THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND. MAY 3. 1908. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. KEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. ' -FOR CLOSE-IN SIGHTLY RESTRICTED RESIDENCE Take Mississippi - Avenue car, ask for Transfer to the Russell-Shaver car; get off at the end of the carline and SEE OVERLOOK AGENTS ON GROUND A. F. Swensson S Co. 253 1-2 Washington Street. Phone: Main 3055 and A 3055 Always Look I tor X Our Adver-1 tisetnents i Our reputation of 21 years' standing insures our clients fair 1 and honorable treatment. i i We handle only such property as we can recommend. $ . I i Portland Trust Company 1 of Oregon i S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. j I $5000 To the man who has a few thou sand dollars, who helieves in Port land and its future, and is familiar with its real estate values, I can show the best investment in realty open today. Come in Monday. Ask for Mr. Beyer. Columbia Trust Company 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., Near Wash. 19 Acres f. mllvB southeast from Courthouse: all In cultivation; old house of 6. rooms; large barn; large bearing orchard; good well and spring; on good road. Price reasonable. J. L. WELLS CO. 306 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OH YES! A HOME? From the Humble cottage to a beauti ful mansion. House and lot $550 1550 3500 SGOOO 850 8S200 S4250 S9000 81200 S300O SSOOO In addition to the above, we have lots in all pans of the city, and some 45 hy 116, $10 down, and can build to suit. See us. STEVENSON AND TAYLOR, Room 311 Buchanan Bldg., 286 Vi Washington. For Suburban Homes We surely have them. Here's one of our many 5 acres, 1000 feet facing the carline and on a graded county road, with a 9-room home, enjoying all the natural attractions that give the charm to urban life, as a gushing spring of pure water and parks of native trees and many other things that you could see. For further Information see Stevenson & Taylor 311 Buchanan, 2S6V4 Wash. St. COOK 6 TRUBY Real estate, timber lands, general brokerage business. Phone A 2184. Room 511, Corbett Building. JR550 AND IP will secure a fine huiiding lot between Broadway and Hancock St., cement sidewalks, etc.. all paid for; 10 per cent down and 3 rer cent month. Don't fall to see Davis nvestment Co. before these lots are ull gone. 16 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. GEORGB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 22 Worcester Building. FhoB aUla 8371. A FEW GOOD ONES $8500 Full block on Portland Heights good view. $7000 Lot and 6-room cottage on Kearney street. $7000 l29x200-foot lot and 8-room modern house, in 'Walnut Park. $3900 Lot 60x60 and 5-room cottage, Port land Heights; $1200 down and balance $25 per month. $2500 5-room house with lot 50x110 feet, on Sellwood 6ti'cet. And more at the- office. For rent, 9-room modern house, 657 Everett street. HUMASON & JEFFERY 226 Stark Street. Phone M. 1189. THIRD STREET 40x75 feet on the west side of 3d St., between Jefferson and Colum bia sts. . 25x100 feet on the east side of 3d, between Flanders and Glisan sts. . MONTGOMERY ST. 50x100 feet south side of Montgom ery, between 2d and 3d sts.; .choice residence lots. . . HALL, STREET 50x100 feet on the north side of Hall st., 100 feet west of 14th st. NORTHRUP STREET 37V2xl0O feet on the north side of Northrup, near 26th st. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 220 Stark St. HOOD RIVE THE FINEST ORCHARD WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT IN HOOD RIVER VAU LEY ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. 40 ACRES FULL BEARING SPITZES, NKVTOVTVS, ORTLEYS AND JONATHANS. IF VOU CONTEMPLATE APPLE-RA1S-INO FROM A COMMERCIAL STAND POINT. DOST OVERLOOK THIS. COMBINE A IANIFICENT COUN TRY ESTATE WITH A PRINCELY INCOME Mac Rae 6 Angus 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ONLY THREE LEFT. First Come, First Served Your choice of those new modern 6 room houses, in splendid neighborhood, served by two car lines: r 392 North 24th St., between Thurman and Cpshur. . 391 Guild St., between Thurman and Upshur. 393 Guild St. , 1100 down. 2i per month. FIDELITY TRUST CO., Owner 4041 Commercial Block. PhoncHi Main 447, A 1445. WAREHOUSE! PROPERTY lOOxlOO Full quarter block on the cor ner of Fifth and Flanders. This property is admirably located, and the price is far below the market value. We can furnish good tenant who will take a 20-year lease on 3-story building at a rental that will pay 10 per cent on the investment. LUCAS & HOOVER Room 310, Swetland Bldg. Ineteenth Street Fractional Corner for Flats, $3500 GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY 253V2 Washington, Corner Third. A Charming Place in Sunnyside K. Madison, near 3uth, 6-room bunga low, ideal and complete. Modern in de sign and finish. Full concrete base ment. Only $30?0. Hardly the cost of the house. Satisfactory terms. The Dunn-Lawrence Company Ho. 248 Alder St. AHOIf FOR 100 Tou can enjoy life In a home s of your own on s Hawthorne Ave. and East 48th Street Be thrifty. Buy a lot In Sewickly Which is the first stepping stone to a home all your own. The population is rapidly moving toward this point, which will greatly increase the value of your investment. Kighteen homes built on our property in last four months. GO OUT TODAY AND SEE. LOTS $475 to $700 $10 month month . What is safer than real estate? Take Hawthorne ave. or Mount Scott car at 1st and Alder sts., and ride to East 48th St. Branch office on corner. Agent in attendance, rain or shine. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO. 10 SECOND STREET. It. A. Taylor, Agent on Ground. ! VIEW PROPERTY PORTLAND HEIGHTS Arc you tonkins for a building site on Portland Heights with an unob structed view? Do you know iiow very few building sites can be had with a broad and an unobstructed view? Let us tell you that they are very rare. This property has a splendid future and now is the time to secure a location before they are all gone and prices go up. Read our list below : 90x124, , east view, gentle J25Q 97x104. north view, on Mont- tlCfin gomery Drive 01 wUU 100x142, north view, on Mont- OOnfjn gomery Drive OlUUU 93x100, east and north view, tfOKfifl gentle slope... , d&jUU 142x200, north view, on Mont- OOflflfl gomery Drive.. OOUUU 100x100, north, west and east J25QQ 100x100, north view, choice CAnnft location 04UUU 100x128, broad north view, . CCCRfl choice location vwvUU 100x129, triangle, broad north CCPflfl east and west view wOliUw Let us talk with you about view firoperty. We are specialists in this ine and can locate you. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO. 122 4 Sixth St. Bollam, Grussi &Higley 12S Third St. INVESTMENTS $10 $12 $15 $21 $45 000 hi block, 2 flats, room for 4 more; on 1st St., South. 500 New Hotel, West Side, leased for 11 years; income, $12,000 In 10 years. . 000 000 000 Fine piece of business property, leased 3 years, $llj per mo'nth. hi block, 4 modern 9-room houses; close in. West Side; Income, $135 per month. 3-story brick, on Yamhill St., corner lot; worth $50,000. Bollam, Grussi &Higley 128 Third St. Before Buying Elsewhere GO AND SEE Those beautiful lots in Caesar Park, on Killingsworth avenue, east of Piedmont, commencing on Ninth street, running to Four teenth; Bull-Run water, gas and electric lights. Three blocks from Alberta street car. Ten per cent cash; $10 per month. O'Brien Realty Co. 301 McKay Bldg. Gone to San Francisco To see the fleet. During my absence my office force will continue to handle '.'live" real estate only. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. COBB, 503 Welis-Fargo Bldg. 3uliivide3 and "sells on the .develop ment plan. Walnut, orchard and gar den lands. Write for particulars. One to ten acres. L advertTse portland Dr. Stratton, of Balti-' more, wrote a story about this city and its people so good and so true that our Commer cial' Club paid him The story is a literary gem and should be read, not only by every, resi dent of Portland, but by every citizen of these United States. This story has been, printed by our Commercial .Club in a neat little booklet, just the size to go in a small letter envelope. 100,000 Copies Will Be To citizens of Portland for the purpose of, a widespread distribution. Every letter that any resident of. Oregon may write to arone outside of the state should con tain one of these little booklets. It can be made to take the place of a letter to your Eastern friends. It will tell them all you have want ed to write, but haven't 'had time. . , " These booklets will be distributed by KARTMAN& THOMPSON . Bankers. Chamber of Commerce. Call there any , day this week and get as many copies as you want; or phone your name and address, stat ing the number you can use, and they will, be sent to you. ADVERTISE PORTLAND GIVEN AWAY TODAY Is the time to make the in vestment in real estate, either for a home or for an investment. It is our aim and desire to place on the market this first-class prop erty at a very low price, so that those desiring to make small monthly payments can in a few years own their own homes,' AND "We wish to call your atten tion to the beautiful Addi tion of Lorrinton. Lots 5QxlOO at from $210 up; streets . 60 feet wide and graded and water mains laid to every lot. Never comes, so that today is the time to act. Tako a W. W. car at Third and Yamhill; get off at Wood stock; the sign at the sta tion points the way to Lor rinton. E Investment' Co. I Phone Sellwood 1234. Agent always on the ground. . J 2V2 ACRES Adjoining Irvington $7750 Good 7-room house, elec tricity, Bull Run watert 500 feet cement- sidewalk, arid newly-graveled street, in cluded in price; 60 fruit trees," in bloom; garden. A beautiful country place right in town. "Will soon be off the market. ' , E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Block on Portland Heights Why buy a single lot when we can sell you a whole block for the price of a lot? Best view and best part of close-in Heights property ready to build on. See us. Vaughn & Burt 402 Corbett bldg. 20 ACRES RIVERSIDE Above Milwaukle's fine' macadamized road; In front, and gentle slope to river with 700 feet waterfront; prettiest tract on the river; near car; five acres along the river Is worth price of the whole; an op tion on this will expire May 5. B. s. cook & CO. 508 Corbett bid. For River Front Acreage Lots At the foot of Center Ave., Oak Grove, See THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO, 248 ALDER STREET FOR SALE IN HOLLA DAT S ADD. Artis tic 7-room house, with large attic, just finished, complete In detail, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, plastered base " ment, electric and gas fixtures, enameled kitchen, bathroom and toilet: extra toilet in basement. 3 laundry trays, large fire place ; house substantially built, double constructed throughout, artistically fin ished; must he seen to be appreciated; N. W. cor. E. ltfth and Halsey; open Sunday. Phone East 5209. Salem Electric Line Acreage at stations on Oregon Elec tric Railwav for sale in 5-acre tracts or more, $123.00 per acre and up. Terms to suit purchasers. J. HlXXl.VG, 426 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 4481. $3500 6-room modern house, on East An keny St., facing south, built years: well arranged rooms, interior and ex terior in pink of condition, tinted and painted within past month, beautiful lawn, choice roses; a new home on either side; house would rent for $30. Call S. Raxworthy. 697-Marshall st. Special Buy 220 feet on Columbia Boulevard by 125 on Peninsula Ave. An ideal busi ness location at attractive price. JACKSON HERRING, .S4U Stark St. TOMORROW h i OUR The Last acmice I adveitised sold the same day, and three clients were disappointed be cause they did not get to the office early enough in the morning to make a deposit. I offer a Still Greater acrifice For Tomorrow $21,000 Cash 18 Net Guaranteed to be the best investment I haje known of since I have lived in Portland. This is as safe as a U. S. gold bond and fahould interest the monej-loaners. Don't let this oppor tunity pass if you have the money. 204 Corbett Building Special 4000 acres cleared land in Willamette Valley Proposed electric line will pass through it; Is now close to railroad and suitable for all kinds of grain, clover, hay, dairying and fruitgrow ing; will be sold in tracts to suit pur chaser at prices ranging from $22.00 to $35.00 per acre, on easy terms, at a low rate of interest. Lambert-Whitmer Company Sherlock Building. . Grant Street Addition SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF 7TH AND GRANT STS., Now On Sale Prices $900 to $2000 TERMS TO SUIT. MONTHLY IN STALLMENTS IF WANTED. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. $50,000 A very desirable lot, suitable for business purposes, on the southeast corner of Stark and 11th streets. Splendid location for a hotel. Inspect this. For full particulars apply to Charles K. Henry S Son 250 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. WEST SIDE Beautiful 1 0-Room Home Magnificent grounds, extra size, swellest part of city, close in. ' Owner going to travel. Heilman & Lathrop Abington Building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots with unobstructed view: all city Improvements; near car and walking dis tance. Have been offered $2000 for one lot. I must sell, so look at them and sub mit offer. OWNER, Room 315 Couch bldg. 50CITYACRES To plat; "West Side and only 114 miles from City Hall: grand view of River and mountains; a 200 per cent snap. Address "M," P. O. Box 745. $5250 UOxlOO S. E. corner Shaver and Montana ave.; present Income $1,196 per annum: 06 2-3xH0 on corner, vacant, easily worth $1500; no better buy in the city; must have $2750 cash. Call S. Raxworthy, 697 Marshall St. 10 Acres on Peninsula Must t be sold at once. A bargain. T11K CROSSLEV CO.. 70b and 709 Corbett Bldg. . . CHAPMAN INVESTMENTS IRCOUE PROPERTY C10 flfin Modern flats, Nob Hill 4IU,UUU di.stri(.t near Washington street, lot 60x100 feet 9 FER CENT NET income. $17 Cnn Modern apartment-house, fvwv V! k'alkiua' rlistanep Wptr. oiae ii 1-tiB CENT NET income. COR nflfl r"n quarter block, within .J,UUU 7 blocks of ij. s Custom House, partly improved, but paying 7 PER CENT NET. C97 Ilfin 3-story Front st., fLI ,UUU fun ot iong iease. paying 9 PER CENT NET. $27 fldn Mo(lern aprtment-housc, Jfl.1 ,UUU choice location, walking distance; rentals more than NET 10 PER CENT. $30 OOfl IofIern apartment build 4UU,UUU jngf choice corner, near Washington street and within walk ing, distance 10 PER CENT NET in come. W) nflfl Modern 3-story brick, full PU,UUU quarter block; choicest lo cation, East Side; good lease 8 PER CENT NET revenue. James J. Flynn 512 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Beaverton-Reedville LOCATION Only 10 miles west of Portland, with railwav station in cen ter and electric line surveyed through tract. We have subdivided into 5 to 10-acre lots a number of the finest farms In Oregon, each tract opening on n well-graded street or road. The soil Is rich and hpcclally adapted to highly remunerative small farming. DEVELOPMENT We have just pur chased another large farm to add to the already large area, and are spend ing thousands of dollars In develop ment This is the largest body of rich, lands ever offered in small tracts near a large city in Oregon. PURCHASES These tracts are rec ommended for homes and for invest ments. No one has yet expressed dis appointment after having seen them. New houses and other Improvements attest tho public appreciation. TERMS We make reasonable terms to those unable to pay all down for tracts. REMARKS We require no hand wagon displays nor Sunday excursions, but sell these tracts strictly on their merits. Write or call for full particulars and make your selections as soon as prac ticable. The SHAW-FEAR CO. 245 Vi STARK STREET. 7SOO Square I OF PROPERTY i IN THE BEST I Warehouse I District j In the city, fronting on two I streets. We handle only such property I as we can recommend. i I 1 I Portland Trust Company I of Oregon I S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. $5500 HOME E. Ankeny. corner 20th (No. 6!)4 R Ankeny), modern home; streets Improved; cement walks; cement base ment: furnace. A tine home; excellent neighborhood. Can be had on very easy terms. Sengs take & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. Absolute Bargains 2 sections Klamath Co. lands; will take at par Title Trust or Merchants National paper, li you want a snap, can at zvsva Stark St. McKinley Mitchell Hood River Fruit land i!0-acre tract. 1 mile from Mosler. on county road, 3 acros cleared, balance gmali oak and brush, easily cleared; tine spring;. A Krand view of mountains, railroad and Columbia River, J7T per acre; terms to suil lf you want an ideal Summer home and a fine piece fruit land. look, this up. Nj agents. -Owner. S 873, Oregontan. FOR SALE Yamhill County farm; 25 acres hops: 15 in choice prunes: best of soil; excellent apple or walnut iand; bargain price. For information call on McKIXLBY MITCHELL,, 211",4 Stark st. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Tf you are. see me. 1 will furnish your plans free and save you money, it will pay you to Investigate. Office 100S';i Belmont St. 1'hone B X3. Acreage 0 3