8 TUB SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MAY 3. 1908. rOR BALE. HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED ff.. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. 11 Ucobnneaiu. 200 TONS steel I beams, practically new, all sizes una lengths. loo tons galv. hop wire, all size. IX tone sheet Iron, corrugated or flat, practically new. tons cable, all Ise and length. Ifio tons bolts, all sizes and lengths. li00 tnns machinery, Including pulley, gtars. boxes, hanger, sheaves, etc., all in No. 1 shape and at very low prices. 160 tons shafting in any length, sizes front H-lnch to 8-inch. f 5oo ions pipe for water, steam, etc.. In . any size or amount, complete with threads and coupling, at very low prices. 100 tons pipe fittings, all aires, at price. 10 tons bras fittings, Including valves and cocks of all kinds, lubricators, whin ties, etc., at about price. It will pay you to investigate above 0 you need anything In our line. Mall inquiries promptly anewered. Call , or write fnr prices on anything. M. HAKPB & SONS, H47 to 353 Gllran st. RDWARDH COM PANT, 15-187-10-191 First St. Exchnage Department. 20 Yum Yum springs $ 1.85 6 perforated seat chairs 54 12 cane neat diners 80 $2.50 weathered oak diners... 1.5S Mrs. Potts Irons, set 75 Reliable gas range 15.no 0 Quick Meal gasoline range .... 3.oo $45 barn steel range 27.O0 2 Household Treasures 2.50 4 ktthcen tables 1.20 "Wire top mattress l.f0 Window shRdes, each. .... 25 Carpet 10-6x13-6 8.00 Wool carpet 6x10-6 4.75 New Brussels carpet 9-9 8.75 8-ply carpet 10x12 10.75 $3 carpet sweepers 1.50 Old stoves repaired or taken in ex change. Furniture rented; carpets reilt ted and laid. EDWARDS CO., 191 First, A good place to trade. FOR WALE CHEAP - ripe, pipe, pipe. r0 tons smooth wire. Poultry netting. Bath tubs and sinks. Vises, wedges and sledges. Crowbars, pincers. Rubber rooting. Corrugated Iron. Cables, ropes all sizes. Wh ee 1 barro ws. Pulleys, belting, shafting. Deadening felt papers. J. SIMON & BRO-. 244-24e First St. ONB box counch, $5.50. 1 dining table, $12. 1 library table, $12. 1 hair top box mattress, art tick, $15. 1 sanitary couch, $5.50. 1 davenport, worth $00, $25. 1 writing dosk, $6. Go. 1 princess dresser, $16. 1 heavy oak chiffonier. $19. ' 1 high-grade, hair mattress, $15. 127 Eleventh St. Main 8196. GENUINB COAL TAR, $4 BARRBL. GENUINE- COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL. GENUINB COAL TAR, $4 BARRBL (1BNU1NB COAL TAR. $4 RARRF7L. UBNUINB COAL TAR. 4 BARRBL GKNUINI0 COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL. GENUINB COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL. J. SIMON & BRO., 244. 246, 250 Front St ARB you going to build? If so, see us In regard to PIPE. We carry a complete line of galvanized and black pipe, both new and second-hand, which we are selling at very luw prices. M. BARDE & SONS, 347-353 Glisan St. GENU I NFS COAL TAR, $4 BARREL GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL GENU IN B COAL TAR. $4 BARREL GENU INFO COAL TAR, S4 BARREL GKNCINB COAL TAR, $4 BARREL GENUINB COAL TAR, $4 BARREL GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL J. SIMON & BRU., 244. 240, 200 Front St. BHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand single comb unbeaten color champion "Rex Glory," mated to 10 daughters and sisters, $.50 for 14; other pens $1.75 up. Hex Reds Ranch, Ballard. Wash. FOR SALE New and second-band billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15 H. P. 4-cyllnder engine, brass finishings, quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with boat house. W. 753. Oregonian. GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARRBL GENUINE- COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL GENUINE COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL GENUINB COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL GENUINB COAL TAR, $4 BARRBL GENUINE COAL TAR. $4 BARRBL GENUINB COAL TAR, $4 BARRBL J. SIMON & BRO., ' 244. 240. 250 Front St. Main 0374 Stove doctor We make A 2327 sick stove well, do expert stove repairing, stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically new, $1 iter roll. J.SIMON &. BRO., 244-240-260 Front St. OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L "Winters. &1S Til lord bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically new. $1 per roll. J.SIMON & BRO., 244-246-250 Front St. CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. 10(H rolls deadening felt paper, practically new, SI per roll. J.SIMON & BRO., 244-240-250 Front St. .PAIR of China pheasants, dozen pair of thor oughbred pigeons. 053 Brooklyn st. Rich mond car to 33d st. Phone Sell wood 8b6. LEA SB on a good store, near 11th and Wash ington ; rent $40 per week ; elegant loca tion; a snap. Address K S87, Oregonian. GAS OVEN Will do good work for hotel, home bakery or delicatessen ; cost $60, will sell for $30. 560 East Alder at. DRESS SUITS 42-ln. chcet, suit Tuxedo; evening dress and Prince Albert coat In good condition. Apply 74 Williams ave. HEW furniture, Wilton nig, Davenport couch, ' Morris chair, dining table, stand. 407 Jef ferson. Flat C. Call this P. M. THOROUGH BRED Buff Orpington and Black Minorca eggs and chicks. Bast 31st and Surman. Tel. 1108 Woodlawn. MARBLE soda fountain and tank, all com , plete. very cheap; In use now at 303 Larrabee. phone East 4470.- TAMATO "WOOD YARD. W have the most reasonable wood for you. Phone Bast 818. B 1807. E. 6th and Main. 6UN BOON HUIE. matting. Chlnaware, silks, tea, rattan chair sale; price low. 171-169 2d st, Japanese goods. AT a discount, complete I. C. S. course in railroad engineering, surveying and map ping. D 877. Oregonian. 1 HAVE m veral diamonds to trade for a driving horse and rig. Tel. Pacific 401. Address care Oregonian. GOOD Collie pup, sire Wesiand Duke, dam Portland Due boss; both prize winners. Phone East 4377. FOR SALE Go-cart, good S3 new; cost $20; will pell for $12. H24 East 2d st. North, near Holladay ave. ELEGANT baby bugsy In first-class condi t ton. for sale cheap; also baby-walker. 545 Ysmhlll st. FOR SALE A 25-ft. launch, 8-ft. beam. 10 h. p. engine; everything complete. 201 Wash. st. FOR SALE Stylish rubber-tire runabout, $r0; a bargain, phone Sunday or Monday, A 5570. FI NB cigar and candy showcases for sale cheap. Call OKo1 Albina ave";, Mteslselppl car. TWO well built boats, n and 10 feet; suit able for small engines. Y fv2, Oregonian. FO R S A L E H ousebon t. new and part ly furnished. Call at Riverdale. Chas. Busse. Moving-picture Exchange Machines, sup piles, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st $50 Family Jersey cow and heifer calf, rubber-tired runabout also. 05 E. :wtth st. FOR SALE Fine barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. 175 Bast 23d, near Belmont. FOR SALE Dayton computing grocery scales. Vernon Drug Co., 648 Alberta st. N EW furniture of two offices for sale cheap. 64 Dekum bldg. Main 7023. FOR SALE A scholarship In Behkne-Walker Business College. C 814. Oregonian. DIAMOND Perfect stone; Tiffany setting; cost $250; ell cheap. P 800, Oregonian. BARGAIN KO-h. p. automatic high-speed steam engine. Call at 1S4 Morrison st. CHEAP Pedigreed young bulldog; gentle and kind; no place to kep. 370 7th t. KELP WANTED MALE. PLATEN PRESSMAN Enterprise, Oregon City, morning. COURTNEYS. The reason the high-grade employers of Portland are more than satisfied with the COURTNEYS SYSTEM . IS Courtnsys save them all the 41 me. trouble, expense they have had recourse to in se curing the right man for the right place. We owe our success to the thorough sys tem we use and our long experience In placing high-grade men. If you are a high-grade man, competent man In your particular line and are 'looking for a change to better opportunities or are temporarily unemployed call and talk over our system. We may have Just the opening you desire on our files. If on the other hand you have no experience In any particular line DON'T CALL As It wastes your time and ours. COURTNEYS, 402-403-404-405 Swetland bldg. SALESMEN WANTED We want at once ambitious young men who wish to earn a big salary, for positions we now have open as traveling Mttlewnen in this territory; no former experience required ; easy work, big pay; write for particulars today. Ad dress Dept. . 681, National Salesman's Training Association, Monad nock block, Chicago, 111. ; Scarritt bldg., Kansas City, Mo., or Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis, Minn. "Write nearest office. ADVERTISING specialty salesmen to give all or part of their time to handling an advertising specialty of exceptional merit; used by merchants, bankers and In all other linos; samples carried In pocket; average commission on each sale $"J0; $5otK) and over yearly can be earned; spe cial inducements to high-class men. Ad dress Irwin Jordan Rose, 41 Union Square, New York. WANTED Specialty salesman ; exceptional opportunity to right man; one accustomed to calling on country drug' and general store trade; salary and- expenses to right party; our line la fairly well established and well advertised; only salesman with good clean record and sales ability need answer; give age and lines handled in first letter; replies confidential. Box 665, Chi cago. REPRESENTATIVES In every locality to sell our teas, coffees, baking powder, etc, direct to the consumer; good pay to right party; wagon equipment and splen did Inducements, as aids to secure busi ness, furnished free of charge; no graft. Investigation solicited. Address, stating experience and references. Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st. MEN of intelligence and ability In repre sentative capacity for every city and town in the United States; excellent op portunity ; exclusive territory to capable representatives; nothing to sell; perma nent position. Address, giving three refer ence to The Metropolitan Bureau of. Rep resentation, Singer Bldg., New York City. $210 MOTOR CYCLE or horse and buggy furnished our men for traveling and $.h5 per month and expenses, to take orders for the greatest portrait house. In the world; you will receive, post-paid, a beau tiful 16x20 reproduction of oil painting in a newer to this ad. Write for particulars. R. D. Martel, Dept. 618, Chicago. . 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor, tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 3tt N. 4th St., Portland. Or. LAUNDRY help wanted: experienced washer, capable of handling boiler and three washers In plant running $250 to $300 per week. Fdr further information address the un dersigned, giving experience and sending references : steady work and good pay. Prosper Steam Laundry. Prosser, Wash. WANTED Two graders behind planers; one wood turner and band sawyer; one ma chine man, sash door department; one cutoff man sash door department; one bench hand sash door department; also window-frame maker. Plttock & Lead better Lumber Co., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Salesman experienced In any line to sell general trade In Oregon; liberal com missions with $36 weekly advance. One salesman earned $1253.52, his first two months' work with our line. Capable man only wanted. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. KEEP your Job, double your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co.. Epler Block, 8 eat tie. District agents wanted. WANTED An active young man to appoint sub agents; big profits assured; no exper ience required but must be temperate and honest and able to furnish $250; office open evenings, also Sunday from 2 to 6. 718 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Bright man as partner to show business opportunities and land; can make $175 to $250; no experience re quired and vary little money. Particu lars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 3StW W'ash. at. Boom 14. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1520. Help Free to Employers. PHYSICIAN WANTED. Capable registered man as assistant In advertising practice; permanept position at fair salary open for riKht man. For Interview address Box B 844. Oregonian. SALESMAN WANTED to fill vacancy; trav eling specialty man. competent to earn $3000 per year and expenses; staple, meri torious line; trade well established; posi tion permanent. K 864, care Oregonian. GROWING Portland manufacturing cor poration, with established trade, wants services of a traveling salesman who will invest $3500 to $5000. Inquire at 414 Bu chanan bldg., 6th and Washington sts. WANTED Ambitious young man, age 21 to 20. to travel and learn good paying business; one who can leave town Immediately; refer ences. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1, The Mercedes, 20th and Washington. SALESMEN wanted, steadily traveling, selling to general merchandise stores, small towns, to handle complete lace-embroldery line from leading Importers. Liberal commission. Merk Co., 416 Broadway, New York, WANTED 20 first-class tinners and cornice makers at once ; $4.50 for 8 hours ; open shop. Address F. J. Love, secretary Mas ter Sheet Metal Workers' Association. S. 171 Monroe at., Spokane, Wasb. BALESMEN WANTED Big demand for our goods; proposition surprises everybody; $8 profit every fale; failure Impossible; sam ple case outfit furnished. Baenziger & Co., 10 Sullivan St., Chicago. SPLENDID opportunity for young men and women addressing postcards. Excellent re muneration. For particulars send dime to rover mailing. Hoffman Addressing Co., 087 Gth ave.. New York. DETECTIVES WANTED Good men; oldest secret service In United States; no exper ience needed; we give full instructions; write today. American Detective Associa tion, Indianapolis, Ind. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 8th st., San Francisco. WANTED Two real estate salesmen, famil iar with the sale of farms; must be hust lers in real estate; salary and commission; references required. Call 30-327 Corbett bldg. LEARN watcnmaklng. engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En giavlng School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. GENTLEMAN to Interest Investors in a most meritorious enterprise; will pay a liberal commission and give you stock In the company as bonus. A 805, Oregonian. WANTED A physician, registered in Oregon; must understand institute work; an un married man about 37 years old; an East ern man preferred. H 840, Oregonian. SEVERAL BOYS, bright and active, to help in large advertising department: answer by letter, giving ag-e. address and phone number if possible. B 805. Oregonian MACHINIST and plumbers table of U. S. Standard steam, gas, water pi pea and tap ping sizes; 10 centa per copy. Shop agents wanted. E. E. Meyer, Allegheny, Pa. WE want representatives In all cities and towns west of the Rockies. Good pay. Ex- ' elusive territory. Write today. Bryant, Shreve bldg , San Francisco, Cal. FLOORMAN. Wanted A thoroughly reliable, expe rienced and competent man. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. ADVERTISING representatives everywhere; secure advertising; three publications; cash commissions. Address Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg., Portland. WANTED Detectives; hrewd, reliable man for profitable secret service, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write 11. C. Webster. Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED An expert ditcher, familiar with tile draining of springy and wet lands. Apply, giving experience and terms, to L. J. Simpson. North Bend, Or. WANTED A live, wide-awake Western rep resentative by Eastern mamifacturing com pany; must have A-l credentials. B 846, Oregonian. WANTED Gentleman stenographer who has had a thorough training and exper ience in commercial lines, familiar with up-to-date methods of trade getting, let ter writing and competent to take charge of general correspondence; no application considered without agv. experience and references from past employers given In application; good opportunity for the proper party. Address F 803. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class salesman, who is affable, diplomatic, able to adapt himself to all classes of customers, thoroughly fa miliar with commercial business and com mercial law, competent to do business with municipalities and familiar with me1 chanical lines, if possible. In replying, give age, full experience and references; otherwise application not considered. Ad dress D 832. Oregonian. SPECIAL TODAY. Mill hands for two mills, just starting up; farm hands, teamsters and a large ' list of other good Jobs too numerous to mention here. For work or help call on PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 N. 2d st. Both Phones. WANTED A "business getter1' for every county in Oregon for accident and health insurance; exclusive territory to producers; best plan ever presented, com bining safety, economy and attractiveness. Best of references required. Five agents for Portland City. Apply box 453, Salem, Or. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. . Wanted Dry goods salesman, $1200. Window dresser-card writer, $1200. Dress goods and furniture salesmen, also bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. 407-8-9 Commercial Club Building. WANTED DRESS GOODS SALESMAN. P 533 Calls for live young man with fair knowledge of dress goods, lawns, etc.; salary $70- COURTNEYS, 402-403-4O4-4OS Swetland bldg. MAN and wife tGerman or Scandinavian preferred) to care for country home farm; must understand gardening and care of horses; permanent place for right parties. Call 340 Clifton Sunday or 209 Stark weekdays or address F 864, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman familiar with contrac tors' machinery, such as grading tools and concrete mixers; In answering give age, number of years experience in this line and for whom ; also references. Ad dress B 862. Oregonian. WANTED Gentleman of good appearance to solocit In city; must be able to get In touch with representative men; refer ences required; good position for right party Call 303 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN. $30 CASH and services will make you $150 a month. 223 Fifth, st. WANTED Driver for department store; only those who know the streets and num bers and can drive need apply- Give ref erence, address and phone. N SDL Ore Ionian. FOREMAN CEMENT WORKS Must be sober and have good references and In vest 2000 In cash; money protected; salary $150. Y 870, Oregonian. WANTED A flrst-class active young man as collector; must be Intelligent and shrewd. Address, giving references, Y 807, Oregonian. IF you have $100. investigate best Investment In Oregon. Send postal card for full Infor mation. Industrial Company, 631 Worces ter bldg. BOOKKEEPER Male or female; must give good references and lnv-est $1000; salary $100 month. Answer. Y S6S, Ore gonian. CAPABLE local manager to vepresent man ufacturing corporation; exclusive contract. W. F. A. Co.. 1005 Gough St.. San Fran cisco. WANTED An experienced operator familiar with Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; muwt be thorough In the work. Phone East 3020. WANTED Janitor; wages $B per week and room. Apply between 9 and 10 this morn ing, corner Grand ave. and E. Stark st. ACTIVE man to sell building materials on the road and In city; small salary and - commission. Box 6S9, Boise, Idaho. $30 WEEK and expenses to men with rig to Introduce guaranteed. poultry compound. Grant Co., Dept. 86, Spring-field, 111. SIDE Una salesmen for new postcard and chewing gum. proposition. Wabash Gum Co., 2819 Wabash ave., Chicago. SALESMEN Side line, new patent article, never been shown; sample sent on request. Patent Novelty Co., Fulton. 111. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Ifor Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5004. WANTED Teams to haul wood. For par ticulars Inquire of Randies & Klnaey, Sylvan, Or. Phone Pacific 3024. PHYSICIAN wanted for office work In Port land; must be under 30 years; good salary to right man. C 818, Oregonian. WORKERS for Grand Fraternity, easy work, big pay. Call Sunday 10 to 2, or Monday morning. 522 Worcester bldg. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted ; steady man; prices $10 and up. Address A. Nettelblod, Aberdeen, Wash. FURNITURE, Queensware and crockery salesman ; dry goods salesman ; country- P A. & C. Co., 323 Wash. st. WANTED Solicitors to solicit among re tail merchants: high-class proposition. G 899, Oregonian. A YOUNG man to help In market and run cold storage machine. Jones Meat Mar ket. 151 4th st. WANTED Salesman of good address to sell shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co., 39 Hamilton bldg. WANTED Young man with $10O or more, and services. 518 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. ADVERTISING man wanted; good salary. Call Monday. 1-3, ask for H. H. Mclver, Oregon Hotel. WILL pay $5 for driver bringing 12 persona to Portland from Trout dale. 603 Good nough bldg. WANTED Man to take charge of retail phonograph department. Apply N 878, Oregonian PAINTERS-DECORATORS Equity in val uable lot for painting, decorating. Sell wood 370. WANTED Flrst-class experienced job pol isher and plater. Oregon Brass Works, 69 N. 2d st. WANTED First-class vest maker at J Pollv ka & Co., 206 Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor rison sts. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL, 630 Worcester block, is In session all the year. Enter at any time. WANTED An all-around shoe repairer; steady Job for right man. Call today, 3o8 Burnelde. WANTED Plasterer and lather for about . 700-yard job. Call or address 843 North BRIGHT young boy for check work. Call Sunday bet. 0:30 and 11:30 at 105 3d sC. WANTED Young man for tea and coffee route; state experience. N 804, Oregonian. SCHOOL boy wanted to work Saturday's from 15 to 17 years old. Apply 380 2d st. WANTED Man to care for hardwood floors and help about house. Home phone A 2717. WOULD like to have tinner partner in roofing and galv. iron business. N 874, Oregonian. WANTED Good farm hand, 1004 MUwaukle et. Take Sellwood car to Gratton's Grove. COLLECTOR Wholesale house; state age experience, references. M 876, Oregonian. GOOD coatmaker wanted at once steady work. R. J. Brlckman, Olympla, Wash. WANTED First-class bushelman and coat makers K. S. Ervin & Co., Ltd., city. WANTED To hire a first-class carriage painter. Apply 211 Washington st. BOY from 15 to 17 years of ago for per manent position. Apply 380 2d st. WANT good cobbler at once. Call 650 and o52 20th St., Portland Heights. WANTED A carriage-painter at 211 Wash ington. Tomlinson & Cassidy. FIRST-CLASS advertising man. Portland Printing Co., 40 1st st. WANTED Flrst-class waitress; also cham bermaid. 96 N 6th st. COATMAKER wanted $9.50 up. Andrews & Berry, La Grande. Or. WANTED Man for farm work. Phone E. 2166, Monday morning. FI RST-CLASS sausagemaker. Jones Meat Market. 151 4th sU LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. require sales women of good address, neatly dressed and refined manners, for waists, linings, etc. Apply to Mr. Moyer. $ BE graduate nuree; earn $20 to $35 weekly: we provide home study lectures; hospit3l practice when desired; employment for etu dents, graduates: largest training school world. Write free catalogue. American Training School Nurses, 180 Crllly bldg., Chicago. WANTED Gentleman or lady stenog rapher ; liberal salary and splendid op portunity for advancement; must invest $500 In the business. Your investment returned within six months, with liberal profit. A 866, Oregonian A RARE chance for eeven women with grav or bleached hair; no matter what th think of themselves or what others may think of them; we can use them. Address 39-M, Facial Cultivating Co., 30 West 22d St., New York. WANTED Lady representatives In every city; experience not necessary; can make from $2 to $5 per day. For further Infor mation address The National Baby Re corder, 163 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. WANTED Ladles to make aprons, $3.60 dozen- No cost to get work. Materials sent prepaid. Inclise stamped addressed en velope. Home Apron & Dress Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. PUBLIC stenographer: will give free office, desk and both phones, for looking- after office ; at oioe ; no otner in building. Room 20 Lafayette bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington. LADY SEWERS Make sanitary helts at home; materials furnished ; $15 per hundred; particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 611, Dearborn Specialty Co., Chi cago. WANTED Experienced copyist for Insurance records; must write good hand and be ac curate; state salary and references; in. re plying give telephone. K 877, Oregonian. LADY to Interest Investors in a most meritorious enterprise; will pay a liberal commission and give you stock in the company as bonus. Y 864. Oregonian. GIRLS to address envelopes; must be quick and write plainly; answer in own, hand writing, giving age, address and phone number if possible. B S64, Oregonian. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. Thoroughly experienced and competent, Van ted at once. Apply to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 H Wash. St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones, Main and A 2002. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED 2 girls for country, general housework, and young girl to assist with children; references required. Call 795 Park ave. Phone Main 106. MILLINERY TRIMMER; thoroughly ex perienced with high-class trade; good sal ary; permanent position If competent. Fraley's, 214 3d. WANTED Attrn-ve blonde, having good figure, for posw.0 act; one that can play piano preferred. Call Tuesday, 467 Montgomery- WANTED Reliable girl for general house work and good plain cook; good wages to competent person. Address D S71, Orego nian. WANTED Girl for general housowork, washing included; four in family; wages $25. 424 Oregon st. East 242, C 153$. ST. LOUIS AGENCY. 2304 Yamhill; gen eral workers, cooks, housekeepers, wait resses, chambermaids. Main 5413. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth cnlld bldg., 4th and Washington. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062 A 1406. WANTED First-class colored cook, small family; must have references. . Phone East 3049. Address 693 East Madison. LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp. Zeck, Box 216, Morristown, N. T. WANTED Reliable girl, general housework;, must be good plain cook; good wagee. Ap ply mornings, 818 Lovejoy st. WANTED Conscientious, energetic 'woman for responsible position; chance for ad vancement. P 809, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st corner 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2ti02. GIRL During daytime, light housework; family 3; sleep home; good wages. Call lower flat, 123 17th North. TWO girls wanted, chamber maid and dining-room girl. 53 N. 18th st. None but experienced need apply. GIRLS 16 years and over, to work in fac tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-Nevillo Co., 0th and Davis sts. COMPETENT girl, general housework, family- of three, and also a girl to care for child. 128 14th st. GENERAL girl. $:tO; chambermaid; flrst class cook, private family, $35. 2U0& Yamhill. Main D413. WANTED A young lady as working com panion for light office worjt, bet. 21-30. S 877, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady clerk and stenog rapher; business office; experienced. R 867, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with experience, light work; hours 9 to 5; $35 to Mart. N SOS, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; one who will go to Coast for Summer; children. Phone East 6093. WANTED An experienced dry goods sales lady; one who epeaksr German preferred. 25 1st et. SPLENDID opportunity for a public sten ographer at 319 C. of C. ; nice office and desk free. NEAT, reliable girl, general housework; small family. Call 607 E. Taylor. Phone E 1028. YOUNG girl to sew on umbrellas and gloves; permanent position. Lennon's, 309 Morri son st. GIRL for general housework In small family. Call between 10 and 3, 107 North 16th st. BEST wages for waist and skirt finishers. 4jG Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wash. sts. WANTED Errand girl 17 years for ladles' tailoring establishment. Call 411 Morrison. GIRL for general housework, good plain cook, small family. 651 Hoyt, near 20th st A GIRL wanted for general housework. In- quire 641 Gth from lO A. M. to 2 P. M. WANTED At once, good lady presser. Call - at M3'4 Wash. st. Home phone A G703. WANTED Experienced girl who can make flowers. Call Tuesday, 467 Montgomery. GIRL, general housework; 6-room flat; good plain cook for two: $25. 721 Kearney. WANTED An Experienced girl for general housework. 411 East 11th st. North. WANTED Experienced girl to run body lroner. Apply Star Laundry Co. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply Hotel Oxford, 6th and Oak, forenoon. DINING-ROOM girl for hotel, experience not required. Apply 81 N. 6th st. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 133V6 Gth. cor. Alder. Phone Main 2104. WANTED Married lady to take care of house for free rent. 232 Mill st. COOK in small hotel in country. Apply at 314 Sellwood St., 9 to 11! A. M. GIRL To assist in tailoring work. Lion Clothing Co., 166-168 Third st. . GIRL General housework; plain cooking; wages $26. 780 Johnson st. GOOD girl for general housework. 671 E. Morrison st. Phone B 1819. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework. 81 E. Taylor. GIRL for general housework, to sleep home. 580 East Main st. G-IRL for housework, some washing. Phone M. 2910. A 1024-. COMPETENT second girl, private family. 022 Kearney. GIRL for housework; ' no laundry. 208 Eleventh st. A GOOD reliable girl for housework. Phone East 1511. t TIPM AN. WOLFE A CO. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. requ1" six extra millinery trimmers at once. Apply to Mr. Moyer. PRESSER for dyehouse. $10 week; cham bermaid, country hotel ; $25; waitress, country hotel. $30; housekeepers, coun try, $18; cooks and second girls for hotels and families, $25 to $35 ; kitchen helpers. $25. Hansen's Ladies' Agency, 343 Uj Wash. St., corner 7th. Main 2692. WANTED A thoroughly competent girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; must be a good cook; good pay to capable person. Call Monday after 2 o'clock at 7o8 Clackamas St., Holladay Addition. RESPECTABLE lady housekeeper for gen tleman, with two boys 4 and 11; Christian preferred. Address 60S Tacoma ave., or call, Sellwood. FARM. domestic. Diamond, Washington, chlld allowed). $20; domestics, waitress", chamber, housekeepers. "Drake's" 205 Washington. PRACTICE GIRLS, oflce experience; dic tation, typewriting, circular; no money required. Give telephone. D 887, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl for light housework; no washing; two in family; use of piano; Give phone number. A. . 874, Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general housework; imall family and easy place. 441) East 20th North. Phone East G3M). WAMED First-class) colored woman for general housework and cooking. Call Sun - day at 660 Union ave. North. WANTED Experienced woman to manage modern rooming and apartment-house. Ad dress N 884, Oregonian. REFINED young lady to take care of young child, good homr; and little trouble. Phone B 2214. or East SOS. GIRL for general housework to go out of city. Apply Sunday bet. 12 and 2 o'clock, flat B. 7S4 Glisan st. WOMAN to take washing and Ironing home. Permanent; near East 34th and, Haw thorne. Tabor 973. WANTED Girl to do housework evenings and mornings in return for room and board. M3 East Clay. WANTED Reliable woman, neat and intel ligent; good home; lady alone. Main 2000, A 2003. WANTED Working housekeeper. Call or phone Philadelphia House. 3d and Sal mon. WANTED A girl to assist In general house work. Apply 702 Marshall, bet. 21st and 2 2d. WANTED Toung girl to Jrelp take care 'of baby. Mrs. F. C. Hanson, 616 North ru p. NEAT middle-aged lady for general house work; family of two. Phone Tabor 834. GIRL for light housework. Call today be fore 2. 84 N. 16th; Monday, 403 Glisan. WANTED A good starch-work lroner. Port land Home Laundry. 3S7 East Davia. WANTED Girl or woman for general "house work. Call Sunday, 4&5 W. Park sU GIRL for general housework; good wages; 3 In family. Phone Woodlawn 1073. WANTED A girl or woman to care for a small infant at 6S0 Glisan. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Call 20 East 0th st- North. WANTED Second girl. 103 12th sU cor. Morrison. GIRL wanted to assist with housework.. 104 North 17th. GIRL wanted for general housework. 83 North 2JsL PRESSER on ladles' and gents' garments. 211 4th st. WANTED Girl for housework. Phone Tabor 41. WANTED Experienced second girl. 68 Lu cretia st. TWO lady barbers wanted at once. 12 N. 4 th st. WANTED Waitress at 33 North Sixth st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMA1K. WANTED Ladies and grentlemen who have a few spare hours; can offer good propo sition. Apply Great American Importing Tea Co., 406 Washington st., 223 First St., 4.j2 East Burnelde st. WANTED Man and wife to do housework and chores on small ranch, close In. M SS4, Oregonian. REFINED men and women for dramatic: work. 794 E. Salmon. 10 to 2. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper! and Clerju. STRICTLY flrst-class stenographer desires responsible position ; rapid and accurate ; 5 years' experience; excellent Deferences. A 864 Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper desires position; accurate and reliable; best references; no objection to leaving city. East 2786 or E 886, Oregonian. WANTED Position by young man of good address; experienced as salesman and manager, capable of earning good salary. M S67, Oregonian. POSITION as collector with reliable Arm; have had ten years' experience; know city thoroughly; can give reference. S 881, Oregonian. COMPETENT accountant, with good ref erences, would like ee veral small sets of ' books to keep. Address Accountant, 1244 D, Madison st. POSITION as bookkeeper, in or out of city; quirk, accurate, reliable; 10 years' New York experience; flrst-class references. H 846, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by a young man. German, of good habits, as assistant bookkeeper or similar position; good clean worker. R 85; Oregonian. WANTED By young man of experience, situation as shipping clerk, assistant or packer; city references given. H 86, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, railroad experience, thoroughly competent and reliable; age 23. deeires position ; references. B 823, Oregonian. YOUNG man of good habits, general knowl edge of office work, desires position with wholesale Arm; moderate salary. H 839, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by a young man, 25 years of age, who la willing to work. Have a good knowledge of bookkeeping. R 838 Ore gonian. WANTED -Temporary or permanently, po sition by competent accountant, flrst class references; married. E 868, Ore gonian. YOTTNG man experienced In office work de sires position as shipping clerk: moderate salary to start. . Address A S4S, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and general of fice man desires position. Would go out of town; references. N 859, Oregonian. BOOKS kept, systems Introduce:, account ing in all branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling. 407 McKay bldg. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer, bookkeeper, best references, desires position, city or country. Y 844. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general office man. lumber, desires position. D 870. 'Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced book keeper; caehier, all-around of flee man. H 857. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work on a farm, capable and experienced In farm work. D 891, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced in men's furnish ings and hats, desires position. A 853, Oregonian. TIMEKEEPER or shipping clerk, 10 months paint and oil store; stenographer. R 802, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants a Job as clerk In hotel; good reference. D 880. Oregonian. BOOKS opened and closed ; terms reason . able. Address care P. O. Box 3. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED By an energetic young man, a position with a reliable ilrm in or out of city, one offering an opportunity for ad vancement preferred ; have had experience In general office work and am good at figures: do not object to moderate salary, to begin. For reference and Interview au drees R 852, Oregonian. WANTED Positton In the c!iy or country by an all-round hotel man as clerk or night watchman or hotel drummer; 30 years' experience. Was day clerk in last hotel 5 years. Address L. J. Atwater, HUlsboro. Or., care of L. H. Atwater. WANTED Ry energetic young man, who has had experience in general office work, a position as assistant to advertising man, with firm In city; have had experience; very small salary to start. Address E 804, Oregonian. AN Eastern auditor, recently arrived, wants responsible and difficult position In charge of many branches; mills, mines, stores or departments; experienced systematizer and executive. Address P. O. box 1 120, Se attle. I WANT a position; am 30, have business experience, real estate. Are Insurance, bookkeeping, office work, operate type writer: executive ability; integrity; will leave Portland. S 856, Oregonian. STRICTLY lst-class office man. thoroughly familiar with all office work, very ener getic, rapid and accurate, desires position; salary moderate. Address Y 830, Orego nian. WANT position as bookkeeper or cashier; experienced; references and bond if re quired; I am no transfent man; I own my home here. E. 875, Oregonian. POSITION as clerk in mine or ranch com missary or general store; able-bodied, re liable and good at figures; experienced; ref erences. H 845, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Railroad clerk, thoroughly experienced in local freight of fices, wishes position at once; salary mod erate. E 877, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position as watchman by a young man 22; have had experience; have good education; can flre and run gasoline engines; prefer position in Portland. Call or write E. H-, 800 Water St., Portland. COMPETENT gardener, 2S years experi ence, understands budding, grafting trees, landscape, flower and vegetables; private place preferred. Best references. 330 Davis st., room 4. Portland, Or. WANTED Installment collector. 23 to 35 years; must be good walker. Call between 11 and 12 A. M. today, room 10 Healy bldg.. East Morrison and Grand ave. YOUNG man of 22 years desires teamster's position; understands handling and care of horses; can drive anything; well acquainted with city. Address E 884, Oregonian. YOUNG man. 33, machinist by trade, handy with carpenter tools and fairly good black smith, also wire-splicing, wishes position. Answer to K 878, Oregonian. PLUMBER, four years' experience, good gat fitter, wants steady work at moderate wages. A. J. Dlckerman. 29 North 9th st. Home phone A 1035. YOUNG man 30 years of age, painter by trade, handy with tools, wants position where attention to duty will insure steady work. N 858, Oregonian. JAPANESE wishes to secure a position where he can learn cooking; boarding house or bakery preferred; wages reason able. M 856, Oregonian. . ENGINEER, 15 years' experience, wants position to build himself up with engi neers' supply house; 37 years old; mar ried. K 871, Oregonian. ENGINEER Competent in steam. elec tricity and refrigerator; flrst-class hotel engineer, or will work in any other plant. Phone Tabor 170. POSITION wanted by refined young man, neat appearance, pood address; no solicit ing desired; moderate salary. A 854, Ore gonian. STRONG and neat appearing young man desires position ; quick at ngures, handy with tools; wages no object. N 873, Ore gonian. RANCH foreman, understands picking, pack ing, shipping; competent to handle large force; sober and reliable. N SSL- Orego nian. A MIDDLE-AGED man wishes a position to make himself generally useful; speaks German and French. G 892, Oregonian. WINDOWS, housecleanlng, furniture var nished, polished; rugs, carpets cleaned. Main 6573. evenings after 7. Thos. Green. COOK for small crew on good ranch; nom inal wages if chicken privilege Is granted; sober, industrious. H 877, Oregonian. FINE Japanese wants situation to do any kind work in hotel at seaside this Sum mer. Harry Kana, 206 Bumslde. WA NTED Work after 4 in the evening ; give me a trial; It will cost you nothing if not satisfied. M 877. Oregonian. AN -experienced man in the stationery, printing and loose-leaf line wants a city position. B 860, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur, with references; can do repairing ; wages - reasonable. Call Sunday, loOl E. Morrison. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position in hotel or restaurant, chef or second cook. Y 863, Oregonian. COOK, thoroughly competent, economical, hotel, boarding-house, rest.. In or near city. F 850, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman by man of experience ; best of references. Phono Woodlawn 1228. 3TOUNG MAN, recent arrival from Wiscon sin, wishes situation; can furnish references. R. B. 127 N. 10th st. SITUATION as filer in circular sawrqlll; long-time experience; best of references. R 803. Oregonlanw A YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. F 854. Oregonian. BOY, IS years. Just out of business college, wants work, city or country. Answer A 844, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by flrst-clatw house painter. Address R. L. Perkins, Gen. Del., Boise, Idaho. HONEST Japanese boy wants position, cook or housework. Phone Pacific llS2l Rory Kuramltsu. CAPABLE millwright wants a position; can furnish reference. Address B 859, Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wantsi Mtuation: experienced pantry, bakery, cooking. 444 Wash. st. Pa cific 2452. YOUNG man wishes place as gardener and can also take care of horses. E 805. Ore gonian. BOY wishes place to travel with business man or traveling salesman. G 8(8. Ore gonian. WANTED Job in lumber camps as flrst class cook. G. W. Clark and wife, Port land, Or. WANTED Job to build houses; will take part payment In real estate. M 869, Ore gonian. PRACTICAL gas engineer and erector, with license, wishes position. N 872, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as meat cutter. Give references If necessary. O 840, Oregonian. RELIABLE Japanese boy wants e-enlng work of any kind. K 880, Oregonian. WANTED Position as helper in blacksmith and wagon shop. C 848. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED oil fireman wishes position, references. Address 308 Salmon st. JAPANESE Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. 208 Everett. Main 4659. YOUNG man wishes position as coachman or gardener. N 870, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants situation at housework. R 873, Oregonian. COMPETENT Japanese cook wishes position In family. N H90, Oregonian. WANTED Light work round building or store; young man; English. A JAPANESE boy wants a position as a schoolboy. S 855, Oregon lan. , M. STEPHAN, 994 E. Clinton St., house carpenter and contractor. WANTED Situation by flrst-class machin ist. G 889, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants Job at carpenter work. N 8 SO, Oregonian. HOUSECLEANINO and day work wanted. Phone Main 6390. EAST SIDE people desiring their lawns cut phone East 1992. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and femaie. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position with exporting grain firm, cereal mill or feed mill; 16 years experience with Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Willamette Valley grain; no objection to going on road for a time; excellent references given ; well acquainted with dealers in Oregon and Washington. D 873, Oregonian. A YOUNG man, well educated, of good ad dress and gentlemanly appearance, pos sessed of brains, energy and tact, desires a position whare a hustler of the above qualities will have a chance of creating a future; salary not an object at the start; personal Interview solicited. U 856, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED pickler desires position in packing or jobbing house at moderate sal ary, understands the pickling business; also experienced shipping clerk and an all-around handy muu. 35 years of age. German and married. K 875. Oregoniau. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone (Mori cal Office. Main 4504. Tested and cortitWd to for charac ter and ability. YOUNG girl takinsr stenographic course at night school, with some experience, de sires permanent position. H 53 Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, rapid, accurate, desires pocitlon; willing to accept very low salary with real estate Arm. F 867, Oregonian, STENOGRAPHER with general office ex perience wishes position; must have work; moderate wages. G 886, Oregonian. WANTED Position by expert stenographer, with varied experience and executive abil ity. M 80S. Oregonian. SMITH & CROWE, public stenographers, 204 Commercial Club bldg.; work neatly and accurately done. STENOGRAPH KR with experience, light work; hours 9 to 6; $35 to atart. N SOS, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes position imme diately; small salary to start. Phone C 1203. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion; city reference. H 848, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position. Experienced. Phone Main 8150. SITUATION wanted as cashier. Answer D 881, Oregonian. Dressmakers. ART LA MOD El. Street emits, riding habits, novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloaks, gownst. Phones A C32B. Main 3378. 181 6th, opposite Hotel Portland. ALL kinds of plain sewing, shirtwaists and children's clothes a specialty; all work promptly and carefully executed at moderate prices. Call East 1837. B 1837. WANTED Sewing by the day, experienced In dressmaking and plain pewing. Phone Tabor 43. Call up Sundays after 6 o'clock. MME. TUTTLB, modiste; tailored suits, evening gowns a specialty. 489 Wash ington st. A 3 Sit 7. WANTED Dressmaking in exchange for music k?ssons by experienced teacher. D 88ti, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING, all kinds of plain sewing; prices reasonable. Phone B 1950. 732 East Ankeny. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes en gagements by day. Miss Larsen. Main 3 805. DRESSMAKING by the day or at home. Phone Main 4041. ask for dressmaker. PHONE MAIN 8277 for dressmaker. Resi dence 402 Clay. FASHIONABLE dressmaking by the day. Phone Main 6195. Housekeepers. A GOOD housekeeper would like to take charge of rooming-house or small hotel. No objection leaving the city. K 876, Ore gonian. LADY, refined, good housekeeper, would like position as companion, nurse to sick or nervous lady. D 805, Oregonian. BY competent woman as housekeeper on large farm or ranch ; dlstanco no object. Y 8t8, care of Oregonian. WIDOW, unincumbered, wants situation as housekeeper for widower unincumbered. D 874. Oregonian. CAPABLE middle-aged English lady would look after rooming-house, or elderly couple. Pacific 1136. WANTED Plain sewing, infants' and chil dren's clothing and underwear. 94 N. 14th st. ELDERLY woman wl.hea work of most any kind; Is good housekeeper. E 897, Orego nian. LADY wishes position housekeeping for .gentleman. 414 Glisan, corner 10th. Nurse. PRACTICAL nurse, maternity cases a spe cialty; will work by the day. Phone Pa cific 810 after 6 P. M. Young Women's Christian Association before 6. GRADUATE NURSE wishes maternity canes or care of Invalid, adult or child; terms moderate; city or country; would travel. Phone Tabor 67. GRADUATE nurse would like to care for elderly lady or semi Invalid; prices rea sonable. Address S 858, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, .will care for In valid, sick or child. 230 Vs YamhllL Main E413. Call Monday. ELDERLY lady, practical nurse, would as sist with work; references given. Phone B 1238. 867 East Davis. PRACTICAL nurse wants care of aged or invalid lady or confinement. 388 6th st. or Pac, 1460. Domestics. YOUNG lady wishes place to work, private family, also privilege practicing on piano and some fee. C 858, Oregonian. COMPETENT cook, private family, 3S; chambermaid, $i!5; housekeeper; day worker; waitress. Main 5413. SITUATION wanted, general housework, middle-aged woman; good cook. D 8S9, Oregonian. CAPABLE woman wants position cooking or general housework; $30 up. Phono M. JAPANESE girl wants to do general house work in small family. B 801, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to do light housework. Tall Sunday 62S 5th. Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED Danish woman want a few days housework each week; does not speak English. A 857. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work for Mondays and Thursdays; references. C 85;, Oregonian. WANTED Work for Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays; no half daye; references. Woodlawn 1611. HAND LAUNDRY. be.-t work and moderate prices on fine clothes. Office 275 Salmon st:, up-stairs. YOUNG woman wants work part of day, rooming-house- or private family. 561 Overton st. NEAT washer and ironer wishes to work for rent of furnished houekeeping rooms. Call East ftOOU. HOME LAUNDERED lace curtains, done by experienced hand. Phone Tabor 8U4. Mia S. M. Scott. LACE curtains laundored; also fancy waists and dresses by experienced hand. Main 7014. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched. 40 cents per pair. Phone A 4:t87 and Main 8574. WANTED A place for girl 14 years old; object good home. S $47. care Oregonian. FEMALE singer would like position as il lustrated song singer. B 8i6. Oregonian. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 73 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694. LAUNDRESS wishes day work; good and experienced worker. E 882 Oregonian. CONSERVATORY graduate gives two piano lessons for 75 cents. Phone Main 60HO. GIRL, straneer in city, will do houseclean lng on Saturdays. Call at 391 2d st. GERMAN girl will give cheap violin lessons for beginners. Call at 311 2d st. WANTED Work by the day. housecleanlng or laundry work. Main 4.149. WOMA N wants ironing by the day; 20c an hour. K 889. Oregonian