The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 26, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Warned by Doctor to Shake
Off Habit, but Morally
and full of plans for their home tn Paris
and for the Due new work he was about
to Dter uprtn."
Morphine a nil pt!r lrugs Habtencd
J.'tuitli of Slronls' Son-f n-Ia w.
, Yln Hope Marriage .
Would Cure Vk-e-
PARIS. April . 35. Special.) Although
r.o autopsy stiiv be made on the body of
Puc de Cliaulnes. since Dr. Castex cer
tines that uc died of embolism of tha
rart. no doubt fimalns that the death
of the young nohlunaii' came a the re
sult of his ten years' Uabtt of taking sev
fral i kinds of drugs, especially morphine.
Dr. Caito pa- the D'iko was warned
several woJt ago that only prompt
cessation of the habit and prolonged
quiet would save his life. Never having
been subjected to any kind of control, the
Duke was morally unable to help out
his medical advisers by following their
counsels. -
Hounded by Creditors.
Moreover, the end was hastened by tha
Puke's financial troubles, which con
stantly succeeded one another, even after
his "rich American marriage." It was
r,o secrtt that the. ducal' couple was
hounded by creditors morning, noon and
night, who had obtained fresh judgments
against the Duke after his marriage.
Most of them were turned away from the
door unpaid by a special "superintend
ent." The Duke evidently did not mean
to pay his old debts wth his wife's
money, unless there was no other way out
or iu ;
Could Xot Abandon Vices.
A member of the family said this morn
ing: "Now that poor Emmanuel is dead, the
truth might as well be told. The real
difficulties In Uie way of the marriage
were made on this side and not on the
Shonts side. The Due de Chaulnes had
to have money and the Duchess d'Uses
and his other relatives hoped marriage
would settle- his habits and prevent the
development of his heart trouble by
ending his life of dissipation. Unfor
tunately, a man of 30 does not change his
riisjiotiitlan all at once. At all events,
the task was too great for the poor boy
who has gone."
Trl-CUjr League 0ens Season Wltu
lkmble-Ileadrr Contest.
VANCOUVER, Wa.'h.. April 25.
(Special.) The Tri-Clty League opens
the first game In this city tomoriow
afternoon, beginning at 2:31) P. M.. with
a double header. A parade has been
arranged to open the event and the
procession will start from the Hotel
Columbia at 1 F.'' M.. preceded by the
City Band and carriages carrying
Mayor Ureen and the City Council. The
new baeball pai k at Twenty-sixth and
Kaufman avenue will be ready for use
and a large crowd is expected at the
opening game between the Pioneers
and the Tourists from Albina. The line
tip of the team will be as follows:
Earnings of Portland Railway
Company Increase.
NEARLY $2,000,000 IN 1907
Keene. Uihaon
Trun, Fonder
J rey ,
Hunter. Keed '.. 3h
Wood rf. .
s. . . i hUTK
b. Healer
.-. 2 b Burns
Kavnkin, umpire. ,
. -If i.
Defeats Stanford in 1 2-Inning Con
test by Score of C to 1.
BERKELEY. April 25. The third and
deciding game of the championship series
i between the University of California and
Stanford was played here today, Califor
nia winning the game and the champion
ship. The score was 2 to 1, and 12 in
nings were required. California won the
first and last game of the series. Every
game gave a wore of 2 to 1. The game
today was hotly contested and full of
snappy plays.
r .
Sen.-ntional Reports of Duke's
Heath Current In Paris.
PARIS. April S5. Notwithstanding
the official report that the Due de
t'haulnes died of natural causes, the
I'arla newspnpers print various ver
sions as to the manner and place of
his sudden demise. The Petit Journal
suys the Duke died in a small apart,
nient in a house belonging to his sis
t';r, the Imchess d'Uzes on the Rue Van
Dyke: He retired Thursday night,
according to the Petit Journal, and,
rot appearing Friday morning, a ser
vant entered the apartment and found
htm dead in bed. his features present
ing a livid appearance, as if decomposi
tion had set in. Beside the body, saya
the account, were bottles containing
cocaine, x ether and morphine. From
this the newspaper draws the deduc- j
tion thnt death was due to an over- 1
dose of drugs affecting his naturally
weak h'-art. .
The body .'of. the Due de Chaulnes was
ronWyol at daylight this morning from
the iintt-l to the Church of St. Philip. )
It was accompanied only by an under
take and his attendants and the Due d 2
l.uynrs, a cousin of the Due d3 Chaulnes,
mid the official head of the De Chaulnes
household. The cure of the church re- .
reived the roffin at the door. It was '
escorted to the crypt, and after a slmpl 1
Messing there deposited. The body will
roniain in St. Philips pending the com
pletion of Alie. arrangements for the fu
neral. These .will be settl -d upon dert
nltely upon the arrival of the Duchess de
I'tes and her husband. It is practically
certain, however, that "the funeral and
Interment will occur at the Chateau de
Aprlarle," the ancestral residence of the
l.uynes. outdlde of Paris. -
The Duchess de la Kouchfoucauld and
Princess lialilzin, an aunt of the young
Duo, remained last night with the wid
owed Duchuss." who was Miss Theodora
Shonts. nf Tew York. Early this after
noon the, Duchess went down to the
Chateau de Apririe. accompanied by the
Due da Duyneu. The false reports that
the Chaulnes had died In his Bis
ter's apartments in the Rue Van Dyke
arose from tha desire of the management
of the Hotel- Dunghara to make It appear
that thet death of the Due had not oc
curred In. , their establishment.
Mrs. Shonts Says Son-ln-Law'a 111-
nes Was Natural.
WASHINGTON, ' April Jo. Washing
ton society was severely shocked by
news of the death of the Due de
Chaulnes. It was well known to Amer
icans wi.o frequently visit Paris that
the Duke had for years been addicted
to the drug habit and had often re
tired from society 'r days at a time
while recovering fronr.. the effects of
too heavy administration of narcotics.
During his visit here last Spring and
at the time he was most ardently
suing for the hand of Miss Shonts the
Duke was taken violently III. and it
was said that ha suffered from a dis
tressing throat trouble, which required
a milk Tor a week, and which so
rut flown his strength that he had to
deny himself from society for almost
another week.
There was n persistent rumor here
at that time that De Chaulnes was re
sorting to his old habit of drug taking, L
hut this was strenuously denied by
.Mrs. ononis, in wtioss nouse ne was
a gurst at the time.
Keeelves Letters From Daughter
Telling of l'erfeet Happiness.
NEW VORK. April 25. Theodore P.
Shonts sailed for Europe today on the
steamer St. Louis to attend the funeral
of his son-in-law., the Due de Chaulnes.
"Tha suddn death of the Due comes
as a -terrible . shock to us," said Mr.
Shonts. "Only thla morning three letters
came from my daughter, telling how per
fectly harp? she and her husband, were.
Mondell Wants Bonaparte to Warn
Settlers Away.
ington. April 25. Chairman Mondell. of
the public lands committee, intends
seeing the Attorney-General and urg
ing him to make public a statement to
the effectithat, pending determination
of the suit to secure forfeiture of the
Oregon & California Railroad land,
none of the land remaining In the hands
of the railroad company or land claimed
by purchasers fiom the railroad com
pany will be subject to settlement,
entry or filing in any form. Unless this
w-arning Is given; Mr. Mondell says,
shyster lawyers ..will induce gullible
persons to settle upon this land tinder
the assurance that their settlement will
give them a preference right to the land
if It is later opened to entry.
Mr. Mondell says it is Impossible to tell
at this time what disposition will be made
of the land that may be recovered by the
Government. He Inclines to the opinion
that it'wlll not be opined under the gen
eral land laws, but will be disposed of
according to some law to be enacted by
Congress later on. His object In urging
the issuance of a statement by the Attorney-General
is to ward off a repeti
tion of the damage done to settlers in
Sherman County, who settled upon wagon
road land under a misapprehension but
in good faith, and who win subsequently
dispossessed and lost all their Improve
ments. It is his opinion that any psrson
who settles on railroad ' land now that
suit is to. be begun will acquire no valid
rights, but will certainly; be ousted when
suitB .are concluded.- It 'is his advice to
all Intending settlers to keep off .this land
until the Government announces it open
to entry.
i Much Larger in January and Feb-
ruarjr Than in Same Months of
1907 Reflex or Growing Pop
ulation of ' This City.
NEW YORK. April 25. (Special.)
Portland Railway Company first and
I refunding a per cent bonds underlie
I 4.5dO.Oifi bonds of the Portland Rail
' way, Light & Power Company, and are
.also followed, by the latter's I5.000.00J
of preferred and $10,000,000 of com
1 mon stock. The preferred receives 5
(per cent dividends.
Portland and Its immediate suburbs
have a population of 140.000, and this
is increasing rapidly. The first and
refunding fives are a first lien on 27
miles of single track and. subject to
S1.-J03.000 of underlying bonds, are a
1 lien on S3 miles.
I Earnings of the Portland Railway
Company fjr years ended December
31. 1906 and 1907, were:
iT. lOOrt
Gross earnings tl.9S2.0OO St.iMl3.onO
Operating expenses 1.031. 000 074.000
Net earnings . . 41.000 79.m0
Charges and taxes. ... 4S3.IXH) 4:17.000
Surplus S70.000 242.OU0
Earning for January and February. 1007
and 1908. were: -
10O51. 1907.
Gross earnings $300,000 J54.000
Operating expenses 1 71.000 lb'.. 000
Net earning! 120.00O 71.000
Masked Man Works on East Side,
hut Is Frustrated.
At attempt to hold up the saloon of
William Gottschalk. at East Nineteenth
and Umatilla street. Sellwood, a few
minutes before midnight, last night, was
frustrated by the presence of mind of the
proprietor, who, instead of standing with
his hands in the air as ordered, made a
rush for the door, so that h2 could give
an alarm. The would-be robber fired his
revolver at Gottschalk and missed him.
and, fearing apprehension, made his es
cape through the rear entrance.
That the robber was unsuccessful was
no doubt due to the presince in the sa
loon of Robert Jones and David Smith,
residents of the vicinity, whom the rob
ber ordered to join the saloonman, so that
he could more easily keep them covered
with his revolver.
It was when he turned to speak to
Jones and Smith that Gottschalk made a
rush for the door. The robber is de
scribed about 5 feet 8 inches In height,
weight about 100 pounds, and wore a
mask of a red bandanna handkerchief.
Prince Helle and Mme. Gould Keep
Plans Very Quiet.
NAPLES. April 28. Prince Helle de
Sagan and Mme. Anna Gould, the former
Countess de Castellane. are still at the
hotel, whither they repaired from the
steamer yesterday. They have refrained
from giving any information as to their
future movements, '.even to their friends.
The impression has gained ground, how
ever, that they are endeavoring to ar
range their aftalrs-'so that they will be
able to announce their engagement be
fore leaving Italy.
Rumor Cruiser Albany Will Land
Armed Force? if Need Be.
MEXICO CITY, April 35 A persis-
tent rumor here has It that the cruiser
Albany, which is to-carry special Am
bassador Buchanan Enrique C. Creel to
Central America, is to land armed par
ties should conditions in the southern
republics warrant the move. Official
confirmation of the report could not be
Reduces Speed on Account of F.og
While Steaming North From
" Los Angeles.-
SANTA BARBARA. April 25. Into an-
I other picturesque port of Southern Cali
fornia the Atlantic, fleet of battleships
sailed today in stately buff and white pro
cession, admired by a multitude gathered
on the shore.
The coming of the fleet was made a
holiday and even" shop In Santa Barbara
was 'closed throughout the afternoon. All
of the 12.000 residents, more thousands
from the surrounding towns and a host of
Winter visitors went to the shore to view
the spectacle.
After steaming in single column all
the way from the ports of Los Angeles,
the 16 ships of the fleet changed Into a
column of iquadrons after entering the
roadstead here and, heading directly for
the shore, dropped anchor aot mora Jjian
1500 yards from the beackline.
Soon after the ships got under way at
Santa Monica this morning a blanket of
fog closed down suddenly and Rear-Admiral
Thomas immediately ordered speed
reduced to six knots and towing spars
outstretched in protection. The fog
finally lifted at noon, when full speed
was resumed.
A formal welcome to the city was ex
tended to Admiral Thomas on the Con
necticut soon after the flagship came to
anchor by Mayor Bo'seke, of Santa
Barbara and Rear-Admiral Bowman H.
McCalla, U. S. .N, retired,' chairman of
the festival committee.
The fleet is to remain here for five days,
a festivtl of flowers having been ar
ranged In Its honor.
People Camp on Beach All Night to
See Fleet Depart.
SANTA MONICA, April 25. Sailing
away In a Summer haze that hung over
the bay of Santa Monica, the 16 battle
ships of the Atlantic fleet slowly passed
Point Duma shortly after 9 o'clock this
morning with 100,000 people assembled
along the shores to extend them a re
luctant farewell. No spectacle so
superb has ever been witnessed off the
Coast of Southern California unless It
was the arrival of the same ships a
week ago today.
Never before has such a multitude
gatheied along the shores of Santa
Monica Bay and rarely, If ever, have
so many people submitted to discomfort
and Inconvenience to witness a spec
tacle, however thrilling and unusual.
Since noon yesterday every available
car of the Los Angeles-Pacific system
was operated without obstruction and
for 18 hours a stream of people poured
Into Venice, Ocean Park and- Santa
Monica. - ' '
Days ago the quest for accommoda
tions for last night had been abandoned
us hopeless and with every resource
exhausted, with hotels and lodging
houses and private residences crowded
far beyond their normal capacity, men,
women and children slept last night
on the beach or In the canyons Just
outside Santa Monica, Others passed
the night on the floor of offices In the
City Hall and hundreds who had gath
ered at Venice whiled away the hours
before daylight by dancing to music
furnished by a band that gave a con
cert last night. As a final test many
of the sleepless, but eager sightseers,
finding that the restaurants were un
able to provide breakfast for half the
people, cheerfully sacrificed the - meal
for an early chance of a view some
where along the shore.
After various evolutions of the
divisions the fleet steamed in single
column the line extending from op
posite Santa Monica to the southern
limits of Venice, a distance of four 1
miles or more. Here was afforded the
most magnificent spectacle of the day.
Opposite Port Los Angeles the Con
necticut turned seaward. heading
straight for the extremity of Point
Duma, and one by one the sbips were
swallowed up in the tog. It was a few
minutes after o'clock when the
Mianesota. the last of the fourth
division and last In the column of ships,
faded from .view.
Missouri Blows Out Cylinder-Head,
but None Is Injured.
SANTA BARBARA. April 25. An ac
cident to the engines on the Missouri that
occurred today on the run of the fleet
from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara
proved to have been more serious than at
first reported.
The high pressure cylinder of the port
engine blew out and the engine-room was
quickly fied with the escaping steam.
No one was Injured. The supply of steam
was cut off after heroic work by the
engine-room force, and all danger soon
passed. The Missouri came into port
under the starboard engine alone.
A careful survey of the engine will be
made tomorrow to ascertain the extent
of the damage. Thfe accident will not in
terfere with the Missouri's continuing to
San Francisco, where repairs will be
made. A new cylinder head has been
ordered from the Newport News Ship
yard, where the vessel was built, and It
will be sent to San Francisco. There were
. men In the engine-room at the time
ef the accident.
Anarchy Rules One State, but Is
. Suppressed in Another, After
Battle With Rebels.
BUENOS AYRES. " April 25. News
has been received here of a serious
situation In the Province of Corrientes.
The Provincial Chamber of Deputies
has approved a motion that the Gov
ernor of the Province be brought be
fore a local court on charges of trea
son, and the press predicts that
anarchy may be expected in Corrientes.
Furthermore, a revolutionary out
break has taken place in the Province
of Santiugo. A band of revolutionists
attacked the Governor, drove him and
his ministers from the state and pro
claimed a provisional government. The
Governor was wounded and his brother
killed in the encounter.
Troops were summoned and put an
end to the uprising. The revolutionists
have been disarmed.
Caldwell Returned for Trial.
Harry Caldwell, arrested one week ago
by the authorities of Merced, Cal., on
telegraphic request of Chief Griumacher.
was brought back to this city last night
in the custody of Detectiva Tichner and
is now a prisoner in the City Jail. Cahl
w.ll was arrested on a warrant sworn
out by Mrs. M. J. Mills, of this city,
who accuses him of" ruining her 16-year-old
daughter and then abandoning her
under circumstances which show unusual
Join the Business Men's Excursion
to Lewiston.
Portland and Lewiston, Idaho, will be
Joined together by an all-rail line May I.
The event will be celebrated by a big ex
cursion of business men from Portland
and a grand Blossom Carnival in Lewis
ton. The round-trip rate from Portland,
Including sleeper and meals on dining
car, will be $23.40. Make your arrange
ments early, as there will be a large
crowd. Tickets and reservations at the
O. R. N. city ticket office. Third and
Washington streets. Train leaves Union
Depot at 9:30 P. M. Friday. May L
Adventists to Expend $30,000 in
Buildings Near Lodi.
STOCKTON, Cal., April 25. (Spe
cial.) Thirty thousand dollars will be
expended by the Pacific Normal Insti
tute, conducted under the direction of
the Seventh Day Adventists, In erect
ing a modern college near Lodi. for
the. instruction of young' ' men and
women in the various - academic
branches.. , . . .
Professor Sharp of HeaTdsburg. Pro
fessor Colcord of New York ajnd Pro
fessor Moon, of San Jose have been
.traveling over the West for several
weeks in search of a location for the
Western branch of the. institution and
only , yesterday announced that they
were' satisfied with a 2a-acre tract
offered them in the San Joaquin County
grape belt. The Lodi Chamber of Com
merce and the several promotion bodies
of that section will purchase and do
nate the site to tha directors of the col
lege. . - '
Seattle Pedestrians Make Trip With,
in Time Limit.
CHICAGO. April 25. A 90 days' walk
from S.-attle, Wash., to Chicago was
completed today by Richard F. Hay and
William Jackson. They left the western
city January 26 at 8 o'clock In the morn
ing and had 15t hours to spare whan they
reached the CTity Hall here this afternoon.
They reported that ths Seattle Athletic
Club had offered th'm a purse of $1500
provided they finished the trip on time.
'Continued from First Page.)
be held tn Denver, July 7. 1908. and we
call upon them to do all in their power
to bring forth from that convention re
sults that will appeal alike to the com
mon sense and to the patriotism of the
whole people as a prelude to a sweeping
Democratic victory in November."
An examination of the first part of the
platform proves that "these thoughts"
which are commended to the delegates
are culled almost bodily from ilr.' John
son's Shiloh speech,, in which states'
rights was the principal theme.
Instruct Delegates for Hughe.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. April 25. The
Thirty-second District Republican con
vention selected delegates to the Na
tional Convention and Instructed them
to use their best efforts to accomplish
the nomination of Hughes.
Fassett Is Renominated.
BLMIRA, N. Y., April 25. Congressman
J. 81oan Fassett was today unanimously
renominated by the Republican delegates
of the Twenty Third District. -
Calls for Report on Cotton.
WASHINGTON, April 25. The House
adopted today, 217 to 18, the Burleson
resolution requiring the Secretary of
Commerce and- Labor to transmit to
the House at once the report of the
Commissioner of Corporations on the
causes of fluctuations in the prices of
Spring Humors
I., & I
Impure or effete matters accumulated
in the blood during the winter cause in the
spring such disfiguring and painful troubles
as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also
weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling.
The best medicine to take is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the
blood, and effects permanent cures by givin
healthy functional activity to the stomach
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
SarsatabS are Hood'. SsrssparllU in Mr. L. Blckford. Gossville. N. H.. says:
chocolated tablet form. They h identically i ... romoletelv Drostrated
V.y.'r epnr.? 'rT.2 h-r. But I h.vend Hood's SarsaparHl.
SI. of druggiMs or promptly of n by mail. helps me from the first dose, completely
iLJioo4Ck. Lowell. Jdsss. restores good health and strength."
NT w9
s tt-t? Nr.i '-Si- ; "-
it a i '
tv t lis t
ConyrtghtelQ8 by "S- J&$& TvJ
SCHL0SS BROS & CO.pSOt " .i$Jk
Fine Clothes Makers ' jj&f'
Baltimore and Hew York- T
Schloss Summer Suits.
Coats and Trousers for hot days for the seashore or the town
-good form anywher e new colorings light in weight com
fortable stylish carefully tailored snappy individual patterns.
Schloss Clothes are as good as it is possible to make them.
The most minute unit is of the best. That is why our ap
parel holds its shape. That is why it gives good service.
Ask for; the "Schloss Adonis" Summer Suits at any
gjcjod Clothier's they carry Style, Individuality, hold
their shape and give the fullest measure of satisfaction
make sure that they have this label. ,
Schloss Bros. Sc Co.
copvtuomv tan
New York.
Are uirrnensely displajed at our Men's Clothing Section in all the newest models,
fabrics and shades. The "Royal," tha "Adonis," the "Olympia" and the "Balti
more" models are eloquent sal2smen-7-they attract attention, they arouse interest
and they create a desire for themselves garments built to fit, to look and to wear
The Stein-Bloch and the Bradbury System, thus making a complete showing of the
highest type of ready-to-wear clothing. Yet the prices are moderate from $40.03
down to $20.00.
You can pay for your selected clothing, in weekly, "semi-weekly or monthly pay
ments, agreeable to your convenience. It is worth your while to see our Men's
Furnishings and learn our modest prices..
Eastern Outfitting Co.
The Store Where Your Credit Is Good
New in Portlamic
"Merry Widow" "Waists jaunty and becoming; as big a hit as the "Merry Widow" hats;
dainty stripes, all tints, $1.75 values,
Monday Only 98c
Silk Dresses Foulards and plain silks,
all colors, made with net and lace
guimpes; gooa szz.ou values,
Cntrlmmed Shapes Every desired
style; lesrhorn flats, new shapes In
pressed straw, Milan chtps, "Merry
mm 1 j f r rr widows, an colors, si.av values,
Monday $12.75 Rorlnrrl tr. qc:
tec WashlMrton-Street Windows. AVCQUCCCl lO IUC
Sec Washington-Street Windows,
Street and Dress Hats Handsome
"Gold Medal" Hats, tailored and trim,
leghorns and silk nets, ?8 to lis
V4 to 13 Off
as to 91 Hata Reduced to 12.50 and 3-
Trimmings Flowers, wings, plumes,
foliage American Beauty roses, ail
varieties and colors for this season.
Reduced l4
Sec Seventh-Street Windows.