ID THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 3. 190S. CHAMPDFG DAY 15 CELEBRATED Sixty-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Oregon Government. MEET ON HISTORIC SPOT Pioneers and Their Descendants ;ather at Village Where Pro visional System of Homo Itule Was Adopted In 1813. At Champorg. a small settlement on the Willamette River between Salem and Oregon City, the 6Stli anniversary of the establishment of provisional government in the Oregon country was celebrated -vestcrday by a gathering of pioneers and their descendants from various parts of the Willamette Valley. While the weather was not at all favorabe to the celebration, deterring many of the older pioneers from venturing out and seriously interfering with the plans of those in charge, over limo people, were present and participated in the exercises. The boats from Salem and Portland ar rived at the ground soon after noon; bringing large parties of excursionists. People from the neighboring towns had gathered earlier in the day and by 2 o'clock, when tho exercises began, the grounds were crowded. .The programme was in charge of l' X. Matthieu Cabin, Native Sons of Oregon, of Butteville. Owing to the ilncss of Ralph Moody, of Portland.' the orator of the day; his place was taken by U D. Mahone. Joseph Buchtel, who was to have acted as roas ter of ceremonies, was also unable to be present. K. M. Croisan, of Salem, pre sided. A feature of the occasion was the presence, of X. Matthieu. the only sur vivor of the memorabio assembly and the man whose vote decided the new govern ment should be controlled by the United States. Only Survivor Present. Mr. Matthieu, who celebrated" his 9Hh birthday on April 2, was in the best of health and spirits, and keenly enjoyed tho attentions he received from the visitors. An arbor bad been erected in tho grounds near the spot where the members of the convention gathered 65 years ago. The rain, however, compelled an adjournment to a neighboring building. Tho pro gramme was opened with music furnished by the Parrott Mountain Band. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. E. Walker, one of the oldest native sons of Oregon. Mr. Walker Is the son Of the late Rev. and Mrs. Blkanah Walker, who crossed the plains In 1838 as missionaries to the In dians. A vocal selection was rendered by Mrs. Riley Schureur, of Butteville. An Address was then delivered by Mr Whitten, of Newberg. Mrs. Whitten eulo gized the pioneers of this state and dwelt upon the advantages which have been gained through their sacrltlces. She urged that a deeper lntereet be taken In tne pioneer history of the state. "All honor to the Oregon pioneers," said Mis. Whitten. "All honor to those brave men who In the face of perils and hard ships came Into the wilderness and found ed a new commonwealth. Ail honor to those loyal women who left their homes of plenty and came here to this new and untried land and stood shoulder to shoul der, through hardships and privations, with the men they loved. They helped to make our state what It is, and we of the younger generation are proud to know them, to offer them the respect, yes the love, of our hearts. In the annals of our great American history may their names stand, a record of love and devotion along with the men of the Cumberland, of Bun ker Hill and Gettysburg." . Condemns the Solons. P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem, also spoke briefly. He referred to the bill, killed by the last Legislature, which provided that an assembly hall be erected on the grounds at Champoeg. He deplored the 'unpatriotic action of. that body, and also expressed the opinion that a larger and more elaborate monument should be erected. The exercises were concluded last night with a ball at Butteville. Among the pioneers who attended yesterday's celebration were the fol lowing: A. S. Cone, Aurora (1846); George H. Hlmes, Portland (1853); Frank F. Sealy, Wilson vile (1857); Mrs. W. P. Short, Portland (1S52); C. W. Noblitt, Oregon City (1852): S. A. D. Meek. GIene (1857); W. E. Her (1847); Mrs. W. S. Rllea, daughter of R. V. Shorty pioneer of 3847. and one of the five surviving members of the Constitutional Convention; W. J. Hum phrey, Portland (1854); T. J. Spooner, Jennings Lodge (1858): Mrs. Ella A. Spooner. Jennings Lodge (1854), daughter of the late Bcrryman Jen nings, who came to Oregon in 3844; Mrs. Netta CaplessMatthieu, daughter-in-law of F. X. Matthieu: U K. Bcrge vin Portland (1849); Mrs. Bergevin, Portland, daughter of F. X. Matthlcux; John M. Crawford. Dayton (1854)- p H. D'Arcy. Salem (1857); E. M. Croisan Balem-(1852): David McCully. Portland (1853); H. 1 Kelly, Oregon City (15S); Mrs. H. L. Kelly, Oregon City (1SS2): W. J. Clarke, Gervals. Mr. Mahono's address was in part as follows: Mr. Mahone's Address. Prior to the historical date of May 2. 1S4.1, when tho Provisional Government was created, ther had heen numerous meetings relative to the attitude the people should take with regerd to their government. The conditions' were In some respects similar to thoso that once obtained on the Atlantlo Coast, when our fathers were fighting for Independence; there were Tories that protested against the . American regime, contending for a govern . rnent to be ruled over by some foreign power. t-a far as the Americans were concerned "in those dayn there was no King In Israel and every man did whatsoever was right in his own eyes." This could not be Mid of the British subjects. In all matters pertaining to the police and trade regulations, the Hud sons' Bay Company rxerciBed authority as absolute and controlling as the Ciar of Itusia. Because of this dual situation the Ameri can emigrants were from time to time de feated In their desires to have Just and equitable laws to govern them, and frequently felt as if they were a people without a coun try. Though severed from the land of their birth, separated from their kith and kin. sur rounded by restless and hostile tribes of In dians, Insolently and cruelly preyed upon by the natives, suffering all the privations and hardships Incident to a pioneer's life, their own country neglectful of their wants, that spark of liberty and freedom planted in their hearts and lives In earlier days. If at times seemingly dormant, at last asserted Itself ana maae or them a people to be revered and admired through all succeeding years. Began Move In 1840. As early as 1840 petitions were addressed by them to the Congress of the United States, representing the fact that they were citizens of the Oregon Territory, & part of the pub lic domain, and that they should be assured the support of the Government and the bles sings of free Institutions. In the course of events the first meeting was held on these grounds, now sacred to the memory of those heroes, on the 7th day of February. 1841. for the purpose of "consulting upon the steps necessary to be taken for the formation of laws, and the election of officers to execute them." The meeting was somewhat informal but served as a nucleus around which would ' gather the momentum of a stronger and a mere centralised public action. We must not forget that at this time the country was inhabited by the cittsens of the United States and the subjects of Great Britain; that the latter were Installed here for commercial gain and would not retire from the field by entreaties and requests: that they were willing to resist to the very last any attempt to take from them their supposed rights. Laid Broad Foundation. At the first meeting the pioneers planned wisely. I.Ike those who came over in the Mavflower and founded Harvard College, In order that their sons might be molded into men with wisdom sufficient to meet the conditions of which they were a part, so, the early pioneers of Old Oregon laid their foundation broad and deep. In that they provided for tho school and the church, making them the very cornerstones of their liberties. In the generations subsequent these two Institutions have played their part in our exalted civilization, giving to our great commonwealth men and women with high motives and ambitions commen surate with the freedom that they possess. So long as we adhere to first principles our country is safe and Its perpetuity Is as sured. Other meetings followed until the memorable second day of May. lM.f, when there came together friends anil foes of free government and the first provincial government of this North west Empire became a fact and not a theorv. one of the principal objects con templated In the formation of this civil gov ernment was to preserve the peace and pro mote the prosperity and happiness of the people, and to maintain tne friendly rela tion which it was felt ought to exist be tween the citizens of the United States and the subjects of the British Queen. Session Had No Quorum. The last session of the legislature of the provisional government was held on the 5th dav of February. 1S40. It was a spe cial session, the regular session having ad journed to such dale. Many of the members being absent in California, drawn thither by the gold excitement, a quorum was lacking and no business could -be transacted. I cannot refrain from speaking a word cr Robert Newell, whom F. X. Matthieu con siders was the ablest man among the or ganizers of this early government. He was statesmanlike In his conception of affairs, generous and large-hearted In his dealings with his compatriots and always known for his generosity to his friends and neighbors. When the wafers of the Willamette washed away the homes of the people from the ground upon which we stand at the present time, the home of Newell was thrown open and there all refugees ere cared for. I shall not take your time to further speak of the many heroes that have gone. History has recorded many of thelr'achleve ments. but still there is much to be told of the Oregon country that Is an'lnsplration to all who read it. If we are to reap the bene fit of the pioneers' labors we must take up tho work where they left off. for better government, for the exemplification of those principles planted In the beginning and the Inculcation of Ideas and policies that will redound to all future generations. NECK BROKEN 35" SENATOR GOES VXWITTIXGLY WITH VEKTEBUA MISPLACED., Struck by Bullet In Civil War Battle and Falls JKrom Horse Trou ble Successfully Remedied. WASHINGTON. D. C. May 2. (Spe cial.) The fact that Senator Money, of Mississippi, passed through life for 35 years with a dislocated neck and did not know it, became known to some of his associates today. , At the first battle of Franklin, In April, 1863, Mr. Money was a cavalry man in the Confederate service. He was struck by a bullet and fell from his horse. Some time ago he went to New York, accompanied by his son, and vis ited a physician to be treated for neu ralgia. Almost the first remark was: "Why, Senator, you have had your neck broken." The physician declared that one of the vertebrae had been entirely pushed from the top of the column supporting the head and was in a wrong- position. He demonstrated that the muscles, on O. A. CVS ORATOR AT PlLt MAN. mm John Schroeder, '08. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvajlis, May 1. (Special.) John G. Schroeder, 'OS, Oregon Agricultural College, is to represent ills institution in. the Interstate oratorical contest ' at Pullman May 2. Mr. Schroe der is editor of the O. A. C. Barometer, and was editor of last year's Junior Annual. He has represented O. A. C. three ' times in oratorical contests. He is an athlete, being the best man fn the institution in the 100 and 220-yard dashes. Mr. Schroe der is a Portland boy. one side of the neck were flabby and useless. The physician laid Mr. Money on a table, took hold of the misplaced vertebra with both hands and snapped it into proper position. Then he told Senator Money that he must exercise precaution until the muscles regained their normal strength. He was cau tioned not to turn his head in looking at anything, but to move the entire body. These instructions were ob served and the neck apparently be came as strong as it was 35 years be fore the operation. Await Judge Webster's Return. Petition for letters of .administration on the estate of Mrs. Ann Manning, who died in April, was presented In the County Court, yesterday and will be held for action pending the return of Judge Webster from one of his frequent journeys to tne interior of the state. Henry Manning, the widower of Mrs. Manning cites that he has been unable to find any will. The estate is worth $16,000, all personal property. CALL JVIONDAY At Le Palais Royal if you want bargains in ladies' suits. Every tailored Suit will be on sale at prices you cannot resist, Monday. 375 Washington street. ' Perfect fitting glasses II at Metzger's. APPEAL TO COURTS O.-R. & N. Co. Will Fight Dis tributive Rate Order. PLANS INJUNCTION SUIT Corporation's Lawyers Assert Tbat State Railroad Coniiffission Vio lates the Regulations of Interstate Commerce. Strong efforts will be made by the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company to have the recent order of the Oregon Railroad Commission lowering distribu tive rates out of Portland set aside by the courts. Suit will be filed within a few weeks attacking the Commission's order. The plan of the raiiroad attorneys is to bring suit to restrain the Commis sion from putrrflg the revised tariff schedule into effect and "an injunction will be asked. W. W. Cotton, general counsel for the O. R. & N., and H. F. Connor, of 'Mr. Cotton's legal staff, are at work on the case and the bill will be filed within a short time. The order of the Commission reducing the distributive rates betweeen Portland and Eastern Oregon district ing centers becomes effective 20 days after April 23. It is likely' that the in junction suit will be filed before, that time. . .. The Commission's order will be at tacked on the ground that the reduction of freight rates to Eastern Oregon points from Portland is really an attempt to regulate interstate commerce: It is held that the relation of the rates from Port land to the Interior is so close to the transcontinental rate that any attempt to change one .necessitates the equaliza tion of the other. "There are two reasons why we will contest the rate orders of the Commis sion,", said W. W. Cotton yesterday. "The first is that the rates 'from the East to Interior Oregon points are in the main equal to a combination of the transcontinental .rate to Portland plus the local rate from Portland to destina tion. "In the second place, the rates from San Francisco to Eastern-' Oregon points are mainly equal to a .combination of steamship or rail rate to Portland plus the local rate, to destination in -the In terior. "The rates from San Francisco and the East to Eastern Oregon points are In terstate rates and have to be filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission and cannot be changed by the railroad com pany except upon giving SO days' notice. The Commission's order reduces the rates from Portland to Eastern Oregon points. Owing to the' manner in which the rates are made from the East and San Francisco, the order would- necessarily produce one or the other of the two fol lowing results, - either of which affects and regulates interstate commerce: 'First, the order would compel the' company to reduce Its rates from the East and from San Francisco to East ern Oregon points- to an amount equal to the reduction In local rates from Portland to the same points. 'Or, in the second place, all direct ship ments from the East and San Francisco to Eastern Oregon points would cease unless the shipper was willing to pay a higher rate for the direct shipment to destination than he would be compelled to pay if he shipped the goods to Port land and rebilled them from Portland to destination." - APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE BISHOP HOGUE FILXiS FREE METHODIST PULPITS. Ridicules Compensation -of Pastors More Money Spent for Pet Dogs and Chewing Gum The closing session of the annual Free Methodist conference' at the First Church, East Mill and Ninth streets, was made interesting by the announcement of the pulpit appointments for the coming year. These were read as the last item of business at 5:30 P. M. Bishop Hogue delivered a lecture to the conference Just before the appointments were read. He urged that the pastors accept the appoint ments in the right . spirit, and especially that the churches through out the conference receive their new pastors in the - most cordial manner. Bishop Hogue said the average compensation of pastors in the Free Methodist Church had been $250 per annum, but had been raised to $290. He declared that it ought to be much more: that more money was spent on pet dogs than was paid all the preachers in the United States, and that if the preachers received all the money that was paid for chewing gum they would be far better compensated. He paid a high tribute to the heroism of the minister's wives, on whose shoulders fall such a large part of the burden of the churches. The bishop then read the following appointments for the conference year: r Portland district W. N. Coffee, presiding elder: Portland and St. .Uhn. John Glen; Central, W. J. Johnston; Houlton and Beth any. J. F. Lewi; Grfham. Etacada and Pleasant Valley, O. N. Blair; Pamascus and Sunnyside, S. F. Pitts; Forest Grove. Hllls boro and Dilly, E. W. Hlllis. W. Barrett, J. W. Roman and T. H. Symms, super numeraries. Salem district W. N. Coffee, elder: Ealem and Aumsvlllr. J. A. Hopper, supply; Al bany, Lizzie Walker; Lacomb. H. A. Walker; Palls City. H. J. Blair and Mm. Minnie Blair: Dayton and Newberg. S. G. Roper: Woodburn and Hubbard, H. B. Krleder; Har mony, to bo supplied; Beaver and Tillamook, H. V. aslam. B. I.. Knoll, evangelist; J. r. Cook. Cyrus Cook. E. L- Smith, super numeraries. F. D. Helm, with appointment. Eugene district EW'elter, presiding elder; Eugene and Springfield, E. J. Harrington; Parsons Creek, Marcola and "Wendllns. W. W. Gatts; Koseburg. to be supplied; Myrtle Creek and Conyonvllle, J. F. Smith; Drain and Comstock, C S. Ram bo; Marshtteld, to be supplied. E. D. Blackman, evangelist. Grants Pass district N. Welter, presiding elder; Grants Pass. Woodrith and Seldon, to be supplied; Murphy and Missouri Flat and Williams Creek. A. "W. Countryman: Ash land and Tangent, L. R. Blackman; Phoenix and Central Point, H. E. Krelder; Klamath Falls, F. B. Creecy. J. H. Brown, conference missionary. J. O. Hockett, supernumerary. The Dalles district D. tV. Cook, presiding elder: The Dalles and Hood River, to be sup plied: White Pine and Bake Oven, to be supplied; Opal Prairie, G. W. Bonurant. The services for today will be as fol lows:' Love feast at 9 A. M. ; preaching and ordination of elders at 10:30 A. M., by Bishop Wilson Thomas Hogue; ordi nation of deacons at 2:30 P. M.; sermon by the bishop at S P. M. Recover Body of Arthur Pseherer. KELSO, Wash., May 2. (Special.), The body of Arthur Pseherer, better known as "Kelso," was recovered from the waters of the Cowlitz River, near WtSiclglg9gSggi This is the month when every man and boy who has the human instinct of desiring to look his best, will find our store an inter esting spot, because now we can show the most attractive things to wear ever displayed in ithis city. Not only have the clothing . designers made their patterns more spicy, bnt our new facilities have given us the chance to pick out the best. LION CLOTHIMCCO GusKuhnProp' 166-168 Third Street. the mouth' of the" Cowecman. at noon J tadav hv Louis Lindstrom and John ! Fieshman, deckhands on the steamer Nestor. The body, which was badly decomposed, was recognized by several of the residents who were well ac quainted with the deceased. "Kelso" was last seen at midnight of April 11, when he crossed the deck of the Kel logg to board the steamer Chester, on which boat he was employed. Since that time no trace of th.e man was found, although rivermen dragged. the river for days. A reward of $100 had been offered for the recovery of the body. LINES IN FAN-AM ER1CAN REPORT. OF COMMISSION" HAND ED TO STATE DEPARTMENT. Compiled by Charles M. Pepper and Shows Abo'ut 3 600 Miles Yet Un completed, C500 Done. WASHINGTON. May 2. Ex-Senator Henry G. Davis. as chairman, has transmitted to the Statef Department the report of the Pan-American Rail way Commssion, written by Charles M. Pepper, who has been in South Amer ica for the past year investigating' trade conditions for the Department of Commerce and Jabor. Mr. Pepper says that the railway lines of the Argentine Republic have reached to the ' borders of Bolivia, a distance of 1200 miles from Buenos Ayres. This will be continued to the town of Tuplza, and met there by the line built by the Speyer City Bank Syndicate of New York. The first sec tion of this line will be completed by July. Out of 540 miles that constitute the Bolivian link In the Pan-American, 177 remain to be completed, and these are provided for. This means that only 177 miles of a total of 1740 miles are needed to fill the gap between Buenos Ayres and Lake Titicaca. In Chile, the cross-continental line has a break of only four hours' stage ride in a continuous rail journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The spiral tunnel to complete the junction of the railway lines will probably be done In 18 months. Some progress has been made in Peru and Ecuador, but very little in Colombia. In Mexico, on the Tehuantepeo Railway, the Guatemalan border Is only a few miles distant. . The trans-oceanic line in Guatemala connecting; the Pacific with the Atlan tic was opened in January. Costa Rica Is also completing a trans-oceanic line, as is Nicaragua. Summing up, Mr. Pepper says the Pan-American line from New York to Buenos Ayres is 6630 miles, and of this distance 2500 miles is of railway over which trains' are running, while there is -an addi tional 400 miles under actual construc tor This leaves a little more than 3600 miles for the future.. Chairman Davis comments on the beneficial effects of the Pan-American project and its In fluence. PERSONALJVIENTION. J. Wr. Bancroft, of tffewberg, is a guest ax tne motel (Lenox. Mrs. Leon M. Brown, of Burns, i registered at the Portland. J. C. Morcland. of Salem, Clerk of the Oregon Supreme Court, is at the Danmoore. Horace E. Thomas, a well-known news paper man, and his bride are guests at the Hotel. Lennox. James T. Hayward. a prominent cap- Comb Out? Better be on the, safe side. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Hair Vigor. Then do as he says. He knows what b best. Am 9 w ersTiairv iaor S NEW IMPROVED FORMULA J Is your comb telling a story, the story of falling hair? Not a pleasant story, is it? It ends badly, The story we tell is pleasant the story of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Promptly 'stops falling hair, destroys dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy. Does not color the hair. We hate no secrets I We publish ' the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. REMOVED " Parinrl iV Period Chippendale CARPET- INGS Our stock" of Floor Coverings, including scores of ' exclusive patterns, js unusually c o m p 1 e te: Rugs American, European and 0 r i e n t a 1 are shown in every size and color. We have just received 2000 yards of the finest im ported Linoleum, in hardwood effects. J. G. . italist of Evansville, Ind:, and wife, are at the Danmoore. Miss Pearl Culbeftson has returned to her home in Walla Walla, after sev eral months' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. A. McKee. Mrs.. W. D. Lutters and son, of San Francisco, are visiting Mrs. Lutter's sis ter. Mrs. Myer Hirsch, at 329 Mill street. Mrs. Luttcrs was formerly Miss Felice Loewensteln. N. B. Boehm. night clerk at the Port land Hotel. -has resigned and he will be succeeded by Don Sullivan, who form erly held the position. Mr. Boehm is go ing East to visit friends. W. F. M-cGregor. of Astoria, is at the Danmoore, accompanied by his wife. Mr. McGregor was recently appointed Collector of Customs at Astoria, suc ceeding the fate C. W. Carnahan. Robert Wilson, of Los Angeles, who aided Benjamin Fay Mills' in his recent extensive lecture tour in the Middle West, will spend Sunday in Portland and take this opportunity to address the Fellowship Circle Sunday after noon on "The Greater Fellowship." Rev. Henry Victor Morgan, who has made many friends in Portland during his two months' lecturing and class work, leaves Monday evening for San Francisco. His closing lecture is at the Empire Theater. Sunday evening, where he speaks on the topic "How to Make Life Worth Living." PHOENIX. Ariz., May 2 "(Special.) W. P. Richardson, of the firm of Beach & Simons, a prominent attorney of Ari zona, has disposed of his mining and other Interests here and goes to Port land to reside permanently. CHICAGO. May 2. (Special.) A. L. Hurst, of Portland, Is at the Great Northern-Hotel. ' GOINGEAST Thosev contemplating- a trip to ttie East should try the new Soo-Spokane Route. l"p-to-date equipment, electric lighted, fast time, excellent service. Apply, at local office. 142 Third street, for rates and full particulars. Y YT' TO FIFTH AND STARK FURNI TURE All our Furniture has character. It stands for simplicity, dig nity and fine work manship. Anything infurniture, from splendid mahogany pieces to Old Hickory Porch Furniture, is to be .found in fine de signs and at reason able prices. ACK M FIFTH AND STARK PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT POWER Bulletin No 2 THE RUSH-HOUR PROBLEM. We intend to discuss in this bulletin, first, the nature of the .rush-hour problem; next, some of the greatest difficulties incidental to this trying period of the day; and lastly, how we are meeting this problem. Briefly stated, this rush-hour problem is that of handling the traffic at the hours of heavy travel, between 6 and 9 o'clock in the morning and between 5 and 7 o'clock in the evening. Between these hours every man in the city who is earning his living in this work-a-day life is on the move and anxious to reach his destination promptly and conveniently. Our most difficult problem is in the evening between 5 and 7 o'clock. Between these two hours everyone who has been brought down town in the three morning hours, and many more who have come down later in the day, start for home, and are in the typical American hurry , to reach it. An illustration will make it easier to understand the difficul ties of furnishing transportation for a great crowd. BASEBALL GAME AS ILLUSTRATION. You have all been to a baseball game, where there were 5000 rooters. You know how we line the cars up outside the grounds waiting for the end of the game. Forty cars, each carrying 100 people, are necessary to move this crowd, which means a line of cars standing ten feet apart, almost half a mile in length. When the crowd piles on the cars after the game, even with this line of cars ready, it takes fifteen or twenty minutes to load them all, and bring the last car up from nearly half a mile away. If everyone waited for a seat the crowd wouldn't get home until long after dark. THE DAILY PROBLEM. With this explanation we will take up our daily problem. The office buildings, wholesale houses and shops around Washington, Third and Morrison streets pour hordes of people into the streets at 5 o'clock, again at 5:30 and again at 6 o'clock. It is not a question of handling 5000 people, but the number is approximately 50,000. We are not allowed to line our cars up as at a ball game, but must keep them moving. The streets are filled with slow-moving wagons, some of whose drivers think that they are punishing the company by delaying 50 or more people in a car. STOP AND THINK. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to move 5000 people at the ball grounds, where we can line up our cars. How much greater is the problem when there are ten times that number to be moved, taking into .consideration the difficulties mentioned above. We ,wish to emphasize two difficulties encountered in grappling with this problem: First There are the delays to traffic caused by interruptions of service across the bridges. Second The attempts of passengers to get on board cars that are already crowded, when by waiting a few seconds they can board other cars which are not filled. HOW THIS PROBLEM IS BEING MET. We are always at work on these problems. We have increased our equipment over 30 per cent, and during the rush hours our carrying capacity is doubled. This rush-hour problem is not local, every city has it. It is more difficult here for the reasons given, but ask the people who travel how our service compares with that of other cities at these hours that is a fair test. This bulletin "is to convince you that we are endeavoring to give you good service, and to give you g. broader understanding of our underlying difficulties, so that we will have your co-operation and encouragement. If this sketch appeals to you, try not to kick if you don't get A seat in i the evening or if someone casually walks over you. Think it out, and realize some of our difficulties. Our fine new furni ture store the new est and one of the largest and finest in the West offers on every floor a host of value-giving oppor tunities to artistic or economical buyers DECORA TIONS Our Drapery Depart ment contains the usual fabrics in pro fusion, as well as many stylish' new things not found else where. The services of a New York decor ative salesman are at the disposal of our patrons. & CO COMPANY