The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 22

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Tw IRVING ST. Lower 6 rooms, modern,
TS4 Glisan, upper 5 rooms, new, modern,
825 Northrup, lower 4 rooms, new, $27.50.
47 Iavls, o rooms and attic, good con
dition, $19.
490 Morrison, 7 rooms, steam heated, $50.
411 Benton, 5 rooms, modern, $20.
401 Benton, upper 5 rooms, $20.
60 Larrabee. 4 rooms and attic, new,
$26. T
217 Rusell, 4 rooms, modern, $15.
208 14 Occident, 5 rooms, clow in. $25.
S. E. Cor. ad and Oak.
310 Benton St., 3 or 5 -room suite, new,
modern plumbing, nicely tinted, bath, gas
and electricity; house telephone; awnings
and everything to make complete and
comfortable flats; close in and rent rea
S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak.
1 "-ROOM tine furnished upper flat with all
modern convenience. In the best part of
the city; large porch and yard; will rent
4 connecting rooms, couple for housekeep
ing; rent reasonable. Phone 4463. At 149
North 22d at., near Hoyt t.
a MODERN, light upper flat. 5 rooms, bath
and s lee pine porch, fine view of city and
harbor; U blocks from Steel bridge; rent
$22.50. Both phones, A and Main 4S04.
MODERN" upper 6-room flat; fireplace, bath
and garret; walking distance. 122 N.
. 18th st., near Glima st. Dooley & Co.,
3b 3d St., room 5. Both phones.
MODERN flats, all for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
FINE modern upper flat. 6 rooms and finished
attic, etc.; choice location, 172 & 23d, cor.
Johnson st. ; rent $38. C. H. Korell, 251
FOR RENT 4-room flat and bath; lower
floor; 3-room flat and bath. upper floor;
modem. 358 San Rafael. Phone Main 35o3,
A 3003.
FIRST floor of cottage, well furnished and
well lighted; bath, gas, phone; good yard;
location central; references. Phone Pacific
Housekeeping Rooms.
THREE well furnished rooms, for small
family; gas range, hot and cold water,
bath and phone; cheap. OSS Irving st.
FROM 2 to 4 completely furnished rooms,
use of piano; all conveniences. 269 Har
rison st. Main 3560. No small children.
ONE, two and three modern clean house
keeping rooms; best In city for the money;
ground floor ; laundry. 580 2d st.
268 MONTGOMERY, newly furnished house
keeping rooms; pas, bath, central; good
location; moderate. Main 4460.
ONE large inside room for sleeping or
housekeeping. Cambridge bldg., 3d and
Morrison. Apply room 36.
249 JEFFERSON 8T. One complete fur
nished housekeeping room with small
kitchen attached; close in.
THE SANGERT, cor. Trinity and Washing
ton, cosy 2-room apartment, completely
furnished for housekeeping.
TWO or three rooms, furnished for sleep
mg or nouseeer.
phone. 658 Qulmby
Ing or housekeeping; bath, gas and
LARGE front suite completely furnished for
housekeeping: cheap rent for Summer. 565
Irving st. Phone A 3882.
FOUR clean, light, furnished housekeeping
rooms, ground floor; bath, yard; $20 per
month. 01)2 Front st.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites; gas, bath,
electricity, phone, 334 Fifth. Rent reas
onable; large grounds.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping room;
gas. bath and phone; no children. 110
E. 14th. near Alder. t
272 MONTGOMERY ST., cor. 4th, 2 pleasant
front rooms, furnished for housekeeping,
gas, bath, cheap.
THE REED MANSION Pleasant furnished
housekeeping rooms; nice yard, bath and
phone. Main 2200.
BTTITE of two rooms, over Plummer's drug
""tore, 3d and Madison sts. ; light house
keeping permitted.
TWO or three housekeeping; rooms; walk
ing distance: East Side; private family.
II $58. Oregon! an.
2 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
room; everything modern. 340 North 10th.
Phone Main 6067.
TWO extra large rooms, first floor, furnished
housekeeping; modern, central location.
31 North Park.
NEATLY furnished alcove room for house-
keeping: iwe phone, bath. 432 Burnside
St., near 21th.
FRONT suite. 2 large rooms and alcove;
ifuht. phone, bath; walking distance. 117
North IRth st.
24,2 5TH ST. Suite 3 furnished rooms for
housekeeping; sink, hot and cold water;
ground floor,
. - r
FURNISHED housekeeping room, gas. bath,
phone; also single sleeping room. 400 Yam
hill, near 12th.
487 TAYLOR Cosy 2-room suite on upper
floor; -furnace 'heat, modern conveniences;
$15 mouth.
TWO or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance; use of phone.
East 300S.
2 ROOMS, newly furnished for housekeeping;
rh.s, private toilet, bath, sink, pantry. 211
2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern, first floor. 4:i5 East Pine. Phone
East 4577.
THE ELMS housekeeping rooms. 2 or 3
room suites, bath, heat and phones. 191
14th st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. In
cluding water, bath, light and phone. 384
Park st.
8 -ROOM housekeeping. $18; 2 rooms $15;
nice neighborhood. West Side. Phone A
LIGHT housekeeping room. suitable for
Ittdv. Gas, bath. Phone Main 3312. 361
6 OR 7 large unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Call at 454 Columbia St.. cor. 13th, after s
A. M.
2 FURNISHED "housekeeping rooms, $9 per
month. 58S Fetty grove st. Phone Main
NEATLY furnished single housekeeping room,
with phone, gas, bath. 405 Montgomery
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, cen
trally located. The Raymond, 108-170 lltb
SUITE of two clean housekeeping rooms;
gas, bath. $2.25 per week. 72 N. 14th.
LARGE room, with alcove, furnished for
housekeeping; gas. bath, phone. 385 11th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; all
conveniences: no children. 421 7th st.
TWO neat housekeeping suites. Including
sink, water and bath. 686 Petty grove.
ENTIRE lower floor of 4 rooms for house
keeping. 432 Burnside st., near 11th.
TWO clean, light rooms for light house
keeping, $12. 3C0 14th st.
253 13TH ST. Two front rooms. suitable
for housekeeping. Phone.
TWO neatly furnished rooms for housekeep
ing, close In. 429 Salmon st.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 290
Jefferson, bet. 4th and 5th.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable; gas
and bath. 514 Everett.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms in pri
vate family. 210 14th.
NICE suite housekeeping rooms; gas, cheap
rent. 2o9 4th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished,
for two. 314 6th.
FOR RENT One housekeeping room, cheap.
Call 433 Everett.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close
In. SOPH 4th si
ONE or two rooms, with, use of kitchen.
H R69. Oregonlan.
ONE furnished 'housekeeping room, 3d floor.
$7. 262 12th.
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms.
125 12th st.
THREE front rooms, nicely furnished, for
housekeeping. 6t7 Everett st. Main 8122.
Housekeeping Rooms,
Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fuiiy
equipped . for nouse seeping, including gas
range, with the free use of ejectric lights,
hot water, baths, large reception room and
laundry room from $ltt up; also single
rooms with similar conveniences, $2.50 per
week up. There is nothing In comparison
in the city for the money. This place
will bear Inspection. Short distance from
Union Depot. Take "6" or 16th-t. car
going r.ortu, get ott at Marshall at. Phones
Main 6771. A 4560. No dogs allowed.
Cor. 21st and Flanders sts. s
May 1. an elegant furnished 3-room
suite; private bath and reception hall.
Janitor service, free phone, hot wateY all
the time, steam heat; the VERY BEhT
FURNISHED house In the city. Phone 2782.
Elegantly furnished apartments; heat,
hot and cold ruanlng water, return call
bells in all rooms, free baths, janitor serv
ice and both phones an each floor; strictly
modern throughout; rates very reasonable.
20th and Washington.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch
sts., will furnish a few housekeeping
rooms to suit tenants; the cheapest in the
city: $12 and' up; baths, steam heat, both
phones, electric light, tine lawn and ver-
andas, billiard and pool hails, all free.
LADY alone would like couple to share
modern home; three rooms. Including gas,
- electric lights, heat, bath, phone; about
4525; light housekeeping privileges; best
neighborhood; references. Phone A 4353.
"WELLINGTON COURT Beautifully fur
nished. 2, 3 and 4-room suites; heat, hot
and cold running water, private baths,
telephone and janitor service; strictly
modern throughout. Cor. loth and Everett
FOR RENT Four nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, with bath, ga and phone,
to couple without children. Call from
IO to 11 A. M., or 3 to 4 P. M. today, 213
East 32d, corner Salmon st.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
886 CORBETT ST. 4 furnished housekeep
ing rooms, with bath, phone and gas; on
3d-st. oar line, opposite Children's Home;
private family; reasonable rent; no chil
dren. 4-ROOM apartment, nicely - furnished for
housekeeping, ground floor, modern resi
dence; 2 beds, piano; adults only; reason
able; 6 minutes walk P. O. 292 10th st.
ELEGANTLY newly furnished housekeeping
apartments, strictly modern and home
like; free baths, both phones. The Xel
monte, 20th, near Washington.
TWO SUITES of rooms for housekeeping; 1
single room; all furnished. Call from 8
A. M. to 2 P. M. or address 4041 East
Burnside and 8th sts.
THE ONEONTA. 187 17th .St.. near Yam
hill; elegantly furnished suites, hot wa
ter, steam heat, baths; free phones; no
FOUR or five pleasant housekeeping rooms;
modern conveniences; walking distance;
qujft neighborhood. 14 East 7th, corner
of Ash.
THREE pleasant unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, pantry, bath, large yard, in small
family; $10. 849 East Stark. St.. cor.
TWO large unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
close in. very cheap. Also 2 large fur
nished rooms. 205 Stark st.. 3d floor.
APARTMENTS, furnished for light house
keeping, 168 13th, near Morrison. Phone
Main to y 3 5. References req ui red.
$1.50 WEEK. up. large clean furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 181
Sherman st.. South Portland.
THE ANGELUS. 272 6th. cor. Jefferson;
modern furnished housekeeping rooms,
phone, bath, electric light.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; bath, phone, beet location,, reasona
ble. W3 11th, near Stark.
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished, ground floor. 294
Jefferson st.; no children.
THREE large furnished housekeeping
rooms; modern, phone, piano; rent $18.
Adults. 892 E.' Salmon.
COOL, front alcove room, light housekeeping
If desired; private home; good residence
location. Main 7101.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
electric lights, water and sink In kitchen;
rent $30. 214 13th st.
SUITE of housekeeping rooms; running
. water, bath, phone and lights; also other
rooms. 54 N. 23d st.
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping,
kitchen, sink, running water, free phone.
382 Eleventh st; $10.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ground
floor, walking distance, suitable for 2 per
sons. 533 Yamhill.
108 N. 1STH 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms; bath, gas, phone; very reasonable;
walking distance.
- - - - ""j 1
SINGLE and suite, furnished front house
keeping rooms; flat B 388 East Burn
side, near Grand.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, clean
modern. 434 East Morrison at. Apply at
435 E. Morr 1 son .
4-ROOM suite furnished housekeeping. 6
minutes walk postoffice; adults; reason
able. 202 10th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; light, gas, bath,
phone free; very reasonable. 207 Sherman
st. Pacific 455.
60" HAWTHORNE, 2 airy sleeping rooms,
large closets, kitchen, gas, bath, both tele
phones; adults. '
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 or 3 en suite;
also single rooms; moderate prices. 482
Washington st. -
TWO unfurnished rooms, housekeeping
privileges, to neat person; references.
Phone B 1490. .
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; bath, heat, phone and gas. 608
WIlliamB ave.
FOR RENT 2 suites suitable for housekeep
ing, also single rooms. 621 Union ave.,
cor. Rufaell.
FIRST-CLASS light housekeeping room for 2
ladies employed; light, heat, bath. Phone
Pacific 1270.
TWO large well furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas range, bath, phone. 4o3 Hall.
Pacific 094.
LARGE room suitable for 2; can do little
light cooking. Phone, gas. reasonable. 448
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, good
location, phone, gas and bath. Apply 511
Everett st.
FOR RENT Large furnished housekeeping
rooms In walking distance. Phone, bath.
Main 3816.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
light and airy; gas and bath. 354 Col
lege st.
NICELY furnished front room with alcove
for light housekeeping. Inquire at 163 West
Park st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
very central; bath, gas and phone. 103
10th st.
$13 Two very light, pleasant connecting
rooms; furnished; bath, gas. phone. Main
LARGE, well furnished housekeeping rooms;
a?5o suites ; close In. 321 11th st. Main
435 MAIN. cor. 12th., all kinds of furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, phone, cen
tral. 3 OR 4 furnished housekeepiner rooms; bath,
gas. phone and lawn. 721 First st. Main
L 334.
SINGLE housekeeping rooms; prices rea
sonable; walking distance. 555 Morri
son st.
GOOD housekeeping rooms, very reasonable.
Cottage Rooming-house, 1034 North 6th st.
2 PLEASANT front rooms, fuonlshed for
housekeeping; no children. 26a 14th st.
CHEAP housekeeping room to woman em
ploye! during day. 204 17th st. North.
CLEAN rooms for quiet people ; housekeep
ing and single; $1 and up. 209 Clay st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. In
quire 553 Everett st. Phone Pacific 783.
THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms. com
pletely furnished. 191 14th at.
NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping
suite. 395 Salmon, cor. 10th.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms.
Phone Mala 7556. 424 Stark
Housekeeping Rooms.
Corner 21st and Flanders sts., 3-roora
suite with private bath and reception
hall; elegantly furnished, steam heat, all
light, airy rooms, free phone, janitor
service, hot water all the time; the most
modern, up-to-date apartment-house In
the city. M 2782.
GAYOSO Grand avenue. East Stark, well
furnished housekeeping suite; new. thor
oughly modern ; brick building possessing
every modern convenience; reasonable.
TWO nicely furnished modern light house
keeping rooms in a beautiful suburban
home, on car line; gas, bath, fine lawn
and porches, $15. Phone - Pac. 1026.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
.ground floor, bath, gas, phone; front and
back entrance; three blocks Steel bridge.
275 Hassato.
ONE or two neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms, first floor, desirable location, walk
ing distance; no children. B 1853, 488
TWO large, well furnished rooms: outside
doors; all conveniences; yard. 107 North
15th st. Apply Sunday or after 8 even
ings. THE GARLAND, 621 Washington. near
19th, nicely furnished housekeeping
apartments. Summer rates. Main 6933.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 292
First st.
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 485
LARGE and well-arranged house on Irving,
near 22d . St., parlor, dining-room, large
kitchen, pantry, store room, servant's room
on lower floor, 4 bedrooms and alcove, good
bath, and plumbing; reasonable rent to de
sirable - tenants. Smith's Rental Agency,
442 Sherlock bldg.
WILL lease very desirable modern 9-room
house in southwest part of city. See us
for full particulars. Parrish, Watkins &
Co., 250 Alder st.
WHY pay high rent when you can get a
neat 4-room house near carline for $7.50
per month. See Lents real estate man or
phone East 3308.
MODERN bungalow, new, four large rooms,
closets, pantry, basement, porches, near
Mount Scott car. Mrs. Moxley, Avery ave.,
WANTED 10 houses or flats which need
tinting and painting; get our estimate.
Ernest Miller & Co., 2d and Taylor; both
NEW cottage, 3 rooms- and bath, garden,
good' location. East Side, . only ,$lo per
month. See owner 503 Lumber Exchange
FOR RENT Cottage, 551 Glisan, between
l'Hh and 17th sts. north. Inquire Max
Smith, 88 North 16th st.; no phone.
9-ROOM house, rented for $40 month; 7
minutes walk from Oregon i an. bldg.,
$5000; terms. E 874. Oregonian.
MODERN 8-room house; nice 4awn, walking
distance; carpets and gas range for sale.
Apply A. Abbott, 230 Hooker at.
6-ROOM modern cottage. South Portland;
good condition; gas, bath. Room 10 Ham
ilton bldg. Phone Pacific 1842.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house at 630
Taggart st., one block from Woodstock"
car. Key at 543 E. 17th.
10 ROOMS, up-stalrs, corner building, East
Water and Washington, rent $30. F. O.
North rup, 315 Couch bldg.
LARGE 6-room house, modern plumbing, gas,
etc., on East 10th st. Key at 606 Tilla
mook st. Phone C 1200.
GOOD 7 -room corner house; gas, bath, T
closets; walking distance. 04 East 12th
st. Phone East 1710.
A SIX-ROOM modern house, just com
pleted; yard, trees. S. 6th and Wygant.
. Tel. Woodlawn 269.
AT Portsmouth, a 4-room houee and two
lots; some fruit; nice place to raise chick
ens. Pacific 1195.
FOR RENT New mffcdern. 6-room cottage,
$16 per month. 1U3 Morris st. Telephone
Woodlawn 362.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room residence, 529
Jackson. Inquire at house or 316 Chamber
of Commerce.
FOR RENT New 4-room cottage. Myrtle
Park, Mount Scott car. inquire Mrs.
Brltton, Arleta:.
COTTAGE for rent; 6 large rooms; bath;
newly papered; cement basement. Corner
7th and Lincoln.
12-ROOM modern house. In walking distance;
rent $75 per month. Parrish, Watkins &
- Co., 260 Alder st.
6-ROOM cottage, bath, etc.; Everett, be
tween 6th and 7th. Rodgers-Hart-Gtbson
Co., 146 2d st.
FINE modern 6-room cottage. Nob Hill dis
trict: rent $32.50. Wakefield, Fries & Co.,
220 Stark st.
7-ROOM modern house. East Ankeny, near
17th. Vanduyn & Walton, 616 Chamber of
DESIRABLE 6-room cottage, central loca
tion, inquire wa. xut9. wvuiauu. uuuc
East 1619.
4-ROOM HOUSE, with big yard, at 33S
East 44th st., $11.60 per month. Phone
Tabor 356.
NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, choice location.
West Side, close in; reasonable. Key 328
Park st.
TWO modern 5-room cottages; basements and
yards. 14th and Powell sts. Inquire 680
273 N.- 12TH., 9-room, bath, gas, fine loca
tion, worklngmen's boarding-house. Phone
East 563.
7-ROOM house, 580 Jefferson St.; 2 5-room
flats, 206 and 268 Stark st. Inquire 260
Stark st.
NEW, strictly modern 6-room house, high
ground; $20. East Morrison and 27th.
East 2911.
4-ROOM house, $6 a month. Mrs. T. H. John
son, Ivanhoe Station, F. T. A., W. W. car
line. MODERN 8-rcom house, 889 Harrison, near
Park; $40. Apply Falrchild. Phone Bast
2154. ;
FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, corner Will
lams ave. and Going st.; $18. Phone Ea&t
FOR RENT $22.60, 7-room modern house,
nearly new. 672 Belmont. Phone Etast
MODERN 2-story 6-room house at Walnut
Park, block from car. Pacific 795.
NICE cottage, 5 rooms, bathroom, cement
basement, gas. 843 Upshur, near 25th st.
6-ROOM cor. cottage. 681 Belmont, $16.
F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg.
FOR RENT A house, 8 rooms, hot and
cold water; price $18. 65 East 6th N. .
MODERN 6-room cottage, 10th and Petty
grove, $16. F. F. Berry, 4 N. 6th st.
FOR RENT 7-room house, 324 14th st. In
quire W. H. Lesh, 513 Dekum bldg.
9-ROOM house. 6S1 2d St.: modern; rent
$20. Keys 405 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 1 block north
Tremont station. Mount Scott. $15.
$2o B-room house, modern conveniences, large
yard. South Portland. Call Main 6323.
MODERN 4-room cottage with bath. 9 East
31st st, near Burnside. Phone Pac. 2735.
6-ROOM cottage, porcelain bath, gas, walk
ing ' distance, $18. 509 Marshall st.
231 MEADE, near 1st St., 6 rooms, $14; key
next door, phone owner. Main 1013.
6-ROOM cottage, 646 Thurman St., rent $16.
Wakefield, Fries & Co., 229 Stark st.
FOR RENT $27.50; modern 6-room house;
furnace, attic. Apply 87 E. 17th.
GOOD 7-room house, rent reasonable. 628
East Mill. Phone East 1206.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room cottage, near
carline. Call Main S579.
7-ROOM house for rent; West Side. Inoulre
at 325 A bin ton bldg.
FOR RENT 7-room, house, 427 Harrison st.
Phone Main 2556.
5-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale.
522 Northrup st.
FOR "RENT Five-room cottage. Inquire
213 23d st. North.
718 UNION AVE. N. 6-room new modern
house, $20 a month.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 195 N. 21st-
735 HOYT 9 rooms, good yard, bath, gas,
electricity, furnace, fireplace, comfortable
and well worth $40.
288 X. 20th, 7 rooms, modem. $25.
610 4th. 7 rooms, modern, close in, $35.
10 Central ave. (Mt. Tabor), 5 rooms,
bath, good plumbing, $15.
567 E. Stark, 7 rooms, yard. 100x100,
fruit trees, modern, close to East Side
High School," $22.50.
6. E. cor. 3d and Oak.
$30 5-room modern lower fiat, with
lawn, trees, roses; walking distance;
West Side; best of neighborhood.
$20 Beautiful bungalow. 6 rooms,
modern ; Hawthorne-ave. carline.
$20 7-room modern house m Plod
xnont. very desirable.
108 2d st. Phone Main 2404.
7-room modern house, $18; 5-room house,
cor. 13ih and Florence, $11; 5-room house.
680 Herold et.. $10; 7-room house near
Steel bridge, splendid locality for cigar
or shoeshop, carpenter, paint or plumbing
shop; owner would make to suit to good
133 First st.
770 MARSHALL ST., Detween 23d and 24th
sts.; 10 rooms, thorouguiy good home In
fine condition; full lot, in best neighbor
hood; with choice shrubbery and attrac
tive appearance; for rent at $55 per
month, on, for sale on very good terms.
Key at my office.
204 Corbett bldg. Main or A 6790.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav
ings will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half : collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929.
FOR RENT, with lease, new modern up-to-date
7-room house, reception hall,
parlor, dining-room, library, kitchen,
three bedrooms, two stationary stands,
two toilers, bath, basement with furnace,
gas and electricity; 100x100; corner lot;
noar 2 carlines. ' Inquire 812 Mississippi
ave. Monday.
12-ROOM house, modern, very desirable,
choice location; corner 22d and Overton,
near 2 best carline. Rent reasonable.
202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark.
Modern T-room house, 281 N. 15th st., $25.
Modern 5-room cottage, 526 Pettygrove,
$22.50. George D. Schalk, 264 Stark st.
Main 392, A 2392.
5 AND 7-room cottages. $13 and $20; also
furnished housekeeping rooms, any com
bination. $1 week each. Apply 364 North
26th; 23&-street cars to 26th. turn south
half block.
$40 PER month, new modern 6 rooms and
bath, gas and electric fixtures; furnace
and laundry in cement basement. 745
Northrup, near 23d. Sengstage & Lyman,
0 6th st.
9 -ROOM modern house $35. 166 N. 18th, near
Irving st.
128 Third St.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, 450
Montgomery st., $35. Phone Owner, East
EOR RENT 8-room house, 19 East 31st St.,
$17. Phone E. 3749.
251 17TH N.. 5-room cottage, $14. C. Bircher,
Commercial block.
MODERN 6-room bouse. 62 E. 22d st.
Furnished Houses.
GOOD 6-rdom cottage $13 or $20, nicely fur
nished; furnished housekeeping rooms, any
combination, $1 each. Apply 364 North
2r,th; 23d-st. cars to 26th, turn south half
FURNISHED cottage; well furnished; gas
range, bath, walking distance; rent rea
sonable. Call any time Sunday or 4 to 6
P. ML during week. 430 Montgomery st.
ALL or part beautiful modern furnished
residence for rent, reasonable to desirable
party; walking distance Northwest Port
land; references, A 859, Oregonian.
A MODERN, nice 6-room furnished house
with basement, yard, gas, hot and cold
water, bath, good neighborhood; take Brook
lyn car. Address 617 Powell at.
WILL rent to responsible people for one
year finely furnished house of 12 rooms;
choice location ; beautiful lawn; $100 per
month. K 874, Oregonian.
WILL rent fine home (12 rooms) furnished
to private family June 1 to September 1;
choice West Side location; $100 per
month. 3 863, Oregonian.
NICTF3 furnished, cozy house, modern" con
veniences, yard, flowers, 1 block from car
line; references. Apply 868 East Ash st.
from 2 to 6 P. M.
BEAUTIFUL Summer home, elegantly fur
nished, sleeping porches, out-of-door dining-room,
etc. Good car service. $60. O
847, Oregonian.
LOVELY furnished 8-room house, fine lo
cation; walking distance. If desired geu
tleman will board as part rent. Pacific
FOR SALE or for rent, a 6-room house,
nicely furnished, lease for 6 months, on
carline. 915 Belmont st. phono B l-57.
FURNISHED 6-room house; all conveniences;
perfect condition; on carline. Nob Hill dis
trict; no children; $45. C 857, Oregonian.
FOR RENT 6-room house, furnished, 1
block from carline, Holladay Park Ad
' ditlon; rent $30. Phone East 141.
FOR RENT A 4-room furnished cottage,
Tualatin Hill; ideal summer home, magnifi
cent view. Inquire 167 11th st. ,
FOR RENT Completely furnished modern
8-room house. Inquire Mr. Strong, 214
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR RENT 7-room house, furnished; bar
gain for reliable couple. Call Sunday,
707 1st st.
NEW modern 6-room cottage, furnished, 424
East 34th, bet. Grant and Sherman. Call
PARTLY furnished or unfurnished flat, fine
location. References required. Inquire, 134
6th st.
COMPLETELY furnished, modern. 6-room
cottage; central location; piano. 358
13 th.
ELEGANT furnished flat, piano, sewing ma
chine, nice lawn. West Side. Main 8124.
FURNISHED cottage, Portland Heights. 3
rooms; gas and bath. Phone Pacific 575.
$32.50 Modern furnished 6-room house, 915
E. Salmon. Call between K and 6. B 2267.
TWO attractive modern 5-room furnished
flats; 3 minutes from P. O. 311 5th.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished cottage. In
quire next door, 631 Gantenbein ave.
FURNISHED house, cheap to family without
small children. . 1031 Union ave.
NICELY furnished house. 253 22d North.
Call mornings. Phone 1698.
Mouses for Rent Furniture tor Sale.
ON account of death In family will sell fur
niture in 8-room house at a sacrifice; house
close In. Phone Pacific 190.
6-ROOM cottage, close in. 548 Morrison st.,
furnished complete ; more than paying ex
penses; bargain if taken soon.
, , , '
ELEGANTLY furnished flat for rent and
furniture for sale. Inquire at Co veil's fur
niture store, 184-186 1st.
$175 Private boarding-house. furnished ;
part furniture for sale; modern and close
in. K 862, Oregonian-
FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for sale,
apartment for rent. Columbian Apartments.
Inquire of janitor.
FURNITURE of 16-room house for sale, rea
sonable; fine location for boarding-house.
426 Hoyt.
ALL OR PART of furniture of modern
6-room house; rent only $18. 687 East
Oak st.
FURNITURE of nine-room house for sale.
Johnson st. ; house for rent. Phone Pa
cific 22.
FURNITURE of 6-room modern house,
cheap;. house for rent, $30. 273fe Colum
bia st. .
10-ROOM modern house, cheap rent, 2 com
plete housekeeping suites, $175. Phons
E 2735.
FURNITURE of 2-room flat. Call evenings,
Saturday or Sunday, flat 27, 87 N. 15th.
NEW modern 6-room house, new range and
, some furniture, cheap. Phone East 4286.
FURNITURE of fine modern 6-roora cottage,
$2.0. 533 Northrup. cor. 16th.
FURNITURE of 10-room house for sale;
West Side. Phone Main 653L
Houses for Rent Furniture for SmIa.
MODERN 8-room house with two extra rooms
in third story, for rent reasonable: furniture,
gas and good ranges, carpets, etc., for. sale
at $450; parties must sell; good furnace In
house; water, gas and electricity. Phone
Pacific 1742 at 750 Love joy st.
7-ROOMED house furnished for housekeeping;
part or all of furniture for sale; the rest
will go with the rtnt of house. 3u9, 7th
st.; call Monday afternoon.
FURNITURE of lQ-room rooming-house for
sale; house for rent; furniture new. Par
ticulars call 4 75 Main st. Phone Pacific
FOR SALE Furniture 6-room modern flat,
all sew, 565 Everett st.
FURNITURE 7-room house, all complete,
$150. 511 Swetland.
p Sninmer Resort.
FOR SALE Long Beach. 7-room cottage,
furnished, and three lots, at Long Beach,
three minutes from beach. Address O. H.
Joy, 7th and Hoyt sts.
CAPT. SCHNEIDER'S completely furnished
10-room cottage, hot and cold water, wind
mill and bam for rent for the season or for
sale. Sea ' View, Wash.
TOUR of Japan and China: select party,
number limited, under competent leader;
leaves Seattle June 2. F 812. Oregonian.
AT seavle Wash., two 8-room houses;
also 2-room cottage. Phone A 3803.'
FOR RENT or sale, 3 desirable cottages
at Seaside. Phone Main or A 3731.
BEAUTIFUL building lots in Gearhart Park
for sale cheap. G 8&5, Oregonian.
SPLENIID corner location for gents' furnish
ings or high-grade ladles wear; $150 per
JOHN P. 6HARKEY CO., 122 6th.
A FINE store on Union ave., between An
keny and Ash st. Inquire of J. C. Buck,
Rod gers-Hart-Gibson Co., 140 2d st.
STORE ROOM, 18x21, with 4 large living
rooms; suitable for dressmaker or shoe
store. Inquire ' 689 Powell st.
TWO large new stores,' good location. West
Side; can have living rooms in rear. Rent
$30. -409 Swetland bldg.
VERY desirable store. 917 Williams nve.,
for rent. $20 per month. Parrish, Wat
kins & Co., 250 Alder st.
FOR RENT Third floor. 50x100, in brick
building, for storage only. 241 Front.
Phone Main 2599.
MODERN store, corner East 87th and Bel
mont, Sunnylsdo; good locality for gro
cery. $30.
MODERN store for rent; prominent location,
Morrison St.; good lease. Address D 867,
130 13TH. small store, near Washington.
Sheehy Bros.. 282 YamhllL Main 3072.
Elegantly furnished front office, two
waiting rooms, two telephones, stenog
rapher's services, 'finest location In the
city. Reasonable rent. Box 108, Portland,
LARGE office room. $20; light, heat and
water furnished; 2d floor Raleigh bldg.,
facing Wash st. Inquire Chicago Den
t lets. 6th and Wash. sts.
VERY nice suite rooms, corner brick build
ing; running water; suitable for office
rooms. East Burnside, Grand ave. R
872; Oregonian.
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and
Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap
ply to Robert Strong, 710 Corbett bldg.
LARGE room for manufacturing or sample
room; 2d, near Wash. at. Howe, 'Davis
& Kilham, 111 2d st. .
DESK ROOM for rent in one of the best
offices, including phones and attendant. 320
to 327 Corbett bldg.
RALEIGH BUILDING. 6th and Washington;
outside offices $16 up; inside offices $10 up;
beat location.
COURT rooms $12-50 up: outside rooms on
Washington . or Fifth $20 up. 315 Swet
land bldg. 4
FURNISHED olTlce for evening classes or
desk room during day. 29-30 Raleigh bldg.
Main 7023.. x
FOR RENT Swell desk room, down town,
front room, phone. F 865. Oregonian.
TO RENT Office and desk room; use of
both phones. Call 534 Worcester bldg.
FURNISHED office, use of stenographer and
phone. 235 Worcester block.
DESK ROOM, telephone and vault; very
reasonable. 409 Couch bldg.
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply room 808.
FOR RENT Auditorium Hall, 208 3d St.,
Friday and Saturday nights.
YOUNG business man offers free ground
rent for tent, fuel and garden to refined
couple In exchange for dinner at Oak
Grove. N 871, Oregonian.
WAREHOUSE, 208 N. 13th; terminal facili
ties. Phone East 563.
GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty . A. W.
Schmale Co.. 229 First L
MARRIAGE paper, highest character; In
corporated, 12Ui year; 4000 members; pa
per sealed; send 10c. R, E. Love, box
1600. Denver. Colo.
DON'T be lonesome. Join the only reliable
marriage bureau in the world. Send 10
cents for the April paper. Box 251. Seat
tle, Wash.
MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory free; pay when married; new
plan. H. A. Horton, Dept. 81, T-ekonsha,
1 5
DAINTY people use Eversweet; It prevents
the odor of perspiration ; 25c a jar, all
druggists, or J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.
MARRIED LADIES The Perfection Safety
Bi-Brace la what you want. Mrs. F. M.
Merrill. Blabee. Aria. Box 192L
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; references,
282 Park. Main 2403, A2734.
DR. MATTHEWS, noted psychologist and
palmist. Consultation at Marquam House,
145 H 6th st. Hours 8 A. M. to 10 p. M.
Mme. Courtwrlght, skis ana scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
225 F) ledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2009.
MIDDLE-AGED gentleman, with good
home, wants to hear from lady matrl
, mo n tally inclined. F 762. Oregonian.
YOUNG gentleman would like to meet a
wealthy young lady or middle-aged lady.
Object matrHnony. Y 853, Oregonian.
ATTENTION Superfluous hair, moles, etc.,
removed. Electric needle. Established 1S94.
Parlors 1701 10th su Main 6267.
LADY with one child would like to hear
from nice man with home; object, mar
riage If suited. F 762, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED gentleman would like to
meet lady of suitable age; object, matri
mony. F 861, Oregonian.
LONELY gentleman. 50. wealthy, would
marry; confidential. J-box 35, Corr.
League. Toledo, Ohio.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketch um. graduate; advice free. 170
3d st. Main 7154,
WANDA, the palmist, 255 6th, wants 100
students this month; every phase of me
dlumship taught.
DIVORCES quietly secured; detective work
done by reliable parties at reasonable prices.
E fetfft, Oregonian.
DRS. AT WOOD; private hospital: maternity
cases, good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Xfr-m T n Will K3A ITH, nr hlHv 1 ?
FACE and scalp treatments given at your
homes; lady operator. Phone Pacific 2312.
PILES CURED without operation by a well
established physician. Box 270. city.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54
East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034.
AGNES Grandad very low. would like to
see vou or hear from you. K. O.
WANTED Bad case of plies that Hemlock
Salve cannot cure; all druggists.
JlT OPENED, ladles' barber shop. 12 N.
4th, near Burnside.
Pyscho-magnetlc and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line of electrical appli
ances: newest and most improved elec
tric blanket. All diseases successfully
treated. Room 30. 350 ii Morrison st.
Main 2011.
SUITS pressed while you wait. 50c. To visitors
of Portland hotels and to public at large:
Suite pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the tailor's.
66 ttth st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies'
skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Mala 4964. .
LIFE Is worth living when your nerves are
strong; Sexine Pills make them strong;
$1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address
or call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.,
' cor. 2d and Yamhill str., Portland, Or.
HERE you are ladies, any woman with
wealth and property who wishes to marry
a young man who neither chews, smokes,
drinks or gambles address M. LeneiU
Baker City, Baker County, Oregon.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
MARRY Best plan on -sarth; nothing like
it ; photo of every lady member pub
lished with description; many beautiful,
wealthy, etc. Act quick. The Pilot,
Dept. 107, Marshall. Mich.
GENTLEMAN 45, good appearance, weight
200, earning good wages, desires to meet
lady; one with a home; object matri
mony. No objection to widow. No triflers
D 862, Oregonian.
ASTROLOGY Let me tell you what. In
fluence the stars have over you; what to
avoid to succeed ; sond blrthdav, age,
with 30c for cast of nativity. H. Marlowe,
Box 1062, Tacoma, Wash.
WOULD you marry If suited? Matrimonial
paper, containing advertisements mar
riageable people, many rich, from all sec
tions, mailed, sealed, free. O. M. Gun
nels, Toledo. O.
YOU MAY HAVE perfect nerves by using
Sexine Pills, $1 a box. 6 for $5, full guar
antee. Address or call The J. A. Clem
enson Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill sts..
Portland, Or.
DRESS suits for rent, ah sizes; $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips eewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 30 Stark.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pllis. sure remedy for delayed
periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr.
Pierce, 181 1st st. phone Main 1B05.
MARTHA DUNN, of Irwin, pa., desires in
formation concerning Richard and Mary
Dunn, a brother and sister, who have
been in the West for seven years.
Women and children's specialist, room 10
Mtlner bldg.. 3504 Morrison. Phone Main
4o2l, A 1644. Residence phone 7320.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex.
desiring; acquaintance or companion, send
10c for circular. Portland Introducing
Bureau. 181 1st st. Main 1965.
CONFIDENTIAL. Correspondence Club, for
honest, sober, single people, fully of age.
Call or add ioss Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d
st., near Harrison. S car.
MME. VASHTI. massage and baths; ladies
only. 149 Park st.
IF YOU know of a small, black gelding
pony, white nose, white hind foot, brand
on shoulder, heavy build, coming to your
neighborhood within past month, write or
phone to me. If the pony proves to be
mine, you will receive ample reward.
Your name will be kept secret if you de
sire. Francis L McKenna. 708 Dawson
st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 1220.
$250 REWARD.
If the finder of the $500 roll of cur
rency which was lost between the United
States National Bank and the 7th floor
of the Chamber of Commerce will return
the same to room 70S. Chamber of Com
merce, he will receive the above reward.
LOST Saturday afternoon. 3:30, bet. 24th
and 21st and Halsey. on B. carline. or
bet. 5th and Wash. st. or 5th and Mor
rison st., a piece of music, entitled
"Carman," belonging to Neta Briggs.
Phone East 6239.
IF the party who took the rings from Mrs.
M. L. Shadden's dresser at 168 Park st.
will return them no questions will be asked.
The parties are known and this oppor
tunity is given them to escape arrest.
STOLEN from entrance to Oregonian bldg.,
bicycle. If party who took it will re
turn same to Oregonian business office,
reward will be paid and no questions
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST May 1, coupons of the Lewlston Land
& Water Co.; a liberal reward will be paid
on return of same to Wm. Irwin, 547'i
Yamhill st.
LOST Pair gold-rlmmed eyeglasses, with
hai n , in case, on North l'o rt la n d ca r,
Thursday. Return 508 Glisan. Reward.
LOST Between Alder and Morrison, on
7th, lady's gold watch: Heopsake. Re
turn 45 Raleigh bldg. Reward.
LOST Fox terrier; black spot on left side;
collar fastened with small key-ring. Add.
736 Roosevelt. Phone Pacific 2X1.
LOST Lady's gold watch with monogram
L. V. S.. d iainond sett ing. A liberal re
ward. Phone to Main 3132.
LOST A bag purse containing $52, on Fri
day In Fulton; return to 1620 Macadam
road and receive reward.
LOST Small gold bracelet, engraved on
inside, "M. D. F. from R. A. H. Xmas,
'07.' Reward. 100 3d st.
LOST SORREL mare; brand- "21": star In
forehead: return to F. Thomas, Lents, Or.,
and receive reward.
LOST A watch fob; oval crystallaed agate
suspended from gold bar. Owner, phone
C 1340. Reward.
LOST In Sunnyside. gold-rimmed sjectacles:
caf-e marked Missoula, Montana. Phone B
1930. Reward. "
IF You want a flrst-class investment arrange
fr a personal interview. N 879, Ore
gonian. WILL sell half Interest In Portland cleaning
and dyeing works or entire plant. 211 4th
LOST White fox terrier; spot over tail, one
black eye; muzzle and collar. Main 2426.
LOST Diamond ring, front of Perkins Ho
tel. April 20. Reward. 188 17th.
FOR SALE: Ten furnished housekeeping
rooms; price right. At 429 Main st.
4 LOTS. 60x110, in Whttwood Court ; this
week $150 a lot. 318 Alisky bldg.
COFFEE HOUSE No. 1 location; If sold In
3 days. $450. 318 Alisky bldg.
COUNTRY stora for sale, clearing $400 a
nmnlh fail 9iRLl Nlarlr mt
LOST One horse, gray color. Return to
1&2 Arthur st. Reward.
LOST An elk tooth hat-pin, Saturday even
ing; reward. Call A 5444.
WANT to buy medium-sized hotel. M 871,
Arnold A, Co.. Main 7311. 351 U, Morrison st.
Derlln Flrebaugh. 609-9 swetland bldg.
Ellis, York & Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg.
O Tools. Cha. J., 718 Chamber of Commerce.
j WANTED Partner in the real estate busi
ness d v,. nustier; it s the man I want, not
his money. Address E S85. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Express business; good trade;
one team and harness and two heavy
furniture wagons. Phone Main 3838.
8-ROOM modern house with half block of
land, $lft per month. At Harold Ave.
Station on Waverly-Woodstock car.
FOR RENT or lease, new modern 30-room
hotel, corner 21st and Reed sts. Inquire
701 Vaughn Bt. Phone Main 8110.
HOTEL in country town, near city, netting
. $310 month, can be bought on terms. 627
Corbett bldg.. 5th and Morrison.
MAN who will give services as Janitor in a
passenger station may have bootblack
privilege free. , A 855, Oregonian.
FURNISHED hotel for rent, brick building,
45 rooms, fine location. Evans-McGarry,
Real Estate Co., 253 Wash. st.
DRUGSTORE, netting $50f month. For par
ticulars call room 627 Corbett bldg., 5th
and Morrison.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 35 rooms; good furni
ture; rooms full; must sell; $600. 318
Alisky bldg.
FOR SALE Pool-room In one of Portland's
best suburbs. P 8b7, Oregonian.
For Pale Lumber yard in a thriving
town, sajes 3 carloads monthly; clears
$150 monthly over all expenses, owner
must sacrifice It for he has other busi
ness; lumber dealers look this up for here
s.ia your chance of a life time.
The Big Blue Sign Washington street.
Vancouver Washington.
One of the best paying and most modem
rooming-houses In the city, completely rat
n I shed, for rent or lease to responsible
party. You can clear $300 per month In
this place and have nothing Invested. .Call
for particulars.
608-509 Swetland bldg. '
Business chances, large or small. If
you have a business that, la worth what
you ask for it and want to cell, leave
it to our business chance man; he will
sell it soon, and not bother you by taking
40 people to see you who do not want
to buy. Call him up at once. phone
Main 7120 or A 1203.
$3000 to $l0.OOO yearly easily made In real
estate busines;no capital required; we wiil
teach you the business by mall, appoint
you special representative of leading real
estate company, list with you readily sale
able properties, co-operate with and assist
you to permanent success. Write for free
62-page book. The Cross Co., 69 Reaper
block, Chicago.
FOR SALE Hardware business, small town,
good locality, large territory; will pay
$100 per month salary and 40 per cent on
Investment of $5000; this Is a nice clean
stock and R Is not necessary to be a hard
ware man to handle It; If you have the
cash and mean business, call on owner. Ed
Mitchell, Oregon Hotel.
25 rooms, always full, heart of city, near
llth and Alder; fine dining-room; every
thing new; making money: got to sell
quick; called East; price $24KH.
LA MONT & HARRIS. 303-4 Swetland bldg.
The Ames Mercantile Agency festab-
Itshed 1895) furnishes free information on
opportunities in mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
204-205 Ablngton Bldg.
$15,000 If you have that amount and wish
to make an investment that will net you
60 per cent In two years, with no possible
chance to lose, phone B 2288 for appoint-,
ment; references exchanged before meet
ing if required. O 848. Oregonian.
Jewelry and souvenir business for sals;
plenty of repair work; clean stock, fine lo
cation and no competition ; only $500 cash
required; must sell by June 1. as I have
other business. A 82, Oregonian.
PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus
trated guide book and lit of Inventions
wanted free to any address. Patent se
cured by us advertised free in World's
Progress. Sample copy free. Evane, Wllklns
& Co., Washington, D. C.
WANTED Man: must be willing to leant
and capable of acting as our local repre
sentative: no canvassing or soliciting;
good income assured. Address National
Co-operative Realty Co., Dept. 792 C,
Washington, D. C.
WOULD like to hear from owner having
good paying business for sale; not par
ticular about location; please give price,
reason for selling and slate when posses
sion can be had. L. Darbyshlre, Box 2184,
Rochester. N. Y.
CARPENTERS Contractor and builder
wants flrst-class man as partner to act as
foreman; you can Invest a small amount
and draw flrst-class wages. Call room 627
Corbett bldg.. 5th and Morrison.
LARGE rooming-houHo; new furniture: do
ing big business ; trade for real -fcta te or
sell cheap; owner has other business re
quiring his attention. Address owner. H
842. Oregonian.
H INTEREST In meat market and grocery
In heart of city; averages $:to daily on
grocery alone; 4-year if-Hse: rent $40: in
voice $600; price $700. 510 Buchanan bldg.,
286 Wash. st.
HOTEL in good country town; nets $2H)
monthly above all expenses; owner is com
pelled to leave; can be had for less than
half its value. Come make offer. 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 25 rooms, transient, al
ways full, price $2300; terms; best location
and best money-maker in city; owner
forced to sell. Address Owner, S 850, Ore
gonian. MODERN corner store for rent. East 37th.
and Belmont (Sunnyside); splendid loca
tion; chance for live grocery: meat mar
ket adjoining; rent $30. Go and see this.
FOR SALE Sawmill, with porch column
factory in connection: 800O to 10.00 capac
ity: price $5o00. Call or address Frajilc
J. Mchl, Toledo, Wash. No agents.
OPENING- for a large general store to sun
ply large farming country; both stock,
wheat and fruit, and a good division point
town. Apply Town site Co.. Cliffs. Wah.
HOUSEFU RNISH 1NO business, situated on
Main lino of N. P.; slock about $65n0; 3
mills and large farming country around.
Address S 826. rare Oregonian.
NEW meat market corner East 37th and!
Belmont for rent; flrst-class cooler, racks
and counters; splendid chance for live
butcher; low rent. See this.
We can give you a special price on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. 'Catterltn
Co.. 125 Ablngton bldg.
GOLDFIELD information Bureau. Confldn
tlal information on mines a special ty
Bank references. Write for terms. Bo
1154, Goldfleld. Nv.
WANTED Partner, half interest in old
established real estate office: $2T0 re
quired. Room 5"$ Buchanan bldg., 26 'v
Washington st.
DO you want i Interest in the best plat
ting proposition In the city? $2500 re
quired. No agents or curious. G 890,
ROOMING-HOtE ' near P. O., 23 rooms,
good class roomers; $800; gives Immediate
possession ; balance easy ; terms. K 84 7,
OWING to Ill-health I w ill sell the largest
and best paying general mdse. store in
Washoutfal, Wash. Inquire Postmaster,
same place.
BOARD1NO or rooming-house of 21 rooms,
all full, three blocks from postoffice. Will
sell cheap If sold at once. Call 193 West
Park st.
I MAKE $1000 a month, started with $5. will
explain how; anyone can do the work home.
Warn. Dept. loo, 833 Washington Blvd.,
FOR SALE Nice clean stock of groceries
in valley town, from $2000 to $3000 at
invoice. If interested, write A 79u. Ore
gonian. CREAMERY, located In St. John, doing
good business, snap If taken at once: $300
cash 119 Burlington. St. John. Or.
WANTED To rent, furnished hotel of 23
to 30 rooms in country town. Address
Mrs. A. T. Hubbard, Winlock. Wash.
FHYSICIANS, druggists, dentists, exchange
properties and practice bought, sold, ex
changed. 1628 Stout St.. Denver. Col.
BEST paying weekly paper in Southern
uregon. -w. l-itci in iu 11. Ad
dress N. 779. Oregonian.
WHOLE or part interest in light manufac-
CORNER cigar and candy store, fine loca-
Chamber of Commerce.
CASH grocery, new stock and fine chance,
on Mount Scott carline. Inquire store,
Tremont station.
TAILOR SHOP for sale or rent. Call at
New Washington Hotel after 6 P. M.,
Vancouver, Wash.
RESTAURANT Washington st. ; good loca.
tion, cheap rent; terms. For particulars
call Pacific 647.
CIGARS, fruit and confectionery. If you
have $000 casn; investigate this. c. 842.
W ANTE D To ren t or buy two or t h ree
chalr barber shop; good location. R 861.
MUST sell cheap, cigar and confectionerv
store, doing $12 daily. $350. Call 85
Fifth St.
SALOON for sale on West Side; desirable
location. $900 caeh required. Y 849. Ore
gonian. BAKERY and restaurant business for sale.
Inquire of Gray, McLean & Percy, 42
Front st.
BEFORE buying or selline your business sea
Western Realty Co., room 010 Buchanan
DRUGSTORE for sale or lease; good loca
tion for doctor. A. M. Porter, Gaston. Or.
MlT sell before May 15 $475 stock of
packet goods for 3SO. S 849, Oregonian.