The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Porch Furniture in the Greatest Variety at the Lowest Prices Hammocks and Croquet Sets, Lawn Swings, Garden Tools, Tents, Etc
We are agents for the, cele
brated Vndor Shades. Ask
to see them; -on Third Floor.
Aeraal May Sales at Mder
rmh Store
A special department on the
Third Floor; orders prompt
ly filled at the lowest prices.
Laces and Embroideries
Great "May Sale" in Progress
In the center aisle and on ta
bles opposite lace section, the
great May Sale of Laces and
Embroideries starts Monday
morning at 8 o'clock All new
and handsome patterns in every
lot offered for this sale The
assortments are extensive and selections will
be made easily Economical women will plan
to come early and take . advantage of these
Six Big Special Bargains
$4.00 EMBROIDERIES $1.39
Allover Embroidery, Swiss and Batiste
for waistings, eyelet, Japanese and blind
work; regular values to $4;fr 1 1Q
on sale at this special price. P 3 7
2000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cam
brie Embroidery and. Insertions, English
eyelet blindwork and filet effects, . for
waists and undermuslins, 1 to 12-inch;
values to 65c yard, on sale at, yd. .25
1000 yards Swiss and Batiste Flounces,
18 to 27 inches; designs suitable for lin
gerie gowns; regular values to
$2.00, on sale at, special, yard."-C
$3.00 LACE NETS $ 1 .39 YARD
45-inch cream and white Embroidered
'Nets for waist sleeves and fl? 1 7L(
yokes; values to $3, yard.PJ
Closing out a small lot of Baby Match
Sets, swiss and nainsook, new and dainty
designs, Vss to 6 inches, at these prices:
Values to 35c, on sale, special. .19
Values to 65c, on sale, special.. 39
Values to $1.25, on sale, special .. 7f)ifi
$1.50 DOZ. VAL. LACE 69c
Val. Lace, 2000 dozen, round thread and
French Val., to IV2 inches, in demand
for the trimming of waists and dainty
lingerie; values to $1.50 dozen; fQr
on sale, special, the dozen yards.
May Sale of Graduation Needs
An opportunity to select for the graduate and secure a gown at a
great saving We are including in this May Sale of dress goods and
silk many desirable patterns in Swisses, batistes, dimities, wash
chiffons, French voiles, messalines, satins, etc. Mail orders filled.
An excellent assortment of Swisses, Ba
tiste, Wash Chiffon, Persian Lawn and
Airline Mulls, per yard, 35 to $1.50
5000 yards of new Washable Batiste, in
lawns, dimities and Swisses, all 1
new styles and colorings; sp'l.
French Voiles A beautiful woven fab
ric, washable, sheer and dressy; all the
latest colorings, stripes, checks t
and plaids; on sale at, special.'
New Silk and Cotton Novelties,
27 inches wide," special at, yard."
3000 yards of finest imported Messaline
Satin, in every color and tine; QO
regular $1.25 values, special at.
Check and Plaid Silk Suiting in brown,
tan, blue, black and green; reg- A.Qe
ular 85c values, special, yard."
Plain and fancy Mixed Dress Goods in
all colors and styles, at following prices:
Regular $1.25 values, special at....9S
Regular $1.50 values, special at. $1.19
Regular $2.00 values, special at. $1.39
500 Japanese all-silk Parasols, hand-painted floral ' designs ; in'white, CO
pink and blue; regular $3.50 values, May Sale price, special, each.N' O
These Parasols are very dainty and pretty, and just what you want to complete
the new warm-weather outfit. Let us show you this beautiful, line of Parasols.
May Sale Muslin Underwear
Announcement from The Meier
& Frank Store muslin underwear
section is always welcome news
for economical buyers Espec
ially is this a fact when the qual
ities are such as we are offering
for this Annual May Sale The
unusual opportunities and the
saving cannot be estimated
Every item an exceptional bar
gain The price reductions fol
lowing you will find interesting
Eight May Sale Bargains
Lot 1 Ladies fine cambric and nainsook gowns trimmed in
very fine embroideries, laces, tucks, beading; insertions;
high, low neck styles; long, short sleeves; full width, and lengths
Regular $6.00 to $10.00 values, May Sale price, special, at, the garment. .$3.90
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, May Sale price, on sale at, sp'l., garment. .$2.69
The best regular $2.50 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.89
The best regular $2.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.49
The best regular $1.75 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.19
The best regular $1.25 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment 98
I rf O Ladies fine cambric Underskirts; wide flounces trimmed
in embroideries, laces, insertions, tucks, beading, ribbon
Regular $3.00 to $4.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$2.48
The best regular $2.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.49
The best regular $2.50 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.89
Special lot of exceptional values, each a special in the May Sale at, garment.. 98
I gf 1 Special Cambric nainsook Chemise with trimmed skirts;
trimmed in embroideries, laces, tucks, beading, ribbon
The best regular $2.50 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.73
The best regular $4.00 values, May Sale price, special at the garment. .$2.98
The best regular $1.75 value, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.19
Lot 4 Lsdies Corset Covers of fine nainsook and lawns trim-
med in dainty laces, tucks, insertions, beading and ribbon
The best regular $1.50 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$1.19
The best regular 7oc values, May bale price, special at, the garment 49c
Regular $2.00-and $2.25 values, May Sale price, special at,-the garment. .$1.47
I rf Ladies cambric and nainsook Drawers; wide flounces of
jaces ana emprowenes, mens, insertion ana neauing
The best regular $1.75 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment.. $1.19
ihe best regular $.zo values, May bale price, special at, the garment. ..So'
The best regular 75c values, May sale price, special at, the garment 59
The best regular 60c values, May Sale price, special at, the garment 39
I nf (L Special lot of French hand-embroidered Gowns; made
in the high and low neck styles; -long and short sleeves
The best regular $6.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$3.65
The best regular $7.50 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$4.98
The best regular $10.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$7.48
I a ? Special French hand-embroidered Chemise made with
double eyelets and scalloped embroidery, yoke effects
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, May Sale price, special at, the garment. .$2.79
IOt 8 Special Hand-embroidered Chemises, embroidered yoke
effects, scalloped edge and eyelets drawn with ribbon
The best regular $1.50 and $1.75 values, May Sale price, special, garment. .$1.19
May Sale Tailored Suits
Our ready-to-wear section offers
some unusual values for this early
event in May We have just re-
ceived this excellent assortment of
Tailored Suits; they will be placed
on sale beginning tomorrow mor
ning See the big window display
$40 Val. $27.45
Tailored Suits in plain and fancy
tailored effects Coats are blouse
with vests fancy trimmed with lace,
silk and braid, kimono and butter
fly sleeves Skirts are gored and
plaited with folds Navy, black,
golden brown, champagne, Copen
hagen, checks and stripes Mate
rials; serges, herringbone stripes, -
panama, panajahs. 9 A ff
$40.00 values at f ( tO
May Sale of Summer Dresses
The Meier & Frank Store Suit Section has just received a complete line of colored
and white Wash Dresses, made up in princess, shirtwaist and jumper effects; the
materials are lawn, batiste, dimity, dotted swiss, ginghams, chambray, percales,
mulls, linens ; all sizes and colors ; dresses to please every one ; prices up from $2-50.
Just Received Shipment White Wash Skirts
Complete line of white Wash Skirts, in linen, P. K. and rep; prices up from $1.50.
May Sale of Millinery
We want to make this May Sale as big
a Millinery week as any this season
The new arrival of flowers and the
splendid large line of trimmed hats
which we have arranged to sell at un
precedented prices All of these hats
trimmed in the very newest and most
exclusive styles such as appeal to the
women who buy becoming millinery
Flowers One-Fourth Off
Just received, large shipment of French Imported
Flowers, values from 75c up to $3.50 per bunch.
On sale at one-fourth off regular value. See them. .
Hats at One-Third Off
A large line of ladies ': Trimmed Hats, including
all the French patterns and tailored hats, rang
ing in prices from $5.00 up to $75.00, on sale at
a price reduction of one-third off regular value.
Millinery Department on Second Floor Take Elevator
May Sale Women's Neckwear
500 Merry Widow Bows, in white net and lace the popular
size bow; regular 75c values, Monday only, at, each.. 57
5000 yards 6 and 7-inch Hair Bow Ribbon, a specially made
"Hairbo" Ribbon. Meier & Frank Company are the only
authorized distributors for Portland; come in black, kQ
white and colors. May Sale price, special, per yard.
$ 1 .50 Handbags at 98c Each
Women's Handbags, walrus and seal leathers; some are fitted
with coin purse and card case; leather and moire-lined;
strap handles; black, brown and tan; May Sale price.. 98
$5 Handbags at $2.89 Each
Women's fine Alligator Handbags, 7 to 9 inches long, leather
lined and riveted frames; regular $5.00 val- CIO SKQ
ues, May Sale price, special at this reduction, ea.P,'
New Arrivals Sweater Coats
A very extensive line of Knit
Coats has just been received
the exclusive styles are excep
tionally dressy. The assortment
consists of fine knit and knit
silk coats. Styles are norfolks,
cutaway and boxmade in plain
or marquise weave; trimmed in
silk and wool braid, with high
or military collar. May Sale
prices, ea., $4.50 to $15. OO
65c VALUES FOR 47c
Women's Elastic Belts in plain
and steel-studded; colors, Tblack,
brown, navy and green; A?
regular 65c values, ea.",C
May Sale $9 Waists for $4.85
Waists in taffeta, messaline and
nets, fancy or tailor-made ;
trimmed in lace and silk folds,
wide or narrow tucks, broad or
Gibson effect, with new sleeves.
Colors are white, tan, blue, pink,
ecru, red, brown, navy, green
and black ; regular values up to
$9.00, May SaleCl A
price, special, each.t'','
PRICED $2 AND $2.25
Just received by express, Fleet
Waists in white or navy blue
lawn; collars and cuffs trimmed
in white braid and emblems ;
prices, ea., $2.00 and $2.25
$4-$4.50 Kid Gloves at $2.95
Kid Gloves that cannot be equalled; sale starts tomorrow
morning. In the sale are 5000 pairs $4.00 and $4.50 values,
Women's real prime Kid Gloves, Perrin's best make; also
Alexandra and Majestic; black, white, tan, brown, mode,
champagne, cream, light blue, pink, mais, navy and myrtle;
best $4 and $4.50 Gloves, May Sale price, special, pr.$2.95
$20 Novelty Belts for $9.50
48 very fine imported samples Elastic Novelty Belts; colors,
black, brown, tun, purple, gray and white; all beautifully
studded with steel points; regular values up to fl?Q C
$20.00 each, May Sale price, special at, each.N
$1.50 Belt Buckles 69c Each
500 very handsome Belt Buckles in the plain and fancy stone
settings; several finishes, including rose gold, oxi- 1Q
dized and bright gold finish; values up to $1.50 for.''
May Sale Rogers 1847 Silverware
Dessert Spoons, set of 6, regular $2.13
value, May Sale price, the set. $1.94
Table Spoons, set of 6, regular $2.38
value, May Sale price, the set. $2.13
Coffee Spoons, set of 6, regular $1.38
value, May Sale price, the set. $1.26
Bouillon Spoons, set of 6, regular $2.50
Berry Spoons, $155 .value. .98i
Sugar Spoons, 50o value, ea. 39
Gravy Ladle, $1.00 value, ea.79
Chip Beef Forks, 65c value. 53
Cold Meat Fork, 80o value. 65
Butter Knife, 50c value, ea.42
Pickle Fork, 50c value, each. 42
Pickle Fork, long, 60c value. 49
Sugar Tongs, 90c value, for.74
Pie Server, $1.85 value, at. $1.59
Bonbon Spoons, 75c val., ea.59
Nut Sets, $1.85 value, set. $1.59
Nut Sets, $2.00 value, set. $1.78
3-pc. Child's Set, $155 value. 99
3-pc. Child's Set, $1.85 val.$1.58
Salad Set, 2 pes., $3 value. $2.48
Carving Sets, 3 pieces, $6.75 value,
May Sale price, at, the set. $5.49
Hollow Handle Dessert Knives,
regular $4.50, May Sale. $4.04
Butter Picks, 50c value, each. 42
Teaspoons, set of 6, regular $1.18
value, May Sale price, set. $1.07
Chocolate Spoons, set of 6, regular $1.50
value, May Sale price, the set. $1.33
Orange Spoons, set of 6, regular $1.88
value, May Sale price, the set. $1.69
Medium Forks, set of 6, regular $2.38
value, May Sale price, the set. $2.13
Dessert Forks, set of 6, regular $2.13
value, May Sale price, the set. $1.94
value, May Sale price, the set. $2.19
Oyster Forks, set of 6, regular $2.00 value, May Sale price, special, the set. .$1.79
Silverware Department in Basement
May Attractions in Clothing
Our line of men's and young men's Outing Suits is most complete
Prices $15 to $25; single breasted Outing Suits with plain or patch
pockets, long collars, two or three-button; newest fabrics, latest
colorings in tan, brown and sage, stripes, checks and plaids; also a
new material of neat grayish-striped Priestley cravenettes, silk mo
hair, the coolest prfectiymade Outing Suit ever
shown Blue serge Outing Suits from $15 up to
Handsomely Tailored Suits, mannish cut for the little fellows, made
with side coat pockets and fancy cuffs in knicker- fl! 1 C AA
bocker styles; prices ranging from $4.50 up to V 1 Jvlvl
The largest array of boys Wash Suits ever shown from 50c up to
$60:inen,duck,Galatea cloth,xfords,tc.,in Rus- r T
sian blouse or sailor styles, skes 2 to 12 years, 50c to V
Just received white duck sailor suits, regulation style with shield
and name "Oregon;" long middy trousers; a swell suit for $4.50
May Sale Gray Graniteware in Basement
Lipped Saucepans, reg. 35c value. 28
Lapped Saucepans, reg. 30c value.24
Lipped Preserving Kettles, regular 35c
value, May Sale price, special, ea.2S
Lipped Preserving Kettles, regular 30c
value, May Sale price, special, ea.24
li2-quart Coffee Pots, reg. 40c, at. 33
l-quart Tea Pots, reg. 45c. each. 37
Covered Berlin Kettles, regular 50c val
ues, May Sale price, special, each.42
14-quart Dishpans, special at, each. 54
3-quart Pudding Pans, reg. 25c, at. 21
Covered Berlin Saucepan, ' regular 40c
value, May Sale price, special, ea.33
9- inch Pie Pans, May Sale price.. lO
10- inch Pie Pans, Mav- Sale price. 12
May Sale New Go-Carts
May Sale of reed folding and collapsible folding
Go-Carts and Furniture, at very attractive prices:
Collapsible Go-Carts, have rubber-tired wheels,
reclining back and adjustable dash; a C?TI
good strong cart; regular $6, special. H'-'
Allwin Folding Go-Carts at prices up from $9.50
Fulton Folding Carts, without hood, fl O 1
regular $9 value; May Sale-price, sp'l.V
With hood, regular $13.50 value, special. .$11.45
Folding Cart, steel wheels, reg. $1.75, sp'l.. $1.23
Reed Folding Carts with rubber-tired wheels, ad
justable dash, reclining back ; regular fl C f -X
$4.50 value, May Sale price, special, ea.M22J A 'mSt?d'
neea xoiaing uro-an, au reeu, ruouer-ure wiieeis
and steel pushers; regular $6 value, special. $4.95 J
Reed Folding Go-Cart with large roll of side, rub
ber-tire wheels; regular $6.75 value; special. $5.25
Collapsible Folding Go-Qart with hood, C7 QQ
regular $9.50 value, May Sale, special. C J
All our English Perambulators, in the newest models, 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT
All our Reed Go-Carts shown on the floor, on sale at 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT
Go-Cart Parasols, with rods, May Sale, special at 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT
Lace Covers for Go-Cart Parasols, for the May Sale at 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT
We re-tire Baby Carriage and Go-Cart Wheels, promptly and at very low prices.
Children's Reed Nursery Chairs, regular $2.50 value, on sale at, special. .$1.95
Children's High Chairs, all numbers shown 011 floor, 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT
Baby's Doorway Swings, regular 60c value, May sale price, special, each..49
Child's Sanitary Crib, just the thing for the seaside; folds up very J f.Q
compactly; the best regular $4.50 value, May Sale price, special, each.0
Baby's Folding Shield for protecting children from flies, etc.; the best QO
regular $1.75 value, on sale at this -special price, each take advantage. 'OC
Children '8 Reed Rockers, regular $4.00 values, May Sale price, special at. .$2.T9