The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Plan Active Campaign to Se
cure Control of the Com
ing Legislature.
Fight Against "Antl" Candidates of
the Republican Party Probably
Will Center in Washington
and Yamhill Counties.
Lacking but one or two of a majority
in the next Legislature for election of
United States Senator, the Statement No.
1 forces feel confident of defeating enough
anti-Statement Republican nominees to
give them safe jjontrol. Thirty-live Re
publicans nominated for the Legislature
throughout the state are Statement No, 1
candidates. These, Increased by 10 hold
over Statement Senators, increase the
voting strength to 45, or one less than a
majority. The Republican Statement
candidates will have no opposition, so
that the 35 nominated wilt surely sit in
the lawmaking body and vote for Sena
tor Fulton's successor.
The most promising field for a bolt
from the Republican anti-Statement
nominees and for union with Demo
crats is Washington, Yamhill and
Tillamook Counties, where opposition
tickets are In the field for the elec
tion of seven Statement legislators.
V. N. Barrett, Republican nominee for
State Senator in Washington, Yamhill,
Tillamook and Lincoln, as "Repub
lican voters' choice," has flopped to
Statement One since the primaries.
The Statement forces hope, therefore,
in these four counties' to elect, eight
legislators of their own faith.
Another district singled out for a light
is Uilliam, Sherman and Wheeler counties,
where Jay Bowerman was nominated for
Senator after a somewhat lively fight,
over Bourhill. W. J. Edwards, who since
populist and Bryan days hus called him
self a Republican and was formerly a
resident of Benton County, has entered
the list against Bowerman, as a champion
of Statement No. 1.
Had Xo Opposition.
In this same county B. F. Pike and
R. N. Donnelly were nominated for
representatives on the Republfcan
ticket against Statement No. 1, but as
they had no opposition and possess a
strong hold on their district, the state
ment forces have little hope oi defeat
ing them.
In Linn County, where two anti
statement Republicans were nominat
ed for Representative F. H. Porter
and E. E. Upmeysr and one statement
man was nominated i" M. Brown in
dependent opposition candidates may
be put up against Porter and Up
meyer, but as yet there is no move
ment for this purpose. The three
iJomocratlc nominees pledged to the
statement will make a lively fight,
hoping to defeat one- or the other of
the two Republican nominees.
The same kind of fight will be put up
In Waseo by the two Democratic candi
dates for Representative. TJie Repuh
lican candidates are "Republican voters'
The main fight, however, will be waged
In Washington. Yam'.lill, Tillamook and
Lincoln, for election of seven Statement
1 Independents and of W. N. Barrett,
who has come over into the Statement
camp. A convention of Statement 1
men was held ten days ago in Washing
ton and another in ,Vamhill, on the fol
lowing day.
The Republican candidate for State
Senator in Washington Is W. D. Wood,
Republican voters' choice. To oppose
him the Washington convention nomi
nated Arthur N. Cutting, of Sherwood, a
prominent Grange member. To oppose
the three "Republican voters' choice"
candidates of the Republican ticket for
Representatives the convention lamed
William Schulmerlch, Democrat: P. A
Burnett, Democrat, and John Chapman,
Republican. The regular Republican
nominees are S. A. D. Meek, Charles
llines and R. H. Green.
democrats In Control.
This convention was controlled by
Democrats and Statement Republicans
were present. Among them was George
W. Kelly, defeated candidate for the
Republican nomination. James H. Sew
all, chairman, was fusion candidate
four years ago for State Senator, and
was then defeated by E. W. Haines.
John M. Wall, secretary, is a long-time
However, the Statement men have
trong hopes of beating the Repub
lican nominees. They will be aided by
factional troubles In the Republican
ranks. Haines and Cornelius, old Re
publican war-horses, are understood to
be privately hostile to Wood, the Re
publican nominee for State Senator, be
cause of his bolting the Republican
ticket In past elections and defeating
them for the State Senate.
In the Yamhill convention held in Mc
Mlnnville, April 25, two Statement candi
dates were nominated to oppose the two
Republican candidates F. K. Jones and
J. W. Bones. The two new nominees are
John G. Eckman. Republican, and M. F.
Corrigan, Democrat. Because of Barrett's
change of front, he was indorsed for
State Senator for the Joint district.
For the Joint Representative District,
composed of Yamhill and Tillamook,
Bam Laughlln, of North Yamhill, was
nominated to oppose A. G, Bcals, Repub
lican voters' choice.
. Xo Fight in Multnomah.
In Multnomah County where three anti
statement men were nominated, there will
probably be no independent movement for
statement candidates to run against them.
Democrats are making no effort for such
a movement, since they realize its futility.
No move has yet been made to put up
independent candidates for the Legisla
ture In Lane County for or against State
ment No'. 1. The Republican candidates
chosen In the primaries were: L. E.
Bean, unpledged; W. W. Calkins, un
pledged ; Allen H. Eaton, Statement No.
1. The Democrats nominated Leon Bd
munaon, J. D. Matlock and Allen H. Ea
ton, the two latter by writing in the
names. Eaton accepted the Republican
but not the Democratic nomination. This
leaves two unpledged and three State
ment No. 1 candidates from which three
Representatives will be chosen.
Is Strongly Republican.
The county is so strongly Republican
that It is not expected that a Democrat
will be chosen, although Chamberlain
carried Lane in 1908. The leading State
ment No, 1 Republicans consider that
the primaries settled the statement Is
sue and they will probably support the
candidates chosen.
If the Statement movement shall be
successful in Washington and Yamhill
counties the next Legislature will be un
der its domination. The success of this
movement is necessary to the plans of
Chamberlain, since his hope of election
to the United States Senate lies in elec
tion of State legislators, pledged to the
people's choice for that office.
Practical Fisherman Writes of Fin
ny Tribe r Columbia River.
CATHLAMET. Wash., May 2. (To
the Editor.) Having read with inter
est the controversy between the gill
net element on the Columbia River and
the wheel men of the Upper Columbia
I wish' to express my views on the sub
ject. The salmon of the Columbia River
have for years past been a subject of
contention and study. There have been
enormous sums of money spent in
hatcheries and on salaried officers with
a view to the propagation of the young
salmon. . Millions of the latter nave
been turned loose from our hatcheries
every year and many wonder where all
the fish goes to. It Is asserted that the
salmon are diminishing each year, and
the only reason given is that the
wheels, traps and seines kill all the
young salmon, but this shows the ig
norance of study of the salmon ques
tion. The evil does not lay in this di
rection, for no young Chinook salmon
enter the Columbia, and hence the
cause is not the destruction of the
young salmon, but the destruction of a
large percentage of the adult fish.
It is a well-known fact that fish do
not enter the river until they are ready
to spawn. We have several tribes' or
species of salmon in the Columbia, and
we know that they have their certain
periods in Spring and Summer to enter
the river, and that the salmon of all
the tribes are mature and their in
stincts bring them to their respective,
spawning grounds. When their mis
sion is done they are also done, for
their egg stock is exhausted, and the
Creator could not put in a new egg
stock consequently they crawl into
the deepest holes and crevices on the
bottom of the Columbia River and die.
We have the same example of smelt
after they spawn. They never go back
to the ocean.
The Oregon Fish Commission has in
troduced and transplanted into the Co
lumbia River foreign species of trout
for sport fishing, but perhaps it is not
known that trout is a ravenous enemy
to salmon eggs. The trout destroy mil
lions of eggs each year and also de
vour young fry. The other destruc
tive eriemies of salmon are seal and
sea lions. If the States of Oregon and
Washington would spend a few thou
sand dollars- in selecting and paying
good, honest riflemen to wage war on
these destructive enemies of salmon
there would be very much good ac
complished, as those sea devils seals
and sea lions eat and destroy thou
sands of mature salmon every year.
The glllnetters know 'this very well,
for I have been a glllnetter on the Co
lumbia from the year 1874 up to 1898,
and when drifting either night or day
have seen seals and sea lions swim
from one end to the other of my net
and pick out and eat the salmon.
Often when I picked up my net I only
found heads and pieces o salmon
hanging to the meshes. I quit gilinet
tlng because I- had to go down to the
Columbia River bar to catch salmon or
else stay at home and starve. I could
not see the point of belonging to a
union where the officers . get the
boodle, and I lay down by Sand Island
sleeping in my rubber boots as Jots of
glllnetters do every year. I knpw lots
of glllnetters who are away a week at
a time before going home.
Hundeds of glllnets from 250 to 350
fathoms long are stretched across the
channel from Sand Island all the way
down towards the lightship every day
and night in the Summer fishing sea
son,, and they drag the bottom of the
channel at 30 and 35 feet of water.
Now here is a question I am going to
ask Mr. Rbsenburg, the President of
the Columbia River Fishermen's Pro
tective Union: How in the name of
common sense can the salmon enter the
Columbia River when thousands of
deep gillnets are blocking the en
trance? As the main ships channel is
the only access, the jetty has blocked
Clatsop Spit and the old north channel
by llwaco is very nearly filled In. The
dllnetters' Union protested against
the Sunday closing law. They wanted
the whole hog or none. This is the
situation as it stands today. Now the
Glllnetters' Union wants to abolish
wheel-traps and seines, and force -citizens
and taxpayers men who have
hewed the way for a lot of foreigners
and no taxpayers who are drifting into
the Columbia every year to dictate how
to fish for salmon to make all of us
get boats and glllnets with which .to
It one or a few more engaged In
catching salmon have the brains and
good fortune to make more money than
the others, they should not be com
pelled to divide their .earnings as some
of the socialists of today desire. I say
abolish the bar fishing, ask the law
givers of Oregon and Washington to
fnaci a longer closed season in the
Spring, say to May 15 for four years
and then revert it back as we have it
now. This will givo the early Spring
salmon a chance to pass all obstruc
tions to their faroff spawning grounds
on the Upper Columbia and Snake
Rivers. Also, employ honest men, men
who can handle a rifle, to kill all the
seals and ea lions they can get at'
the Legislatures should be unanimous
on the Sunday closing law; make war
on the imported stock of trout, and we
will have accomplished more in regard
to the protection of salmon than all
he wrangling and writing that even
Mr. Rosenburg could put on paper.
In regard to the obstruction of traps
I will say that they are limited to a
certain distance from shore regulated
by the War Department, in such meas
ure as not to interfere with navigation
On the other hand, the glllnetters are
roving supreme in all the channels of
the Columbia River and are often a
menace to navigation. I have for the
past eight years had the pleasure of
being the master of -a gasoline boat
plying between Astoria and this point
and as far up as Portland, and I can
say to my sorrow that upon several
different occasions I have'been com
pletely tangled up in the gillnets. de
spite my caie in looking for an open
ing to pass through the glllnet block
ade. About a year ago I started from
Astoria to Cathlam t and when outside
the buoy depot my boat became tangled
up in( a glllnet that wrapped the pro
peller so completely that the boat
drifted down the middle channel half
way to the Desdemona sands before I
was able again to start my engine.
I have also encountered glllnet fish
ermen who gave the wrong signal and
hence I got stuck in thefr nets. It is
most an impossibility to leave Astoria
after dark, either up or down the river,
without getting foul of gillnets. . Some
years ago, when I was fishing a glll
net. Captain Frank Turner was that
time master f the steamer Wonder
and the sieamer came up the Cathlamet
channel with a raft of logs. I was at
the outside end of my net and showed
him a signal light, but I could not pick
up my net in time. So his boat crossed
the net and wrapped around its eccen
trics about 30 fathoms of the net and
stopped completely. The boat was
taken to Portland for repairs and what
It cost him I don't know. I lost about
J55 worth of net. " This is my experi
ence in this matter.
P. A.Marquam Denied Permis
sion to Amend Complaint.
Complaint.. -
Plaintiff In Long-Drawn-Out Iitl
gation Must Look to Supreme
Court if Battle Is to
Be Continued.
Motion for permission to file a second
amended complaint was denied P. A. Mar
quam by the State Circuit Court yester
day. In his fight to regain possession of
the Marquam block, which was taken
away from him by the United States
Mortgage & Trust Company, and others,
under mortgage foreclosure proceedings,
a number of years ago. Mr. Marquam will
now have to resort 'to the Supreme Court
if he Intends carrying the fight any fur
ther. A decree for final judgment dis
missing the Marquam suit was given by
Judge Cleland at the same time the mo
tion for permission to file another
amended complaint was denied.
On the grounds of newly discovered
evidence, Marquam asked to be allowed
another complaint. In an affidavit filed
lately with the court he swore that J.
Thorburn Ross,' during the time the block
was under mortgage, urged him to accept
offices therein, offering him the rooms
free of charge. This is construed as
showing the purpose of Ross, as agent of
the Title Guarantee & Trust Company,
which was handling the building for the
creditors, to keep down the earnings and
thus bring on the foreclosure.
The litigation has been pending for
years, having been reopened the last time
about a year ago when a new complaint
was filed by Marquam on payment of
$1800 costs lodged tgainst him. Marquam
won the initial brush in the Circuit Court,
was reversed by the Supreme Court and
has been a persistent loser since then.
The case will now have to be taken up
again in the State Supreme Court.
Writer Comments on Finances of the
Free Methodists.
PORTLAND. May 2. (To the Edi
tor.) The Oregonian's statement that
"the Lord is -a poor provider." In the
case of the Free MeL.odist preachers
who receive no stated salary, but
trust the Lord for everything, coming
out at the end of tne year with $250
to 1400 is not irreverent but holds
under cover the rarest gem of sensible
Is the course pursued by these welV
meanlng men aught else than to re
nounce one's understanding? Is It
Christian to move along with
out consideration, allowing accidents
to determine the support of our fami
lies and cdll such neutral, vacillating
conduct faith in God? He Rlone trust
God and is worthy of respect who
knows what is of legitimate use to
himself and others, and labors to pro
cure the same.
Each man has his own fortune in
his own hands, as the artist 'has a
piece of rude matter which he is to
fashion to a certain shape. The art of
living rightly is like any other, and
he who thinks the easy-going, im
provident man will be counted of the
Lord his special favorite, will, as do
our Free Methodist brethren, most
likely come out with small receipts.
"He that provideth not for his own
household hath denied the- faith, and
is worse than infidel."
5000 'yards of 36-inch black taffeta
silk on sale tomorrow and Tuesday ac,
83c a yard. Also great reductions on
all Spring and Summer dress goods.
Don't miss this great sale. McAllen &
McDonnell, Third and. Morrison.
Of Ladies' suits are not to be compared
with the one at Le Palais Royal, Monday.
375 Washington street.
Sprlne- styles- nan.m un"!i -tr Ro.nrhr.
No Students-No Gas-No Cocaina
We. Set tle
and those afflicted with heart
weakness can have their teeth
extracted aud filled without any
pain or bad results.
Extraction, absolutely
painless V 50
Best plain rubber plate.. $8.00
Bridge work . S5.00
22-k gold ...$5.00
Silver filling 50 up
Consultation and estimates
free. Open evenings until 7.
Lady in attendance.
Painless Dentists
Suite 1, 2, 3 and 4,
22V2 Morrison, Corner First
Phone A 2132.
Previous sales of Dining-room Furniture in the quaint designs and finishes never offered such an opportu
nity for selecting pieces of this character and at such unusual price reductions as in this six days' sale, com
mencing tomorrow. Those who intend completing the furnishings of .the dining-room will recognize the
opportunity offered at this time. In the following we mention but a few of the many pieces included in this
sale. See our Morrison-street and Seventh-street windows. Mail orders and out-of-town inquiries will re
ceive our careful and prompt attention.
$25.00 Buffet for $14.25
$28 Buffet for $16i50
$30.00 Buffet for ....... $15.00
$35.00 Buffet for...... $17.25
$39.00 Buffet for. $17.50
$50.00 Buffet for $25.75
$62.50 Buffet for... $29.25
$80.00 Buffet- for $36.00
$88.00 Buffet for. $39.25
$16.00 Round Table-6 ft. for ...$S.2o
$17.50 Square Table 8 ft. for '. .'. $8.50
$18.00 Square Table 6 ft. for .......$9.25
$21.00 Round Table 6 ft. for ..'....$9.75
$23.00 Round Table ft. for. .... $10.50
$24.00 Round Table 8 ft. for $12.00
$25.00 Round Table 10 ft. for.. $13.00
$27.00 Round Table 10 ft. for :fc .$13.75
$29.00 Round Table 10 ft.' for $14.75
$30.00 Round Tabls 8 ft. for $15.00
$58.00 Round Table 8 ft. for ..$26.50
$65.00 Round Table 8 ft. for ...$27.75
$52.00 Buffet for $23.75
$70.00 Buffet for. . $25.00
$125.00 Buffet for. .. .$52.00
$135.00 Buffet for. , $57.50
$150.00 Buffet for. v. $63.00
rI-ITlIA r"ARIMPTC IV h mfh am)
.- vnuiAujtu 11 U VITIII
$25.00 Cabinet for..: '. .. $12.25
$30.00 Cabinet for $15.00
,$52.00 Cabinet for $23.00
$93.00 Cabinet for... $25.00
$4.00 Chairs for........ : ..' ...$1.95
$5.50 Chairs for ..$2.50
$6.50 Chairs for $3.25
$7.45 Ann Chairs for. $3.65
$8.00 Arm Chairs for $3.80
$9.00 Arm Chairs for , $4.50
$9.50 Arm Chairs for $4.60
$9.75 Arm Chairs for. $4.75
Unusual values are quoted in this three days' sale of fine Italian,
French and Swiss Laces these comprising an importation that on ac
count of arriving so late in the season are to be offered tomorow, Tues
day and Wednesday, at prices far below their actual value. Take ad
vantage for selecting your new Spring Window Hangings:
$13.50 .Flemish Point Laces Special, pair $7.50
$15.00 Ivory Brussels Laces Special, pair. . . . . ; $8.50
$17.00 Ivory Irish Point Laces Special, pair , $9.00
$16.00 Ivory Duchesse Laces Special, pair .' . . .$9.00
$18.00 Ivory Duchess Laces Special, pair $10.00
$19.00 Ivory Swiss Laces Special, pair. . . .$11.50
$20.00 Point de Luxe Laces Special, pair . .. .$12.50
$20.00 Etamine Laces Special, pair $12.50
$21.00 Two-tone Ivory Laces Special, pair. $12.50
$22.00 White Arabian Laces Special, pair: $12.50
$25.00 Ivory Duchesse Laces Special, pair $15.00
$25.00 Gothic Laces Special, pair $15.00
$26.00 Duchesse Laces Special, pair $15.00
$30.00 Ivory Cluny Laces Special, pair $15.00
$30.00 Filet Laces Special, pair. $15.00
$30.00 Real Venetian Arabian Laces Special, pair. . .$18.00
ill It lr
tfiljl ill'
$30.00 Cluny Laces Special, pair $18.00
$30.00 Ivory Duchesse Laces Special, pair $18.00 '
$32.50 Ivory Cluny Laces Special, pair ,$18.00
$33.00 Thread Arabian Laces Special, pair $20.00
$35.00 Etamine Arabian Laces Special, pair .. .$20.00
$40.00 Real Venetian Laces Special, pair."! $25.00
$45.00 Cauterized Ivory Laces Special, pair.. $25. OO
$45.00 Morocco Laces Special, pair $25.00
$75.00 Real Venetian Laces Special, pair. ; .$45.00
56-Piece Dinner Set in English Semi-Porcelain, "Elite" white
and gold decoration. Regular price, $13.25 Special, $10.00
Tomorrow and Tuesday in the Basement Crockery Section:
56-Piece Dinner Set in Semi-Porcelain, "Allerton Blue" Old English decoration.
Regular price, $9.25 Special $6.75
50-Piece Dinner Set in English Semi-Porcelain, "Marquis"
blue and gold decoration. Regular ' price, $11.50
Special $9.25
A Stock which our Carpet Department received too
late for last season's selling, and which are offered in
a sale tomorrow and Tuesday at a very low price.
These rugs are especially adapted for porches and
' Summer cottages, have good" wearing qualities, and
being extra-heavy, will lie evenly on the floor.. Woven
in novel and effective patterns and colorings green,
tan, red, blue and brown.. Three sizes at special prices:
Regular $5.50 size 4 ft: x 9 ft. Special $3.95
Regular $7.50 size 4 ft. x 12 ft. Special 1 .$5.50
Regular $8.50 size 6 ft.x 9 ft. Special $6.50
Made of poplar in the golden fin
ish, with ornamental upper panel
and paneled side. Upper com
partment has two" glass doors
and two shelves. Lower compart
ment has two paneled doors) Two
drawers between compartments.
This Cupboard is 6 feet 6 inches
high and sells regularly for $13.
Tomorrow and Tuesday at the
above special.
?PAR $8.75 Mfim
IS 6000 J
make your