TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, "STAY 10, 190S. SHARP BRUSH FLOOR OF HOUSE Williams and Payne Indulge in Charges' and Counter-Charges. ELECTIONS THE SUBJECT rioor Lenders in Wordy Encounter I5ecan.se AVillianis Announces Himself for Honesty at the Polls, Which Payne Doubts, WASHINGTON, May 9. Sectional lines were sharply drawn in the House today anil for a cime charges and counter charRPs of dishonesty in elections by both political parties were heard. The two Hoar leaders, Messers. Payne, of New York, and Williams of Mississippi were the principals. Mr. Payne got the floor and criticised the floor leaders for having the hardihood to say he was in favor of honest elections. "Since when was the democratic party for honest elections?" he - inquired in stentorian tones. "Was it when It was depriving a certain class of citizens of suffrage by every means, by perjury, by fraud, murder, riot and everything else under the sun?" He wanted to know if the Democrats favored honesty In elec tions in the State of New York, "when time after time they carried the election not by the honest ballot but by fraudulent votes deposited in the ballot-boxes and fraudulent counts." The Democrats, said. Mr. Payne, were In favor of honest elections only when they sot a majority that way. "Is it neces sary for the Democratic party in Mary land to disfranchise the black man?" he asked. He declared that the Republican party had an honest majority in Mary land, and in order to overcome it . the Democrats were bending every effort to deprive every citizen of the right of fran chise, "and thereby make a Democratic state of Maryland." Points to Philadelphia. Mr. Williams replied that he had lis tened to the lecture upon honesty in ' elections from the leader of the Republi can party, "the party of fresh, new, crisp two-dollar bills; the party of blocks of tive; the party of the City of Phila delphia; the party of lecturing boards back In 1S7B: the party that carried the election in 1S90 by wholesale bribery; the party that, even as late as 1900, denied that it had been receiving money from Hductary corporations for political pur poses and whose officials were convicted of falsehood in the denial; the party of 'Herod." If there was anything that was a stench in the no. trils of all humanity, he said, it was the City of Philadelphia. ; "H lias "such abad smell,' he declared, '"th;U even fh($ Republicans themselves could not stand.lt air the time." " : Mr.. Williams admitted that there was a time when" there was intimidation and -fraud -in liis section of the country, but rther wn some extenuation for it "when ftvtizatlor.." "There never was. however," ho ex claimed, "any excuse or extenuation for the Retipbiiean party in its programme of wholesale bribery in 1K96, l!KH and 1904, when that party took the money belong ing to widows and orphans and never had the manhood nor the justice to return it." Attacks Campaign Funds. At one lime he said President Roose velt ih1 the manhood to say that the Republican campaign committee ought to return the money "that had been iil.ch.cd from the widows and orphans who. are the beneficiaries of the policy i holders of the New York Life and Mu tual Insurance companies." Crossing the aisle and pointing his finger at -Mr. Payne. Mr. Williams said: . . "Yes. there was u time in the his tory of the South when revolution atoort in the saddle, but.'" he added, "wince then those States have adopted new constitutions." The disfranchise ment laws, he -declared, "were passed . lor the purpose of preventing fraud, and the Supreme Court of the United . States, has upheld them." Still facing Mr. Payne, Mr.. Williams remarked that the "irentli'miin'K on,.i ........i... -. i. . -'.! " I III L.l l l HjC Idea of the Democrats being interested In honest elections." Mr. Payne, he said, was from "the party of the whisky fraud, of the credit mobllier, of the star route fraud." "Ah." he exclaimed, "I can bandy his tory with him all day, but I don"t want to bandy history." - Should Publish Funds. He - believed in letting the dead past bury itself on both sides. "What do you say now." he again shrieked. "What do you say? Here I stand. I stand to challenge you that every dollar that goes Into a campaiagn fund shall be pub lished to the world the day after it is received so the world may know the motive of the giver and the world may Judge the means of corruption in the hands of the recipient?" . Mr. Williams backed slowly to his seat, and as he sat down he exclaimed at the top of his voice: "What do you- say for the future? Let the dead past go." FIRST SCHOOL IN OREGON Commemoration or Founding to- Be Held at Rickreall. DALLAS. Or., May 9. (Special.) The school picnic to be held at Rickreall Sat urday, May 16. will be in commemoration of the founding of the first school In Ore gon in 1815. and not in celebration of the founding of the La Creole Academy, as has leen currently reported. The school was opened in one corner of Colonel Nathaniel Ford's log cabin, about one quarter mile west of Rickreall! The teacher was John E. Lyle, who was later one of the principal promoters In the founding of La Creole Academy, which took place in IStv, IS years after ward. Wants Heuvy Damages. OREGON CITY. Or.. May 9. (Special.) George Joggi. a Russian who speaks no Knglish. has filed a suit against the Willamettte Pulp it Paper Company to recover damages to the extent of $20, 4.ri0. He states that early last Ausust a mass of pulp fell on him. crushing him breaking his right thigh and lnjurinir him : i internally',... He was damaged, he al-. lege, .to the extent of $10,000, and,. -not J ut'ing aoie-m tvm4 lur jiine montns, suf fered a loss of $450. He further avers that the company's physician. Dr. W. E. C'ui'll,. set hi injured . bone in a negli gent and careless manner and ho de mands $r!0,0(M) for this. v Keleased'for.J.ack of Evidence. ROSEBURG, Or., May 9. (Special.) Claude Hendrleks. who was arrested In "thia' city Wednesday, April 29, charged with having robbed the Brockway post office, April 22. was released late Fri day night on lack of evidence. The only clue that might point to any guilt was a bag containing about two pounds of pen nies, found In Hendricks' trunk. The amount of money, stamps, etc., taken was estimated at J100. A thorough in vestigation revealed nothing pertaining to the robbery except the pennies. Chadwick May Be Candidate. COLFAX. Wash., May 9. (Special.) In the event that Judge Hadley, of the Su preme Court, will not be a candidate to succeed himself, there is little doubt that Judge Chadwick, of the Superior Court of Whitman County, will announce his candidacy. Judge Chadwick has been dis inclined to become a candidate against the present incumbents and has repeat edly said that he would support Judge Hadley. When asked about it, he said: "I should regret the retirement of Judge Hadley, but if he does, I shall become a candidate myself." San Pedro Harbor Notes. SAN PEDRO, May 9. The steam schooner Chehalis, from Grays Harbor, today brought 600,000 feet of lumber for the 9an Pedro Lumber Company. The steam schooner Centralia, from San Diego, called for fuel today and proceeded to Grays Harbor via San Francisco. The steam schooners Schna Yak and Norwood left for Grays Harbor via San Francisco today, j The steam schooner Wasp, Captain Wehman, bound for Everett, departed for the north today. Dies on Way Home. SALEM, Or., May 9.-(Special.) While driving to his home, five miles south of Salem, today, Patrick Higgins, a well-to-do farmer, suffered a stroke of paralysis, which rendered him helpless. As his team passed the ranch of J. R. Pervln Mr. Pervin discovered him hang ing over the side of his wagon." He died before medical assistance arrived. He leaves a wife, from whom he had sep arated. She resides in Idaho. Wheat Shipments From Taconia. TACOMA, May 9. Foreign clearances of wheat for this week from Tacoma were 272,798 bushels, worth $232,101. in ad dition to 18.244 bushels of oats, $9050. For eign clearances of flour were 3055 half barrels, worth $11,722. BRIEF N5WS BY TELEGRAPH Butte. Mont. Iouia Ferris, who dyna mited the Burlington eantbound express here on the night of May 1. was formally charged with the attempt to wreck the train Saturday. Under a statute passed by the last Assembly the penalty is death. Atlanta. Ga. Practically every owner of property located within the three square blocks of buildings destroyed in yesterday's lire has announced that modern structures will be erected. An investigation has been ordered in regard to the failure of water pressure. Albuquerque, N. M. Juan Valdei, a ranchman living at Cabexon. was murdered Wednesday night, his heaa being severed from his body with an ax as he lay asleep in bed wit.li his two children. The mur derers wrapped the body in the bedding, buried -it in an arroyo and escaped. Two Mexicans are suspected. New York In an unique ceremony at Bellevue Hospital. Noah Chartman and wife were divorced at the request of the wife, so that she will not be compelled to obey the Jewish law requiring a widow to marry her husband's brother or remain forever a widow. They were married May 2 and next day the husband became ill and has only a few days to live. Chicago Dr. J. S. Anderson Christison, alienist, writer and student of criminology and - hypnotism, waa found dead from as phyxiation Friday. Three gas Jests were open and the windows were closed. He testi fied as an alienist in many famous murder trials and maintained that Eugene Prender gast killed Mayor Harrison when under hypnotic influence. . Chicago Under the compulsory edu cation law requiring that children, between 14 and 16 years old shall he "In school or ' problem to deal with in the case of hun dreds of children who, because of business depression are seeking worn dally. It is proposed to allow them to attend half each day. El Pasn. Tex. Mark Good, agent of the Department of the interior, has been sus pended, pending investigation of charges that he kidnaped Ave Klckapoo Indians from an i Arizona reservation in order to keep them away from a tribal conference railed to decide how to divide $215,000 ap propriated to the Indians by Congress. New York Brought from their home in Odessa. Russia, where their mothers were killed by ossacks during, the riots in October. 1IM'. eight children, ranging In uge from ?, to 5 years. arrived on the steamer Corona from Europe to join their fathers in this country. At Jamaica. JAMAICA, N. Y., May 9. Results of races: Five furlongs Personal won, Arion ette second, Havre third; time. 1:013-5. Mile and a sixteenth Trouble Maker won. Sir Toddington second, Druid third time, 1:49 S-5. Four and a half furlongs Trance won, Top Note second, Glldden Bell third; time. 0:54 1-5. Mile and a sixteenth Jack'Atkin won, Restigouche second; time, 1:48 2-5. Only two starters. Five and a half furlongs Ida D. won, Oricagna second., Mazuma third; time, 1:08 2-6. Five and a half furlongs Horace won. Baby Wolf second, Grlnaldi third; time, 1:07. . - At Louisville. LOUISVILLE, May 9. Results of races: Four furlongs Advancing won. Lillian Ray second, Inola third; time, 0:50 2-5. Six furlongs-f-Bosorrlan won, Florida Glen second, Ethel Carr third; time, 1:20. Six furlongs Dark Knight won, Al Muller second, Colonel Bob third; time, 1:18 1-5. The Clark handicap, mile and a six teenth Polly Prim won. The Mink sec-i ond, Pinkola third; time. 1:53 4-5. Four and a half furlongs Tony W. won. Solicitor second. Light Blue third; time, 0:59. Mile and a, sixteenth Margaret Ran dolph won, Ed Kane second, Lady Vie third; time, 1:54. Presbyterians Play Ball. Two games of baseball were p"layed yes terday in the Presbyterian Alliance of the Athletic League. The Third Presbyterian Church team defeated the Mount Tabor Presbyterians by a score of 11 to 8. The game was closely contested throughout and a number of fast plays were pulled off on both sides. The game, which was played on the Forty-ninth-street and Hawthorne-avenue grounds, was attended by about 200. The game was umpired by Andrew Kan. In the same league the First Presbyterian team was defeated by the Hawthorne Presbyterians, 8 to 3. This game was played on the Portland Acad emy grounds, and was witnessed by a large number of the league adherents. The batteries were: Hawthorne N. Do bih and E. Phllburn; First Prsebyterlan, E. Noyes and A. Noyes. Umpire Thome. Douglas Bound Over. W. E. Douglas, the former cashier of the Thiel Detective Agency, who ww arrested several days ago on a charge of embezzlement, was yester day bound over to appear before the Grand Jury by Municipal Judge Cam eron. Douglas was released on $2500 ball, pending his appearance before the Circuit Court. Siletz Indian Here for Trial. Joseph Gay, an Indian residing on the Siletz Reservation, was yesterday com mitted to the Multnomah County Jail in default of bonds, to await a trial in the Federal Court on a statutory charge. The complaining witness against Gay is a 16-year-old Indian girl who lives on the Siletz Reservation, E FOR HIGHER RATES Railroads Suspected of Design to Discredit the Hep burn Law. COMMISSION WILL INQUIRE Cannot Forbid Advance, but Can Show Purpose and Whether Nec essary AH Roads Not Equal-; ly Affected by Depression. WASHINGTON. May 9. (Special.) An investigation by the Interstate Commerce Commission of tne causes for the pro posea general advance in freight rates throughout the country is likely to take place. Hints from Commission circles in dicate this as a probability. Officially, the members of the Commission have a yet taken no cognizance of the action of the railroad men in arranging for new schedules, which will Increase an nual gross earnings from $100,000,000 to $200,000,000, according to conservative estimates. Unofficially, however, they are watching events with keen Interest in all phases of the situation. Cannot Prevent Advance. There Is a precedent for an investiga tion, as the Commission undertook one along the same lines when a movement to advance charges was Inaugurated in 1901, before the enactment of the present rate regulation law. To Investigate Is practically all the Commission, with its present powers, can do. It has no power to restrain any advance and may only pass upon the reasonableness of a rate In operation upon specific complaint from a shipper. But an investigation, it is pointed out, would give the country the real underlying causes for the action about' to be taken by the railroad of ficials. It would show in what cases. If any, the advances in rates were just ifiable on the part of the carriers. It might develop that other reasons than those given by the railroads for placing additional burdens upon shippers and consumers play a part in the proposed plan. ... In official circles, which have to do with railroad and commercial affairs, there is no disposition to contend that an increase of rates would not be rea sonable and Justifiable in some cases that general advances would be just ifiable with certain roads. But there Is a disposition to dispute the justice and reasonableness of Increases affecting all roads alike, regardless of territory and regardless of whether the roads have suffered much or little, from the depres sion in business or from increased cost of operation. Aim to Discredit Kate Law. There Is a strong impression in Wash ton officialdom that behind the causes for raising charges openly stated by the railroad presidents and traffic man agers lies a plan to bring discredit upon the interstate commerce act as amended by the last Congress. It is not regarded as an attempt to discredit the Inter state 'Commerce Commission itself, al though It is believed there may be a design to cast odious reflection upon the National administration at the same time that It Is sought to bring the rate making power conferred by the present law into disrepute with the people of the country. It is insisted that the railroad mag nates, who originally fought against the extension of the Commission's power to deal with the fixing of rates are now turning to other means to render that power distasteful to the people whose sentiment and agitation forced Congress to pass the Hepburn-Dolliver bill. It would be natural, it is pointed out. for them to seize an opportunity as soon as possible after the new law had- gone into effect, the popular impression being that the ratemaking act would tend to reduce traffic business all along the line. SETTLE CLAIMS PROMPTLY Railroads Find New Way to Win Business and Conciliate Shippers. PHILADELPHIA. May 9. (Special.) A new gospel is being preached by the railroads the gospel of prompt attention to and prompt settlement of the claims for loss and damage. In fact this de partment of the railroads has strangely enough become one of the main adjuncts to the business of soliciting business, so to speak. A greater change in railroad methods could scarcely be Imagined, for in the old days the loss and damage claim was a means for the payment of a rebate and for grevious loss and vexation to the un favored shipper. Before the passage of the Hepburn act, railroads apparently maintained .loss and damage claim de partments for the sole purpose of seeing how little money, Justly due shippers, could be paid out and how much it was necessary to pay big shippers on unjust claims in order to curry favor and secure or retain their traffic. Now that the new law has changed all this, the railroads Tiave recognized that there is no better solicitor for business than the astute claims adjuster. Sud denly the traffic officials have awakened to the realization that, If they owe a shipper money, the best, surest and quick est way to make a friend, of him is to pay it. and pay it without haggling and with out keeping him out of his Interest for months and maybe years. So far have the railroads gone In this respect that they are considering the ad visability of paying 6 per cent Interest on all claims 30 days after they accrue, pro .vldlng they are found to be just claims. The railroads constantly have tied up in claims for loss and damage millions of the shippers' money, and under any other commercial conditions, if this sum were due the shippers, interest would be paid upon It. The loss and claim industry, if it may be so termed, is of itself one of the largest In connection with the transportation business, and it is growing amazingly every year, Last year the railroads of the entire country paid out for losses and damages the aggregate sum of $23,000, 000. This was a material Increase over tho previous year. In handling such an Immense business, the railroads now believe that they should have astute and competent men of more than average ability. The Pennsylvania Is one' of the roads which are taking a lead in the matter. On this railroad there is to be no longer aiy haggling 'With the shippers nor any attempt to befog the issues or to lay the blame on someone else. Neither is the shipper to be vexed with delay and sub terfuge, but he Is to be given a square deal from the start. Furthermore, all of the smaller traffic officials of the com pany have been clothed with authority to deal with the shippers direct in claims which do not exceed $100, and settle with, them without reference to the general of fices. In this way the shippers are brought in closer contact with the men who procure and handle their business, ULTERIOR MOT! and they know that in all matters of claims they will be able to get an early hearing and u sp?edy settlement. Other railroads are following the example of the Pennsylvania, and the change Is working wonders in the relations be tween the two Interests. INCREASE SHOPMEN'S HOURS Union Pacific Makes Improved Fi nancial Showing. OMAHA, Neb., May 9. (Special.) The remarkable financial showing made by the - Union Pacific Railroad for the months of March and April re sulted today in an order being Issued to Increase the hours of 5000 shop men from 40 to 50 per week. The net receipts for March were about' $10,000 dollars less than for the same month last year. This report was made by the executive officials of the road but a few days ago, and car ried with It an estimate that for April even a better showing would be made. This condition is considered remark able In the light of stories of slack ened business. rf The order increasing the shop forces was the first result seen of the im proved finances. The hours of these men were reduced during the finan cial disturbance, and they have worked short time all Winter. Several hun dred more were discharged outright.' The stock of the Union Pacific has advanced 20 points In about two weeks as a result of the Improved traffic and has carried the Southern Pacific stock with it. At headquarters it was stated the company is preparing to meet a large demand the coming year for rolling stock, and all old cars and engines will be overhauled as fast as possible. TRAIN MANGLES LABORER Man Put in Boxcar Falls Under the Wheels. TACOMA, Wash., May 9. (Special.) After being released from the detention Jail at South Tacoma and placed on a southbound freight train about K o'clock this " morning by a patrolman, John Brown, an Austrian laborer 34 years of age, was in some manner thrown to the tracks and dragged for about a quarter of a mile. Parts of his body were scattered along the track for several hundred feet and his watch and pocketbook were found a full quarter of a mile from his mangled body. Just how he met his death will never be known. ' He may have been thrown from the train or he may have slipped and fallen. The policeman who placed Brown on the train said he put him In side a boxcar. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland W. D. Owen. Boston: S. Bosdik, Seattle; C. Sieber, St. Louis; L. B. Sperry, Oberlin, O. : M. Levlne, T. Ellison. J. E. Stebbins. New York; B. E. Nickoll. Milwaukee; K. G. I.I nil, London; C. B. King, Boston; W. G. Graves, Spokane; L. Moore. G. FInkle, F. Maclntyre, G. S. Grey. San Francisco; A. E. Havens. Chicago; H. S. Katt. Hongkong:; Mr. and Mrs. H. earmark. Iowa: Mr. -and Mrs. H L,. Blac-k. New York; Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Howe, Indianapolis; S. Robinson, A. F. Robinson. L. Upham. Berkeley: Miss O. J. Upham, Miss A. H. Up ham. Duluth: H. B. VonKnoll, M. W. Vang wall. ChieaKo; G. Richardson and 'wife. Sun Francisco; J. -H. Davies, Richest er, N. Y.; R. Hunt and wife, San Francisco; M Blumauer. city; .T. F. Bradley, St. Louis; E. W. Howland. Milwaukee; N. N. Thomp son. Boston; P. S. MUchell. Cincinnati: E H. banc New York; E. Perkins, Drain; R. P. Priest, Tacoma: K. J. Kingwald. E. Hard wick, Seattle: D. Levy. New York: C. B. Paddock, Chicago; A. L. Conn. Seattle; I. t J. Kohr. New York; W. J. Leavy and wife ana child, Spokane. The Oregon R. Cowden, Silverton: Allen C. SteHmacher. Albany; M. C. Phillips. Cor vallis; W. F. Fay. Jefferson; A. Duncan. Ta coma: V. A. Brand. St. Paul: F. L. Stew art. J. S. Rohb and wife, Kelso: George P. Coragin and wife. Spokane: F. M. Swift and wife, city: R. .i Baxter, Stillwater; John T. Albert, city; Thomas Carter, E. J. Jordan. San Francisco; George Selt, citv; W. S. Broderick. St. Paul: J. H. Hawley. Mon mouth: A. N. Page. Hood River: F. I.. Mars', Chuhails; H. W. Bimell. Chicago: W. Madison and wife. Tacoma; C. W. Brown. Salem; D. BJ Blanton. New York; Charh-s Starks and wife. Frank Starks and wife, Morehouse; C. C. Hodges, - Seattle; Lieuten ant R. H. Goddard. San Francisco: G. F. Matthews. Tacoma: R. F. Hill. D. C Tucker, city; E. R. Bryson, C'orvallis; ljena Tj. Io nian, Denver; D. J. Ilanna, Minneapolis; John Baltoff. San Francisco: Mrs. O. A. j Malicott, Arbuckle : J. I). Gulss, Livingston; Adam Paget ButleV, Spokane: D. J. Ster- ling. San Francisco; E. S. McCord. E. K. Wheel, Seattle: John Richardson; Hoquiam; Joseph B. Dabney, Oakland; L. J. Corig, Missoula; John S. Mitchell. J.os Angeled;' Jay Wadams. San Francisco: E. A. Little, Hillsdale; W. -C. Estep and daughter. Peoria; R. Hooker and sons. Albert J. Loeb. Jacob Ioeb. Jennette Loeb. San Francisco: W. E. Green. Denver; James H. Robb and fam ily, Reno; Jesse Miller. Chicago; J. W. Wright and wife. Rlchaidvllle: W. E. Am man!. San Francisco; Joseph A. Sloan, Se attle; William Harris. Cleveland; Ike But ler. Albany. The Imperial E. C. Ball, lone; Mrs. M Roper, White Salmon; C. M. Mathews, As toria; T. W'yman. city; Frank Tracey, Chi cago; II. L. Miller, city: Anthony Jlleh, Re.ldlng; R. E. Pasley, Montana; A. Hoff man. St. Louis; C. W. Estabrook, St. Paul; Bertha Herman. Hood River; Mrs. J. B. Hunt, Hood River; C. O. Young. Tacoma: C. A. Froese, Boston; Fred Delano, Chicago; G. O. Goodale. Anna Bahngar. Salem: J. H. Phlpps, Medford; T. G. Qulnn. Baker City; W. J. Snodgrass, La Grand: B. M. Mitchell, Salem; C. F. Shortrldge and wife, R. L. Langham. T. Byers. Tiaamook; T. W. Gatch, Grace Gatch. Corvallie: R. D. McCarty. Eugene; W. T. Perkins. Salem; Geo. Dynan, Norrls Rowe; J. H. Calby. Canby; F. L. Holmes, city; J. L. Cook. Tacoma; P. V". Commlna, San Francipco; W. W. Mitchell and wife. Salt Lake; B. C. dinger. The Dalles; Dell B. Scullery, city: J. C. Turner, W. Norton. Airlle; H. V. Ireland, city; J. H. Sheldon and wife, St. Helens: C. B. Dalton, Boise; H. F. Bathford, S. D. Brown, The Dalles: Robert Jennings. Kelso; Frank- E. Blair and wife. Eugene; F. E. Sheldon and wife. San Francisco; H. B. Bowles, Minneapolis; W. A. Williams, Forest Grove; Arthur Ward, Seattle. The Perkins Mrs. J. A. Sachs. Spokane: R. S. Roller. I -a Camas: A. R. Miller and wife. Idaho; Mrs. C. W. Wester. Augusta Wester. C. I. Boyles. Clem; L. A. Roach. San Francico; G. B. Cook. San Frftneipco; ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRIZE WINNERS In the Eilers Postal-Card Contest, Which Has Created Widespread In terest All Over the Coast and North west, Cannot Possibly Be Made Un til About the 14th or 15th. The judges Mr. Hurlbut (San Fran cisco Bulletin), Mr. Howard (San Fran cisco Call), Mr. Rose (San Francisco j Chronicle), Mr. Murphy (San Francisco Exa.m!ner), with Mr. George Mayerle, ; the expert optician and microscopist, 1 as chairman, are giving the work care- J ful examination. No doubt San Fran- I Cisco "celebration" has caused a delay of a few days, but if contestants will I bear with us patiently we will soon , be able to announce the awards. As the contest for the prize pianos take in all the Eilers Stores, thousands of postals were received at the different points and forwarded to San Francisco., the headquarters for this contest. ' Punctuation, Spellinp, Correctness, ; and especially Legibility of the sen- tence, "Eilers stores sell the three fore- ; most pianos of today the Kimball, ! Chicago; the Lester, Philadelphia, and the Hobart M. Cable," and the number of times written are the factors to be : used by the judges In deciding the con test. pianoreliability As others see you in our Varsity suit, you'll certainly be worth seeing. There's a style-distinction about the Hart, Schaffner & Marx garments that is worth in itself the price of the clothes The all-wool fabrics, the perfect tail oring, the general effect of quality in the clothes you get these things when you come here. Suits $18.00 Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. Cor. Third and Morrison Streets Frpd Kanwitz, Racine; John Norton, St. Paul; F. W. Suhner. Everett; Mrs. S. Har ris. Couef d'Alene; Mrs. J. T. Taylor. Wal lace; E. GlUtland, Hurdory, Cal.: O. L. Zen tuer. Weed, Cal.; Mrs. W. E. Noweil. Fall River; Miss C. Bristol, Lapeer. Mich.; C. W. Harris. Chicago; Mrs. Ida M. Davis. Mrs. M S. Osborne, Cornelius; George Cranger and wife, Spokane; J. S. Robert and wife. Kelso; J. L.. Harris, Spokane; J. R. Wells and wife. Mrs. R. E Gage, Canby; Mrs. L.. Bell. Mrs P. Bell, Tucson; Mrs. W. W. Papesh, J. K. Allen and wife, Kellogg; A. Reider, Daven port; John Medeer, Wasco; L. H. Burnhardt, Salem; J. M. Sachs, Spokane; Miss Conk lin, Clifton ; Lot L. Pence. Salem ; Allyn Yocom, Sheridan; W. Ireland, Hilisboro; J. H. Douthlt and wife. Shaniko; F. A. Bird. Kelso; J. H. Cherey, La Grande; H. Conger, Corvallis; J. . M. Sachas. Jordan Valley; L H. Burghardt, Salem; John Melden. Moscow; A. Held, Davenport; J. E- Altend and wife, Kellogg; Mrs. W. W. Papesh, Tacoma. The St. Charles M. C. Churchill, C. Brown, S. Churchill, Houlton; H. M. Fry mire, city; Margaret Dupont, Houlton; Mrs. J. Armstrong, Sauvies; L. W. Penrooj, Amity; Ed Carl, Washougal; H. Snow. Ga ble; G. O. Sampson, Dundee; H. S. Potter, Battleground; J. Sautscher, San Francisco; X. H. Fletcher and wife. Goldfieid, Xev. ; J. Graff and family. Los Angeles; J. L. Smith, Klondike: T. H. Marlow. city; E. M. Goooh, Lebanon ; D. Walters, White Salmon; K. T. Wssett. Camas; H. C. Cor nelius, city; J. Taylor and wife. Deep River; I J. Brown and wife, Tacoma; E. Mosher, 1 Boston; A. E. Youcum. Estacada; S. A. Sherman, M. Cole, E. Allison, city: E. F. Hodson, Dallas: G. Rockev and wife. Rai- ! nier; W. H. Moon, Yocalt: E. M. Gooch, Lenam. Wash.: A. T. Menorin. Sterling 3 Look & hi if Hi auiuuiiutvo i The Secret J ssxx of the $JL The following 20 reduction on all our high-grade Spring and Summer Cambridge This includes all blues, Overcoats Graven ettes $50.00 to $45.00 to $36.00 $40.00 to .... $32.00 $35.00 to $28.00 $30.00 to $24.00 $25.00 to . . $20.00 $2O.0Ot0 $16.00 to $40.00 Copyright City, Cal.; J. McWilllams, South Bend; C. Slocum, Ostrander; M. Purdln. Buxton; O. F. Kizer and wife. Mrs. G. J. Motter. Fossil; A. Mires, wife and daughter, D. P. Lin daich, Ellensburg ; D. C. Gingrich ; Albany; J. A. Leilyel. Palmer; W. L. Snider. Seattle; E. C. Russell, Coburn; F. L. Munger. Mar tin, Mich.; A. J. Douglass, S. R. Hunt and son, O. J. Hunt, Eagle Creek; A. J. Leon ard, city; J. Peterson, J. M. Walsh, Wood land ; J. O. Cameron and son. Hood River; J. S. Smith and son, Klondike; G. Meighon, city; M. W. Meighon, Oak Point; H. O. Mills. Newberg ; j. Harris. Vancouver; E. Goodwin, Hood River; S. J. Fry and wife, Kalama. The Cnlnmet Mrs. M. Miller, city; F. A. Clarke, Everett; Harry W. Millpaugli, Salt Lake; M. Mintz, New York; Robert A. Os wald, Seattle; E. J. Campbrll. Walter A. Evans, Winnipeg; G. C. Brown and wife, Salem: W. R. Small, A. J. Hosburgh, Seat tle; James Platter, Frank Havin, Kelso; Frank Lambert, Ciaremont; H. De Forrest, Blanche Nlpling and child. H. D. Byere and wife. New York; T. G. Wray, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. N. Cosley. Calgary; H. L. David son, New York; J. W. Kiley, wife and daugh ter, The Dalles; R. R. Wallace, Astoria: G. E. Mleh, city; P. Wright, Los Angeles; Lieu tenant Duke. II. S. M. C ; H. L, Hawthorne. B. W. Ingalls and wife, Seattle; Misses Bcardsley, New York; D. D. Hughe. Los Angeles; Mr. Thomas B. Ackers, Tacoma ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rae. New York City; E. Lownsdale, Bridal Veil: William Frazler and wife, Tacoma; A. J. Hawkins, Seattle; Robert Z. Young, city; M. Yates, Eugene. The Lenox Harry Wood, John Ronan. Mips M. Ronan, Kansas City; J. A. Ball and wife,- Gervais; Mrs. Munn, Mrs. Munn. McMinnville; J. N. Knight, George Mackie. 1 Mak Clothes blacks and and $40.00 The following contract goods ex cepted, viz.: Dunlap & Stetson Hats, E. & W. Shirts and Collars, Cluett and Monarch Shirts, Arrow Collars and Dents Gloves. Buy Now and Save Twenty ROBINSON & CO. 289-291 WASHINGTON ST., 11 f-SL Mis fe III 'it fo-r y; t r" ' "t -1 H t - t4.,; " H v v'' . 5- ' V ' -T' ' '?" i 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Marx Miss Mackie. Columbus: J. W". Morton, Fair Grounds; W. H. Haynes. Salem; Mr. and Mrs. B. Kclsey. The Dalles; Mr. anil Mrs. K. Jones, s. D. Brown. tSalcni; C. H. Rhodes and wife, cily: V. I.. Klnpley. Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kinsley. Hood River; J. I.. Mills. D. Norris. South Bend: 13. J. Kless. Vnneouver. No Students-No Gas-No Cocain8 We Set the ace SPECIALISTS IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY NERVOUS PEOPLE and those afflicted with heart weakness can have their teeth extracted and filled without any pain or bad results. Extraction, absolutely painless 50 Best plain rubber plate.. JjsS.OO Bridge work So. 00 22-k gold $5.00 Silver filling 50 np CLEANING TEETH FREE Consultation and estimates free. Open evenings until 7. Lady in attendance. Union Painless Dentists Suite 1, 2, 3 and 4, 221 Morrison, Corner First Phone A 2132. Same eductions in force on all TEETH Furnishing Goods and Hats Per Cent on a Panama Perkins Hotel