THE '.'SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, MAY 3. 100?. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. KEEP YOUR EtES ON "K. & K." Katharine & Ketmlntuon Addition. Ask l's About It. . Strictly modern 6-room house, close to car, near Palton ave. and KllltnKeworth ; concrete foundation, cement floor in base ment. fHuplace, fixtures; price SiSOO, easy terms. Strictly modern 7-room house, full lot. In Vernon, 1 block from car; full cement basement, furnace. fireplace, fixture, hades, tinted wails; WSlHj, on easy terms. Strictly modern 5-room cottage, on East 4Bth at., near Mt. Tabor car; ?2250; ex ceptional terms. XTp-to-date tt-room residence on E. 17th North, 1 block from car; full basement, furnace, fireplace, fixture. Hhadefe, tinted walla; price $344)0, easy tsrm. 7-room house and .'1 lot at Montavllla, convenient to car; beautiful shade trees, Jarfre barn and woodshed; price $2500. t't acres at Junction Pull Run and Sandy rivers, suitable for platting; prepared to make exceptional price and terms. Particu lars at office. SfHIKORA & KKENEY. 206 Roll. child bid.. 4th and Wash. CHEAP UYl'rt Head this list. We have many others. Tall at our office for list. .'150 Nice full lot in Sellwood on easy terms; 5100 cash. 450 Two lots 32J4x77 each. East 47th and Main; half c&h. .T00 Full lot. Kast 3:d and Clinton; part caxh: street improved sidewalk. fttoo Nice lot. between two good houses; 54xloo. on Kast ;;.".d St.; loo cash. lt Nice corner lot, 24th and Pacific; $4im cash, balance installments. . JH Quarter blovk. East 28th and Host; part cash; risht on carllne; busi ness corner. 11700 Uot 42x110; fine view; overlooks rtver. on Kelly St., South Portland. $2000 Nice full lot on First at., near Porter: half cash. BOL.UA.H. liRt;SI & HIGL.EY. 12S Third Street. ACREAGE. TV"e have a few acres near Woodstock, lust outside the four-mile radius, which we will sail on liberal terms. The soil Is first elass; water to every acre and about i blocks from the carllne. -MOORE INVESTMENT COMPANY, IlKl'i Washington st. Phone Sellwood 123-1 or Main 2707. $.- CASH. 4 Buys two lots in Vernon; balance of $500 you can pay out at $10 per month; its a snap. Fuvs a fine lot in' Elbcrta. H block from Alberta carllne; best you can find. $ti). Bins two of the best lots in Columbia Heights Addition. We have lots of lot bargains THE VETERAN LAND CO.. MU Chamber of Commerce. 550 Lots In.Mfcnefee Ad.; streets graded. cement sidewalk and city water; only . - a very few with large walnut trees on them. . . ma We. handle only such property as we can recommend. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, a K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 3U8T COMPLETING very fine large mod ern homo In Holladay Park. Owner un ci hie to occupy. Faces south, extra size lot, allev and fine elevation; rooms all large, window closets, paneled dining room, den. cove ceilings; sleeping-porch and attic; can give quick possession Hen man & Lathrop, Abington bldg. Main or A 3120. A STRICTLY modern 6-room house in Hol laday Park Addition, on Clackamas st., fine lawn, fireplace, furnace and hardwood floors; only. $4750. $500 cash and balance monthly. ' . CALL ON US. COLITMB1A TRT:ST COMPANY, TU Couch bldg.. 109 4th st., near W asn MOUNT TABOR RESIDENCE. Will sell my suburban home direct to purchaser; ideal location; quarter block; fine view; fruit trees, roses, garden; modern seven-room houpo; full basement; furnace, fireplace; no agents, price close to actual cost. Address K 882, Oregonian. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, owner leaving the city, a beautiful tf-room, all modern house, finely furnished; Brussels carpets, fine pi ano; two large lots, east front; $K); easy terms. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay bldg. CLOSE IN ON CARLINE Home too large or owner, 3 bedrooms, plastered attic, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, big fur nace, fine fireplace, very artistic; full lot, with fine lawn and lots of roses. Phone Sunday, Eaft or B 3804. WEST SIDE A fine large 8-room house and lot. within walking distance, near Qui m by st. ; $5000. If you have a good timber claim we take it as part payment, balance long time. C. F- Ptluger & Co., room 14. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Moirison PIEDMONT HOME. 75x100. 6 rooms with attic, desirable street; this is a bargain; price, with teimt, $4800. ZIMMERMAN, M 1675. 521 Corbett Bldg. HOME HUNTERS, LOOK I 2 modern 6-room houses, near Hawthorne ave.; must be sold within next four day a; easy terms. WHITTEN" fc BRYANT. Main 1450. 535 Chamber of Commerce. jjijino a new modern T-room house ' on Klickitat street near Union ave.; nice full lot, fine neighborhood. A bargain; $1500 cash, balance time. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. - room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sta $700 HHxl54, near a paved street, and only 2 blocks from streetcar line; are worth more than price asked; a small payment cash, balance $15 per month. Lucas & Hoover, 310 Swetland bldg. $50oO 8 -room new and modern home, well located and close in. on the Kast Side; full concrete basement, hot water heat and fireplace: full lot, south front. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. WEST STD10. Choice lot. btfit of surroundings, splendid location for flats or dwelling; fine view with no climb; $l75o handles. Western Ore gon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES, modern conveniences. $1325, $::35!), $2400. $"000; list your real estate for sate with me. Houses wantciL to rent. P. G. Herner, Belmont and A). 3Sth. Phone B 2:is9. w UNION AVE. buslnt-ss lots. Fin corner at $2H0O; inside lot at $1050. All improvements in aad paid. Values sure to increase. Hell man & Ittthrop. 210 Abington bldg. Phones A or Main 3120. SNAP Cosy small house, west Side South ; fifteen minutes from Washington; ele gant location ; beautiful lot; roses, fruit; grandest view; only $2100. A 862, Ore gon ian. FOR SALF 0(15 East Morrison : full lot, 7 room house, fruit and roses. Apply on prem ises May 4, between 10 and 5 o'clock, or ad dress 1210 Esther ave.. Vancouver, Wash. MUST go this week: new 3-room cottage and bath. 5SxltO lot. fruit and garden. 15 min utes ride. $80o; terms; see owner, 503 Lum ber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 4308. 'EW modern six-room, conveniently ar ranged house, in desirable part of Sun nvside: lot 50x10; $2850; part cash. Phone B 2385. 1203 East Yamhill. $lo DOWN and $10 a month for lots near Hawthorne and 48th; best car service In the city; 33 1-3x00 for $5oo. Cobb, 008 We 11 s-Fargo bldg. $1 450 -8-room hard-finished house, 1 '4 stories; outbuildings; fine Improved lot ; fruit trees, shrubs; in Montavilla. C 850, care Oregonian. NEW swell residence In lrvington, $4250; it Is a beauty; call to see photo; alo several medium-priced new cottage?. 325 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP at $2800 ; 7-room bouse, furnished, 4 lots; fruit, berries, garden ; located at Stewarts Sta.. Mt. Scott car; terms. L. Farrell. $4500 Large 8-room residence, Vt block, close in, furnace, fireplace, fine interior finish, shade and fine lawn. B 852, Ore gonian. FOR SALE -Small. modern cottage; fruit and berries; one block from car. 864 Grand ave. N. Phone Woodlawn 536. THH hent trade in Vernon: $315 for a choice lot, faM front, on 17th st.. near Going. Phone Sunday or Monday, Woodlawn 020. FOR SALE Two $50 credit certificates on Int In Waverlelgh at a bargain. Address S t72. Oregonian. FOR SALE1 $50 certificate on lot In Waver lelgh Heights for $20. Y 8dl, Oregonian. $50 CERTIFICATE and lot i.n Waverlelgh Heights; will sell cheap. 800 East Stark. M. E. LEE sells Northroo acres. BEE Northrop Acres Today., FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. HEAD THIS LIST We have many others. $550 f-room cottage, lot 5OxlO0. Sell Tvood, $2 cash. $1000 Small house and 3 lots, plenty fruit and flowers, Vernon. $12oo Brand new tt-room bouse, 11 wood. lot 60x100. half cash. $I4oO Nice 5-room cottage, full lot. East 14th and Rhine sts. ; a snap. $17oo Good 7-room house and lot on Ta bor ave., Woodstock car; a snap. $l.Hon Nice 5-room cottage, on Minne sota ave., near Beach; part cash. $2 Km 2 houses, 4 rooms each, lot 50x100; Albina; rented for 20. $21ti Nice 5-room cottage, near Chil dren s Home. South Portland; terms. $2! GO Brand new 6-room house at High land. $Khk cash. $24Hi swell 7-room house, fine lot 60x100, Sellwood; $lo00 each. $2500 Nice new 6-room house on Clin ton and 27th sts. ; $20O cash. $25O0 6-room house, lOoxtOO, B. Taylor; $limo cash, balance $25 every 3 months. $;M.KX acre and fine houj?e, aH Im proved and In fruit, right on carline; or 1 acre $4MJ0; i cash. $3300 Modern 6-room house on Grand ave. and Broadway M. ; half cash. $4000 Modern, swell, brand new 7-room house on Belmont" st. ; half caeh. $4300 Modern 6-room house. East 14th and Taylor; new and swell; part cash. $475t Swell brand-new 7-room house on East Main, Hawthorne Addition; part cash. A beautiful home. $,-X,tM Modern, swell S r" -m house, on East Washington, near 18Mi; part cash. $5000 Elegant new bungalow, corner lot. In Jrvlng; $1500 cash. $5250 New California oungalow; only one like it in Portland: near Ladd tract. BOLLAM. GRUS8I & H1QU2Y, 128 Third Street. HF:RB are the best propositions in this city today: , 25 acres on Salem electric line, 15 min utes from city; timber will make 800 cords of wood; price $."fOO an acre.- 100 lote in Bandon, Coos County, In heart of business district; price $100 per lot. t The above are cash, or will exchange for good city property. It will pay you to in vestigate this. Particulars room 610 Buchanan bldg., 26 Washington st. FINE LOTS CHEAP. $77,0 East 27th. near Glisan; terms. $K(M Corner 27th and Nelson; terms. $I2iHI HH)xl00, near Union ave.; terms. $1400 lOOxlvU, near Piedmont barn; terms. $2Vi00 4 lots. East 20th and Stark; terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Half acre in Oregon City, good 5-room house, store 20x50, warehouse adjoining, 10x.K store, has been rented for years as a grocery store, with a hall overhead rented to lodge, etc.; harn 20x30, with stable room for six horses underneath; 12 fine large fruit trees, berries, flowers, etc. All for $2100. M. CADONAU. 2704 Washington St., Boom 3. CHOICE lots in Holladay, John Irving and lrvington Addition, cheap: soon be all sold; number very select homes, 6 and 7 rooms and several bungalows at cost; now Is the time to secure a home in the most fashion able part of Portland. For further particu lars call at office, cor. 15th and Halsey stf., Broadway and lrvington cars. Phones, of fice C 1003: res. C 1508. J. E. Dolen. SWELL HOME. S-room modern house, new and up to date in every way, large living room. Dn eled dining-room, 3 bedrooms. sewing room, large billiard room in attic; on full corner lot, E. 18th and Burnside; terms, $7500. H. P. PALMER. 202 Rothchild Bldg. NOB HILL HOME. $5250. Modern 8-room home; full con crete basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors and other up-to-date conven ience; was built for a home, and is com plete in every detail ; fractional corner lot, well located In a choice neighborhood on Nob Hilli hard surface streets. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. $650 Kach, only 3 lots left. Ivon and E 23d1 and . Division sts., 1 block to 2 carllnes, Clinton St., high ground, overlooking the fine Ladd tract ; 15 minutes' walk to Madison-st. bridge; $!00 for adjoining lots; $1000 for these lots inside year. A. H. BIRRElA. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. MANSION Just being finished in finest style, material and workmanship; 8 large rooms, reception parlor, pantry, bath-room, china closet and full concretn basement ; woodhoist. extra full plumbing, electric wired; fiber plastered; large corner lot; only $2550; $500 down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. FOR SALE A -fine 6-room modern house, near In, Rodney ave.; $3500. worth $4o00. $4500 will buy a fine 3 O-room modern house, Corbett st. $3700 will buy a nice modern 5-room house, Corbett st. We have two fine lots. Union ave. N.; $1500. O Brlen Realty Co., McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. $8000 8-room modern residence, built for a home 1 year ago; open fireplace, furnace, concrete foundation, cement floor and walks, complete in every detail; commands one of the finest views on west slope Mt. Tabor, close to carllne; 2 full lots; a very desira ble and elegant home; terms. Owner. D 863, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We have several beautiful homes and sites in this most beautiful home district; will be pleased to show them to intending purchasers. They arc all the best, with reasonable prices. ZIMMERMAN. M 1675. 521 Corbett Bldg. HAWTHORNE-AVE. HOME, one block from car, owner selling on acount of health. 4 bedrooms, big furnace, fireplaoe, 2 toilets, fine lawn and roses, paved street and cement walk ; price $4250; casllv worth $45(HK Heilman & Lathrop, 210 Abington bldg. Main or A 31 26. NEW" 5-room modern bungalow, clc to Hawthorne ave.; faces oatt; only $3CO0, $tOOO cash, balance to suit. CON KLIN BROS.. 302 Rothchild bidg. Phone Main 2S50. 6-ROOM hounc. modern lot 40x125; street work done; $1400; must have $7oo. balance 3 years 6 per cent. With 2 lots, $1600. Tf you want a home. $700 will save you $10oo in values NOW. Cobb. 508 Wo 11a Fargo bldg LOTS for $S5 and $100, $10 down, $10 a month. A chance to make you money on fimalt Investment ; inside new city limits near good car service; Bull Run water this Summer. Cobb, 508 Welle Fargo bldg. BEST-BUILT 6-room house in Hawthorne parK; hall, bath, furnace, strictly mod ern. 2 fireplaces, lots of roses; $5250 ; $3000 cash, bal. 1 and 2 yrs. at 6 per cent. Owner, O 850, Oregonian. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS $100 cash, bal ance terms; iwo improved corner jots; cast frontago; 2-ft. grade; block from car; below market price; exceptional bargain. H 854 Oregonian. $3650 Neat 6-room modern residence, be tween 2 carllnes and within walking dis tance. East Side; cannot be duplicated for money. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. PRETTY 7-room home, 3 bedrooms, best plumbing, fine surroundings, full lot. fruit, ro?s and berries, $2750. Can he had on terms. Heilman & Lathrop, 10 Abington fcldg. Phones 3126. READ THIS.' If you are looking for- fruit lands it will be to your interest to see Wolverton, 402 Mohawk block, this week. 1 ACRE near streetcar line, good house and barn ; all in bearing fruit ; chicken house -and parks; forced to sell, $2SOO . E S01, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good S-room house with lot, KH feet front and tine fruit trees and spring on the place. P. J. Henneman, Mil waukie. Or. $2000 Full comer lot, choice location in Holladady's Addition. on East 12th at. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Com merce. LOT near Firland Station, 50x250. $300; terms if desired. McKern Sc Konworthv, 414 Buchanan bldg., 6th aid Washington. MODERN 8-room house on Willamette Heights; must- be sold; make your own terms. Inquire room 40, Washington bldg. 7-ROOM house, lot 40xl2o. 1 block of car; both hot and cold water; $1000 cash for quick sale. Cobb, 508 Wells Fargo bldg. i BLOCK with 6-room house on West Side, close in, now rented, $1750; terms; owner. J. S. Greenfield, top floor City Hall. CHOICE corner lot. East iwth and Alder, suitable for nice home; price reasonable. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. A BARGAIN Strictly modem home, swell location ; must sell ; see me at . once. Thornton, 31 C. of C. FOR SALB. $50 Waverlelgh Heights certifi cate for $20. Call 254 Lincoln art., cor. 3d. $5f.0 Corner lot, with small house on W.-W. carline; terms. C 854. Oregonian. AM forced to sell a beautiful lot on Wasco, near 2Sth. for $SoO. E 90. Oregonian. SNAP $50 credit certificate on Waverlelgh Heights; lot for $20. D S70 Oregonian. M. E. LICE sells Northrop acres. SEB Northrop Acres Today,, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A FEW REAL BARGAINS. $1000 33 1-3x100. T rooms, car 1 block. $150 cash, t a la nee $15 per month. $1850 50x100, 5-room new modern house; $300 down, balance $20 per month. $2KM 50x200. 5-room cottage; $600 down, balance $20 per month. $2200 50x100, 5V rooms, new. modern, $0O0 down; balance to suit. $2600 50x50 corner, very modern. 6 room cottage. Terms to suit. $3000 66 2-3x100, 7 rooms, modern. University Park. $3500 50x100. 0 rooms, new modern, fine location. Terms to suit. $373j 50x100. swell, strictly modern, new house. Terms to suit. $4500 50xK0 corner. Grand ave. and Halsey; 8 rooms, modern; a real bargain. We have others in all parts of city. Call on us. ' MAYOR & BLEW. Room 3, 250 y Alder. $3ti5 5Gxlo0, fine location, Rose City Park, $;r cash. $450 50x100. cultivated. Glen wood, $150 cah. $50050x100, cultivated, CI en wood Sta tion, $50 cash, balance monthly. $550 25x100, fine lot, Maegley Junction, easy terms. $H)0 50x100, in small fruit. Goddard Sta tion. $iOO 50x100, Portsmouth ave., reasonable terms. $725100x100. splendid location, Rose City Park; terms. $110050x100. Maegley Junction; $100 cash, balance $20 per month. $1500 177xlOo, cultivated. North Gl?n wood: one-third cash. $KO00 An acreage tract facing 491 feet on Willamette boulevard. W. J. PEDDICORD, .133 Mohawk bklg. $1100 For a 3-room house on full sized lot, 2 blocks from car barns. $650 3-room house on east front lot 50 xioo feet, near Mildred St.. In Vernon. $700 3-room house, lot 50x100 feet, east front; H bearing fruit trees, located on 15th and Prescott sts., near Vernon. If you are looking for a cheap place and want to stop your rent, come and see us in re gard to this. $600 Full-sized lot two blocks from High School site In Albina; easy terms. $400 50x100 feet near High School site In Albina. Easy terms. $."HK) 3 full-sized lots on Kerby st. Easy terms. Ihis is a snap while they last. $1300 Corner 100x100 on Michigan ave. THOMPSON & OGDEN. Phone Woodlawn 202. 848 Mississippi ave. YOU can secure a seli-supporting home In the glorious Kootenay fruit district. British Co lumbia, for $10 cash and $10 per month for lO acres. (Discount for lareer payments): annual profits $50o to $1000 per acre. Orch- ara, garden, poultry, grand scenery, hunt ing, fishing, abundant pure water, healthy climate, warm winters, cool summers, churches, schools, postof flees, stores, daily express trains, within few minutes' walk, fine neighbors, comforts of civilization combined with delightful rural community. Will send maps, photos, plans, proof free. Refer to DRnks and commercial bodies, also hundreds purchasers. Write today. Ad . dresc Land Department, Kootenay Orchard Association, 457 Ward St., Nelson, B. C. ELEGANT 9-ROOM "MODERN HOME. 305 7TH ST., N15 A R M 1 LL. IF NOT SOLD IN NEXT FEW" DAYS WTLL BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET. Hot water heat, 2 bathrooms, new car pets, lace curtains and steel range go with it. Will take mortgage of $60oO at 6 per cent, or equal amount In Title Guarantee &. Trust account, balance cash. LAST CHANCE. GO SEE IT. OWNER'S AGT., 303-4 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE: At cost to build, a 6-room house, at the northeast corner of East 3 5th and Halsey sts. furnace, complete tiled bathroom, grate, gas and electric combined fixtures, cement cellar floor, woodlift. hard rubbed finish in halL par lor and dining-room. double boarded, first-class modern house in the best resi dence district of the East Side. Phone the owner. C. L. Boss. East 92 or East 728. At home at 374 Multnomah at. A 3-STORY 12-room house on the Peninsula, near St. John car line, 2 lots, plenty of fruit and choice roses; the- house Is well built with modern conveniences and is fully furnltshed; it has 8 bedrooms and can eas ily be filled with roomers; it is a snap. All goes for $4600. $1000 cash, balance to suit. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg:., 100 4th sr., near Wash. FOR SALE. 2 new bungalows. East Side, well locat ed, 1 blk. car line; will be sold very rea sonable; $500 cash, balance- monthly pay ments if desired. - KNAPP & MACKEY, Room -7, Chamber of Commerce. $5500 Beautiful concrete stone house, 8 rooms: ewell reception hall, bath, pantry, attic large enough for two rooms; this is a great bargain. Come and see for yourself, CONK LIN BROS., 302 Rothchild bidg. Phone Main 2859. $1700 FOR A QUARTER BLOCK With a stylish new and modern 5-room bungalow, one block Woodstock cars; hard ly the cost of building: must be half cash. THB DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder st. ACREAGE. $600 1 14 acre of first-class fruit land, beaut 'fully located on a creek near Mll waiikie and within 6 blocks of carline. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Com merce. J. E. REDMOND & CO. are selling lots at $85 and up, $10 down, $3 per month; this Is a bargain; investigate- Acreage and dwell ings at reasonable price. Call Phone Tabor 24. Office end of carline Montavilla. FOR SALE At a bargain price, modern 6 roona house taken back on an installment sale, in lrvington and Holladay Addi tions, near both carllnes. House must be sold. Phone East 723 or East 92- $1600 5-room house on nice 50x100 corner lot. right on the Richmond carline. con . crete basement; fruit trees, close In; terms if desired. C. F. Ptluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2(j and Morrison. w A GOOD 7-room house, plastered, cement basement, city water, lot 105x150, small barn; $2600. at Montavilla. 1 block west of end of carline and 5 blocks south. 130 Kearney st. P. Bishop. $320O Large modern 6-room house and full lot in lrvington; must sell at once, $1700 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. C. F. Ptluger & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HAWTHORNE PARK Fine corner lot. $350 jess man, otners asK in same vicinity; street improvements all paid; must sell quick; part cash. A 863, care Orego nian. BEST buy in the Peninsula; 2 fine lots near Klllingsworth ave. and Patton ave.; graded streets, cement walks and curbs; easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg $4250 A modern 6-room house and lot 00x100 in Piedmont for sale by owner; cash, balance 4 yeais, 6 per cent. Call today 301 Killings worth ave. 6-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, in suburbs, for sale on easy terms, or will trade as first payment on a modern 6 or 7-room home. Phone E 4088. $7000 Income -property. West Side; new and iiioi-vmr, n.o -oi 3 fiii , ue.ii uuy in Portland. M. E. Lee, room 411 CcYbett bldg. $1750 5-room cottage with bath, 687 Kear ney St., near 21st st. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. Tel. Main 3349. 1RVINGTON Modern home, 6 large rooms, 625 Broadway near 10th; two carllnes. In quire on premises. MODERN 6-room house, 0th, bet. Tillamook and Thompson, lrvington. Apply owner, 315 Cherry st. FINE lot, easy walking distance, beautiful location, below value for quick sale. C S49, Oregonian. FRACTIONAL LOT on East Davis st., near 22d. Owner. H. P. Palmer, 202 Roth child bldg. B A RGAIN Fine new home, 6 la rge rooms ; $3250. Inquire 686 E. Stark. Phone East 14S7. TWO beautiful cleared acres on Salem Electric at a bargain. Y 837, Oregonian. ONE acre, 2 blocks from carllne. Inquire O. Benson, Grays Croujsing, Mt. Scott line. FOR SALE A 6-room house and 4 lots. Andro Williams, Manefield Add., Montavilla. 6 LOTS on West ave., $1800. G. W. Ed mond, owner, 55 Church st., Mt. Tabor. $500 FOR 2 fine lots in, Brainard tract, near Ockley Green. 118 Abington bldg. SNAP Modern 6-room house, nice lawn, near car; $1600. D 738, care Oregonian. $35 SaVED on purchase price of any lot in Waverlelgh. Telephone East 1351. ACRES near Lents, $5 down. $5 per month, 5c fare. W. L. Green, 106 2d st. LOTS near Waverlelgh. worth $5000. only $4250. Walling, 243 Stark. 8 CHOICE lots, l block to car. near Wa verleigh. $250 each. 243 Stark. M. E. LEE sells Northroo-acres. BEE Northrop Acre Today. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. EXCELLENT HOMES. - -BROADWAY HOME $6000. Fine, new home, strictly modern and up-to-date. West of 21st st. IRVINGTON HOME $7750. This one will suit you. Come in and get full particulars if you are looking for a home that will suit the most fastidious. IRVINGTON HOME $0750. This is a fine new home; 7 large rooms with all conveniences; full basement, fur nace, etc., hardwood floors and everything that makes an attractive home. WASCO STREET $75K. Fine 7-room bouse with 300x100 lot; very attractive home, new and strictly modern, hardwood finish, fireplace, etc $3800. On E. Couch St., modern 8-room house, fine lawn and shrubbery; fine neighbor hood. . HIGHLAND HOME. GOING STREET. $4300 New 7-room home, large attic, full basement, corner lot 75x100. price includes new body Brussels carpet3. shades, linoleum and gas heater. WASCO STREET $6500. Built for a home, 8 large rooms, 2 fire places, lot 75xlOO, an excellent home; very convenient and attractive. SUNN YSIDE BARGAIN'. $2400 An up-to-date 5-room house; very handy and attractive; gas and elec tricity ; stone porch pillars, etc. Will con sider cash offer. Rent for $22.50. SWEET. 204 Corbett bldg. Maii or A 5790. HO USES AND LOT S . Fine new 6-room house. East Lincoln, near 3ftth st., $2650, $500 cash, balance in stallments. 2 new 5-room cottages. East 18th St., one $2300, other $2400. installments. Good 5-room cottage, lot 48xSS, on car line; $13o0. $500 cash. New 6-room cottage, one. acre,' on car line. 10c fare; $2250, $500 cash. New 6-room house, 2 acres land, mile from car line, i3 acre cleared and in fruit. 5 good lots. East 21th on car line; $1750, $250 cash, balance installments. Fine lot. E. 27th St., fine trees and shade: $1250; trees worth the money. Good 5-room house, fine 50x100 lot, near E. Morrison -street car line; lots of fmit and ornamental trees; a beautiful home; $2750, half cash. CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1196. HALF ACRE TRACTS. " We are offering the best thing in acre or half acre tracts in Portland; water mains laid and terms of only 10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., 110 2d st. ARE YOU FROM MISSOURI? Come out and I will "show you" a bar gain in a new modern 5-room house; full basement, concrete block foundation and porch-pillars. Reception hall, pantry with bins. etc. ; bath ; everything to make a complete and attractive home. 171 E. 40th st. Take Mt. Tabor or Sunnyside car. Price $2400. Make me cash offer. Will rent $22.50. SWEET, 204 Corbett bldg. Main or A 5790. LEHMANN ACRE TRACT. On Salqm Electric Railroad. AN ACRE AT THE PRICE OF A LOT. Cleared land at a bargain; suitable for country homes; takes less time to get to this property than to University Park, Sell wood, Lents. Montavilla or Woodstock; soil is better and prices are about one third. THE CURTISS COMPANY. 309 Abington Bldg. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 50x1 0, all improvements In and paid, fine lawn, roses, plants, flowers, garden; concrete walks, 6-room house, concrete basement, wash trays, gas, electricity, combination fixtures, shades, screens, por celain plumbing, big closets, pass pantry, fine porches; ail tinted; 1 block from car; best surroundings. Must sell at once. , Terms to suit. If you mean business call on owner. 957 E. Flanders. IDEAL HOMESITE for sale; 4-acre tracts; will sell 4 acres or more of -rich land suit able for berries, grapes, etc.; lies on beau tiful ridge In Miiwaukie district, 20 minutes'- walk to Oregon City electric car; on Oregon City road; this is choice- prop erty and must be seen to be appreciated; will be sold subject to building restric tions. Write D. McLaren. R. 1, box 324, Miiwaukie, for quick answer; give phone number. EAST SIDE BARGAINS. - -New 8-room modern 2-story houtse; first class plumbing; piped for hut water heating plant; corner lot, near W.-W. carline; $2650; worth about $3500. 6-room cottage and 3 lots 150x100, corner south of Hawthorne ave., E. 13th; price only $3000. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. &. E. Ankeny. A SNAP in Sunnyside: 7-room modern house, 2 lots, beautifully terraced grounds, large , fruit nd shade trees, lots of roses and small shrubbery; a beautiful home; $2900, terms. A 5-room cottage, a beauty, at Annabel, all modern! $195o, $350 down, balance $20 per month. Spencer & Hogan, 511 Swetland bldg. $2300 7-ROOM modern house, corner lot, one block from streetcar; full basement, bath, electric light; (fixtures all com plete) fruit trees, nice lawn, street im proved; a well built house and is worth much more than price asked, but owner is going away and will sell at sacrifice; $1000 cash, balance to suit. Lucas & Hoover, 310 Swetland bldg. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $3050. No. 1 4, E. 30t h st., nea r An keny. Hot-water heat," fireplace, sidehuard. sta tionary tubs, cement walk, full lot. PLUMBING ALONE COST $1000. LAMONT & HARRIS. 303-4 Swetland bldg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW'. In Holladay Park Addition, 6 rooms, strict ly modern,- very nicely arranged and well built, only $425 : will sell on easy terms. CALL ON US. -COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg.. 100 4th St., near Wash. $6500 Nearly new store buftdfng and large lot; monthly income $60; will take y trade improved land. $31 5o Good 6-room modern house, 2 fine east front lots, in good locality. F. W. Reils, 015 Williams ave. $600 BUYS 4 lots well located in the First Electric Addition and within a block of the Swift Packing Plant holdings. This is a good buy, as values in this district are rapidly increasing. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, A good lot on the West Side, well located for good home. KNAPP & MACKEY. Room 7, Chamber of Commerce. DON'T pay rent. We nave homes on easy terms from $350 up to $2500; from $50 to $500 down and a small payment each month; lots $10 down and' $5 per month. 85 5th st. LOTS only 150 feet from Hawthorne ave., for only $10 down and $10 per month. CONKLIN BROS., 302 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 2S59. FOR SALE. 6 and 2-room cottage. 2 lots; Seaside, Clatsop, near Lockeley Hall. Inquire 1355 Garfield ave.. East Portland. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'T. D. A. TUFTS. 803 H WASHINGTON ST. FOR SALE Nice 5-room cottage, 4 fine . lots, in garden, chicken yard, barn; Sell wood. Leaving city. Easy terms. Owner, HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION Beautiful lot. improved; swell neighborhood, corner or in side, near both carl in es. F 868, Ore gonian. CHEAPER to buy a home than pay rent; $200 down, $15 per month. Haverstic & Gallagher, 343, room 6. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful 14 block, very desirable location, 1 block from car. Tel. Pacific 575. $2350 5-room bungalow just completed, East loth, between Mildred and Alberta; 'easy terms. 517 Chamber Commerce. $1550 New cottage, bath, gas, electric lights, sewers In. 7GS B. Gth. Owner, 208 4th; Pacific 2125 or Main3900. BUY from owner a 5-room bungalow, new, nodern, gas and electric; fine car service. B 849, Oregonian. $2400 N e w 6- room mod ern bu n ga 1 o w s, $300, $20 monthly. East 44th near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. IRVINGTON HOME This Is a bargain and you won't be disappointed; terms. E SSI, Oregonian. SNAP New house and two lotjs at Mount Tabor, $1100; terms. . Byrnes, 245 Morri son st. M. E. LEE sells Northrop acres. SEE Northrop Acrcg Today.. I. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHY DO YOU RENT? When you can buy on easy terms for, $0iKi0 Modern 12-rooih flat near 6th and College. This Is a splendid place. $5500 Swell home in Hawthorne Add. ; corner: you know that neighborhood. $5000 9-room house on Hoyt st.. Nob Hill; cheapest buy in that locality. 3200 5-room bungalow, furnished com plete; 3 lots. What more do you want? $.-000 Good 10-room double house on Corbett, on carline. high and sightly. $2550 Fine new cottage. $10 per month. Sunnyside. $1200 7-room house, near Union ave; and Alberta; fruit and berries. SOME CHOICE LOTS. $2000 In Hawthorne Park Addition. $1100 On Wasco-st. - $1HK On Weidier st. $soO On Hawthorne ave. $50 On East 26th st.; W.-W. car. $tffto On Hancock st. $OXrt On Broadway. 1 $350 On Tabor ave. , $275 On East 25th st. acre, right in city, handy to car; improved street and sidewalks; a gem for $1500. On some of the above lots I will build to suit and if there is nothing in this list to suit you, call at my office, as I have many more. J. R. STIPE. 223 Chamber of Commerce. SALEM CAR- LINE ACREAGE. SO aeiF, half cleared, good house and barn, fine orchard, close to car line. Per acre, $175. 36 acres, half under cultivation, small house, fine water, two acres in orchard. Only $175 per acre. ' , lO acres, half under cultivation, goo'l small nous, fine barn, close to school and car line; $425o. 4 acres, half in fruit?, close to station, school, store and church ; 8-room house ; $3250. 4 acre, all cleared, lays fine, close to school, car line. etc. Only $4tn per acre. ,35 acres, part under cultivation, small house and harn; car line through the place, close to station; $Hi0 per acre. It Pays to See Us. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 322 Chamber of Commerce. ' Phone Main 1652. PLACES FOR THE WISE WHO COME TO US FOR THE BEST BUYS $5500 Quarter block, strictly modern S room pesidence, furnace, gas, electric lights; ground alone worth $3500; It's an $Sooo place. Magnificent situation, close in, East Side. 360u Stylsh, new, strictly modern 8 room Colonial residence, large grounds. E. Davis t... in a ewell locality, near 30th. $2250 80x1 K feet, brautlful new, 6 room cottage, finished in elegant, style, modern plumbing. 2 blocks Archer Place. $1000 Quarter block, with small cottage, on East 25th st. You should not overlook these. We will wager- them against anything in the towr. for the price. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 24 Alder st. $1475 New 5-room and attic, $400 cash. $3000 New, modern 8-room house, fine neighborhood. Terms. $250H New 5-room bungalow, fireplace, $500 cash. $2500 6-room bungalow, corner, large attic. Terms. $3250 Modern S-room house, corner, on carllne ; West Side ; in good condition. Terms. $1900 New 5-room bungalow. Very fine. Room 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. ACREAGE. We have some that Is good, lays well, level, no gravel, and near car line, 25 min utes from First and Alder; will be sold in tracts from one to ten acres. See G. T. Parry, agent, on the ground, Wichita sta tion. Take E?tacada car. KNAPP & MACKEY,' Room 7, Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. 12 rooms, modern house ; bath and two separate toilets, gas and electric light throughout ; extra large lot, cor., 55x1 00; near North rup and 22d Bts. ; very desirable property, in excellent condition ; a great bargain ; $5000 handles it ; balance 6 per cent; bare lot worth $5000. Owner. H 843, Oregonian. . SUBURBAN LOTS. $270018 lots well located in the First Fiectric Addition and within a couple of blocks of the Swift packing plant hold ings. These are sure to increase and worthy of your immediate investigation. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Com merce. SIGHTLY residence lot, 50x100, Bull Run water, cement sidewalks and curbs1, all paid for; building restriction : 2 blocks from car service; price, $500, terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg:. 109 4th St., near Wash. ACRE tracts overlooking Rlverdale $1 10o to $1500 each ; (six for sale) r no finer view from Portland Heights; fir trees and. spring water: very little brush; 14 trains dally on the Oswego line; terms half cash and balance at 6 per cent. Chapin & Her low, S32 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. $900-3 acres bottom land, near Mii waukie and within 6 blocks of Miiwaukie Park station, a 25-minute ride from the city ; well improved farms eurround this property. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 9-room house with full lot, in very desirable residence location on West STfle. south of Morrison, for sale at a reasonable figure; for terms, etc.. see us. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO., 250 . Alder st. NOW IS THE TfME TO BUY YOUR HOME. See us r phone us and make engage ment. We have several splendid buys. No trouble to show. HEILMAN & LATHROP, Abington Bldg. A or Main 3126. $1200 $300 cash, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent, 4-room cottage, lot 40x100. built 143 years; 1 block to car. G. S. DRAPER, Room 20, Lafayette Bldg., Over German-American Bank. "APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE." CORNER 50x100. NEAR PARK AND JEFFERSON STS. Facing Park Blocks. No phone calls. LAMONT & HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg. $3250 6-room house, fireplace, furnace, full basement, bath, all modern conveniences; select neighborhood, Eapt Side; easy terms. WHITTEN & BRYANT. Main 1459. 535 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER of one of the finest West Side homes going to travel. Grand opportun ity to buy beautiful home, magnificent grounds, close in. .best locality. For par ticulars call 100 3d St., room 210. $7500 FOR a beautiful piece of acreage that should be placed on the market in single acre tracts. A royal profit In this for the man who plats. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In, and -farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stamp her, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Pretty new bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, just completed. Modern, walking distance. Call at 170V& 10th st., or phone Main 6267 for particulars. NEW, modern 7-room residence, attractively arranged, tastily finished; Wasco, near East 19th st., Holladay Park Addition. S 853. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Up-to-date modern new home, with or without furniture; leaving city. Call 1275 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Houses In Holladay Park and Holladay Add., also vacant lots; will build to suit purchaser. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco st. Both phone. $5.00 BUYS a good building lot; price reasonable; convenient to car; good neigh borhood. Purse. 823 Chamber of Com merce. M 7309. FOR SALE By owner, 100x100 lot in beauti ful Vernon, all put in with potatoes; cash, balance on terms. Inquire 1122 East 21st st.. N. $4000 Manufacturing property, 50x100, North Portland; $2000 house, bringing $20; easy terms. Harry Nlcolai (owner), 227 Davis st. 6-ROOM house. West Side; walking distance; nice view ; furnished or unfurnished; easy terms. R. Buetikofer. 265 Salmon t. HOLLADAY' S ADDITION Beautiful 8 room house, about perfect; two blocks from both carllnes. E 8SO, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co., 1224 0th st. Main 550. A 2537. NEW modern 6-room "house on Waverly Heights for sale on easy terms. Inquire of owner, 323 Abington bldg. FOR SALE In small tracts, 400 acres finest fruit land m Mosler Valley. Davenport Bros., 150 Front st. IRVINGTON LOT The best and cheapest, improved, near both carllnes; splendid buy. F 859, Oregonian. THREE acres, cleared, on Salem Electric; suitable for gardening. Owner. No agents. Y 833, Oregonian. FOR SALE One 8-room house, hot and cold water, electricity. . gas; West Side; close in. Phone Main 8168. M. E. LEE sells Northroo acres. SEE Northrop Acre Today. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. HOOD RIVER BARGAINS. 20 acres, finest kind of soil, lies well on main county road, only 3 miles from town; 14 acres In orchard as follows: 745 New towns and Spitzenbergs. 50 Jona thans. 25t Arkansas Blacks. 80 cherries. 80 pears and 20 peaches; 4o0 of these begin bearing this year. Small house, barn, sheds and good cold storage cellar with cement floor. Well fenced and best of all there is a large spring which gives plenty of free water for irrigating the entire 20. Unimproved land 2 and 3 miles farther out sells for $300 per acre, and you hat; to buy your water. This can be had for $0000 $300 per acre. You can double your money on this in 2 years. It sounds good, but it looks bet ter. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 5Q8-R09 Swetland bldg. MORE BARGAINS. House, 8 rooms, (some small), stone basement, bath, barn, good lot, 2 blocks to car, $1500; terms. Good 7-roomed house In University Park, close to car, modern, good . cement base ment, large lot, fruit. $3C00; terms. An excellent 7-roomed house in fine, sightly place, and all A-l houses around it; this house is new, well built,- modern, complete, fine plan; the whole property, including street improvements, walks, .and house, is complete; $3500; easiest terms. An excellent- 6-roomed house, modern, complete, full basement, full attic, fine plan, in Hawthorne Park, walking dis tance, $42CO; $2800 : cash. A $20 ox) house and lot to trade for acre age near the car, within 30 minutes ride of city. Two houses and lots, $2500 each, to trade for farms. B. S. COOK & CO., GILT-EDGE INVESTMENTS. fiOO-ft water front. 100x100 Wholesale site business district. 5'ixioo Ixng lease business district. $2200 5-room modern cottage, close in; $50O cash, balance $20 month. $1400 5-room modern cottagn at Stewart's Station: $350 ca.-sh, balance $15 month. 6 per cent. $2700 5-room modern bungalow, furnished complete: close In; terms. $25O0 100x100, 6-room cottage, fine grounds, close in; $1000 cash. Homes from $700 to $9000. Bargains in close-In and suburban lots. Money to loan, $500 to $25,000. Hotel to rent, brick. 45 rooms furnished complete, doing good business. EVANS & M'GARRY REAL ESTATE CO., 253 Washington st. FOR SALE In Beautiful Creston One 5 roora modern house. $2100; easy payments. Five new homes going up In Creston all on payments. One 7-room house; a snap, $2550. A fine 8-room house, $3300. A 5-room house, $2250. A 3-room house. $750. A 4-room house, $650. A few choice lots, also 1 room house. $345; also acres. A 60-acre farm $1650. All of the above on terms to suit you. Take Mt. Scott car. get ofC at Powell Valley road. A. Cowperthwait, Real Estate Office. 5 ACRES, level and under fine cultivation, nothing better for chicken ranch or small fruits; 15 minutes walk from 5c carline: easily worth $2S0O; if sold quickly, $2000 takes It; $05O cash,' $18 monthly. 1 acre, in city limit. less than 3 miles out. close to carline. with good 5-room house, over 100 best varieties fruit trees. 2O0 grape vines ; price $2000. THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark St. $1000 BUYS close-In fractional lot. East Washington, near East 9th. J'ust the place for fiat; will bring big income; also frac tional let. East -lOth.i near East Stark, suitable for flat. $35K buys lot on Union ave., near Halsev (business property), also 2 busi ness lots nn Union ave., near Going. HEILMAN & LATHROP. Main or A 3126. 210 Abington bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE $200. Brand new modern 6-room house on FJsst 27th st., on carline, furnace, gas range; gas fixtures, shades, in fact all ready to move into; never was lived in. $2no cash, bal ance $18 per month; 15 minutes from down town; key at our office. BOLLAM. GRUSSI & HIGLEYt 128 Third Street. ACREAGE. I can sell acreage from 1 to 12 acres at $300 per acre; well located, near Miiwaukie and onlv a few blocks from the carllne; this land la of good rich soil and suitable for fruit or vegetable cultivation, and all cleared. JAMES J. FLYNN. - 512 Chamber of Commerce. $2350 Two new 6-roora modern homes, very and desirable; East 18th and Going sts.; $2250 full lots, one a corner; -tetrma; own er returning to California; mustell; only $500 cash, same as rent for bal ance. A. H. BIRRELL. 203 McKay-BUg.. Third and Stark, $1025 FOR a fine new home that must be sold at once; 6-rooms, fiber plastered and tinted; reception hall; beamed ceiling with beautiful paneled walU. porcelain, bath, lavatory, toilet and bt plumbing; con crete basement: graded street ; dose to-car: can make terms.. Portland Homes Co., 2o4 Morrison st. FOR SALE or rent, best-built furnished eight-room house. East Seaside; unob structed view of ocean bar: woodshed or stable, boat; strong trees for windbreak; alt for $i500; lot 60x100, with river beach extending to deep water. Call 3 to 8 P. M.. 287 N. 25th, near Pettygrove. A PEACH. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, hardwood flours, Dutch kitchen, basement with laun rirv tubs: it's just the little home you are looking for; price, with terms, $33o0. ZIMMERMAN. M 1073. 5-l Corbett Bldg. SNAP. 3 full lots and good L5-room house. East Glisan, only $1650; terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. $3100 6-room new and modern home: con crete basement, large bathroom, full lot, 50x100, choice location, close in on East Side. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN In large 8-room strictly residence block of ground; choice shrubbery. clo--e in, near Hawthorne ave.; goes at great sacri fice for cash. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $3500 Neat 5-room bungalow. 3 lots, con venient to car: $500 cash, balance monthly. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE An elegant 7-room nil modern house, full cement basement, lot 5"xl2S. east front. Piedmont ; only $3oo0; easy terms. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay bldg. NO. 389 11TH NEAR MONTGOMERY. $7500 Modern 9-room house, 2 bath rooms, open grate, nice lawn, full lot. LAMONT & HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg. VACANT lots at Peninsula Station, $10 down and $5 per month, and furnish ab stract, showing good and sufficient title. See Cooper & Co., 40'J, East Morrison st. $1K0 Nice 5-room cottage at Creston. near Mt. Scott carline; high and sightly ; $3C0 cash, balance monthly; a snap. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Owner must sell modern -room house at once; easy terms; $27M ; worth $3250: 12-minute car services; East Side. Phone Woodlawn 1296. MILLARD AVENUE, 2 blocks car, . 5 rooms, pantry, bath and toilet, wired for elec tricity, $1500; $700 cash. bal. 20 per month. Owner, K 879, Oregonian. D-ROOM house In good shape, lot 40xloo. woodshed, chicken-house, city water, fruit ; year's stove wood in shed; $000; a snap. 4 Cobb. xs we lis r argo Ding. OWNER of beautiful lrvington tj block wishes to realize ready cash. Kindly call IVAtUj 3d st.. room 210 or address K 874, Oregonian, and will call. FOR SALE Modern 10-room house, near 20th and Washington;, this Is a bargain; one-half down, balance at 6 p;r cent. D 876. Oregonian. $1750 5-room modern cottage; double construction, cny vaiwr, iul iuaiov, nne suburb; close to carllne; $500 cash. 3'-Q Dekum bldg. WANTED About 30 acres on East Side. 7 to 10 miles from Morrison-st. bridge; give description, location and price. & 876, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop erty, beautiful Seaside lots; terms. In quire 242 Grand aw. South. $850 Small cottage, lot 50x85, furniture: Alberta and Woodlawn cars; terms. 473 Mildred ave. Fine lot. Wasco St.. Holladay Park; gas. water, cement walks; terms. Y 871, Oregonian. A $50 CERTIFICATE for $15; good on any lot in Waverlelgh. 14 7 Surman. L. car. TWO lots, 25x100. lrvington Park, $100 each; prefer cash. C 853 Oregonian. FOR SALE at a sacrifice Corner lot near Ockley Green. Phone Woodlawn 1433. COTTAGE, $10 Half block car. 546 Bast 30th st. Phone Sellwood 002. FOR SALE $."K certificate on Waverlelgh. Phone M. 20S0. M-. E. LEE sells Northroo acres. SEE Northrop Acres Today. FOR SAI.E REAL ESTATE. CHOOSE TB! 24th st. Corner, 8-room residence, $7500. Overton 7-room houe. $7000. 24th- 8-room hotise. $t;25o. 22d 10-room house, $H.noo. Northup il-room house, $50. Kearney 8-room house. $M5t'0. Hnyt 7-room house, $500o. Glisan 10-room house. $sooo. . Everett 8-room house, $65"0. Everett 7-room cottage. $4750. loth Corner, 10-room house, $6000. loth 7-room house, $5250. 1 1th Corner, 7 rooms, $5000. 5th 8-room house. $4500. Jefferson 7-room house, $5200. Lincoln 8-room house. ?4ko. Main 7-room hoiife, $4."rfH. M a rk e t 7 - roo rn h o u se , $32o0. Mill st. 5-room co 1 1 a ge , $3H50. Gihbs st. Corner, 9-room hu. $3250. Corbett st. 6-room house, $2SO0. Front st. Corner, 7-room house, $4000. These and many others. GOLD SO H M I DT" S AGENCY. 253 Washington, Cor. Third. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $1500 cash will buy fine building site, 6Ox50, with charming outlook over city and rivers; on West Side, not high up and easy walking distance. - . Another good one: $2000; 90x105, with ex cavation, ready for house, and driveway right up to the properly; car service close on each side and walking distance. fce? owner. We will sell beautiful tract of nearly 3 acres fronting on the Oregon City carline. all black soil, level and running water; an ideal location for florist or gardener: price $l.(oo. B. S. Cook & Co., 50 Corbett bldg. NOB HILL. C-ROOM modern house on MarshalL near 23d. This property Is in splendla condition and interior finish Is pood. This, is a bargain offered for a short time at $5500; terms. JOHN P. SHARKEY CO., Gth St. 100x300 4STH ST., on carline. lota of fruit, house, barn and windmill ; $:!OoO; terms. looxlio, on carline, 3-roo 111 houaa and barn, $1600; ternus. 12 in lrvington on 31st st., $4250; terms. 1 block of lots. Upper Albina, good house and barn, plenty fruit, $75oo; terms;. Lots on Williams ave., $llm. A first-class milling proposition, with plenty of timber, i$2o,OOM; terms. - KINNEY & STAMPHER. Main 44b6. 531-532 Lumber Ex. Bldg. FOR SALE One lot in Albion Aflfl.. on Peninsula. This single lot will be sold at such a price that the purchaser can make quick profit. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. M1IAVAUKIH ACREAGE.' $3000 buys 12 acres rich land within 25 minute ride from the city, 7,-j-cent car fare, and within 0 blocks of the carllne, Miiwaukie Tark Siation. The land has been cleared , and is right on Kellogg Creek ; 6 acres good fruit land, the other 6 a'rea bottom -land. . This is a bargain; investi gate it. JAMES J. FLYNN. 512 Chamber of . Commerce. WANT A GOOD HOM B CHEAP? $2540 For a modern 6-room house close In ; fine neighborhood ; $5oo cash, balanci to suit; fine chance fur people who want to save rent. $5oon For strictly modern 8-room house, near Stefil bridge; high-class neighborhood ; could not be duplicated for less than $6000; 3,a cash wilt handle it. F. FUCHS, 221 !i Morrison et. MODERN 8-room hou5e, on Wert Side; fur nace, fireplaco, hardwood floors, In giMxi location. Nice 5-room bungalow, corner lot. good car service, and within walking distance of Burnside bridge. New 4-room cottage, full lot, eay terms. O. M. SMITH. 415 Commercial Club bldg. 5-ROOM new bungalow, paneled, dining room, tinted walls, china closet, bath and electric light. Price $2300 ; . $200 cash. ti-room modern house; corner; lino location. Price $utit0. See photograph at office, 6-room new house, fireplace; lot 50K 100. Price $ I' unit; good terms. FRARY- &- SEITZ. 132 5th st COLONIAL HEIGHTS. Full lot, 0 room, modern, living-room with ftr.p!ace. dining-room with fireplace. 4 bedrooint. one with fireplace, one finished room in attic; the place is delightfully sit uated In fine location and within walking distance. ZIMMERMAN. M 1675. 521 Corbett Bldg. $22.00 Each rent, two 6-room modern cot tiiges; cement floors and wal ks, hth. stationary wash tubs; vrjr desirable ; Roosevelt, near 22d st. ; choice location ; in excellent condi tion, t A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg.. Third nnd Starlc. G-KOOM modern' house : linen closet, hath, woodlift. basement; '2 lots, each 10OxMf feet; lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery; price. S1500; terms1. ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. Merchants Trust Bldg.. 0th and Wash. WILL sacrifice jny new bungalow, carpets, shades . and fixtures on account of sW-lc-lvess; cor. 50x1 1 ; the porch Is 10 fet wide, 50 feet long on tyo sides; must b seen to be appreciated. For particulars' call room. 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. $.S50o D-room modern home, fulj basement, finished attic, hardwood floors, t wo fire places and modern convenience; full lot, choice location. Nob Hill, near 20th st. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Com merce. 5-RO M COTTAOR. COR. LOT. $:WO. Nice cottace and corner lot. 50x1 00. Bast 45th St., ntar ' Kelmmt, $1K50; $ cwsh, balance $15 per month ; bents paying ,-cnt. BOLLAM. GRUSST &- H Id LEY, 128 Third Street. IRVINOTi N Hi MK. $4on0 C-room modern home, with full concrete basement, bat h room, pantry and fireplace; full lot. --cast front. plenty of roses-, fruit trees and large lawn. James J. Flynn. 512 Chamhi-r of Commerce. . $22.otHt For sale. N. W. corner of 1 2t h ami Lovejoy. l0OHUl. close to North Bank R. R.; best place for warehouse or will build to suit tenants, from 3 to 6 stories. Call 712 E. Taylor. 8-ROOM house on East 28th St., corner, all modern: this is a home; only $2750, cash, rest on terms. CONKLIN" BROS.. 302 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 2850. BRAND n-'w bunjralow of five rooms; tilsd bath, best of plumbing, etc. ; $-00 down, bal u nee $-0 per month. DARXEY & DA BXEY. 412 Commercial block. Phone Main 5S66. NEW tract. Nut- Grove annex; large lots, natural trees, water, school, boulevard ; in stallments; come early; get first choice. Zella Gossett, Riverside office, St. John ear. VANCOUVER 2 cottages. 6 rooms each; lot looxIOO, 2 blocks from high school; prle $:i4KO. SHI or i rade for house on East Side. Room 23, Cambridge bldg. A 3717. THB finest f oux1 00 on the mar1:n in Vernon, east front: a little cash, balance monthly, and very cheap; must go this we It. Phone owner Sunday or Monday. Woodlawn 620. BEST buy on Killingsworth ave.; corner. Sox ion. Patton ave. ; lmxlH). Have-lock : in stallment property. Zeila Goyott, .River side office, St. John car. FOR SA LE $750, by owner, full-sized cor ner lot, streets giaded, water, fewer, lawn and gitrden; , 3-rnooi box house. Corner Humboldt and KrUy. Fl VE. 10 and 15-acretractH full l. earing or chard. Southern Oregon : would exchange for Portland property. 11 S01, Oregonian. DO YOU want a home? If so. see this S room house In lrvington : verv cheap. HARMON. 25 CONCORD BUILDING. $36,0iM For s:i1e. a part in new brick building netting 10 per cent; leased 20 years. Call 712 E. Taylor. CHOICE LOTS, oitxioo. near Alncrta-st. car; terms. S. C. Pritley. 1015 East 33d at. N. Phone Woodlawn 022. 8-ROOM modern house. East !th and $3750. Fred G. Con ley, 471 East Phone East 2to. Ash, Ash. $1000 New. modern 5-room cottage facing carllne; terms. Apply 328 7th St., or phone Tabor 106. 23 LOTS near Hawthorne ave., for sale very cheap for cash. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $2000 Buys new 5-room bungalow at 477 Ox fordv Woodlawn car; terms. Owner, 620 Ainsworth. $75 PER lOT. (Waverlelgh Heights), fvveti by purchasing credit certificate from Pa cific 071. M. E. LEE sells Northrop acres. SEE Northrop Acres Today.