THE- SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, MAY 10, . 1908. NO STAMPEDE TO ROOSEVELT LIKELY Walter-Wellman Predicts the j ! Nomination of Taft at Chicago. MAJORITY- IS PLEDGED AffTertlsed Cyclonic Rushes to Any Candidate ... Ttarrly. Materialise. : Table Shows Taft Strength ' ; Figured Conservatively. Walter WeUmm in Chicago Record-Herald. WASHINGTON, May.. It is the ex pected tKat has , happened. There is now a distinct and somewhat impres sive revival of talk of nominating President Roosevelt for another term. There is now more such talk than ever before. When, we say it was expected we mean that; it was looked for by ev'ery man who understands American politics, including President Roosevelt himself. Those who thought the Presi dent's reiteration of his earlier state ment that . he . was ; not a candidate would for all time put. a. stop to talk of him as a possible nominee were mis taken, . It was inevitable that at va rious stages of the anteiconvention campaign a man as popular and power ful as the President should be taken up for consideration in the day's gos sip. That is a part of the human na ture of politics. Mr. Roosevelt fore saw It months ago, and said then that under no circumstances would he issue' any further statement as to his inten tions. This" , has been authoritatively repeatefl . recently.- 'Unless tne Presl- dent changes his mind, the convention will meet without any further word from' him. Slay Stampede to. Roosevelt. And what wul happen then? It is just -now- a'favorite idea with many political writers and the men who are Interviewed for publication that the convention will stampede for Roose velt; 'that some man with a great voice will start a l.urrah for the President and that the convention will lose its head and in. a tremendous wave of en thusiasm give the nomination to the President by acclamation. Or that. If this does not happen, during te first ballot some delegation or delegations will start voting tor Roosevelt, others will follow and In a few moments the convention will be in an indescribable uproar and excitement as delegation after delegation rushes to join the movement, till the nomination of the President Is achieved in a frenzied outburst. Esther of these things is possible. Readers Of these dlspatehes will recall that from the first it has been pointed '. out in. them some such eruption must ' always'ba considered as lurking' li the background,' and that the Chicago con vention ..would . nominate one of ' two men Taft r Roosevelt. "Till a nomi nation Is actually made thin Roosevelt cloud must inevitably hang over the convention. "Nothing can i remove it, not even .Roosevelt himself. The Pres ident'; recognises -this, thinks it would be presumptuous of him to issue an other declination upon the assumption that his 'nomination Js: Impending, and sitys if what ;he .has already, said is not enough to stop It, nothing that he can sa-y would stop it. ...... I Majority Pledged to Taft. Thafa' Roosevelt earthquake is pos sible,.' every sensible man. must admit. But those who think it probable or almost-certain should analyze the situa tion more carefully. . In the first place, advertised 'stampedes rarely como. In tHe Becond' place, the stampede the psychological cyclone which upsets the reason ' of men : and drives them Into something akin to temporary insanity lis how regarded by most people as exceedingly silly business, unworthy of men who deal in a serious way with the serious affairs of life; and there is no reason whatever to suppose that the Chicago convention Is in any large part to be composed of men who do not know their own minds or who pos sess no stamina or power of resistance tcr emotional excitement, either natu rally -or artificially produced round about them. . In the third place, a clear majority of delegates to that convention are going to Chicago determined to nomi nate Judge Taft. Moreover, virtually a majority of all the delegates will go there. Instructed to vote for Taft. The claim .la made by Judge Taft's friends and managers that he will have 700 votes' on the first ballot and that a clear majority of the delegates will be instructed for him. This is the opinion of President Roosevelt, and he -is close ly watching every phase of the situa tion. If it be true that anything like 700 delegates out of 980 are for Taft, and especially if it be true that a ma jority or almost a majority are in structed for him, it Is difficult to see how a Roosevelt stampede can be worked with any show of , success. Whatever unlnstructed delegates might do, certainly those who had received instructions from their constituents could not vote for Roosevelt or anyone else as long as Taft was In the field. ; Figures Are Conservative. How many .. instructed and unln structed ' delegates is Taft likely to have? It is impossible to say with absolute accuracy. Some delegates have not been chosen. There are dis putes, as to whether . some already elected are instructed or not, and of course differences of opinion as to the leanings of some of the unlnstructed delegates. But using the somewhat full Information which has come to me from various sources, disregarding the claims made by the rival campaign managers, discounting the probable outcome of contests and Including del egates not yet chosen but as to whose status there is not much doubt, 1 have prepared a table of the votes in the Chicago convention. It Is only approx imately accurate. If anything, it is too conservative as to the strength, both instructed and unlnstructed, of Taft.. In both columns I give Taft fewer votes than are claimed for him by his friends. This table Is as follows: ' V " To'al Taft. Alio delpfca- instruc- . for - tlons. Hons. Taft. Alabama 22 X4 . . 4 Alaska 2 2 Arizona - j Arkansas 18 14 "2 California 20 u Colorado . 10 10 Connecticut 14 . . .- ' 14 Delaware .- a ... District, of Columbia. . 2 ... , ... Florida '. . T . 10 10 Georgia. . art i'2 Hawaii -. . "2 . . . ' 2 Idaho'.'.-. . i. .-: 6 ; K ... Illinois ; 54 2 Indiana . ao ... . , lo ..... ..... . -M -a ... ... Kansas 2i) 2a ... Kentucky . . 26 Louisiana ............ 18 Maine 12 Maryland . 16 Massachusetts ........ '32 Michigan : 28 Minnesota 22 ' Mississippi ........... 20 Missouri . .. , .16 . Montana 6- Nebraska 16 .Nevada - 6 N'ow -Hampshire 8 New Jersey ............ 24 New Mexico 2 New York 7S North Carolina 24 North Xakota 8 ' Ohio t 4fl Oregon . .' '8 Oklahoma 14 Pennsylvania 68 -' Philippines 2 10 8 6 ft I 6 13 . 4 , . . 1 18 2 . 2 21 ' .... 2 J2 31! ' ... 6 ... 18 6 ... v 5 4 16 2 ii 20 ... 8 ... 48 8 1 2 . Porto Rico 2 ... 2 Rhode Island 8 ... ... South Carolina 18 ... 14 South Dakota 8 8 Tennessee 24 24 Texas .. 86 . 36 Utah 6 6 Vermont 8 ... - 4 Virginia 24 14 10 Washington 10 10 - ... West Virginia 14 14 ... Wisconsin 26 1 Wyoming 6 6 Total .... ......080 ' 483' 161 According to the foregoing, which is substantially correct, Taft is to go into the convention with 485 Instructed del egates .and 181 other delegates who have pronounced or are known to be for him. Inasmuch as 491 votes make a nomination, it will he ; seen that, barring the much-talked-of upheaval for Roosevelt,' the struggle is already over. And how can there be a stam pede to Roosevelt when nearly a ma jority (and possibly -a majority) of the whole convention is to be under in struction for Taft? It Is pretty clear that there will be no stampede. If delegates were to dis regard their instructions ind vote for Roosevelt instead of Taft on the first ballot and Roosevelt were to be nomi nated, he could not accept. He could not in honor take a nomination thrust upon him by treachery to his friends. There are ways in which Roosevelt could be named so that he could In honor accept so that it would be his duty to accept but a stampede Involv ing disregard of instructions is not one of them. Nor is any such thing at all probable. CLERK APPEALS FOR AID ASKS COMMISSION TO MAKE COMPANY BEHAVE. Says Southern Pacific Charges' Him " Vp With Unpaid Freight Hill. SALEM, Or., May 9. (Special.) P. E. Blackman, chief freight clerk of the Southern Pacific at Roseburg. has ap pealed to the Oregon Railroad Commis sion for aid in securing relief from what he believes to be an injustice done him by the Southern Pacific He says that a carload of horses was shipped to Rose burg from Rawlins, Wyo., and the way bill marked prepaid on a 36-foot car. The car was shipped- by W. S. Booth and to himself at Roseburg. Seeing the waybill marked prepaid, Blackman deliv ered the horses to Booth. ' Later the Southern Pacific' Company notified him that the car was 36V4 feet long and that $30.08 additional should have been col lected from Booth.' . ,' ' . The company deducted the $30.08 from his salary of $75 and left him-to get the money from Booth. Blackman says Booth challenges the Southern Pacific to sue him for; the $30.08. but the company will not do so. Blackman says he cannot afford to go into court, so he 1m out the money through what he believes to be no fault of his. The Railroad Commis sion will investigate ' and see what can be done for Blackman's relief. - ' YALE DEFEATS PRINCETON Runs Vp Big Score of 73 to 31 in Field Meet. NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 9. Yale had no trouble In defeating Prince ton In the dual games on Yale field this afternoon, the final score being: Yale 73; Princeton 31. Yale got nine firsts, 10 seconds, eight thirds; Prince ton got four firsts, three seconds and five thirds. The wind blew strongly across the track when the .arst event was called. Summary. 120-yard hurdles Won by L. V. Howe, Yale: second, D. R. Robbins, Yale; third, L. King. Yale. Time. :16 4-6. 100-yard dash Won by R. B. Carey, Yale: second, W. B. Connors. Princeton; third. R. VA. Gamble, Princeton. Time, :10 1-5. Mile run Won by F. L. McQee. Prince ton; second, R. A. Spitser. Yale; third, A. A. Coney. Yale. Time, 4:32 . 440-yard dash Won by J. C. Allee, Princeton; 'second, R. W. Lamontalgne, Yale; third, M. B. Vilas, Yale. Time, :49 4-5. 800-yard run Won by O. H- Whlteley. Princeton: second. M. D. KlrJaisolT. Yale; third. V. V. Tllson. Yale. Tlirw. 2:01 4-5. 220-yard hurdles-Won by D. D. Robins, Yale; second, L,. V. Howe, Yale; third, L.. King, Yale. Time, 25 seconds. Shotput Won by G. I,. Buhrman, Yale, distance 42 feet. Inch; second, W. H. Thompson, Princeton, distance 38 feet, 10 Inches; third. D. M. Mc'adyen, Princeton, distance 38 feet,- 6. Inches. -; 220-yard ' dash Won by R. H. Carey, Yale; second, John Lilley. Yale; third, W. B. Connors, Princeton. Time. :22 2-6. High jump Tie between X. A. Riley and E. H. Coy. both of Yale: third place was a tie between W., E. Talcott and T. S. Clark, of Princeton. : Pole-Vault Won by Yale, A. C. Gilbert, W. Dray and F. T. Nelson stopping at 11 feet, ft Jtvches, owing; to rain. Two-mile .ru Won by G. Brown, Yale; second. W. L. McGeo, Princeton; third, M. Weeks, Yale. Time. 15:09. Broad Jumn Won by v . B. Connors, Princeton, -distance 21 feet, 1 Inches; sec ond, ..Daoust, Yale, 20 feet. 1144 Inches; third, Ii..H. Simons, Princeton, 20 feet, 9 inches. Hammer-throw Won by C. T. Coney, Yale, distance. 147 feet. 1 i inches; second, W. A. Doebel, Yale, distance 138 feet, 11 Inches; third, 1 P. Bl8elow, Yale, 13 feet, fi inches. VAXDERBILT MAY WIX DERBY His Seasick II Has Equal Chance With Belmont's Norman III. LONDON. - May 9. W. J. Vanderbilfs colt Seasick II. which it has been de cided to send over from France to run In the Epsom Derby, was given a promi nent place in the betting today, 16 to 2 being laid against him. These odds in dicate that his chances are regarded as practically equal to those of August Bel mont's Norman III. During the last six weeks August Bel mont heads the list of winning owners with $30,000 to his credit, and Richard Croker is second with $20,000. Danny Maher, the American jockey, tops-the list of winners. O. A. C. 5; Chemawa 1. CORVALLIS. Or.. May . Special.) O. A. C. defeated the Chamawa Indians in the second and last game of the series played here this afternoon by a score of 6 to I. The game was a hotly-fought contest to the fifth inning. O. A. C. bring ing in three runs. Errors, O. A. C. 1, Chemawa 4. Hits, O. A. C. 6, Chemawa 5. Travis Wins President's Cup. NEW YORK, May 9. Walter J. TraVis was the winner today f in the final round of 36 holes, match play, for the President's cup, on the links of. the Gareen City Golf Club. Travis defeated Chadwlck E. Sawyer, up and T to play. PLAN TO SAVE J Governors Confer With Presi dent on Conservation of Resources. GATHER AT WHITE HOUSE Meeting Promises to Be Historic and Is First Time President Has - Met State Executives. Experts Will Talk. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May 9. History will be made at this week's White House conference on natural resources. For history making, conditions are remarkably favorable, -.ever before has a Presi dent of the United States conferred with all the Governors of the states. Never before has the White House, with its long record of social and state functions, sheltered a large convention called for the consideration of a great public issue. And never before- has the whole .broad Question of the con servation of this country's natural re sources been brought before a great deliberative body as the sole ubject of Its consideration. The reception accorded to this project Indicates that the people of the country expect- definite results of a far-reaching character. After hearing from experts the conditions the country is facing, the members of the conference will themselves decide . whether anything ought to be done, and what. Some have suggested the advisability of forming a great National organization to carry forward the plans originated in the conference. The prob ability as that, at the least, some basis will be laid for future co-operation be tween the Federal and state governments In a vigorous policy of conservation, for one of the things which will be shown most forcibly at the conference is mat neither the states nor the Federal Gov ernment can make satisfactory headway Independently. Recalls Historic Conference. The present situation is much the same as was faced just before the adoption of the Federal constitution, and the more enthusiastic believe that the coming con ference will have just as far reaohing results, and become auite as historic, as those meetings which led up to the form ation of the constitution. They recall that the whole question of a constitution had its direct origin In a meeting pro moted by George Washington for the consideration of f!he 'control and develop ment of the Potomac. The detailed arrangements for the con ference accord with the importance ' of the discussion and with the prominence of the men In attendance. For the meet ing the famous East Room of the White House will be quite transformed. Along the east wall will be placed a combined framework and platform 52 feet In length and 19 feet high. This will be artistically covered with green velvet, trimmed with gold rope. The purpose of such a large framework Is to afford a proper setting for two giant maps of the United States, made by the Forest Service, to which constant reference will be made. The two maps are the largest, so far as is known, ever made by mechanical process. Each measures 12 by 16 feet and each la colored to show graphically the various resources of the country. One of them is . devoted to mineral re sources and the second to all other re sources. Governors in Seats of Honor. The Governors will occupy the seats of honor just In front of the platform Attendance at the sessions will be care fully restricted to those connected with the conference. The White House, ex cept for the executive offices, will be entirely closed to visitors during the three days of the meeting. x And bo tour ists will not have even the usual oppor tunity to see the building. This strict arrangement has been necessitated by the limited capacity of the east room and by the great number of requests which have been made. The outlook Is that the Governors and delegates, to gether with Cabinet members, justices of the Supreme Court and members of Con gress, will entirely fill the east room. Three social functions will marRT conference week. The first will be a dinner given Tuesday evening by Pres ident Roosevelt. At this dinner a President of the United States will for the first time meet socially the Gover nors of practically all the States and Territories. At the dinner President Roosevelt will also entertain the Jus tices of the Supreme Court, Secretar ies Wilson and Garfield of the cabinet, whose departments are peculiarly con cerned in the conference, the members of the Inland Waterways Commission and the special guests William Jen nings Bryan, James J. Hill, Andrew Carnegie and John Mitchell. Ex President Cleveland, who was invited, will probably be unable to attend be cause of his recent indisposition. Mr. Gifford Pinchot will give a recep tion Thursday evening at his resi dence, 1615 Rhode Island avenue. There the delegates, conferees, cabinet mem bers, chiefs of Government bureaus and members of the press will have an opportunity tqmeet the Governors and the members of the Inland Waterways Commission. Mrs. Roosevelt Will Receive. Mrs. Roosevelt, will give a garden party Friday afternoon in the south grounds of the White House, In honor of the visiting Governors. All of the guests will be presented to Mrs. Roose velt. Music will be furnished by the Marine Band. 1 . v Two remarkable publications have direct connection with the conference. The text book for much of the discus sion will be the appendix to the pre liminary report of the Inland Water ways Commission.. It gives accurate figures upon the decline of steam navi gation upon Western rivers, and even goes into such detail as' to present the names of practically all steamers ply ing on the Mississippi. It shows in detail how the tonnage on tho inland waterways has declined. WEALTH OF i ON and gives other information little short of startling on rail and water trans portation. It presents a list of all the canals In the country, and tells which of them is owned or controlled by rail roads. It presents, too, a list of the abandoned canals, and shows why they were abandoned. These are only a few things shown in this work, which is really a great encyclopedia of the waterways of this country. It repre sents a great deal of hard work on the part of the Bureau of Corporations, ' which was chiefly In charge of its compilation. The second publication will be de voted to a history of the conference. The proceedings will, be reported stenographically, and will be edited and published in book form with illus trations. -The conference will open Wednesday morning. May 13. As the Governors ar rive at the White House they will be re ceived by the President. Thereafter the President and the Governors will join the delegates in the East room, and the Pres ident will open the conference with an address. He will probably be followed by Andrew Carnegie, who will speak on "Ores and Related Minerals." James. J. Hill, who will speak later, will present his estimate of the railroad extensions which will be demanded by the future needs of the country, and their cost. He will discuss the important questions of terminals a question which is giving rail road men no little anxiety. Experts Will Attend. The subject of navigation will be pre sented by Professor Emory R. Johnson, profess6r of transportation and commerce in the University of Pennsylvania. "Power" will be considered by H. S. Putnam, electrical engineer, New York. He will present estimates of the power now developed in this country, and the probable rate of increase. The most im portant phase of his discussion, however, will be that In which he will" deal with the electrification of railroads. Mr. Put nam is consulting engineer in connection with the proposed electrification of the New York Central and the New York, New Haven & Hartford. Dr. T. C. Chamberlain, professor of geology in the University of Chicago, will tell in detail about the $500,000,000 waste which this country suffers every year through soil wash. He will develop the fact that normally soil ought to grow richer with cultivation, and will outline the way in which erosion can be pre vented. R. A. Long, of Kansas City, will make estimates on the timber supply of the country, and will tell the necessity, as viewed by a practical lumberman, of forest conservation. Dr. George M. Kober, of Washington, D. C, in presenting the subject of sani tation, will devote himself particularly to the practical benefits of a pure water supply for cities. He has prepared figures to show that the expense of se curing pure water is more than met by decreased sickness. Will Talk on Reclamation. Honorable George C. Pardee, of Oak land, Cal., will describe the benefits of reclamation. He will show that Irriga tion and the drainage of swamp lands can be co-ordinated with the checking of floods and the development of power. Judge Joseph M. Cacey, of Cheyenne, Wyo., will discuss the"necessity of good land laws, and will show that the coun try's resources will beT better conserved by a system of small freeholds than by the tenantry system; ' Hon. H. A. Jaetro, of Bakersfleld, Cal., president of the .American National Livestock Association, will discuss graz ing and stockraislng in relation to na tural "resources. He will show that over grazing has greatly reduced the capacity of grazing lands in the United States. . Dr. I. C. White, state geologist" of West Virginia and professor of geology' In the University of West Virginia, will make estimates on the duration of mineral fuels. He will tell about the Improvident system of mining by which only about 50 per cent of the coal Is re moved, and will explain how coal is wasted in heating, smelting and gas pro duction. He will explain how the coal supply can be conserved and will con sider possible substitutes for fuel. The discussion on coal mining will be led by John Mitchell, ex-president of the United Mine Workers. As the conference proceeds the Gov ernors and delegates will have oppor tunities to ask questions and make sug gestions. After the experts have been heard they will 'consider what ought to be done in encouragement of a policy of conservation. BROTHER TO THE RESCUE Jerry Crort Denies Charges of Pro . fessionalism Against Henry. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 9. (Special.) Henry Croft, the young Seattle boxer who Is accused in a dispatch from Juneau of having fought professionally all over Alaska, never fought a professional match in his life, according to the statement of his brother, Jerry Croft, of Tacoma. The boys are the sons of Edmond Croft, who was a member of the last State Legisla ture, from Pierce County. The elder Croft is a well-known and respected citizen of Tacoma and Is worth about $300,000, most of which is In Tacoma real estate. At present Henry Croft and his father are on a ranch which the elder Croft owns at Coos Bay, Or. Jerry is looking after his father's business Interests in Tacoma. The family ia indignant at the insinua tions that have been made against Henry. "My brother," said Jerry, today, "was born in Chelialis, in Lewis County, this state. He lived for about 15 years at Aberdeen. He and I were in Alaska to gether long-shoring for the White Pass & Yukon road. Henry boxed with Nick Burley at his training quarters. He didn't engage In a match contest with Burley, but merely boxed with him at his quar ters, as any boy might do. He never fought a professional match in Alaska or anywhere else. The statement that his name is Carroll is ridiculous. I am his brother and I ought to know my own family. Furthermore, Ed Russell, the Juneau man who is quoted as authority for saying that my brother's name is Carroll and that he fought all over Alaska, never saw my brother." HATRED WILL BREAK OUT (Continued Prom First Pare.) engages In a punching-bag exercise, with the administration as the objective, his own strength with the country is inevit ably increased. Mr. Roosevelt stirred up the present Senatorial hornets' nest by means of his penchant for letter-writing. Within a few days be has sent communications to three or four Senators, some of them being quite lengthy, and all, according to re port, breathing defiance of the Senate. It is said the President has announced his intention to disobey the action of Con gress if that body passes a joint reso lution directing him to restore to the ranks the Brownsville negro soldiers. PLOT THAT FAILED Bourne Tries to Engineer Roosevelt Stampede. CONSPIRATORS IN COUNCIL Oregon Third-Term Boomer ' and President's Son-In-Law Are Only Ones Who Attend Carefully Planned Meeting. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. May 9. According to current re port. Senator Bourne is anxious to be chosen a delegate to the Chicago con vention because he believes the conven tion can be stampeded to Roosevelt and he wants to engineer the stampede. Already he is laying plans to bring about this stampede. Eastern papers are print ing the story of Bournes' preliminary maneuvers, but because of the fac that Borah sounds much like Bourne over the telephone, credit is given for this plotting to the Junior Idaho Senator, when as a matter of fact he is the most sincere Taft man in the Senate and does not', believe in the third term movement. The report, as published, says: "Mr. Borah decided recently to hold a council of war, at which there should be laid plans for the great Roosevelt stampede at the Chicago convention. In i season and out. the Idaho men talked j me iiura term, one ot nis most irequent victims being Senator Curtis, of Kansas, whom Borah chose as a proper man to set the stampede In motion. From dawn to dark, Borah argued with Curtis that If only Kansas would lead off by casting its vote for Roosevelt, it would be all over with the Taft boom at Chicago, and Just as insistently Curtis declared that he could see nothing but Taft on the politi cal horizon. Finally, after extensive mis sionary work at both ends of the Capitol, Senator Borah called his meeting. It was to take place at his apartment. He obtained use of several additional vacant apartments for the overflow, and rented chairs by the hundreds. Last Sun day at 3 P. M. was the time set for the secret gathering. Promptly at that hour. Senator Curtis appeared and within five minutes Representative Longworth, son-In-Iaw of the President, put In his ap pearance. They chatted quietly with the Idaho Warwick for more than an hour, but no other statesmen appeared. No mention was made of the second elective term, and only Innocent subjects, like the weather, furnished topics for the con versation. When it was almost 5 o'clock, the Kansas Senator and the Ohio Rep resentative took their departure, leaving Borah to pay the rent of his especially retained apartments and to get rid of several hundred chairs." The foregoing story is absolutely true, save that It was Senator Bourne and not Senator Borah, and it was Bourne who paid the bills. The incident shows what little interest there is In Bourne's second elective term propaganda In Washington. CAXXOT FULFILL - PROMISES V i ' Bourne Said to Be Making Deals for Delegates. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May 9. (Special.) If It is true, as reported, that Senator Bourne, hoping to dominate Oregon's delegation to Chi cago, is offering postofflce appointments in return for delegates to the state con vention, then the junior Senator is mak ing promises he cannot fulfill. There Is Just one postofflce in Oregon which Bourne can control that at Portland. He has absolutely nothing to say about fourth-class postmasters, and he is only one of three who selects Presidential postmasters. The only possible way by which he could deliver postofflces under the suspected deal, is through the co operation of at least one -other member of the delegation, -and it Is a well-known fact that no member of the Congressional delegation wants to see Bourne sent to Chicago, unless he goes Instructed to vote for Taft. In is an inviolable rule of the Post office Department that fourth-class post offices shall be controlled by Congress men representing districts In which such offices are located, and under the agree ment of the Oregon delegation. Presiden tial postofflces are filled by the repre sentative in whose district the office is situated acting with the two Senators the majority to decide In case of dis agreement. It Is therefore apparent that Bourne Is not in a position to de liver postoffices In return for delegates, no matter how much he might desire to make deals of this sort. Hood's Sarsaparilla Known as the ONE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER Api't'titc-jrivcr and stri'imlli-btiiMfr. cffccls rui'fs n( nil IiIk1 diseases., troubles of I Jit- stilin liver awl kidneys, ami nil low or iun-liwn conditions of the system. It often sneered where oilier rem edies totally toil. Buy a but lie and bepin to take it today. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for my spring medicine for years and have always found it reliable, giving perfect satisfaction II takes. away that tired feeling or sprine; fever, jrives enemy, puis the blood in jrood condition." Miss Elbe Colonnc. 133 10th St.. N YV.. Washington. I C Sold by dmagists everywhere. In the usual liquid form or in thorolale-1 coated labb ts railed Sarsatabs. IH WOMAN'S BREAST ANY LUMP IS CANCER Aiiy tumor, lamp or sore ob the Hp, faoi or anywhere, six months. Is caicer. TAey never pain until almost past cure. THREE PHYSICIANS OFFER $1000 If They Fail to Cure Any Cancer Without KNIFEor PAIM AT HALF PRICE for 30 days. Not a dollar need be paid until cured. Only infal lible car ever discovered. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. Beit book on cancers ever printed. Sent FREE with testimonials el thousands cured with outa failure. A Pacific island plant makes the cures. Most won derful discovery on earth. Small cancers cured at vour home. I No X-Ray or other swindle. Write today for our 1 30-page book, sent free. . DR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY & CO. 26 Cbamley Bldg. 696 McAllister St. Sao Francisco Kindly Send To Someone With Cancer. -'-1 m ' & rl Iff ' 'I X JfZZ ""-isr-ll IT YLE in Clothes is as essen tial as quality. This new "London" is one of the dis tinctive, stylish Schloss designs for either the nobby dresser or the conservative man. A splendid model, and thoroughly up-to-the-minute in grace and style. Ttree-tutton," with a graceful sweep, a handsome dip, and the latest novelties in Coat and Trouser Cuffs. The latter can he worn either up or down same length and perfect appearance either way. Aslc for tke Schloss "London" tKIs lafcel marks the genuine. Your Clothier can get this model no cost or obli gation to you or him if you don't want to keep the Suit after ex amination. . . , Balti more Schloss Bros. Ct& Co. York SCHLOSS BRO'S CLOTHES FIT AND SATISFY Our customers compliment us on their merits. They have 'Style, snap and shape-retaining: quality. Still your choice is not restricted to these alone. We also handle the STEIN-BLOCK and the BRADBURY SYSTEM clothes. We show them in regular, stouts, longs and extra sizes. Prices are moderate from $35 down to CREDIT IF DESIRED You are privileged to select your suit, wear it and pay in weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payments agreeable to your convenience. Eastern Outfitting Co. COR. WASHINGTON AND TENTH THE STORE WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD COUCH BtiJG 4TBcmctnsTAiiir cwASMincTon r r-d?t sis ro Edward Brennan Gives Ball. NEW YORK. May 9. Edward Bren nan, lawyer of Butte, ' Mont., who was arrested Thursday on a charge of at tempting to extort $40,000 from F. Au gustus. Heinze In connection with the Copyright 1908 by SCHLOSS BROS. CO. Fine Clothes Makers Baltimore and New York f Wljolesale Drapers j matter of the Aetna Bank & Trust Com pany of Butte, waived examination in Police Court today, gave ball and was released. It la expected that Mr. Bren-: nan's father, who Is on his way from Indianapolis, will arrive today, prepared to assist his son.