The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 19, 1908, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 32

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    Till: RirsDAT OHWJONIAX. rOUTLAND, AFJIIL 10. 1J)0ft.
Several Goocl-Slcd Deals Are
Closed During Week and -Many
Smaller Ones.
ii 44
li to . vs.
v-x I
n nr: J v j
. i nil
Confluent Torn nf Market fvblrncr
hy Inquiries 1tnflvril lotn Out
hlr In vectors . Hu ltd! ng I'm
Jrc-tro" In ihn rnr l-ntnr.
prvrrftl transactions nf mrr limn
uosl Importance were, closed IumI
wrek. Thr havr trndrd to k.M.p
allvr intciest In tal rstte, liti'lt,
Jmworrr. hurt nnf nKil )nr the h
(i mn Inn of Ihn yrr. This In h poor
Mr'nrn and poor pla r for 1 ho chronic
grumbler. frr In thr face nf r tettMl vm
holMfng oprr turns And number of
transfria nf rly rprtr every dnv,
thr poor iMlmh neds rnnci c iiOmo
l.l plMlntH to urh fsvorltr "kn-icliM"
s "Thing might br bet trr.-" There
r A frw Un fort tlpfi t proptr wlii n
Hght In looking at Ihn' dnk ld f
life and hunines, nnd If Hfe I well
wot t h the II vtnu. as It In In f vor'i
Orfinn, nd If hunlnrr In s I iHfsrtory
In most 1 1 n nm, for Inn tuner. In real
rf , t r. t he tf unfortunates Invent con -dtt
Ions to mi 1 1 t heir viewpoint.
Among the transaction attracting
Kllnitlfin wrre thr sa Ir of t h old
;inbn hotel. t Couch and Krmit
streets, for IT.fiOft, wlilrli, while nt
O'M tr up to t hr prior offered fir t h
Munrtrr Murk Some mouths Ann, Ih
Mill (I hn ndsome ad vmirn over t he fig
urr s t which Mr. Wrinmr arrurrd I ho
property bmit two yes rn ago. Tin
frmnn hul Idlng nn the corner In nr;n -t
ifA 1 1 y wort h Irs. on'1 Iri to br ra d
! wkv for thr rrection of n
brick bill Ml nit, thr dttnrnrlons f
which have tint "rt brrn decided upon,
'the two ps r t mrnt hnunrn at VA -ent
h and fninmMii st rrets w ere n Is.i
P'tKI In t ftk n t a 1'nnnMrr olr i -vni
nvfr thfir nt. Thin ImlUt-Ihr-
And roini brlnnBTd t v t h
M a Hlmarrn. who uwnrrl t hrm
ntiniit a yrnr And a hAlf. Thr oti n
"iilum bin M rrM tv ah bmi ATht hy T. '1.
l:f fr t .'fc.orto nnd 1 ii nt ttr wnn
miRht liv Ml.t 'hrlottr ("ArlMcn tor
Transfer Korp t p Avrne.
f'ilrrf ton dny IntrrvrnliiR-. thr tot a I
trnriKfrrA fM! off nornrwhnt, nd lm
n f tn prr.r1rftitu rlnvn nlnorbi tin
t trnt Inn of tunny (irtplr who ni I r t-t
in vr brromr in tormtod In ion Is nt h
rrwlAr. Wllh thnt. thr tMnl rAitir
wrll up to thr Avrrncr of th month.
Thrrr l no r x prM a t Ion In but Id I n
rli id r t hn t permits for nrT' ronnt rue.
tton thlA month will ln nmrh inorr
Hi An hAlf thr Amount. In coM, of
April. 1 !o", f nr thr rrnnn thnt lant
rmv tn thin month prnnltn wrrr tnkn
nut for thrrr -Iaa A hutldirift in
HiiiuA of brtwrrn $l.S0Ofift pnd $2ttu,oftn.
nnd ao fAr thin month thrrr hAvr brrn
io prrmttA l?nrd of thnt dns. Thr
rr suit will bf thnt In rompnrnt Ivr tr
tnr tn Fortlnnd will show An Appnrrnt
los In prrrrittnnr. thnuRh with tiir ltn
Imi Mdtnftn tint Included It will hr found
thnt n In i lnrrnsr In 1 wrllln km will
hnvr brrn tnndi this month. In (iRtir
InK thr Krowti of thr Hty. It Is thin i-Ihsm
of prrmttN thnt should br tnkon Into hc
rnunt. Srvnnl In. port nn trtn,tur'A hto
to br Mtnrtcd In a short time, plnn for
which At r brhiK propnt rd. but doubt In
nxprrsril whrthrr thrv will bo rrndy
In tncludr In thr prrnrnt month' n tntnls.
Kir tho nionih to duto their hnvr bron
i:" piM inlts ls!itrl, cm ry itiK a totnl In
in bin tlonn nf $ Hfi. VA6. nnri for tho pnnt
wrrk 1J7 wrtr Hsurd With 1S. $f In
iHlurs. ( 'nnt rnclors nnv thrrr (a a
irrHtrr ntunbor of tmnscA midor
.if onnntructlon nt th ptrsrnt dAto thnn
vrr hofore hi thr history of tho city,
mid thrsr nrr tnrircly of dwolMriK. for
ft hlch thrrr roht Intios to tr m R'nt dr
iinnd In rvrry district.
ApHrtmont Hntisr.' Imprivr.
In thr httftdlnR of itpm tmcitt - iiousrn,
MiAfo In a niovrrnnit townrd a morr nub
vtnntlnl clnss of fdrm'turc. nnd thrfuin
tK Summer will It Ins Arvrrjtl plans to
'tuition fi; modern lrlck nnd concrrtr
tuitldhiRx of thnt do?crtption. J'ortlnml
in a outtirown thr che:ipii frnmr Hpnrt
mcntM. whit H ntc dlMtilbutod nil ovrr
' hr cltv and which wrrr rushed up to
incct tho (U'tnatid of rontorn. Tho tlmr
hits comr whn thr bottor olnns of ton
nuts can hr littornstrd ontv In safe, mod
rrn p;irtmonts, and biiHdorji nro hepin
nhiff f rco.nntKo thr fa-t. Alrrndy srv-rr-Al
bullfIinK of Rood construction h.'tve
supplanted thr frames hitherto built for
npm t mrmtf. and tin are meet 1 tin with
ready demand from tenants. As pointed
out in a recent communication to The
t trcBoiilnn. this city ts tn IHtiR behind
other t.ntiM cities in this ropct, but ef
flirts nre not icenhlr oil the part of the
more recent builders to Ret Into line its
speedily as possible
Will Allow Milldren.
Two projects nre bo ins worked out
ntonR new linos In apartment construc
t ton A Inrce build! tip Is to be erected
at Waverleich as soon as sufficient stock
tn tho entet prise Is secured, where the
intention is to br carried into effect to
rent Apartments to tenants who have
small children in their families, and a
similar plan Is announced by V. I
Morpcan mllh relation to his apartments
to br rrrcted at Kearney and Twenty
first streets. The latter is to be known
as the "Roosevelt" apartments. This
pl.m of nllowlne children In ftrst-elnss
apartments, a departure from former rr
sirlotions. has been found to be success -fu!
In other cities oi the country.
ioiifident Tone in Mnrfcct.
AtnotiR realty den tors there continues
to be ft confident sentiment, and hi sev
eral offices the report is made of a Rood
In. ;n try for almost every class of realty
for invest men t from out-of-town In
vestors. Sales of lots in the additions
continue to ho as satisfactory as sellinR
HRonts could desire, and the plattinK of
additional tracts, recently announced,
appears to have no perceptible effect on
sales in the older plat a. The excursions
by the Realty Hoard to the various addi
tions results in bririRinR their claims of
excellence personally to the attention of
the men who are actively interested In
every clas of realty, and much pood
is trendy evidenced In the fact that
when inquiry is made in any office in
thr city concerning these tracts, the
denier is competent to speak intelli
gently in ropiy.
Two Year in Prison for lcrtn.
Larker LoRan. the Siletz Indian, who
stabbed William Oarnier to death in
the Siletz Indian Reservation, was yes
terday sentenced to serve two years at
McNeill's Island. I-oRan was convicted
before Judjre Wol verton recently on a
charR-e of manslaughter. The Jury in
finding" him guilty recommended Log;an
to the merry of the court and because
of mitigating rtrcuitlstani es surround
ing: the stabbing the court was lenient.
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M. i. r I rri ii I tirnl-lics I acts in-c-tTiilnit
Former InstltiitWm of
tlio Karly '90's.
l3ff orts are to be made at the next
meeting of the Realty Board to formally
launch tho long-talked of Real Kstate
Exchange. It Is proposed hy the sup
porters of the plan to have the exchange
In operation tin similar lines to the one
that was in existence for about two years
tn th early '.
From 11 to lS"';i the exehane held Its
sessions in a building owned hy Dr.
Smith, next the First National Rank on
Kirst street, and the principal reason for
itsi abandonment was the doubling of
the rent without previous notification.
At tc time there were 2 members, with
.latins Flower president and J. Carroll
MeOaffery secretary.
A hullettn board was maintained on
which buyers and sellers posted descrip
tions of realty wanted or to bV sold, the
names of the members making the an
nouncements bring tiled with the seere
tary. If a member desired to open ne
gotiations for any of the pieces posted
he so indicated to thr secretary and a
conference would be arranRed for. Iaily.
at !1 o'clock, members would assemble
at the exchange and examine the hulle
tin, discuss business deals, and now and
a Rain an auction sale of realty would
be held Several deals were made through
that process.
The exchanRe was supported hy the
pay turn t of per cent of commissions
itf'.o thr treasury. It Is proposed to adopt
a similar plan for the rejuvenated ex
change and to adopt th same rate of
commissions now existing In the Realty
Hoard, namely, 5 per cent on deate of
$Jf0 and under and Vt per cent above
that amount. The courts have decided
that fixing of these fommissions is lecal.
The rules proposed for the exchange
provide that to become a member the ap
plicant must be a member of the Realty
Board, thouch membership in the ex
change is optional.
Roth the president and secretary of the
old exchange are dead, and M. G. Griffin,
who furnished most of the data of the
foregoing, is the only member of the
Realty Foard who belonged to the
former organization. Mr. Griffin is en
thusiastically In favor of reviving the
exchange and has worked out rules suit
able for the running of the exchange
under present conditions and changed
character of the real estate market.
Thr matter of the organization has
been thrashed out several times at meet
ings of the Realty Roard, and the of
licerst say enough members are favorable
to the plan to 'insure Its success from
the start -
J-.-rr.M,ir. A
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South Kastern Hailuny Will Soon
Make the Kxperiment.
UiXDON, April IS. (Special.) It is cer
tain that before long goods and passen
gers" will, be able to go from London to
Paris and from Paris to London without
change or transhipment. Thr van or car
riaee in which hey begin their Journey
will be the van or carriage in which they
will end it. There will he no more strug
gling "with hats and belongings on the
gangways at Dover. Folkestone and New
haven, no more shifting from train to
steamer and from steamer back again to
train; no more interruptions of sleep on
the night journey; no more breaking of
bulk or muddle of loading and unloading.
It Is the channel ferry that is to work
the miracle. Of all the schemes for im
proving communications between England
and France that have been put forward In
the last hundred years, it alone holds the
field. I-ts rivals have all been squelched.
Tunneling below the channel bed, tun
s p v. "; rWjr,
11 -
.r h!
' "
neling through the sea with tubes placed
on the bed. spanning the straits with an
upraised bridge, spanning them with a
submerged bridge all these projects have
heen formulated, discussed, and finally
abandoned. But the Idea of a ferry sur
vives and tho Southeastern Railway will
soon make the experiment.
Juror Wants Gamhling Licensed.
Cohn. a real estate agent with extensive
property interests In Chinatown, was the
only talesman passed for a juror in the
trial this morning of Abraham Rief.
chanced with complicity in the Parkside
bribery transaction. An admission by Mr.
Cohn that he thought gambling should be
legalized in Chinatown was the cause of
a most exhaustive crosg-questioning.
His purpose was to Induce the thousands
of Chinese to return from Oakland, where
they went after the earthquake of two
years ago today, and thus to increase
property values.
Spring styles hanan snoes at Rosenthal's
j Uetzger fits classes lor $1.00.
ii , '- , ' t ill T '
J " '11111
Homebound Foreigners Need
No Longer Lose Their
Puzzled Ways.
Hn II road Employes Arross C ontinent
See That Illiterate Travelers ;pt
MphN, Hl2h( Trains and Con
nection at i:nI of Journey.
A new system of caring; for pna
sengers who unable - to care for
themselves has hern put Into practice
by a number of transcontinental rail
roads selling; tickets out of Portland,
particularly for foreigners who cannot
speak English, who are en route back
to their homes In Kurope and who are
taken in charge from the moment they
board the train and are taken to the
proper hotel in New York anil put
aboard their ship at the proper time
for Its sailing, all, too, in spite of the
fact that they can scarcely tell tfrre con
ductor of their train or the clerk at
their hotel whither they are bound.
Every little while In the older days
of railroading a frtory used to appear
about a child traveling across the con
tinent a'one. aided by the frlet.dly
offices of train-crew and passengers, a
label being pinned to the child's cloth
ing telling; its destination. But this Is
nothing compared w?th the system that
has been developed for transporting
illiterate foreigners.
The Canadian Pacific, which operates
trains direct from tidewater at Port
land to the Atlantic Ocean, has put the
plan In practice here. When such a
foreigner appears at the office for a
ticket to his home town in Russia.
Italy, Hungary, Greece,. Germany or
whatever corner of Europe he hails
from, he usually brings an interpreter
who can talk with the agent and in
turn explain the rates to the traveler.
But once aboard the train the foreigner
loses the kindly services of the inter
preter friend, and were It not for the
h ;r..'.ih j t-H i"r-i-,i vf -Ay-Mi- aJr.f r -m
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. JfJl 715 SY&A SIVJL-.
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HVHtem lust prrfetr!, woul'l have a
sor j y time In finding hit way.
Rut the momrnt a t b-ket la sold to
him a rd label In attached to his lapel
or a button is stuck on him hearing a
legend that explains the whole situ
ation In a very few words to eon dila
tors, tra in -crews and men who vi li
mrt him at the end of bis train
Journey and ntfirt hfm on his ay
nr-ros the A t Ian tic. These men with
the labels are cared for all the wh y
across the continent. The conductor
watches to see that they do not get
off at the wrong station and if It is
necessary to change cars, the man with
the red label Is taken hy the, arm and
taken to the proper coach despite any
protestations he may make. It Is use
less to try to explain to him; he cannot
understand anyway.
L'pon arrival at th"' Atlantic sea
board he Is taken In charge by a man
who meets every train for the purpose,
is taken to a hotel and given supper
and put to bed. The next morning he
Is awakened, a breakfast is set before
him and when the time comes to go
aboard his ship, he Is taken In hand
and placed In his own quarters on
board, where he finds his baggag j
ready for him.
It ia true there ar certain handicaps
to this method of travel. One cannot
order what he w Tints to eat. for the
waiter cannot understand him. Tie has
to take what Is provided, but this Is
better than going hungry. He need
not worry for he cannot go wrong. He
cannot miss his train, for the vigilant
agent a of the railroad company wil I
not let him. He cannot miss his steamer
either. He is guarded from danger at
'11 stages of the journey and as h;s
ship pulls away from the pier for the
voyage to his fatherland, his guide,
counselor and frind waves him hon
voyage from the pier in a language he
cannot understand. And the red label
dds it all.
Sewer Slide Delays Trains.
Bllde-s caused by operations of work
men in digging a sewer near the
Southern Pacific crossing at Powell
street, Flast Portland, caused a delay
to Southern Pacific passenger trains
yesterday. Usually slides that delay
trains oceur far off in the mountains,
but that of yesterday wa in the hart
of the Eat Side residence district. The
Nothing adds more theer to the home, hotel, office or display window
than artificial lighting. See
Fine line of Lighting Fixtures and Supplies. If you see them
yoo will buy them.
All kinds of Electrical and Gaa Work Promptly Attended To.
n'j in U
- f '
recent rains caused the; ground to sink
at the edge of the right of way, mak
ing the tra' k unsafe. ItepH i r work
was completed last night and tm in n
proceeded as usual.
Hut It TurnH Out Some of llucl
Hebrew Scholar-.
LONDON, April Ifi-Thrr is a Talmurl
Torah, an advanced school for the sudy
of the Jewish law and kindred subjects,
situated In Great Garden street. White
chapel, which ca a h reached only by
passing through a stalfl'-ynrd. 3'et. the
school Is one of ti e foremost Institution
of kind in the Cnh'-d Kingdom. Wlli
a roll of 7"t pupils, r'-ruf t-d from thr
poorest qua rter of FCat London, It ha?
turned out some of the best Hebrew
scholars of today.
The Talmurl Torah has been obliged to
cancel many outstanding arrears of school
ff-es, well knowing how Impossible It is
for many of Its pupils to pay even f
cents weekly
The curious position of the school 1
In the fH"f that the Jewish community
rpf,jciPM iideonately to support It while It
remains In premises that are not In keep
ing with it sacred object. The school
authorities are willing to remove the in
stftu'lon-when the community enableff
them to do so.
To Make Sf. John Dry.
A I ready mean urea have been ta ken
bv the prohibition element to make
St. John a dry town. A local option
campaign has been started in Precints
90 and 91. Petitions are being cir
culated and signed freely in these pre
cincts. Precinct HQ Includes I'niveisltv
Park and Precincts 90 and 91 include
Ft. John. C R.. Organ, of SL. John,
said yesterday that the three precincts
mentioned would carry dry by a larg'i
majority. Two years ago prohibition
was defeated in these three precincts
by a majority of five votes.
7J.0O0 copies sheet music, choice now
9ic Graves & Co. Removal Kale. Act
quickly. 8J8 Washington St.
Perfect fitting glasses $1 at Merger's.
WW Jim T W
Ml! Mi
urn i
Jim t r e