The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 19, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 23

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.-his. m si w.i la ii d it u 1 1 '1 i f it .
VC hava nit- rnrit comptett Ust of ho
tels mill ttt the i-lty; if
yn are In he mat Met mil mid insper t
same; w i ii nae you mmi'v
o rft'iTim, itrinlv nu.ilcni, furnrr brick,
elegant fiirnl.xhf'il . not np col. J a It
mi 'I telephone in rwrv rptti; rv n;i -somiMr.
r.-nt nnr1 lone h , the.
motif I'.mnlor in ihr it:v; positively rleiir
itilf $.oo ,.-r tnoni h cmII for particulars
KINK ,( x ,TIm
tVJ rooms. .ltjfntn:y ftp nt-hed whit Ah-Ttilii-u-r
i tirn.-ln, '1 i i and inh"nn v
fornli ure; hot nn1 cold rutin tug w t-r In
rootTitt, "t-riin, and led rt tt . "
.;irV l'-Jn tit $;y i,,t m-iiiili, thin was
. - i in-run v ,
. Ml K I
:i In
MinKiiin rof fi.vio- rn-v irrinn
HI-: A I TlKri, ' !( N K K 1,'M'ATlnN.
I 1 rooms, e. gum ly f ui til d- d v. M h best
grade ,,f rnrp' m and G ' furnl.ute.
pirtiy tirrMiiKiil for noun-keeping . elec
tric light mi,! modern uruinvmn'ii!, ab
solute i v I he ftiMHt desirable c I. n.- - In l"n -ll'-n
In Portland; .-I'lttlfig 'J .o i"T month
ahove, expeiine ; ftnt oh'v $2"o per month
With Intttr li-tmr; price utid l-rms nt ofTilu.
HKST H l(t I A I N K Kit
'III rootni. modern hrl-'- huHd'ns, beau
tifully furnlilnd. jn-Iudli'i plan-, hot nnd
old rmmliuf water in i- ! room.
trir lights ami steam h n' , no better lo
iiitlon In the tty, i .-ftr' lenv; c!enr
lug $::oij tft- month m-! . Hilt" I" the ht l
Mil m- 111 to vi n ni t ll- - r i. . Hf Itfl . $ ..oo
17 rM.oii-, tun-, t- i 'i, diiiii i- I O'' it,t Ion ;
fll fnrnifttfd riirt'.Mf lout snd nle
sunn v iimiiiM, r i- nv r 1 1 1 , with (food
o-tiif Imiuk. ((itilnif ,s prr rnoiilh in-l,
pi h r f 1
lO H m M '
tO-room hiotw.-. t. iniMrtll lr-fl ' Ion. "ii
lltti it . tiiiir Jr.rTr-oit. wit furnthfd
ami nli fly tirrHiiK''' In htif- kr. pi tt if
pirlnt-nt ; on unminl -f uiktnif lnnr-r
Iwnjnr .iwitt-r ifH 1 rnrrir . I''il
on 1;- V!( T" r nmti I tt ; rli-M rliiK ;l1 l, r
nionth iihnr "(ii. h', ptt-f f '..'.()
li;VI.I V KIHKM.M '111,
"'is ;.imi 8w,-!luml Hntlillmr
i;Tl, nKKIt'K for nl". '-j u- whnlf.
1"intr liiiKtnruM ttf fjiMXt p--r mi-nth ifiiat-
Jt p. . rf ; ln'tl fulllll 'I oiri.-i- In N tt".
i n her huHm-M rt"iulnM my Httf ntlnn ,
lot. rn... , .urt 'h, I'JIKIIH'I I' l'III'l to
"ilt ( n j w v.k or imr month Invt 1 Ikii
1 1 oi Itt tin If Ht ArrlUT M. Hrhline or
V. .o, laid A Omit. Cnt In nd .
Thfl A non M'M cantllf Aic-iif-y ntah
ll't.d IHltr.i f tirnl-h.-M fr information on
UM"ii"tunitirj m ntf rt-nnt ll or manufiu.
tut ItiK ' UttfK. rity ur iuntry.
2U4 ana Ablnttun Hldf.
VOJt SAI.K ll,ii,,irf hiilnw, In
n pi oKporoiid Mltlo town, tut n)iM'tllliii,
t:J-ti r l ii k j:t ,il p.-r month. Thin Ik h tin
fl'nu fiitt-U utid ii i I rham-i for imi
n. i ir.-t If i nit i u nu-n to hriitu h out. Tall
.n ovnr. l-'..l Mlirlifll. tin- i m-Kon
PA T K NT mi'iircil or f.-r r-turniMl l!hif
tl:tt.'d futd- hool: niul list oT UlV.'tltloliK
Uillltrtl Ii"''' In HI ililllt"K I'lltf-lll Hl'-
-iir. d y us ml i'vIIk. it rri-n In World'
I'tonr.s-. Sumplr ...pv frft K an. Wil
li! tin io. Wai'ltiiiKion. It.
1' A It TV Kit V4 uttfd to hflp in a n a'- i'MiiIi-li.-lt-d
loisincuM , mtim hi' noh.-r and wil -MiiK
(o pin In full ttinr; rn-n'i' funtly
a' unlffd . It k a man I mini, not Ihh
iim'Tm y, AiiMJn. miit I, and 6. Itiil-
luh I'M
I'.HTA Itl-ISH i-:i luiltMH ch-arlnv 4Ht lM-r
ni' -ii t h a ho i' 'xp'ii.'nM ran lm ptinmaMd for
JUioo. I'Arry pnort unit y for Int-n-aHi' ; pri-M-
111 oU'IH-r f .T-i I to Mi'll oultlff tn HllkllUKH,
lion .!, Walla Wallu. Waott.
WKl.t. K N WN n nl rmtnt nian will 1aV
hoiuKt man n partnr In old-irtalltn.'i
M-ul istnli" htintncsK nml una ran if htm
i.'nl p.-r in.'lith. i-iv Mttl nminy rftiuttutl.
full room -IH'J, No. HC'i, I'd nt.
N FK'"TI N Kit Y MTt)!!!1:. brut Inratlnn In
'tty, iniarant't nlcs f.'tMl. poiMhlv lit
t ti ilouhli-. City Ui-nlty Iti ok'rao
A Tru- r., .';t;i t'h a mbt-r of I'mniui-i -e
I'tdfc., .It! and Stark ts.
Ill-; Ali KSTATl-i dialrr hat mnn- work (hHti
he fiui ailitnl to alone; will;i imiiikm- to
rtiow lutiil, i'lr., and (iiiarantf' hint $l.Vt
lf r month ; .-xiHTk'n.-n not m-ri nunry. l.'al
r.oni Jir.. lt2', at.
WK pay t'pt'.-iui ntttmtlon t IniHlnrHM nj.fn
nnH Itt-fore buying, mil tin up iind ?-r
v, hat w run off-T you. lh"n Main 44Sd
Klnm-y A Stauuhi.T, &:tl:t'J l-umln!r Kx
i haiiK" l'ldit
; Mi a "KM Y Mtof. HO r-ntH on tin- doMar; n
Mitrv; all cbkIi I null, no dtt iry ; will
nmk ti-rmw; tun makf niiiif hen' ; owiht
tn huinrns In othiT i-ltv; tmit i'll.
North tit h.
11 ' 13 ot ion on lai n hody of utu xi-lld
fruit land ; n.-. d h. lp to pint nnd put on
thf uittrk.-i : w ill r. .iiirt H'tMHxt; - an show
pi ortt of LtX prr crnt ; no aB-ntn. F 802,
V'H'K. bond niTrritiK. mmlnjr. ! ''trie. In
dustrial or railway rmiu'iiny wanted for
sal; ronimisMon hasl. Addr'sn mil pai-tii-ulars.
CiU-iiU'Ir. I. . Hx 1'iis. n,w
V A NTKI A man It !t f70 lo take u half
intiriist In m lnif!n.s. that will pay p.'i
erk or h.-tt.-r , pood ruiity lor nmin v,
fall at S8 North Mfi vt., bitviecu 10 and '2.
WANTKD Man with nrrvlrra Jind 10,0O0 to
no,000 to invpt. to take lntTpgt, ui to
one-half. In eatahHshud bttMln.'s; refer
ence exchanged. C 010. Oregonlan.
Jf'uK s AI.K A wrll-iaylnK di-parlnicnt Mrnr
In a llo town tn; will tnvob-o about
J-'o iXH'; w ill lu ar i-Ui-nt la vrit ii;it Ion ; Kood
ri .if on f or sr ll hip. S 7:m;. tri outHn.
1 1 iA l.K ricry btitnoHn,
doini- Ji.'i.Mrt a y-Mir; w.dl looatrd,
t-.di Apply io Mr. 'J'liompaon, with Wad
hams A K-rr Iros., city.
SA 1 ( m N At it barpaln, dolnp pood hnin
mss. low TPiH, nice, place. Thin will pay
nil to lnvoMtpativ Cood reasons for acli
nic 7H4, iMcponlan.
TVe n plo you a FtHViui Prlc on any
mlnlTic stfx k or bcndT J. Catterlln &
Co., 15 Abtnirton b:jg,
1 A VK a pood rrntaut am with pood room
In a near-by country town, doing u n'1i;i
,did business; pood tor noillu'a
K SOU, (M'oponian.
FINK location for sni:i!l bumdry; WM
bund 1 ; can abo'.ut ' y fhi.n von t hat it
will hi" a money -maker. I'liom" k ,ior,s or
Main ii;:ti. "
t'r JOHN. . Pal. -on. brit location; would
f !l bii'f inirrrrtt to ri:bt pan or win n, :i
a!! othrwifR. owner, o, ", Bur-
! Inptoti.
l-'Olt S t .1-: - Nb o etran stork (,f grocrrlrs
in alley town, from J".'UH (o $;bsi at
invoice. If ititcrcsu'd. .-w iit A i.!, Ore-K-'nlan
si RI HI AN tn.-onir itn ttnicnt pa inp 15 prr
.cut or h.'f.r on f4Ho. can be 'handW-d i,,r
Jl.VHi; tnvestlpatton solicited. K .vjtf, Orc
P''iuan. iT .1M1. Oil ionfeci1onery. tco cream and
pof tui h.p : bit loc:it ion. bit tradf : ran
p in trout. Src owner, 1PJ N". Jersiy
it re i t.
t;m'KKY store, centrally located: also sult-iibl.-
for meat mark ft ; A ll ng rooms ;
. help rent ; Unp U ac. F 77.', Oreso-
n : a n .
WTKI"- Honest. n.brr oujip man with
v:a'l .-jplta' a pavtnfi m c"d pa v Ins
i .t" eT-tatc oftue. lto. ni is. r.KJ'. Wash-
I M KK Jltv a month, start',! with S. will
. oi iii ii.'w : .ti'VvM-.i .an do ttu; wovV h me.
vrt-ii. s::-t Wa-htr.pton U,i . Oiuap.v
Monky We handle tbo rtnaticinir of pood
nt, and creditable 21 ,j . ;. The
HanU.vs" H,;,d Co. I'iM-burp. Pa.
K .1:1 Mivl; of groceries and fixture
1 eh e ;, tn 01 Mus: be sold. This Is
bartf.iMi R i'?ti"
!'e ci'- for Siia'l fe j ;ti.
od fxpr .s business. 1-1 ;W.
PKST rayinp w . , k v p.(p,M. in Southern
Or. toil. jJ.-'Si o-;i- j.4p, 1 in town Ad
dress N . .0. Orctf.r,ifi'i.
1 ANT a
! of vt ;M-.'rl; .
1 ;l vi.Y OrrKor.ian.
.uo (,.- ,MJ.V h,lf;i.
'1 our ow n money.
.'.. PIYS so;it paylr-K nirat market- P'-od
10. atlon Td iriv i,;p b'.ifitum: trrma.' tT6
fommrrital bl.lp.
Ii ! TST A I I! N'T dotr.p a poo-i h;ires"s; rvnt
v -y rmf-PHMf, with baf-; no ucetns O
S'JP.. orejt-:!Uin
H "V3 some ery pood barpain.- m telephono
bonds ; call before buy mp. .1.o-3 -7 Oor
bett bid
Sl.t.HX-iin Wafliinplon nt . fir... rlxtu-.
.'".p big ''Usini'w . Room .Vio. Lunib, r
'1;AR nl ciinf.'ctl.'ner- f(r naU-, J,V.o: rent
: ."1 with llvinp r, k m ft. 3o 1 Ka t "r u n ; -
foi pr.ri wek If you cjn talk bustr.-fs; no
ri-i'uiit'd. K M3, Ori-
f man.
AI.M'r'HA n. iHi.Ue.I ... k boiijfht and oJ.
W J. Ourtl-'- 21 : 0.mmcrv'ini id-vk
rh ; n an. n rfei-'b rerv rard, on'.y $"JeO.
.or. tiib and Anluny.
fUHlMINtl-llurHK HKA I W A KTKltS.
Kt.tdM. YHK
V"! M. r. hantn Trunt Hid.,
.'il'fl'i Wanhinpton. H. W. for. Hlxth Ht.
Af found in ihr ft.ibrwinr llt. Hut we
bai otttftn; a!' ntylm all nlie. all prlrf
If y 11 want aJiy kind of ronmlng-bon
tiiat I- on Ihf markff In Portland w. ran
fhow 1 1 lo y u. Term may ho arrnnif-d
on am.
ti.'r to.intN." n -w f iitntnlilnp". new bnlM
Imic. si-am hint, rotininp watrr In room,
v. t-v . Im .-iii I' ll', b'tip h-anf, rffPnt lo
c.iMmii profltn HriiKf $'t'Mi a mmith vr
ntt rTii.'titii'H 1 ik tiff tniixt bavr monry
(or t lo i hu-ln'Mi and cuta iirlt c to
t ::, :iimm rfh nr.fiii-d.
Wll.l. olVK YMI' A HNAP
lO room-, bra til t ftil .-'U 111 r re1drnre. M
mtntilff" walk from thin off le. cholre
in-ipittiorhnod, mont modern mii!l plc
in tbf "!tv, i-iitpi'tn and rurnlttitf fx'ra
po.wl. roHttnp moii than double thn prb-f
a-kd. Will mHk- nyflHl low p-r. mm
owtn-r tnuit km away. h r'P'lred. I'kW.
A ('IbiH'B HT'Y.
,TH roomn. rtvfht In thf biflncsn rtit-r:
1ean 4 vftira at f 1 H motitn; furnWhd
b-v-i than a year apo with elepant furnlah
1np. all Iron b l, nlfiim bat. tifW bulld
Inp; cb-iitn ovfr $ month; price,
$ l.HMi; M0 down.
H room-, ' htpant mod rn eorner brlrk,
ti'Mr thin oft ! , if ood If mnp and i'h" pf nt
r. nt In the loi alltv. cbailnp over I .".' ft
month . pt l-r. f;ooO.
fxt Vol' K NV A MNAP?
nrt room-. wll furnlnhfd. ''t In hemw
V"'tlnp. Mi nlffplnp rooiui; rent IIS.'.;
with t.;ii.; rfi-elptn f:Mi a nvmih; .rlce,
S'jotMi; ir.'.vi rnnti, balanof monthly.
H r.tomv, Wanbltipton h'. d-drlet. mont
Iv hnii-rk'''p1np. r nt only ."ift; you can
K t your IIvIiik "tit of thin plltrn and P'ty
1 or it in or.5 y nr and then mo; and
then it tor t(00.
If Kit K IJ4 A (1KM
17 roomn, rlpht nmr bunlnrn renter;
tint- rormr dwflllnp, extra well furninhfd.
-team lo-at. b"t ;i yearn leiinr In itty;
'i-;iri tw a month. It and you will
buy It. Price 1HOO; S HloO duw n.
1 roomn. -J bloeka of J'ortland Hot'l;
w . l rut Filnhi-d and full; rnt, $45; n-eeipt-4,
I on'l delay. T'h la U a bar-
ItiTKl, Kolt SAI.K Situated on Wanhlna;
1011 nt . ; eoiiialnn roomn, till 011 one
flour. rery room with out-ddi llpht, run
tnnp water, d-ain heat, -"loctrle and pan
llplitn, tltonunthly modein, low rent, throe,
.mi'ih banc: lioimi In full and n-ta jrino
moti I lily. Prlcr ii. r.mi fiwitip lo a dln
i.'iMiii.nt iimonp partneiH. it haa br-n
hk t l' narrlf1e I bin tine property at
the above tip it re. Klphl thousand flvn
linndri'd dollara repren'nta th ooat of
furuitihltip (hlN Ann hotel Ima than two
v earn 11 no. and it ban been kept up In
ll rnl -cl arm eon d it ion rvnr nlmi. New fur
nlihiiiHn ha v ln-en added from time to
time, and w onnntder It worth fully
1 ot lay. There aro pr1 at reanotin fnr thf 8
na If that will be explained to intereatrd
part ton who mean buntnena. ftoomn ure
furninhfd with bent polden oak furniture,
bent Hrunneln. Axmlnnt it and vl et car
petn. Hotel ban lino trannh-ut trade. In
gulro of Philip Uevurt-s, I T3 Klrnt at.
N W la thf time to buv
lioimi, W hile you pet t)l
run mnke nopie money.
a pom I room I n p -m
cheap, no you
Here are a few
01 our many narpmna:
20 room, nicely furnlnhed. $&0.
roomn. a nrw brb k bldp., O. O. fur
niture, .'et carpel 1, S.T.'.t).
ll'A roomn, wdl furninbed, only onn block
from ponloft h e, J JiiOO. or will nell half
hiierefd to rip lit party lo tuke c.aro of
I ho houne.
7 ' room a. a pnod money-maker, onl v
i .mm) ; Kirn m heut and hot water Included
In (be rent.
l.-r.-room hotel, clearlnp $H00 a month;
parly must h-ue for Ktirnpr; will Hell for
111.000; thin Is a Mnap.
Oriiilnal Hotel Hmkern. :iris Morrlnon nt.
$:ioim) p. lo.oov yearlv eanlly made In real
estate busliie-t: no eaptlai rejutifd; we will
teaeh on the h un I ii'" by mull. opiHdnr
you apt rial represent at Ive of hading real
i wtute conipany. list , with you readily ile
ablr proH'rt lee, eo-oprnle with and aFdut
voil to permanent auecepn, tt'rlte for free
't'J-pape book. TlK: l'nrrt Co.. oO ReaiMT
block, I'hicaK".
S A l"iON" dolnp a hun Inenn of over $'Wi per
day; 4 yenrn leane; rent almont nothlnp;
i-entral part ff Port land ; one of the bent.
cornrr-M; owner wante' to nell. an he baa an
otli"r place and cannot attend to both. 219
Lumber l-Txehange.
lt'VM IN'iI lb t"SKS -mi roomn. ntenni heat,
rent $.V. price Xioon; nil rooma, ?1 1.T0; 7rt
rooinn, SSM; 111 rixniis, center of city, rent
HOi price SSim; ;i7 rooilm, ?lo0O; many oth
iTh; twi- our list. Phenix Inv. Co.. 142 2d
nt. Kofnn l't. .Main tKT.a.
Ol.l, entabllnheii real oututa nnd rental
firm ret Irinp from buslnesa would trann
fer office and himlne sh to capable young
man with reference! nnd email capital.
'all room 3. lH.t ht Washington at., .Stin
tluy or Monday.
r you want to pet Into the real ptnte huI
nn? If no, nnd you are the right man, I
hae an excellent opening for you at a
noniina I charge ; bu." Inenn more than money
In connldered. O til 3, Oreponlan.
WAN'TKD--a partner with lttt le money to
manape in side work In up hid story and
cabinet ma); inp nnd furnlt ore b-.islnenn.
will pte the. right man a good allow. Ad
dress K 807. Oreponlan.
BKOK BR Real estate broker wants reliable
man ns mntier; can tltow 'jo,ikM net
commlslonn yearly; references given and
required. 'all room tt'-'t. Corbet t bldg..
5t h and Morrison st.
Bl'TTRR, epg and produce storePartner
anted Monday ; can" t depend on hired
beipi you rlear $12,"". a month; experleiT-o
not necensar- and Ifltle money required.
Call 24Hi Stark et.
VANTKI Rripht man to show land and
businests opportunities; can make SSiX) to
$,'!n per month; no experience required and
cry little money. Call today, itNi' Wash
ington, room 14,
FOR S A 1 jK Fir t -c I a resfnuraat. doing
good busine-., Ka stern ' regon town, pop
ulation S"0O: -good buwineaa opfortunlty.
Iiox ;t74. Pendleton. Or.
BKST rooming-house In city; always full ;
best local ion ; every t h inp new ; $vro0 ;
terms; transient house. Address owner,
K S'O. Oreponlan.
W A N'TKP Secretary for en! st1Whed eoP
pi .rat inn ; must be pood accountant and In
.u $H: fully secure.l; salary $lo0. I.
Mil. Oreponlan.
CiKNKRAl. contractor win take n partner
to look lift or off b-e and collect; will guar
antee S2O0 monthly. fall room t27 Cor
bet t bldg.
AO K NTS Attention '. Rig profits. Ooods
i-ll quickl. Particulars and samples
free Sayman. .170 Krunklin avt St.
l.ouis. Mo.
WK hae a cash buyer for a house with 10-20
botisrkeeping suite; also buyer for cigar and
confectionary store, li.vm 10, 1421, 21 t.
Ro A RT'l NO- HOI'S K of rooms, all full ;
will sell cheap if sold this week; 3 bloeka
from postofloe. fall l:t West Park st.
0-ROOM hnuse, mostly housekeepi ng rooms,
corner, law n and roes. w Iking distanco, rteid & Smith. lrt..'a 4th st.
rHYSIflANS. drucpitts. dviuist.'. exchange
pro rtu and practice boupht. soM exchange-".
ItV.'S Stout st.. IVnvor. Colo.
PRI'OSTORK doing a tirt-cltss business and
will bear closest investigation. Room 6-7
Corbet t bldg.. oth aTU Morrison sts.
(iell or trade .".(' shares for any kind of
property. F J. Catteriin A Co.
PARTIES wanting location for racket
store or woodworking factory, address
tt. T. Randall. Woodbum. Or.
AM forced to rte money soon; make me rf
off ere for anv part of roo shares American
Wheel &. Vehicle. Box 10. city.
S A iT.HS in hay. ?T miles from Vancou
ver, nute school, church, for ho use
and loi. 3 7r5, Oreponlan.
STKAOY, sober partner wanted ; $200 re.
nuired ; owner w ill guarantee you $0 a
dav Call 24 Stark st.
ROOMINO HOVSK for sale. 2." rooms, mod
. rn; new furniture, long lease. R Sifl.
WANT to buy in interest In a small bust-nt-
- with a few hundred. Andres? N 82.1,
Oregon ian.
iKNTI.KMAN' wants to invent few hundred
do;t-Ti. anything profitable. A SOii. Ore-
$limn show me satisf artor?' snat." for quick
turn and take the money. G 754. Orego
r.'.an. FlR SALE Corner grocery; new tock: A-l
ocation: per invoice $Wi. j So7. Ofponian.
r.MTFD l ire.ess g1..' a ra n teeit: trade for
real estate or auto. M 7.V. Oreponlan.
Aid. market-bi sti-ks nnd bonds traded
in. W. J. curii. -Ii Commercial block.
chah j. rrrofJi.K o,
PA'MFlO 27rH.
7 rKim on Whlngtii nt.. hot and
roM watrr hi eh room, w r II fit rn I abed,
rlfriring $ a month ; t'r-mt ; trmn
33 rooms, trBnalmit house, one of thfl
hnt paving liounfn in -Hy; cost S4fQrt;
for quick ait If. .Tit, termn.
1 7 rooms, two blocks from the Port! and
Hotfl, always filled; 1 1 1 00, easy tprmi,
? rnmn. rent ral, e h a p rent, $1 i00.
31 rooms, cheap rent, H0"
!4 noms. cent ral, brh-lc building, steam
h f at, rout I'! I M0 ; owner If a ving for old
mum ry ; $lon ; th In Is a snap.
rooms, well furnlnhi-d. In vnry good
condition, clearing $1 "jo a morfth ; splen
dld valtM at 147:.
Contfnta of hotjue, w'dh ft e b"drooma:
owtir l-avlnp rtt y. f 'oo ; this la within
one? block of Witnhingion
'"HAM. .1. O'TOOI.K A CO,
For a lady. neat, clran manufarturlng
bulnesn, artlelf of womfn'a apparf In
gffifral us.-; pr'flts jier cent; buslne
well ritat)ilahfd and paying tK to Jir.O
a month: only bijiihfnn of t kind In
Portland; price $oU0: iiwht must go East.
KMlrf. YORK a C .
201 Merchants Trust Bldg..
SMH Washington, H. W. Cor. Mixth fit.
Wot'1,1) like to hear from owner having
good paying buslnena for sale; not par
ticular about location; ylase give prire,
re mon for selling and state whfn pnwim
stin run bf had. I. Iarliynhlr. Box 211H4,
KoehfSter, sf. Y.
FOR HAI.K - First-class rfslaurnnt. In con
nect bin with Hrsl -clawN bote), doing good
business, local ei In Eastern iregon 1 own.
popuiat ion HftoO; good buatna opportun
ity. Box .17 , Pendleton, Or.
KTKAPY. nobrr partner wanted to attend
stor, te ; will pay you 1100 monthly
nalary b"ldes pro fit a; will give best rufer
eticen; iiv.Mi re(Uirtd. Call 24H Stark at.
OR'M.KRY H1ORK--MiiMt sail at un?; own-r
nbk and will not rrfuse. any r5aeiniibl
cah offer. For particular nee M, K. Ijr.n,
rwim 411 Corbet t bldg.
RooMINO-HorMO barpalnn: 12 rooms, oth
nt.. 1 7o; 11 room, new flat, 4 aulten,
2rt rooms, tUh at., fltWO. Otltera, all
il5is. 24:i Htark st.
RfrTiMIN'O-HOrflKrl 7 moms. cloSf (u.
$HHK; 17 roOtna. well furnlshM, h.0; M
roomn. $4.1; l rooms, Pbnieer Realty
Co.. Js. 4th at.
A IVVERTISKK of cxih rte ner wants reliable
party with $lO"i0 to $l.Vs .-ash to join him
In a profltablf hotel proposition. Address P
H"4. Ofgonlan,
Ml'WT sell at sacrifice Monday below lnvol'-e
el par anil eon f'-et lone ry stand ; will clear
any man from $M to $HH per month; $(2;"i.
Ho fith at.
M A NI'FA' TCRl N'3 plant, will clear ISW
per month and ir per cent on Investment
For parttetilurn call room U27 Corbett bldg.
$f.oo WIU, buy deiiiatessen and n-Xnii-rant
doing ht st bus! pen In city; will
stand investigation. .'47 Morrison si.
BUlOOM roomlng-hous. loor; good location;
low rent; own.-r having etty. Particulars
402 UimbiT Kxrhangf. lo2U 2d at.
K R HAlfJ 42-rVJmrd housekeeping room-Ing-houfe.
clears fir jM-r month; rent
Price fH7ft. Phon Parlfln 1KH.
WK have for sale any part of 2,0Ol Mam
moth stoi k at 8 cents. F. J. Catterlln
. Co.. Io Ablngton bldg.
PARTNER- With $oOOO ran earn ft0 per week
nnd have investment doubly secured. Answer
Pontofftee Box 7, Portland. Or.
W A N'TKI) Young man partner. $700. 't
Intorent; t;o month salary, $00 ntonth
profits. H H04, Oregonlan.
SP)ENIHI opportunity to buy mtlllpcry
hualm-Htf, tine lo'iithm; goxl reasons for
selling. F MiW, Oregonlan.
WO(M Hl'SINKSS Aetive man witling to
work, will clear $24M a month ; 7."u re
ipiired. cull U4 Htark at.
CBJAR and confectionery store, clearing $1W)
per month; poes tnlay for $.150. Hue this.
Room 4o2. J02--i 2d t.
WANTKb Partner In real estate office, f
tahllpbid buslnesw, only $1'M) required. Room
ftno, Lumli'T Exchange.
F R 8 A I.R All or one-half Inffst in a
good coffee-house and restaurant. In
quire. lL North I'd st.
GOor opportunity for man with 2O0; genteel,
permanent, profitable business. Addrtias M
ftlfl, Oregonlan.
BT'HINESS netting tir.O to $r.OO per month;
JL'OO buys it ; owner in other line. K
;t0, Oregonlan.
FOR PAI.dC Drug business and lease, cen
tral location on Washington st. Address J
Sii2, Oregonlan.
;iTi ROOMS, n we' tent and best location in cltv
owner going away; will sacrltlue. Phone
Main Hi7rt.
NICE little business, with living-rooms,
furnished, $200 If taken at once. F 76U,
BAROAI.V for Monday, furniture of 12-room
house, clearing $,""( monthly, $.'I.V. 5 iith
MANt"FACTIRINt3 business for lire-M); a
rattling good business cheap. Call 24S1,
Stark st.
11-ROOM elegant furnished transient hous
with piano. $2000 cash. Phone A 2116; no
TWO modern rooming-houses' for sale. 7 and
12 rooms; price $4oo Apply ."Ulfi Kverett st.
DRUGSTORE for sale or lease; good loca
tion for doctor. A. M. Porter, Gaston, Or,
FAMILY hotel, an rooms, all full, close In.
paying well. Room H27 Corbett bldg.
SALOON Partner wanted:- $r.00 re-quired
good corner. Call 24S', Stark st.
WANT to buy J?2A,(toO A-l Income Portland
propcrt y . A ridr cm Box Wt, ci t y.
K R SALE id-room rooming-house, cheap.
Call 1074 4th at.
10 SHARES Portland Home Tel. stock, cheap.
G T.Vi, Oreponlan.
OREC.ox TRUST account bought. H
IOO Tel egra phone cheap,
or trade.
8000 R. c.
A ma I. Coal, cheap.
POCKETBOOK containing $lo. cards of un
dersigned and two blank notrs. Finder keen flu per cent and return balance
to owner. C M. Conry. 252 Nartilla St.,
ONE sorrel and white pinto saddle pony ;
one bay mare, with white spot on forehead;
if found notify E. C. Warren. Oak Orove.
Clackamas Co.. Oregon.
FOUND Where hair maureeees are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. II. Metzger.
IjAOY'S silver watch and pin. between
Union ave. and Burnside st. and lith and
E. Oak sts. Rturn to 10 Union ave. X.
LOST Small black ptM'ketbook. containing
$2t in gold and pilvei and memorandum.
Call tVlii Chamber of Commerce: reward.
LOST Wednesday evening, black handbag
containing gloves, spectacles, handkerchief.
Finur please phone Main W7i.
IAST Lady'5 go'd watch, between W. Park
and 7th, on Wash. st. Return to Oregon
Dental Parlors. Reward.
LOST Red cow. with black markings; dry.
Notify F. E. Kenney. 1228 E. 10th st. N.
Phone Woodlawn 17.S.
LOST On the evening of the 10th inst., mink
fur. with ermine tails; finder return 3T
N. 18th; reward.
rX'rXT' A handeome stone pendant, nith
chain. Apply to superintendent Olds, "Wort
man & King.
LOST On Plar.a block. 2 ladies' hat3, last
evening; reward. Telephone E. 5o4.
FOl'N'D A pocketbook containing money.
Call at Goodnough bKlg.
LADY wants to meet gentleman 35 who
has home and trade; am good housekeeper,
loth and Gtisan.
PIANISTS, send 2Tc. for the big march suc
cess, - Triumph of the Colors." to 251 5th
mi., Portland.
MOLES, wrlnklea, superfluous fcalr removed.
Mrs, M. D. H.U. 330 F'dedner bldg. Pac. 135.
DRS AT WOOD: private hospital: maternity
cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Aiisky b.
LADY'S barber shop, hflr cutting "J."c, mani
curing and face massage, oil) Burnside.
ptasoNAii. '
UITH prfSsM while you Walt, IVOc. To visitors
of Portland hotels and to public at large:
fiults pr.-swd at &tc at c.llbfrt, the tailor's.
IW at,. n'Xl to ths Oxford Hotel. Lad lea
aklrta pressfd. Wic. K ath'ra and boas
clfaned and curled. Phone Mats 4104,
? ? ? W HATH THAT ? 7
C L V. A N f 'KM QVK'K AND K A f? Y.
M 1 1 ,.N E K B LI Kl . ."!f0 '- MoHRiHON,
Y' t NO IIKU1IAS man wM h m ans wishes
to meet a Hflpian lady from IH to 2M
nars of aire ; one 1 hat ean sp-k thn
Flemish language. ohft mat rlntony.
Addrens C M Fowler, ;H2 d St., port
Uind. or. Phone Main I T r 1 .
LIFE Is worth living when your n-rvfs are
ntrona; Hesinf i'iiis tnakw thftn strung;
$1 a tiox. o for $.1; full guaranty. Xddr.s
or call The J. A. ClemeiiBon Inug Co.,
cjr 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or.
PKHHONH of marrlagfabie age. either sex,
deeirlng a t qn u in t aiic. sntl 2.i cents for
big list of namfs; ladle Join fr; contl
duntlal. Address C M. Fowler. 312 3d St.,
Portland, Or. Phone Main 1731.
LAD1ICH Ak your drugglat for Chichester's
Diamond Brand Pills. For 2ft years known
s the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills.
Bold' by drugplata everywhere.
ATTENTION Superfluous hair,- nmls, ff .
removed by f If ctrle nedlf . Established
I!'; physicians' refereneen; lady opera
tor, parlors 17' 'i Tenth St., near Mor
rison. Phone. Main 217.
YOU NO worklngman with good salary
wlshex to meet young lady matrimonially
in' llned from IS to 2d years of ag Ad
dress C . M Fowler, M'J Ml St., Portland,
Or. Phone Main 1731.
MA RRY Beat plan on earth. Nothing like
it. Photo of every lady member pub
lished with description. Many beautiful,
wealthy, etc. A't quick. The Pilot, Dept.
I '17. Marshal, Mich.
WOULD you marry If suited? Matrimonial
paper. containing advertisements mar
riageable people, many rich, from all sec
tlotin, mailed, sealed, free. O. M. Gun
nels, Tolexlo, O.
Vl li: M A V tl A Vtn n,.rf..r nni-voa liv (
Hf-xtnQ Pills. $1 a box. 4 for 3. full guar-
until'. Address or call Thu J. A. t;h-m-ennon
Drug Co., cor, 2d and Yamhill sts.,
Portland, Or.
DKK4-H suits for rent, all sins; $1 GO month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pn-sned, buttons
aewi-d on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Lnlqun Tailoring .Co.. 3fo Htark.
NON-XI'IjHIVM gaslight burner, fit any
kerosene lump, mailed with directions for
compound, fib cents; apentM wanted. Pacific
Supply Co., r2M Montgomery st., Portland, Or
DK HANt'EKHON'H CO. Savin and Cotton
Boot Pills, sure remedy for delayed
periods. $2 per box or if, boxes JV Dr.
Pierce. 11 1st st. Phune Main 1 U.
A GENTLEMAN, sober, good natured." lov
ing, abiindaut means, would make a re
fined ladv of near 4o happy If she said yM.
Object matrimony. G HI4. Oregonlan.
Women and children's specialist, room 10
Mttner bl'lg.. .-" Morrison. Phon Main
4321. A HUi. Residence phone 732.
I'KRSONH of marriageable age, either sex,
desiring acquaintance or companion, send
10c for circular. Portland Introducing
Bureau, 1314 1st St. Main LM.').
DON'T BE INESMK Hnd H cents for
April MfitTtnionial Register. Join Inter
state, Introducing Society; under new man
UKement. Box 231, Seattle.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For
sign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a speclalty. A. W.
Hchmale Co.. 220 First at.
TA PR. WORM removed without fall; no timi
lost In business; alo pllo remedy, Ernest
K A. Wllhejm. Kact Water and Haw
thorne, Alt, Hood Hotel.
CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence flub, for
honest, sober, single people, fully of age.
Call or addre-w Mrs. It. C- Wilbur, 4W 3d
st., near Harrison. K car.
LORT powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ns Nerve Tonln Tablets, 2c a box. Write
or call at JSyssel's Pharmacy. . 227 Morri
son st., bet. 1st and 2d.
MARRIAGE paper, highest character; In
corporated. Jl!th year; 4s)0 members, pa
per s.-aled. send Bc. R. E. Love. Box
ItioO. Denver, Col
DR. T. J. PIEKCB cures all nervous and
private aiseaH'-s of men quicker and
cheaper than others. Call or write. Of
nee lal First st.
MIDDLE-AGKO widow, congenial, happy dis
position, would like to meet gentleman of
same; object matrimony. E S42, Ore
gonlan. REFINED ladv. 2rt. would marry. Worth
$fH0. Particulars 10 centa. Universal Cor
respondence Club, box llti1, T acom a.
Wash. ,
WIDOWER. 'MX. with child, will meet or
correspond with maiden or vidow with
child. OlJcct matrimony. K 810. Orego
nlan. MARRY Wealth and beauty. Marriage di
rectory free. Pav when married, new plan.
H. A. Morion, Dept. 81, Tekonsha. Mich.
DR. MATTHEWS, noted psychologist and
palmist. Consultation at Marquam House,
143 ',4 6th st. Hours 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.
DAINTY people use Wverswcet ; it prevents
tbo odor of pernpiration ; 2.-V: a jar, all
ilrugpfsts, or J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.
Mme. Counwrigtit, skta ana scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
22S Fl'edner bldg. M. R042. A 2068.
MlI'tDLE-AGED man desires the company of
lady past :. with gentle disposition; ob
Jeet matrimony. H h0t, Or'goman.
MARRIED LADIES The Perfection Safety
Bl-Brace is what you want. Mrs. F. M.
Merrill, Bisbee. Aria. Box 102L
MRS. OUKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream, massage; references.
282 Park. Main 2403. A2734.
LIQUOR, drug and tobacco addictions cured
by reputable physician For appointment
address M 608, Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN, .VI. refined. plenty mean,
would marry; confidential. B, Box 30,
Corr. League, Toledo, O.
MIDDLE-AGED working man would like to
meet suitable lady, object, matrimony. A
M0. Oregonlan.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170 V
3d st. Main 7134.
PILES CURED without operation by a well
established physician. Box 270. city.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54
East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034.
MME. VASHTI, maHsage and baths; ladles
only. 2id 1$ Alder, cor. 5th
WANTED Rad case of plies that Hemlock
Salve cannot cure; all druggists.
WANDA, palmist and clairvoyant. 255 5th
tropoaals Invites!.
fKA LED Bins will be received at th office
of the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 M.
on Monday. April 27. l'.Hs. for the erection
of a school building to be erected on block
1. in A'.bina Homestead. Separate bids
will be received as" follows, viz: First,
plumbing and drainage; second, glass and
glazing; third, the balance of the building-
to he dor.e under one contract. Plans
and specifications of same can be seen at
the architect's office, 234 East 3d st
A certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount of bid musi accompany each pro
posal. The .School Board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. T. J.
Jones, architect.
SEALED BIDS will be received at the of
fice of the School Clerk, City Hall, up
to 12 M on Monday. April 27, lfOS, for
four -ets of fire escapes for the East
Portland High School building. Plans and
specifications for same can be seen at the
office of the architect, 334 East 3d st.
A certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount of bid must accompany each pro
posal. The School Board reserves the
r:g:u to reject any or all bids. t. J.
Jones, architect.
SEALED BIDS will be received at the office
of the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 M.
on Monday, April 27. 1008, for construct
ing stone and concrete walls, steps, etc.,
on the East Portland High School block.
Pians and specifications for same can be
seen at the office of the architect. 334
East 3d st. A certified check for 10 per
cent of the amount of bid must accom
pany; each proposal. The School Board
reserves the right to reject any or all
bids T. J. Jones, architect.
NOTICE is hereby given that C. H. Ed
monds has no further connection with
the Hotel Heyser Co. and that said com
pany will not be responsible for any debts
which he may contract. Signed.
Per W. T- Klchardeon, president.
froyosais aatvlMO.
Not lew in nui vuy given loai toe City of
North Yaaima, AaMi., wlli let a cwnirau-t
for tni paving wito viintted orlck of Went
Yakima avenue and Yakima avenun be
tween the east line oi weventn avenue
went tni the w-st line of ,m-hs avenue;
Front strxet, ietwe tne norm im nt
Chestnut si r-et and ihe, south line of B
street; First street, re-tween the north line
of Chestnut street and the eoutn line of
A atrt:t, Meeond street, between the north
line of Chestnut street and the south mm
or A stteet, and I rdrd e-tn-et between trie
north line of t heexnut street and the south
line nf A street.
Said Improvement shall b const ruetfd in
all reapers In uccon:ance with the plans.
nTr-em-mb-riB and draw in pa of the fit
Engineer l lie re tor and to tne grade. ehown
therein, all uf which are now on file In the
ofTlte of the City Clerk and subject to Hie
inopirciion of persoiw intrresii-d, and un
der and pursuant to the provisions of Ordi
nance No. .1, of the iruiuanccai of said
Cit. passed Murcn 11, lttoe.
nt-aied propona's fr tne making of said
above described Improvement will be re
ceived by the City Clerk of said city up
to 7:30 o'clock P. M., May 4, lm. tha
same net tig a regular meeting of the City
Council ot mm Id city, and Wie tlmw When
said proposals will be opened and con
sidered by said City Council and said con
tract awarded.
All b I fillers will be required to deposit
with their bid a cert! fled rheck in an
amount equal to at least 5 per cent of
their bid, drawn in fawr of the City Treas
urer on some bank In the City of North
Yakima. Wash., as security that such bid
der will enter Into a contract for the mak
ing of Maid Improvement and furnish bonds
as required by law and the ordinances of
said city, wttnln three days after rns shall
be notified that the contract has ben
awarded to hltn, In case it is so awarded
The bidder to whom the contract snail
b awarded shall be required m execute
to lh City of North Yaklnta a good and
siifficivnt bond In an amount equal to the
contract price, conoltloned for the faith
ful performance of said contract ; also a
bond 10 the Htate of Washington In the
same amount for the protection of material
men and laborers, furnishing material and
laiior in ths construction of said Improve
ment as required by law.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and alt bids.
Dated at North Yakima, Wash.. April ,
City Clerk.
will be received by the Clerk or Sctmol Dis
trict No. 3, at Hood River, orrp'rti, up 10
noon on Hatumuy, April 2f, IIHjm, (or the con
struction of a two-story and basement brick
school building to be erected' In the city of
Hood River, Oregon. Plans and specifications
may he seen at tne offi- of P. M. BHll-Iewis
A Co., architects, after April 10, RstM, and
bids must be accompanied by a certified
cheek u the amount of ten per cent of
amount of bid, made payable to Mr. Carl
H. Vaughan. Clerk School District No. 3,
which said check shall be held as security
and such part thereof forfeited as may he
necessary to Indemnify said school district
in cuo the successful bidder shall fail to slpn
a contract and furnish bond of suretyship to
the amount of twenty-live per cent of hts
oontract, as may b satisfactory to said
School Board within six days after date of
award. The certified cheeks deposited hy
other bidders) will be held by the hchool
Iitr1ct unfjl the day upon which the suc
cessful bidder shall have qualified- to secure
to the School District that. In the event of
the default of this Wdder receiving award
in the first instance, such other bidder as
the Board may select will qualify under
satisfactory contract and bond. The right to
reject any or all bids Is rewrved, and bid
ders will reoelv no oompennailon for time
or expense incurred by them in preparing and
submitting bids. Prepay all Inquiries Mo
Carl H. Vaughan, Clerk school District No.
3, Hood River, Oregon.
GON In the matter of B. A. Marshall,
Bankrupt. The underulgned will reoelve sealed
bids up to 12 o'clock iv-on of Saturday, April
2T, llstH. for the following personal property
pertaining to the above named estate, to
wlt: Five work horses, one lot of miscel
laneous tools, implements, machinery and
material used in t he cement cont racting
business. A list of the property may be
seen on application and the property may be
Inspected at East Sixteenth and Multnomah
streets. Btd will be entertained for all of
said property or any part thereof. Each bid
must be accompanied by can't deposit or cer
tified check for ten per cent of the amount
offered. The right Lb reserved to reject any
and all bids and sale Is subject to confirma
tion by the court.
R. I SARIN. Trustee,
No. 1 First street
Dated at Portland, Oregon, April la, 1908.
SEALED BIDS w41l be received at the office
of the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 M.
Monday. May 4. liMtH. for heating and
ventilating the following new school build
ings, vis.: The Richmond He hoot. Penin
sular School and the school building to
be erected on. block 1, Alblnjt Home
stead, and also the additions to the fol
lowing school buildings, viz.: The Sell
wood School, the Arieta School and the
Shaver School building. Plans of the
buildings and specifications of require
ments can be seen at the office of the ar
chitect, 334 East 3d st. A certified check
for B per cent of the amount of bid must
accompany each proposal. The School
Board, reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. T. J. Jones, architect.
BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be re
ceived by the School Board of School
District No. 4, at Oresham, Multnomah
County. Or., until Miy 4, IflON, for the
contract to build a 3-room school build
ing. Plans and specifications may be seen
at residence of H. E. Davis, at Gresharn.
The right Is reserved to reject any or alt
bids. By order of the Board. H. L. St.
Clair. Clerk, Gresharn, Or.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon: In the matter of
the estate of Barr Hoggatt. bankrupts;
The undersigned will receive sealed bids for
the assets of this estate, consisting of a
stock qf merchandise, clothing, shoes, hats
and furnishing goods of the invoice price
of $5613.01, with fixtures amounting to
$4Stt.M, locate! at 208 Morrison street, Port
iand Or., ud to 12 o'clock noon of Wednes
day, April 22. 1908. Certified check for 10
per cent or amount diq must accompany
each offer; sale subject to approval by the
court; Inventory may be seen at my office
and the stock may be Inspected during busi
ness hours.
Dated at Portland, Or.. April 11, 1008.
R. L. 8 A BIN, Trustee.
No. 7 First at.
ON or after this date I will not be respon
sible for any debt contracted by my wife.
Eva M. Rltter. she having left my bed
and board on or about January IS. lib's.
Money to Loan.
1 vcvf P7Fit a tp: loans from $5 to SriOOO on all se
curlties. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. Room 5
Washington bldg. Phone Main 4ni.
MONEY loaned on timber claims, eauy terms,
or will buy the same for cash; will answer
correspondence. K 80 i, uregonian.
c a ;h nt M for Title and Oregon accounts,
Merchants time cert., also Tel, bonds. Cohn
Bros., lttO 1st. Main 47.t.
$I0.Oi0 to loan on improved city property
in sums' 7fiO and up. U. S. Reaity Co.,
310 Chamber of Commerce.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and
anv sum, $HH and up; aee us. Vaughn &
Burt. 402 Corbett bldg.
LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington
bldg. Factnc iiz.
MORTGAGES, 1st and 2d liens, and other real
estate securitke discounted. H. E. Noble.
Commercial block.
MnvPV in noma of 1300 and ud: no com
missions to pay. Call room 4. Waahing-
ton bldg.
m.ivp.y t- loan on city or farm property
Jeffrey & Lenon. 313 Vi Washington, rooms
MONEY to loan on good security at 7 r-r
cent. 1aDney cs fnuucj, ti oiuw:itii.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
MORTGAGE loans. lowest rates of Interest.
Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st near 2d.
MORTGAGE! loans. $200 up; moderate cost, no
delay, w . . v aro. auj., Aiuy oiug. 1
State funds loaned. per cent. W. E. Thomas,
Htate agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
$4000 In sums of from $300 to $l2i0 on real
estate, u. waning. iu', ufKum oiag.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H.. Nunn, 658 Sheriock bldg.
$500 TO loan on improved real estate. Call
room 504 Columbia bldg., 3B Wash. st.
FROM $1000 to $20,000 to loan on real estate;
private money. D M0. Oregonlan.
$rtooo or les 8 per cent;' real estate. Far
rington. 416" Commercial Club bldg.
WE buy Oregon Trust 4V Savfngs accounts for
cash. Room 511 Corbett bldg.
fJSuO TO LOAN. Walling. 243 Stark.
Money to Loan.
10, $2A. $.'!, $4t. $r.O $111. $70. $100.
Chest'st and best plnce to
Lowest ist'-s Ea?eM payments.
TP yoirwi 'RK,
OPKN a A. M. TO tt P. M
Weds, and Sat, until S P. M.
704 Dckum Bldg.
402 Hothcbild bldg. . cor. 4th and Wash.
The. recognized bank of the age-e arner.
A clerk, bookseeiier, ma' hlnlst, engineer or
employ an obtain nu-ney of us on his note
without security.
$' Return to Us $4 a Mo.
$ to Return to us r. voo a Mo.
. Return to us $l.i.S a Mo.
Confidential ; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rales on plnnjs. furniture, etc.
21 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark.
Are yuu earning a swlery? Ym can gat
money from us on your note. Rtmlness con
fidential; no unnecesjary inquiries.
Mo. rie.tii-MO. siy
$75 Return to us
Retijri to rs . .
3o Return to ui .
, .$2i .00 $1 .
13 3. tl.ilft
Htm 4 00
16 Return to 1
4.0U 2 "O
Office open 9 A. M. to P. M.
SATARY and Mortgage loans to MSlsried em-
nlovea and on Pianos. Furniture, Warehmine
Receipt, Ho mew. Insurance Policies and all
kind- of securities.
2io Ablngton Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried pe-'P'" nd others
upon their own name without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments, otTl'es in
W principal cltbn; nave yourself money by
getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 16 3d.
Money loaned on nalarlei: no other security;
my system la bent for railroad men, clerks,
bookkeepers, streetcar emploe and other;
business confident In 1. F. A . Newton, fill
Buchanan bldg., 2Ktj Washington st.
HIGHEST pricrj paid for Title end Oregon
Trust accounts. teleplnme bonds and Mer
chants certificate. Cummins & Dona
hue,. &0R Rothchild bldg.
FIRST. econd and third mortgages; city,
country and farms; qub-k results; low
rales; foreign cailtal. Felix Frank, 4U
Broadway, New York.
MONEY to loan for buil-llnr numoses: can he
repaid In monthly Installments. Call for
particulars. Columbia Life at Triwt Co., 214
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WON'T those debtors pay you ? Bring in
your note and mortgage and let us col
lect. Oregon Land Ac Rent Co., 222 Wash
ington, cor. 1st.
$3ol' AT 7 tier c-rtt. on first -darn Went
Side property. Give full deneriptlon in
nmt letter. Alrtrww L- M17, Oregonlan.
WILL buy f mgm Trust and Title Guaran
tee acciiunts; highest cash price, paid, also
lejepnon rnos. ji to ,yi ' vrrett oicg.
$l'Ori-ro to Joan In sums of flOOO or more to
sull, to 7 per cent on improved realty. M.
G. Griffin, 2'Ji Stark, opp. Cham, of C.
LARGE and small amounts on good security
at low rate of interest, c. F. Ptluger Co.
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison.
CASH for Oregon Trust. Tltlo Guarantee and
Merchants. Motry to loan on real estate
mortgaged. h, W. Godfliird, 1IO 2d.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The
ixian .o.. i Uekum Ding.
$L".O'i0, WILf, loan on inside improved prop
erty. S WM. Oregonlan.
Loans Wanted.
WAXTBI) By Grenham School District, No
4, to borrow $H'M0 or more for new school
building. For part I en la ra addrens B. W
Emery, chairman, Gresharn, Or.
$47"iO NOTE, hearing 7 per cent, duo No
vember. 1 !. good security; will dis
count 1514 per cent. K Z7, Oregonlan.
$)40O WANTED for 2 years on $400 worth
income-bearing suburban property; state
interest desired. O 812, Oregonlan.
113,000 AT 1 per cent on 50x Ia lot and
3-story building on Front st. Inquire M
"i. Oregon 1 an.
WANTED To borrow- $1000, 1 year, ap
proved security; good interest. ,S
$2000 ON mcrtgnge at 7 per cent fur 3 years;
property wortn f4Ju; well located. M all.
WANTED 2.V on dwelling in course of
conenrucuon ; no agents. L tcjij, Clre-
WANTErIyn of 10fK. 8 per cent, on
improves residence property. yi B2a, Ore'
IflGOO LOAN West Side property; $300,
chattel. G. E. Walling, 243 Htark.
WANTED $1200 loan on good security.
Address Y hi 4, Oregonlan.
I WANT eight building loans of $900 each
K Rl. Oregonlan.
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD, 3:15 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac-
coroion ana an ire plaiting ana pinning.
EL H. COLLI S, 324 Worcester block, public
accountant ana estate agent. AUUiting. in
vestigating, sysitmatiiing. Permanen:
keeping ot books and recoroa a specially.
cnamoer 01 commerce, ouice systematizing
ana general accounting. .csiaDiisnea i&jj.
Advance Building Information.
ARCHITECTS, cor. tractors, engineers, .get
copy Pa uinc Builder and Engineer. 15
Chamber Commerce.
SEASIDE bungalow; houses designed, built,
repaired, see Johnson, 204 Monawg biag.
Main 5007. A 4321.
ClauAsen & Clauasen, architects, 013 and 014
Buchanan biog., 2o' Washington st.
LESSONS in oil, water color, chiua, tapestry,
silk painting, leatner carving. Designing,
order work, china firing. Markley & bui
lander, room G4, 350 Morrison. Main 7u47.
Assayers and Analysts.
Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, metal
lurgists and aesayers. a!1,, VVawnington.
ore-testing wora. loti MorrisoD st.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
SHAW ft M ITCH E)LL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 32i Stark st.
Carpenters and Builders.
W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 6bbl.
WM. DEVENY, and Estelie Deveny, the only
scientific chlropodiatB, parlors 203 Drew
bidg.. 102 '2d st. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 FHedner bidg. Phone Pacific 135.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Ma:n 7S43. 3o3 Stark.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchasing of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. hip brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS & CO., grocera and commission
jr.erchants. 210 3d st.
WALTZ, "two-step." "three-step." and stage
dancing; lessons 2.V; seven ladies ar:d gentle
men teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson's school,
office and hall 12, Selhng-Hirsch bldg.,
3Ho Wash, st., bet. W. Park and loth
sts. ; also dancing taught by mail.
PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing.
Cor. Grand av. and E. Morrison. Phones.
Detective Agencies.
Room 40, Hamilton bldg. Phones Main
4943; A 2545.
Gasoline Engines.
Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch
es, accessories, w holesale, retail ; engine re
pairing. Ktiersofl Machinery Co., 1S2-4-6 Mar
ENGINEERING CIvtt, electrical, mechan
ical, survey, assay.- cyanta ; established
lstn vail der Nalllfii school. jlst aud
Teiegraph. Uu k land. Cal.
FRENCH, conversation
nd grammar. Vy
young liny, e pen n .,'
Parts Y V'l. Oregon luu
teacher ffouj
ARITHMETIC. writing. grammar, book-
:-epmg, et'., day. evening. Individual ln.
truction. 220 Filth.
FRENCH private millinery; evening class.
teims re.i-emut'ie. Kovm iniord bldg..
Madam Bod in
K let trie Signs.
ELI-XTHIC SIGNS Sdd and rented. port
land 10jfcttlc -lgn Co., 44 M st. Main f-!7V,
Keedi Stores.
E. L COOPER '0.. hay, grain, feed. 12
Union a. East Kil7, B 1017.
lHg nnd Horse Hospital.
Dr C, H Brown. D. V. S. D. C. M. Doffr
horse honpitni, lWI N Oth st. In Ion Trans 't.
tfc'. J. BORG. inventor and manufacturer
or a wiiejess, stringiest ami uetiess bair
rolL 42 E. tftn at rtst 21L
llnrness and Ssaldlei-y.
THE George Lawrence Co, hohsaie saddle
Junk, Hldev and Pelts.
L. SHANK ft CO.. purchasers of hldfS. pet,
wool, furs, tailow, old rubbers, metals aud,
sacks. 312 Front st.
B TRENKMAX ft CO. mining, eawmilt. log
ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings,
all kinds reps lied- 104 N. 4-n st.
MANDOLIN, violin, banjo, guitar Instruc
tion, private lennnns only; (jlhs-.n mando
lins. Webers studio. 4Dh: Wash, st
EM I L THIELH'iRN, violin teacher, pupil of
S-vick. A 41k. Pine 334. i'ac. 20HU.
MANI-OLIN. guitar, bn. Jesse Patker.
Mjiner bldg., j;-oi, Murr.aon St.
VIOLIN lf-sons given at reasonable term
1'honn Mam blhi.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all ofttce goods. P.
D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. HMh phones 1407.
leather and Mn dings.
tabllshed 1WH, l-aiher and finding; rilok
ton )l leat her and cut stx-k ; full 11ns
Eastern Jumbos. ittO Front st.
CHAH. L. MASTIC ft (X. Front and Oak
sts. Leat her and skins of fvt ry description
for ail purposes; solo and tap cutters nnd
ngs. O.I.iihU DI...I.I...
415-10-17 Dekuin Blag.,
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone, ufflce. Main 34U.
Resldenc-. E. lo28.
DR. L. B. SMITH pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Kirkville, Mo. 4j Orego
nlan bldg. Main '242; res. Main 273.
Paints. Oils and Glass.
F. K. Reach, Co., toe Pioneer Paint Co.
Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334.
R A rf M U SS MN ft CO., Jobber paints, oils.
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
PROTECT your idea. Ws can patent It.
Moulton ft Scobcy, attorneys, 604 Colum
bia bldg., Portland, Or.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement cases. 0O4 Dekum.
J. J. HIRSHHEIMHR. pension and patent at-
tornev nwiniu M-'I I un(. h.Hir
PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J.
Matter. 518 Commonwealth bids.
Photo n gravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatten
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Aider sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Ne!s ft Con
naway, lt 2d St. A 4573. M. 731.
Sign Painting.
1 nu jargent aign-mHers in the Piorm
wet. ftth and Everett sts. Phone Private
Exchange 55. Home A 1153.
SIGNS ("That Attract.")
Portland sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pac. 1399.
SAV1S $4.0O.
This is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my office and becom
familiar with my spiritual and aclentlna
work. A hlrt to the wie is sufficient.
Grsatest living astrai dead-trance clair
voyant of the ago; ADVISER OF BUSI
whom you will marry, how to control tn
one you love, even though miies away;
reunites the separated; gjves secret powers
to control others; no difference how close
or how far away, you can always obtain
your desired results. T'-hs you just how.
where and wh-n to Inveat your money to
obtain the best possible reauits. if you
are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis
couraged, DO NOT GI Vfl UP IN DE
SPAlK; come and receive Spiritual advice
that will help y.u to receive HEALTH,
I wili do all others advertise to do and
a great deal more. Hours lo to 8 dauy.
Office Nos. 3 and 4, Grand Theater bldg.,
'Atiitj Washington st. Phone M. 12t7.
M M E. A DWA RD. spiritualist medium, run
be consulted on business, la.v.uit?, love,
matrimony ; unites the separated, no mat
ter the dlstame or cause ; i-a tisf act ion
guaranteed ; r".iding ."o cents, daily and
S iiniia. Mo v-d to t h e palmer, c or. Par k
and Alder .its., parlor 3 and 4.
Clairvoyant. Bring this ad vertifiement
for free test- 3034 Washlnjon st.
Mns. Sophia Seip, relianie spirit' 1 r' dings. 304
Allsky bid-. Public circies Tues.-Fri. ev-
M A Ri AN CORELLI PalmiM and tranc- me
dium. 22'-j Washington st., bet. 1st and 2d
DR. MATTHEWS, psychologist, paimist and
seer. Readings at 140 'it bin st. ,
MAY ANDREWS, card reaaing at 325 Main,
25c. Phone Mam 7548.
DIBBOLD SAPS ft LOCK. CO. John E. Da via
Wi 3d st Bargain in second-nand aaies.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO., loj 2d st. Safes)
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures, -
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2b Coucn
at. Pacific 2181.
R. H. BIRDSALU designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton b!ig. Main 5foi.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. fith and
Hoyt. Phone Main 14o8.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., office
ar.d cc'-nrnodious four-story br.-.s warehou,
with separate iron rooms ar.d nre-proof
vault for va.uabbs. N. "V. corner of 21 and
pine sts. Piano and furniture moved and
packed for snipping. Pnones Main oSsi,
Home A lute.
Bob and Judd Fish.
Furniture ar.d piano moving, baggage:
freight and general hauiicg. Office loJ
Front st. Phones Main 62. A 1152.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and furniture moved packed for
shipment. 2'i Oak St., bet. Front and 1st.
Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Street Paving.
WARREN Construc:icn Co.. street pavirg,
sidewalks and crcesir.g?. 314 Lumber Exca.
Portland office, 4C2-3-4 Worcester bioca.
NEW and sednd-hand typewriters, all makes
repaired, sold and rented; also state agents
the Visible Fox. The Typewriter .Exchange.
64 3d st. Main 606.
SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark, Main 1407.
Wholesale Jobbers.
4th and Oak.
CO.. wholes