TTTE SUNDAY OREG OXI AN; PORTLAND. MAY 3.' 1S0S. It E Y. M. C. .A. Defeated in Annual Salem-Portland Relay. CHEMAWA SYSTEM TELLS 2iedskin Runners Know Every Foot of Rouds Last Year's Time Cut. Association Athletes Beaten 24 Minutes, 18 Seconds. Cutting the record made last year by ten minutes, the Chemawa Indian School won th a relay race from Salem to Port land by 24 minutes IS s conds. From the moment that Governor Chamberlain start ed the men at Sal m till the winner handed the Governor's letter to Mayor Ltine at the Association building the race was only another exemplification of system beating mere brawn. Where the T. M. C. A. had the men and the ability to win, the Indians had the organization and training that enabled their men to accomplish the race In the record time of 5 hours 16 minutes. I Starting from Salem on the tick of I o'clock Cartozian and Haight set out for i the first change post at Chemawa. Haight I made a record run last year, beating his j opponent by eight minutes, and although . Haight made the run of five and one- half miles in 32 minutes Cartozian was only 3 minutes and 46 seconds behind. Sanderson took up the Indian trail and Wettcrborg took things In hand for the Association and although putting up a, good run lost a further 1:15,. making 6 minuted to .the . bad when Keys took a hand In affairs. Keys, a smart little runner of a slight type, took a couple of minutes oft hia op ponent, Johns, thus putting up the best record for the Association men. Backus was scarcely up to his usual style, allowing; a few more minutes to be captured from him, while Vosper, through a bad start, threw away val uable time. As a substitute Vosper entered the race, without training at all and credit is due him for having made the run. Apart from Haight, the Indians are proud of the performance of Gondy, whose hill-climbing was mar velous, both up and down Elk Hock he went at a pace his opponent could not approach. Gondy handed over the Governor's letter to Amos Smoker, who made quick time, right into the asso ciation building, ' while his opponent, Hessemer, had been barely able to make a getaway from Riverview. Although beaten before he started, Hessemer put up a fine run and was greeted by sev eral hundred people from the street and from the association balconies and surrounding windows. Smoker arrived quite unexpected and Mayor Lane was barely in time to re ceive at his hands the missive he was bearing, and which proved the race to have been run throughout. From that time until Hessemer arived the crowd steadily grew. It was evidently due to the fact that the spectators believed hJm the winner that he got the tremendous reception he received. The organization of the Indians was without fault. Every man knew the route well and the entire course had been traversed by the men several times. That their men knew every mud-hole on the way and how to avoid it Was the claim of the Indian iM that Y.-M. C. A. men admit the claim to be 1 well-rounded. Erery.-man was 'tarried out to his position by auto or buggy. The majority of the men were taken along in the big auto following the race and dropped Just In time to make the respective changes. At the Chemawa School the directors extended hospitality to the two associa tion men at the Salem end and put them undiir the same training regime as were their own men On the morning of the race the Indians supplied the Y. M. C. A. men. as well as their own, with a schedule of instructions, and altogether proved how superior was their organi zation. Many of the Y. M. C. A. men had great difficulty in reaching their posi tions by car and on foot, and It was only by the courtesy of Henry Hewitt with a 2:40 trotter and 'buggy that Lau, the Oswego relay, was able to get to Ills post at all. Lack of interest taken by the ruling powers of the associa tion and no .contributions In the matter of funds is whatthe runners charge the association ofticials with. Physical Pl rictor Grilley Is not held at fault. Crowd Out to See Racers Start. SALEM. Or., May 2. (Sp2clal.) Quite a large crowd gathered at the State Cap itol at 9 o'clock this morning to witness the 6tart of the Chemawa-Portland Y. M. C. A. relay race. As Governor Cham berlain handed his messages to the run ners, Haight, of Chemawa, and COrto rlu, of Portland, and the signal was given to start, the crowd gave a shout of en couragement. Contrary to expectations, the two men began their five-mile sec tion of the course ;at a pretty stiff rate, but they slowed down some as soon as they were out of sight of the crowd. E SAVED NEGRO'S LIFE SENATOR BORAH IS rOPUJLAR WITH COLORED VOTERS. Speech on Foraker's Brownsville Bill Cannot Hurt Idaho Man In That Quarter. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, May 2. When Senator Borah announced bis purpose to discuss the Brownsville matter in the Senate it was noised about that the new Senator from Idaho was taking the President's end of that now notorious controversy becase he had practically no negro votes in Idaho and therefore had nothing to lose. Those who stood sponsor for that report were una wars that Senator Borah had previ ously made himself so solid with the negro voters of Idaho that he would re tain their support regardless of anything he might say in regard to the discharged trooper.. Anent this popularity with tha Idaho ne groes, tha following story has been print ed, showing why Senator Borah will lose no negro votes on account of his Browns ville speech: Senator Borah Is a man who earned the right to proclaim hlms If defend r of the colored rac;. at the risk of his life. Senator Borah is yet a young man, and the incident is recent enough to abide in the memory of thousands of his Idaho constituents. But for Borah's splendid courage and prompt action, the bodv of a negro would have darkled at the end of a ropa and Nampa, Idaho, would have had a lynching. When this thing happened the Sena tor Borah of today wu plain Bill Borah, leading citijten and practicing attorney at the bar of Boise. There had been a ball game at Nampa, 25 miles distant, between rival teams of Boise and Nampa, A Boise negro who accompanied his team as mas cot and general functionary had become INDIANS W N AG the victim of Boise unpopularity. He was attacked on the ball field, and In his own defense he shot a white man. Fealing immediately ran high. The negro was ar rested. There was talk of lynching, but the spirit of outlawry seamed to have subsidid, and the Boise ballplayers re turned to tbelr home, leaving the colored man In the Nampa JalL That night Nampa experienced a reign of terror. A mob organized and it made an attack on the Jail. It was 11:30 o'clock at night when Borah was called from his bed to the telephone, to be told that the negro's life was at stake. Borah's decisions and action were characteristically prompt. First, by telephone, he made provision for a. special train, to be placed at once at his disposal. Then he called up the Gov ernor. Hurriedly he Informed him of what had happened and what was about to happen. "I want your au tority to represent you," he demanded. "I am going to get that negro out of the hands of the mob, if he's alive when I reach Nampa." The Governor caught some of the' spirit of the determined young man; he decided to accompany him. Borah picked up two other men. Deputy Sher iffs "Shad" Hodgin. famous in the Hay wood trial, and "Ras'V Beemer, . by name. The. special train made a record run; Nampa was reached ehortly after midnight. Borah and his two deputy sheriffs left the special and made for the heart of the excited city. ' Downtown he mounted a dry goods box and tried to exhort the people. They jeered and hooted him. No ex pedient was left save to carry the fight to the Jail Itself. The crowd. had al most finished its work. The outer doors or the jail had been battered. The In ner doors had yielded, and men, armed with sledges and picks, were endeavor ing to reach the cage in which the frightened negro was confined. A frenzied mob screamed their ap proval on the outside, mad with the thirst for blood. That was the situ ation when Borah and his two friends pushed their way through the crowd, among the men who were completing the last preliminaries. "What brings you here. Bill Borah?" one of them demanded. "I've come to get that negro." was the retort. The other tried to place a restraining hand on him. "Baa" Reemr, a very Goliath In towering figure and strength, pushed him mildly aside. "That'll do for you now," he shouted. "We've come to jt this negro," Bo rah said In tones so firm that the crowd gave attention. "We've come to get him peaceably If possible, but get him we will at any cost. Aboard our special train we nave forces sufficient to cope with you, and unless bloodshed be your desire, you must surrender this negro." "That'll be about all." affirmed MRas," as he pushed a few others out of the way, and made his. way, with revolvers threateningly exposed, the negro pro tected by his huge form and that of his comrade, Hodgin. . With Borah bringing up the rear they made their way to the special train In the twinkling of an eye they were aboard and speeding madly toward Bclse. Three men had outwitted a town bent on lynching, and not a single blow struck. The next day the Nampa papers emit ted an awful shriek. "An insult," they termed it, that three outsiders should Invade their town and defy as well as hornswaggle their leading citizens. Coast People Banqnet Together. , OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, May 2.-The California State Association, and the Society of the Ore gon Country, composed of Pacific Coast people temporarily living; in Washing ton, held a Joint concert and banquet tonight In commemoration, of the visit of the battleship fleet to the Pacific Coast. 5 John Barrett, director of the Bureau of American Republics, presid ed. Representatives Hawley, Ellis and Cushman were-epeciaUy -.Invited guests and -made speeches appropriate to the occasion. About 250 people were present.- ' ' r . . Fulton Men From Yamhill. WMINNVILLE, Or., May 2. -Special.) At a meeting of the County Central Committee today the following delegates were selected to attend the Republican state convention: D. M. Allen, M. A. Baker. Clarence Butt. Benjamin Evans, B. Laughlln. J. C. Nichols. L R. Reese. John Wortman. The delegation Is com posed of Fulton mn. Clyde Wilson was elected State Central Committeeman for Yamhill, Roy Grave Congressional Com mitteeman and B. H. Turner chairman of the County Central Committee. Raise Quarantine at Asylum. SALEM, Or., May 2. Spcial.) The four cases of diphtheria at the State In sane Asylum have been cured, and no new cases have developed. Consequently, Superintendent Stelner announces that the quarantine on the Institution will be raised next Monday. ililillltll i j-s ,t - J? r4 ilf t . i-L NEW ABERDEEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILL BE DEDICATED TODAY. ABERDEEN," Wash., May 2. (Special.) Dr. W. S. Holt, of Portland, will preach the dedicatory sermon Sunday, May 3, in the new Presbyterian Church built by the Presbyterians at a cost of $20,000. The build ing marks a new era in church construction in this city, inasmuch as heretofore little attention has been paid to the character of buildings devoted to Christian worship. Aberdeen, until the erection of the Pres byterian Church, had nothing worthy of the civic pride of Its people In the way of a handsome church. It Is understood now that the Presbyterians have taken the initiative in this particular direction that the Methodists will soon proceed with the erection of a stone church to cost $30,000, and that the Episco palians intend to make their church building more attractive. The new church was designed by a Los Angeles architect and combines many pleasing and harmonious features. Its Interior arrangement is worthy of note and Is probably one of the best adapted for the purposes for which it will be used on the Pacific Coast. By a unique plan the entire first floor, which Is divided into a main auditorium, Sunday school parlors, large lobby entrance and gallery, may be thrown Into one great room when occasion de mands. The church has many fine leaded glass windows and three elaborate memorial windows. Rev. E. R. Prichard Is the pastor who has superintended the work of construction and who has built up a large membership the past few yean. Gevu See the Windows This style and 299 others. "1 ?t- , f j'" L, TTM If ? v.Vf . - . 5 If A-4 This style and S5 nyrascrsss"ji "Alaska" Refrigerators the Best Requires ' less ice. A perfect preserver. Lasts for years. Is the standard all over the U. S. Reasonable in price. SOLD ON EASY " TERMS ; $l,Down, $1 a Week. Prices From ' $12.50 to $150 Pillow Specials m These are made by the Em merich people to our special order, and are so good that we have named them "Ge vurtz Leader." They weigh three pounds, are 19x24 inches. in size; are perfectly sanitary - and sell regularly for $3.00 made this sale at, per pair. Gevurtz & Sons Yamhill Street, Corners First and Second LILIAN TINGLE GIVES RECIPES FOR SOME " DELIGHTFUL STRAWBERRY DESSERTS Shortcake, With Its Variations, Popovers, Puffs, Tart-Sholls, Etc., and Wholesome. BY LILIAN TINGLE. NOW that Oregon strawberries are beginning to make their appearance, and the California berries are be coming lower in. price, the housekeeper who ha been troubled by the dessert : question may cheer up and look for an j easier time unless, of course, there are mm Another Full 300 $15 tb $20 Morris Chairs for Your choice of 300 Morris Chairs, in many models, showing a great vari ety of upholstering; plain and fancy. Beautiful frames, in the ; mahogany and quarter-sawed oak, hand-polished and finished in the highest style of the craftsman's art. You'll find the best , leatherette, verona and velour coverings. Sold for cash or on credit. Pay only $1 down, 50c a week. $60 Brass Bed Like NO. '6080. This handsome solid brass bed is just like cut; has 2V2-irtch continu ous posts, four-inch husks, tubing IVi-inch size, swell foot, just as shown in the illustration. A very su perior bed and in perfect condition. Many-- - other brass beds equally reduced. It will pay you to ask for our advertised specials. special for ....$1.75 $22.50. Special price unfortunate or perverse people In her family who cannot or will not eat the 'queen of berries." Strawberries and cream,' in their simplest form, are hard to beat, provided they are of the bsst flavor and quality; and choice bsrries served unhulledV around a small mound of powdered sugar will always meet the approval of the dia- W eek of Special Bargains 275 Fancy Rocke 31 Cash 53c Week Choice 4 -W ft tor emiy the Cut $22 Buliet $13 No. 817: Buffet m weathered or golden oak, fitted with bevel plate mirror, well made , of thoroughly seasoned stock; regu lar price elsewhere . . ... . ;. . .$13.25 Only Gevtirtz Stores How to Make Them Appetizing and criminating eater. But there are other strawberry dishes and methods of serv ing that are, on occasion, useful and sat isfactory. Here, of course, strawberry shortcake heads the liBt Of the two types of short cake, the "old-fashioned," or plain kind, half-way between biscuit and pastry, is the better and more wholesome. But it must be eaten at once, as It easily loses Its attractiveness; while the cake-likt mixture, made with eggs, can be baked some hours before hand with less dis astrous result and is, therefore, tne type most favored by bakers or restaurant managers. As a rule, each family has its own particular shortcake recipe which is superior to all others; but the following Is a good average formula, which is neither difficult nor expensive to fol low: For every cup of sifted flour take teaspoon salt, 2 level teaspoons bak ing powder, 3 level tablespoons butter or lard, hi to 1-3 cup' sweet milk. Or, in other words, take a baking powder bis cuit recipe and double or treble the usual amount of shortening. Individual shortcakes are most at tractive, and can be cut wtlh the lid of a baking-powder or coffee tin whether of a pound, two-pound or half pound tin will depend upon the age, sex and hunger of the individual to be served. Or handsome family cakes, 18 inches or more In diameter, may be preferred, as requiring less handling, both in baking and serving, and mak ing a more attractive appearance when the serving is done at table not "from the side." The cakes should of course be split and buttered' hot, and piled up with crushed. Juicy berries between the lay ers. Whipped cream and whole berries decorate the top and extra cream may be passed by way of sauce. Shortcakes of the other type are made by taking any plain cake mix ture, making it less sweet than usual, and serving in layers with berries and whipped cream or meringue. A pleasing variation is to bake little cup ' cakes (old-fashioned "cup cake" or any preferred mixture baked in deep muffin pans) and, after scooping out the centers, fill the remaining shells with berries and whipped cream, berries and Bavarian cream, or berries and ice cream. The berries should, of course, be suitably sweetened. The centers scooped from the cakes, if not devoured at once by Interested Juvenile spectators, may reappear at some later .meal as th foundation of a strawberry trifle layers of cake crumbs, crushed strawberries, custard, more crushed strawberries and me ringue arranged in long-stemmed serving-glasses. Whipped cream Is, of course, . nicer than meringue, but the latter, with the custard, Is useful if the supply of cream is not what it should be. A modern adaptation of the short cake is to be seen In light, hollow, eream puffs, or unfrosted eclairs, filled and garnished with combinations of berries and cream, the latter being sometimes not only whipped but stif fened with gelatine and piped on the outside, as well as the inside of the eclairs, with small, whole berries, for contrasting decoration. .The homely popover, opened at. the $12 to 1 rs w o CASH OR CREDIT We are now offering a superb line of fancy-Rockers, numbering some 275, at remarkable saving to the wideawake buy er. Styles are too numerous, to attempt to illustrate here, but you'll surety find more than one that'll satisfy your taste. Your choice at the above low price cash or credit. $22.50 Like the Cut NO. 833. An unusually handsome Vernis Martin bed, very strong and durable; note the heavy tubing and artistic design; a regular $22.50 value, sold at this ridiculously low price to close out the line. Many other beds of $12 value sroing dur ing this sale at $7.T5. It will pay you to attend our great Money-Raising Sale. $8 Steel Couches Oak . Cellarette Bargains We have several styles that we are closing out now. The one shown here Is In solid oak with the ever popular weathered fl n I a h Regular price is 20. Special price, only $12.00 Only $4,75 Gevurtz Bros; Cor. East Burnside and Union Ave. as i filled Vith crushed and sweetened ber ries. Is a not unpleasing viand, provid ing, of course, that the popover is neither of the "letter-weight" nor "collapsing-bubble" variety. . ' Little tart-shells made of "sweet short crust," or rather plain , "Scotch short bread" mixture, are also useful ' for filling with fresh- berries and cream. The latter paste can oe useu to make some .very dainty thin basket effects. Swedish; timbales or - rosettes, are also treated to strawberry, fillings. There Is. I believe, a new large basket shaped tlmbaJe Iron for this, very pur pose, but I have not seen any in-Portland. ; , - i : Other cases for berries, .with . ar without the cream, are sometimes, made by luting together wafers with brnrt mental frosting; shaping, the case over a charlotte mould, large . or small, ac cording as large or Individual dishes I are preferred. Of course, the Icir.g must be dry and firm and the berries put in at the - very last moment, or a miserable collapse will be the result. These; like the timbale and shortbread cases already mentioned, may be made beforehand and kept tin an air-tight tin box), any reasonable length of time ready for "emereency" desserts. BARONESS KILLS HUSBAND Then Tries to End Own Life in Von Kuexlebcn Chateau. BERLIN, May 2. Baroness L'do von Ruexleben shot and killed h -r husband in their chateau . at Buddenburg, near Dortmund, last night just as he was about to retire. She then shot herself, but survives the self-inflicted wound. No explanat'on "has ben made of the occur rence. Baron von Ruexleben, who was of an bid Thuringian fam:ly. married Wanda von Strombeck In Berlin last November, The Baron was 35 years old and his widow Is 26. Big Fill Is Completed. Brimstone trestle, one of the highest structures on the Southern Pacific mairi line In this state, has Just been filled in with rock and earth by George McCabe, a Portland railroad contrac tor. The Job Involved the handling of 250,000 cubic yards of material. The old structure was one of the highest bridges in the state, the Southern Pa cific rails being 110 feet above the sur face of Brimstone Creek, a small stream at the bottom of the ravine. The trestle ! iocatd near Lelanrl and Tcotftachs Gum : z Stops toothache wheibei thtrre le a 5 CHTityornot. evr 5 title 1 p or lutes 111 3 strciifrtb. Keep it in thfhoni for en erttnrtee. ml. 3 tatltiii don't do the M work. GET TOOTHACHE CTM. 3 At all druggist, lb cents, or by mall. ' Dent's Corn Gum .r.1 1 C. S. DENT A CO.. Detroit, Mich. m r ga p H A Sat II Affair. B See the Windows THIS STYLE AND 274 OTHERS VERN IS MARTIN Bed the All will make that section of track safer for the old structure was in tne form of a curve, in addition to being very high. The big fill was a work of months and was made without Interfer ing In any way with the many trains operated over the main line dally. ' Pilgrimage of Presbyterians. The pilgrimage of the Oregon delega tlon to the Presbyterian General As sembly at Kansas City, May 21, prom ises to be a rare treat. The O. R. & N. has promised to fur- nish the party attending this assembly with a Pullman sleeping-car for their exclusive use. This car will leave Portland on the O. R. & N. through I fast train at 8:30 Monday morning, May 18, arriving Kansas City Tnursday morning. May 21, at 8:50. The round trip rate Is $80. Delegates and those desiring to Join this party can secure tickets and reservations at the City Ticket Office, Third and Wash-i Ington streets. ... AT-fTr twoirr ortIf'tar- 34J Waatv N3 STUDENTS, NO CAS, NO COCAINE The Old Reliable Chicago Dentists Have stood the test ot time TEETH This office Is equipped with all th latest appliances and formulas for do ing hign-class work. OCR PRICES ?2,K Crown SS.OO Bridge Work, per tooth $5.00 Logan Crown S3.50 to So.OO Eesc Kubber Plate S8.00 Aluminum Joined Plates SIO.OO to kl5.0ft Silver Fillings $1 OO Gold Fillings S2.00 and up Vegetables Vapor used only by us for. Painless Extracting 504 PAINLESS DENTISTS COR. TH AMD WASHINGTON. . Be sure you are In the right of ace. Lady attendant. Phones Main 8880. A 5S40. CHICAGO . sll IS' n Ir- . t'-'M E.