the srvmv obeooxtax, ronTT,ANP. vriuT. i. too. C WEEKLY BULLETIN YOUNG MISSES HAVE THEIR SHARE OF EASTER GLORY Spring: Attire for the Little Folks Presents an Arrav of Attractive Styles -wr- IAWU,1 5 KIDS N I I At - if s --i M ! VA i 111 I74Ti x 1 v , vA - II v AVvw I - ' ; - t$ ; I ' t W$i v-j ,., f iVif Hv , J 1 Av H il 6 Jfij I 1 m h Ik J : :i n ' 1 - 'Ah WrJ L- v- hi x . I fv 1 t I I ( - AW,l; I) party fro-k trimmed vith rose dcsipn in- il .w- .... ' T v:K.;r av;t-r mstoris:. This apron I f:l oc:door rompir.c. 1 sert:on nd ombm:dcry to mfttoti. with !l J If J H L I I, l thrtai:nsrs of pink baby ribbon and dainty i I al 1 pink bows. .1 t tsv tt-wtvnon vii 'w. f.M thi h thutv xiTrMt t b 1 h'tut, V Hit' U (n ih vfv Mnp;f. m!f hi it h fcmri-ttMtt 'V(1U tttf, 1 MM h Vt Mi oolv rtf a -wortt. it4tti o iuv.w .sr ' N'o thn h" A irm,t vUltfHf ftr 1r Of AMoht tlgtM WV'H Ih h-iVir 'l A ,mI(1v Vh f IhAt iiA r I r(M aw f,r th Thv M-- f hv'oUn i l ttmA-' rtlons wiU OAf-t VM- t(1 I-. 'V 1i iHwit'i" fe ff thi AmiMhf t-viv il whioh in m -v v (if thy a All b h ? V- ttrvkt AM rtiA s1aHm- lh h(H of lh lV-'om !ll Attv1 t mnnn rtf vnilAKn. Ht hv f WMltV At . f wtm S't thAn t1 Plmj A1vtA tf AH Hwbr tsM.- Ai ttit-M d1 it t hi th b.t lit Ml am lh IMiniM rf lh htllltM prtH . AH1 ltAltV flM.t n AAV of OA'rV((r t Uha AAtironittv if a hAh Hit. h nv hi-ir ni t t Ittw In oi how H b .H lri-lv Tii ia i-i if a .'"I'l toir tl AiA I HWt1 f-r tV U 1, A tlwMt x cv Hill fo1 to hv A phvtoA1 ittnt4 a U is Alh i A t1d a1I fiV M ntlt h MHIior lh pMtt hi ff'lAHtt hAVA lh t-OmolWtl litfA of M-Hl I mArti iitwr n rn-H in ah1 a IhovotifrH ko it. of it oh i il i iprf vm I h tv'pl v 1 rt f a ft , hAivr i to f' lh oar of lh A tlrt, hi 1op. a Hit hv iVMm tlv aoIiJ (HlrolliH lo thr t th hot ( or infnH iHfAm moriAiHv t h'lth AtH tht ttOt fop ivt-Al fOI r-t PaiI hvulPH Thv Hv hi t,v)v vmMAtt1, 1(ri win, a WAV frm hiH Hsnt1 - 4H.t.)HAt t'toiMH Th fAt-mf Unon fi!l viM (hut hl iniv tut im1i nit h nliol itt f roM plot H v, oi'ht w nt hii If i h1 U) i hrl ahiI h rhlhl. hl-rmA; .irty ah1 Htithr frm Ia- of iitir Oh l hln w(U ht hrt Khy Thtrt- 1miil f.,t ov fiot1 lni-l''lv bi-ch Thc'i ootitttt iiMik h i-mt tril hv lh nuv Nlir th-M ahv oh ! Sh Oi'tltHllV fnlHAli'. o)AA llt nOoWA P ioh uttHfhin in lh room am poihl Hh AOthAllV ltAO I'l VOr AUtOOHt of otoih In on ih chil.V o if lh- ,t hi h 1l , nrUy fip thAl BiiiiMhl h( l(n IP lt-tvht1. For Infnntp, hotUA tA. nh ttrrAtvp th milk trrlv, i1n a nil pvlllli'A lh hoitl. a ho m how a Hlllh OAW, or hot! 1 ohotlM h Aht n.( h A nit whr to k"t U; Pho-p ih molhr how to hAlh th hithy, (tr H AHt Ar f'M i Tho h11nt nvlm In m oonn -tri Ar flnt1 n H ft. ItimniM w ho hA.nm blind ohirrty through orlA nn'oint U rni1r no rt1ih-i ion l rpii thAi aoi ha! lifloH en t ion, ritl a h', At-y. Ip lh onlv w v ihi Anv n not Anon In oAtt ho-om v pnthlv K1t1il tn th ofnf(Un of Infant ool. And rnr of ntnii whioh a p Ahh()y no-a-v to ,rvnt infAnm tlUop From th f aoI ht the n'MKrllv min with th nt1r fAmtly, h I In A ropltion t. llot And Blv A1lr on monv oointli Ion o (rlokd h v Arnt. or If no (toPit, thtMipht to h of little oonpmino. tht .rni oftn Altin for th oMM ! onirrow th trtnti Mn of fntAl fr Hta rnl from lh tarni aaKihi for th r to bi Ak. Anil U l timt t ho nni'ommon thin for th poor, np''ljIU'. to rrtll a nlio'An for Pi'h a Ainu -l thin a -Arh oon(At runnin f-i'm lh Ar tA imW1 l Alon. hcAHPi' thv oflr i tl n k H A ood thin, an t h oh I lit ! )! rrii'it! nnit CrtPlnr nn It l 1lmhArd thin vhn th 1.-hrtr enirn, nhh-h or prttton ontv tnmn rAotmmuiAiuii 'hlMrn An' rtllowrtt lo yi-Ar Aftfr r with Atlon!'!!. or onlrtrir"! tonwllP. oiiit month hrnthln and l th iHi-nJ Ant II ia t ht follow Th.- mt nn mvou ol hr p1 mil Ar oom-pl-tlniP Arr notio. hy t h tritlnrd nnr. And hr Ail vtort, ivn n II U rnm a tli lntropt(,1 AtAndnoint. 1p ofton mor At In ht follow .t thnn whon l n h- A ihv1 rmn wm oi-oaooa1 v1ph Another vry Import Ant m notion tp (h proper rare a nil til it n foot Ion of b-t1ttln room nit itlPohnrA in oontlouA 1ltHrt In th oai- tho nnrirt lorP not tirot. hut AotttAllv !im1 how to prrpmd ih dlPln f oot nnt P.'lui 1 on a. ho to ii!o t hm. And hv h"r own rtsmplo. tmprfpt upon thn hoit" hold th lnK'-r of rominir In ronlnct with I horn. U v.n1d i'outr tfo nmrh tlm to men tion All of th wavh in whtoh a trAlnpd nurv vlAlttn In th hom. rAn rndrr hi-' plf tf ul . o- to eminnip t li nltlmntf oo.t t hit h d-p 1 1 or lnflnnr dorn not 00.10 with hr vUHp. hut hr lov a fund of nful prAi'tioAl lni"ma ion tn ory hmiPi'hoM. nnd thopc niruord In thoir limited av PtroAd th tiprfttl tnforntA 1 1nn lo o'hor And piito hr w-r1t t ohlHy nmon tho who ha vn nt lrai tho rt1rA a nd pprt ly i h mopn to hlp t hm -Alvi. hor work (p mor vmIiiaI1 And Intt in t hn I .ild nlvi-n tn (h lncorrlihl foor. HohIiIos thl. a vtPltin nur A'tnt1in fp pnrh a pimpl oraniAf ipn. No mn rhinry 1p nordrd inly hp many oonoln itoup. trnind womon ap An h Pnpporiod. nd It l rad and dotn work. So many ohrtrll lop : ind o mitrh f th1r tin An.-la I rnc'cv in si Hn rAdv to do work that th work not n ally avrompllphrd AinouniP to vry Httlo Indo.-d I oonid not oIop without oompllmontln th mombor of tht APpnolatton on th Ad mtrnhlc work tlmt It hBP Alrrady ilun And 1p Attll dotn. I know from porponal knowldo of many lninnf In whtoh Hva hrt v boon invd t hmuh t h prulinr ntd thnt thlP Appooltitlnn hn lvrn to th Rick. I would ttlfv sIro. If It not r mnt tr of common knowlod. to thn pfftolonoy of t h nurpP nt prpnt mployrd, nnd to tholr cnnPo!ntinup drvoilon to thlr work. Borrows on IMp DrCHin. PARIS, April IS. (Sporial.) A bnkor nanid CouttoA dttlartd a fow dnyfl ngo that ho had won ISO. 000 in a lot tery and told a romantic story of bor rowing half tho money to buy the ticket from a servant, whom he now Intends to marry. Cousten proves to be a swindler. Ho did not win the prize In the lottery, but ho has de camped with 1-1500, which he sucroeoevi In borrowing from credulous peop) on the 5trcnarth of his supposed frond Specials in Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols Comwnc(r(t Mon1y, April Jrt. 0L0VF8 Wowort' Irt hiH.m lnifth SilW l,iU, Vi.Oti vlui. li'l, (if. ,P I 1 ) oIImiw litiBlli Silk (itov -K y f c ' a. Ktm' m.1 N'iiiiim'n -lito. pv, . ,P 1 . 60 Kvn" I'iiim Kifl UIovimi, nil ,. i-i. $1.ftfl .'inltty. i.tor. lo, Qfk Kiiiil. iii' 0C WoOM'nV rU- t nuini fivni'li Clinnioii, I.'J.I vnIui. in-opinl, OC lii OOC WOMEN'S HOSIERY WortM ' (tnnino Mm'u lln . wltito. Inn mid nil olir; :i or for $1.00 vnhi, nioiiil. ir. 5C Wnmim ' Split Koot Colloti, out nml iimnlnr ifOfl; Im- lisloii, Mmti Km! i I o t , "i0 vnlni". fipfoil, '. pnim, TARASOLS TiOO Kimipli- I'ni'rtKnl. now olTiri-i At jnKt n l mt haf pvioo. I'riivx. Bnc, iro. $1.35, $1.PR. SIM, $:.9ft. $4.!5. I Ioniliimi't,t'!i t'oi' tho " Yokohama, " tin- .Inpmipsi ulinpod Pumtol, ("om pli'l rn-Morl motif in pontoon nnd fiin oy nilki. Frimolii nnd Umhrcllnji md to or dcr wid repaired. $1.00 Of If wits 300 Morrinon &t., 0pp. ro"t.rfflc. fortune. The only pari of til utorv thAt Ia true Ia thAt h borrowed monev to buy the lotlory ticket from a servnnt Ctrl whom he promlsod to niAiry nnd whom he hn loft lamrntlnir. TROUBLE IN A NUNNERY llfnprkl Spnnlsh lrsintlr Inflict Wife on the Institution. M ATR 1 1 . April H (SpeciAl - TIia woe of the hen peeked arnnde wlumn tuAtrl -monlnl trouble win rr-lnled m few wk4 Im-e nr still A universal theme of con versation. Ho ten and reviled beyond endurance, the nuhnppy nobleman florl for help to a tiiAif rrtte. who promptly oa used the Wife to be eon fined In a nunnery. The nuns are now rarnent ty peltttonln to linve her taken away. They sav thnt the cloistered calm of flier Insti tution hnsi ben chanced to turmoil nti upnar by thla one woman, fhe bresksj tho furniture, erlea and seream. Incessantly she drclnrea that she must, and will (ret out of tho nunnery In order to kill her husband. Tans Tans Tans' nt nopenlhaVA. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever rL T. FEUX 60LRAID S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAITIFIER Itwh, And Skin IHufpnp, nil rrrT piitiiii I -m DPanty. and ii flnp drtPrllon. i hM ttniHl th tMt of N ffpni. pnt Ip to harmlPt - It prflprly mioi. Ai?rit no eoTintr frit of aipiiinr rvti. Pr. It, A. PirrA 1d tn a My Of th hatrtV ton (A patient t " As you lAillMi will n throi. 'fAHrnnd'a rrttin' at th !! hamfttl of all rha akin praparAtlona.'' For by til drntffiita And rnrv Oooda Oeaier m ilia Umlted fltataa, Canada and Ciuopa. rERD,T.K2fUS,Fnp, 17 fiut im SJwTmV k. P "r t 1, jf WW jm. Llpman-Woile's Owl Cut-Rale Drugstore Portland dealers for Oonrand's Oriental Cream. All Toilet Arti cles at CUT KATES. warm riv: ;tT materia':, i ".:tt.? owner's rfrxh frwfc jr.owr. :r. No. . r t - s e w : r. p a : w '. 1 rr a f.:! f"vk? a f . r. it a t s.? r.- . r. s 5 at- - -0 vav f--r t rv at -ps ' ' f- 5-r.a a 7"fcR : r ; ::-e .-f: y xt-t. p";rte A k r ; r. ? ri w r. : c r. frm y ana tores. F'.r.ok ar;-.1 cV.A ew Iav:i spTtrkhry of KtaeX 5.:k .; t.-.-s of isr-e oom- oxtremcy pref.y cosr-iir.. a . t " e S 7 r : r d r cs s, w h : h is r; :.v- :rt of dots upor1 c bi ? S w is . and r. rr. tt. ed in r.-i-r-- is-owr. :n No. . Th:s ro: i: n com fort - aKy '"fi:p?y" for t!ie classroom or hoalth f.:l outdoor rompir.c. No. 6 shows a har.dsonie frock of all white embroidery, in a pattern of raised f -wers. Mar.y yards of narrow ribbon, woven through the embroidered eyelei bchten "p this costurr.e. which is worn with a broad red sash of Scotch plaid. A ratty little party dress, tn princess do sicr.. is shown in No. S. The material is of a scft stuff in "baby b?ue" tone, the princess front boing: outlined in nne val-er-oier.rice. which :s also used lavishly in the shou'der and sleeve trimminirs, and several - pretty Tittle buckies of oid and turquo se are also used in the Trimming. No. 4 shows a wry fanvy white FYenoh A dainty little school or play dress is the pink pinpham, with trimminjrs of fine white embroidery and pink bows, shown in No. 2. In the prettily-toned wash fab rics. st:ch as ginghams and cambrics, some of the prettiest little frocks are seen and when these materials are taste fully combined with white embroideries or insertions. w:th a touch of correspond ing color in the bows for the hair, the little maid of from S to 12 Is most com fortable as well as practically and daint ily attired. Dr. Yenney Talks on Work of Visiting Nurses E5orts of Association in Behalf of Sick of Portland Discussed in Address by Secretary of State Board of Health. o " s : s c 9 -: t :r r a-, arivi t" rHF- io'.iTf apprec:utcr. of the ar.- w-rk of tire Vts:t:r.c Nurs- Assooia- J ?v..r. was jrven by Dr. Robert C. rncv. .-rctary of t'.e State Board j Hea';h. at the annual rr.ectincr of the f ' su::aMe S are and , x ;t-rrr.r. -k :a su. h a y as :j -.; .is I -. :--t -rre pi a .V:s!t:rr Njrse .he;: rr.r. -r s:axe maK-3 fr the --are f while !crri- a.Z :n t: w.-rk. ire. :t ir.ay t that any. rrav rot sp te necej-aiviF4t-r.:ty or such an er rs X-.r !.e evo" of the I T--v c.i a roir: tn t.. ra-t The s-.ate. ! court - ar.d e:.y Rr.u:".y i?-xf;:e largie sums No 1. an f irer-- y prr-: :y and r-a f :! L'tf.e pr'nvcss nprn. of The sheerest i.::e irat-r:a: arid tr:r rr A w:t t r d.i:r.t:cst ef white ift.-rs. Tr.c rr:r.ct s l.nvs of the mart mv1e for "prown-ups ' is here fol loft'cd cut n;ost cfiarasiai', and wiva r.-"1 i hrre as ar-y ur.ah'.e or acoourti -ner. AbJ :hty d.-v rt. v rae s-:a; insn.iuti-cis rir rn ida."-. lh- hlir.d arA ih t vMe-:nir.ed. We have ;c si-r.v fcrv conr.L a -""-r-faT-n for :r. ia li, the cSniiirea cd the poor. r fr the care rt the in- l.z-r ar ; tr.- tC so not n!y f.r th u.t. 1 ocn.f rt they can five thm. but f. s-i f s- f-rr-'trcti-.m. Thy cannot n" c-.-.iiu.! sri. if:-: ir. err: rfr.oie? as it wrr. th- irrr.atf r--:r.r trcai'i - of r.eoesF-.ty col-V.-T;vIy. Thf-y scr" tr.c lofty rurr-"1 of d. irp tr.e very h:rr :h-y can f-r the -ratesi eut.Nt r:-,"T unf ortur.3t-:9. d:s:r:bu::nc ir:e imk fua.'y a:. :re peor'.e, tiK .r ? ;hm jl tht-y ar-. and al!rw:rr thm t-3 d- r arr as A r. as rhyrical --cr i ;ivr.s and th uathr permit. Tr.- in-: !tut : yr. ft"e wixcut d "ut su:tc-i to Se-cess.f.r-s of the great mai! of tr.e rcverty -stricken an i :!!. and ir. such ir. tut sons as zt insicr asyium. school for the -eb;e-rr.:ndeJ. tr-.e blind. tc perform a woric that c-a'A b carried on successfully jn no other way. T-.-re is a o!afs of the Fvck, however, that pasiic ifUtjuocs caxiiot rtaci. acd frja tn fact to thfe -la?s chiefly be lor. r those who str:v to help t herr.y!ve, should not reach and to this c'sss the w"k of a Vsit-'.r-fi Nurse Association Is most admirably adapted No pah'.ic institution cart take thf place of any hrvn able at Tfast t fismifh th att-v-late netYffit! f.-r the rare- of ie case in har3. ir nvist of the minor and notninp to make better citizenship than the rts.-!ve tn- fjpht ore's own battles with as little aid from others as rsfb!e. Some of the palest cases are feen amocfr those wW honest pride nreventp them from becomieff what they beheve to be a public burd-m. The Instances in which only a ltttl as sistance is needed are numerous. Frequently, wJien the mother is 111. the children, with what d i rec t i ons she c an gr: v e, are able to earry on the hotswhold work satisfactorily, and this is especially true If the necessary nursir.y i furnished. Often the malady is of such a nature that a daily or every-other-day visit br a competent nurse Is sufficient to permit her to attend to all her duties. This same condition is often seea in chronic cases, needing simply a little care and properly directed attention. Family ties are not absent imon the poor, nor ar they, weakened, by lioness, and NGOUT SALE All Suits and Coats to Be Sold Regardless of Price In order to make room for our immense stock of wash suits and lingerie dresses ar riving, we will sell for this week every suit and coat for less than half what you would pay elsewhere. Prices from $7.50 to $37.50. A large line of wash suits, silk dresses, skirts a,nd waists at reduced prices this week. Fashion Gloafc Suit House 141 SIXTH STREET, CORNER ALDER OPPOSITE OREGONIAN