The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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CH KAPKR to huy a home than pay rent;
$5ou down, $20 per month will buy beauti
ful 8-room cuialo style house, modern In
every way: owner built It for his home, but
W hard up. must Hell for whatever you'll
Klve him for It. C 847. Oregonian.
$ l.-.oo 10oxl5. on GrUwold ave.; these lots
adjoin Overlook, are high and sightly;
good view of river and city; adjoining lots
are selling at from $700 to $soo per lot;
terznn p.VK cash, balance $25 per month.
See Owner, 310 Swetland bldg.
$l54io Choice block. East 19th and
;,-,( mj Good 10-room house, full lot,
clusd In. East Alder.
C. W. I'ALLKT, 304 Fenton Bldg.
BKAUTIFl L 7-room house In Sunnyside,
fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.; this Is a bar
gain at $2900; terms.
5-room cottage, new and modern, $1050;
$:i5o down, $2o per month.
Ml Swetland Bldg.
$1400 buys a neat 5-room cottage,
porcelain bath, hot and cold water, beau
tiful lot, right on Mt. Scott carllne; will
sell on very easy terms.
J. GEISEK. 221ft Morrison St.
A X KV 10-room modem bungalow; 8 rooms
finished; paneled dining-room, beam ceil
ings, well built; If you want something
swell and up-to-date, see this; $4700. '
302 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 2859.
$S500 Full lot, Sox 100 feet, near the
corner of 19th and Everett sts. ; choice lo
cation and a bargain.
512 Chamber of Commerce.
ONE-HALF acre, two blocks from Be car
service; beautiful lawn, four-room house,
plenty of fruit, garden already planted,
chicken park, etc. A snap for the price
we tusk.
41 2 Commercial block. Phone Main 5866.
$2IOO 5-room house; cement basement,
bath, electric light, fixtures; all complete;
corner lot; both streets improved; fine
lawn; 2 blocks from streetcar; good neigh
borhood ; $500 cash, balance like paying
rent. See Lucas A Hoover, 310 Swetland
$4KO0 New 10-room bungalow, hardwood
floors, plate glass, in fact everything that
you could wish, and near Hawthorne ave.;
this is a sacrifice at the price. See Davis
Investment Co., 16 Hamilton bldg.. 131
3d st.
FOR SALE Country borne, with strawber
ries and orchard, etc.; 4 miles from Port
land; Portland man could live on place
and attend to business In city; use Oregon
Electric line; price $730O; half cash. R
870, Oregonlan.
ARTISTIC homes on installments; we build
them to order on payments from $150 up
and $15 per month up. See Butterworth
about it.
317 Abington bldg. Main 8529.
CHOICE lot, 50x100. In Rose City Park. '
block from boulevard; block to carllne;
has Bull-Run water, gas. concrete side
walks; price $450; $130 cash, balance $10
mouth. Garland & Shelter, 101 4th st.
SAVE MONEY Real estate agents and house
speculators commission by having your
home designed and built by . an -architect
skilled in modern bungalow construction;
loans negotiated. Room 26, 142 2d.
LOT 50x65, Broadway, near E. 7th; im
proved st.. concrete walk, sower, all paid;
water, gas: walking distance to West
Side when fair; If stormy, use car; $1550.
Culver. tt-'3 Chamber of Commerce.
$jno CASH and balance f$1200 your own
terms ; ROx J oo in the Irving ton d istrlet,
Tillamook and 31st. Lot is well located
and with fine view of mountains. Phone
East 764 or 0 1310.
$4immi Business lot on Thurman St.. with
old building renting $2l..i0: this is a fine
Investment; $1600 will handle the deal.
Davis Investment Co., 10 Hamilton bldg.,
131 3d fit.
$tnoo- 40x100. on 2.1st and Belmont; this is
the choicest lot In the block and will
soon ad vane in price; terms If desired.
1 av In Investment Co., 10 Hamilton, 131
3d st.
$1SOO Modern 6-room house on East 10th
st.. near Failing; full lot. $330 cash, bal
ance like rent. C. F. Piluger A Co.,
room 14 Mulkcy bldg.. 2d and Morrison
TWO good lots near Montavflla car, 20 fruit
trees, Hull Run water. 16-ft. alley, $soo;
must be mostly cash. Heilman & Lathrop,
2H Abington bldg. Phones A or. Main
JUST right for chicle en ranch ; 4, acres. 4
riKim house, good spring, on carllne, 45 min
utes ride; $1030; easy terms. Haverstlo A
Gallagher. 343 Wash st., roem 5 and 6.
M. K. LEE sells Northrop acres.
SEE Northrop Acres Today.
If you mean business and want first
rlas timber at prices satisfactory to you,
located on tide water, I have It.
I also have well -located tracts from
20.00o.0O0 to 500.000,000 feet, good as an
investment or for operating.
A few snaps In small buys.
C, J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg.
Ten million feet; good cabin, near
rounty road, postoffice and store; located
In best tract of timber on Pacific Coast.
Price $1800. A. W. Nelson Co.. Lafay
ette bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce,
1 AM prepared to locate settlers on railroad
claim cruising from 6.000,000 to 12,000,000
f-et, with assurance that you will get the
land; the rush is on; wee me at once. C.
A. Duncan, room 19, 810 First st. Phone
Pacific. 1230.
WHAT am 1 offered for 1K0 acres of good
I linher. 3 miles hack of Chinook, Wash..
ruining 4.Vhhi,4MM feet? Near North Bank
It. R. extension; excellent transportation fa
cilities; terms cash. B $53, Oregonlan.
WE are constantly acquiring Tine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all klnda Phone
Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher, 631-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
11.4)00.000 FEET choice yellow fir; 320 acres
deeded land; fine mill site or can float
logs right to Portland; land valuable for
tanning. For nale by owner, 3o6 Abing
ton bldg.. Portland. Or.
WE have some good homesteads, part bottom
land, rich soil, direct filing; 2 timber claims,
4.000,000 feet yellow fir in big body timber.
Our fees are reasonable. J. M. Kerr & Co.,
208 Stark at., room lO.
sect Ions finest cedar in B. C. ideal situ
ation, guarantee CO, 000 feet per acre. See
me today. Portland Hotel. A. T. Framp
ton. Victoria. B. C.
509-510 Pioneer bldg., Seattle, Wash.
W E have the best locations for timber re
lino, u ishmen ts t hat ca n be found in city :
claims from 3 million to 10 million, at
right prices. Room 511, Corbet t.
TIIK choicest tracts of timber in the state
for sale from 50 cents up. and from 160
to 50.000 ares; see me; references.
Thornton. 310 C. of C.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment. East
ern Oregon; 8 acres hay, house, barn, run
ning water: price $400. J. W. Amund
sen. Sumptor, Or.
CHOICE homesteads In Oregon ; we locate
you. Silver Lake Land Co.. 721 Marquam
bldg.. Port lan d . Or.
Ft MR timber claims close to Portland. 7
homesteads left, get busy if you want one.
21 1 Aiisky bldg.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
OX E quarter section In Lincoln County by
owner. D St9, Onegontan.
WANTED Near R. R. station, 80 to 100
acres mostly cleared, partly level and south
ly sloping, sunny, grapes, fruits and some
pasture and timber land, with river or
Ihikc. good flush creek and spring for house
piping on It; prefer such situated fruit farm
with good buildings, deep warm soil, etc.,
already producing about $150o income; state
full particulars and terms. A. Gehl, 1 Pa
il fic ave.. Alameda, Cal.
COR X ER for 50 years; quarter block, sit
uated two blocks from Portland Hotel.
A S i 0 , Oregonlan.
PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining
practice. D. N. Clark, Atty., Washing too.
. C.
8-room house on East Morrison street,
near 14th.; will pay Interest on Invest
Choice corner, 65x100. modern 8-room,
Corner lot with 2. modern dwellings. In
come $000 per annum; all improvements
New dwelling on East Ankeny street,
near 22d st.
' $1600.
. Choice lot. East Salmon and 2Sth st.
Choice lot. Broadway, near 2 2d st.
5 and 10-acre tracts, $123 to $150 per
acre, close in.
404 East Alder Street.
$6500 8-room strictly modern home. In the
very be-ft of Holladay Addition.
$.1000 Modern 8-room house, near Steel
bridge; easy walking distance; good
$4750 New 7-room house, Hawthorne
district. ,west of 20th st.
$4200 New 7-room house. East 8th st.,
near Thompson.
$3-tOQ New 7-room house. East 22d st.
one block from car.
$2500 New 7-room house; terms. $500
cash, balance $35 per month.
$1050 New 5-room cottage, bath, toilet,
electric lights; 3 blocks from car; terms,
. $150 cash, balance $15 per month.
$830 1-room cottage, rents $10 month;
one block from car; terms. $423. cash,
balance time.
334 Chamber of Commerce.
"PA LOUSE ORCHARDS' Irrigated fruit
tracts will stand the closest investiga
tion. Go over and see for yourself, but
do it before our present price Is advanced.
Today a 10-acre tract, with perpetual
water right, sells for $150 per acre on 4
year purchase.
Call for our new booklet.
246 Stark St.. Portland.
Local office at Hooper, Whitman County,
$:750 FOR new 7-room modern bunga
low; nicely finished Interior; tinted walls;
splendid location, and absolutely unob
structed view. We can make very attrac
tive terms.
JOHN P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th St.
$300 Lots in Avonla. the addition for the
particular home builder; streets are
graded and water in front of each
S-. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. '
CALL and get our new booklet. "A Home
and Independence." It is free to you.
and will tell about "Palouse Orchards.
irrigated land, in the Washtucna Valley.
This land is selling ror $150 per acre
now. with perpetual water right. It will
easily sell for double later -on.
24 Stark St., Portland.
Local office. Hooper, Whitman County,
ft-ROOM modern house, with elegantlv
finished Interior; has reception hall,
beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room;
tinted walls, etc. ; corner lot 100x100;
beautiful lawn, with roses and shrubbery;
the price is $4230: terms.
JOHN P. SHARKEY Co.. 122 Gth St.
An Ideal up-to-date bungalow, full lot,
1 block station, modem conveniences, styl
ish place, $1730.
Quarter block, on Gay st., near East
Stark, Mount Tabor, with a neat 4-room
cottage, abundance fruit and shrubbery:
only $1250 If taken this week.
248 Alder st.
FRUIT RANCH 40 acres. In Washington
County. 2 miles from town; 3 acres in
bearing prunes and apples; finely im
proved. A bargain Best unimproved business
corner on Jersey st.. St. John.
Small income property, on Union ave.
PHONE A 4703.
GOOD renting property, comprising new
buildings and improvements actually cost
lrg over $150,000; must be sold for $32.
5O0 cash and $22,300. secured bv first
mortgage, payable within four years, with
6 per cent interest. We agree to sell
this property for $100,000 within 2 years.
The best bargain offered during the pres
ent depression. S 851, Oregonlan. '
This side Bee vert on; 14 acres, build
ings, on high ground, overlooking beautiful
landscape ; 8 acres cleared ; some choice
fruit, some good timber; , near electric line
survey; owner unable to care for the place:
would take city property to amount of
$2000. Inquire 508 Corbett bldg.
7-ROOM modern house, tinted walls, porce
lain bath, china closet, full concrete base
ment, lawn, shrubbery, lot 40x100, close
In on Belmont; price. $3500; terms. $2000
cash, balance on time. Call and see our
list, of city propertv.
Merchants Trust Bldg., 6th and Wash.
$3100 6-room strictly modern house; full
cement basement; large porch; walls
tinted; alcove den off dining-room; nan
try, closets, bath, gas and electric lights;
street improved and everything; that goes
to make an elegant Home; a small pay
ment cash, balance to suit. See Lucas A
Hoover. 310 Swetland bldg.
3-room house and 3 nice lotp. $750.
2- room house and 2 lots. $600.
3- room house and 1 lot. $.VK.
3-room house and 1 lot. $275.
Cor. Grand ave. ard E. Ankeny.
corner. East 31st st.. block north. 50xlOO.
cment walk and curb, elevated, street
improved, sewer, water, gas; fine sur
roundings; price $1200; easily worth $1350.
Heilman & Lathrop. 210 Abington bldg.
Phones A or Main 3126.
6 large-room cottage. R. Ankeny St., near
28th, lot 46xl00. nice lawn, cement base
ment, gas. everything nice, very cheap at
$2100: $1000 cash, balance $25 per month.
138 Third Street.
FIVE very desirable lots, all together, face
south Farragut st. and Peninsula ave..
2 Mocks to Peninsula station; carline.
Bargain. See
202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark.
FOR SALE At University Park. If von
want to buy a good home. I have a bar
gain for you; highly improved, 100 feet
square modern 0-room house. 1 block
from station; plenty of fruit; barn. shed,
etc.; street graded and sidewalk. Owner,
Tils Jefferson st.
SPLENDID acre, fruit and berries. $1500;
$200 cash; neat 5-room cottage, close in,
$1250; terms. Choice business lots on St.
John carllne. easy terms. 422 Abington
PRETTY modern cottage at Sell wood; first
class plumbing, electric lights, rooms
tinted, large porches. Apply to owner,
OOft Btdwell ave.. or phone Sellwood Rftl.
A. S. Draper has removed from 343
Washington to rooms 20 and 27 Lafayette
bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington.
A S. Draper has removed from 343
Washington to rooms 2 and 27 Lafayette
bldg., cor. 6th and Washington.
LOT 40x100, College, near West Park, ele
gant site for residence or flats; reduced
to 4100; would sell 35 feet, $3500. Cul
ver. 623 Chamber of Commerce.
1 ACRE-S close In. West Side, only $600
rightly; easy terms. Jas. C. Logan, room
411 Corbett bldg.
10-ROOM house, modern. 2 lots, 1 blocks
from carline; $3400. C. S Arnold & Co..
351 H Morrison.
BELLE CREST lot. $100 below market
value: $100 cash; improvements In. Sell
wood 370.
$3000 New. modern 7-room house, 100x100
fruit, flowers, garden and chickens. Phone
Tabor 196.
$373 PIANO, almost new, exchange for lot.
Phone Wood lawn 022.
NEW 5-room house, up-to-date, from owner,
90 E. 40th st.
HALF block. Union ave. and Holladay. East
7-ROOM house for sale at $94 E Clinton st.
M. E. LEE sells Northrop acres.
SEE Northrop Acres Today.
4 acres 2 'i miles of Oregon City on
good road. 2 Vs acres under cultivation,
family orchard, splendid water, good i;
room house, bam. etc., R. F. D. ; price
& acres, all level, in high state of culti
vation. 5-room house, ail household furni
ture, top buggy, tools, etc., one-third crop.
chickens; splendidly located. I mile from
city limits of Oregon City; at your own
9 terms; price $14K.
40 acres. 12 miles from. Vortland and In
sight of Council Crest. 2 miles from
. TigardvUJe, rich soil, 24 acres under cul
tivation, 4-room house, jrood barn, 1 acre
splendid orchard, one-third of this year's
crop and all the fruit; one Jersey cow ;
very easy terms; will take small house in
town or lots as pnrt payment; present
owner has two farms and must sell this
one; price only $3S00.
62 acres. y mile of Oregon City. 52
"high state of cultivation, rich soil, all
level, 8 of splendid timber, fine creek on
place, a good wells. 2 acres of splendid
orchard of mixed fruit, large 7-room
house, cost $1500; good barn, outbuildings,
span good horses, 2 cows, hogs, chickens,
wagon, top buggy, all -kinds farm ma
chinery and tools ; survey of proposed
electric line touches place ; price $7000,
very easy terms; will take a house In
Portland as part payment; this is one of
the best buys in Clackamas County.
270 Washington St.. Room 3. ,
$10,000 341 -acre farm In Polk County; 161
acres In cultivation, balance pasture and
some good timber; good du tidings; place
is well watered; rich soil; splendid stock,
dairy and fruit proposition.
7-acre farm, in Yamhill County; 200
acres bottom land, balance pasture and
some good timber; the place is fenced
and. cross-fenced, with "wu ter in every
pasture; fairly good buildings and on R.
F. D. route. This place Is well adapted
to stock, dairying or fruit, and a great
bargain at $18 an acre.
$4250 Dairy, including cheese plant, 60
Jersey cows, every cow has a record; 8
calves. fiO hogs. 3 horses, wagon, buggy,
harness and farming Implements. This
an exceptionally good dairy proposition.
Good green pasture all through dry Sum
mer months. It is paying $3000 a year
net. Located less than 50 miles from
Portland and 2 miles from railroad sta
334 Chamber of Commerce.
The great Oregon Military Road Land
Grant extending from the Cascades in
Southern . Oregon to Lakevlew and east
has been thrown on the market for coloniza
tion. You can get a farm for $200 If you
act quickly. There are 300,000 acres, di
vided Into 11,092 farms. They are de
sirable, and going rapidly. You don't need
to pay all cash down. But you do have to
move lively and close a contract. The
terms are easy, and the result Is a cer
tain big profit for you. Get -yourself a
farm. Get your boy a farm. It may
take care of you in old age. It may put
the boy through college and give him a
start in life.
830 Chamber of Commerce.
WHY BUY fruit land that requires years
of labor and great expense to clear, or is
covered with rock, subject to , frost, or
requires Irrigation, when you can for less
cost secure acreage In that sun-kissed
GRAPE. This favored spot has no frost
to blight or -rocks to worry; has deep
soil, abundance of moisture and sunshine.
Having been cultivated for 25 years, tsa
soil, composed of volcanic ash and dis
integrated basalt, will produce a crop
long before other sections can be
"cleared" and the tre?s planted. Let me
tell you about this "paradise" so near
our doors, that Is within the reach of
the poor man's pocketbook as well as the
rich. Very liberal terms. L. C. Stone,
412 Commercial bldg.
$20 per acre for 80 acres. Improved, near
$30 per acre for 1 60 acres. Improved,
near Sherwood.
$60 per acre for 120 acres; improved,
near Vancouver.
$76 per acre for 120 acres, improved,
near Oregon City.
$300 per acre for 107 acres, near Oak
Also tracts from 1 acre up. Improved
and unimproved, at Oak Grove, Milwaukie
Heights and Lents. If you want a snap
come and see us.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 40 acres. Improved, in culti
vation; running stream? 2 good large
barns, 3-room house, good well. 2 acres
fine orchard, fine team mares, wagon,
buggy, hack, mower, rake, hayfork. 4
cows. 16 head from 1 to 3-year steers and
heifers, hogs, chickens: mile from
growing town ; good school. store. ' rail
road; a bargain at $I33X; will take Port
land property; part cash and part can
stand at 6 per cent. Look this up: It is
a snap; good cause for selling. Address
E. W. Cummins, fellwood. phone Sell
wood 341.
lO acres of choice land In White Salmon
district; will clear 5 acres of this piece and
set ou t stan dard orchard, fence and ca re
for same 4 years. Price $1250: $50 cash,
balance very easy terms. This is one of
the best opportunities for investment of a
small amount of money with absolute as
surance of profit. (all at my office and
let me show you what can bo done with this
204 Corbett Bldjr.
36 ACRES, 10 in orchard. 6 in oats, level
land, 7 miles of Vancouver, close to good
school and store.
160 acres, SO acres cleared, good water,
close to school, 4 miles of R. R. station.
Everything In farms, residence, lots,
homesteads, relinquishments, timber claims
and business chances. Queen City Real
Estate Co., 112 Washington St., Vancouver,
30 ACRES, $2200.
All in cultivation, 3 acres orchard,
lots fine berries, grapes; balance clover;
good windmill, hot and cold water in
house, and water in barn: house 6 rooms
with bath; place is not run down, but in
fine shape; an elegant home, 13 miles from
Portland, 1 Vfe miles from railroad.,,
Main and A 5700.
FOR SALE Farm 160 acres, lOO cultivated,
good fences, good buildings, close to R. R.
station ; cheap. $4000; terms.
230-a ere farm, choice land. 20O acres
crop, good buildings. Ight at R. R. sta
tion; land worth $75 per acre ; $4) per
acre takes it. Call on J. S. Taylor, 227
Worcester bids;.
40 AV'RES, 7 miles from Vancouver, 2o acres
cleared, about 100,000 feet of cedar timber,
all fenced with wire fencing, spring water
and creek on place; new 8-room house, barn,
woodshed, chicken-house, young mare. 2
cows. 1 heifer; Interest in telephone line;
1 miles to school: price $2800. Merrifield
Investment Co., Vancouver, Wash.
80 ACRES finest land In Washington County,
4 miles from Tigardville; electric line to
Salem; this Is something fine and - Is a
snap; $58o0, or will sell with house and
other improvements for $3300. Would be
cheap at $100 per acre. See us about this.
Bollam, Grussl & Hlgley, 128 3d st.
10-ACRE tracts near The Dalles; peaches,
cherries or grapes; will pay $250 net per
acre when bearing: to Improve balance will
sell for $40 per acre, 4 tracts, or set in fruit
and care for until bearing on monthly pay
ments. Cobb (owner), 508 Wells Fargo bldg.
57i ACRES, 3 miles from city limits, near
R. R. station, 1 acres cleared, some
slashed, remainder easily cleared, good
water, some standing timber; suitable for
platting: $50 per acre; 2-3 cash. Merri
field Investment Co., Vancouver. Wash.
ARQ you looking for good garden and or
chard land? If so it will pay you to see
this piece of 25 acres. All lays fine, all
suitable for cultivation. The price is only
$123 per acre, and is but 5 miles from the
. Courthouse. D 872. Oregonlan.
SUBURBAN HOME? 10 acres 1 mile from
Vancouver. 5 room house and barn, on R.
D. and telephone line, 40 rods from land
platted Into lots; price $3500: cash, 6
. per cent deferred payment. Merrifield In
vestment Co.. Vancouver, . Wash.
2 ACRES with 5-room house, modern, bearing
fruit trees, outbuildings, mile from city
limits; $8O0 will handle this, balance 2
yeans at 6 per cent. Berries or chicken s
will pay for this place in two years. Cobb,
508 Wells Fargo bldg.
SNAP 50 acres, improved; 6 acres or
chard ; good 5-room hous-, barn, prune
dryer, well, cistern. 2. horses, a cows,
farming implements; crop in; cheap;
close in. Neep. 203 Mora st.. Arleta, Or.
1 TO 10 acres fruit or garden land, 1 mile
from city limits near Villa ave., on good
road, easy cleared (brush): $50 will handle
1 acre; one crop of berries will pay for
land. Cobb, 508 Wells Fargo bldg.
02 ACRES A-l fruit land In Polk County, all
In cultivation. 3 miles from R. R.. fair
house, etc., $30 per acre. Room 16 Wash
ington bldg. Main 5741.
$1300 WILL handle a 2O0-acre farm, near
Forest Grove; ISO acres under plow; run
ning water: a snap for the right man.
Y S51, Oregonlan.
IF taken at once, 35 acres of fine fruit land
miles from Lyle. Wash., $700. A
Quartermass, Lyle, Wash
7 to 14 mfles from Portland.
1 7 acres cleared ; good 5-room house,
good new barn, running water; 80 apple
trees in fine shape: nmall fruit.
All cleared and crop in; fine soil, all
lev!, upland and swale, watered from
good creek and well; family orchard. Good
S-room house, barn 30x50 with 3 sheds.
This is a bargain.
30 ACRES $100 PE'R ACRE.
Upland; 23 acres In cultivation; 3
acres light timber; watered by creek; 20
miles from Portland.
61 ACRES $11,000.
45 acres cleared with 3 acres fine onion
land; 12 acres of fine bearing orchard,
mostly apples; seed potatoes for 15 acrs;
good 7-room house with good brick cel
lar; good barn, apple house, chicken-house,
springs, running water, team, harness,
new wagon, chickens, cow and calf, plies
and all farm Implements go with the
place. This is an excellent place, situated
on the bank of the Tualatin River and on
hard surface road about 12 miles from
Portland. Come in and let me tell you
about this.
If you don't see what you want. W4
have others.
204 Corbett bldg. Main or A 5700.
The power of our land the farmer. We
are in a position to supply your want.
40 acres, house, barn, 2 acres orchard.
120 acres, all in wheat, third crop to
buyer, $20 per acre,
17S acres well Improved. 70 acres in
clover; a good buy.
230 acres. 3 miles of town, all level and
good soil; $Q per acre.
481 acres, all under plow, but 40 acres
well Improved, $23.
740 acres, an exceptional good buy. $25.
8S0 acres timber and grazing- land worth
twice this, $10.
12M acres well improved, 13 miles of
town. $18.
1317 acres, stock and crop, R R. and
1200 acres. 1000 In wheat; crop goes to
- buyer. $33.
4O00 acres, all fenced and well Im
proved; a snap $20.
3H Buchanan Bldg., 286 Washington.
One of the best farms in Clark Co. This
is a bargain; 105-acre farm, 13 miles from
Vancouver and 1 miles from railroad; 60
acres in cultivation, 25 acres1 In beaver
dam land; running creek through farm;
good 7-room painted house, barn, chicken
house and good outbuildings; crops nearly
all in; family orchard, some young trees,
selected varieties; some chickens; 21 fine
hogs, 9 cows, 9 yearlings, 2 calves, 7 sheep
and 8 lambs. 3 horses, wagons and harness,
1 large incubator, 1 cream separator, 1
mowing machine, harrows, tools and cul
tivators included; some hay and grain and
potatoes; a fine dairy or onion farm; price
$5000, Si 500 cash, balance easy; or will take
up to $2700 cash basis in improved Port
land property.
Merchants Trust Bldg., 6th and Wash.
$100,000 5000 acres, 1HK timber, bal
ance farming and grazing; abundance of
water, mill or irrigation; 20 tons pota
toes, c acres; 3 tons onions, acre, last
year; has cut 15O0 tons hay, and will
support 1500 head cattle; suitable for
timothy and oats and vegetables; abstract
of title made; 4 miles from McDoel. on
California-Northeastern R. R., the center
of large Dunkard colony; 6 miles from
famous Boyes ranch, now being subdi
vided; $50,000 cash and balance long
term mortgage buys: timber alone worth
$40,000; adjacent land selling at $40;
stock or colony proposition. Address
Box 1S4. Yreka. Cal.
NO. 17(5.
77-acre farm, fine soil. 30 acres in cul
tivation, 45 acres in pasture, 10 acres in
orchard, all kinds of fruit; running water;
extra good 6-room house, splendid barn,
and good outbuildings; ood fruit-dryer,
phone In house and R. F. D. ; mile to
railroad; 10 good young milch cows, 2
good horses, 1 mule, some hogs. 60 chick
ens, new milk separator, 2 buggies, hack,
mowing-machine, rakes, plows, cultiva
tors and all farming implements, and
most all household furniture. price.
$7225; terms. $.'t000 cash, balance $500
per year till paid.
Merchants Trust Bldg.. 6th and Wash.
200 ACRES, near Hlllsboro. 187 acres under
cultivation, all level, soil a black loam,
some beaverdam, a pumping plant, 7-room
house, large bam, granary and chicken
coops, about H of a mile to school, post
office and railroad station; only $80 per
acre" improvements Included.
714 Couch bldg., 100 4th St.. near Wash.
FOR SALE 40 acres, 1 miles from Hllls
boro, Or., perfectly level, best black loam
sod. all cleared and In crop, electric line
survey on adjoining 40; 200 assorted trees
4 years old, berries, shrubs, etc; 6-room
frame house, painted white, well on porch,
2 good barns, 2 new chicken-houses; a fine
place. For price and terms, address J. A.
Troeh, Vancouver, Wash.
NO FROST There is no frost In the "Good
noe Hills fruit land." While other sec
tions were in the grasp of the Frost - King
the "Goodnoe Hills fruit land," home of
the apricot, peach, almond and grape,
knew nothing hut sunshine; no late Spring
or early Fall frosts in this favored section,
lvt me tell you about It. L. C. Stone. 412
Commercial bldg.
160 ACRES, unlmprovVd $20OO; 80 acres,
unlm proved , $ 1 (HX) ; (u acres. 1 m proved,
$20oo; 40 acres, unimproved. $850: 40 acres.
Improved, $1200; targe dairy ranch, $30,
000 ; 75 acres, cultivated land, cheap; some
orchard ; 120 acres, $2600 ; all proper t y near
Scappoose, and cheap. Write Joseph Parker,
Scappoose, Or.
$1500 20 acres of apple land in the
famous Klickitat country, fair house and
good barn, well, 3 acres fenced for chick
en yard, about 3 acres cleared. This must
be sold soon.
508-Wells-Fargo bldg.
TWO creek- bottom ranches, improved, good
as Tillamook's best. 100 and 280 acr, 20
head of stock goes with one, convenient,
terms, fine hunting and fishing, good mar
kets; one 80 close, no better sold for $2000:
price of these. $2250 and $2650. O. Zlid
dlekauff, Yaqulna Lincoln County. Or.
A Bargain in apple land. 3 miles from White
Salmon. Wash, and North Bank Railroad;
4 acres high location, 2 acres beaver
dam cleared ; spring on place, $60 per
White Salmon. Wash.
SUNSHINE, blue skies, orange groves and
alfalfa. Orland, Cal., Is booming. Govern
ment irrigratlon works and cheap land. We'I
settled region with modern conveniences an J
fine climate.
W. W. PAYNE, Agt.,
1210 Williams ave. Both phones.
5 ACRES, close to station ; house, ham,
running water: all In cultivation; $6441 per
acre; 30 acres, bottom, 1 mile wert of
Clackamas e tat Ion ; house, barn, running
water; all In cultivation; abstract: $100 per
, acre; $1500, bal. 2 years. Y. C. Harlow
Co., Milwaukie.
FOR SALT3 ICO acres all in cultivation, all
level land, fair improvements, close to
town and R. R., on county road and R.
F. D. route, big new fruit cannery within
-3U. miles of farm ; this ie a big bargain
at "$3100. Address J. D. Wlnnt Buena Vista,
Jtwwio 160 acres in the apple district
of Klickitat County; 6 acres In apples;
house and barn: 3000 gallon tank and
windmill. ThN la worth Investigating.
508 Wells-Fargo bldg.
SEE THIS Two acres, 5c fare, fine new
dwelling, large chicken-house and outbuild
InpH. six varieties fruit, seven of berries
grapes, flowers, etc. : this is an Ideal
suburban home; liberal tgmn; see L. C.
Stone, 412 Commercial bldg. Main 5816.
ABOUT 100 acres ready for fruit of all
kinds; 30 miles out. V mile to O. W. P.
station : would like several join me and
buy; cut Into 10-acre tracts; big swing
in this co-operation; half cash, your own
terms on balance. S. S06. Oregonlan.
THREE choice fruit farms for sale within
short distance of Forest Grove, 36, 38 and
82" acres; buildings first-class; running
water; rural mall and telephone. If you
want " something good write T. H. Little
hales, Forest Grove, Or.
20 ACRES, nice roomy house, barn, other
buildings. Can be made into fine frnit,
truck and poultry farm; M mfle to O. W.
P station; $3000. half cash, five years on
balance. S S05, Oregonian.
FOR SALE OR RENT Hawkins farm,
north of Hwuco and near Sea view, for
sale or rent ; 117 acres; good dairy and
stock farm. Inquire Mrs. M. M. Hawkins,
Ilwaco. Washington.
170 ACRES, plowed, fenced, unimproved
prairie near Independence; also 420 hay
land near Sumpter, Eastern Oregon. Viola
. Lucas, Independence. Or.
350 acres 5 miles from Salem, the best buy
fn the state; must be sold in 10 days.
Terex Brop. Company, Salem. Cr.
HILLSBORO acreage, $250 to $325 per acre
buy: fine improved land, close In. F 85L
CHOICE, orchard lands: bargain in bungalow;
ii. phone Tabcr 20o.
198 ACRES of land. 7S acres in cultivation
and crop. 15 acres slashed, balance in
timber; good family orchard, one 8-room
and one 4-room house; one new barn
and orna old barn; all other outbuildings;
G h orses, 1 co 1 1. 2 set harn ess, 37 h ead
of cattle, 100 goats, 2 wagons, hack and
buggy, mower, rake, disk harrow., drag
and spring-tooth harrow, plows, cultiva
tors, potato digger and planter, stump
puller and cable, spray pump log chains,
hay forks and 10.000 ft. of lumber; 1
mile from market and 30 miles from the
city. Price. $8000; good terms fan be
had if desired. Geo. W. Turner. 415-1
Rothchild bldg.
2000 acres alfalfa land. 50.000 acres
free range; best in Baker County; town
Bite with water power; big country around
soon to be settled; 3000 acres in the
valley for $10 2-3 per acre; produce 5 tons
alfalfa to acre, 60 bushels wheat and 70
bushels oats.
B. S. COOK & CO..
508 Corbett Bldg.
25 ACRES adjoining city limits of Gresham;
part cleared and in cultivation, small
house and bam: $200 per acre; terms.
1 0 acres on Johnson Creek, all cleared
and fine soil; 1 block to O. W. P. station;
$275 per acre; 2 miles to Portland city
limits; adjoining property plated in lots.
500 ACRES in foothills. Willamette Valley;
all fenced, good pasture, 175 in cultiva
tion; two houses, two large barns, on
county road; telephone connection; rail
road to be built through It this year; this
Is fine for dairy or any other use; has to
be sold soon. Price and terms to suit. 200
4th st.
$10 a day and expenses paid to anyone
who does not find it as represented; have
choice farms near Portland and all over
the Northwest; Investigate before you
buv elsewhere.
F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison Street.
20 ACRES cleared land; 10 miles of Port-
land; finest for trucking or fruits; cheap,
only $30O per acre; $2000 cash will handle
it. 209 4th st. Main 2039.
ROOD RIVER orchard. 10 acres, young or
chard, 5 acres not cleared, good: house,
barn, etc.; snap for quick action. N 883,
100-ACRB farm on carllne, good buildings,
65 clear; $6OO0. 422 Abington bldg.
YOU Can go right on a Iw-acre Irrigated
fruit tract at Palouse Orchards, in the
Washtucna Valley, ahd make your home.
There Is abundance of excellent water
and railroad facilities now. Our start
ing price for this land la $150 per acre,
6n 4-year-purchase plan. Call for our
descriptive booklet; it Is free.
240 Stark St.. Portland. Or.
Local office at Hooper, Whitman County,
"WOULD like to hear at once from owner
havlng good farm for sale. Not particular
about location; please give price and rea
- son for selling and state when posses
sion can be had. L. Darbyshlre, Box 1984,
Rochester, N. Y.
THE advertiser wants to buy a homestead
relinquishment or will rent a ranch with
option of purchase; within reasonable dis
tance of Portland or near some live town.
D 8S5. Oregonian.
WANTED On the installment plan, a 6 or
7-room house within 6 blocks of Good Sa
maritan Hospital; price must not exceed
$4oOO; corner lot preferred. C 844, Ore
gonian. HAVE a money-making grocery store worth
$1500 and $2o00 In money to give for a
modern home; this ' is an opportunity. 325
Lumber Exchange.
WE have bona fide buyers for one bungalow, 1
modern house and a good lot, all on West
Side; also for 2 East Side homes. 432 Cham
ber of Commerce.
EASTERN client , will take long-time lease
for quarter lot and building, with track
age, near East Washington st. Walling,
243 Stark st.
WANTED To purchase a farm, or would
work same for portion of crop; can batch
if necessary; bank references. N 8f3, Ore
gonian. COUNTRY home on or near Willamette
River. between Portland -Oregon City;
give particulars. A 867, Oregonian.
4 OR 5-ROOM house on monthly payments
and trade in $500 lot as first payment.
C 855. Oregonian, or phone B 2278.
WANTED To purchase 2 to 5 acres fruit
and vegetable land, with house, on 5c
carllne. C 851, Oregonian.
WANTED Quarter block in Holladay. Irv
ing ton or that vicinity, t. H. Farrlngton,
416 Commerdal Club bldg.
I WANT a lot Inside or corner, or house and
lot In vicinity of Sellwood; no agents. M
873, care Oregonian.
WANTED 5-room modern cottage, either full
or fractional lot. for about $2000, on terms.
F 864, Oregon Ian.
WANTED To buy modem bungalow:
West Side preferred; must be snap. K
883. Oregonian.
WILL pay cash for fractional lot in Nob
Hill district : give location and price. G
&;:-(, Oregonlan.
WANTED i to 6-room house. East Side;
$lMito or less. Walling, 243 Stark at.
(Owners only.)
BE1.K CR EST lot, $ 100 below market
value; $100 cash; improvements In. Sell
wood 370.
WANTED Lot on West Side or Portland
Heights; must be reasonable.. K 8H4,
5 TO 6-room modern house, bungalow pre-,
ferred ; name lowest for cash. K 866,
I WANT good building lot on Heights or
northwest section immediately. . N 873, Ore
gonian. WANT to buy modern home In first-class res
idence district; about 8 rooms. N 877, Ore
gonian. WANT a pretty Portland Heights home at
right price. Owners. S 874. Oregonlan.
WISH to buy lot; $500 -cash; state partic
ulars In first, offer. M 878, Oregonlan.
WANT to buy two lots.
23d, near Belmont.
Inquire 175 East
wanted Timber lands.
PARTY of 2 or 3 wish to be located on
first-class timber claims or will buy re
Hnquishment. State full particulars in
first letter; location, location fee; amount
of timber; quality, etc. Also if you will
guarantee (by deposit In escrow) that
claim is as represented. Don't answer
unless claim will bear out full investiga
tion. Address F 862. care Oregonlan.
I WANT several good H. E. and T. E. re
linquishments; customers waiting; will
pay nash. John T. Graham, 1016 Williams
ave. phone Woodlawn 1871.
WANTED Bargain In timber lands, single
quarters up to 1000 acres. O 788, Oregonian.
WANTED to buy or rent circular sawmill
and timber. P 882. Oregonian.
304 McKay bldg.
C J. McCracken.
640 ACRES or more, good soil, lease 1 to
5 years on shares or $200 per year. 402
Wells-Fargo bldg.
HOUSES AND LOTS to exchange for
rooming-house; acreage or farm. E 883,
care Oregonian.
EXCHANGE 20 rooms, good furniture,
house full, lease low, rent. Price G00.
306 E. Wash.
IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see
Stevenson & Taylor. 311 Buchanan, 286
FOR SALE or exchange, 3 rich Nevada
mining claims. What have you ? E 873,
MODERN 7-room house to exchange for
modern cottage or good lots. E 876. Ore
gonian. EQUITY in improved Peninsula property for
horse and rift, or A-l runabout. 243 Stark.
AUTOMOBILE, exchange for real estate or
farm land. 169 11th st. Phone Main 1578.
To exchange, 24-room apartment-house for
house and lot; best location in Portland;
new furniture; everything first-class; low
$ 12,000.
23-acre fruit farm at La Grande. 10 acres
1! years old. 5 acres 6 years old, 8 acres
alfalfa. 9-room house, fruit-house, capacity
4000 boxes, barn 24x16. stone cellar, frost
proof, everything Ideal for the business; on
account of old age of owner will trade for
Portland income property. Pays 10 per
cent on $20,000.
One 54 and one 72-room rooming-house
to trade for farms: both good locations.
If you want a rooming-house and dont
take this one you wlil not find one to
beat it: 16 rooms, rent $80, close In. first
class In every way. Let us show it to you.
We have buyers for lands, for lots, for
houses and loUs, for rooming-houses. If
you have anything to sell list it with us.
We find the buyers. Call on us at room
3H Raleigh bldg.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS lots, value 12000;
exchange and assume incumbrance. What
have you?
Family hotel, value $10,000, for sto"k
Stosk ranches Southern Oregon for city
property; value $8000 to $16,000. ,
City property, $15,000 to $20,000, for
farm or ranch.
Timber land, value $4500. for city
property; pay difference.
253 Washington, cor 3d.
I have 28 acres. 12 cleared, with bear
ing orchard, 9, 10 and 2 yoars old, 5
miles from depot. Will exchange for
Portland property up to $5000. Price
$13,000; plenty of free water; will have
from $1200 to $1500 boxes of apples this
year, also barries; new house and barn ;
plenty of wood, pine and oak. J. M.
Cook. Hillsdale. R. No. 1, Oregon.
TO TRADE Lot 123x200 and 6 houses, built
3 years; insured for $1500; assessed $1400;
rents $58 per month; price $1600. Lot 50x
200, same town, with houses renting for
$49; Insurance $800; price $900. Fifty $20
gold pieces, price $1000. Will consider
equity for part or all. - Can assume mort
gage. D S&3, Oregonlan.
WILL sell or exchange for city property,
200 acres. 25 miles from Portland. 15
acres cleared, 33 slashed, balance brush
and saw timber. This place has a 7-room
house, small barn, family orchard and
good spring, one block from house. Price
per acre $22.50. M 870. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or exchange, dairy and milk route
2 miles out from growing town of 14.000
population. Large dairy barn and milk
house, 7-room furnished house, 83 cows, 4
horses, ft sets harness, wagons, 32o0 bottles,
separator, bottling machine, etc. Price
$MMX. Address F 813.' Oregonian.
7-ACRE tract at city limits; good soil, all
cultivated. Price $2500; for house and
lot or will con si dor good lots.
Several stocks of goods to exchange
for city property. Farms large or small
to exchange.
132 5th st.
13 A Level Al soil, planted; 7-room house,
barn and chlckenhouse, w-all, fruit trees,
berries; mile to town on S. P. R. R.,
18 miles from Portland; will take small
home, cash and terms. Globe Realty
Investment Co.. 221 Morrison st.
Room 6.
TO exchange for a good vacant lot, a fine
driving mare 7 years old, a lady can
top buggy. good runabout; hand-made
873 Oregonian.
$6000 2 modern residences in West Irving
ton, will rent for $50 per month; to ex
change for acreage or vacant lots, not to
exceed $4000, balance easy. Davis Invest
ment Co., 16 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st.
LOT, Hanson's Add., East Portland, with
modern 5-room house; would take some
vacant property, value $Ho0. Iri exchangee,
balance, $14o0. payable $25 monthly. Cul
ver, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
OWNER will trade gilt-edged 0 per cent
$6000 mortgage for income bearing city
property, also $2500 city home for im
proved acreage on new West Side car-
lines. L 830, Oregonlan.
PRIVATE, party will plant and cultivate for
4 years 80 acres fine orchard land at White
Salmon on time payments; price $125 per
acre, wouin cut into J U -acre tracts if de
sired. N 876, Oregonlan.
$1000 NOTE, payable $100 per year: 4800 note.
payable $20 monthly; $500 note, payable
$15 monthly. For city or suburban Dron-
erty; give full description of your prop
erly, s sua, oregonian.
WANTED General merchandise or hardware
business in Oregon. $5000 to $20,000. to
exenange ror Portland property. Angeles,
518 Commonwealth bldg.
TO EXCHANGE Well-established general
store In one of t he best '' towns in Oregon :
worth about $16.0o0. What have you? Ad
dress K 796, Oregonlan.
$8300 FOR SALE, or will exchange in
come-bearlng city property for acreage
on car line. Give particulars. Owner,
x oregonian.
TO trade for city property. 40 acres close
to Junction :ity and i acres at Klam
. ath Falls. Inquire blacksmith shop. 5th
and Flanders sts.
80 ACRES. 30 In cultivation, house, bam.
etc.; one mfle from R. R. town, to trade
for 5 or 6-room modem house. 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
I WILL exchange some unimproved apple
land In the Hood River Valley for part
casn ana a resiaence on xne n,asL siae. 1
842, Oregonian.
UNION ave. lot near Russell for good farm in
Yamhill County, on R. R., or bungalow; will
assume; agents protected. Cobb, 508 Wells
Jrargo bldg.
WILL exchange a good investment, first
mortgage, 6 per cent, gold bonds for fruit
iarm or city vacant land, call 320 Cor
bett bldg.
WANTED To exchange comfortable manu
feicturing investment for house and lot
or automobile. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg.
WHAT have you to exchange in acreage or
suburban lots, etc., for nne complete mov
ing-picture out at? 4, oregonian.
FINE paying business for sale; or would ex
change for real estate. For particulars
see jw. hi. iee, Koom 4H tjoroett piag.
FOR SALE or trade, easy terms, young
team, wagon and harness : would make
fine express outfit. 255 Flanders st.
IF you want to buy, sell or trade house,
farm or business of any kind, see what
we can offer. 325 Lumber Exchange.
SWELL 7-room residence. East Side, $2300,
to exchange for small farm near Port
land. Call or write 85 Fifth st.
MODERN house to exchange fcr vacant
lots. L. Alnsworth Smith, 411 Bucaanan
bldg., 2864 Washington st.
LARGE WHEAT FARM to exchange for
Portland property. What have you?
A 861. care Oregonlan.
WILL sell or trade for improved city prop
erty. 20 aeres on Oregon City carline.
Call 203 Mohawk bldg.
8-ROOM house, one block to car. close In.
for small Improved farm. Room 530
Lumber Exchange bldg.
14 ACRES fully improved poultry farm to
exchange for city property. Miller, 430
Worcester bldg.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
411 Buchanan bldg.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
WANTED Two horses or pontes, for rfding
and packing, phone Main 388L Call 3;0
14th st.
FOR SALE Buggy, harness and fishing rig,
cheap. 100i Clinton st. Richmond car.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
BAY mare, trotter, by Reeller; $200 cash.
488 Columbia st. Phone Main 1059.
WANTED Brood mares weighing not less
Chan 1600 lbs. C 852, Oregonian.
HORSES bought and sold at the Nobby
Stables, 12th and Flanders.
HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland
Stables, 5th and Glisan.
FOR SALE Laddy's driving horse, buggy and
harness. Main or A 3731.
SINGLE express rig for sale, cheap;
stand. Call 195 N. 17th.
HORSES, mares, rigs, harness of all kinds
for sale. 26 N. 15th st.
GOOD work team, true pullers, 2S00. G4J E
Madison. Phone E 2991.
HORSES broke to ride at the Nobby Stables,
12th and Flanders.
HORSE'S clipped at the Nobby Stables, 12th
and Flanders.
SPLENDID bargains in all kinds of harness;
we take old harness. Keller Harness Co.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
35 HORSES 35
Our next auction sale at the l nlon btocK
vards, Portland. Or., Monday, May 4, at 1
P. M. sbarp. rain or shine. In this kt we
have some as good horses as can be bought
in Eastern Oregon; they will make gpod
drivers, express, delivery and milk wagon
horses; come heavy enough to do general
farm work ; also some well broke saddlers.
Remember the date and be on time.
Twaddle & Richards. . ,
PAIR of matched bays, mare and horse. 5
and 7 years old. weight 20OO. broke single
and double, with set of nice harness.
$165; pair of matched sorrel! geldings. J
and 9. weight 22oO. good pullers, suitable
for any team work, with bran new
breaching harness, complete, $175. 29-4
Montgomery st.
PAIR of chunky-built mare and horse; 7
and 8 years old, sound, city oroKe ana
work any place; suitable for any general
purpose team; pair of matched brown
geldings. 8 years old, stylish, city broke,
work any place. Palace Stables, 5 Mont
gomery st.
A LARGE lot of wagons left on storage,
consisting of gooseneck trucks, bakery,
butcher and grocery wagons; also bug
gies and surrey. 211 Washington t.
Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold
and rented.
SEVEN head of heavy horses, weighing
from 14o0 to 16ou pounds; also several
cheap mares suitable for farm work.
Mare, buggy and harness: price. $90.
Red Front Stables. 26 N. 15th st.
ONE new open 3-spring berry wagon; one
new covered grocery .or delivery wagon;
one second-hand open express or delivery
wagon. Must be sold at once (cheap for
cash.) 102 Russel st.. Lower Albina.
PAIR of dapple-gray chunks, 6 years old,
weight 23XK lbs., will be guaranteed every
way; black," 8-year-old gelding, weight
1530. broke single and. double. 294 Mont
gomery. $175 BUYS pair chunky mares, weight 2350.
and double harness; $160 buys pair matched
chunky brown mares, weight 220, and har
ness; can be seen at Dexter Stables, 45 4th. J
A REGISTERED Wilkes Hambletonlan trot
ting stallion, 6 years old, quiet and gentle;
city broke. For 3 days, inaulre Farmers
feed barn, cor. Columbia and Front.
A-l TEAM weighing 2300 lbs.; working every
day; swift and true; also harness and
wagon. Phone Woodlawn 1390. Call Port
land Boulevard, cor. Omaha ave.
BROWN gelding, weight 1200 lbs., 6 yrs.
old, by Capt. Jones; good roader; per
fectly safe for lady to drive; also buggy,
harness. 341 Williams ave.
FOR SALE A thoroughbred Clyde stall iVn
weighing about W00 rbs. ; will sell very
cheap. Address Chehalis River Lumber Co.,
Centralla, Wash.
$325 BUYS bay team, 7 and 8 years, weight
2300, and double harness, also double trucK
with trap. Cheap; can be seen at Dexter
Stables, 45 4th.
FOR SALE 10 bead of good horses from
940 to 14O0 lbs,; also 3 good saddle ponies.
182 E. 34th st. Phone Tabor 1112.
25 "HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th at.
$50 BUYS handsome spotted pony, weight
750. saddle and bridle; kind for children.
Call at Dexter Stables, 45 4th.
SUCKING COLT wanted to go with brood
mare having lost her foal. Answer "Suck
ing Colt," G 885, Oregonian.
WANTED Good delivery horse. 1KH to -1
HH pounds. Call forenoon Sunday or
Monday. 395 Broadway.
AT'TOMOBILQ wanted; choice yellow pine
timber and coal land to trade for 7-pas-senger
car. Box 214 Prineville, Or.
FORD touring car. detachable tonneau, ln
good order, for sate or trade for real estate.
R 863. Ore-onlan.
TWO-SEATED automobile; 12 horse-power,
$523 cash. Terms if desired. E 8"S. Ore
gonian. AN S H. P. 2-passenger runabount. prac
tically new; a snap. B 804. oregonian.
$1000 Baby Grand Chlckerlng Piano. $475;
easv terms; might rent. 617 Tourny
bldg. Pacific 244.
PIANO In oak case, almost new, will be'
sold cheap. Room 10 Washington bldg.
FOR RENT Piano. Hallett & Davis, in good
condition. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Pipe, all sizes.
Boilers, 8 to 100 h. p.
Tanks. 5w to 6000 gallons.
40 h. o engine, $125.
Berg brick machine.
36 Iron cars. v
Lot ltV-lb rails.
Belting, pulleys.
Boxes and shafting.
Corrugated iron.
We positively carry the lartccst stock of
second-hand mdne. In the city.
J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-246 First.
244. 246. 250 Front
AN opportunity to buy some furniture
cheap: 3 chamber suites, couch, kitchen
queen, dining table, wardrobe. folding;
bed. small Kas range, chiffonier, cook
stove. 4 carpets, cane chairs and rockers.
106 Union ave.
FOR SALE Four-horsepower engine, fine
power whistle. 6-Inch fogbell. propeller
and shaft, complete; ready to Install; $150.
Also one 5-horsepower marine engine, $75.
Call Pacific 020. , ' "
ON my home ranch I have some standard
bred Rhode Island Red. White Wyan-
dot. Barred Rock. Buff Orpington cok-
erels at $2.50 each. Staples, the Jeweler,
162 1st st. -
Special sale this week splendid values.
White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washing
ton, corner of 11th. H. D. Jones, Prop.
$1113 Silky fine Knullsh setter. 3 years old.
male, sure field worker; will exchange for
bicycle or 16 or 2o gauge gun. Alter 0
P. M.. 638 Halsey St.; Broadway car.
FOR SALE Bull terrier puppies. dam,
Frisco Jennie; sire. Bonny-bred Cham
pion Stiletto. F. Simon, Woodstock ave.,
and Milwaukie road, Woodstock.
contr'actors, ATTENTION.
1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically
new, $1 per roll.
J.SIMON & BRO., 244-246-250 Front St.
6-YR.-OLD Jersey cow, wltn young calf;
rich and heavy milker; kind and gentle;
lance teats. Apply at 430 Rosa St., cor.
A FRESH cow; a very good milker and a good
butter producer. Take Fulton car and In--quire
for William Yoe, foot of Mill st.,
FOR HALE lo-Toot Treseott canoe, 5 pad
dles, 2 rues. 2 cushions; 45. Inquii)
caretaker at O. Y. Club or F. H. Rupert,
461 Jefferson st.
3-YEAR-OLD COW. fullblood Durham, with,
calf, giving 5 gallons per day; come and
see "her milked if .you want a bargain. 291
Montgomery. m
FRESH cows for sale; some extra good
Jerseys. 709 Herrnld st. Take Sellwood
car. Phone Sellwood 1171.
HOUSEBOAT, roomy and convenient: larp.e
porches; running water, telephone; $300.
Call Pacific 92o.
LITTLE1 used L. C. Smith typewriter. t2;
call evenings, room 3, The Ockley, 390
Morrison st. '
ON my ranch near Woodstock. Jersey cow
and calf for sale. Staples the Jeweler,
162 1st.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel
pups. 292 12th at. Phone Main 4703,
FOR SALE At a bargain, typewriter, iiu
first-class condition. Call 320 Corbett
NO 6 Premo Camera and outfit complete;
also film pack. A 873, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Launch 28 feet. Inquire ma
chine shop in Supple s boatyards.
$30 CERTIFICATE on lot in WaverJefgh
Heights, $15. G 8M, Oregonian.
SIX Spitz pups for sale. Call Sunday, 650
E. Morrison, bet. 17tb and 18th.
NEW furniture of two offices for sale cheap.
004 Dekum bldg. Main 7023.
SEWING machine for sale; good condition.
Call 454 K. Taylor st. 3
FOR SALE Durham-Jersey heifer - calf
Phone Tabor 776-