that more than one can play at the
proposed game.
Xo Rivers and Harbors Bill.
WASHINGTON, May 16. The an
nouncement that there will be no riv
ers and harbors bill at this session, and
that no surveys will be authorized un
til the next session, was made; today
by Representative Burton, of Ohio,
chairman of the committee on rivers
and harbors. Mr. Burton stated that
there would be merely an administra
tive bill at the present session, slightly
modifying plans already approved, but
carrying no appropriations and author
izing no surveys.
Serves Him Right.
One of Them, Identified as Man
Who Fired Charge, Is Sa-loon-Keeper.
ALBUQUERQUE, X. M., May 16. A re
port received late this afternoon from
Dawson. N. M., says that L. E. Cart
wright of the Santa Fe secret service,
who had been heading one of the posses
in pursuit of the men who robbed the
Wells-Fargo Company of X35.600, at
French, N. M., Thursday night, has cap
tured one of the robbers at Roy, N. M.
A dispatch received here tonight from
Springer, M. M., says that Ben Williams,
chief of detectives of the Santa Fe system,
has arrested Henry Fair, a saloonkeeper
at Springer, charged with being implicated
In the robbery at French. Farr has been
taken to Las Vegas for safe keeping.
The man arrested at Roy today on the
same charge by Santa Fe Detective Cart
wright has been identified as Henry Stone.
It is reported at Springer tonight that
Farr has been Identified as the man who
broke open the safe containing the money.
British Columbian's $500,000
English Fortune Vanishes.
LONDON, May 16. A decision was
handed down in the Chancery Court
this morning, holding that a divorce
secured in Dakota was not valid in
either Canada or Scotland. By it a
youth named Richard Stirling, a resi
dent of British Columbia, is deprived
Of estates in Scotland worth $503,000.
Richard's mother was married first
to a Scotchman named George Smith
and the couple went to Canada. Smith
subsequently secured a divorce from
his wife at Fargo. Mrs. Smith later
married a man named Walter Stirling
in San Francisco. Richard, an off
spring of this later union, would have
suoceeded to the estate of George
Smith but for the decision of the court
that he is illegitimate on the ground
that George Smith was not domiciled
in Dakota.
The court holds that the divorce and
the subsequent remarriage of Mrs.
Smith both are invalid.
Former Portland' Boy Chosen to
Head Oakland Schools.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 16. The Oak
land Board of Education last night ap
pointed C. B. Keyes principal of the Oak
land High School vice J. H. Pond, re
signed. Mr. Keyes will take charge at
the end , of the present year, June 30,
when the resignation of Mr. Pond takes
Mr. Keyes has been principal of the
Lafayette School at Seventeenth and
West streets 13 years, coming here from
Portland, Or., High School. He Is con
sidered one of the most capable and
efficient educators in the state. He is
being congratulated on all sides on his
appointment, as he has many friends
among both educators and students.
Aberdeen Will Present 1 6 "Teddies"
to the Fleet.
ABERDEEN', Wash., May 16. (Special.)
George Wolff, a business man, proposed
a few days ago. that when the excursion
from this city by steamer to see the
battleship fleet leaves Grays Harbor, that
16 live bear cubs be taken and one pre
sented to each ship. The idea at once
took popular fancy and up to this even
ing ten Teddy bears had been gathered
from surrounding- towns, and the total
number necessary is expected to be
rounded up by Wednesday next, when
the excursion Is promised by the Cham
ber of Commerce. .
Farnam, of England, Issues Aero
plane Defi to Wright Brothers.
LONDON, May 16. Special dispatches
from Paris announce that Henry Farnam
the 'English aeronaut who holds the
aeroplane record in that country, has
challenged the Wright Brothers to an
aeroplane contest in France for a stake
of 5000.
As Foraker Imagines Himself.
Williams Says Republicans
Fear Political Storm.
Payne Declares Programme Is 'to Es
tablish Maximum and Minimum
Tariff, With Which to Drive
Reciprocity Bargains.
WASHINGTON, May 16. Steps looking
to a revision of the tariff were taken by
the House when it passed a resolution au
thorizing the committee on ways and
means to sit during the coming rect of
Payne of New York, who offered the
resolution, said that, 'in order not to dis
quiet the country before election, the com
mittee would make no general Inquiry in
volving the question of ra'tes in the sched
ule. After the election, he said, that sub
ject would be gone into. '
Only for Campaign' Purposes.
Underwood of Alabama, a member of
the committee, declared that the resolu
tion came as a surprise to the minority.
The resolution was described by
Williams as one that could be under
stood by a child 14 years of age. It
was not, he said, the fear that business
interests would be disquieted but that
things would be disquieted in apolitical
sense. He asserted that the Repub
lican majority dare not bring up prior
to election a proposition for tariff re
vision. .
In the opinion of Randall, of Texas,
the resolution was but a "frylngpan to
fry the fat for campaign purposes."
Payne Tells Programme.
Payne closed the debate by stating
that the Republican programme for
tariff revision "will be a protective
tariff." He continued:
"It will be a maximum and a mini
mum tariff, putting us on an equality
with France, Germany and Russia, and
we will go out with the tariff as we
did with the Dingley tariff in the firm
belief that it will bring renewed pros
perity to the people of the United
States, that it will broaden our markets
with the nations of the world and that
it will bring blessings to all the peo
Instructs Committee to Inquire as
to Cost of Production.
WASHINGTON, May 16. Senator Aid
rich today reported from the committee
on finance a resolution authorizing the
committee to secure certain assistance in
pursuing tariff investigations, and it was
adopted by the Senate without debate.
The resolution provides:
"That the committee on finance is au
thorized, in connection with investigations
heretofore ordered by the Senate, with
the view of promptly securing the infor
mation necessary for a revision of the
customs laws of the United States, to call
to their assistance experts in the execu
tive departments of the Government, and
to employ such other assistants as they
shall require, and they are especially di
rected to report further legislation which
is necessary to secure equitable treatment
for the agricultural and other products
of the United States in foreign countries.
They shall also, in the consideration of
changes of rates, secure proof of the rela
tive cost of production in this and in
principal competing countries for the vari
ous articles affected by the tariff upon
which changes in rates of duty are desira
ble." It is announced that the committee will
begin investigations shortly after the ad
journment of Congress.
The Mule -"Sure. I'm Republican;
If You Don't Believe It, See the