THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 12, 1908. 5 ' IN SPRING NATURE CREATES ANEW IN FIELD AND FORESTWHAT MORE FITTING TIME TO ARRAY ONE'S SELF IN SUITABLE APPAREL AND REFLECT THE JOYS OF LIFE IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON ASK T7 TT TT MxiLi Mi LEADING CLOTHIER APPAREL FOR MEN AND BOYS SUITABLE FOR THIS JOYOUS SEASON IN UNSTINTED VARIETIES STYLES TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS PRICED TO FIT MODEST PURSES FAMOUS FEAST OF JEWS rASSOVEIt WILL BK OIISI-UVKU THIS WKKR. erlcr in Monies ami s iiimogues of Portland Will He Held on Wednesday and Thursday. At fundonn uu Wednesday there will oi'iimiMn tlie' most ruinous religious feast tliMt the world bus ever known, the cele bration of the Passover. The Jews all over the world will observe t he feast with the Intoning of ihe ritual of that occasion and the Patella! meal. This Paschal meal, famous the world over, is the great religious feast whieh Jesu Is supposed to have been celebrating whn taken by the Roman legionaries. The Passover Is celebrated for one week aa a season when only unleavened bread i.s eaten In memory of the hasty provisions made in the hurried flight- from Egypt. It Is essentially the feast of freedom and is called the "Watchnight of the internal." The feast Is prescribed in the lth chapter of Kxodils and was a national feast of the Israelites until the destruc tion of the Temple on Mount Zion. On the occasion of the Passoer pilgrims flocked to the Holy, City from near and far. bringing from Htranse lamis the de votion of a people and renewing; at each recurrence of the feast the hope thut next year the Messiah would arise to lead them back to their happiness. Amongst the Jews the Passover is the trnie for the rccominii of the Messiah, for the reappearance of Elijah and the proclamation of the millennium. Even now a seat is left at the table of the Paschal feat for the entertainment of Elijah should he com. The observance here In Portland S3 well as all over the world will be by ihe ritual prayers In the synagogues, the ceieoranon or tlie Paschal meal and the eating of unleavened bread. At Temple Beth Israel the Wednesday night service commences at o'clock and the Thurs day morning service at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon on Thursday morning will be The Walchnlght and the Watchers." while the music will be the special holi day service under the leadership of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer. Strangers of all creeds will he welcome. CHRISTENS MANY BABIES Itcv. Jrnkin Lloyd Jones Completes Trip Through West. CHICAGO. April 11. t Special.) Rev. Jenkln Uoyd Jones is back in town from a baby-t'hristenlng, address-delivering, slum-investigating. warship-denouncing trip extending over 7470 miles. The head of the Abraham Lincoln center left Chi cago March 1 and arrived home Friday. He delivered 43 addresses in 40 days, and declared tonight that he was ridiculously free from fatigue. "I christened four babies on my jour ney. The mothers were Chicago girls. One mother. Mrs. Dole, of Portland, who was Miss Miriam Dryer, of Chicago, had saved up three babies, waiting for me. I christened Mrs. Dole. 1 married her. she was a member of my confirmation class and now I've christened three of her children." GOLD BURIED 26 YEARS HOISEMOVEBS MAKE FIND 01 $1120 IX COIX. Man Distrustful of Banks Hides His Money In -Ground Flood Comes and It Is Lost Till Now. PKNDT.ETON. Or.. "April 11. (Spe cial.) After having been buried and lost for 26 years a tin box containing $1120 In gold coin was unearthed last Wednesday afternoon by housemovers. Jim Jacobs, an aged resident of this vicinity, is the man who buried the money in his yard, being distrustful of banks. The biggest flood ever seen by white men in the Umatilla River occurred 26 years ago before the levee was con structed and the entire town was in undated. When the waters went down Jacobs could not find his money. When the house was being moved Wednesday, Tom Johnson, a young laborer, found the box. He said nothing about It at the time, but pro ceeded to buy champagne by the case for hfs friends that night and. while under the influence of liquor, boasted that he had found that amount of money. He now denies having found it. but as he blew in at least $2-?0 that night and has had more money recently than he was ever known to RECEIVES NEWS IN VISION have had before the officers and Mr. Jacobs are satisfied that he did find it. DECKHAND IS MISSING iay Jiave i alien uveroourtt Klver MRS. JOHN ItOACH STRATON' Being Dragged. HAS KEMARKABLE DKEAM. Northwest,' after spending six weeks in the Oregon city last Summer, when he occupied the pulpit of the White Temple for Dr.. J. Whitcomb Brough er, during the latter's vacation. KELSO. Wash., April 11. (Special.) Arthur Pseherer. familiarly known as "Kelso." & deckhand on the steamer Chester, is missing, and his friends are apprehensive that he has fallen over board into the Cowlitz River. Pseherer was seen by the night watchman of the steamer Kellogg about 1 o'clock this morning crossing the deck of the Kellogg going to his own vessel. Since then no one has seen him. All his clothes and effects were left on the Chester. This afternoon river men are dragging the Cowlitz in an endeavor to recover the body, the prevailing impression being that the missing man fell overboard. Funeral of Captain Du Bois. The funeral of Captain Charles E. Du Bols. Civil War veteran and former Portland business man. who died at Astoria, April 8. was held from inn ley's Chapel yesterday afternoon a.t 2:30 o'clock. The services at the chapel were un der the auspices of the George Wright Post G. A. R-, the funeral sermon be ing delivered by Rev. Henry Barden, post chaplain. The services at Green wood Cemetery were conducted by Harmony Lodge No. 12. A. F. and A. M. Representatives of the G. A. R. and M asonic fraternity acted as pallbearers. Music was furnished by member of the Women's ielief Corps. The funeral was largely attended. Sees Judges in Prize Slory Contest at Work and Hears Her Hus band Declared Vielor. CHICAGO. April 11. (Special.) Rev. John Roach Straton. formerly pastor of the Second Baptist Church, on Morgan and Monroe streets, has come to believe that perhaps, after all, there is "something' in dreams," since he received word that he had won the first prize for the best article on Port land, Oregon, offered by the Portland Commercial Club. At breakfast Wed nesday morning- at his home in Balti more, where the former Chicago min ister is now pastor of the Heventh Baptist Church, Mrs, Straton told her husband of a dream she had the night before. In It she saw several men sit ting: around a table examining; articles on Portland. There was considerable discussion, after which she heard one of the men say: "The capital prize groes to John Roach Straton." Mr. Straton laughed at his wife's dream, considering it a joke, until later in the day. when a telegram came, which read: "tou win the capital prize. Sineer esfc congratulations. The Portland Commercial Club." Mr. Straton wrote his article on Portland", "The Zenith City of tho RIHORN HELD FOR BIGAMY Wives Compare Notes and Husband's Arrest. Follows. William P. Rihorn, late of Ohio, Is in the County Jail because of being a disci ple of Brigham Young to the extent of having two wives. He was arrested at Tillamook, whither he had fled after becoming- aware of the fact that his Port land wife had learned of tile existence of a wife in Ohio. Under the name of William P. Williams, Rihorn won the affections and hand of Annie Sanderson. She chanced to get hold of letters from the Ohio wife, struck up a correspondence with that lady and they decided to have the fickle Don Juan arrested. The Portland wife first secured Rihorn's arrest for failing to support her, and later secured the bigamy charge. Un able to supply bail In the sum of 11730, Rihorn went to the County Jail yesterday forenoon.' He will have a hearing before Municipal Judge Cameron on Modnay, Prior to his flight, Rihorn had a realty office in the Alisky building:. the table, in front of them. They wtra taken to the police station, where they secured their release on ball. Williams admitted that he was proprietor of th room. Investigation by the police showed that he had rented the room only yester day morning and had stocked the place with cards and other accessories of the-game. EASTER DECORATIONS. An attractive and varied collection of Kastcr Tissue Bells and Tissue Hgs to select from at Gill's, Third and Alder streets. Metzger. leweler. optician. '2 Wash. A Smell Affair Itaid .Game on First Street. Detectives Kay and Smith raided a gambling-room at the lodging-house at SOs First street at 10:30 o'clock last night and arrested W.. E. Williams, James Wil son and Joseph King, who were found playing a game of poker and had J 13. 55 on Toothache Gum Stops any toothache. Prevents fur thrr decay. Does not melt lathe mouth. Its whole trength teretalaed and goes right to the spot. There are imitation. See that yon get Deaf Toot (law. Telle LL At all draft-giit. II cnt, or by tnalL Dent's Corn Gnm Emrur4 C. t. DENT CO., OttraH. Midi. I