9 HELP WANTED FEMALE. W A NTK1 Flret-t-!as coat n't skirt hand for alt "ml lfn- r'-'m : p rmatient position. THE HA KT H '1 A M EW CO.. W ash i ngt on t . CAPXHLE business woman, able to take full charge "t my real estate office and Invest .- more, urn have half interest In my tittllriI hu1nss. The money H to he in vested in bind and vou may h"M the t"ias s-unty H..ok und my i-ersonal record orn fr investigation. F MA. or-ontan. ATTENTION. , . Applicants for all kind f wot r1" ter with us, free of chars. w m7 '.otat ou (in short notice. HANHKS'S LADIES' AOENCY. 4SH Washington at-. corner 7ih. upstair WANTE! ExprHrnrrd girl tnr Reneral li.Hioewc.rk. iitinilv of 2 in cdtnge. neaslde lnve her- it.ii. week: position good for IS months or Icnitrf. Apply room 41 Hotel I.-tt..x before lo A M. or after 6 P. M. WANTK-Voiifiir girl. Ormnn preferred, for get;rrnl housework In family of thrw adu'ts; no heavy washtnff. Apply 4 '3 Hancock ft., n-ar l'nl"n ave., or Phone East m.Tt. t' I'KU MA Y pit id one lady In each town "to dl-f rtbnte citcnlars ami take orders for Concentrated El a vers and Toilet Prep arn t Jons, In tube : permanent business. J. H lilflfT Co.. ChlragO VOI" XO lady to demonstrate toilet prep arations : must have clear complexion ; good Kiilitrv to right pun y. (''all bet. 3 mi') 4 Saiurday or Monday, 236 Plhe at. LADIES- $1 a day at home. Send stamped cpv"1"I for .particulars and address" of mi tinted t inployes. Lad lea' Aid. 2t Main. I turh'tm. Conn. 1 K I K room for competent public sten ographer, machine, phone, etc ; furnished proper party. phone Main 6t.'i, Chamber of Commerce. Kl'ENOORAPHER by wholesale house; intiM ho quick and accurate; Underwood operator prrfr-red. Apply Lang & Co., 1st and Ankeny. dlltlj for general houtr work. , family of three; good wages, hut girl must be good plain 'k. CH a. N. 32d at., Willamette Heights. W A NTl-;! First-class family rook for smnll funiHy; wage) made satisfactory to right p.mi.n. H3 K. Madison. Phone Kast .im. VOGUE School of Millinery; a thorough course of millinery taught in 4 week; terms reasonable. ;t62 Wa.sh lnlon et.. upstairs. W A N'T K IV A ulrl to ayflst In penerul house work: .VorwRlmi or Mane -preferred. Ap ply 1 1 V Tlmniian st. Take Morrison car. "V 'rI Olrl for jreneml housework, to hKln May 1; wtiifs a'-cordlna: to ability. Apply Mrs. iJildlaw. K!S E. Morriaon t. ITU KSHl'H. chamber, family, resit aurunt. h'ift-1, cook a. other help wntert: ranch -otiph'M. Jh:.. Drukc'a, u')i.; Uiifthlnpton. Pit I V ATE lessons In bookkeeping;; experi enced instructor; terms ?4 p'-r month; 4 nlisMta In week. Farttlc IMN and A 4UIH. W.- NT I'M Two well dressed, neat-n ppear iiiK In"' v ltd tors of KHd address. Call ID to 11! today. 122 H Kail In K hldK- KKlItT and waist hands for drcssmaklnK. at on t'-; and errand irlrl or apprentlco. Mil ircr bldn.. Morrison, room 44. WANTED Refined, capaMa woman for r ponslble position. Vlavl Co., 000 Hoth cnlld hldg., 4th and Washtncton. PACIKIC EMPLOYMENT CO Ladles' MrpnrtMient. "J'Vfe Morrison St. Phones Main UHV A 14)(l. tilHL to jtiv!Kt with hotifiework; wllllnp to ito Into the country. Phone Sell wood IWi or aildtvsa S fi7, OrcKoniiin. tilHL for Kcneral housework. Rood Wiiffes and rood home. Mrs. O. V. Taylor. Hose City Park. Phone Tabor Uil5. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOKNCY. 8f34j WashlnKton at., corner 7th, upatsJra. Phone Main 2tllt M'KXOORAPH EH. state experience, salary wanted; rIvc phone number; Underwood machine M 7-"C. Oremmian. ANTED K5tMTlenced. competent laundress for Mondays : must lo trood Ironer; electric Iron. K Ho.'l, Oretronian. EVERCilCrH'' woman, over iSV for position with wholesale house; experience unneces Siiry. V Oreironlan. W A NT ED A scond Rlrl with references; mm who undei-Mtands the work perfectly. x;ts Love.loy. cor. 1'dth. WANTED Competent irlrl for general housework, small family. Apply Wit N. 'JMh. Phone. Main 2717. WANTED Girl for ceneral housework in fnmllv of three; on East Side. Phone Knvt 7114 or C lf10. WANTI0! tllrl for general houewtrk; good ltiiln o-ok : 2 In family; tVrooni tlat; wages fjft. 71 Kearney. 0 OOOD woman to do chamber work of 11 rooms for board for herself anil husband. Call I'M 7th at. (llHh to asflwt housekeeping, small family; flat, sleep a L home. Call l.l I7t h Norc h. or A i!cj. WANTED A competent girl for housework and cooking. Call Monday after Id o'clock. W Moyt St. WXPniMENCFD aeeond girl, Swedish or Nr wrir.m: wages ir Ford t. Phone Main TOO. Ol (P strong girl for iren-v.il housework; good waes. i'hone. B 1 y.S S'ast E erott. WANTED A strong girl to assist with cooking and general housework. Apply 41 Ella st W NTRM A good girl for general house work : one who understands eixkiiig. .Phone C 1M. WANTED A girl for housework. good home, evenings free. Apply 570 Kast Madi son st. W A NT ED- Competent girl for general house work ; three adults. Wood lawn 15ot or C 1777. OOOD girl or middle-aged woman for genera! housework. Call Eugene, or phone Kast W A XTKD A good strong girl for general work. Call at residence. J21.1 Vancouver ave. W A NT KM (Jlr1 fur general housework; Ger man or American. iO Hall. bet. tit ri and 7th HKIJ WANTED MAT.K OR KEMALE. V.M.-TA-1C DIAMONDS. Patented March 24. I MM ; they defy ex perts and puzxie the best Judges of dl:i moHils. rtetid tor illustrated catalogue. H. E. Ai-on, sole owner, V'M Liberty avo.. Pittsburg. Pa. OI'H night school will place you in position quick ly. Any s stem of shorthand or bo keeping. experienced or beginners, business I'nlvrsitv. Worcester block. Main 4 "."4 YiTNM men and women to take lessons In (Nnnr.J and hookkeep.nff by a competent ir.vr;.'t and cdurt reiorter. Write V 7SJ, O: . g. nhtn. i ' K K K K P K H - ST E NOG R A P H E R -p';"f. m:mhc", exxcr fence and w.tm-.l M miI. Oregonian. - Give wages W ANTED t)n. . Hoc,. 1 vbrry pickers. Kor Informa ico. H. Steir.hoff, R. F. D. 2, H111GH T oiing man or tadv to sell office sneciMliy .hi' ing spare time. Y S05. .Ore- K1TIATION WVMED-MALE. Hook Ureters and Clerk. WANTED-- -Petition of irv.tn H8 cahler or tvarag-r of n--g ,r other husirev bv re :i;ii'.e mar. : best of re:rences; could invest. E S.'l r g'-ninn WANTF1! Position as cashier or assistant cashier in a K"k by a oomp.-ert man can lr.est tf n" fissa;-y; best of reference. S 7i7, Orejor.tan. BOOKS kept, systems introduced, account ing In all bvanchej Rf;i-;onsh!p charges. William Stirling. 47 McKay bMg P 'SITIOX as sa esman f r a retail jho s:. re; run command a !;trc'- tTv.rie f,,r a leading house. M MH. Oreg nian. CO v PETFNT yuirg man iSires position as h-kk-'. ier or genera! office w-rk: gcn.1 rrfen n.-e. P. O. Box KSV city. W.NTEl Position b hustling. experi enced book keeper, just from the Kast Phone Pacific 741. yOTl a boTkke per. experienced or beginner, phone cleilcal office. Mam 4.rt'4. Tested and certined MTCATION WANTED MALE. Bookkepra and Clerka W A NTBI) Position as department manager or assistant. by flrst-clas carpet and tr-ery man; city or 4Vaat; establlahod repucitlon ; no novice; beat of reference. Athlrtas H 80, Oregon lan. MECHANICAL draftsman, with shop and office experience on marine engines, and mining and smelting machinery, Is open for engagement; will go anywhere. it N04, oregonlan. IosiTKN with large corporation by draughts man to take chs rge of record, map work ; several years' experience with state, county and city work; best of references. A 806, ( regon!an. YOI'NG MAN. stenographer, elrht years rail road experience, desire position ; also un-d-nstamls bookkeeping and general office work; first-class references. S 83T. Ore gon lan. BOOKKEEPER, competent acountant. with experience as manager, desires position. Banking experience, A-l references. J 81 1. Oregonlan. i POSITION wanted by A-l window trimmer and cardwriter; reference. C tOT, Orego nlan. Miscellaneous O. K CORPRO.V. A steam engineer of several years' ex perience and a technical education In both steam and electricity. O. B. Corpron, Mc Minnville. Or. MARRI ED man t German) wants Job taking care country home or ranch; understands care of all kinds of fruit and chickens. A-l references. O 829, Oregonlan. A comfortable home where a young man can earn his room and board while at tending college, phone Monday, Main 513, A 2M4. STEAM engineer, five year experience In Ice plants, desires position caring for any kind of steam machinery. A 7U8. Orego nlan. WEI J,-EDUCATED yourg married man must have some kind of work, not too heavy; can also use typewriter. A 802, Oregonlan. MARRI KiM man (German) wants management of ranch; good hand with ail kinds of stock; A 1 references. O 828, Oregonlan. yoi ' NO married max, good edwat ion. now ding office work, dealres other kind of woik; references. K WC, Oregonlan. A Gentleman with good references wishes situation In market as meat cutter. Ad-dp-sa (. L. Osburn, Arleta, Or. FIRST-CLASS washer desires post t ton with laundry; Eastern man; can furnish good' references. 1H N. 7th st. YOUNG man wants work with carpenter or other contractor; strong and willing. Ad Irew N H2f. Oregonlan. JAPANESE party wapts contract clearing land; chop wood, over 2 MX) cords. T. Fukuda. 121 N. lfith st. PRACTICAL hand with horses desires po sition as teamster, or brickyard work. K H4, Oregonlan. GOOD Chinese cook wants pcWtion, hotel, res taurant, boarding- house or kitchen work. Phone A HNVt. FIRST-CLASS gardener, florist, fruit, wants position. Hansen. Ht'H 3d st. The Termi nus House. EXPERT houwe-pa inter would like to figure work; prices and material right. K 8H, Oregonlan. W A NT ED Work as janitor by an honest Japanese who ha much experience. V 802, Oregonlan. YOUNG Frenchman wishes position coach mas or gardener; alo butler. L 811, Ore gonlan. YOUNG married man wants position as team ster; haa good experience. K 815, Ore gonlan. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position at housework or as schoolboy. C 802, Ore gon lan . YOUNG man. hustler, wants job with car penter, to learn trade. C 751, Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 24u Couch st. Phone Main 6.S21. JAPANESB Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. -M8 Everett. Main 40o6. COOK wants work; can fill any position In that lino. N 814. Oregontan. PRACTICAL landscape gardener wants soma more work. Home C 1423. CA N DYM A KER wants work. 71V(2 or H 71W, Oregonlan. Phone Main BITPATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. FIRST-CLASS stenographer of several years' oxperlence. desires position: high est references from former employers. H 805. Oregonlan. Phone East 185. COMPETENT young lady stenographer, with thorough experience and knowledge of fire insurance business, desires permanent po sition. Address Y 810. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires copy ing; also will call at office, take dictation and return work: terms reasonable; satis factory references. Ms in YOUXG la-iy dewfres to kenp small jet of books evenings; double entry preferred; $12 per month. V 8l, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED Inexperienced young lady stenographer desires position; salary ao object. G 840, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition at once. Good references, moderate salary. K S22. Oregonlan. f FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4o"04. The best references. STENOGRAPHER with two years' experi ence, wants situation. Moderate salary. G 841. Oregonlan. I WANT copying work on typewriter and shorthand to do at home; must have work. A 8XV Oregonlan. LADY stenographer, 28 years experience, desires position; good references. K 804, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPH ER wit h some experience In law office, desires position. G 8;16. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes type writing to do at home. E 831, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED multigraph operator wants s'.oady position. M 810. Oregonlan. RELtAHLW experienced stenographer de elres position. L 906, Oregonlan. Dressmakers, ART LA MODE. Street suits, riding hnttlts. novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloaks, gownet Phones A Mat. Main 3o78. 181 6th. opposite Hotel Portland. ALL kinds of plain sewing. shirtwaists and children's clothes a specialty; all w "rk promptly and carefully executed at moderate prices. Call East 18S7. B 1S3T. MADAME DVPRE has resumed her work and will be pleased to meet her old antt new customers. 350 Clay at.; no sign. Phone Main .7."S. H EI-GESON Patrons must be prompt; first calls to be made, evenings between 7 and 8. Cor, 11th and Montgomery sts, THE OOZY, !1W 7th St., fashionable dress making at reasonable prices. Phones Pa cific lifl4. A .v;i2. MM E. TUTTLE, modiste; tailored sutts, evening gowns a specialty. 480 Wash ington st. FASHION A RLE dressmaker at home or by the day 87 North 7th st. Phone Main 61. DR ESPM AK ING Tai'.or sulta a specialty; cutting and fitting guaranteed. aW ;(d st. DRESSMAKER wants smart -iris to learn sewing. i3 Madieon-Park Apartments. DRESSMAKER wishes sewing by the day. 16 E ith N.. cor Burnside. phone B 1101. DR ESSM A K I NO : first -class work. E. D. W i 1 kins, loin E. Morrison st. DR ESSM AK1 XG. prices reasonable. 234 Columbia st.. rooom 1. MIDDLE-AGED widow desires housekeeping position; take full charge; city, country, seaside. Pacific 4t6. " A NT KD Position its housekeeper in room-ir.R-hovw or hotel: city references. Y 813. Oregon ian. WANTED At once, a position as houspkeep. er by refined xnJddle-aged lady. L 818, Ore gonlan EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants posi tion in rooming-house. Y SOi. Ore gonlan. WOMAN with experience would like rooming house to take charge of. Phone A 4718. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE, ELDEKLY lady as nurse and housekeeper; references given. Phone B 8T Bast Davis. ' Boniest tea. SITUATION wanted. Younr girl wishes position as light housework in small fam ily. Phone Tabor between 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. COMPETENT cook wants position; will do some general work; private family. Pa cific 11?4 fter lO. EXPERIENCED lady cook wants position; would assist with light housework. Bell. Phone Pacific 813. SWTJDIHH irlrl wants general housework. 767 fiavier st. or V. t4. Oregonlan. M Iscel tasieoam. WANTED Pos4tlon by reliable woman as companion, care of children or light house work ; would leave city; beach or country. M 821, Oregonlan. 8TRONO, capable woman with a child of 4 years, wants work at the beach or country, laundry or dining-room work preferred. E 8o. Oregonlan. t LAUNDRY washed by hand, with care, hand kerchiefs, socks, hose, ties, fancy ti'Iles. collars, etc. Mrs. Call. Phone Main 5W2. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work day or half day. Phone all day Sunday, other days evenings only. Pacific 1806. Room 44. CO M P ETT ENT laundress, with first-class re ferences, wishew day work Monday and Wednesdays. J 809, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady gives private lessons In gram mar grade studies, German, music, draw ing; references. Main 8183. YOUNO lady wishes position as housekeep er or companion In good home. B W8. Oregonlan. HOME laundered lace curtains done by ex perienced hand. Phone Tabor tM, Mrs. S. M. Scott. LAUNDRESS wishes day work will also do some cleaning; good worker. R. 759, Oregonlan. JAPANESE sir! wants situation at any klrd of work but half a day.. O 80ft, Oregonlan. LACE curt Kins beautifully laundered. Call ed for an! delivered. Phone Main ftRttH. MEN'S old clothlni. shoes. Highest prices paid. 78 H N. 3d. Phone Pacific 161M. LADIES' fancy hand laundering; shirt waists a specialty. 111 V, 4th st. Pac. 144M. LACK curtains washed and stretched, 40c per pair. Phone Pacific 744. A 4;is7. WOMEN to do washing by the day and houseclcanlr.g. Phone Main 014O. LADIES fancy hand laundering; shirt waists a specialty, ml y, 4th st. pac. 14HS. YOUNG lady wishes to teach pupils in gram mar grades) by hour. Phone K dotlil. WANTED Work by the rtay; washing or cleaning. Call Home Phone A ;tO.H. COIjORBD woman wishes day's work. Phone Pacific 731. WANTED AGENTS. CA PABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line Our liberal commission eon tract paid five salesmen an average yearly Income of 9 'J KM In cash above traveling expenses during the last five years; $100 monthly advance. American Standard Jewelry Co.. Detroit. M1ch. AGENTS WANTB1V Men and women to sell Whltcomh's "Ftexaole" unllncd shoe for women; 9:to to 9o0 a week easily made; all orders filled the same day received; no tacks, no aeame, no lining: exclusive terri tory. Eastern fhoe Co., Beverly. Mass. WANTED Man capable of earning 9.V00 yearly to open branch office for Dloao, the new disinfectant; your sub-agents can make 910 a day; enormous snlew; amazing profits; exclusive territory. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. EASY MONEY FELLING "IDEAL" CLOTHES WASHERS SAVES TIME, LAROR AND MONEY SUCCESSFUL AGENTS. CALL SUITE NO- 26-7. M1LNBR BLDG.. SoOft MORRISON 8T. AGENTS, I salesmen and others, send 10 cents for 12 "Yellowstone Park" post cards, or 25 beautiful "Picturesque Amer ' lea" views; all different. International Trading Co.. 32 Park Place. New York Ol ty. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted in every county of the United StatCH; legitimate, Iermanent business, whole or part time; our first agent earned over 94.V the firs month. Caribbean Co., 42 Broadway, New York. SPECIAL AGENT WANTEl-$75 weekly and expenses - easily made selling our popular combination policies and appointing agenta; experience unnecessary. Write ( scar Ek man. 3ia ERel bldg.. Seattle, Wash. BBST line of agents' money-making special ties on Coast ; If you want aomet hlng good cell on us; representative wanted in every town and county In Northwest. 011 Bu chanan bldg. AOVJNTS can't be up-to-date or siucceed unless; members of only Agents' Co-operative and Protective Bureau in the world. Hull's Co operative Bureau, 2o2 Franklin st.. New Tork. AGENTS Something real good; men or women get territory quick : In spite of panic., agents doubling sales. Address Sayman, 2170 Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com mission advanced eeoh week; good terri tory open. Al'jany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? I so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. AGENTS wanted to advertise Cream of Fresh lemon;. new and sure plan: either sex: no money required; write for terms. James A. Baker, Box 306, Point Richmond. Cal. NEW DISCOVERY Cook stoves, etc.. heated by air gas, 3 cents a day. Burner and out fit sold on payments. American Mfg. Co.. Box tW7, Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented: sells on eight for 1 .00. Particulars, Gteha Co., Anderson, Ind. AGENTS You can know about the profits made -supplying perfumes to families. Ad dress Leffler A Co.. St. Louis, Mo. IKN"T accept an agency until you get my samples and partloulars. Sayman, 2170 Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Agents at once; 93 a day ca.ih for eight hours' work: man or lady. Re gent Co.. Wllliamsville. 111. WANTED TO BENT. ARE you going away for Summer? Will give best of care and reasonable rent for use of 5 or 6 rooms; responsible; no children. G 848. Oregonlan. TWO young ladles, employed, desire room and board in private family. East Side; reasonable; references. Address C 75S, Oregonlan. MODERN furnished house In residence dis trict for Summer or longer, walking dis tance from P. O.. $:W; references. R 809, Oregonian. SINGLE young man desires room and board with private family; walking distance Grand ave. and Morrison st. WA NT house of 10 rooms up. wit h good grounds, for private hospital; best refer ences. F 7o-L Oregonlan. YOl'SO professional man desires strictly private room and board. West Side; give ohone. K S3!. Oregonlan. WANTED South Portland, elegantly fur nished Vrornn flat or residence; no chil dren. C 80i, Oregonlan. FIVE or six-room house by May 1 ; prefer with some fruit, etc.; might buy If suited. H 809, Oregonlan. WANTED By three adultr. small furnished cottage, close in. West Side preferred. B WV, Oregonlan. ROOM and board in private family by young man; West Side; reasonably close in. G 824. Oregonlan. MODERN cottage, by adults. Phone E. P2. Sunday only, lO to 12. 2 to 4. or Y 812. Oregontan. THREE, four or five-room modern flat. No chl Wren. Phone Sunday C 1401. B SOL Oregonlan. WANTED Or.e housekeeping room, close in. Must be clean. State terms. G So 2. Ore gonlan. WANTED SS or .1 unfurnished rooms, with a yard, by a man and wife. A 80&, Orego nlan. WANTED By May 1, 6 -room cottage or flat, close In. Y 803. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. PA M 1 LY of adults want 8-room. modern houe for term of years, within walking distance business district. prefer West Side; reply, stating location, rental, etc.; references given. V HOT, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fists, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phons Exchange 72. WANTED T rent or 7-room houee some distance out, or will give 2o and a dia mond valued at 9si at first payment on ti room house with good lot, not less than iV'x ltNJ. E MO, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM house with porch ami yard. West Side, rent not to exceed H.V F. L. Grati nis. Phone Main tW45, or A 114; Sunday only. Main 7 ."!!. WANTED To rent a cottage. Address G S-40. care OreROnlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 666ft. A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; wo also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Peal." 62 N Sd st. Phone Pacific 1722 W A N T E D T i n 1 be r f o r co rd w o od . n a r Oregon water power line. Address Geo. K. Kunltake. R. F. D. No. 5, Box 2H, Gresham, Or. WANTED 10 or I.Vrnom house, furnished, central location; will pay hII cash if price Is reasonable. A H07, Oregonlan. REFRIGERATOR WANTED. Mi feet minute and or i reet in height. Call Main 4477 or East 0220. WE bjy your household gooas of every de scription The Dollar. 23a 1st st.; w want your trade. Main 6374, A 2:127. I BUY accounts, bills, notes and Judgments of any nat 11 re an v where. E. W. L. Blod gett. B Htv.i. Oregonlan. EASTMAN 3A kwiak wanted, with or with out lens and shutter; state price. N 826, Oregonlan. WA NT ED Small second-hand engine or foot sf'rew -cutting lathe. A. Stratton, 800 Dekum. READY money psid for furniture; better prices than a dealer. Phone East 3888. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. I PAY cash for housenold goods. Savage A Penned Fur. Co.. .146 1st. Phone 860. WANTED Seats or chairs for lHft people for church purposes. L KL'l. Oregonlan. . WANTED A little girl to board. 2 blocka from-school ; nice home. Main s:W4. WANTED Small sawmill, with planer. G. W. McCoy, 34 North 26th. WA NTED A cheap saddle horse. Address R 80s. Oregonlan. WANTED Heavy plate glass showcases. 120 1st Ht. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. 3:1.4 YAMHILL, the Cablecroft. attractively furnished rooms, modern, running water, telephone, cal I bells, house renovated and furnished up-to-date; first-elans patron age solicited; permanent, transient. Under new management. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT." SINGLE OR ENSUITE. MILNER BLDG. . 350 U. MORRISON. FURNISH ED OR 1-N FURNISH ED. WITH EVERY DESIRED CONVEN IENCE. THE DFJL MONTE, near 20th and Wahing--ton, elegantly furnished rooms and ajirt ments ; running water, both phones, elec tric lights, bells; $14 and up. FIRST floor cottage, double sarlors. large kitchen, well furnished, bath. gas. phone; good yard; central location; references. Pacific Kir.. 213 7TH. lardo bay window front room: every convenience; rultable for two gen tlemen; also transient. NICELY furnished room, connecting bath, gas, phone, close In, reasonable. Phono A r'Jl!8. 4:i:t Taylor. NICELY furnished rooms on .mtite, break fast if desired; private family; home com forts. Phone A 4U70. NICELY furnished parlor suite, with bath ; corner rooms, private flat, close in. Fhone A 1712. 242 7th st. 14ft i 6TH ST. Furnished rooms, fronting on 6th; t ranslents solicited ; prices rea sonable; see them. ONE or more newly-furnl.hed rooms, all con veniences ; walking distance ; rent reason able. 27514 14th st. SINGLE room, cozy, well-furnished; also large room, yard, private house, close In. 632 Flanders. NICELY furnished rooms; electric light, heat, porcela In bath ; 92.25 per week and up. 3o9 Jefferson. NICELY furnished sunny front room in pri vate family. 5 minutes' walk from P. O. 275 Columbia st- MODERX, newly furnished room; private family : steam heat, electric lights, bath. fH9 Wath., flat B. BRIGHT comfortable room; running water; residence district; walking distance. Main .W12. 361 lOth. ELEGA NTLY furnished rooma very rea sonable; next to Hotel Portland. 181 6th, cor. Yamhill st. LARGE newly-furnished mortem rooms, -lose in. private family, gentlemen only. 2Io DESIRABLE room for 2 gentlemen: fine location; Park blocks, phone Pacific 1270, before noon. NEATLY furnished rooms, home place, rea sonabje, bath and phone. 587 Washington. Pacific. 2601. 910 QUIET room ; bright, clean ; use of piano; modern, private home. Main 7101. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, 3' blocks from Washington st. o.M Everett, bet. 16th and 17th. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; gas. phone, close in. 140 10th. THE REED MANSHION, furnished rooms, nice vard, 94 P?r month up. Main 2263. 1st. THE ANGELUS. 272 6th st cor. Jefferson, furnished rooms, free use of bath and phone. 2SO 7TH., very fine front sufte, with piano, phone, also two smaller rooms; gentlemen only. TWO large, clean rooms, with alcove, fine location; bath, phone, gas. 4S1 Weat Park. 4:io YAMHILL ST., room for rent suitable for young lady; can have board. Main 40pn. THE SHELLY. 422H Morrison; nicely fur nished rooms. Phone Pacific 6r4. A 2:i.t.. PLEAS A NT front room, furnished, on Sunny side earline; rent reasonable. Phone E. 396. NICELY furnished rooms, rates reasonable. Call at 6:t9 Everett or phone Main 3168. SPLENDIDLY furnished cheerful qui"t room, modem conveniences, reasonable. 215 Utth. THE EL WOOD N-wly furnished; 92 to 5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Hi Morriscn. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod em rooms, bath. 50c to 91 day, 92 to 94 wk. NICELY furnished room; modern; very cen tral. 388 12th t.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. FOR RENT E lea-ant !y furnished front room, also one other. Ridgway, 270 6th. NICE large room, suitable for two gentle men; walking distance. Call 545 3d st. DESIRABLE rooms for gentlemen. 351 West Park st- Phone Pac. 1270. forenoon. HOTEL ROYAL, 10314 4th st., nice furnished rooms. 92.50 to S week: JVs- to 91 n'.g-ht. FURNISHED front room. A-l location; new ly tinted, modern. 200 i Park st. TWO furnished rooms, bath, lights and phone, close In. 345 Harrison st. LARGE front room, well furnished, suitable for two: 9lO. 46 E. 7th st. N. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent, gentlemen oniy. 547 Yamhill. FOR RENT Pleasant room block from Hill Hotel. 58 Lucretia st. FOR RENT. Famished Rooms. THE MERCEDES1. ETegantly furniehed rooms : heat, hot and cold running wattT, rflurn cal 1 -hr-Ms in all rooms, free bat hs and lKth phones on each ttoor; strictly modern through out; rates verv reaonnb'- THE MERCEDES ioth und Washington, THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite, 92.o 11-r week up: strum heat, hot and coid water, flee baths; transients so licited; mt 50c. 7."te and $1 daily; opn all niaht; best location in the city; offico and reading-room ground floor. 4S8-4tf2 Washington St. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and and jw'h- throik it; hs. hi?fc'd hone . a ington sts Newly furnished thro: new bit i Id inn ; si:t'ea with bains. cold water in every room. phone 719A Long-dlaanco phones in all romi HOTEL GLE.VWOOD. 2d and Salmon, new ' and elegant ly furnished, hot and cold w ater every room, private bat lis, steam heat: transient 91 and up; ieetal' rates week or month. Mrs. Venable. , HOTEL KEN YON. 18th and Washington Modern rooms. slnKle and cn suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable Pacllic 400. HOTEL RUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. fWt-dass furnished rooms, single or en nulte; every modern convenience. ! weekly up; dally 7fc up: special monthly rates. Mulii 5047 HOTEL SACRY. .M.V, 1st at.: newly fur nished rooms, single or en .-ulte; fret; bath and phone, office and reading-room ; rules 92 to 91 per week. k: to fl lay. THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Stark. S W. cor th St. Well furnished rooma, largo and' light, single or en sutti; transient, 50c to 91; hy week, 92 to 9-V Pacltlo 1296 NICE furnished room, hot aiul cold water; 1 block from earl! no or walking dis tance; $.50 per week, or $y per month. 20 E. 14th st. North. Phono E. 1 3J T. THE A RTO.V1 A Mrs. B A. Melbourne; nicely furnished rooms, M steam heat, all modorn con v oiitenees ; rates $4 per week aiKl up; truiiMleins. lS West Park. TWO nice furnished front rooms, eonm-rt-llig; suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; eieelric light, walking t'lst ance, near Steel bridge. 274 Margin st. Phone East fi.'Ml. THE DEL MONTiC. near 20tn ind WashinK ton. el eg 11 nt iy f urn j. shed root is and apart ments; running water, both phones, elec tric lights, bells; H and up. PLEASANT front rooms, good locution, nicely lurnished. gas. bath and phone, suitable for niiiirlod couple, de.-trlng u.-e of kitchen. 0i7 Even-it at. "N EV und daintily I'umism-d rooms ; beaut it til lawn; ioplo employed pn-ferred ; m!mo tim e large housekeeping rooms; no children. 061 Washington si., cor. Ella. PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sts.; steam heat, free bath, hot ami cold water In all rooms; &o to 91 day; 92. u0 to $0 per week. Phone A ir;i9. THE tt'KSTM I NSTER, Oth and Mm! i son s"tw,, handsomely furnished baohWor rooms; vwy modern convenience ; trims j-t-asonuble; oniy 0 blocks from Pout office. HOTEL ANTLER'S, cor. lOtb and Washing ton at?. All modern conveniences; suites with bath; principal car lines puna tas door. Phone Main 2333. FI' R ISH El sunny rooms, with private family; large yard and within easy walk ing dlatuuce ; board if wanted. A'l E. Davis at. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. ail modern conveniences; 1niuire u part inept No. 4. The Chutoja. 1Mb. and Flanders; references. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and batiis free. 327 Btark. corner nth. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. 910 BRIGHT, newly furniwhed rooms, quiet, cent 1 a I. light and lion t ; porcelain bath. ;iJ." 12th si. Phone Pacific I'to:1. A ;iTOi;. WELL-FURNISH ED hay-window front room. Mil it ub 1 41 I or ono or two ; a Iso aingie room; new, modern home. not 11th si . NICELY furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 653 Washington st.. bet. 2Lst and Ella sts. Phone Muin S2.".4. THE CADILLAC. 34 and Columbia; newly furniehed rooms, single or en suite; easy walking distance from center of city. 910 A MONTH Well furnished front room in private family suit able f,.r 2; all conve niences. 41 Uth. Phone Pacific 1141. PLEAS A NT Summer room, nicely furnish d. hot and cob! water, sten 111 h-at, large closet. 163 17th st.. cor. Morrison. LARGE, nicely furnished room, few min utes' walk from center rity; :iJso 2 un-furnih-d roms. ,To E. Morrison. HOTEL ALEXANDER Newly furnished With all modern c-Mivenienc ; rent reason able; corner. loth and Aider. TWO nicety furnished rooms, suitable for re fined gentleman; bath, phone and heat. Pri vate family. 474 Washington st . BEAUTIFULLY furnished front hay win dow room in modern flat, suitable for two gem lemon. tit h st. LARGE fr.nt room suitable for 2. also sin gle rooms with or without board. . Ger man family, ."ibo Johnson si. 448 TAYJjOR ST., nb-ely furnished rooms with all conveniences; private ' family; and up. Phone Main 577s. LARGE front r-om with bay window; suit able for two gentlemen;. Sl." jer month. 20 11th or phone Pacltlo WX WELL fumi.hed room in private family, modern conveniences, o minutes' wa Ik ; reasonable. 31M. ft h ?t. ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished, with or wit h out boa rd ; also fruit for Rale at 475 Morrison M. TWO-ROOM and three-room smile; clean, con venient focat Ion, weli furnished ; reasonable In price. 427 '.j 6th st. TWO nicely slngie or modern. 5 furnished rooms, first fr)f n SUito ; k it C heil piivl leie ." Yamhill. SMALL room, nood location, for gentleman; price 97 month. 2"tl I'lth st. FURNISH WD rooms suitable for one quiet place. 72 West Park st. N1CKLY furnished front room suitable for 2, near Armory. .VI N. loth. NICELY furnished rnnnis; phone and bath. 05 11th at., corner Stark. OAK HOTEL, 347 Oak, oest location, steam heat, hot and cold water. FOR RENT Furnished room with mo of piano. ."o" B. Clay st. ' SMALL furnished room, with uw; of kitchen. Inquire 110 12th st. FRONT room, suitable for one or two gen- tiemen. 4S Main. PLEASANT front room for rent, reasonable. 340 Yamhill st. COZY rooms. 779 Kearney st.. near 2:td Phone A 3774. TWi furnished rooms, modern. Inquire at :t34 Harrison .st. ONE uite of rooms; also single rooms. 51 1 Morrison. FURNISHED room. 91.25 per week. 200 Jrf ferson at. NEWLY furniaherd rooms for rent. "as Mill st. w FURNISHED room; running water; close in. 271 7th. 212 12th Furnished rooms or housekeeping rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. "J U.ST WHAT YOI W A XT." SINGLE OR ENSUITE. M I LN ER. BLDG.. n.ih MO R R ISON. FURNISHED OR I'N'FT H X ISH E D. W IT H EVERY DESIRE D COX V E X IENCE. NR'ELY furnished. f.lFio unfurnished rooms, ingie and en suite ; qui.t and very kii it able for single gentlemen. Kainm bldg., 1st and Pine. FOR RENT Four unfurnished basement rooms, with bath and phone. Call at DJl) Park st. or rthor 1 PORTLAND HEIG-HT.- Furnished v furnished,. 5 rooms. Call A 2401, Saturday or Sunday. THREE or 4 rooms In new modern private dwelling; lawn, close In. Phone East TWO nrfumished basement room- with iras 0. tJK" 1st. Call ar'ier 5 P. M. Rooms With Board. SELECT private hoarding-house; modern con veniences; board optional. 4r2 Morrison ROSED ALE. MM Madison st., under new management; two front rooms with board. NPCELY furnished room, with board; everv thlr.g homelike; close In. o'JS 6th. A 02. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. THE HOTEL HEYSER. East 3d and Burnside ts.. aew and ab solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished rooms, single and en ulte; elevator, hot and co Id w ater. steam beat and tele phone in each room. Grill In connection; special rates to families. Phon East 171. WANTED Mine or two refined young ladles to board und room with widow lady; mod ern home. Clowe In, WVm Side: prepare own breakfast; object cotnp.-iTi innhlp more than money. Phone Main Klsh. THE 11 A EL A homo for young men; the best exclusive men's board) ng-house In the city. Nh-e light rooms with running water. Good table. f asomt Me rates. Phone Main 7004, A 4ir". us;, 3d St. 333 12TH. cor. Market , lartre mom, com fortably furnished, unliable for one or two gen U men. private residence, walking dis tance, luruace h-at. gas light, breakfasts and dinner!.. Phones Main or A 37.rr.. N Ii W nicely f u rn i s h ed rooms, with boa ru , home cK;klng. n? l-'tly first-clnss. also oay lnf-11-ders; d'irabie locution; beuntlful lawn. IHi uth st., cor. Yumhlll. Malu .Vl,i, A ;t:so. Portland Women's Union. lth year; rooms wit h board, use of sowing-room, use of library; Women's ExchanKt;. Address Mrs. Ella Haw lings, Su.pt.. rlO Flanders at NEA It Steel bridge, furnished room ; gas. hot mid cold water, homo cooking, 10 two ladies, employed. $.rj week each, ref erences. Atldi ess V m., OrcKotilan. TW(I gentleinen desiring home privileges, r tilled surt ou tidings. giol cooking, walk ing dlsi n nee. ren ho on ble price, can se cure wuine. Telephone East 4 X 4 ti. CA N aecomniodate one or two persons seek ing home in private family ; pb nnaiil rootu, go.td ciokiiig. all conveniences; near two car lines. :u E. 16th St.. North. A LARGE, pleasant front room for 1 or 2; good home cooking; private; ery reason able; tine location. "j".!.' N. l'.Uh St.. near Marshall. Pacific 247. THE WALDORF One In rue- front ault or 100 ma with 'Hoard ; a No a few single rooms, suitable for gentlemen. 117 l.ith st. .Main I'llH, A 21 D. LA RGB fuenlshed or unfurnished front rnnlii', also slrifilo roonis, modern conven iences, with 'o.d board, in private family, close in. Pacific 21M7. BLAKE-LY HALL. Jefferann. bet. f.th and 6tli. nicely furnished room, with lltst-cinhS lioard, hot and cold water, beautitul gioutids. center of city. T It X IS1 ( (Of room, home cooking anti privileges, walking distance, to two gen ib'Mien. per week each. References, 34 7 Wheeler st. PLEASANT front room. with board, all modern convenience.-;, suitable for two gen ii mien, centrally located. Mtv. A. Slinotl, H2 North llth. NICELY furnished front roonis, with board; strictly home cooking; modern conveniences; walking distance; 9t per week. The Lmdell, 217 Market. N E W LY f u m iehed rKim f r ren t . with hoard; ail convenience; walking distance; very reasonable. 412 '3 Jefferson, corner llth. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, rooms, single or en suite, modern; walking distance; grill in connec tion; monthly rent. N C WL Y furnished room, everything modern, privat'e family, house privileges, or 2 peo ple; walking distance; terms arc reasonable. Main 32hi. R OM and board iti private family, modern convenience, home cooking, walking dis tance. Cal: at .141 E. 2d N., cor. Weidler. LA I Y employed to share expenses of small, modern flat, walking distance, with el derly couple. ; very reasonable. S SUfi. LA ROB- front room, well furnished, with board, home cooking. walking distance, suitable for two gentlemen. Xf 6th st. LA'RG B clean front room, good wholesome cooking, fine neighborhood, rates reason able. 2o" N. 23d at. Phone A 36 t6. PLEASANT room with board in strict ly private house; modern con venionccs ; rates reasonable. tiitO E. Burnside, TWO large sunny rooms, stilt able for 4. In new corner cot in go; home com forts ami g tod home cooking. Phone B 2:127. VERY large front room, modern, with board, choice location, private family. Phone E 201a: 407 Hoi hula y ave. 00 N. 1 7TH. near Washington. nlee'Jy fur nished t'i'ont room, wii h board, home cook In g; reason a ble. Phone A 2llhi. WE enn ai'commodn t n few more table boarders, $4 per week; good home cooking. A-der House. 7th and Madison. 70 MONTGOMERY Attractive suit e house keeping rooms, central, gas, bath, bay Window, fireplace. Main -I -liiit. RO' M and hoard for two gentlemen, large room. ( ierinan cooking; terms moderate. 374 Ln rrah.ee st. J'bone E 3."tn6. H KiM and board for t wo men In pri vate fa niily ; modern conveniences. 3 6 "J od st.. Iris Apartments, Hat eti. FOR RENT Furnijdv'd rooms, with or with out rlist-clHj-s table board; reasonable. 'Ml .th st. Uhone Main 7T."V4. N ICB room, st y lish new house. cdecl ric. lights. line hat h , wa Ik ing d isl a nee. Ra Honablo. I'hone Main 221 IK NK'KLY furnished ronis. with loari. every modern c:ien lence. .ylmjle or double room, table Mrst-clasH. Isjs lt'i. LARGE pleasant room well fnrnlshe-l, also stow 11 r. ton 1, hrea fast a od dlnnt-r. 2oi uu h, cor. Taylor. Main 22H4. YCH'NO. man wants roommate; pleasant room, first - c In s boa rd. a 1 1 home com forts. $2d. .r2."V Clay st. LARGE bright room, voting men, private fa mil., home rooking, home privileges. I!."i I61 h, corner Taylor. FRONT room, with I ton rd. for t wo persons; walking1 distance; reat-oiia hie. I'hone l'a cific 14wk ::ss nth. 332 IOTH ST.. nicely furnished room. mo. ern convenience, desirable location, gsd home cooking. THE Colonial, corner loth and Morriwui, cosy, clean, com for; a ble, good table; low rates, ''all and .see. NICE large front room, with good hoard, suf tattle for two tent b-men. 574 GHshm, corner sth. ON 17 !are 1 00m . including Ioa rd, very rea- son a hie If taken by two or thrt e fiernns. 2H4 Clay at. LARGE front rooms, with best home board, close in. Rates i-'t to 42 tier moiuh. 22 13th st. NICELY fumW.ed eie: -trii- lights, g A :i.".24. n.n and b.er-i for two; bath. ;t44 Columbia. RiOMS with hoard, aiso day bo-ird $4.5 por w.-ek : home cooking. The Chryaler, 3S1 Taylor. NICELY ?urn!uhed room and board, suitable for one or two; home cooking. 470 Main Room and board in private family, best lo cal ioii. new. reasonable. 26!' North 16th TH3 MARL YN Furnished rooms; g30d board; couvenient. 553 Washington st. Ft" RX ISH ED or unfurnished rooms, with board. T15 Morrison st.. cor. lfith. BOARD and room; bath, phone; 96 per week walking distance. 32s ("ay st. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark. 22-5 1 1th st. Apartments. THE Cadillac Hotel. 3d and Columbia; fine newly fuin.slu d apartments, single or en suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house keeping rooms. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, un furnished apartment of : rooms and bath, with all modern convenienc-is. Phone Main M4S. STEAM-HEATED apartments. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and .nf urn i shed. Mod ern. Cottel Drug Co.. 1 st and Sherman sts. 4-R tOM apartment, nlcel v furnished, mod ern, private bath, heat, lovel v porch 473 Salmon, between 13th and 14th sts. THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders, beautiful 6 roorr. residence aoartment ; modern con veniences; reasonable rent. Main 1221. NEW and elegant furnished two-room apart ment, bath off; piano; in nw flat; private; S2.- month. 546 4th. Main 8124. NEWLY-FURNISHED apartmortt. "The Mordaunt." cor. ISth and Everett ate. Call between ; and 12 mornings. WI LL rent for Summer. bautifuMv fur nished ."-room apartment, $70 month. The Mordaunt. rS6 Everett. NEW - modern 0-room hotel, cor. filt and Reed. Inquire 7vl Vaughn. Main 8110. FOB RENT. Apartments. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison, handsome w-story pressed brick. Just completed; four-room, reception hall and ba.t h, residence apart men is. pussesa Ing every modern convenience, including electric automatic elevator and tIe phone exchange; hardwood floors through out ; the inavttnum of convenience, ele gance and equipment at exc-dlngly rea sonable terms; locatlcm and surroundings utisti 1- passed. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnlMted apartments; heat, hot- and cold rutin In g wa ter, ret urn ca 11 bells in all rooms, free baths. Janitor serv ice and both phones on each tloor ; strictly modern throiigbout ; rates very reasonable. THE MERCKDES. 2Mh and Washington. FtiR HHNT S".t p-r month, nice apartment. !; tlor front. 3 large rooms, nice batlt-room stenm heat, hot and cold water, und gas range .nejuded, at 44 Clay st., close to l.'.th. Ituiulie of Mrs. O'Neill at apartnvent, or at 6,Vf Kearney st. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-rootn residence apirtment. bath, steam heat, hot and cold w;iter. gas range, refrigerator, window shades. Janitor service, telephone; adults. Apply janitor, 1Mb and Couch ta. BEAUTIFUL tVroom apartment with bath", Mildly modern and up-to-date; gas range, refrigerator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone, gas and electric lllfht ires; West Side. K. 7M. Oregonian. FOR RENT Apartment, best location In t lie city, 4 rooms a nd reception hall, alt outsido rooms, steam heat and Janitor service. The Mordaunt. C.M6 Everett, cor lHth. FOR HHNT Apartment, best location in th city, 4 rooms and reception hall, all out side rooms, steam heat and Janitor serv ice. The Mordaunt. .YS6 Everett, cor. 16th. THE OKET PA, 1th and Flanders. 4-room modern iinfurnished: H'eam heat, city tele phones in each apartment free. Apply to i 'iarence Wheeler, with I. (ievurti A Sons. THE WESTMINSTER. Madison and flth sts. up-to-date apartments, every modern con venience, rensonabln rates, close In oniy 6 blocks from Postoffice. COL( MRI AN Apartments, llth and Colum b'a; front 4-room apartment, strictly mod "Hi, excellent local i ion. close ln; a-l u lis only. .See janitor. WELLIN.1T. N CC d ' RT, l.Vh and Everett, suite mi f urn 1 flu d rooms, hardwood floors, wall ts-d. g,(H range, refrigerator, privalo bath. tel. iihone. THE MARLIH 1R1 UCM. 6wt Flanders. Nob Hill, IV-room unfurnKhed apartment, steal U heat , modern in every resN:t. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent April I. 2i5 12th. "The Braintre.M lHatt. STE A M-H KA TED flai, 7 nintns, eomtUete, Iiew brick bb'g, , close in. very desirable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF REOON, S. E. cor. ltd and Oak. 31o IW-nton st., 4-room. new. mxiern flat, nloei v tinted, walking distance. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORK;tN. R. E cor. M and OaK. A N upper a nd lower V room modern flat, :i blocka east of Steel Bridge, cor. Holla da v nve. and ifcident st. Rent. No children or roomers. Phone East 3614. wncr. 7 LA R(J E roonis. Nob Hill. 3 7.60; brand new ; large port h porch, a 1 1 io, separate bitsernent ; beam ifully finished. Inquire itet door. 7 iH Johnson, near 23d. Main 17S2. FIVK-ROOM, -team heated flat. 17th and Gllsan at. ; modern In every respect, rent $4 1. Cull Main 244.T Ames Mercantile Agency, 204 Abington bldg. JdOLKRN flats, all slzen, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 3. E. cor. 3d and Oak, Phons Exchange 72 - RO( M new modern flat . 4i Ross yt.. 20 mi nut es" walk f mm I'ostoffice. $'Jo per iniinih. Inquire 44) Roas st. or '2; Wor cester block. UNFURNISHED or partly furnished flat for rent; rooms light and cbeerlul; exception ally convenient for so central. Inquire 30014 ftth. FOR RRXT o-room modern flat. 2ft'4 E. xt h st.. near Rurnuide- Keys at T). O. Woodward's office. 104 2d st. Rent S20. NEW 4-room Hat. at riot I y modern, unfur nished; walking distance. Vacant May 1. Apply even! nga. phone Main 8S7. TH R KK-ROOM fl'it . easy walking distance: south; rent 17..i. Smith Itental Agency, 442 Sherlock bldg- NEW :t-room flat, furnished or unfurnished, private entrance, laundry, hath. 3HH 5th, close in. UPPER 6-room fiHt. 37rt& lath: cook st'ive, furnace; rent $32 00. Call 4fft Mar ket St. 7ol u2 HOYT ST., bet. 21st and 22d, 6-room iiHMlern upper flat. Inquire 3oH Wash ington. FOR RENT New 6-room lower flat. 706 Kearney, near 22d. modern In every re snect. f . FLAT of 5 rooms and bath. Northnip; rent $ir. c. H. Koreii. 2,M Waah ington. 5-R00M modern flat. 6ft I 'a Irving st. Call 611 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main .1617. F ' R R ENT New .Vroom flat, all modern, ,'166 Park cor. Mill. Phone Main 7712. THOROUGHLY ire dern flat; central and UI to-dai ; n-asonable. Inquire vt 1 1 Tith. ri-WASANT small flat'; aas. bath; adults) only. Imiulre 23U Hall st. Rent only ?17.oO. 5 ROOMS, steamheafed, ref irigerator, gas rauire. Asd Flanders, Nob Hill. -ROOM flat, flne location; park Works. Phone T-'Hclfie 1270. before noon. FOR RENT May 1. 5-room flat. 3.".0 Jack son st . I n n 11 1 re at 4 i I "a r k st . ONE of Sho-ren's 6-room flats for rent, llth and Columbia. See janitor. 84S CORRKTT, 5-room modern flat, 912.50. L. K. Thompson A Co., 22 3d. 1 P P E R - roo m flat, rent $22. S35 Mitnt gomery. pear 16th. M O DKH N 6 room flat. 26 North lOth st. Inquire 24 North ttth. 4-itKiM flat, unfurnished, all convenienees; cheap. 4;Vi Park st. FURNISHED 4 rooms, lower floor, elosa in. :Mi2 THhunook t. Housekeeping: Rooms. TWo clean housekeeping rooms, well fur nished; gas, bath; t.25 per week. 73 X. 14th. THKKE rjeely furnished conneting front houf-ekpeplng rooms. Call Monday, 214 lath st. NICELY furnished front room, kitchen ad joining; first floor; close in; save this. 310 Main st. FURNISH ED housekeeping room. al?o fur nished a!eerinr room. 450 Yamhill, near 12th. ARE you looking for u-to-date, modern, clean rooms, reasonable; first floor. oS0 2d st. TWO roonw furnished for housekeeping: no children. Call before 1 1 :.. 2iV2 14th t. SI NOLB room, close in. nice for a haehlor, or working girl. 21i4 14th. Main HOI.'STTKEEPINO rooms, new and clean, 2 or 3; very reasonable. 3x N. 17th st. o.fl 14TH Three roonis furnished for house keeping; nice yard ; walking distance. MAIN, cor. 12th.. furnished housekeeping rooms, 7 per month and up; central. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms; right downtown. Only 2. 2 60 :il. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. furnished. 207 Sherman st. Phone Main 4.'i24. IiVKI-Y suite of housekeeping rooms In mod ern Hat; reasonable. 2o8 llth st. FOUR clean unfurnished roonis for house keeping Jt 666 Washington st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $2. So a week and up 4i:2 Stark st.. cor. 12th. 2 LAR.GE furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate hath. ;I4 Union av, N. HOUSEKEEPING suites. Just two left. Tas Cadillac. 3d and Columbia. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 14d 13th, bet. Morrison and Alder. ,S weji-f urn i shed housekeeping rooma with 9 beds. i-ll Park st. - NK"ELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. -L ,L FOR R F NT 3 modern housekeeping rooms, 7;iV Raielgh st. UXFURNUsHED room- 446 Washington st.