The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 26, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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nkkmiwi as Ctorta.
V ANTED With Irrigation and cotofitslng
oimparv, jvi' a real fstste ssiesmsn
tand rerhapa general eir. on the prorriy.
L tl wartl by itrtnufiu husitsa mJi;
fornwr fruit huytf and lsr kvr . iarr Jn"
iin l irmp-mrrion prrrred . A-l ref renc'.
Address P. O. box 112.. S-aiOe.
A muntin- gerral slre. or lerk. eTT
lnd ad Titn. s"re managmnt.
huvlng window iriimilriL an hand-e
general Ktork or rloihirg arws r dry
rods work: w'.nrv rea-ntwiM. 'rlt or
ire W I Etmhiw, 76 Hoyt Port
land. ir.
KIT?1 TH " WAXTEI-UH:w' cl-rk. c
pahi nt 4nw ster. rrapMc with
nrV pe-l-nr tn al frrilfht ofiees,
wis.- pottton with rmmr il or msnu-f-xtwnng
um; city rrfrrences given. K
Ml. w -or tan.
Y 1 1 N man g--d business qualifications.
r"'..r. and of correct habits. J1- f
i..n a r-nisl of fi'- man with i I labia
..n.m; n frrt-n--- wilt ronvin you of my
Worth. J KiX Oregonian.
W A M F IV- B a rn(iirn. clerkship,
.lot. tug. mens furnihinf. fy
t..r-. oxrcnr. uwlrindP hook
kp:ng. ffni. country town pre-r-fi1
K rr-f..nln.
WAVTrJD poMnn as hoofck-eT and Sten-
ograi -h-r: 5 iarw' exr-Tin. tn general r
ft. work can ft v bst "f references. Ad-dr-
F. T. Davis. 211 th .
EXTrfRlENfED and reliable young man.
ho.kkpr. would Ilk to go to work
about the Arft of May: no objection to out
of town. C Oregonian.
WANTKO Executive or clerical. wda busi
ngs experience; conscientious effort; sal
ary to tKlo, $75 to $100. Address C 760
bTENOOR APHER. railroad ex-perien-.
thoroughly competent and reliable;
23. desires position; references. B 8.
OLD riprlncH itonorrtphwbrtkkfrpr
cashier, with beat references and bond, tf
nr esaary, dealrea change. A $41, Ore
fonlan. AOOUTANT-Pxirt. 2K, would Ilka clr
bal fial(m, firakj rman; prato t p
writer; "od rxpri-noe. U Oregon tan.
WANTED Powltton In irnrral store; f-'ur
y.-ara' empern.- . wHUn(f to do any kind
of work. AtMrwiw N MK, OrKnnlan.
BY Msllahl and acc. irate bookkper. 10 year'
Mw-rlfrnra fln penman, city or country,
rhitfw Kaat or K H34. Onrgonln.
BOOKS kept, nyatema introduowd. account
ing in all branch Reasonable chargea.
Willtam Stirling. 4T McKay bldg.
AS experienced accountant wlphe a aet of
book to kffp taking about half hla tlma.
A. J. Schureman. P. O. box M.
- NTPD PoeltWwi by competent bookkepr.
So earn' experience, and firat-claw reter
encea. II Sis, Oregonlan.
YOVNH man wtsh prltlon as clerk and
hookkeeper in groc-ry tom; la a rood book
keeper. P tul, Oregonian.
Tor NO man. experienced in g-eneral offica
wvrk. want position, chance for advance
ment. T 6. Oregonlan
BX I'KRT accountant ; hooka closed and
opened ; terms reasonable. A. J. Schu re
man, P. O. box M.
WAVTKD Position by thoroughly reliable
BT.d competent h.xkkeeper and office man.
Phone Pacific T44.
FOR a good bookkeeper, experienced or be
gtnnrr. phone clerical Office. Main 5o4.
Tested and certified.
BY AN all-around good timber man: can
estimate, run compaaa and do office work.
A S3K, Oron(an.
POSITION wanted by an experienced hard
ware man; best of reference. Q 86t$,
POSITION wanted by able utenograitfier; $70;
aWo a&Met tn general office work. P
Oregon Ian. "
1 A l.ESM A N. W years experience In depart
ment more, wanta poaltltxi at once. R SiJS,
GRfWBRY rlerk. Eaatern man. deslrr posi
tion; Al references mm to ability. P 8t4.
Oregon lan.
WH KX you want your windows and houxe
clfaned- call up phone A 10T; we guar
antee ail of our work. The Western Houms--leanlng
EXPKRIENCED. elderly. aober gardener
wants situation on a private place, city
or country. Except horses. Address J S24,
TWO bricklayers want work amall Jobs
hy day or contract; wages reasonable. Ad
dress Nels Peterson, afj North let at.,
JAPANKSE cook want situation ae chef or
jvcond In hotel; many years' experience;
;iges $175 up; city or country". J
WANTED Bv man and wife, middle-age,
work on ranch; experience on arm and
dairy. Call at SlKi Madlaon St., or Main
JAPANESE couple, man cook or outside
work, wife help in house; both speak
Engli5h welL Makayama. 271 Everett at.
YOtNO man wants poaltion a meatcutt-r
or grocery clerk; 10 years' experience;
reference tf required. D Oregonlan.
CIV1I. ENOINEER. with eight years' ex
perience on railroad and municipal work,
would like employment. A 839. Oregon Ian.
PRACTICAL. landscape grardener wants
more work: luwna made and attended to
reasonably. Phone Wood lawn 1186.
BY AN experienced all-around man for a
railroad contractor, who Is capable of jet
ting results. A 837, Oregonlan.
HAVE considerable experience electrical oper
ations, plumbing, gu engines; want steady
position. L. MO. Oregonlan.
MT CATION wanted hy carpenter. alPO finish
er, competent going ahead' with any kind
of work. C K27. Oregonian.
PI RST-CUASS married gardener and stock
man wants steady position; wife, light
work. L. Ml. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position a collector by married
man -of good address and rood reference.
Addre it b-i. treonian.
YOl'NO. sober and experienced cook wishes
fM .5 It Ion: can cook anywhere. W. Q. Ad
dress 7- N.
BOY IS vears, lust out of business college,
wants work, city or country. Answer A
S4. Oregonlan.
KIRST-CI.ASS printer wishes position city
or country; long- newspaper experience. S
SIO. Oregonlan. '
MAN and wife want position to take charge
of ranch; on that knows hto business. Y
S13. Oregrmian.
TRINTFR and wife wish situation In coun
try o f rice ; ma n can manage Address F
812, Oregonian
EX PERI ENCED stenographer, understands
bookkeeping, desires position; references. D
Wt, Oregonian.
WIN DOW-CLEAN 1NO Dwellingsi and fiats a
si-ecialty. Main flf7;i, evening- after 7.
Thomas Oreen.
C M'OM.B solicitor with wide experience and
ref, wants city n,?sltkn; euiarj. R
s;;. ort gonlan.
1 y IDDl JC-A1EO single Herman desires work
on private place; chores. Jawn. chicken. P
WiA. Oregonian.
ro.m. cleaned from $1 and up. Phone 41KVS.
'i2 Yamhill.
WALTER STANDIFF.R CO., general house
cleaners, carpets cleaned and laldtf Phte
East 7.V4.
j P A N ESE voung boy desires to do houee
work in family home. C 1038. A 624 Ore
goiitan. JAPANESE wants situation in this city, to
learn jhe baker's trade. S Orego
nian. A RELIABLE young colored man wants work
of any kind; porter work preferred. Main
6 li.
MIDDLE-AO ED man wants position: lone
expedience at printing. F 815. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female 240 Couch st. Phone Main 4521.
EXPERIENCED Japan boy wants posit tog
as Janitor or porter. O S20, Oregonian.
YOl'NO Japanese wants position at house
work; out of town. J 820, Oregonian.
JXPKNESE Employment Co. can furnish all
kinds help. 268 Everett. Main tV.
STKADV position wantd by married baker.
Phone A 4163. or L Oregonian.
BREAD, cako hand Japanese baker wants
position. 444 Wash, su Pacifio 24.
W A VTEf Work that w!?l pay expensnsi
while J-mth American country ; have
m;Br e-ii.-ation: am fan:ltar tHh ni
and mlnlrf mritnry ; If y u htr- sitm
thiag you want so!4 in that country Jet
me talk to jou. O KV, Onvnr.iin.
A-l FTAT!STIT AN, general of fl man. some
fiTvrl-r.r.' r-wl aalwnanshlf. first-ciaaa rec
pmmfndu lona a to pnn.jifncy, ishes ln
with responsible firm cntrnu isting
fnf r dsirir.g sdditiiinal hlp. J 8-t4.
Ore gnn tan.
rtSITION wanted by Arst-rlasa ere-fing
errlneer, eaperirnced in ice and refrig
erating marhlnry; don't orjet to going
it of town; beet of references. F s-.
A9 M AN ATER of !umb-r yard; haw had en
t're charge of a yard, kpt all b-oks ard
figured all estimates; I know how lo get
bnslnese for you O KP. tres;onian.
tXM PKTSNT salesman, ic 2o. r-ollege edu
eMon. good liuslrae ability and H years'
' road xperienee. desire cltr plt(on; best
references. t M7. Oregonian.
M A HRT BT man inw poelttnn as foreman
on ranh or taking care country hom; urt-ireian-ls
cam if k and fruit ; highest
rtfrrenct. A S2VI. Oregonlan.
PfsiTION wanted by married man from the
Eat; mrerencel In arroceries. meat-cut-t!m
or tarm: am a Mvrn and Chldfellow.
Chas. Hanson. Mueier, Or.
WANTED Position, civil enr lnerlna; work.
eiht yr ex rrtnee ; instrument man
and loot Ins; engineer: reCerenceau M. is.
Miller. KtVt Rodney sv.
A JAPANESE, middle ae, wishes poeuion
at anv kind housework In family or hotel,
without coo kin Oeorsre Flu J I. 482 Wata
inrtoft St.. Pctiaal.
YOCNO man wants work sf fernoona from
1 until t and ail day Saturdays; is handy
In store or office; one you can rely upop.
O R.TR. Oregonlan.
AlMAN or collector, with own horse and
buggy, deslnsi position; well acquajQled
with city and suburbs; A-l reference. L
EAST FTTE pop:e desiring- their lawns cut,
phone East 1!)2.
WANTED Job driving deliver wagon P
871, Oregonlan.
errcATioN wanted femalk.
ssoosikeepera Stcaegrmplaers.
WANTED Situation; an A-l woman stenog-erapht-r.
owning machine; 10 years' active,
practical, successful experience; rapid, ac
curate: rrasping mind in taking dictation;
skill In transcribing; thoroughly competent
to take entire chars1 of correspondence and
office; familiar with commercial, legal, lit
erary and scientific work. 8M, orego
nian. YOCNO LADY stenographer wants position;
willing: to take mui wages to begin with
with good concern; must, have work. F
RU. .regoniau.
EXPERIENCED cashier. understanding
stenography. typewriting;, bookkeeping.
16; ten years' experience one store. Main
CAPABLE bookkeeper and stenographer
with rive years' experience, wants poaltion
In or out of city, is 8liO, Oregonian.
WANTED By competent tady bookkeeper as
atlstant or first-class saleolady, or any
clerical work. R 834, Oregonlun.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be
ginner, phone Business University, Main
4004. No poor onea.
STENOGRAPHER, with general office ex
perience, work cheap to start. Phone A
0228. 4:a Taylor.
POSITION by young- lady stenographer, ex
perienced: prefer law office work. Phone
Pacific 7:.
YOl'NO lady would like typewriting-, at
home, circular letters and copying. 228
lltn st.
STENOGRAPHER of two years' experience
desires position ; references. F 82ttV Ore
gonlan. '
YOUNG lady typist owning1 machine desires
piece work; references. Phone B 1744.
LADY with experience delres office work;
small salary to ktart. C 82d. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER desires position; good
references. Address N 849. Oregon Ian.
lrrs makers.
M I LL1 NERY Hats ret rimmed and made to
ltvrtt like new rtt reasonable prices; chil
dren's hats at K price; not the same old
thing, but the latest New York fads. 525
Mill st. .rnone racine ww.
Street suits, riding habits, novelty skirts,
traveling; and opera cloaks, gowra Phones
A &326. Main &178. lbl 6-h. opposite Hotel
ALL kinds of plain sewing, shirtwaists
and children's clothes a specialty; all
work promptly and carefully executed at
moderate prices, uaii feast ajj, ts ltmi.
MADAME DUPRB has resumed her work
will be ptead to meet her old and new
customers. SoO Clay st. nu sign) Phone
Main uit)9.
THOROUGHLY experienced first-class dress
maker can accept a few more engage
ments. Phone Main 37J3.
HELGESON Gowns, tailored suits; first calls
to be on Mondays and Wednesdays. tor.
11th and Montgomery sta.
MME. TUTTLE. modiste: tailored Buits,
evening- gowns a specialty. 489 Wash
ington St. A. iift.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing- hy day-
charges reasonable. Phone A 4007. 361
LADY Would like to do plain sewing-, darning
and mending by day or hour. Phone East
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes en
gagements by day. Miss L&rsen. Main
DRESSMA KING All kinds. from shirt
waist suite up. ft-ift Morrison, corner lstn.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reasona
ble. 014 Jefferson st. rnone Main otaz.
SHIRTWAISTS. l- skirt, $2 54); suits, 43.
423 E. Couch. Phone E. 1824.
UP-TO-lATB dressmaklns at 266 5th st.;
prices reasvnaoie.
OR HSSM A K 1 NG by the day, 1.0. Phone
A 048.
POSITION wanted by refined, well-educated.
neat, thoroughly honest, respectable young
widow, with musical ability, aji house
keeper or governess for a widower's fam-
ilv or pacneior s nome; in suDuros pre'
ferred. A 822. Oregonian.
A WIDOW 30. unincumbered, wants house
keeping on a ranch : is good cook and
manager; must ne convenient ana a pleas
ant home. J 845. Oregonlan.
REFINED, middle-aged lady, good appearance
and address, desires position as managing
housekeeper, private home or hotel; city or
elsewhere. 3I& tatn. a ms.
A REFINED widow, lady of experience, will
take full charge of rooming-nouse
bote! at Seaside, or in city; best of city
references. D So. oregonian.
LADY 40 wishes position as working; house
keeper; witling to leave the city. D 835,
LADY wishes position bousekeeptng- for gen
tleman. 414 Glisu.n, cor. lOth.
MATERNITY or other sickness by a graduate
nurse; wpuld take run cnarge oi imam
or invalid; term moderate: city or country;
would travel. rnon asi aiier sun
day. Main 4:t42.
NURSE would take confinement case or in
valid at her home; very reasonable. R 831
Oregonian. .
TO BOARD Children, Christian home,
nurse's care, outdoor exercise. East 2926.
POMFETBNT girl wants place, young peo
ple preferred: will do small wash. Wages
j;it up- Phone afternoons, c J.t47.
WANTED Second work in family with nt
small children. Wages 125. E 807, Oreg-o-
EXPERIENCED French teacher would like
to have a tew more pupu. n ureju
LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered,
called for and delivered, phone Main ,VSS.
MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prtess
paid. 78H N. 3d. Phone Pacifio 1694.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40
cents per pair. Phon A 43ST.
WA NT ED By competent vosin. gv4
home In amity; will g as companion,
rare of Invalid or assist II ht hotiaewora.
Win leae city. D Ml. oregonian.
TOl'NG lady, emWoyed during; day. war.ts
P"uwn as companion to lady alone nighs.
for brd. op could pay small ISnard; ref
reH!s eschatwd. R rr"n1n
NHAT. refined f irl. ! yearw. wishes care
n iua, pome in rennea ismiiy mre
ohj M than wages: r-fr-n-t given and re
quired. K fmt. Oregonian.
WANTEP PPi;lon as companion and as
sistant by dependable young woman, seek
ing cood home and small wag-ea. Address
E .4. On-i'tnlin.
Work wanted for male, female help.
noivis. remaumnts, Hoarding, tamiiy. laun
dry. Telephone Drake s, XVfH Washing
ton. EXPERIEN4ici youns lsd would like Po
sition as govern- or nurse for smsll chil
dren, o fC4, Orejntnlsn.
BY womsn, g-ood cook and manager, would
taso club clnlng-rrfm or lunch counter. M.
Red, :w s. 2Hth M.
1A K curtain done: alao fancy shirt
's a its. rea4tnah. phone, evenings. Main
VV44 Mrs J. Velders.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid. gneral girl.
pure ior young child, aay worker, house
keeper. Main &412.
EXPERIENCED mu-tc tearher gives two lee-
Itione Main Htmo.
TIIOROVOHI.Y competent laundress) wishes
worn ior Monday; fine Ironing specialty.
G 87. Oregonlan.
HOME LAUNDERED lace curtains: done by
experienced nana. I'bone ruior kh. ains.
. M. Scott.1
A COOK wishes situation; Is willing; and
note to taKe noia. Auaress j 3a, ore
gonlan. CONVERSATION and g; ram max in German
REFINED lady desires to board and take
cre or one or two children. J 830, Ora
f.onlan. LACE cnrtalns laundered; also fancy waists
s na uresses, by experienced hand. Main
WANTED Washing; and house-clean I n.
i mi-.- r u, room i.
GOOD soprano wants position as Illustrated
singer. J 84:t. Oregonlan.
DAY work by young- woman; any kind; good
w orner. x Oregon lan.
EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes work by
the day. Phone Main 7826.
WOMAN wants laundry, sweeping- Ptiona
Pacific 1717. Room 4. m
LACP5 CURTAINS' neatly laundered. 305 N.
LACE curtains done, 23c and up. Pac. 6
or A &026.
wants work by day. Call Main
AGENTS everywhere: coin money; sell famous
Canchester incandescent kerosene lamps, 10O
candle power; safest, healthiest and best
light known; burns with or without man
t le ; save over 75 per cent kerosene : no
trimming- of wicks; no generating: clean;
odorless, noiseless. Exclusive territory.
Canchester Light Company, 24 State St.,
LEADING New York msnufacturers of em
broideries and laces, desire live salesman to
sell their goo-is on commission. Address
Iaces, P. O. box 206, Madison Square, New
AGENTS for a new patented household art
icle, entirely new, never before put on
the market, to be sold on its merits: will
give exclusive territory to good agents in
Portland and suburban towns; no fake
agents or bums need answer; inclose stamp
for reply. Address Wm. F. Helt, b2d Lib
erty M.. Pittsburg-. Pa.
W A NT ED Man capable of earning- &0O0
yearly as general agent In each city for
Dloxo. the new disinfectant; your can
vawers can make 912 dally; enormous sale?;
amazing profits; exclusive territory; small
capital Immediately brings permanent, lucra
tive business. Parker Chemical Co., Chi
cago. EMPIRE State Accident and Healtn policies
pay total and partial disability for four
years and for lite; agents make money
selling- the most liberal policy ever Issued.
W. J. Clemens, general agent. Commercial
Club bldg-.. 5th and Oak sts., Portland.
Address W. J. Lyons, manager.
AGENTS WANTED Men and women to sell
Whttcomb's Flexsoie" unlined shoe for
women; to f a week easily made; all
orders filled the same day received; no
tacks, no .earns, no lining; exclusive terri
tory. Eastern Shoe Co., Beverly, Mass.
CAPABLE salesman to- cover Oregon with
staple line. Our liberal commission con
tract paid 5 salesmen an average yearly
Income of $2100 In cash above traveling
expenses during the last 6 years. $100
monthly advance. American Standard
Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich.
ENERGETIC men. every city, make $10 a
day; necessity In every office; rapid sell
er: duplicate orders easy, permanent In
come. Write about exclusive agency
rights. The Cameron Co., 39-41 Cortland
st.. New York City.
AGENTS, salesmen and others, send lOc for
12, "Yellowstone park" colored postcards
or 25 beautiful "Picturesque America"
views, all different. International Trad
ing Co.. 32 Park Place. New York City.
JUST O TV A medium-priced, 3-lb. mop;
wrings by turning crank; hands keep clean:
every woman buys: agents' profit 150 per
cent: catalogue free. U. - S. Mop Co., 63
Main st.. Lelpsic. O.
WANTED Agents, either sex, earn from $25
to $50 per week selling- our exquisitely
embroidered nongee silk waist patterns, silk
shawls, etc. National Importing Co., 089
Broadway. New York.
LADIES make money selling- guaranteed
silks direct from looms; cut any length:
one-third saved; express prepaid. Write
for Information. lienor Silk Works. 229
5th ave.. New York.
AGENTS Great excitement to get In on
c round floor: first in each city and town
answering- this secures secret free. Hull's
Co-Operative Bureau. 204 Frank. Hn St.,
New York.
AGENTS Something- real Rood; men or
women g-et territory quick ; In spite of
panic, agents doubling sales.. Address
Savman, :i7u Franklin ave., fct. Louis,
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees,
shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com
mission advanced each week ; good terri
tory open. Al'jany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
PORTRAIT agents; lx20 portraits. SO cents;
colors, 50 cents; free sample, fine new me
morial; send tor particulars. Muenty por
trait Co., 120 So. Paulina st., Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED New Discovery; ouick
seller; hand-size cook stoves burning air
gas; everybody wants one. a. Ameri
can Mig. Co., box twT, Cincinnati, onio
AGENTS WANTED Can yon sell roods T If
so, we neeo you; complete oumt tree: casn
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City. Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
SALESMEN Can give a few rood salesmen
a contract whereby you can make from
$100 to S200 per week: exclusive territory"
no competition. 410 Corbet t bldg.
MEN lit) daily. sure. selling- MendariD"
and combination hatchet; 8 tools In 1 ; big
profit-producer: exclusive agency. The Foot
Co., IjOb Angeies. cat.
RELIABLE men and women to sell line of
money-making specialties : representatives
wanted in every town in Northwest. Room
1, 387 Yamniu st.
AGENTS can make $100 weekly selling coal
stock In mine fully equipped and ship
ping coal. Cardiff coal ft coke Co.. 64 Vt
6th st.
AGENTS to sell a good line of skirts, waists,
underskirts, on easy payments; good
money for a hustler. J. D. Sherman, 282
WANTED Ag-ents; legitimate substitute for
slot machine a: patented; seis on aigm ror
- SI. Particulars uisna co., Anaerson, ma.
WANTED Several good lady acrents, to rep
resent us in Portland : clan. desirable
work. Apply 829 Mohawk bldg-.
DON'T accept an agency until you g-et my
samples and particulars. Sayman, 2170
Franklin ave.. st. iouis. uo.
W A XTED Experienced salesman for a suc
cessful wireless telegraph company; good
contract. L Stt4. oregonian.
LADY or arentlsman. agent, to handle strict
ly new, up-to-date line. Call from 10 to 1.
Greens, 4ti& lavia.
AGENTS sH patented Radium its Self
Honing Strop: lust heina put out as an
arenco proposition ; strop cevered bv 1S)
patents: a fit rasor riven free with everv
strop po'd; strop reial's for $1; millions
betnr sold and agents coining mone ;
thru- aaay old. worn-out propositions for
something- new and salable. F J. King
made U sales las: Faturday afternoon in
to hours; outfit free. Address ivpt. R
I14. Thomas Mfg Co-. Dayton. Ohio.
AGENTS Send for free copy f Tf
Thomas Agent," the greatest agents pa
per ever published: iVed with more v
makinr plans; "no license, tax" decision
of -Supreme Court ; pointers to agents;
every sgent in the V 8. should have a
copy at once if already an agent state
what vn are now selling Address to
day Thomas Agent, Dept. D Dayton,
WR want orf grvvt experienced agent to rep-
n-s-ni us exclusively, fort land, who snows
how to sell high-grade $2 and $4 articles;
one who can handle sub-agents and can
stand prosperity: to such a man we will
give exclusive territory of one of the Ivst
axent'n anlriea on the market: a big thtnr
tr the right man: territory practically tin
worked. . Knickerbocker Sales Co., Chlcaa-o.
3 AGENTS, ladles or gentlemen. rood
money maker, call axter daily, sr-3 N.
tilth st.
$5 TO $10 dally; lOrt pr cent profit; b-st
sner; everyone needs them. Box 823, l Den
ver. SELF-LIGHT! NO ge mantle; turn Mi the
ras. tner light ,1T Prairie. Chicago.
WANTED Te rent rrbuses, cottages, flats.
si ores, on ices, rooniing-nonses. etc. Land
lords will do well te call an Pert land
Trust Company of Oregon. 8. B. cor. M
and Oak. Phone KTxchanga rX-
FURNISHED house wanted; adult family of
wisn completely nirnisnea. strictly moo
em house of A or 7 rooms; must he in good
eethwi and not exceed $40 per month; re
ferences. Boa C 830. Oregonlan.
SPECIAL srent wanted- $71. weekly and ex
penses easily maoe selling our popular com
bination policies and appointing agents; ex
perience unnecessary; writs Oscar Rkman,
;ti:t Eltel bldg.. -Seattle. Wash.
WANTED By young- man employed In bank.
board and room with private family, pre
ferably In neighborhood N. W. of 17th and
Wash.; wish nice place: can furnish ref
erences. E 800. Oregonlan.
WANTED A furnished 4 to 6-room house
twould prefer a lawn), for the Summer: rent
not to exceed $27.50 per month ; give full
particulars In first Jeter; best references.
K. 858, Oregonian.
USE of 4 or & rooms with some rent In
ret urn for cs re of place, while owner la
away for Summer; very best of care; re
liable; no child-ran. Y 828, Oregonlan.
BY latter part of June new or nearly new
8 or -room house in desirable location;
must have fireplace, electric light and
ail modern conveniences. Phone B 1276.
ONE or two furnished rooms, with or with
out board, walking distance, suitable for
three young men. Moderate rates, refer
ences exchanged. Phone Main 6528.
WANTED By two ladies. 3 -room fur
nished apartments or cottage: West Side;
not over $30 or 12 blks. from 4th and
Washing-ton. L $44 Oreg-onlan.
SMALL place of few acres near town, might
buy later; state Improvements, location,
terms; might take small farm. Address
D 845. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent by May L 6 or 7 -room
cot tare, witn yara ana porcn; walking
distance of Postofflce; rent reasonable,
A 819. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent by May 5. 2 or 3 un
furnished rooms, by nurse; private family
preferred; state particulars and price. J
842, Oregonian.
WANTED -By young married couple (no
children) room and board with private
family. State price and location. P 867.
WANTED A modern 6-room house, unfur
nished. West Side preferred. Address, stat
ing location, terms, etc.. Permanent, B 831,
YOUNG man with references wants board
or room in private family; give telephone
number, address and price. D 838. Ore
gonian. WANTED Board and room in private fam
ily, close in, for three refined young meat
West Side preferred. S 863, Oregonian.
SUMMER borne at Long Beach; must have
at leatft & rooms; prefer to deal with owner
only. M 844, Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished 5 -room cottage, on West
Side, fur Summer. Mrs. Fred Hanson,
41 Eila st. Tel. A 4799.
SMALL furnished house In vicinity of E. 48th
and Souih Mount Tabor for Summer. Ap
ply 61S Dekum bldg.
YOUNG couple want 4 or 5 furnished house
keeping rooms. State price and situation.
E 830, Oregonian.
DESK ROOM wanted with some firm in log
gers' supplies or machinery business. A
820, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, room and board. private
family, walking; distance. Phone Main
1700, Monday .
FLAT or 6-room house; central ; car line;
no children; must be reasonable. B S33,
WANTED To rent cottage at Newport or
Nye Creek. Address F. C. Veal, Albany,
YOUNG LADY employed during day wishes
Doara ana room; siaie price, a cvz, ore
gonian. MARRIED couple. 1 child, want board with
private family in suburbs. A 827, Orego
nlan. WANTED Kitchen and bedroom unfur
nished; must be clean. Y 820, Oregonian.
TWO young ladles desire room and board;
nice home. West Side. H 835, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes a pleasant rooWi with
all modern conveniences. A 843, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent & or 4 -room modern
house or bungalow. Phone East 1917.
WANTED Furnished home for Summer, or
longer; Small rent. N 835, Oregonian.
COVPLB will take best care of horns for
the summer. J 833, Oregonlan.
FIT RN ISH ED room wanted by young man.
K 836, Oregonlan.
And any thing else you hava to sail.
Main 6655, A 412L
WANTED to buy or rent showcases, soda
fountain and other candy fixtures for the
Summer. Apply or phone M- W. Kirbin
The Colonial. 10th and Morrison. Main
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; ws also buy noussnoia furnisnings,
highest price paid. Call at ths "Fair
Deal." 62 N id st. Phone pacifio 1722.
WANTED Timber for cordwood, near
Oregon water power line. Address Geo.
K. Kunltake, R. F. X. No. 6. Box 28,
Ores ham. Or.
TO board, one or two children ; beautiful
house, large grounds, mother's care; terms
reasonable, phone Sell wood 226. O 742,
WANTED Three hook tenders, double-drum
donkeys; mountainous country. Write La
Moine Lumber m Trading Co., La Molne.
WE buy your household goods of every de
scription Ths Dollar. 232 1st st.; ws want
your trade. Main 6374. A 2327.
WANTED Home in the suburbs for an
elderly gentleman: needs some attention;
state terms. A 840. Oregonian.
WANTED To buy, miscellaneous curios,
any kind, in any quantity; spot cash. A
833, Oregonian.
WANTED Pup or young yard dog; collie
preferred; good home. Pacific 671. 695
Front st.
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer. Phone East $888.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY cash for housenold roods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co.. 45 1st. Phone SGO.
WANTED Good -sired lady's trunk; must
be cheap. D SoS, Oregonian.
NEATLY furnished or unfurnished room a
with modern conveniences ; best location ;
reasonable rental.
MILNER BLDG.." 3504 Morrison st.
ONE furnished room, gas, bath, ladies only,
close in. 494 Jefferson.
FEW furnished sr nnfurnishM rooms, with
t Mcht. hest. use of bath and phone, rea
sonable : private houv ptea.-ant surround -tngs.
Sos 4th St.. near Hhermsn. A 44.
Fwrtatshe Rstsj.
JW4 TamhtH st , ctr 7th.. offers very at
iractlve'y furnished rooms, with all mod
ern convsnWncas. call bei's. running
itr, phone ssrrica free ; for business
men and women: house up to date m
vary respect, with excellent service, new
ONE outside elegantly furnished room, only
B14: also front rooms. sln:s or en suite.
with hot and cold run n 1ns water, h-st,
electric light, gas. return call helis. bath,
both phones, free 'for ill rfoms. easy
walking distance, convenient to Washing
ton st. caritne. Ths Del Monte, 2'Hh,
near Washington at.
Elegantly furnished ro-ms; heat. hot
and cold running water, return caH-bel's
In all rooms, free baths and both phones
on each floor: strictly modern throughout;
rates very reasonable.
2"th and Washington.
Iarge. light and neatly furnished
rooms; hot water hat; hot and cold
watr. baths and phone; transient. l:
special rstes bv the week- Phons A 13.V6.
3fll Yamhill st . N. W. cor. West Park.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout
new bonding; suites with baths, hot and
cotd water in every room. phons Mala
7193. . Long-distancs phons In all rooma
HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 2d and Salmon, new
and elegantly furnished, hot and cold
water every room, private baths, stesm
heat; transient $1 and up; special rates
week or month. Mrs. Venabte.
REFINED family would rent exquisitely neat
wen lumisnea rooms; monerate price ; pias
sas, charming surroundings; walking dis
tance. Call or address B, Savage, 653
Washington st.
NICELY' furnished front room In modem
home, no children: ideal Summer plar;
rr-as-mable. Call Sundays or evenings, 94.
Nesvnllh St., FIrland, 1 block from Mt.
8cott line.
BI.rJGANTLY furnished suite of rooms In at
tractive apartment -house: breakfast If de
sired; modern: use of parlor; suitable for
3 or 4 ; very oentral. 302 3d, flat 6. Phone
A 4970.
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and an suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable, paclno 4 OS-
HOTEL BUBHMARK. Washington and 17th.
first-class furnished rooms, single or en suits;
every modern convenience. $3 weekly up;
daily 7&c up; special monthly rates. Main 8647
SHERMAN HOUSE Furnished rooms, new
ly renovated; one single room at $1.30
per week; also one at $2 and up. Look
no farther. Under new management.
THE WILLAMETTE. R22Vs Stark, 8. W. cor.
th st. Wsll furnished rooms, large and
, light, single or sn suits; transient. SOo ta
$1: by week, $2 to $3. Pacifio 124V
ELEGANTLY furnished front rooms. I so
one large front room, modern accommoda
tions, private family: very central; reason
able. ItK 12th St., Main 6220.
PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sta ;
steam beat, free bath, hot and cold water
In all rooms; &0c to $1 day; $2.00 to $o
per week. Phone A 1539.
BOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton !. All modern conveniences; suites
with bath; principal oarllns pass tha
door. Phons Main 2433.
NICE front rooms, entirely modem; station
ary washbowl, hot and cold water in rooms;
walking distance; rent reasonable. 341 Har
rison. Phone Main 6953.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts.,
handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every
modern convenience; terms reasonable; only
6 blocks from Postofflce.
LARGE, nicety furnished front room. :Wt
Weidler. cor. E. 3d. Holladay's Addition;
gas. bath, phone, call or phone East 3712,
after 1 P. M. today.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board
phone and bath included; private family
take "R.-8." or "L." car. 34 Albtna ave.,
near snaver st.
PARLOR and sleeping room for one or two
gentlemen; very pleasant ; two canines;
walking distance. Phone evenings Main
MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th.; beautiful
light newly decorated rooms; hot water,
all rooms; rates $2.00 up. Phone Main 11&3.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Ss
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE CADILLAC 3d and Columbia; nswiy
furnished rooms, single or sn sulie; easy
walking distance from canter of city..
THE ELLSWORTH 166 Lownsdale st
house, suite and nicely furnished rooms;
strictly modern, pnone Main 6474.
NICELY furnished room, all modern con
veniences. Inquire apartment 4, Che to
pa, 18th and Flanders ; references.
ONE pleasant outside room, steam beat, elec
tric ligh ts, free p hone and gas; rent rea
sonable. 494 Morrison, flat lo.
ONE or" more newly furnished rooms. All
conveniences; walking distance; rem rea
sonable, a HJi, oregonian.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for two or
more persons, modern conveniences; rea
sonable. 213 rnirteentn si.
2634 13TH Nicely furnished room in pri
vate family; new house; every convenience;
gentlemen only ; reasonable.
FI'RNlSHFf room, ail modern conveniences,
Nob Hill, no othe.r roomers; gentleman
only. P 863, Oregonian.
TWO furnished rooms, single or en suite;
modern, walking distance. 380 Eleventh
st. phone Pacific 4S.
$10 PER MONTH Front room, modern con
veniences, private home, gentlemen preferred-
414 7th st.
NO better rooms anywhere than 340 u.
Ankeny St.; newly renovated. Price $2.50
week ana uo.
NIGBLY furnished front suite, suitable for
two persona; fine location. 244 7th,
near Main.
NICELY furnished front room, private fam
ily, choice location. Phone Main 3690. 327
Johnson st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front bay-window
room: new, modern flat; walking distance.
840 6th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, one housekeeping
room, en suite, by Monday. 93 11th, cor
ner Stark.
THE HYLAND 490 Morrison Furnished
rooms, with bath and steam heat. Phone
A 2210.
THORNTON'S HOTEL. 2714 3d St., newly
furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week;
$10 QUIET room: bright, clean: use of
piano; modern; private home. Main 7101.
NICELY furnished room In modern flat, light
and airy. $10 a month. 266 No. 10th st.
NEWLY furnished rooms,- modern con
veniences. 424 Jefferson. Main 5421.
NICELY furnished rooms, central, brick
building; rates reasonable. 342 1st st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable, parlor,
piano, bath, phone. 474 Clay, cor. 14th.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod
ern rooms, bath. 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 wlc
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient rooms- 3434 Morrison.
NICE sunny front room, with bath, for one
or 2 gentlemen. 195 13th, cor. Taylor.
LARGE double parlors, well furnished, light
and clean, with board if i eel red. A 3558.
HOTEL ROYAL, 1084 4th st., nice furnished
rooms, 32.50 to $5 week: JVOc to $1 night.
ONE furnished room, suitable for 2: three
blocks from P. O. Phone Pacific 1006.
$lo Front room, with clothes closet, suit
able for two gentlemen. 401 6th st.
FRONT room, well furnished, modem, suit
able for 2, $10. 46 E. 7th at. North.
TWO very nicely furnished modern rooms,
with running water. 262 12th.
473 ALDER Very nice furnished room,
close in, free phone and bath.
NICE neat room, bath and phone; $5 per mo.;
private family. 195 N. 17th.
NICE small room, well located for gentle
man; $8. 251 Tenth st.
3 FURNISHED rooms, 774 Roosevlt St.
Phone Main 6773.
rom rkvt.
HiTH. PHILIP. Mh and HurnsMs New
eon.-rete. h!'', m. hot and c-M water,
electric tight. rA bil In st rooms. 10
f-ee baths, all out rooms. $4 to per
wek; ground bVwjt office.
"THE Ctvy.T." lfS Tlh, nicely furnished
rooms itab' for two gentlemen, or man
and wlf with or without homa cookinr:
1 block south Hotel Portland. Mrs. M.
E- Lobr. 7
NEATLY furnished or unfurnished rooms.
with modern conveniences; best location;
reasonable rental
MIL.NER Bl.DG . $40H Morrison st.
NICELY furnished room, all modern con
venience, private family, pleasant sur
roundings, moderate terms. a.ivv ad st.
POI'R furnlhd rooms, uwe of ptann; mod
ern, walking distance. West ftde; no small
rhlldren. May 1. D 8-"0. Oregonlan
A COMFORTABLE, newl y-ftirnlshed room;
running water; walking distance; rent
reasonable. Main 3313. 341 10th.
NICELY furnished room, connecting bath. ga. heat: close In; reasonable.
Phone A 5-.2A, 4.1S Taylor.
NICELY furnished front room In private
rumiiy. ror one or two gemiemen.
14th st , near Jefferson
PLEA S ANT front room for one or two
gent iemn; private bath, central, reason
able. XJ2 12th st.
KBWl.T furnished rooms $2 a week snd up:
eplendtd location; fine yard. 6rtl Washing
ton st., cor. Wlla.
NEW and nicely furnished room, with bath.
ror one or two gentlemen 522 Marshall
St.. corner 15th.
RYAN HOUSW. 2fiP 5th st KVgantly fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; oppo
site City Hall.
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor, gas.
bath; $12 month. 330 6th st. Phone
Main 601S.
FURNISH ED rooms, housekeeping prlviles-cs.
Main 4123.
212 7TH ST Large front bay window room,
two gentlemen, free phonf and bath; also
COMFORTABLY furnished room, suitable
f r one or two gentlemen; very central.
149 10th.
NICELY furnished front room, good loca
tion, gas, bath, phone, use of kitchen. 6V7
Everett st.
CONVENIENT front rooms for housekeeping:
gas. phone and bath. Call Monday, 511
Everett at.
215 12TH PT., modern large newly furnished
rooms: private family; ciose in; reasonable.
A 6tu2.
FURNISHED rooms, modarn conveniences,
from $S. $10 and $12 per month. 310
loth st.
THE ANGBLUS. 272 th, cor. Jefferson, fur
nished rooms, electric light, phone and
NEAT furnished room, very central, modern
conveniences. 188 12th, bet. Yamhill and
NICELY furnished rooms. $1.50 per wpk and
up. Cottage Rooming-house. 1U3 North
6th st.
ONE neatlv furnished room : wallrlnv dis
tance. 506 Columbia sf. Phons Main
701 4.
430 YAMHILL ST. Nice room for rent;
can have board if desired. Phone Main
LA RGE room on 1st floor, well furnished,
modern conveniences. 181 14th. cor. 1'arn
hlll. FOUR rooms, furnished or unfurnished; nice
location and low rent. Apply 882 Williams
FURNISHED front room, first floor, bath
and phone; reasonable rent. 348 Clay
W PILL f urn I shed f ron t room s u I ta bl a 1 or
i, new, modern home. 304 11th st.
145 H 6TH ST. Nice front rooms, only $3;
insiae. si.oif 10 mi. nse tnem.
NICE front room for one or two people, very
reavunaoie ai oi iNonn iin st.
FURNISHED rooms, right down town; only
'it.i 'id
TWO furnished rooms reasonable, modern.
an nurriaiii at.
COZY room, 779 Kearney St., near 23d.
Phone A 3774.
NICELY furnished suite of rooms. 131 12th
V nf urnisbed Rooms.
NEATLY furnished or unfurnished rooms,
with modern conveniences; best location;
rt-iiauiittuie reniu.1.
-MILNER BLDG.," 350 4 Morrison st.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms.
Bins m nuu uiic, m u 1 i very su li
able for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg.
1st and Pine.
NEW 3 and 4-room flats. 188 Market; 3
rooms, $10.00. 3404 Front. Main 5864.
TWO rooms for light housekeeping, $8 month.
dud ju. areii.
TWO unfurnished rooms for rent at 173 E
Sin at.
Rooms With Board.
THE THORNDYKE. 055 Wash., elegantly
lumisnea rooms, witn board; nice location;
walking distance; references exchanged.
ROOMS for rent with or without board; also
rooms for housekeeping, furnished or un
furnished. 475 Morrison. Tel. A 4753.
A VERY agreeable young man would like
' a roommate; separate beds and all home
comforts; $20 month. 523 Clay st.
NEWLY-FURNISHED room for rent, with
or without board; walking distance. 4124
Jefferson st. Phone Pac. 932.
TWO large, cloan, well-furnished rooms, good
wholesome food. desirable neighborhood.
C--'5 N. 2.'!d st. Phone A 3696.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, home
cooking: rates reasonable. - Phone Main
5826. 349 Jefferson st.
ROOM with or without board for one or
two gentlemen. '162 3d St., Iris Apartments
flat 6. Main 3436.
ROOM and board, private family. 127 East
17th st., near Morrison; walking distance.
Phone East 60S5.
33 NORTH 17TH St., off Washington; well
furnished, large front room and other
rooms; modern.
PLEASANT room, with board in private
house; all home comforts; reasonable. 690
East Burnside.
NICELY furnished room and board for 2 gen
tlemen, private family. 344 Columbia.
Phone A 3T24,
THE Colonial, corner 10th and Morrison, cosy,
clean, comfortable, good table ; low rates.
Call and see.
VERY nice furnished room, with board. In
private' family; every convenience. Phone
Main 4173.
ROOMS with board, also day board $4.50 per
week; home cooking. The Chrysler, 389
ONE or two neatly furnished rooms with
board, home cooking. 328 6th su Phone
A 3122,
VERY desirable furnished room and board
for one or two; home cooking. 470 Main
WILL take child to board and care for rea
sonable. Call 110 La Veta St., Montavilla.
SELECT private boarding-house; modern con
veniences; board optional. 452 Morrison.
THE MARLTN Furnished rooms; good
board; convenient. 653 Washington sl
LARGE well-furnished front alcove suite, rea
sonable, with board. 209 North 16th St.
YOUNG MAN'S Ideal home ; large, airy
rooms; prices reasonable. 204 Clay st.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen; $20 per
month. Call at 426 4th. near Hall.
ONE pleasant room, with board, private
family; East Side. Phone B 1719.
DESIRABLE rooms and board; nice yard.
201 16th. cor. Taylor. Main 22S4.
NICELY furnished rooms, with first-class
board. The Stirling, 535 Couch.
BOARD "and room for two. bath and phone,
$6 per week. Phone Main 5963.
ROOM and board for two or three gentlemen;
steam heat. 549-A Wash.
BOOM and board for two with large parlor.
$40. M 843, Oregonian.
ROOM and board. 166 Union ave. North.
Phone East 5765.
roa rjent.
Fast $d aad Burande sta. and as
SolutMly fireproof; elegantly furnished
rooms, stngi and sa suits: slavator. ht
and eoid water, stsasa hs4 aad tsls
phone in each roosa.
Grill la connec : Ion; apedai rata) ta
fa mi Has. Phone EaM 17L
ONIft nicely furnished mom ptiitaMe for two
young nea. with first -class Nrd. all cn
venvrnc, nice yard and surround'ngs. $A
per week: also tab's board. gd hon-
c o r . $4 per week. Aster H ouss, 7t ft
and Madison.
THR HAr.EL A home for young men; ths
best exclusive mens board Ins -noose tn
ths city. Ntcs light rooms wk n running
w alsr. Good tabls. Itessonabls ratss.
Phone Main 70V4. A 417 Ss 3d St.
ELEGANTLY furnished room with bosrd. In
.son ii mi rBMefic . fins view, all mWn
c--nven tm-fii ; suitable f-r two vourg rr n
or yourg married couple. Arfdross ti 874,
rare OroMan.
BLAKELY HALL. Ann Jefferson, pet Ath snd
sth. brsiitlful y furnished rooms. wHh firs-
clasa hoard, hot and cold water, good lic'it,
baut:ful grounds, center of etiy. Yeleplvoiie
A .-45.
333 12TH Room suitable for one or tw
gentlemen; private residence; walking dis
tance: lath. g ta, furnace; breakfs' an-t
dinners served. Phones Main and A
Portland Women's Union. ISth year; rooms
n mra, uss or sewing-room. us ss
library; Women's Exchange Address Mrs.
Ella Kawitngs, upt.. fllO Flandsra sc.
LARGE, nicely furnished rooms with board.
suiiaoie ror two; home cooking: desirable
location, beautiful grounds. 11 1 uh at-
comer Yamhill. Main 5330. A JSO.
CAN ar-commodats on or two persona arek
ii. g nimts in private family; pleasant room.
od oooking. ail convmac-s. near two
car lines. So B. at.. North.
BEAUTIFUL double parlors, large hay win-
muw r-jin. ior two or rour persons, cheap,
board If desired; eUgant location, closs
in. Pacific 14. 42 N. 21at.
A LARUE, pleasant front mom for 1 or 2;
g m,1 h 'me coog t ng ; private; very reason -ab
e; fine location. 252 N. 19th St., n sr
Marshall. Paulfic 2497.
Sunny outsM rooms, steam bsat. hot and
cold water; first -cans table; most reasonable
rates. 4AA Alder.
N E W L Y f umi shed front room, with bres k -fast,
for 2 gen t tsmen ; ref rrsncs ; prl ai m
family ; rsaaonabte; near g caxlloes. "MA
hX oak, nsar Lith.
LARGE outside room, splendid view, nswiy
and elegantly furnished: even cnnvni-nr
family board: reasonable. 178 Ells, soutU
NICE front rooms, good board, modern con
veniences, private family. Rates reason
able, fine lo. ation. loe.2 E. Washington sc.
THE WALDORF One large front suite of
suitable for gentlemen. 147 13th st. Main
2118. A 2118.
VI H VIMIIk'll n l.K,4 n .
modern conveniences ; with good boar
reaaonabltt; private family; very central.
FOR room and board in private family, mod
ern conveniences. home privileges, walk
ing distance, reasonable terms, call East
FIRST-CLASS board and nice ilsht room.
231 Halsey. near Stel Bridge: walking
distance; bath, gas, home oooking. East
DV I .
ELEGANT large room, airhtlv new houm
fine bath, walking distance; breakfasts snd
aimers; reasonable; also small room. Main
FINE large room, best home cooking, horn
privileges; private family, young men or
iaues wno worn, 10 lutn, corner Taylor-
S3 NORTH 17TH. near Waahinrton. v
furnished room, electric light, bath and
pnone, board if desired; very reasonable.
LARGE, sunny room, suitable for 2. In net
cottage, home comforts and good horns
cooKing; walking distance. Phone B 2327.
ROOM and board, suitable for two gentle
men, nice sunny room, newiy rurnisneuj
gas; private lamuy. us j&aat uavis.
ROOMS with board at 195 North 23d. Phonsj
jracuic vz.
FURNISHED rooms witn board. Tha Osarta
oiduiiuii, imiiuBunie o-sioi y pressed Prick,
just completed ; four-room, reception hall
and bath, residence aoartmnnta. imm.
lug every modern Convenience, inaludlng
electric automatic elevator and tele
phone exchange; hardwood floors through
out; the maximum of convenience, i-
buiico ana equipment at exceedingly rea
sonable terms; location and surroundings)
Madison, hundsome 5-tftory pressed brick.
Jiut competed; tour-room, reception ha Ik
and bath, residence apartments, possess
ing every modern convenience, including
electric automatic elevator and telephone
exchange; hardwood floors throughout; tha
maximum of' convenience, elegance and,
equipment at exceedingly reasonable terms :
loinuuii nuu aurrounuings uavurpassa.
ELEGANT apartments containing every
known convenience; beautifully situated,
commanding a view of all the mountains
and the city: half block from Washlnaton-
st. car; 171 King st. For reservations sea.
Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d sc..
oei. v asmngion ana iiara.
i n c jr muz ue jaay isi, o-room apart'
ment equipped for all modern conven-,
trance and reception halls; best arrange-'
ineni ana most, aesiranie apartments I0t
the city. Nob Hill residence district; Janl-j
WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett
nanusomeiy furnished 4 -room resldenca.
apartment ; also 2-room. unfurnished; oalc.
. floors, mantel beds, possessing every mwl-l
srn convenience; excellent location and surtJ
rounding!; reasonable prices.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4 -room re Idem
apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerator, window:
shades. Janitor service, telephone; adults
Appiy janiior, ana tuuen sis.
MAY 1 Modern unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, witn oatn, gas range, refrigerator-
hot and cold water, str-ain heat, telephone
gas and electric light without extra charge
ta uregonian.
THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room
apartment, with bath ; new, modern and
fully equipped for convenience; fine location
saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, 7th and
jerrerson sts.
THE CHETOPA, 18-Flanders St., modern 4
room apartment, unfurnished; city phones
in earh apartment free. Apply to C L
w neeier. witn i. uevurtx e son.
NICE steam-heated apartment, $34). larg
rooms and bath, hot and cold water, gaa
range, garbage service, close in; south
west. Inquire 655 Kearney st.
THE WESTMINSTER, Madison and 6th sts.
up-to-date apartments, every modern con
venience, reasonable rates, close in. omy
blocks from fostonice.
THE Cadillac Hotel, 3d and Columbia; fins
newly furnished apartments, single or ea
suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house -
Keeping rooms.
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, nn-
furnlsherd apartment of 2 rooms and battu
with all modern conveniences. Phons
Main &14S.
Columbia; four-room apartment; all modern.
conveniences; excellent location, reasonable
STEAM -HEATED apartments. 3 and 4
rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Mod
ern. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman sts,
5-ROOM apartment, new, every modern con-
venirncr. a hv anuuitiuii, im auu r i un
der. NEWLY furnished apartments; rates rea-
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent
April 1. -iik i-Aia. ne rainiree,"
NEWLY furnished 3-room apartment. Tha
Moi daunt, cor. jtn ana Everett sta
FURNISHED flat for rent; electric lights;
close in- inquire nn st.
SIGHTLY modern 8-room flat, close In. Call
room 40. v ajtninaion oiaa.
call rorenooiis, nan bl.
CORNER flat, will be vacant April ZO; 6ta
and Mill- rnone
5-ROOM fiat house to rent at 44C Jefferson
nev. urn hu itui.
MODERN flat, 126 N. 16th at. Phone A 6W i