SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VOL. XXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 1908. NO. 18. "Nemo," "W.B." and "C. B. a la Spirite" Corsets Fitted by the ONLY Expert Corsetiere in Portland Mail Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers $1-$1.25 White Wash Belts 69c White Embroidered "Wash Belts, all new and beautiful deslpns. very fine white Qj pearl bucHles, $1.00. 1.25 values Vi'V 1.00 ELASTIC BELTS, 65c. White, blue and ohik Elastic Belts, fane ribbon designs, (1.00 values, special 6dC Established 1 850-FI FT Y-EIGHT YEARS IN BU3INESS-Establishedl850 -Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered O.r Prices Are Always the Lowest Songs Instrumental Dearest, Sweetest, Best. . . . Bye, Bye, Dearie. I Can't Find An other Girl Like You. Summertime. Idaho. My Very Own. Fawn Eyes. . ' Triumph of Colors. Shillalallo. Marlutch. Cotton Rag. Chocolate Drop. Le Fluffy Ruffle. Choice lc extra for postage Vals. to $3.50 at 98c Yd. Vals. to $2.50 at 33c Yd. This is the greatest sale of Embroidery we have ever held the prettiest Embroideries for the price we have ever seen. An advantageous pur chase enables us to put these new Embroideries on sale Monday at a price that should sweep the counters. Great variety of Swiss, batiste, nainsook and cambric edges, insertions, galoons, medallions, flounces, corset cover edges, waistings andallovers. Val. to $3.50, choice 98c 42-Yd. Embroidery Strips 1 AQH 6-Yd. Embroidery Strips A sensational clearance sale of Embroidery Strips swiss, nain sook and cambric edges, insertions, bands, flounces, corset cover embroidery, etc. Values to 50c yard. On Center Bargain Table at A STRIP Vals. to $2.25 mmmDrirr l tW HI! Ill MM 63c mil At 33 cents a yard we have gathered about 8000 yards of Embroideries the values running all the way up to $2.50 a yard. There are Swiss, nainsook and cambric edges, insertions, - galoons, flounces and corset cover edges, 4 to 20 inches wide. A variety of choice patterns and designs to choose from in French, English eyelet, soutache and filet effects. Values up to $2.50 the yard. While they last take your chci-e at Another sensational value in Embroidery Strips : swiss, nainsook and cambric edges, insertions,, bands, flounces, corset cover em broidery, etc. Values to 50c yard. On Center Bargain Table at A STRIP Vals. to $3.00 3000 colored Pongees Reg. $125 Val. 95c Yd. Just received by express 3000 yards of Colored Pongees, similar to the assortment that created so much excitement here two weeks ago. The most desirable dress fabric of the season in all the new shades. Regular $1.25 QEC values JC "Bonnet" Black Taffetas Our '$1.00 Grade, 79c Our $1.75 Grade $1.59 Our $1.25 Grade, 87c Our $2.00 Grade$ 1.69 7000 yards Black "Bonnet" Taffetas, the best quality made, for shirtwaist suits and, tailor suits Reg. $123 Crepe de Chine 98c yd. 3000 yards Crepe de Chine, all pure silk, in white, cream, Copenhagen, light blue, pink, lavender, champagne qq and black. Regular $1.25 value 57 OC Reg. $1.00 Natural Pongee ?9c 3000 yards natural color Imported Pongee, all pure silk. Notice how mucn it s worn Dy tne more tasnion- -tq able dressers. Regular $1.00 value, vard SC I V 75c Rib Underwear 53c $1.38 Union Suits at 98c "Women's Swiss ribbed vests, low neck, no sleeves, with lace or crochet edge, silk tapes, etc.; 75c CO quality DOC Women's fine quality Ribbed Umbrella rants, deep lace edge, 75c quality, 53c "Women's fine Swiss ribbed Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, $1.38 quality 98c 'j Rough Pongee Tailored Suits $30-$35 Vals. $19.65 The most desirable of all garments for Spring and Summer wear are these Rough Pongee and Rajah Silk Tailored Suits. Smart half-fitting oats, strictly, tailored and plaited skirts. The colorings are different, from the ordinary suits and the fabric hangs smartly. Strictly tailored with collars and cuffs trimmed in con- trasting shades of self material. . Colors are copen " hagen, lavender, light blue, framboise, natural, navy, deep champagne, leather, old rose and porcelain. t They're the kind that have sold the season through at $30.00 and $35.00. They're a most remarkable special for ri fl f J? Monday at p lt7(QD Hand-Embroidered Lingerie Waists Regular $7.50 Values $3.79 Lipman, Wolfe & Co. place on sale 84 exquisitely beautiful Hand Embroidered Waists of fine quality white lingerie. The entire ycke is made of fine pin, tucking and narrow plaits; the front is hand-embroidered. The collar and cuffs are made with three rows of lace insertion; elbow sleeves. Selling regularly 7f at $7.50. Monday sale. L 7 3000 FANCY VEILS Val. to $2.75 at 95c 30QO of the most fashionable Novelty Veils In the most desirable shades of brown, allce bine, Copenhagen, grray, purple, new green, black, yarngt, navy, tan and champagne. 1, 2 and 3 yards long, with chenille doti rlbbon.vel vct and chenille border. A great va rlety of new designs l.t single and double widths, self-colored and tvro toned effects. No old patterns and no common patterns. All Just received from New York many of them ex treme novelties. Regularly sold at S1..Q, S2.QQ, $2.35, 2-50 and $2.75. On sale. 95c Lace Sale -Vals. to $3.50 Yd. 98c Thousands of yards and scores of patterns in this magnificent, large assortment of the sea son's most desirable laces white, cream, ecru and black Venise, baby Irish and net laces, insertions, galloons, appliques and allovers. Values sold regularly up to $3.50 yard. On Sale Monday for only . 98c Sensational sale of Cream Wool Dress Goods 50c quality figured Mohair Bril liantines, 36c inches OQ wide, at, the yard......''' 60c quality, all-wool French Ba tistes, 38 inches wide, A2 at, yard xOC 75c quality Imported Mo'aair Brilliantines and Sicilians, high luster; 44 inches wide, CQ at, yard..... UiJC $1.25 quality all-wool Cream English Yachting Serge, 50 ins. wide, on sale at, the $1.00 quality all-wool Taffetas and Mohair tines, 44-inch, at, yard. Brillian- QO. $1.25 quality silk and wool Mar quisette Voiles, stripes QQ md checks, at, yard...'0' $1.25 quality French Poplin Wool Taffetas and Voiles, 44 inches wide, ivory and QO .cream, at, yard 17 OC $1.50 quality 50 inch Panamas. Yachting Serge, Bedford Cord and Stripe Serges, QQ at, the yard pi.6i7 The May Sale of Muslin Underwear In Beauty and Quality as Well as the Wonderful Prices, This Sale Surpasses Any Effort of the Past $3.00 Skirts for $1.69 Cambric Skirts of good quality. With deep lawn flounce, daintily trimmed; values up to $3.00. $2.25 Skirts for $1.39 Cambric Skirts with deep flounce, daintily trimmed with fine laces, etc. Values up to $2.25.. Skirt Vals. to $5 at $1.98 Extra Fine Quality Skirts, with deep lawn flounces daintily trimmed In various styles. Values to $5.09 each. 65c Drawer for Only 39 Cambric Drawers, deep ruffle, with lace Insertion; 65c values. $1.25 Drawers for 59c Fine Cambric and Nainsook Drawers, regulation and circular cut; daintily trimmed; values to 11.25. Reg. $1.75 Gowns Reduced to $1.10 Cambric and Nainsook Gowns daintily trimmed with u., tiuuti on,, values 10 4X.0. Reg. $2.00 Gowhs Reduced to $1.29 Extra quality Long Cloth Gowns, with embroidery yoke and variety of dainty trimmings. Reg. $2.25 Gowns Reduced to $1.53 Extra Fine .Nainsook Gowns, with dainty trimmings of fine nainsook, etc. Values to $2.25. $1.35 Drawers for 85c Fine Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, full flounce, open side and daintily trimmed. Values to $1.33. $ 1 .75 Drawers for $ 1 . 1 0 Extra Quality Nainsook Drawers, pret tily lace trimmed; values to $1.75. $1.75 Skirts for $1.18 Cambric Skirts, deep flounce trimmed with lace, - Insertions, - etc... .Values to $1.75. . Skirt Vals. to $6 at $2.98 Fine Cambric and Lawn Skirts, dain tily trimmed with extra quality laces and Insertion. Values up to $6.00. $1.35 Women's Gowns 79c Nainsook and Cambric Gowns, trimmed with lace, etc. All styles. Values to $1.35. 85c Corset Covers Reduced to 59c Nainsook Corset Covers, dainty trimming's of fine laces, ribbon, etc. Values to 85c. $2.00 Chemise Reduced to $1.49 French hand-embroidered and hand-made Chemises, scalloped edges and embroidered front designs. Values to $2.00. AND MANY OTHER ' EXTRAORDINARY. VALUES IN UNDERWEAR, WHICH WE DO NOT HAVE SPACE TO ADVERTISE. ' . Sterling Silver Toilet Articles Lot 1 Fancy top Inkwells, Toothpick Holders, Pocket Combs, Emeries, etc. ; sterling silver mounted, regular 1 O. 35c values.. IOC 50c Values Only 21c Lot 2 Cream Jars, mucilage bot tles, smelling- salts bottles, shoe horns, tweezers. shoe hooks, cuticle knives, letter seals, paper knives, pocket combs, hat mark ers, etc. All sterling silver Ol . mounted, 60c .values. . . . . . . r 75c Values Only 43c Lot' 3 Talcum Jars, inkwells, cream Jars, perfume bottles, shoe horns, tweezers, shoe hooks, letter seals, cuticle knives, paper knives, cigar cutters, rolling blotters, pumice stones, coat hangers, etc.- All sterling L'in silver mounted, 75c values. t:v. POSTCARD ALBUMS 35c VALUES AT 19c S5c Postcard Albums, fancy linen cover, holds 100 to 150 cards, 19e 60c Postcard Albums, very neat cover, holds 20 cards 296 6oc Postcard Albums, fancy deco rated cover, extra well bound, holds 200 to 300 cards 436 90c Postcard Albums, fancy linen bound cover, holds 275 to 350 cards. Sale price. 686 $1.25 Postcard Albums, extra well made, hold 350 to 400 cards. Special 89 W. B. Reduso Corsets Give Stout Figures the Slender Lines Which Fashion Favors The art and the science of the corsetiere achieved their most notable triumph in the production of Reduso Corsets The health of the wearer is safeguarded, the ac- cumulation of excess flesh prevented and re moved and a degree of comfort secured not pos sible in any other corset Reduso Corsets hold the abdomen in and the chest up, facilitating deep, full breathing. The long tapering lines which extend from the waist over the hips enable gown to fit smoothly and just i J : yuui muuiaic uau cs. The woman inclined to stoutness can be sure of re ducing her waist measurement several inches by the use of Reduso Corsets. The materials are strong and lasting batiste and coutil; sizes 20 to 36 strict ly high-grade corset, sold at moderate' figure, $3.50. mmammammammammammammmmmmmmmmmmmam