The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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A LADY, 36, capable and refined, would
accompany family to beach or country lor
the Summer as companion or to aasist
In light dutlc-a, for board and expenses;
references. B 8S;i, Oregonian.
COOK Good plain, would Ilka situation
with tlrat-clRM family where second girl
la kept; wages D S4. Oregonian.
A COLORED LADY wants washlne and to take home. Phone, bet. i ana
. Pacific 27SU. Call 107 N. 14th at.
WANTED Washing and
Phone Pacific 2024. room 12
UACE curtains laundered at Main 7640 or
A 6289. 3oo a pair and up.
COMPETENT hairdresser
wanted. :ioS Washington.
and mantcura
LADY wants curtains to launder at home;
best of work. B 1338.
LACE curtnlns done. 23c -and up.
:!. A 5o2tt.
WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Main
AUB.NTS wanted for sale of "Looters of
the Public Domain." by B. A. D. Puter,
king of the Oregon land fraud ring. In
collaboration with Horace Stevens, the
greatest work on the subject aver pub
ltxhed. embracing a complete exposure of
the fraudulent svstem of acquiring title
to tho public lands of the. United States.
Contains 600 pages. Including nearly 200
line Illustrations of prominent actors and
events In the great land fraud drama.
Liberal commission allowed active agents
with good reterences. Applications tor
territory should be addressed to Puter
Stevens. lotel Lenox. Portland. Or.
I WANT one or two good house-to-houss
canvassers; to those who will follow my
instructions to the letter I will guaran
tee f:l to S per day; twice that amount
can be made. This is an honest offer.
loes It hit you? If you mean business,
answer. If you are a dreamer, don't. Too
Sood a proposition to spoil territory with
as-beens. position permanent, with ab
solutely new lines every month. DXX.
WANTED To pay men $125 to $200 a
month. We pay every Thursday, advance
25 expense money each week; no capital
needed; no selling, collecting or carrying
of samples; simply determination to work
for big success, our men make $230 to
f:no per month; you can too; small bond
required from those we employ; write
promptly for territory and secure above
splendid income. C. 0. Eccles. Sec'y-. b03
Dayton, O.
AGENTS Men of ability who are willing
to hustle and make from $25 to $ lO a
week, soiling our photo knives. A high
grade proposition in every particular. Ex
perience unnecessary If you have enthu
1 siasm and are willing to work. Exclusive,
territory. Write for particulars. The Can
ton Cutlery Co.. 1323 W. 10th st.. Canton.
LBADTNCi New York manufacturers of em-broiderii-s
and laces, dvalre live salesman to
sell their goods on commission. Address
Ibices, P. O. box 806. Madison Square, Kow
York. .
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line. Our liberal commission con
tract paid five sak'smen an average
vearlv income of $100 ill cash above
traveling expenses during the last live
vears; $100 monthly advance. American
Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich.
AiiEN'TS WANTED Men and women to sell
Whrtcomb's Flexsolu" unllned shoe for
women; 15 to $r a week easily made; all
orders filled the same day received; no
tacks, no warns, no lining: exclusive terri
tory. Eastern sihoe Co., Beverly, Mass.
ACENTS. salesmen and others, send 10c for
12 Yellowstone Park" colored postcards
or 2. beautiful "Picturesque America"
views, all different. International Trad
ing Co., 33 Park Place. New York City.
AUENTS We have cornered greatest
money-maliing proposition in this coun
try; first starting In each city or town
have monopoly. Hulls Co-Operative
Anency. 2o2 Franklin St., New York.
and expenses easily made selling our
popular combination imllcles and ap
pointing agents. Experience unneces
sary. Write Oscar kman, 313 Kitel
bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
AGENTS $36 a week: expenses paid; no
experience or capital required. Photo
pillow tops 30c; enlarged portraits, frames,
ait goods, lowest prices. Samples and
catalogue free. Rltu;r Art Studio, Chi
cago, 111.
AGENTS "Nalda" Shirtwaist Patterns are
the latest style and handsomest you ver
saw; sell better than the embroidered
ever did. Madison Kmbroidery &. Braid
ing Co.. Dept. 19, Chicago. -
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms; cut any length;
one-third saved; express prepaid. Write
for Information. Lenox Silk Works. 229
Mh ave.. New York.
$10 A DAY manfacturlng ornamental glass
signs. We teach you free; any one can
do the work; $100 different styles; Im
mense sellers. Bogart Co., 80 Center sr..
New York.
AGRNTS wanted to advertise Cream of Fresh
I.einon; new and sure plan; either sex; no
money required; write for terms. James A.
liaker. box 31)5. Toint Richmond, Cal.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash,
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
'Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
BALKSMEN Can give a few good salesmen
a contract whereby you can make from
$100 to $2O0 per week; exclusive territory;
no competition. 410 Corbett bldg.
OTHERS are making $M to $128 monthly.
Why not you In spite of panic, agents
doubling sales. Address Sayman, .2170
Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo.
MBX $10 dally, sure, selling "Mendarlp"
and combination hatchet; 8 tools In 1 big
profit-producer: exclusive agency. The Foote
Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
WANTED Reliable lady agents to sell
ladles' goods; 100 per cent commission.
Address Barnes "Reliable" Syringe Co.,
Fremont, Ohio.
WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1. Particulars, Glsha Company, An
derson, 'Ind.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families
Address Lettler & Co., St. Louis, Mo.
AGENTS Attention! Big profits. Goods sell
quickly. Particulars and samples free.
2170 Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS make 200 per cent selling household
article; low Introductory price; quick sales.
GOO Dekum.
WANTED By young business man. com
fortably furnished room in modern home
of private family on Park street, south
of Taylor: references furnished. K. sal,
COUPLE want 3 or 4 sunny, furnished or
- unfurnished housekeeping rooms; walking
distance to 3d and Washington; give full
. particulars, location and price. M 674.
WANTED Immediately, board and room in
private family by refined young nian;
walking distance; give phone number. K
8.S8. Oregonian.
YOUNG couple desire modern 5-room cot
tage or flat, about June 1; walking dis
tance: state location and price. R SGd,
WANTED To rent or lease a large place
with house, barn and chicken-sheds, suit
able for raising chickens. B 802, Orego
nian. WANTED To rent 3 or 4-room cottage or
flat completely furnished for housekeep
ing; must be reasonable. B 8."iC. Oregonian
WELL-EDUCATED single man wants very
olean room and board in private house
near MorrlBon bridge. Y 872. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished cottage, walk
ing distance of Washington and 14th sta.
Addrere 4H04 Washington St.
WANTED By young man, single room and
dinner. West Side; .references exchanged.
Address M 860. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house, complete, for
Summer or longer; & to 10 rooms, c 84u,
WANTED To rent or huy lease of well
located small store. Confidential. D 8S8,
FOFt 6 months or longer, suburban place.
Oregon City carllne preferred. R 800, Ore
gonian. AN 8-room furnished house; must be mod
ern and close in; references. 54H Johnson.
CHICKEN ranch. 5 acres, near good town,
ti. Prevost. general delivery. Portland. Or.
WANTED A cottage for the season of 190S
either at Seaside or Gearhart; must have
- five bedrooms, sitting-room, dining-room,
kitchen and bath; lit by electricity; noth
ing less will answer. Address P. O. box
107, Portland.
WANTED Room, board with -modern con
veniences if! private family, by gentleman,
good references; home must be within
walking distance on West Side, north of
Washington at. preferred. M 872, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished or furnished
rooms; apartment or flat; modern and on
West Side, for immediate and permanent
occupancy; must be reasonable In price. A
871, Oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife, a furnished
house of 10 or more rooms, suitable for
roomers: must be In respectable location;
references exchanged. Answer F 849,
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms; close In. K H94, Oregonian.
PLEASANT room desired near some tennis
court. N 89, Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or i-room flat; must be close
in. D 886, Oregonian.
WANTED To porchase one roll-top desk,
one fireproof safe, typewriter and stand
for same, also one 7-foot stand-up desk;
state size and price of safe and roll-top
desk. B 851, Oregonian.
And any thing slse you have t6 seU.
Mala tCSS. A 41L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 2 N 84 st. Phone Pacific 1722
WANTED Timber for oordwood, near
Oregon water power line. Address Geo.
K. Kunitake. R. F. D. No. 5. Box 28,
Gresham, Or.
USE of horse for six weeks for board; must
be thoroughly gentle; extra care given; also
buggy, $10 for use for same period. 3t& 7th.
WE buy your household goods of every de
scription The Dollar. 232 1st St.; we want
your trade. Main 6374, A 2327.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, aood suburban
home, will care for one or two children.
883 Bldwell ave.. Sellwood.
WANTED Original Jokes, funny sayings
and parodies. Address room 8, 21 Burn
Bide, Neppach Hotel.
WANTED One or two second-hand bowl
ing alleys. Apply 120 7th st N.. corner
7th and Gllsan sts.
WANTED A good second-hand upright
piano; must be cheap; state price. B
868, Oregonian.
WANTED Two horses or ponies, for riding
and packing. Phone Main 3881. Call 330
14th st.
GOING to move to Missouri; will share car
with anybody. C. H. Pierce, 148 Whlt
aker et.
WANTED Victor talking machine; must
be in good order and cheaz. 300 N. 23d
READY money paid for furniture: better
prices than a dealer. Phone East 3888.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Pbone East 1067.
WANTED St. Bernard male pup. Mrs. Me
Namara, Open Air Sanatorium, Milwaukle.
X PAY cash for housenold goods. Savage 4
Pennell Fur. Co.. 343 1st. Phone 360.
WANTED Dressmaker to take room for
plain sewing. Call 351 y Morrison.
WANTED Counter soda fountain cheap.
Vernon Drug Co., 648 Alberta st.
WANTED Pecond-hand show cases. Vernon
Drug Co.. 648 Alberta st.
Furnished Rooms.
218 13TH Nice furnished rooms, suitable
for 2 or more persons; modern conven
iences; reasonable.
FIVE rooms, ground floor, in cottage, com
pletely furnished, close In; lawn, flowers,
fruit. Main 8255.
NICELY furnished rooms. $1.50 per week
and up. Cottage Rooming-house 1031
North 6th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, 15 minutes'
walk, $1.50 and $2 a week; modern. Tel.
Pacific 22.
THORNTON'S HOTEL. 271 Sd St., -newly
furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week;
TWO newly furnished connecting front rooms
for two or three young men; reasonable.
500 6th st.
NICELY furnished room suitable for one or
two gentlemen; very central; gas, phone.
149 loth.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board. 389 19th st. North or Home Phone
A 4156.
A VERY pleasant room with modern con
veniences, for gentlemen. 193 13th. corner
391 YAMHILL ST., new, clean furnished
front room and single room, central lo
cation. NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep
ing; bath and phone. 95 lth st., corner
THE HYLAND. 490 Morrison, furnished
rooms, with bath and steam heat. Phone
A 2210.
NICELY furnished parlor, bay window, light,
bath, phone; walking distance. 515 Yam
hill. $10 light, pleasant, clean, furnished rooms.
Phone, gas and bath. 415 Taylor, cor.
LARGE front room, well furnished, modern,
suitable for two; $10. 46 East 7th North.
FOR RENT Large furnished room on first
floor, with grate, reasonable. 349 12th st.
NICELY furnished room, every modern con
venience. 252 Oth st. ; walking distance.
NICE, clean, cheap rooms, for gentlemen,
at 414 Main St.. cor. 11th. Tel, Main 1154.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and. Columbia; mod
ern rooms,. bath, 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 wk,
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343H Morrison.
FURNISHED rooms from Jf-J week up; suit
able for women employed. 482 Wash. st.
HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th St.. nice furnished
rooms, $2.50 to $5 week; 50c to $1 night.
NICELY furnished room without board, good
location. 1 East 12th St.. cor. Ankeny.
FURNISHED room, suitable for gentlemen;
modern, walking distance. 367 3d St.
NICE clean bedroom for rent at 307 Mar
ket St., walking distance. Phone A 3767.
NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeeping;
phone, gas and laundry. 32 N. 11th st.
FRONT room, furnished good, suitable for
one or two gentlemen. 408 Main.
FURNISHEtD rooms in new home, modern
and very reasonable. 99 E. 15th st.
FURNISHED room for lady with privilege
of cooking breakfast. 4" Ella st.
2 ROOMS and alcove for housekeeping; phone
bath, laundry. 481 West Park.
NICELY furnished room for a gentleman
In private house. 242 22d st.
FURNISHED room, very reasonable; home
privileges. 675 East Main.
NICELY furnished rooms. Call at 169 Park
et. Under new management.
392 E. BURNSIDE. beautifully furnished
front room, cheap. 3d floor. '
NICELY furnished rooms,
reasonable. 242 1st st.
central ; rates
TWO nicely furnlehed rooms, $2 and $2.50
per week. 209 4th st.
NICE newly furnished rooms; everything
modern. 232 Mill st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences.
345 Harrison st.
3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 639 East
S6th st.
THE EUREKA. 1st and Market sts., clean,
outside rooms $2.50 wk. ; housekeeping rooms.
Furnished Booms.
MEMBERS of private home on loth St.. ab
sent for the Summer, would rent furnished
room: could arrange for housekeeping. Call
6u8 Corbett bldg.
TWO handsomely furnished rooms in pri
vate home; all modern conveniences;
splendid location; references. E 887,
FURNISHED rooms with private family;
no children; large yard, within easy walk
ing distance; board if wanted. 429 E.
Davis st
LARGE front room nicely furnished, run
ning water, gas. buth. phone, electric
light, walking distance. 209 10th St., near
$10 A MONTH Newly furnished front
room, with clothes press; heal, bath and
phone; suitable for 2 gentlemen. 401 6th.
3 FURNISHED front outside rooms; strict
ly modern; walking distance: private flat;
reasonable. Flat 11, 494 Morrison, cor. 15th.
THE ARTONIA Nicely furnished rooms, all
steam heat, all modern conveniences; rates
$4 per week up'; transients. 128 West Park
S ROOMS In modern home for gentlemen
who want cosy quarters close In. half
block from Multnomah Club. 547 Yamhill.
MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th.; beautiful
.light newly decorated roonfs; hot water,
all rooms; rates $2.50 up. Phon-s Main 1153.
THE ANKENY, new management; rooms $2
week and up; newly remodeled; transients
60c to $1. 349H Ankeny and Tth. A 1147.
THE" ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32744
8 lark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
4 FURNISHFJD rooms, modern, private house,
, bath, phone, electric lights, walking dis
tance. 2S2 B. 7th. Phone East 1345.
THE CADILLAC, Sd and Columbia; newly
furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy
walking distance from center of city.
LARGE furnished front room; bath, gas and
phone; also . one unfurnished room; would
board ladies. 164 Grand ave. N.
ELBQANTLY furnished front parlor, suitable
for one or two; gas and bath; $12 month.
330 6th st. Phone Main 0098.
NICELY furnished room, every modem con
venience. Inquire apartment 4, Chetopa,
18th and Flanders. Reference.
$10 PER MONTH Front room, modern con
veniences, private home, gentlemen pre-t
ferred. 414 7 Hi St.
ONE or two newly furnished rooms, all con
veniences, walking distance, rent reason
able. 37.-. 14th St.
NICELY furnished room, connecting bath;
gas. phone, close In; reasonable. Phone A
5228. 433 Taylor.
NICELY-FURN1SHRD well-kept rooms, $1.50
up per week: meals if desired. Hotel
Mason, 2471, 5th.
ONFj newly furnished front room with
closet, $12; . private family. 584 3d St.
Phone Main 2406.
HOTEL SACRY. 545 First St.: newly fur
nished: new bldg.; froe bath and phone;
rates reasonable.
NICELY furnished room with private fam
ily; breakfast If desired, near Steel bridge.
Phone East 6310.
Answers to One
That's what an advertiser received from a two-time, three-line
fff,?:l,flV"" '" ' "".'I."",'" """W'j inssassi.lljl WJSSSSSSWlailll.l Ill ..III I III HUIIII..Jil)JI,ISIIilHSHIM,l1lll
'. A L -SSi 'vr It .
All advertisers do not receive that many replies, but it is no uncommon thing for an advertiser to get
from 40 to 100 answers to one ad through The Oregonian Classified Columns.
What a Little Money Will Do When You
Have Something to Sell
It may be real estate, stock, machinery, books, a business, a camera, or printing office, in fact any "con
ceivable thing under the sun. It can be quickly disposed of if a small ad is inserted under the proper clas
sification in the want pages of The Oregonian.
If you want to obtain a better-paying position in a more congenial line.
If you want to move to another section of the country for health's sake, advertising will help you decide
where to go and save ym much costly experience in traveling around. '
If you want to exchange one article for another, advertise, and you will be surprised at the number of
replies you receive.
If you desire to sell your present home or farm, advertise it and receive a much better price than an
uncompetitive market would bring you.
If you desire high-grade employes in any line of business, advertise for them and take your pick from
those who reply. '
If you conduct a general business, or a small exclusive business, and have been unable to advertise it
heretofore in the display columns, try several different strong, well-written advertisements in the classified
department, and build a bigger business. . -
If you cannot bring your ad, phone it.
MAIN 7 070; OR A1670
Furnished Rooms.
One outside elegantly furnished room, only
$14; also front rooms, single or en suite,
with hot and cold running water, beat,
electric light, gas, return call bells, bath,
both phones, free for all rooms, easy walk
ing distance, convenient to Washington-su
carllne 20th, near Washington St.-
Elegantly furnished rooms; heat. hot
and cold running water, return call-bells
in all rooms, free baths and both phones
on each floor; strictly modern throughout;
rates very reasonable.
20th and Washington.
THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
near Washington, has the best rooms in
the city, $7.50 per month and up, single
or ensulte. with or without board; baths,
steam heat, electric lights, both phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
and pool tables, all free to guests.
Large, light and neatly furnished
rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold
water, baths and phone; transient. $1;
special rates by the week. Phone A 136.
3S1 Yamhill st.. N. W. cor. West Park.
GAYOSO Grand ave.. East Stark; new
brick, thoroughly modern, every con
venience, well furnished rooms, electric
elevator, hot water baths; extremely rea-
. sonable; also housekeeping suite.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout;
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room, phone Mala
T195. Long-dlstanoe phones tn all rooms
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th sal Waahlngtoa
Modern rooms, single and to suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; 'rates reasonable. ' Paclflo 4&S-
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th.
flVst-claas furnished rooms, single or en suite;
every modern convenience, $3" weekly up;
dally T6c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647
THE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark. & W. cor.
6th st. Well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient, 50o to
$1: by week. $2 to $3. Paclflo 129
THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay St.. elegantly
furnished and unfurnished housekeeping
apartments, everything new and up to
date. Phones: Main 8105, A 505S.
PLEASANT front room in modern home in
Sunnyside, on carllne, 1 or 2 gentTemen
preferred; part or all meals If desired;
$0 month. Phone B 2385.
PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sts;
steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water
in all rooms; 50o to $1 day; $2.50 to $5
per week. Phone A 1539.
LARGE, cool room, for one or more; quiet
family; walking distance: with or with
out breakfast: terms moderate. 486 East
Everett. Phone East 3394.
THE! WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts..
handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every
modern convenience; terms reasonable; only
6 blocks from Postofflce.
THREE learge sunny rooms In beautiful home
on Willamette Heights, near carllne; price
reasonable. Call M 3035 or address W. E.
B.. 1015 Raleigh st.
COMFORTABLY ' furnished front room,
suitable for one or two gentlemen; run
ning water, electric light, phone, very
central. 149 Tenth. x
Furnished Rooms.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished; steam
heat, porcelain bath, walking distance; bay
window rooms. Phone Main 7410, C 445.
LARGE pleasant front room for one or two;
private;- fine location: reasonable; with or
without board. 252 N. 19th St. Pac. 2497.
NICELY furnished rooms, bath, gas and
electric lights: walking distance; reason
able. Phone B 2273 mornings.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room,
especially nice for two gentlemen, mod
ern, very reasonable. 215 13th.
NICELY furnished room for rent: west
front; 10 minutes' walk to postofflce. o84
Third St. Phone Man 2406.
PARLOR bedroom, modern home, all con
veniences; 8 East 6th N. Phone East
ONE large neatly furnished housekeeping
suite, front rooms and single rooms to
rent. The Rose. 189 Vi 3d st.
NICELY furnished - large front room; private
family, good neighborhood, rent reasonable.
Phone Pacific GG8 or A 2762.
PLEASANT outside room, electric light,
steam heat, rent reasonable. 494 Morrison,
flat 10. Phone Main 7252.
THE NICKUM. 889 th. $1.25 a week and
up, furnished rooms; free bath; also
housekeeping apartments.
207 SIXTH ST. Nloely furnished parlor;
gas. bath, phone: vary centrally lo
cated, near postofflce.
WELL furnished room in private family;
modern conveniences; five minutes walk:
reasonable. 311 Vi 5th st.
TWO completely furnished rooms; front and
kitohen connected; ground floor, gas plate
and range. 102 12th st.
848 MAIN, near 7th, attractive 2-room suite,
a-ccomomdates 3 people- also desiraole sin
gle room. Phone A 3727.
PLEASANT front room for one or two
gentlemen; private bath, central and rea
sonable. 292 12th st.
OR RENT Furnished rooms, private fam
' lly. N. lth st.. near Johnson. ' Phone
Main 224S. A 1949.
THE ANGELUS. corner th and Jefferson,
furnished rooms, electric lights, well fur
nished, low rent.
FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms. modern,
walking distance. 438 Market st., cor.
12th: fine yard.
NICELY furnished rooms. The Rldge
way, 270 6th et.
489 21ST, Portland Heights, part of house,
furnished or unfurnlBhed; large yard.
Phone A 2491.
NICELY furnished large front rooms; beauti
ful grounds. 205 6th St., 4 blocks from post
office. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, B93 Glx
san, bet. 21st and 22d.
ROOM, suitable for two; bath, gas; cheap
rent. 87 N. 9th. ,
Oregonian want ad.
lfurnlMhed Rooms.
834 Yamhill. offer attractive room, beau
frtully furnished, with all modern con
veniences, running water, call bUa. both
phones service; especially convenient for
business men, women; transient, permanent
rat sts solicited.
ALPINE FLATS hav been newly and ele
gantly furnished throughout; beat of ac
commodations; rates reasonable; best loca-
n tion tn city. 4th and Morrison.
BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, all mod
ern conveniences; in steam-heated apartment-house;
cheap. 262 3d, apartment 5.
Phone A 4970. ;
NICELY furnished room $1 per week and
up. 42C Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished rooms in private family.
. 248 North 20th.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite; quiet and very suit
able for single gentlemen. Kamm blug.,
1st and Pine.
THREE or four unfurnished rooms, gas.
bath and phone, lower floor, walking ats
tance. Main 3933.
FOUR clean unfurnished rooms for house
keeping at COrt Washington st.
TWO v rooms for light housekeeping, $8
montn. 60 8 . Jfiverett.
Room With Board.
LARGE, well-ltghted room In Nob Hill
renldence. with board, all modern con
veniences, fins view, fireplace; for two
young men or married couple. Address
N 8W3, care Oregonian.
BLAKELY HOTEL 300 Jefferson; beauti
fully furnished . rooms, with nrst -clans
board ; hot and cold water ; beaut If ul
grounds; center of city; five blocks south
Portland Hotel.
333 12th st., cor. Market Room suitable
for one or two gentlemen; walking dis
tance; private residence, bath, gas. fur
nace; breakfasts and dinners, phone
Main 37-53. '
THE Santa Clara, conveniently located,
large, pleasant rooms, single or en suite;
first-class table board; strictly home
cooking; moderate rates. 2U5 10th at.
Main 3tttS2.
SLEEPING-ROOM and breakfast for re
fined gentlemen; reasonable; near K1U
lngsworth ave. Call Sunday or after 7
P. M. other days. Phone WoodJawn
LARGE front room, private family, fireplace,
two bullt-ln wardrobes, good location,
breakfast and dinner, suitable fur two
gentlemen, references. O S3S, Oregonian.
IN modern home, nicely furnished front
room, with board, suitable for two gen
tlemen, reasonable. 9 E. 15th, between
Ankeny and Burnslde. Phone B 2071.
Portland Women's Union, 18th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllng, Supi., 610 Flanders st.
CLEAN front of cottage, 2 large rooms.
nicely furnished, $15 month: others
cheaper. Apply $4 Nortn 2ttli. 23d-treet
cars to 2'tii. turn south half block.
CAN accommodate one or two persons seek
ing home In private family; pl-aeant room,
good cooking, all conveniences: near two
carlinea. So E. 16th St., North.
THE VALLAMONT, 376 Yamhill, cor. West
Park, nicely furnished rooms, with ooura;
reasonable rates to families; also tran
sient boarders accommodated.
IN refined family, some well furnished, ex
ceptionally neat rooms, with or without
board; pleasant surroundings; walking dis
tance. 653 Washington st.
LADY can have pleasant room and board
If desired in private - home, reasonable;
modern conveniences ; walking- distance.
Address D W8, Oregonian.
SUITE of two nicely furninhed rooms, suit
able for 3 or 4 younx men; ait conven
iences; nice yard and poroh; very . rea
sonable. Call 251 7th st.
WIDOW would rent parlor bedroom to two
young men; board if desired; no other
boarders; half block from k. . canine
Call 671 Gantenbeln ave.
Sunnv outeide rooms; steam heat, hot and
cold water; firrt-claas table; most reasonable
rates. t5 Alder.
WELL-FURNISHED room. with board;
modern conveneln-ces; pleasant surround
ings; walking distance; terms reasonable.
Main 880.
NICELY furnished front rooms, with board;
strictly home cooking; modern conven1encc;
walking distance; t per ween, ine i-inaou,
269 Market.
A DESIRABLE room: nicely furnished: ad
Joining bath; hot and cold water: nrt-clns
home oooKing; private, reasoiiaoie. oi
Couch - et.
FIRST-CLASS table board, home cooking,
central location. LSI 11th St.. corner
Yamhill. Telephones Main 530. Home,
A 35S0.
NICELY furnlfhed room. private family;
home cooking; home privilenes; young men
or ladles who work. 115 16th, corner Tay
LARGE. nWeasant front room, modern, with
board, if desired ; private family; choice
location. Phone E. 2013. 4 07 Holladay
LARGE front room, with board, private
family, for one or. two young men; 10
minutes' . walk; all conveniences. Pacltlo
FOR RENT Nicely 'furnished front room
suitable for 2 men or man and wife; good
board; phone and bath. HI North 14th u
WANTED An old ladv. to board for th
Summer months; nice grounds fruit and
flowers; no invalid. Phone sell wood sim.
PLEASANT room with board In private
house ; home privileges: reasonable. UD0
E. Burnnlde. References required.
WELL furnished room, with board; good
home cooking, reasonable rates; employed
people preferred. 44J Jenerson.
NICELY furnished front parlor, with boarl
for 2 or more adult!; home cooking. 349
Jefferson. Phone Main .N2C.
NICE room, stylish new house, fine bath:
walking distance; breakfasts and dinners
reasonable. Phone Main 2219.
WELL-FURNISHED rooms with board;
walking distance; nice yard. 201 16th St.,
cor. Taylor. Main 22S4.
FOR RENT with board, ,one large front
room, suitable for three young men.
Phone Main 2941.
FURNISHED room with board, private fam
ily, all home comforts. Phone Main 4173
or call 412 2d st.
41 ELLA st. Room, with board, suitable
for 2; one single room, home cooking;
terms reasonable. ,
85 N. 17TH. near Washington ; nicely fur
nlsthed front room, with or without Iward.
Phone A 2284.
FRONT room, with board for two, walking
distance; reasonable. Phone Pacific 1400.
3S8 5th St.
THH Colonial, corner loth and Morrison, cosy.
clean, comfortable, good table; low rates.
Call and see.
ONE large, well furnished, also other well
furnished rooms, very central. Pacific
2U17. .
ROOM and board In private family, modern
conveniences, home privileges. Phone East
33 N. 17TH ST., one block off Washington,
well furnished rooms; modern. Phone
A 1948.
NICELY furnished housekeeping apartment;
all modern conveniences. 590 Kan Madi
son. ROOM and board for one gentleman : home
cooking; walking distance. Phone A 3022--328
ROOM and board for one or two; modern
conveniences; rates reasonable. 471 Taylor
NICE, new, furnished rooms In new, modern
house, cheap. 232 Mill, corner of Second.
SELECT private boarding-house; modern con
veniences: board optional". 452 Morrison
PLEASANT room, with board; gas, bath,
both phones; private family. 475 Clay st.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board : convenient. 653 Washington st.
FOR RENT A pleasant room with board,
near tennis grounds. H S.Vi. Oregonian.
FOR RENT 2 rooms, $14 and $18. with or
without board. 412V4 Jefferson st.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 615 Morri
son st.. corner 19th.
Rooms With Board.
LARGE front bedroom in private family,
use of phone, electric lights and bath;
also use of large yard and porches; break
fast and supper If desired; a tlrst-class
home; S a month. 1 East tub, st. cor
East Ankeny.
ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Ella St.. new
and elegantly furnished single rooms and
suites, with and without bath; hot and
cold water In every room; flrst-clais
table. Take Washington-street car to
Ella st.
YOUNG man, if you want first -class room
ana ooaru. $5.50 per week, all conven-
iciium. nice yara ana porcn, also iaD;e
board, $4 per week, good home cooking,
call at Aster House. 7th and Madison.
THE HAZEL a home for young men; the
iwusiYo in ii m DoaruinK-nouso in
the city. Nice light rooms with running
water Good table. Reasonable rates.
Phone Main 7094, A 4157. 385 3d st.
WE HAVE a large, elegant front room, suit-
aoic ior one or two persons,, wun extra
good home-board; private. Rates for one,
28; for two per motuh. Close In. 2.9
13th. Phone Pacific 1287.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oaarlc
-is u in st.
Madison, handsome 5-story presed brick.
Just completed; four-room reception hall
and bath, residence apartments, possess
ing every modern convenience, Including
electric automatic elevator and tele
phone exchange; -hardwood floors through
out; the maximum of convenience, ele
gance and equipment at exceedingly rea
sonable terms; location and surrounding
THE ORCHARDS 6-room apartment, fully
equipped witn all modern conveniences; all
large outeide rooms, four large closets,
spacious entrance and reception halls; Nob
Hill residence district; very desirable; mod
erate rent. Janitor, 006-6A8 Flanders.
Phone Main 8251. See this today.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room resldem-a
apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerator, window
ehades, Janitor service, telephone; adult.
Apply Janitor. 18th and Couch sts.
Wanted Respectable German family tm
rent hotel In thriving country place; 16
roums, partly furnished; favorable condi
tions to right party. Frank Colfelt, Sher
wood, Or.
THE ELLSWORTH Furnished or unfur
nished, 3 -room apartments; bath, gas
range, electric lights, steam heat, jani
tor service; free phone; rent reasonable.
106 Lownsdale st. Phono Main 6474.
CINCINNATI COURT H-room unfurnished
apartment, all modern conveniences,
S22.50; also 4-room apartment. Apply
Janitor, Flat E, 401 10th.
FURNITURE of coxy 8-room apartment for
sale, apartment for rent; party leaving
city. Suite 8. Columbian Apartments.
11th and Columbia sta
THH SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room
apartment, with bath; new, modern and
fully equipped for convenience; fine location
saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, Tth aud
Jtfteraon sts.
THE WESTMINSTER, Madison and 6th sts.
' up-to-date apartments, every modern con
venience, reasonable rates, close in, omy
6 blocks from Postofflce.
THE Cadillac Hotel, 8d and Columbia; fine
newly furnished apartment, single or ea
suite rooms ; phone, bath; furnished house
keeping rooms.
lumbia: four-mom, apartments; all mod
ern convenience; excellent location; rea
sonable rent.
STEAM-HEATED apartments. 8 and 4
rooms, furnished and unfurnished ; mod
ern. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman
THE OWEN. 230 Rumll st., comfortably
furnished 2-room apartments; phones, gas
and bath.
FOR JKALE at a sacrifice, furniture of four
mom apartment, or will rent furnished.
See janitor Columbian Apartments; 11th and
THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders, beautiful 6
room residence apartment; modern con
veniences; reasonable rent. Main 1221.
MODERN, up-to-date unfurnished 6-room
apartment with bath. gas. electric ligOt,
etc. Phone Main 5603, A 1133.
BASEMENT suite, 4 rooms, bath, gas range,
hot and cold water, steam heat, low rent.
See janitor. fH9 Irving st.
5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, new, mod
ern in every respect. The Marlborough,
21st and Flanders.
3 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; all
llfiht. Apartment 36, Madison Park Apart
ment Houe.
RENT my home, 5-room lower flat, new,
finely furnished, 533 Everett st., near 16th.
NEWLY furnishe.f 5-room apartment. The
MorJaunt, cor. 18th and Everett sts.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 205
12th. "The Bralntree."
3-ROOM unfurnished modern apartment.
373 .a 11th.
NEW 5-room flat; fireplace, bath. 4 closets,
i-ooler. electricity. gus. walking dis
tance. Call 94 East 12tb. i'hone East
FOR RENT 5-room modern flat, 29 E.
8 th st.. near Burnslde- Keys at D. G.
Woodward's office. 104 2d st. Rent 420.
BRAND new modern 6-room qpper flat;
choice location. Hoyt and 23d fts. ; rent
$40. C. H. Korell, ilM Washington,
FOR RENT Upper flat, 5 rooms, bath, hot
and cold water, cook stove; near car. 361
Fremont. I'hone Wood lawn
NICE steam-hf ated. etc., 3 room and bath
apartment at 448 Clay st.., close to 13th,
Jf27.r0. Inquire Uo5 Kearney.
STEAM-HEATED modern flat of 6 rooms to
rent. Apply to the Ames Mercantile
Agency. Ablngton bldg.
TWO elegant 6-room flats, eteum heat, hot
water, janitor service, finest locality. Si5
11th and Columbia.
$13 l-room fiat, bath, gas. etc.; lioth and
E. M or ri so n. W. O. Wadde 1 1. 300 Lu m -ber
CORNER fiat, strictly modern, 6 roome and
basement. 355 6th St., cor. Mill. Key
at 34)1 tith st.
NEAT lower 4-room flat, with awnings and
basement; 672 Mississippi ave.; $12;
bath, gas.
A HANDSOMELY furnished
rent; lurniture for sale.
apartment for
Phone Main
FOR RENT Elegant flat, 694 irvln st.
Call oil Rothchlld blag. Phone Main
MODERN furninhed and unfurnished 4 and
6-room flats on Williams ave. Phone East
7-ROOM modem flat for rent; new furniture
for sale; 4 rooms rented; rent $35. 351 Oih.
ONE) flat, cor. 30th and Belmont. S15 per
month. Inquire 747 Belmont, after 6 P. M. ,
MODERN 6-room lint for rent; a snap;
carpet for sale. Inquire H25 13th st.
S-ROOM upper furnished flat with alcove;
piano to rent if desired. 124 N. 19th.
NEW, modern 6-room flat, 427 Blacklstone.
Inquire 701 Vaughn. Phone Main 8110.
7ol HOYT ST., near 22d. 6-room moOrti
upper fiat. Inquire 308 Washington.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room Hat, $16. Phone
C 1007. Inquire 628 Williams ave.
UPPER 6-room flat. 370 13th; cook-stove,
furnace; rent. Call 456 Market st.
848 CORBETT. 5-room modern flat. $12.50.
L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d.
JUNE 1. modern 6-room flat, large yard 9
blocks from P. O. Main 4A72.
A NEW modern 6-room flat. $22. Inquire
300 Larrabee. cor. Halsey.
6-ROOM lower flat, reel den re section, park
biocks. Phone Pacific 170.
SIGHTLY modern 8-room flat, close in. Call
room 40. Washington bids:.
Call forenoons. 239 Hall st.
FOR RENT 5-room flat, large yard.
27th. Phone R 1406.
82 B.
UPPER 6-room flat. 636 Montgomery, near
16th; rent 22.5.
8 ROQMS. 166 E. 20th (Belmont) $20. Wall
ing. 243 Stark.
6-ROOM upper flat for rent. Call 369 N
2.'ld st.
4-ROOM flat, 17th and Pettygrove, $10.