The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 26, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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5" WO llmhr relinquishments. Josephine
- County ; .l.mtO ,on and 3.iOA n feet saw
timher. 75 per rnt nr. 2ft per ffnt suar
pme; n miles frm itmlon on S. I'. R
R . 1 mMe from good fnn road; good
st ream of air throucb caims. tmpties
int.. hofur Riser.
Two relinquishment In Douglas Pnun
; TV, f,..vVNM feet saw timkr. good nrram
of water, wiinn road to claims, some
of -the land airshed and otd to ttmo-
- thy; a good house; rlaim are adjoining
"n homestead relinquishment, H miles
from The Dalies; about -u(n fortitt of
mood, mostly oak; a g-tod cabin: mile
in feoat landing, on Columbia River: nice
for hi.ken ranch; owner will re
- sign, position in favor of buyer; earns
$tft jer month.
Some cla-ims open for fllin ar In Southern
Oregon; cut 2.ftUM.0N to 3.O0,OtN feet
A few good rlalmi in Clatsop bounty
opn fur film cruise over S.miO.OOo feet.
lMl WIMlam W e
Phone Woodiawn 1 7 1
PERSONS irg for a timber investment
eit her in a sn.ail r large way. tan re
tne. i-t opportunity that l or any on
elee has e-r had to onVr In that lire
thu may m like a broad statement, but
(ill and I wlil erifv it.
HIK Worcester t!of.
f WITH h'A PITA L. Will sell Interest nw-
- mill aii'i timber: have about 2" million leet
,. vrr cise to Portland: transportation fa
it M tied could not be better; twiteh right
- Or property ; too valuable a proposition to
sell a a whole, call mornings, room 3."6
A nmg ton blug.
timber lands,
oreoon. Washington. California,
james d lacey a co-
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
82i Clamber of Commerce
WR ars constantly acqulrinc ne tracta of
timber for sale and ara headquarters for
lumber en turf rf sea of all kind. Phone
Main 44fi. Kinney A fit amp her, 531-32
uumoer tsxchange blag.
5u0-Mo Pioneer b'dg., Seattle. Wtfh.
UNH of the best sawmtll rrooItlor tn the
mate of Oregon; machinery l as than 1 year
old, P.itn.i.oo ft--t available timler. Ad-
. JKRS4NS interested tn timber invent men ts
read advertisement In this issue. North
western Exploration A Development Co.,
.118 W ore-eater bldg.
For good timber, cheap, large or small
tract, ptne or fir. see C J. McCracken. 304
M Kay hldg.
7,OOo.(W0 FT. yellow nr and cedar, subject to
immediate homestead nI in a- in the SI let z.
Cummin I 'oiiahue, 5o"-S Rothchild bldg.
TIM HER CLAIM IrtO acres yellow and sugar
pint ; w 1) I cru 1st- t hree million; no ageing
need ii.iilv. Ik CU.t nrnvnninn
"WILL locate parties. $25 to $."0; 3 to S mil
lion fert per claim. T. W. BilUngs. 219
Worcester bldg- 31 and Oak.
BARGAINS only wanted tn timher. single
elHlms, or ajroups. Northwestern Oregon
count I en. K Oregon lan.
TWO timber claims for location. Call at Ran
dolph House, cor. 'M and Columbia sts.,
room 21 : leave Tuesday.
, CHdU'K homesteads tn Oregon; we locate
you, Silver Lake Land Co.. 721 Marquatn
bldp.. 1'ortland. Or.
K'M'R timher claims clone to Portland. 7
homestead left, get buey If you want one.
iril Alisky bid;.
.'Mijt-ACRW timher claim close to Portland;
line chance for elegant claim. I) 8.'i., Ore
Government locations, tl'27 Worcester blk.
J3O0O New 5-room bungalow, bath, toilet,
hot and cold water, basement, etc.; one
block from Hawthorne-ave. car; terms.
jtK.".l lots at lilghland. one block from
. car; good buy. Itoom 16, Wash. bldg.
Main 0741.
I WANT several, good H E. and T. E. re
Ihitiuiahmenis; customers w at ting; will
pay cash. Jolm T. Graham. 1010 Williams
ave. phone Woodiawn 1871.
t'ANTKI Bargain in timber lands; single
. quart ra, up to ItKW acres'. O 7b&, Ore
gon lan.
SH-KTZ timber: let us hear from you at
. once. Murd.iek & Young. 4t7 Buchanan
MOHERN house, ft rooms. In Sunny!"
good timber claim. F 811. Oregon
ystde, for
ian. m h 1 1 iho.v oi aceepKinie ceaar;
must be choap. R Oregon fan.
TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. McCracken.
804 McKay bldg.
640 ACRES or more, good soil, lease 1 to
ft years on shares or S200 per year. 4U2
Wells-Fargo bldg.
Horses. Vehicle and Harneaa.
te rne pr-nire nw, nuggy and har
nejw; a gtof tltlvlng honfe. 2 work teams.
2 g"0i ruhiei'-tlre top htiggies. chetip; all
left here f.r sale. Standard Wood Co 's
stables, 347 K. Stark.
FOR 8 ALE Fine heavy teum. weight about
2!MK) !).; albo one gray team, weight 2oo
lbs. Can be seen at the Standard Stables.
S. E. corner ftth and (
FOR SALE- Several pw. cheap horwes. from
7. to $12o. all good- workers'; al.o bnkerv.
delivery, furniture and farm wagons. 4io
Hawthorno ave. Phone E. 72.
HHCIVN gelding. X years old. bv Cant a in
.lones. a good roader and safe for lady to
drive; also bupey and harness. Call
Williams Ave. Feed Stable.
fl-YEAR-OLO hay Shtre mare. weight 12Si;
not fat ; Just rame from Wfllatneite Valley
ranch: one of the good kind; mun bo .id
' at once. At .Too Flanden.
MO RVYS matched team of drivers, r, nnd
with set of nice d (u b 1 e ha rnes. 2 4
" Montgomery.
TEAM of bay geldings, perfect match. 5 and
ycHrs old. niii'; fine action. :well ap
pearance. Call at I'. S. Stable. Tues
day. FOR SALE1 Nioe driving horse, city broke;
v.ift he seen Tuewlny and Wednesday at Idle
man's Stable. Montavilla. nr.
GO H SMinrt horse, Mt it able for delivery
work ; sinrle i r double. itS4 East Sher
man . Phone Tab-tr 117ft.
iAIR draught Itorses. weight ;n; also
wsgnn and harness; gvd as new. cheap for
vah. 2 N. lftth ft.
JO HKAD g-od farm horsrw. weighing from
1 iftt to Mi to r-nMHls. lied Frorrt Stabies,
15th and Rumside.
ECJTITY In Improved property, on carllne.
for buggy or runabout. 24-'t Stark t..
Monday forenoon.
Vtl'Nt drafts and gentlcnien'et tandard-bred
drtv.r; gentle; very stylish; Mngle, double.
ftf Albina e.
l'AHK hay mure, i years old. weieha US'),
will be guaranteed every way. 2U4 Mont
gomery nt.
IROrHY W.VioN, sMghtly used; owner ei
tng out of busineaa; will jwll cheap. Si2,
Tl RRER-TIREl runabout; new thl season;
owner leaving town; will sell cheap. O KM.
' M.l tea ut or dairy cow. .ter.sey and Dur
rsm, very gentle. RMI Eat Tenth. North,
FOR SALE tiood bucgy with shafts for
only fft. Mr Phoebe Brock. Lents. Or.
FAMILY mare; chestnut sorrel, gentle for
any lady; owner muM sell. Main t227
For SALF An Al hickory trap and douhle
hum? at a bargain. Phone Pacific 3id7.
CNR gornl hoiw. 7 years old. weight 1175;
city broke. 4:U Fast Bnrnside st.
W A NTFI Saddle h-r?e iui table for driving,
metllum slxe. B Oregontan.
SAOOl.ra HORSE, suitable for lady. Call for
Mim Gentry's hora art N. lftth.
FOR SALE Nice hoye. runabout and harness
cheap. Phone Pacific .to!7.
HORSES, mares, rigs, harness of mil kinds
for sale. 2 N. l,VU st.
HORSES for sale. w. J. Kelly. Ovarland
Stab!s. 5th and Gllsan.
yR SALE On new Studebaker 2-ord
dump wagon. Apply 31i Daviit t.
HORKES. mares, rigs and harness of- all
kinds for sale, 2V4 Montgomery.
Home. -Vehtrle aid Haraea.
To be rld at public auction by the
Portland Auction Co , at the Uexter
Srabte. 4ft 4th si.. Tuesdav. April 2. at
l' A. M. the following property: 1 pair
brown mares, ft years, weight &K and
narnesa; pair hav mares. agd years.
weignt and harness: Lair of regt
te-ed bay mares. 5 and 6 yean, weight
24i ; 1 matched black team, mare and
horse. 3 and 7 vears. weicht U3;
single horses, weight lino each; 3. sadd'e
pomes; one track truck; one 3-sprtng
express w axon ; 3 rubber-tired buggies; I
ruhber-tired hack; also one pedigreed
Percher n 5-year-old stallion, weight IMfO.
Sale wtil start al 10 A. M. sharp, rain or
NI 'E 1 "0-lb. mare, harness and rubber-
tire delivery wagon, one Shetland pony.
noi much larger man a gooa-slze nog ;
one team of black mares, weight 27",
price $.:;: one team of gray horses.
weignt anon, price J'JTft; one black horse.
eight 12ia. price v-.; one sorrel mare,
harnesn and wagon. $ft: one eirrel mare,
weight 11H) lbs., nrhe HK: one bay mar.
w elg ht lofttt. price nt. We also have a
goon driver, ft years old, gentle and afraid
of nothing; alao a new runabout and new
harness. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flan-
Our next ale at the I'nlon Stock vard.
Portland. Or.. Monday. April 27. 1 P. M.
sharp, rain or hine. In this lot'of horse
are a few broke to work, som saddlers, a
'giod lot of unbmke horres, some mare
with f-al and some god 1 and 2-year-old
coits, the kind that grow into money for
the farmer. Come to this sale and be on
time; all -will be Bold. Twaddle & Richards.
LOcK. IHK. IOK Fifty head of hordes
and mane for aie. some well matched
pairs and sinKle horse, all good colors and
In good condition, ranging in weight from
lnoo to 1541. im( fine young stuff we have
bought, worth the change, and can give the
huer a share of tt?e benefit. Call and look
them over before buying elsewhere. Palace
Sale Stables. 5th and Montgomery ta.
FOR SALE All kinds of harness; we have
Just taken on a debt about 35 complete
pet of heavy breeching harnee. 5 Kingly
collar and ha me. wagon or plow barn sa,
15 ets of single runabout aid surrey har
ness; have all been used, but are all In
good shape: will sacrifice. Call and buy
whatever you want: "will sell you one set or
all. 2iH Montgomery at. .
FOR SALE Pair well-matched brown geld
ing. 6 and 7 years old. pound and right,
u eight 243m. good worker in single or
double harness and gentle, price $:ion; pair
bay chunks. 7 and h years old, O. K. in
every respect, weight 2250. work tn all
harness, i-nly $275. Paiac Sale Stables,
fith and Montgomery sts.
FOR SALE One pair matched bay 31 mo lbs..
5 years old: one black gelding. 4 y?ars, 17.K
lbs.; one black gelding. T yeans. 1350 lbs. ;
one black mare. 7 year?, l llM) lbs. a very
fine Mingle driver; one sorrel and gray,
2sm. and S yeans. E. R. Frank, North of
Cnion Stockyards.
FOR SALE! Pair well-matched dapple gray
horses 6 yeans old. round and pound and
on tt chunky order, weight $215n; g.od
httchers in all harness; they are worth
coming to see. Call Palace Sale Stable,
fith and Montgomery sts.
WANTED To buy. first-class, well
broken Shetland pony, not over 400 lbs.
Reply by letter, stating full particulars,
where pony can be seen and best price.
O. C. Fret man, The Oaks.
RACING or driving. Teddy U. and Midget;
very gentle, well broke, single and double,
young, sound and stylish: ee catalogue.
Nos. 182-1S3; come and see them at Fairground.-
Are department building. Merrill
in charge.
A LA RG E lot of wagons left on storage,
consisting q gooseneck trucks, bakery,
butcher and grocery wagons: also bug
gies and surreys. 211 Washington st.
Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold
and rented.
TO TRADE 2 driving; horses, about lltMi
lbs. each. bark, rubber-tire buggy, double
and single harness, nearly new. for cash
or lot close in. Inquire room 424 Abington
bldg phone Main 4il2.
WANTED 3-sprlng wagon, also top buggy.
single narness. Must be cheau lor cash.
J. E. Oeiger. Oswego, Or.. R. Fj D. No. 1.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel dub, saaaies. harness, cneap to close
out. Hubert & Hall. 26 4th st.
GENTLE riding or driving pony, suitable. for
children; cheap. MO t hapman.
HORSE, broke to ride and drive. Nobby
ftanies, utn ana t lanuers.
FOR SALE Team black horses, weight about
1M. Apply tfio JJavis.
OENTLR driving mare, buggy and harness;
price uo. 2tt N. lftth.
FINE driving horse for sale. 37 Winers
iane, iii. lam.r.
WANTED Good 120O-lb. horse, city broke.
i-none laoor t(H.
A GOOD heavy 'work team. 46 E. Madison.
Phone East 2iHl.
YOI'NO team for sale or trade. 255 Flan
ders St.
i -passenger Pope-Toleuu, a bargain,
ft-passenger Rambler. A-1 condition; a
Model C Rambler.- basket rear seal,
Waverley electric. J1H0.
$:;Xm houseboat. $425; finest on river.
$,"0 bicycles, 28.rH.'
Cash or trade. Merrill. 108 7th. after
noons. WANTED A second-hand. two-9cated auto-
motnie; must be tn llrst -claps condition ;
give full particular;: lowest cash price,
etc. Y Kl'f, Orejronlan.
FORD RfXAnoi'T. top. side and front cur
tains. KuiniTHkre generator and searchlight,
oil side lamp. Gabriel horn, $450. Care
box 7. MeMinnville.
At'TOMOBILE r. passenger. 30 h. p.. 4-cyl-
moer. up to date. nn condition; will sell
cheap or exchange. Hall 266 Fourth.
SM ALL Ford touring car, detachable ton-
ne:iu, good running or :?r. for swle or trade
fur real estate. O 824. Oregon lan.
STODDARD DAYTON touring car. 1W7, top.
glass front. ja;'k seat, aiti; bargain; must
be sold at once. F. O. tox 270.
WILL exchange White steamer automobile
for city property or acreage. H tW. Ore-
AT'TOMORILB for sate or trade. S 827,
Oregon ian.
BIG snaps in used pianos In our exchange
department. A beautiful largest sire Meh
lln & Sons upright grand, now $1Uft. cost
new $425. A superb walnut case Fisher,
used only a few months. $225. A fine
Davenport & Tracey. now $225. A mag
nificent Kimball upright, exhibition style,
rure value at!. A choice Kranich &
Bach upright grand, now $ 1P2. A pret ty
mahopany Marshall & Wendell, only $1S7
A splendid Bailey for flftK. Pay uash or
easy weekl. monthly of yearly payments
Fliers Piano House. ;;ft.T Washington st.
EASTERN manufacturer sent me beautiful
$4'Hi sample piano; rather than .end it
back will sell for 5225; see- it for your
self; ternut. Call ;t5t Alder.
KRONICH BACH upright piano. $inn.
cash or terms. 617 Tourney bldg. Pa
cific 244.
W'A NT E D Auto in good runntng condition;
gasoline or electric; pot cash, p 875, Ore
gontan. FOR RENT Piano. Hallet Davis. In good
condition. 452 Morrison, cor. Ltth.
$450 PIAN'" for fIe at a bargain. 11P4 E.
14th st. North. Take Alberta oar.
FOR S VLK Elegant toned Fischer piano. F
VhI. Oregon ian.
WE are moving, and if you want to save
money on anything tn the second-hand
machinery or pipe line, see us. as we have
the largest stock of second-hand merchan
dise on thf Coast. J. Simon & Bro., 244.
2t(. 250 Front.
SPECIAL sale of all kinds- of second-hand
sewing machines this wefk: splendid value;
White Sewing Machine Store. 42u Washing
ton, cor. 11th. H. D. Jones. Prop.
40 horsepower engine, good shape, $125
f. o. b. b ai or cars. J. Simon & Bro.. 244,
246. 250 Front st.
FRENCH range in good order: two ovens
254 Burnslde st.
FOR SALE" Old rare black lace shawl. J
S'S2, Oregon ian.
FOR SALE fresh milch cows, cheap. 451
Blackistone at.
$55 $75 computing scale.
Alberta t.
M. M. Moore. 64S
WANTED Manufacturing Jwe4er; must be
first-Wasa. O &25. Oregontan.
ISft-itti First St.
perforated seat chairs. rh 54c. -
cane seat diners, each 8v.
cane seat diners, each fctk.
a weath-red diners, each $1.58.
Mrs. Potts' irons, set. 7.V.
$ t carpet sweeper, each $1 SO
Reliable ras siove. each $15.
Quick Meal gasoline range. $18.
Heavy barn range. $27.
12x12 art -qua re, $.
mad carpets, half price.
ftftc fiber carpet, yard.
Window shades, each, iiftc.
K-carts. $l.W.
2 H. H. treasure. $2.50.
4 kitchen tables, $1.2t.
Old stoves taken tn exchange or re
paired, furniture rented. See us for any
thing vou want
EDWARDS COMPANY. 185-191 First st.
5 1-TARD dump-cars.
1 concrete mixer; 10-yard cap. per hour.
1 concrete mixer, 2ft-yard cap. per hour.
2 ore skips.
1 clam-ahetl. 2 orange-peel buckets.
2 donkey engines
1 launch, 5 skiffs.
1 10-ton locomotive crane.
1 pile-driver, kidded.
1 pile-driver, on scow.
1 centrifugal pump.
2 air pumps and cfther pumps,
3 afr riveting hammers.
2 winches.
3ft"o fet pipe. 1-inch to Vmch.
4oon feet lrt-lb. T-rail with fittings.
Failing Bldg.
SOLID black walnut bedroom suit, 3 pieces,
J 15; white maple suit, 2 pieces, $10; hotel
resser, $4.ftn; Iron beds. $2; solid black
walnut parlor suit, 3 pieces. $15; rocking
chairs, $1.50; H-ft. oak extension table,
round. $7.5i; 6 solid oak chair, fine one..
$1; kitchen treasure. $2; quick-meal gas
range. $S.5tJ;.' fine steel range, with water
coil. $25; gas heaters. $1.25; French range,
feet, $;ift; couches, $2; fine sofa bed.
Jft; art square. $2.50; bookkeeper'a standing
6Vk, $7 5; sanitary couch and pad, $;
all kinds of household goods bought. Bold
or exchanged. Call up Western Salvage
On. Main llo8 or A 3793. 20th and Wash
ington sts.
BEST dry 4-foot fir wood, cut out of large
green timber, over one year now since cut,
delivered to your residence for $5.25 per
cord and over 4 cords at $5 per cord.
This wood must be sold at once, as it
la on the Jefferson-sL dock and the water
will be over the dock by June 1. There
is only 250 cords and first come, first
served. Kirk Hoover. Phone Pacific 250ti,
Home phone A 124.
CIVIL ENGINERR. engaging- In other busi
ness, ip disposing or outfit. For sale, high
grade transit of last year's make having
ISO-degree vertical arc. level to telescope,
fixed stadiahairs. also chain, reference
books, etc. Address S. box 7t2. Medford.
SLABWOOD The North Pariflc Lumber Com
pany in making the following prices on
short hauls on green short wood: Slab,
$2.50; inside. $3; block, $3; green. 4-foot
slab. $2.75 per cord; dry wood, $1 more per
cord- or load.
FOR SALE: New and ' second-hand billiard
and pool tables: easy payments; we rent
tabies, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Isrunawlck-Balke-Collender.
40 Third st.
RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand
Glory," mated to 10 daughters and sisters,
$2.50 for 14; other pens $1.75 up. Rex
Reds Ranch, Ballard. Wash.
ELEGANT motorboat, utmost new. 16 ft.,
3 h. p. engine, seats 8 persons, oak decks,
polished brass trim, bell and nmmin at le.
whistle: will sell for tllH lesa than cost
AlllleeJBS A S'fi Hrnnian
FOR SALE, cheap, one 4x9 billiard table.
matcn cusntons. tn perfect condition, and
a perfect set of balls; one 4x8 pool table,
good condition, B 824, Oregonlan,
GASOLINS launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15
H. P. 4-cy Under engine, brass finishings,
quartersawed oak decks, complete, with
boathouse. W 753, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE One oak dining table, one
jtionuor range, one enameled Ice box, two
three-quarter iron beds, garbage and ash
palls. Phone 5641.
WILL dispose of our office furniture, car
pets and two good typewriters, cheap.
What can we interest you in? H
Oregonian. ,
FOR SALE Fine pedigreed English petter
pups, oy i-ianasome Dan, out of Kelne. A.
K. C. 116.412. Call 441 Gllsan st. Phone
Main 5245.
FOR SALE CHEAP Gasoline launch. 19
icet long. ;i n. p. engine. Inquire W. Rob
erts. Heyes Launch Co., foot of Madison.
Main 'a74 Stove doctor We make A 2327
sfck stoves well, do expert stove repairing,
stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st.
FOR SALE One 3-h. p. motorcycle and
extra parts; a good bargain. 049 E, 24th,
or phone Seliwood 507. after 6 P. M.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
Dougm, soia ana exenangea. L. inters, ais
Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts.
THOROUGH BRED Buff Orpington eggs and
coicks; macK Minorca eggn. fJasf 31st.
Surman. Tel. 118 Woodiawn.
EXHIBITION moving-picture machine.
1000 ft. film, good as new; sell cheap or
exchange. Hall, 266 Fourth.
FOR PALE Cheap, miniature cottage used
at tne t-air; -nntable for child s playhouse.
Apply at ltltt North 22d st.
FOR SALR Nearly new range with water
nacK. cost x-mi; win sell for $2&. G. L.
Shearer. 24, Yamhill t.
YAM A TO WOOD YARD We have the most
reaaonaaie wood lor you. Phone East 818.
B lKo'7. E. 6th and Main. .
SCHOLARSHIP In Internationa Correspond
ence cicnoos. oi fcranton, i'a., cheap for
cash. S.'t4. Oregontan.
WOOD and coal range, tV-hole. Star-Estate.
iiH .n", "roiij ue, win ew
at a bargain. East 0S5.
SUN SOON HCIE. matting. China ware. silk.
ira, raiian cnair saie; pncea low. IT 1-169
Xd st. Japanese goods.
FOR SALE Elegant roll-top desk, latest pat
tern. bomcn; will fu cheap for cash. 333
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SA LE A 4 -burner Jewel giu range;
gooa as new; price iiu. UiS t;iierry t.,
over grocery store.
FR ESH COW, some extra Jerseys. TOO
Harold st. ; take Seliwood car. Phone
Seliwood 1171.
FOR SALE Two valuable Oriental rugs;
win sen encap; parues leaving city. N
844. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Good No. 6 Remington type
writer, .nrsc-ciass repair. Address Y 820,
SEVERAL fine diamonds set for lady, very
rca.Muu,uio u laaen at once. k. 80, Ore
gonian. LAUNCH Finest equipped on the river; seats
lo; complete wiin boat house. F S-'W, re
gonlan. COLUMBIA bicycle, almost new. In good
(-"iiumon iwr saie at. ail pnee. Apply 4;tJ
Moving-picture Exchange Machines, sup
plies. nims ior rent. lto 4th at.
FOR SALE A No. 4 Smith Premier type-
"iiin, aiinopi n?w. reasonanie. Mam ;k:w
FOR a pretty, very intelligent cocker span
iel, 3 months old. Phone Woodiawn. 21O0.
COLD $20 piece; rare. lfstrT; heavy raised
work; make best offer. D Sft. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE, cheap, a practically new high
grade typewriter. H Sill. Oregonian.
FOR SALE A scholarship In Behkne-Walker
Business Codege. C 814. Oregonian.
FOUR water spaniel pups. month old. Call
540 Delay St.. Albina. Take L car.
FOR SALE 2i h. p. gas eng-ine: can be
seen by applying at 310 Du.vls st.
12 RESTAURANT tables. 2 library or office
tables, oak. 282 2d st. Main 7140.
FOR SALFJ Good express outfit for sale
cheap. 1U5 N. ITth. Phone 82tt2.
FOR SALE Beautiful evening dress, not
made, cheap. N 8X8. Oregonian.
JTALIAN honey bees for sale or trade. Ad
dress Lenta. Or., Route 2. Box 11.
MAKE an offer, furniture 4 room nearly
new. 4;i7 Ebey sr.. Montavilla.
FOR SALE Cheap, about 900 feet of rouh
lumber. Call at rt&5 Weldler st.
2utrtt CONCRETE BLOCKS for sale cheap.
Appiy 4 3t C h a m be r Co m m e r ce.
FOR SALE ftO Waverleigh certificate,
cheap. F 84;:, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Counter, for particulars in
quire at 127 N. 16th st.
FOR SALE Cheap. Mexican rubber stock.
M t41, Oregontan.
ONE horsepower donkey, running order.
12 Stevens roller and flouring mills, per
fect order. .
2o tons "1" beams,' all sixes and
lengths, practically new.
loo tons galvanised hop wire.
Im tons manlla rope, for all purposes.
5im tons assorted mahtnery. including
pulleys gears, boxes, etc-, at very low
lf tons steel shafting, all sixes and
ft' t ons second - hand pipe Tor w at er.
drainage and irrigating purposes. in
perfect order. In sixes from Mi -inch to 12
tnch. It will pay you to investigate. We
also buy second-hand machinery, scrap
Iron or anything of value. See us if you
want fair prices.
347-353 Gllsan st.
$50 STAR estate steel range. $25: good cook
stove. $d.5o; folding mantel bed. $5; Iron
folding bed. $10; eolld oak upright folding
bed with plate mirror In front, $18; iron
beds, $2; sectional bookcase In weathered
oak. $12.dO; hardwood dresser. $0. fine
white tnapie princess dresser. $12.5U; black
walnut sideboard. $18: guod barber chair.
$3.50; tx solid oak high-back chairs';
center table, $1 75i 8-ft. extension table.
$fi; lawn mowers, garden tools. tents and
camp furniture; everything in hounefurnleh
Ing goods bougr.'. sold or exchanged and
a square deal. For bargains call us up.
Main 2o87. Between Davis and Everett.
Poultry netting, new wire nails, $2 keg;
new galvanized staples, $2.50 keg; vises,
wedges, sledges, grain and potato sack.
crowbars, axes and pinchers; any sire
piping, bathtubs, sinks, smooth and barbed
wire, tents and rope, picks and mattocks,
hot water tanks, sheet Iron, any size;
corrugated Iron and rubber roofing.
244, 246, 250 Front st.
FOR SALE CHEAP 1 12-horsepower gaso
line hoist; 1 KHJ-horsepower boiler; 3 Ml
16 boilers. 1 12-horsepower boiler; 2 4
horsepower engines; lot of 16-pound rails.
40 iron cars, 1 S-horsepower boiler; -8 iron
tanks from 500 to 5tH gallons, pump,
shafting, pulleys, 2-horsepower gas pump
and engine, cable, belting, blocks. 5O0 new
steel sheaves. J. Sim oh & Bro.. 244, 246,
250 Front st.
244. 246. 250 FronK st.
THE furniture of a rooming-house to be
closed out, consisting of 1 2 d ressers. 12
commodes. 12 beds. 14 springs. 15 mat
tresses. 12 bowls and pitchers. 12 pairs
wool blankets. 2 dozen comforts, lot tables,
lot chain and rockers. Goods at Wash-
Ington and Union. Call at lort l-nlon.
IT makes no difference what you are in
need of in the second-hand machinery or
pipe line. se us, as we only have about
.kk tons of assorted machinery on hand
at al) times and we surelv can supply
your wants. J. Simon & Bro.. 244. 246,
250 Front st.
Examine our stock and get our prices,
then go elsewhere, to Inquire and we know
you will come hack.
-44. 246. 250 Front stJ
MKN wanted to put money in gilt-edge
legitimate business, just starting in city
substantial income guaranteed. B 835
Oregonlan. '
PER W ELK and tiavelinfr expenses paid
by reliable house to salesmen to visit deal
ers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeep
ers, stenographers and clerical men. Com
mercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club
PHYSICIAN wanted for office work In Port
land; must be under 3J years; good sal
ary to right man. Address C 818, Orego
nian. .
For Men 2ftO Burnstde Street.
Phone Main 56H4
WANTED A No. 1 all-around harness
maker at once; must understand Land is
machine. S. J. Frank. Hood River. Or.
WANTED Reliable. industrious man to
work on Hood River fruit farm. Phone
Last 41M3 before 10:30 A. M. or 6 P M
ADVERTISING policltors: cash commissions
reporter, morning newspaper. $0O-$75
Newspaper Brokerage. 603 Goodnough bldg
WANTED Salesman, dry goods, shoes and
good all-around man, countrv store p
A. & C. Co., Raleigh blag., rooms 30-41.
AGENTS You need my goods. Free sam
ples; particulars. Write todav. Hay
man. 2170 Franklin ave.. St. Louis. Mo
OFr ICEJ MAN or salesman to Invest $3500
with services in growing and paying manu
facturlng corporation. M 847. Oregonlan.
$33 WEEK and expenses to men with rig to
Introduce guaranteed poultry compound.
Grant Co.. Dept. 841. Springfield III
Ladies' Department. 25i Morrison St.
Phone Main Hrt2 A 1406.
CARPENTER finishers $1.50 per dav. Ap
ply on job. bet. Wiliams and Vancouver
ave.. on Portland Boulevard.
WANTED Experienced, reliable solicitor;
salary and commission: city business; ref
erences. G 872. Oregontan.
ENGRAVING PAYS; want to meet -some
party, with ohjeet of starting up-to-date
plant. K 861, Oregonlan.
GOOD opportunity for a capable man In
tho real estate business, with established
firm. J 3, Oregonian.
DENTISTS wanted to take charge of office
good salary and commission. Chicago
Dentists, Raleigh bldg.
MAN to work on saddle tree wood work
one that Is. handy with tools. Call at
io;m jutt-uttuam roaa.
JACKET MAKER. first-class workman
Jonason Bros.. ,H7 Rothchild Bldg.. 4th
and Washington st.
DENTIST, operator and laboratory worker;
good opportunity. North Yakima, Wash.
A 82ft. Oregonian.
DBTE-TIVE To take active interest old es
tablished business, must be honest, reliable.
S 823. Ore con Ian.
TWO men-with ability; permanent sftuation.
with advancement and good pay. 400
Oregonlan bldg.
IF you want a good 5-cent cigar, smoke
a Rose City. If not particular, smoke
something tlse.
10.000 FEET new 3, 4, . 10, 12-inch stand
ard pipe. J. Simon & Bro., 244, 246, 250
Front st.
CARPENTERS wanted; want
and one rough carpenter.
Hawthorne ave.
one finisher
Inquire 1134
WANTED man to assist on small farm
within city limits. Apply 517 Chamber of
WANTED Salesmen of good address to sell
shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co., 30 Ham
ilton bldg.
WANTED Young man with experience In
general store; references. N 845, care Ore
gonian. MAN to drive a mtlk wagon. Applv Rose
city Dairy, Moore's crowning, Vancouver
WANTED Experienced grocery clerk and de
li very man ; give references. J 847, care
AN experienced, reliable, sober 4-nglneer; state
age with, referencea Address C 828, Ore
gontan. BUS HELM AN wanted, first-class workman;
highest wages paid. K. S. Ervln A Co.,
WANTED Clerk, grocery store; experience
necessary. Cor. Hassalo st. and Grand ave.
WANTED Good farmhand. 1004 Milwaukle
st.; take -Seliwood car to Gratton's Grove.
WANTED Young man for assistant collector;
salary $60 per month. R 826. Oregonlan.
AGENTS to handle Rose Show souvenirs and
novelties. 33 Chamber of Commerce.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. P. A. fc
C. Co.. Raleigh bldg., rooms 30-41.
WANTED An all around plantngmtll man.
Address 120 E. 4th st.. Albany, Or.
WANTED To hire a carriage painter;
steady work. 211 Washington st.
WANTED Experienced window washer,
large building. B Ml. Oregonian.
YOUNG man who has had some experience
at tailoring. Call loft Russell st.
SOLICITOR for bottle beer on commission;
family trade. D 844, Oregonian.
Have you secured a position through ?
If not. don't you think It would pay you to
investigate our p'an? Whatever your
qua; inVat ions or experience, it Is nvney
and opportunity to you to call and taik it
over with us. If you can t call, write.
Can you till any of the fnl'owtng:
P Sol iian who can pek German and
is a fair bookkeeper: $75.
P GOB Must know businea; $100 and ex
P 504 High-class exierienoed man; must
have good appearance and record as sales
man: $1S00 to $-J40.
P 4 us Live man who knows this line
and Is wilting to work up; $1000.
Other positions oren. as
SALESMAN, and many others too numer
ous to mention: n 4f you don't see your opening nere. call, as -we may
have it on our files. One thing we wish
to impress upon you and 'that Is. If you
are not an experienced man tn some par
ticular line, don't call. It only wastes our
time as wen as yours, as we only nandie
men 01 experience.
402. 403, 404.. 4t Swetland bldg.
SALESMEN WANTED You can earn from
$2oon to $le.ntjo a year as traveling sales
man; we will teach you to be one in 8
weens oy mail and guarantee you a posi
tion with a reliable firm: no former exper
ience required; hundreds of calls for our
graduates; write for free, catalogue today.
Address Dent.. tWL National Salesman'i
Training Assn. offices. Chicago, III., Min
neapolis, Minn., or Kansas City, Mo. Write
nearest orn.e.
MKN wanted who can handle agents: must
nae orrice or desk room; exclusive con
trol; no canvassing: vou handle crev
men ; biggest money-making opportunity
ever offered any man of ability. Write
it particulars, giving1 references. fr-ee
ourgiar Alarm, lft4 Nassau St.. New York
For graduates last year: men and women
to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert turtructor tools
free; write for catalogue. Molar Sy?tam of
-.aueges, k n. tn st.. Portland, 01.
I WANT a reliable man with $3000 cash to
take charge of an Idaho alfalfa ranch ;
salary iimi per month: house furnished
contract for three or five years: must give
satisfactory references; money fully se
cured; If qualified, for interview, address
vernon J. Kose, Blackfoot. Idaho.
WANTED By private famtlv in city, an
English. Scotch. Irish or German man
and wife; man to do chores and care for
pony and cow. woman to do housework
and cooking: must be sober and Indus
trlous; references required. Apply 434
naimon si.. lore noon.
KEEP your job. donhle your wags; sell
our monthly payment sickness and acci
dent policies on the side; experience un
necessary; others do this; you can; write.
North American Accident Co.. Epler
DiocK, beatue. District agents wanted
WANTED Two first-ciasa cloth men and one
woodworker for casket factory: good in
ducement and excellent opportunity for the
right men; state experience, salary expect
ed and references, o. A. Nelson, Northern
janK Ding., beanie.
WANTED Resident salesmen In each of the
following cities to ell shoes direct from
the factory to the wearer: Salem, Eugene,
Pendleton. The Dalles, Baker City. Call
on or address Comfort Style Shoe Co.. 39
Hamilton bldg.
WANTH5D Man; must be willing to learn and
capable of acting , as our local represen
tative; no canvassing or soliciting; good
income assured. Address National Co
operative Realty Co., Dept. T2 C, Wash
ington. D. C. .
WANTED Hydraulic engineer for Impor
tant construction ; experienced men only
need apply; state fully education, experi
ence and salary for five to seven years
past. Address L. G. Fey en. Sunnyside,
SALESMEN wanted to handle our timber
stock. liberal compensation to men of
ability. Read our ad. in this Issue. The
Northwestern Exploration & Development
Co., 31S Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Bright man at once to shcrw land
and bufsineup opportunities; can make $75
to $1 50 ; no experience required a nd very
little money. Multnomah Investment &
Realty Co., 3861 W'ash. st.. room 14.
WANTED Bright man at once to show land
and business opportunities: can make $75
to $15o; no exjerience required Hnd very
little money. Multnomah Investment &
Realty Co., 3S6Vs Wash. at., room 14,
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness anfl death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 203
Wei is-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
SALESMAN To sell coal stock tn Portland
and all polnti In Oregon and Washington;
mine fully equipped and shipping coal; good
solicitors can make $100 weekly. Cardiff
Coal & Coke Co.. 64H Sixth st.
WANTED A young man who can furnish
$2500 In cash, as secretary and treasurer
of corporation: money secured and good
salary to right man: rtand closest Investi
gation. G 831. Oregonian.
CAPABLE, energetic business man of good
pnraonal appearance, age altout 30. ' mod
erate to start; steady advancement, per
manent psitlon: give experience and ref
erence. O 826. Oregonlan.
MEN to learn plumbing;, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying; day and night: no
books; positions secured; free catalogue.
Coyne National Trade School. 23O-240 8th
st., San Francisco.
WANTED Traveling man to sell our dress
fabrics, blankets, comforts, direct to re
Mail country stores on commission; profit
able side. line. Schuyktll Mills, Box 1102.
Philadelphia. Pa. ,
RELIABLE MAN wanted In every locality
to represent large real estate organization;
good V-ay ; Instructions free; experience un
necessary. North American Realty Co.,
Des Moines, la.
PARTNER In real estate office. celling
suburban property; small capital required:
fine opportunity to make good money this
Summer. Call Monday morning. 403 Com
mercial bldg.
WOULD like a faithful man with $lft0 ss
partner t: my established (business In
Walla Walla, clearing H.n weekly; oppor
tunity to greatly increase assured. E t6I,
SALESMEN wanted to sell souvenir postal
cards as a side line; most varied and ex
tensive souvenir postal card line in coun
try; state references. Gartner & Bender,
A CAPABLE man for manager of field
forces selling industrial securities; perma
nent position, steady advancement. Com
mission only; references. R 815. Orego
niun. TWO men of character and ability for city
work; permanent positions if you are a
topnotcher; bring reference?; call between
0 and 10 A. M. Monday. Room 317 Flcldner
TWO men of character and ability for city
work: permanent positions if you are a
topnotcner; bring references; call between
0 and IO A. M. Room 317 Fleidner bldg.
LEARN watcnmaalng. engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured: money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
SALESMEN Side line for post cards: fine
line, low prices, expreet charges prepaid
on Khipments; liberal commissions. Answer
by mail only. The Acmegraph Co., Chicago.
WANTED Warehouseman, steady, married,
with packing-house experience preferred.
Apply after 2 P. M. Monday. National
Packing Co.. East Second and Stark sts.
TWO men of good business address and qual
ifications; must give first-class references.
Apply to Manager, 5th floor, room 500.
MACHINIST and plumbers' table of U. S.
Standard steam, gas, water pipes and tap
ping sixes; lir centes per copy. Shop agents
wanted. E. El Meyer, Allegheny, Pa.
A GOOD MAN WANTED; one who will be
willing to help with the heavy work
. building house and garden. Call Main
7320. or Main 4521. Dr. Mackle.
WANTED Bright active, young man about 17
years old for office assistant; must be good
penman, quick and accurate at figures and
willing to work. K 840. Oregonlan.
WANTED By May 1. roomers, with excellent
table board; best location; nice yard and
porches; eight blocks from P. O.; gentlemen
preferred. E 845. Oregonlan.
OTHERS are making $S0 to $125 monthly.
Why not you? In spite of panic, agents
doubling sales. Address Say man. 2170
Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo.
BRIGHT young; man wanted to take half
interest in established real estate office:
will make $25 to $"0 weekly; little money
required. Call 85 Fifth st.
WANTED Energetic boy, over 11 years,, for
general work; one who Is ambitious pre
ferred ; bring references and apply Lowcn
gart & Co.. 92 Front st.
A good place to aet work.
A good place to get help.
We have a large list of
new work every ay.
Both phones. Main 8750. A 1406.
Main 0n .
Ladies' Department
12 North 2rf st.
2061 Morrlron St.
BARBERS and apprentice mint hare their
annual cards renewed by May as re
quired by law. Board of Examiners will
be In session April 28 and So and May 1
at lT1 1st St., for the purpose of isso
tng the same. T- M. Lea bo. Sec.
WANTED Men to represent ua as agents
In several good locations; wagon equip
ment and splendid Inducements to secure
trade, furnished free-; state reference and
, experience. Grand I' men Tea, Co.. 473
Washington at.
Employment Office Men's Department.
2rt North Second St.
Phone. Main and A 1526.
Help Free to Employers.
WANTED A stenographer to work a few
days each week in office; prefer some one
wanting the practice and charging accord
ingly; give full particular in first letter.
K 857. Oregontan.
WANTED A bookkeeper. handwriting
must be small and neat ; woukl like to
have one who can at times operate a
typewriter. Address, in own handwriting.
K 856. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED salesman for dress goods.
A ppl y Karo- K tapper Co.. cor. $d and
WANTED Man capable of building fence.
. laying walks and gardening on 7-acre
ranch close to Portland. Address N 84 L
WANTED Experienced salesman to handle
stock for wireless telegraph company in
successful operation; good contract. L 835.
WANTED Today, planerman. $3.fi0; caMnet
maker. $3.50; others.
12 North 2d.
COATMAKERS. Charles Coopey A Son. tail
ors. 30U and 311 Oak st.
MEN to lay and dress hardwood floors. Ad
dress F 83. Oregonian.
WANTED 10 solicitors; a good seller. 66
4th ., cor. Pine.
WANTED Boy in factory. 65 Front, cor
ner Davis.
TA I LOR wanted, young man. P 866, Ore
Cook, small country hotel. $40. faro
here; another place, country, $40; 2 wait
resses, same country hotel, $30; two at
$25; family cooks, $25 to $35; second girls.
$20 to $25; nurses for children, girls for
general housework and to assist. $12 to
$30; chambermaids, housekeepers, laundry
help, factory help, others.
New situations coming In dally. Call
If you wish employment.
343'. Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
GIRLS 16 years and over to work tn factory.
Appty at once. A met', Harri. Neville Co.,
5th and Davis.
W A NTED A t once, experienced saleswomen
for silk and lining departments.
3d and Morrison sts.
1 343 ' Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones. Main and A 2W2.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Stenographer for law office;
muse oe competent ana nave some knowl
edge of legal work; state age and salary
desired. L 84S, Oregonian.
ough course of mill inery taugh t in 4
weeks; terms reasonable. 362 Washing
ton st. Room 2.
6KIRTMAKER on power machine; must be
experienced : no other need apply; best
wages In town. J. K. Stern. ladies' tailor.
429 Washington.
WAITRESS, city. Camas. Hoppner ffare ;
cnamoer 1. springs 1. ;:&; ramily, chamber,
other help. "Drake's," 205 u Washington.
WANTED Medium-aged women as ap
'prentlces for French private millinery.
Mme. Bodle. room 208 Tllford bldg.
WANTED A good experienced girl for
unuei ui nouieworn. v ail 2 i iAttl St..
near Overton, or phone Main $710.
WANTED Medium-ajred woman, as ap
prentice for private French millinery.
Mme. Bod i ft. roomj 20S. Tllford bldg.
ST. LOUIS AGENCY. 230 Yamhill; gen-
erai woraers, cooks, nouse Keepers, wait
resses, chambermaids. Main 6413.
WANTED- Neat, competent girt to do gen
eral housework In small family. Apply
between IO and 4. 2ii0 Park st.
WANTED Millinery Irlmmers and makers.
thoroughly competent, good salaries; also
apprentices. Fraley, 214 3d.
WANTED Two girls In small faintly one
grood. plain cook, ono experienced second
g-frl. Apply 783 Flanders st.
WANTED Housekeeper for widower. $25
momn ; cook country notei, 130. Pioneer
Employment, 16 North 2d.
WANTED Good girl to assist with up
stairs work an-d take care of young child
743 Everett st. Main 4514.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer. $50: unless
rapui ana accurate please don t apply, die
Fenton bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl . for cooking and house
work; wages $30; must be good cook. Phone
Main 1309.
WANTED Capable second girl for private
?," V-.r B " H" lamnin.
Main 5413.
WANTED A competent girl for general
i...uBwur. -ft-ppiy c. isumside, cor.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
GIRL for general housework. Apply to
San Kafael st. Phone East 1103.
WANTED Girl to work on coats and nants
Apply Carl Levoen, 207 Rothchild bldg.
A RELIABLES girl for general housework"
mail fotnllv 7 TO It TnhnAr,. O;
EXPERIENCED solicitors to work among
APPRENTICES Call Monday after 10 A.
n.. -v mkw ooig. Maaam Hudson.
A GIRL for general housework; small fam-
fw ocb. i nuB rdfll inaz.
FINISHERS on pants wanted, also rirls
t.i Una R 1- a mt 1A
W A N TBD Ge rma n ai r I for cook I ng ; good
WANTED At once, experienced mlllinery-
milr.r AO A. Pl.MnH, V.l4
W A NT E l -A young girl over 16 years old
fnr r-r a ni4 at All J - (
COMPETENT cook; cooking- only; good
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap-
A WILLING girt to help with light house-
worn. . oin at.
GIRL for reneral housework; two In family.
YOUNG girl for housework; call evenings. 521
Bverett st. Suite 11.
SHIRTWAIST axd skirt taanas. The Spencer
Co., 135 10th .
GIRL for reneral housework, good wages.
liS2 Love joy st.
1TOUNG GIRL, under 20. to learn nursing.
CalF 263 6th st.
WANTED Gtrl for general housework. Call
388 6th st.
WANTED Sewing girls, also apprentice. 5-48
GIRL wanted for light housework. 453
WAITRESS wanted at Watson's Restaurant.
The Meier A Frank Store wants an
expert corset fitter.
Also young woman for
JTfJ1 ?rinr 10 A- M "upertntendent
onice Alder-street entrance.
Can also pla-e V bright girls. 1 years
or age and over, who desire to iarn the
busmen k i . ,
BK GRADUATE NURSE Earn -$2i. trt
weekly; we provide home studv lectures
hospital practice when desired: emplov-
training school world. Write; free catalog
American Training School Nurses l ;0
On 11 y bldg.. Chicago
FIVE ladles to take datlv Spanish instruc
tion, practical, rapid conversational
method; good positions in Spanish-American
countries. Inquire 405 Common
wealth bldg. th and Ankenv sts
FIRST-CLASS experienced cook wanted by
small family at Rlverdaie. on White Houae
road. References required. Good wages to
person well qualified. None others need
at.pty. Telephone Pacific 30IO.
SALESWOMAN, experienced in buying ladles"
underwear, hostel y and corsets; must be a
good saleslady: state past exjwrience. swl
fryM?"mM arwi sTive telephone number.
l 851. care Oregonian.
DEMONSTRATOR tvr "iMi." the new t.4.
let preparation; de mei store work;
must be fluent talker and have good com.
jJKod money to right party. Call
OAPABLB business woman to take charge
of my real estate office; $1 ft week sal
ary; must have $.-.. to Invest; monev se
cured by mortgage, a 83' Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer and tvpewriier;
must be rapid on machine; answer in own
handwriting, giving experience, references
and salary expected. J 83. Oregonian.
LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at
home; materials furnished; $ir. per hun-
. dred; particulars stamped envelope Dept
405, Dearborn Specialty Co.. Chicago.
Thoroughly competent and experienced,
wanted at once
LADIES $1 a day at home. Send stamped
envelope for particulars and addrosse of
satisfied employes. Ladies' Aid. 28 Main.
Durham. Conn.
WANTED Young lady for photo studio in
Northern California who can retouch and
print velox; permanent position. J 837.
LADY agents to sell an article all women
need and most women buy; something new,
eafy to sell; big pay. R 828. Oregonian.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time;
good pay. cash weekly; reliable; send
stamp. Zeck. Box 216. Morrlsiown. N. Y.
LADIES can make $100 weekly selling coal
stock tn mine fully equipped and shipping
coal. Cardiff Coal A Coke Co., 04 4 Sixth st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper for
small family. Call at 517 Lumber Ex
change bids;. M on-lay. or phone Main 551 4.
EXPERIENCED cook wanted In small fam
ily : references required ; good wages to
qualified person. Telephone Pacific 3010.
COMPETENT gtrl for general housework;
must be good plain cook: good wages; 1am
ily of 3 In ti-room fiat. 7231 Kearney st.
WANTED Refined, capable- woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 009 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced, competent laundress
for Mondays; must be good troner; elec
trict Iron. K 803, Oregonlan
WANTED Experienced woman to take
charge of small rooming-house; referencea
required. H 838, Oregontan.
. ... . .... .
WANTED Conscientious, energetic woman,
for responsible position ; chance for ad
vancement. P 8tH. Oregonlan.
343 y Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2K02.
WANTED A nurse girl for boy 6 years old;
must live at home. Aaaresa room 32 J.
Alexandra Court. Ella st.
THOROUGHLY experienced wrapper; refer
ence requiren. Apply eastern Outfitting
Co.. loth and Washington.
DRESSMAKER wants girl to learn sewing,
will do well by the right party. 33 Madi
son Park apartments.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; call mornings, 200 Grand ave. N.,
corner Multnomah.
WANTED Girl for general housework 1itl
Corbett at., corner Hamilton ave. Take
South Portland car.
AGED woman to do chamber work of 1 1
rooms for board for herself and husband.
Call 251. Soventh st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house
work ; good home 1 Ike place. A dd roes R
824, Oregonlan.
A COMPETENT girl wanted for general
housework: comfortable home. 406 loth St.,
near Jackson.
GOOD girl for kitchen work In private
boarding-house. Call Astor House, Seventh
and Madison.
WANTED Girl to care for child 2 years oH ;
some second work. Inquire mornings, 30.t
West Park at.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
Phone Eat 5760. or call Mrs. F. P. May,
347 R. 28th.
WANTED Good, steady girl for general
housework; good wages. 1515 E. Morrison,
East 1828.
WOMAN for housework; references required.
Apply before noon today, or Monday. 2S
COMPETENT girl for general housework and
cooking. Call forenoon, 161 14th st., cor.
COMFETKNT girl for general housework ;
email family. 1054 Qutmby st. Phone Pa
cific 523.
WANTFJD Competent young woman for gen
eral housework. Apply mornings. 77tt Over
ton st.
A GIRL to do general housework. Apply
181 12th St.. corner Yamhill, in fore
noon. WANTED Girl to do general housework
and cook. 204 East 44th. Phone Tabor
WOMAN to Iron on Tuesday. East 34th, near
Hawthorne; use electric Iron. Phone Tabor
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; three In family. 68 Lucre t la.
GIRL for general housework In small family.
Call between 10 and 3, 10T North lfirh st.
GIRL to assist in general housework in a
flat. 144 24th st. North. Call morning).
WANTED An experienced second girl, good
wages for right girl. Apply 721 Flanders.
A GIRL wanted for generul housework. In
quire 641 6th from lo A. M. M 2 P. M.
WANTED -Good girl for general housework.
Apply 257 Monroe st. Phone East 3562.
WANTED Competent chambermaid ; wages
$25. At 53 North 18th ft., cur. Davis.
PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping: terms $4
per month. Pacific IMS and A 4IM.
GIRI As wrapper and cashier: experienced.
Lion Clothing Co.. 166-170 Third et.
5th. cor. Aider. Plume Main 2 los.
WANTED 50o to develop in spiritual mediums-hip.
palmistry and clairvoyance. Dr. Mat
thews' X-ray method makes It easy. To
students my scientific readings are given
free. Office 145H th st. Hours 0 A. M.
to 0 P. M. Rooms 142. Instruction strictiy
private and confidential.
OUR night school will place you In position
quickly. Any sy.-tnn of shorthand or book
keeping; experienced or beginners. Business
University. Worcester block. Main 4ft4.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position by A-l gent's furnish
ing goods salesman. Address D 848. ore
gonlan. POSITION desired by well-educated young;
man, capable and veraatile. A 835, Ore
YOUNG man wants) position In grocery, paint
or hardware store. Address P 856, Orego
nlan WOMAN to work forenoons. Apply Hotel
Madison. 262 Front st.
A-1 COLLECTOR wants position. B 843,