The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 10, 1908, SECTION TWO, Image 13

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VOL. XXVII. . ., . : PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 10. 1903. ' . NO. 19.
L -
sands of Yards at Reduced Prices
EVERY YEAR at this time we hold the greatest Silk Sale of the entire
year. On account of conditions in the East this year, we offer thousands
of yards of the newest Silks at the lowest prices ever quoted, quality con
sidered. Not an undesirable weave or color in the entire collection.
All are ' high-standard qualities in absolutely new and ' perfect Silks.
Mail orders filled; quantities will not be restricted. Dressmakers, manufacturers
and small dealers invited to attend. Extra salesmen, extra counters; see windows
Our Entire Stock of High -Class
Fancy Silks, Values to $2 at 89c
No reserve our entire stock of high-class Fancy Silks in all this season's best styles -and
colorings, selling regularly from $1.50 to $2.00 a yard at the most sensational sale price in
years. The styles chevron-stripe plaids with satin stripe, checked with
coin dots, striped tussor and Pekin stripe, in all the fashionable colors,
such as Copenhagen, tan, brown, navy and green. Also printed warp
silks. Sold regularly from $1.50 to $2.00 a yard. Monday.
EARLY SHOPPERS NOTE: Early shoppers will benefit in many ways choicest selec
tions, smaller crowds, better attention, and you'll be sure of getting, what you want.
jnai saic price 111
$1.25 Messalines, Yd. 98c
5000 yards Colored Messalines, shown in
every desirable coloring, for street and
evening wear. Best $1.25 qq
values .....f..
$2.25 Silk Voiles, $1.59
Silk Voiles the newest fabric shown for
Summer wear. Colors tan, brown, navy,
Copenhagen, gray, reseda, black, cream. All
pure silk, 47 inches wide. -Q
Regular $2.25 values .S 1 OJ
Imported Pongee Silks, the most popular
and desirable fabric for Summer wear.
All $1.00 Pongees, 79c
AH $1.25 Pongees, $1.05
All $1.50 Pongees, $1.29
All $1.75 Pongees, $1.49
19- Inch Colored Taffeta
85c Quality at 67c Yard
3000 yards of 19-inch Colored Taffeta in all
the wanted colorings, including " C7
black, white" and cream. O C
3000 yards dependable Black Taffetas, in
cluding the celebrated "Bonnet" Black Taf
fetas, reduced :
20- In. Bonnet Taffeta, $ 1 .00 vaL $ .79
22-In. Bonnet Taffeta, $1.25 val. .87
36-In. Bonnet Taffeta, $1.75 vaL 1.49
36-In. Bonnet Taffeta, $2.00 vaL 1.65
$1.25 Yard-Wide Black Taffeta .98
$1.50 Black Taf f eta $1 .29.
500 yards yard-wide Black Taffeta, the best
regular $1.50 quality we ever 'sold, made
especially for Lipman, Wolfe C1 OCi
& Co., yard . . . J 1
A large special purchase of 27Tinch and
36-inch White Jap Silks for Summer waists
reduced for this sale- . , , , .
27-In. 60c Quality, 45c
27-In. 85c Quality, 65c
27-In. $1.00 Quality, 87c
27-In. $1.25 Quality, 95c
36-In. $1.00 Quality, 87c
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Portland Agents for Kops Bros.
Fitted By Only Expert Corsetier in City .
Values to $1.50 Yard 59c
A special lot of Embroidery Edges,
Flounces, Insertions, Bands and
Galoons. Values to $1.50 CQn
yard V&L
Values to $1.25 Yard at 58c
2500 yds. black, white and colored Tux
edo Veilings,- large-and small chenille
and. velvet dots. Values to CO
gi.zo yarq
Established 1850-FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS IN BUSINEISS-Established 1850
Good Merchandise Only Quality Conudered .Oar Pricei Are Always the Lowsst
Values to 50c, at Each 25c
Hand-embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs,
fine Swiss, hemstitched . and scalloped ;
also colored effects in stripe O Cm
and floral designs W4JI
$10 Feather Boas $4.95
Two lots of of Coque, Marabout and
Ostrich Feather Boas in all shades
and effects. Specially priced for Mon
day as above.
Distinctive Net Waists
Monday only we offer a limited number
of highest quality movelty net waists at
a 'price that seems Incredible made
possible only by the general business
depression in the east. They are made
in white and ecru in pleasing models of
simple elegance and sure appeal silk
lined, trimmed with fine cluny lace and
insertion, fancy medallions, ribbon
trim'ings. Sold regularly n9 OT
at $12.50 Monday only pO.OZ
Sale Long Gloves
Vals. to $4 at $2.19
Monday we place on sale our
entire line of regular $3.50 16
button Kid Gloves, also 16-but-ton
Chamois Gloves, elbow
length "Fluffy Ruffles" Gloves,
and elbow length Strap Gaunt
lets,. All new desirable gloves,
no seconds or left-overs. Val
ues to $4.00 a pair. Your
choVcepf any"
style ,Monday.T.T .
' "
$1.50-$1.75 Lace Curtains! $1.09
$2.00-$2.25 Lace Curtains $1.49
$2.50-$2.75 Lace Curtains $1.89
Nottingham Lace Curtains in neat plain effects ; large variety of patterns,
both in plain and figured centers, in madras weave and Scotch lace
effects; 3 yards long, 45 to 50 inches wide.
$4.00-$4.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $3.15
$5.00-$5.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $3.89
$6.00-$6.50 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $4.79
$7.50-$8.00 LACE CURTAINS AT ONLY $5.89
Large variety of patterns in all this season's best effects in Renaissance,
Cluny," Marie Antoinette, La Savoie, -Irish Point,' Battenberg and . new
novelty effects ; all made of good quality of imported bobbinet ; white or
Arabian color, 2 and3 yards long.- ... ,f
The Most Phenomenal Suit Bargains Offered 'this Season. An
Opportunity that does not Usually come until late Summer.
High-Class Tailormade Suits
Vals. to $50 a
The reason that this is the greatest suit sale of the season is
because every suit is high grade and distinctive and marked at
our regular low margin of profit. We never mark suits up in
order to sell them at half price as some stores do. These high
class tailor suits, made of plain and fancy materials in all the
newest and most approved styles of jacket suits, coat suits, pony
suits, novelty butterfly suits and long coat suits. The colors are
black, brown, navy, Copenhagen, blondine, raspberry and gray
every suit a perfect model, some plain tailormade, others trimmed
with fancy braids. Skirts in the newest gored fliijij
and plaited styles. Reg, price $50, Sale price tpO 3
There's something in the hang and general effect of these suits that "
shows conclusively the artistic touch of a master designer and
the careful handiwork of th. most skilled tailors that are available.
Lstie -rxxi iv u -i r vi
1 1 , K; IT " M
Golden Opportunity Lace Sale
100,000 Yards at Half Price and Less
This sale includes white, cream, ecru, black and colored laces of all
descriptions Venise, Baby Irish, Oriental, Net Tops Filet, Cluny, An
tique, Spanish and Soutache effects in edges, insertions, galoons, ap
pliques, medallions, festoons and iS to 45-inch allovers. Over 100,000
yards in 2000 various patterns to select from.
Laces Worth Up to $1.00 Only . . 39c
Laces Worth Up to $1.50 Only . . 59c
Laces Worth Up to $2.00 Only . . 98c
Laces Worth Up to $3.00 Only $1.35
Laces Worth Up to $4.50 Only $1.98
Laces Worth $5 and Up at Only $2.50
A special lot of Valenciennes Lace and Insertion, Vi to a inches
wide, double and single thread, reduced:
Values to 12V2C, 5c Yard or 55c Doz.
Values to 20c, 10c Yard or $1.10 Doz.
White Goods Price
White Goods in short lengths from 2x2 to 10 yards
plain lawns, batistes, mulls and lingerie cloths, lawn
and mull checks and stripes. , On sale at XT AT U
center bargain table at. ................ . . XlfXljl;
Beauty, Strength and Health for Women Who Take
Vaucaire Galega Tablets
A Bust Developer, Flesh Builder and Tonic
The remedy bo highly Indorsed by all leading
authorities on health and beauty, culture.
White's Vaucaire Galega Tablets round out
shrunken, hollow parts, develop the bust, cre
ate a good appetite and clear the complexion.
it you are thin, run down, nervous and
weak, take a box and note helr wonder
ful effect; regular $1.00 box sale.......
CAUTION Imitation and worthless nostrums
are being offered. See that the name, Willard
White Co., is on each box. -
has no ' equal. Excellent for the complexion,
freckles, tan, wrinkles, pimples, blackheads,
chapped hands or face, etc, does not grow hair
or turn rancid, and has a very dainty odor.
suggestive of fresh flowers. Defies sun, wind and dust.
MELOROSB FACE POWDER The perfection of toilet (lain
ties has a delightful odor, soft and velvety and "It Sticks."
Large beautiful box of cream or powder; regular 50c box..
Stout Womm!
Nemo Week
May 11 to 16
Be Sure to Get It Fitted at Lip.
man-Wolfe's by the ONLY
"Nemo" Expert Coraetiere in
Fashion's supreme command: "Be
Slender I" The Corset is the most
important garment this season, and
the new Nemos perfectly meet, the
demand for slender and medium
forms, as well as for stout figures.
Nemo ; Self-Reducing Corsets, of
course' for stout women ; more Shapely
and stylish than ever with the new
Flatning-Back, which makes Prin
cess effects possible.
Nemo Willow-Shape Corsets make
the slender figure even more, graceful and
willowy; just as comfortable when you're
seated as wheni you stand dont bind or
SJ3 50 il LJ Nemo Back-Besting Corsets, for medium and
patented and exclusive. Cure your backache
and give you the slender new figure " to rer-
fection; and the back steels simply cannot turn and dig into your flesh.
SELF-REDUCING CORSETS Nos. 312 and 314, and Nos. 320 and 318,
with Flatning-Back $3.50
SELF-REDUCING Nos. 516, 517 (Flatning-Back), 518 (short). and
515 (bust supporters) ; $5.50
BACK-BESTING CORSETS latest novelty '.....$.00
SWAN-SHAPE CORSETS ...................... .$2.00 to $4.00
MILITARY BELT CORSETS comfort and grace, .:. ..$3.50
No matter what your figure is, there's a Nemo to fit it. If you don't,
know the new'Nemos get acquainted during Nemo Week I . They're not
like ordinary corsets. Every Nemo is a patented specialty which does
something, and does it right. , There is no substitute. Be here this week ! .