The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 26, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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New Feature of Direct Pri
mary Factor in Guberna
. . torial Nomination.
1 trM Iioir ianilUIatc MuM, Secure
Mi, 000 Vote PolUUian K.-tt-nialo
ThU Will He Dim
(till Mnrk to Ttcaih.
OT.V.Ml'IA. WaHh.. April Special.)
Tho rHhdidHl1 for th RiW(oan nomi.
mtttn for ovrnor in tb- SfterafxT
prim art will Iihvt to t hi mnrk at
ahum ; votes in oiilcr to ho the first
ob"ire of hip party for the plac.
Th oxtlmat made by pnl it leal ob
Kfrvorn is that the total Jtepubllran vote
cat for Uptihltr-nn Ma to off tivrs in thf
prirrmrtt-n wtl not f xfel Tu.ftuO. Forty
jor cent is required to give the nomina
t in on first choirs.
The highest vote for a Republican can
dl'iate rust in th itinera, election of
J!$ Bf for F. W. CijKhnian. candidate
for Conprop. ho received 71.91 votts.
Two y'r before that, however, in the
I'rwUlentlal year, fiinhmun's vote was
l:i.3:. w hilf M. A. frtillcrton. candidate
for Supreme Jude, led fits party state
tifket with 4.21'4.
The highest Republican, vote cast in
K'Oi was for Presidential electors. S. G.
('owjrrnve receivinR 101.540. The vote on
Presidential electors, however. U not
considered a fair criterion as to the nor
mal Republican vote, particularly in that
year when sentiment In favor of the elec
tion of Roosevelt for President permeated
other political parties In this state.
Kxpert Light Vole.
Rased on the returns of the last elec
tion and the growth of the state In the
succeeding years, it is estimated that the
normal Republican vote this year Is
tmit 100.000.
There are several contingencies to be
considered in estimating the percentage
of the vote that will be cast In the Sep
tember primaries. One is the fact that
the primaries occur in the midst of the
harvest season in Kastern 'Washington i
when many voters will likely find It im
possible to leave their farms to go to the j
polls. Another is the lesser interest ;
usually Fhown in primaries as compared j
with the general election. A third factor j
to be considered is the dang-er that failure
to understand the second choice provision 1
of the primary election law will result in j
th throwing out of many ballots. j
For offices for which there are four or
more candidates, the elector who falls to.
mark his second choice as well as his
first choice will have his vote thrown
out. A second choice and first choice
vote must not be cast for the same can
didate. The difficulty of educating the
voters to this feature of the law is rec
rjrnted as a difficult problem.
When all these contingencies are taken
Into consideration, the estimate of the
Republican vote that will be counted in
the September primaries is usually placed
at about 70 to To per cent of the normal
vote of the party. Some estimates go as
low even as 60 per cent.
Contest Pure to Be Close.
When 75 per cent is taken as the basis,
or Ifr.000 votes, the 40 per cent necessary
to a first choice is ,:o,000. If any candi
dnte for Governor counts on retting SU.000
voles, he will have to admit that the
combined vote of his four opponents will
he but 45.000. - or an average of 11.250
Indications at this time, however, point
to a cloe contest between at least two of
too lending candidates. If the primary
election should be held at this time, it is
likely that Mead and MVBrlde would run
quite cWwe together. To concede either
one 40 per cent of the first choice votes
would mean that about 55.000 votes
would be cast for the two candidates,
having only 20.000 to be divided among
three candidates, or about 6500 each. Yet
if any one should suggest to the friends
of Atkinson. Cosgrove and Rid oath that
the three would not poll more than 20.000
together, they likely would be insulted.
Politicians who try to figure the thing
out in advance almost Invariably come to
the conclusion that the successful candi
date for Governor will not be chosen by
first choice votes alone.
The second choice feature of the law
Is an elusive proposition for them in
making pre-election estimates. It is the
general theory, however, that if the con
test, as is now Indicated, results in an
energetic ficlit between two leading can
didates,., that the supporters of either
leading- randtdate will not cast their sec
ond choice votes for the other leading
candidate. The leading candidate will
therefore have to look to the weaker can.
dfdatos'for second choice votes.
Slay Place Third Man First.
It is well within the range of probabili
ties that the second choice votes of both
leading candidates will concentrate upon
a third "nran. . who w ill have sufficient
first choice votes to make him the winner
when his first and second choice votes
are added. .
After the second choice votes are taken
Into consideration. It 1 the candidate
who has the plurality that succeeds to
the nomination.
Somewhat similar conditions will exist
ns to nearly every other state office, ex
cept Supreme and Superior Court Judges
and members of the Legislature, to whom
the second choice provision does not ap
ply. One result anticipated is that be
fore the campaign Is well along there will
be just as much electioneering for sec
ond as for first choice votes.
Milwaukee Official Say He Mis
stated Fact to Garfield.
TACOMA. Wash.. April 23. (Spe
cial.) It is claimed that B. S. Gross
cup is misrepresenting the facts to
Secretary Garrteld regarding the Red
ford tideland suit. Officials of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul deny that
anv agreement bus been made witn
Grosscup or others prosecuting- the
Redford tideland suit respeoting the
price the Milwaukee should pay for its
terminal property in the event that the
suit should be successful.
II. H. Field, general .Western coun
cl for the Milwaukee, said today:
-Mr. Grosscup has said nothing to
me of an agreed price. He did not
consult me as to the form of the ae
Uon. I did not tell him that it was
satisfactory. The only conversation I
ever had wUh Mr. Grosscup respecting
the suit dealt merely with a statement
from him that the litigation affected
our terminal property.
In bin telegram to Secretary Garfield,
Mr. Grosscup said:
"Milwaukee officials here express
themselves satisfied wtih the form of
action begun. I consulted with them
in advance. T have suggested to local
officials of the road tnat with vuur ap
proval we wjll agree upon price to
b pjtfd for 1 land finally adjudged
to be in the reservation.
m;v bot t n.s mkkciiants
Tillamook ninc -Men See Nothing
of Steamer Anvil.
TU.l,AMTiK. Or., April 2" ( Spu
ria I. ) Reports have again reached th's
city that th effort beinr made u put
the Anvil on the rim between Tilla
mook and Portland h fallen through,
although nothing definite is known on
account of the telephone line being
down. As the promoters have not filed
their bond and the time is past when
they nhotild do so. ft begins to look as
if the report ! correct. The business
men and shippers are now i-onsldering
a proposition from the Miami Lumber
rnmpinv. w hich has made n ofTer to
carry freight from San Francisco to
Tilla'mook for $2.50 a ton, and this Is
a matter which will taken up
Kbuuld the effort to pctire a new boat
from portlwnd f;i)l through.
All the Inrge shippers of Tillamook
Cltv and Ray City and creamery asso
ciations signed up with the new corn
pan v. putt ing tip a bond that they
would stH' with the Portland bent oft
two years, which amounted to nearly
all the business, but since the pro
moters have not come tip to time,
ttiis leHves the business men here free
to negot iate with San Francisco.
Dewey Announces Candidacy.
TAt "OM A. Wash.. April ST.. iSpe
clnl.'i Henry H. P.wry.
JUNCTION CITT. Or., ApTIl 25. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Howard
celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in this city April 15.
Mr. Howard was born in 6hlo in 1S::3. came to Oregon in lS5:t. and located in
Lane County, which has been his home continuously. Fourteen children have
been born to this union. 13 of whom are living. The children are: Mrs. Carrie
Eden, of Oakland; J. D. Howard. Mrs. Hozilla Starr. Mrs. Dora Lovern. Mrs. Nora
Plxon. of Eugene; B. F. Howard, Mrs. Arvllla Powell. Mrs. lpha Lee. Mrs. Mabel
Baker, of Junction City: Mrs. Sarah K. Hedges, of San Francisco: Andy M. How
ard, of Portland; Mrs. Vinlng. of Spokane; I.. T. Howard, of Roseburg.
This family Is represented by the fifth generation, as Mrs. Howard's father is
living and has passed his 90th birthday. Twenty-three grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren were present at the anniversary.
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion to succeed tho late Superintendent
Brvan. today formally announced him
self a candidate for the office at the
coming election.
Thurston County Republicans in
Convention Declare for Taft
for President.
OT.YMPIA. Wash.. April 25. (.Special.)
Thurston County Republicans in conven
tion today elected IS delegates and 16
alternates to the state convention, at
Spokane, headed by C. S. Baton, who was
a classmate of Mr. TafL They also
ndopted a platform indorsing Mr. Taft
for President.' "unequivocally indorsinff
the able and honest Administration of
Governor Albert K. Mead." indorsing; C.
S. Eaton for delegate to the Republican
National Convention and instructing the
county delegation to use all honorable
means for his election and adopted the
"Yakima County direct primary resolution
demanding that legislative candidates
pledge themselves to vote for the party
choice for United States Senator.
John Rea, of Tacoma. was here in the
interests of Jones to secure the adopting
of an indorsement of Jones' candidacy for
Senator, while Deputy Internal Revenue
Collector S. A. Madge came to try to
light the adoption of the pledge plank
and to oppose Jones in the interests of
Ankeny. Postmaster Castanaugh. of
Olympia. and Rea also wanted Congress
man Cushman indorsed as National dele
gate, but neither this nor the Jones in
dorsement was presented.
Following ' the selection of tho state
delegates State Treasurer George G. Mills
was chosen chairman of the delegation.
He sent a wire to Governor Mead, who
is on his way Kast. telling of the Mead
Indorsement. This , caught the Governor
on the North Coast Limited in Montana
and Mead sent the following reply:
'Message received. Fully appreciate
and deeply grateful for indorsement of
Thurston County -Republicans. Direct
primary on tr'al. Must avoid causes for
friction in party. Similar indorsement
by state convention might be deemed un
fair to my contestants for nomination aad
cause party discord. General indorse
ment of Republican policies by state con
vention satisfactory to me. Urge ' my
fnends to act accordingly as I desire
perfect fairness toward all my competi
Judge "Galloway Grants Change of
A'cnue for Alleged Murderer.
TILLAMOOK. Or., April (Spe
cial.) Judge Galloway has granted a
change of venue in the Hembree mur
der case, transferring the case to Polk
County, and Hembree will be tried at
Dallas in two weeks for ttoe murder of
his wife. A motion was made by Hem
bree'a attorneys on the ground that
the newspapers had published the evi
dence, and that a large number of the
citizens had signed a petition In pro
test of Governor Chamberlain's action
in paroling Hembree.
Sues to Recover Jewels.
PENDLKTOX. Or.. April 23. (Spe
cial.) James Washington, formerly a
prominent gambler in this city, who
was recently released from the asylum,
has brought suit - against Mark Pat
ton, Pendleton's leading barber, to re
cover the possession of two diamonds,
valued at thOO. Washington alleges
the jewels were left with Patton for
safe keeping about six years ago.
Boosting Spirit Aroused by
Commercial Club Banquet.
Lincoln trinity's Business Men
I nile Wilh Marrlman Line In a
Campaign to Invite Homeseek
crs and Capitalists to State.
NKWTORT. Or.. April 2.".. (Special.)
The most BiR-ninVant event that has
tken place in Uncnln County in many
y.-ars was the banquet Riven at the
Abhoy House in this -!t- lsb even
tim, und'T the auspices of the Com
mercial Club. All parts of the county
were well represented, atitl many prom
inent m from other parts of the
state wre sniesis.
The object of the meeting was to
unite -the progressive forces of the
whole eotinty in a campaign of pub
licity, that the now latent resources of
Lincoln County may be brought to the
notice of the homeseekers and the cap
italists. Its success was remarkable,
and its good effect will be far-reaching.
Never before was there such unan
imity of spirit, and if at 8:30. when
the company entered the prettily-decorated
dining-hall. there was any who
questioned the expediency of this
move, it is safe to say that he was
converted to the gospel of progress
long before adjournment, four hours
The menu was excellent. ' and was
composed, in so. far as possible, of Lin
coln County products oysters, clams,
crabs, meats, etc. The address of wel
come was heartily rendered by Dr.
Carter, who was followed by Colonel
Robert A. Miller. 'who paid a beautiful
tribute to the pioneer. Hishop Scad
ding expressed some splendid thoughts
in responding to the toast. "Oregon."
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, with his usual wit
and common sense, spoke on "Educa
tion." Judge Swope, in responding to "Our
County." made a pleasing speech in
line with progress. Mr. Bradford, of
Wisconsin, paid a glowing tribute to
Lincoln County. Mr. Scott, represent
ing the passenger department of tho
Harriman lines in Oregon, expressed
greaf pleasure In finding on this, hia
first visit to Yaquina Bay. such favor
able conditions, and assured the people
of this community a better train serv
ice by June 1.
Then the real business of the even
ing was taken up by Mr. Wells, of the
Harriman lines' advertising depart
ment, explaining his system of adver
tising, in five minutes. After taking
his seat the plan was adopted, and
$1000 raised to defray the expense of a
publicity campaign.
Eugene Miller Finds Railroad Has
Doubled Tariff on Grains.
SALEM, Or.. April 25. (Special.) J.
M. Siellev. of Eugene, manager of the
Eugene Mill & Elevator Company, has
protested to the State Railroad Com
mission against -a recent raise of near
ly 100 per cent In certain local freight
rates in thaf part of the state. He en
closes a shipping receipt showing that
he pays a rate of 23 cents per 100
pounds on wheat and oats from Eugene
t ji.iim,, ;
tf aniiimla mm immni mn iniiiiini ,
pf '
0 The Answer V
Is plain. ASK YOUR 1
k DEALER for the hat V :
(j which Is I,
" The
es. wbick rate, be
unjust and unrea-
sys. M exceslv
sonable. Prior to January 1. 107. the
rate w 14 cents. The rate for a little
longer distance, as. for Instance, from
F.ngene to Roseburg. tf now 31 cents,
whereas the former rate was 1$ cents.
This la an Increase of over 10 per
The Railroad Commission will in
Hoqulam Oddfellows March Before
" Glare of Electric Light.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. April . (Special.)
The most beautiful and spectacular
parade ever wttnesseofTn Hoquiom was
that' of the SSth Oddfellows' anniversary
today. The Oddfellow have the key to
the cily and are being royally entertained.
Returning from the large auditorium to
night at f o'clock, the auperb regalia of
the militants, marching four abreast, was
Illuminating and greatly beautified by the
aiare of the electric headlight of an electric-car
which carefully followed the
grand officers. Plumes, heimeta. swords,
etc.. m-ere brought out In kaleidoscopic
colors and change by the brilliant light
cast by the car. and It is to be deplored
that the rainbow effect of the return
march could not have been perpetuated In
a color picture scheme.
C. Sam Smith at Liberty on $5000.
Elliott Placed Under 93000.
PRTNKV1LLE. Or.. April 36. (Special.)
Bonds have been fixed for ex-Sheriff C.
Sam Smith, his son Stanley and Irkln
KUlott, cattlemen, on charges connect
ed with the destruction of property an
ex-Congressman J. N. Williamson a
stock ranch and range in Crook Coun
ty. The counts and bonds follow:
For C. Sain Smith Kxpoelng poison.
11000; burning aheepshearlng plant.
S2000: setting fire to building, IliJ);
cutting fence, $500; total, $5000.
For Larkin Elliott Cutting fence.
(500: setting fire to building. $1500;
exposing poison. $1000: total. $3100.
For Stanley Smith Cutting fonce,
C. Sam Smith filed his bond today and
is now at liberty.
Conference at Pendleton to Bring
Departments Together.
PENDLETON. Or., April 25. (Special.)
A conference of O. ,R. & N. officials, in
cluding superintendents, division engi
neers, dispatchers and . roadmasters of
all the divisions of the sysfm will be
held in this city 'tomorrow. - The purpose
of the meeting Is to bring the different
departments closer together and is the
first ot its kind to be held in this part
of the state. An effort will also be made
to gain a general understanding of the
rules and regulations governing the
operation of the road. Hereafter, these
meetings will be held often. It Is ex
pected that 20 officials will be in attend
ance. General Superintendent M. J.
Buckley and Division Superintendent D.
W. Campbell are now here and will re
main over for the meeting.
Mass Convention Selects Delegates
to State Convention.
ROSEBURG, Or.. April 25. (Special.) A
mass meeting of Douglas County Demo
crats, was held in the Courthouse in this
city this afternoon. The following were
elected, as delegates to the state conven
tion at Portland June 9: G. W. Wonacott,
W. W. Elder. L. W liberty. I. J. Norman,
William G. Hill, Dexter Rice, O. P. Co
show, C. T. Nail and Dr. E. J. Page. Upon
motion the delegates were instructed to
favor the election of delegates- to the Na
tional convention who will support Hon.
W. J. Bryan for the Presidential nomina
tion. Statement No. 1 was indorsed. The
convention also favored the enactment of
a strict state banking law.
Feared That Peaeltes, Pears and
Cherries Will Be Total Loss.
ROSEBURG. Or.. April 5. (Spe
cial. 1 Douglas County fruitgrowers
are much concerned as to the extent
of the damage caused by last night's
frost. From some sections the report
comes that the pears, peaches, cher
ries and other early fruits will be a
total Iosft. while In other sections the
to roneaiia. 44 mile
Viz: Dunlap and Stetson
Hats E. & W. Shirts and Col
lars, Cluett & Monarch Shirts,
Arrow Collars, Dent's Gloves
All Goods Purchased at Discount Prices Absolutely Gash
j a& jar "
j I
and Caribou
A generous assortment of these new
Spring shades in our stock.
Also the handsome new wood eolof
effects and leather shades.
The fashionable attire for men this
season will be so different from those
of former seasons, that almost any
"holdover suit" will be unpleasantly
conspicuous. Better jret into touch
with one of our salesmen today. He'll
be pleased to post yon on the eorreet
fabrics for this season's wearing. viifteanteerf I n all r- mf
5 (lirmiit. to nrd.r.ln m day tf -ejutred.
Full Lresa and' Tuxedo Suits a epecuiHy.
108 Third Street.
growers are as yet unable to say Just
bow much damage they have suf
fered trom this severe frost.
Four-Mile House Near Umatilla Was
Well Known in Days of Stage.
PENDLETON, Or., April 25. (Spe
cial.) "Four mile house," one of the
historic buildings in the Inland Empire,
was burned to the ground today. It
was located four miles east of the town
of Umatilla on the Umatilla River and
in the days of the stage-coach and
freight-wagon was famed far and wide
as a stopping place. The house was
erected In 1867 by alFrenchman named
Theodore, who conducted a saloon at
the Umatilla latrding while his wife
conducted the road-house. The build
ing has been used as a- dwelling for
many years. The origin of the fire is
Insane Patient Cuts His Throat land
Struggles With Doctors. 1
TACOMA. April 25. Shrieks for help
sent the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital
running to one of the wards about noon
today, where a'stalwart Scandinavian was
found slashing his throat with a knife
which he had seized from another pa
tient who was cutting his finger nails.
The man bted about two quarts and
fought the doctors fore he could be
overpowered and the wound stitched up.
Hia name is -Albert Banken and he was
brought from Wilkeson today suffering
from delirium as the result of exces
sive drinking. His recovery Is doubtful.
Umatilla Socialists Place Full Ticket
in the Field.
PENDLETON. Or.. April 25. (Special.)
A mass convention of Socialists' was held
In this city today and a full county ticket
was nominated. Leaders say they have
no hopes of landing any of the offices,
but will make an effort to ascertain the
strength of the party in Umatilla County.
This is the first time a full ticket has been
nominated. The state and National plat
form was adopted. It was the smallest
and most determined convention ever held
in this county. Haywood's name was not
Whitman Convention Dates.
COLFAX. Wash., April 23. (Special.)
The Whitman County Republican Central
Committee and precinct committeemen
met at Colfax today, naming May 4 as
their primary date and May ! as the date
for the count? convention. Twenty-eight
Can use the same canvas, the same oils, the same
brushes; but that docs not mean their work w ilt
be worth the same. It's the expression of indi
viduality, the note of art, that establishes the
value. Same way with Chesterfield Clothes. If
it were possible to pet' Suits out from the same"
cloth, the cut wouldn't be the same, the making
would be different, tho art laekinp. It's what
you don't see about a suit of clothes that makes
what you do see right. It's the way the garment
is proportioned, the manner in which the needle
work is done, that produce the shape, the fit,
' and the swagger set of a suit. It's the art in
matching the stripes and patterns exactly, and
paying the price for the best tailors to do all
.this work in a scientific way, that makes Ches
terfield Suits several notches better than any
other makes. This all goes to make a suit cost
more, but you must admit they're worth more
than the ' difference in price.
R. M.
delegates will be sent to the state conven
tion at Spokane.
Lively Contest Expected Over Effort
to Make County Dry.
SALEM. Or.. April 25. (Special.)
County Clerk R. D. Allen today completed
checking upon the signatures on the
Marion County local option petition and
found the petition to be in due form and
signed by several hundred more voters
than the law requires. The saloon ques
tion will therefore be submitted to the
voters of Marion County June 1. As
there will be no fight on any of the
county offices and there Is no interest in
any of the state contests except that for
Senator, it is certain thaj the saloon
question will be the center of much at
tention. Albany Dellphts In Xickle Shows.
Al.KAVY. Or., anril 25. (Soecial.t
A 20 Per Cent Reduction Now in Force
& CO
to $50.00
Albany- Is having an era of electric thea
ters. Its first entertainment, institution
of that kind was started here about two
months ago and has proven very popular.
Its success is probably responsible for
another similar theater which is being
fitted up on West First street and which
will open next week. Now a third thea
ter of that kind is In prospect and Its
promoter is looking for a satisfactory lo
cation. Sues to Recover Insurance.
ALBANf. Or., April 25. (Special.)
The Twenty-Five Hundred, a local Ufa
insurance organization, was made defend
ant in a suit filed today in the State
Circuit Court by Attorney c M. Intnan.
of Salem, representing the heirs of Wil
liam Charles Thomas, formerly of Mac
leay, Marion County. Thomas' heirs seek
to recover $2000. claiming it is due them
on a policy he carried in the organiza
tion. Payment of the p;iicy was refuse-l
on the ground that Thomas had violated
some residence provisions embodied in
on All Our
Goods and