The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 12, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 23

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DEVLIN FiRr.!ur.;n,
.'-. hwetland HuHdtng
We have the mot complete Ut of ho
le's and rojmlnc-hnu in the city ; if
ou ere In t he mai ket ca H and inspect
am; w-e can save you monev
n rwimi. 1'ririly modern, comer bH-y.
clgan.y furnished, hot and cold water
and telephone in every rcw.m : ve-y rea
sonable rent and long be
monev. maker In the city; positively rr
tng $jl0 per month- rail for partlculara.
rtomi. elegantly furnished with Ai
minster carpets, a. o and mhofny
furaiture; hot and cold pjnnln wht to
rooms, iim hen es end electricity, 3
years lease at $.K0 per month; this wm
furnished a few vftri u at a coat of
s" i s a a monv-mskfr and a Ms
bargain for $75O0: easy irrmi.
44 rooms, elegantly furnished with best
grane of ranti and i. o rurnnurr,
ftartly arranged f-T housekeeping ;
rtc lights and modrrn arrangements; ab-
l utI v Ihf mat desirable cl-tn b
tion In Portland, ricurtnt ?AO per month
K.n xienn: rent only f ' per month
with Ions lease: pf'-'e and I'lmi at IT tea.
1 mom mf rtfrn brie building, bean
tlfiilly rurnished. Including piano; hot and
old running wet-r in eery room, elec
tric llchta tind warn heat; ra tetter lo
mlloii In the rty; x years' lease ; clear
In :usi per month net; thla in the beet
a;ue m town at the -rice asked; $4500,
17 room, fie, clop ln. corner location;
eu rumtsnrq: 1'irnae neat ana n
jnny mom, very low rent, with food
ini m . clearing per month net
pi t-: $1:100.
0-RocM SVP.
lO-room nous, beautiful local tort, oi
1 tt i ft., near Jefferson, furnished
snd tilflv arnmtrd in boueekeeplp g
apartment: on account of taking larrer
hMi owrnr w II l He I) at Mrin ; rent
only t;ti per montii : clearing per
On a of tha hert little t-rornn houses in
town; splendid locjttlon; mahogany and
furniture, or ererts ano rur
furnac haat. porcelain bath ; rent only
9 per month; price $1V cash and bal-
aiirfl in montniy pavmrnm.
50N.5in Swetland Building.
V'H will buy or sell the following stocks:
iii'hh i-etroo-um ana i ori.
tn.m Atmeda 'niiMoltriated.
t Ainrrlmn Telegraphone at a nnan.
11.0' mi B. C. A m al h ni a t ed foal, t W e
THni IT.)
1-.VHM Butte Boya ion. (Make a bli1.
2.V1 Comstock Joldn Oaie. tWa want
r"rt Kldellty Copper at a nap.
He ran make a pedal nrlre on Mam
moth. Morning and Oriole; alao telephone
vonne una atu-ki.
He hve b demand for American Wheal
A Veht'Me.
tH AMngton Bidg.
We tM more rfomliig-hoieB and hoteig
thin month than ever, be?tje we ha-1 the
bu vera and the gnoda to deliver, and a
mill have vme dandy money-makem If t ;
from i to x nmn; come In and e will
t II you about tlim.
417-418 Corbett bldg.
7 room flat, the flnent of furnishing!',
Q.-S. oak and maple, well davenport, and
beautiful rug; rent only frciVO, with two
rooina rented for $:t3.
' 1 l BTZ - M L' Kt -L.FR PO
417 and 41K Curbett.
$4,'SO for a ewell. very centrally lo
cated rooming-house, clearing over $2?0 a
month; caah neceaaury. Tou will
like It when you aee it. Have lower and
higher priced houses. If you want a good
one, call.
K. FVCHS, 221 H Morrison St.
A BUSINESS chanca of a lifetime. The
National Advertising t'trar l', hust
lerw in towns of &ooo can clear 3iN)0
nnuually. Notblnr to sell, we rent you
the machines and furnish pln. Write
today National Device Company., Uept.
1., Kalamacoo. Mich.
Tirt rooms, well furnished, at earn heat,
price $1HH.
17 rooms. In brick building;, clears $130
per month; lw, part down.
Room lO, 142 H Second Htreet.
We are forming a syndicate on fine
proposition; units of llOOO each; will pajr
money bark and per cent Inelde year.
Chamber Commerce bldg.
ItF.l.l ABL.Q real estate firm must have bright
man who can show real estate and busi
ness deals, as partner; am alone, must
get some one at once; experience not nec
essary; can make $'0 to $;tt)0 per month.
:iS4Ht WaahiiiKtou si., room 14.
WANTED To lease & placer mine and to
have some one look Into the inducements
to establish a grocery store, hotel and
blacksmith shop at Hanover, near the
North Pole Mill; splendid opportunity.
Address E. ft. McCoonai.
WANTED Offica man and err vices, with
700 to Invest, to take a half Interest
with a lawyer In an olditabl1ithed busi
ness; monthly salary of $100 and one
httlf pro tits; references required. N SU4,
RF31.TABUR real eMate man wants a steady.
-ober partner; exiwrience not necessary, as
he can soon teach you tha business, and lit
tle money required, .be will guarantee vou
at least $130 a month. Particulars 248
stark M.
POM W ONH w ith scrivesj and alxut $ir00 to
buy out my partner: business established
and paying sioo weekly above ertpeneos
can bo easily increased; only reliable par
Una apply. X 900, Oreeonlan.
RUTTKR. egg and produce store: $0."O will
secure half interest snd pay rou JlOO
month salary, also good profits everj- 6
months: experience not necesFary; you must
act cuick to get u, cait tark st.
S GOOD proposition, a position w'th each
one. wm cost you sivu, s.iw re
Room 8, RSH Third. Pacific lT5d A 2S5S.
RBAI. ESTATE dealer ban more work than
ha can attend to alone: will tnke partner to
shvw land, etc., and guarantee him $!W
per montn; experi"ii.- 3 not neceasr. c
room 402. 102 H 2d l.
PARTNKR wanted for a cash store with $R0
dai 1 y sales ; as t he mi n is w anted mors
than his money owner will accept part cawh
and lt you pay balance from tha profit a
tll 24$ S Stark st.
A FEW dollars wilt start a prosperous mail
order business; we furnish catalogues and
everything necessary; by our easy method
failure Impossible. Mllbura-Hlcks. Chi
cago. STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, in
dustrial or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Addre full
particulars. Clientele, p. O. box 208, New
PARTNF.R wanted to work In restaurant as
caviller, etc.: wttl pay you $4 a day snd
board: $400 required: secured: experience un
nece.ajy. Call 24tH Stark st.
FOR SALE Grocery In rood location,
clean stock, doing good bustness; investi
gate f yen want something first-class.
Address J Oregonlan.
$300 BUYS up-to-date hardware stock,
main business street. Ka?t Side, good coun
try trade: 111 health cause of selling. Ad
dress O T7. OigonUn.
M l-.N with small capital make big profits
handling home territory for large 1-cent
vend in if com par v. Address Union Cash
Nin Co.. Hobaken, N. J.
FINELY located butcher shop can be had
at low rent ; tools for sul by owner,
who will show the business done. Address
O 7. Oregonlan.
WNT to Invest $1000 In legitimate busi
ness, any kind, with services: must show
up good. Writs particulars. L 78A, ore
gonlan. SToRAOB snd transfer; steady partner
wanted- pas you good miary and big
prxHts: money securvd. Call Stark st.
PHYSICIANS, druggists, dentists' exchange
Properties and practice bought, sold, ea
changtid. Itf.Vt Stout St., Denver. Colo.
to ROOM rooming-house. $1000; good location:
low rent: owner leaving city. Particulars
42 Lumber Exchange. 1024 2d st.
WOOD business; location perfect and active
man will clear $ is i a n 1 on t h ; abou t $7 AO
required Call 2M-, Stark st.
Ft'R SALE California grcery and crockery
store: muct leave city; will eell cheap; sales
d.tlly about $40. txM 1st st.
WOULD like to buy business in the city;
har a few thousand dollars. x 800.
1 II WE S0iO to .Ts snd services to invest
It. some legitimate business. J T02. Ore
gonlan. 1HMVN TOWN ground-tloor real estate of
tive for siuall sum of $130. X Tttl. Ore-aV&ia&K
buhif.m CHANCES
417 and 41 Corbett Mdg. Phone Main 1.1.
Notice t hfs list comprtfsi some VERT
ATXU4,rTlVB BUYS, either to keep or
apecula!e on. Remember we have the
larg'-'t lt in the city to select from, and
at ins very lowest prtc.
10 rooms on IL'th at near UnrrlMtn
Ppiendid location for renting rooms and
Is always a money maker. Thre Is a
chance to clear up $300 or $400 here In
inun nine. rnce ..
17 rooms, right down town. Rent only
so par month Furnace hau running
" 1 ' mn or the rooms. AH white
run- pair mattressea Can you be4 tht
-O room a. bet nan nr u-ihlMrtnn at
rent SHnj: 2-year lease; very nicely fur
Dished and clears up every month, above
all expenses, li'jft; Jtooo cash bandies
i nee si'n.
-n rooms, new corner building, strictly
ynoaern. elegantly furnished, located en
vtasninfton St. 7hlS la wlthnnt ilnnhl
the bwt buy In the clry. Furnlahlngs axe
mtw wno etrrani. t'nee s jni o.
ti nice large sunny rooms, one bTocie
i-rm i orxiana Hotel FLEflANTLT FUR
Jn'IHHED and Jut a aa It can be.
This IS the VERT BEST 11-room houa
in the city. Clears abovs all expenses $40
a rooms on Main st . flne location for
renting rooms, beauttriilly furnished and
an elegsnt house. Rent 4X and a a-ood
modern hons--. If you want a amall house
yon cannot do better than buy thla Trice
12 rooms, all high-grade furnishings,
with beautiful large lan and the very
crram ox ligation. It cost 'to furnish this
h-mee about $1200. On account of leaving
ne cuy wm sac ri nee for xiuoo.- Be aurs
ano nee it.
The above list are all good buys BT7T If
you wish a large houso we have them up
to SOO rooms. w also have one of the
leaning hotels m the city for leaae July
1. unfurnished. Private baths, hot and
cold watt r In all rooms. Can ive you a
J1T and 18 Corbett Bldg. li. lo. A 1663.
Center of -manufacturing district in
Vancouver. Wash., suitable for planing,
sash and door factory: 3-year lease f lease
worth the money askedk. Iron roof build
ing, large electric motor, rip saw, planer
lino shaft for same, pulliee, belting and
other machinery at coat; rent $43 par
jiiuiiin, cawn taKes n.
BluS Pirn, M0 Washington at.,
Vancouver. Wash.
FOR PALE Rooming-heuse rooms, good
office, on main floor, lease for thre
years, right in center of Portland, $10.,1M
mi oj TMrniiure in nouse. win sell for
$OOio. $tWHM cash, balance without inter
est; if you are looking for a business
proposition Tnai win pay you large inter
est on your Investment, look this up,
this is a chan- of a lifetime.
Blue sign. M0 Wa-hington St.,
Vancouver, Wash.
For a lady, noat, clean manufacturing
i-upiiirrn, sninc oi woman e apimxci m gen
eral vje; profits 4"0 per cent; business well
nsianiinnea ana paying iioo to SI&O a month;
only buslnem of its kind in Portland; price.
fwvi vnuri iiiupi go HrflSl,
1 Merchants Trust Bldg.,
SH Washington St., S. W. cor. 6th St.
BAKLitr. ice cream and confectionery, lo-
caiea in town or aatxt; good farming com
munity and center logging industry; onijr
business of kind and very profitable ; lo
rmt, leae and up-to-date fixtures; owners
rvunng on account of age.
Ablngton bldg.
WILI exchange corner lot and 7-room bunga
low, corner E. lh and Park ave., bringing
Income of $ld per month, valued at $22&o,
for stock of Mammoth Silver. Lead, M. A
p. .o., or juorning Mining Co.
3H7-339 Chamber oi Commerce.
18-ROOM house, flne furniture, $1300.
-W-room house, part housekeeping, 1 750.
22 rooms, one floor. $0t rent. $1100.
7 room, central, transient, $IOtM.
11-room house, very central. $fw.
i -room house, quick sale. $23fi.
HATFIKLO A SMITH, 106V 4th st.
WA NTEI A good business men with from
WW to iu,tNj cash in a manufacturing
proposition that will pay so per cent; noth
ing but principal and successful business
men need apply. Address with full par
ticulars, X sol, Oregon lan
W1IL. sell at sacrifice 1000 shares Champion
Oroup Mining Company's stock; this com
pany Is not idling stock now; It has Just
made a good copper find. I am orry to
sell but need the money; make me an offer.
J 707, Oregon ian.
Out-of-town party wants to buy swell
rooming-house of 15 to 3 rooms. Write.
? giving price, location, rent and terms of
lease. M oregonisn.
FOR SALE One of the best candy stores
in tne cuy; win sen on terms to uit
buyer; will have to leave this fine propo
sition on account of sickness. B
MAN with services, from 20oO to S500O.
take active part In feed snd manufacturing
businem, established, either office or me
chanical department. C 7&1, Oregonlan.
MUST sell at once, furniture of -room
house, at 801 Yamhill st.; everything new;
will sell regardless of cost. See owner
from 12 to P. M. Sunday, at house.
HAVE you $20 to $o00 to Invest In a safe,
legitimate business proposition that will
snand investigation? If so, re-iy to this
advertisement. Address J 706, Oregon iau.
GENERAL merchandise In large suburb, do
ing $0 per day; price Invoice $32o0v on
terms. This store has been running over
2o years. Hall ft Co.. Concord bldg.
FOR SALK Orocery stock and fixtures do
ing a good business. Owner wants to get
back on ranch. All new, five living rooms,
thru years' lease. B 772, Oregonlan.
BARGAIN Fins furniture of 7-rooms, $400;
rent $25; Income of 4 room $40; $loo down,
balance easy: 4250 down handles good 12
room house with lease. 85 6th st. .
GROCERY store fine location, doing over
$100 business per day, for sale, or would
exchange for house and lot, if. E. Lee,
411 Corbett bldg.
WB sell when others want to buy; we buy
when others want to sell. For business
chances, stores, etc., gee Shafer, 424 Lai ru
ber Exchange.
MAN with $:-M forhalf interest established
advertising newspaper; rare opportunity for
a safe Investment. Call 426 Lumber Ex
change. NEW men's clothing- store, center of city.
$18,000 ttock: bargain If sold soon; thesnap
of the season. Shafer, 426 Lumber Kx
change. PARTNER wanted to take Interest In well
established real estate business.; will stand
closest investigation. Particulars 318 Allsky
3-ROOM hotel on Washlnfrton at., clearing
$41 monthly. Owner must sell on account
of sickness. 219 Lumber Exchange bldg.
PARTNER wanted to take half Interest In
' coffee house: No. 1 location; If taken "In 8
days will sell for $225. 818 Allsky bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 2ft rooms, modern,
new furniture; three-years' lease; three
blocks from P. O. S 701, Oregonlan.
CIGAR STORE, fruit, confectionery, soft
drink. With living rooms: chep rent, with
lease. Call 504 Wash. t. No agents.
PARTNER wranted In business that is more
than 1 can handle; $o00 required: a good,
sound proposition. K. 733, Oregonlan.
CHANCE of a lifetime; 100 rooms, partly fur
nished; cneap rent: lease; sumo bandlea it.
Call early, room 610 Oregonlan bldg.
HOT ELK BKPERS wishing location, fine mod
ern building. cneap rent to right, party,
call 610 Northrup St., city.
PARTNER wanted to take half Interest la
upholstering business; snap for right party.
$2&o. 31b Allsky bldg.
HAVE 50 share United Wire! preferred
stock; will trade for real estate. Box 4,
FOR SALE Salc-on. main business street,
first-class; party leaving city. O 7S6. Ore
gonlan. MODERN hotel, strictly transient;
full: a bargain tt taken at once.
A ISo.
ll-ROOM elegsnt furnished transient house
with piano, $2000 cah, Puone A 2116; no
s;en ts.
FOR full information on the possibilities of
wireless write to I3 t'oroett Plug., "rt
Und. WANTED A small rooming-house In good
condition: cssn. 1-: Oregon jan.
BAKERY Wsnted to buy a bakery In coun-
U jr. or iouauoa xor see. u IVI, oregoniafi
CONTRACTOR will take a partner to take
cx-ge of oATlr-s and collations; will guar
antee salary of $2uo monthly.
Manufactory, doing at business of $4vw
yearly, ao competition; piaca for two acttvs
Restaurant, firmly equipped, sirring 1W
dally; centrally located. Call and gt
Drugstore of IS years' standing; owner
sick and must sell; will Invoice.
Cash bus-mews clearing $0 mmthly: Will
sell at Invoice and trade for city property.
Contractor and builder wants first -class
carpenter as foreman; will pay top wage.
Partner for packing plant ; experienced
man; will In rem equal s mount of money
and give services snd beat of reference.
Reliable experienced man wants partner
In manufacturing business: will show 300
monthly clear; money fully aecured.
8 mall can business: owner responsible
and wilt guarantee 2S weekly; must be
sober and reliable; $300 required.
faloon. ftrst-claas) in every respect : net
ting $400 monthly; will show you; $20O re
Boom 63 T Corbett bldg., &th and Morrison.
PORTLAND. Or. April 11. 11MM. Contrset
or superintendent, elvtl engineer, for the
past seven years in full, responsible charge
of tha construction of three of the largest
bydro-electna power dams and irrigation
projects In the South. Middle States snd
Rockr Mountains, accustomed to salary
of $3000 to $40o a year and having rom-
fiiete field and office equipment, the ft-owlng-
of cspable ssststant and some
capital, deetree connection with some re.
sponsible established engineering-construction
firm, eltheV on basis of salary or
share of business, to tskc charge of mu
nicipal and suburban contracts or super
Intend large hydraulic construction, at
any po'nt onr the pacific Slope. Would
S refer Joining real estate man with es
Lhttshed office and moderate capital who
would undertake ths office work for engineering-contracting
business. Will ex
change nst of references from firms In
Fast, Middle States, far West snd U. .
Army offices. r N4, Oregonlan.
Tift Chanber of Commerce. Pacific 2758.
We have businesses of all kinds for sate
In Portland snd through the country: we
have a large list of hotels, general store ,
groceries, meat markets, drugstores1, baker
ies, . cigar and confectionery stores, hard
ware, reertaurant. newspapers, etc. R' HOMING-HOUSES,
we have the largest list in
the city: It Is open for ynur Inspection.
12 rooms, well furnished and arranged
for housekeeping; splendid location with
in X blocks of P. O., rent $40; place
clears $4A per month above all expenses
and gives free rent to owner; price itioO,
$ri". cash and balance monthly Install
ments; come early Monaay morning If
you want this.
ftOft-.vm Mwetland Building.
A swell 7-room flat, ground floor, furnished
new two months ago; five fine be tie, beauti
ful oak furniture, dishes, linen, etc. ; rent
$40; flne rooms rented for $76 and $3.ri0 will
place you. and all the time you want on bal.
417-418 Corbett bldg.
g,-,000 Country store In beautiful Valley
town, clearing $3uOO a year; nothing bet
ter In Oregon.
gUoOO Blacksmith shop, with CM4 acres
of land, close to Portlund : all buildings
and tools: doinr hlr business: location un
.surpassed; good, terms given to right
F. FUCH8. 321 H Morrison St.
HARNESS SHOP Old-established trade,
Willamette Valley town of 5000 and large
agricultural country; owner too old to
work, will sell at Invoice; stock new and
up to flnte; lost years du sin era .")';
can be Increased by active party; a rare
opportunity; $2100 cash will handle It.
W. M. LUi'LAN.
407 Rothchild Bldg., 4th and Washington.
BFT located saloon In the city doing -an
average business) of $.W to $h a day; over
four years' leae; corner, within 2 blocks of
Third snd Morrison; net rent only a: k you
want a saloon this cannot be beat and muM
go this week, ss the owner i retiring from
business, xiv Lumber i&xcnange mag.
Tha Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1803 furnishes free Information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
304-20 Ablngton Bldg.
BUSINESS CHANCE If you have $50,000
spot cash and want to get your money
back and $10,000 profit. Inside of six
months, answer. R 779, Oregonlan.
GENERAL store in aood town and rood
farming district : owine to death . will si-Jl
for 70 cents on the dollar; did last year
over tov.'KNj worth of business.
718 Chamber of Commerce.
SOLID store business; owner can't oVpend
on hired help and wants a steady, honest
partner; bank references given you with
guarantee of at least $l0 a month. $lfu0
required; secured. Call 248 "4 Stark st.
$4M) for a restaurant which clears over
S3O0 a month; closest investigation o-
iicitea to prove trie trutn.
F FTTCHS, 221 H Morrison St.
OROCFIRY store for sale; bargsln; good trade
established; an clean., new stock; wm in
voice about $So0: living rooms over store;
low rent; must sell st once; good reason
1 or setting. 1 ko, uregonian.
8PKCIA.I- Office man. with $J00, enn secure
interest in a solid buslnera as partner that
will pay you at least $-"K a mouth; open
to your fullest Investigation. Particulars
Z4SH Stark st.
CIGAR and fruit stand, host location In the
city, doing a dally business of $40; on ac
count of sickness will sell at one-half Its
value; three years' lease. 210 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
GROCERY store; best location In city; will
ciear xiou per montn; an cash trade, no,
ocuvrrj; wrvouri iot quics: saie; win matte
terms; living rooms; investigate today. 100
BUSINESS CHANCES Don't let your money
ce luie; mane it work whtie. you sleep. See
Chamber Commerce bldg.
WANTED .Man with services and $10,000 to
30.ouu to unrest, to taxe interest, up to
one-half. In established business; refer
ence exchanged, c 626, oregonlan.
WANTED Bright, energetic youn man to
take nair interest in old-established ground
floor real estate office; little money required.
Particulars addreew Y 703, Oregonlan.
WANT several responsible parties to take
snares in big Mood Kiver orchard proposi
tion. This Is a chance to operate . your
smau capjiai. 1 1 10. Oregon 1 an.
10 PER CBNT public utility stock cheap.
760, Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN would meet lady matrimonially
inclined; no objections to being poor; con
fidential. T 782, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN, 3K, good habits, .w tones tc
meet working girl or widow: object matri
mony. P. O. Rox 360. city.
YOU NO woman desires corre.pondcn ce with
gent J oman from Eastern Oregon; object mat
rimony. B 701, Oregonlan.
LIQUOR, a rug and tobaoco addictions cured
by reputable physician. For appointment
address M AOS. Oregonlan.
REFINED young lady wishes to meet gentle
man about 30. Object matrimony. Address
N 810, care Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED worklngman would like
to meet suitable lady ; object matrimony.
H TtkV Orecontan.
S3 17th ST., north of Washington, beautiful
large corner room; well furnished, modern;
bath adjoining.
REFINED business lady, 8, worth $10,000.
would marry. F-box 35, Corr. League.
Toledo, Ohio.
GENTLEMAN, a mechanic. 45, with a good
home, wants' a wife. Address T 777, Ore
gon tan.
MADAM BRUCE, electrical massage and
scalp treatment. 2SO 7th st. Phone A
3904. ,
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hatr removed.
Mrs. M. P. Hill. 830 Fltedner bldg. Pac. Li
JUST opened dermatology parlors; expert
chiropodist, ttoom 1, 281, Alder st- VaMuL
DR8. ATWOOD: wrlvats hospital: maternity
cases, good care; terms right. Ad. Allsky b.
LADY'S barber shop, hair cutting 25c, man
icuriaf and taca massage. 10 ttmawldi
I'KAK'P II AIR i; ROWER will start
your HAIR to At ROW in one Week or stop
our HAIR from FALLINO OUT. snd is
the first preparation In the world that
ever did this. a ;w-cent trial will cud
vine the most skeptical. Dr. li A.
Townsend. one of our noted specialists,
win be located permanently in Portland.
Call and hlra i nlay Examination
snd advlee free Tht Peak Mfg. Co..
Portland office, 617 Dekurn bldg. A
snd Main
If you do not live In Portlsnd send 50
cents to The peak Mig. Co. s head office.
Cleveland. Ohio, and receive it by mail
prepaid (no free samp lest.
L. I. WURKAU Secret detrtive work : we
tnnce and locate wilnes8, iK all legttimnta
line of work required by the kgai profre
eion snd others. We ser subpenas in
the absence of the Cimtabies. srve com
plaints, eic, gather evi-ien-e ari Inter
view w It n-sees in suits for t1tvre and In
a!i other actions and milt. To this end wo
guarantee to renoVr nil service with abso
lute ecrey and without unne.- unary ex
pens. Phones A 242S, Main o5. Room
10. 245H Morrison st.
MARRIAGEABLE ladles and gentlemen, all
ifs, want correspondents; many wealthy.
v liy uve alone 7 s- nrt u Mr isiiver
tuainps) for complete names and ad-dres-e
of either se eo you cau write
direct without further charges. Your
money refunded If dissatlsfled. fiiiwr an
te uureau, Bog zxoi. Portland. Or.
GENTLEMAN, S7 years old, working on
salary, would like lo meet a lidy: objet.
matrimony; one that is willing to settle
down and belp make a comfortable home;
trlflers snd Just-for-fun seekers pleas do
"Wl n-w-r. Aaaress k iw, oregonmn
UlTP pressed while you wall. Ve. To visitors
vr roriianu note is and to public at large;
Suits prestwd at 5c at Ollbert. the tailor's.
6 Bth oH., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies
skirts pressed, iwc. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4UA4.
Is again back In her business office. SoOV
Morrison St.. where she will be pleased to
aes ber patients, both old and new. Room
10. Phone Main 4&2L, A 1044. Residence
phone 7320.
LIFE is worth living when your nerves are
strong ; Sexln Pills make them strong ;
$1 a box. A for $5; full guarantee. Address
or csll The J. A. Clemonson Drug Co.,
cor. d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or.
THHJ Rough-Dry Laundry Is now In opera
tion snd ready for all classes of work;
bundles called for and promptly delivered,
at mokrate prices. Fairmont Hotel, 2oth
and UiMihur st. Phone Main 2217.
LADIIS8 Ask your druggist for Chichester's
Diamond Brand Pllla For 23 years known
as ths best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Fills
Sold by druggists everywhere.
ATTENTION Superfluous hnlr, moles, etc.,
removed by electric needle. Ksiabllshed
I H; physicians' references ; lady opera
tor; parlors 170 Tenth St., near Mor
rison. Phone Main 6207.
WOULD you marry if suited? Matrimonial
paper, con tst nine advertisements mm
riaxeable people, many rich, from all sec
tions, mailed, scaled, free. O. M. Gun
nels, Toledo, O.
MARRY Best plsm on earth; Nothing like
It. Photo of every lady member published
with description. Many beautiful, wealthy,
etc. Act quick. The Pilot, Dept. 107,
Marshall, Mich.
YOU MAY HAVE perfect nerves by using
Sextne Pills. $1 a box, 6 for ". full guar
antee. Address or call The J. A. Ciem
enson Drug Co., oor. 2d and Yamhill sts.,
Portland, or.
MAKK1AUE paper; send 20c for btg list of
names; ladies Join free; gents 20c; send
description; confidential. Address C. M.
Fowler, .112 3d St., Portland, Or. Phone
Main 17M.
DHBSS suits for rent, sit sizes; $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, preswid, buttons
suwed on, rips eewed. i'rompt call? and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., Soft Stark.
DR SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills. sure remedy for delayed
periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr.
Pierce. 181 1st sL Pbons Main lim5.
DON'T marry until you have your friend's
charlcter told' from their handwrltlhg;
send specimen and 12 cents to Gordon
Gordon, Hyde Park. Camden, N- J.
PERSONS of marriageable ape, either sex.
desiring acquaintance or companion, send
10c for circular. Portland Introducing
Bureau. 1M 1st st. Main 10U5.
GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A. W.
Schmale Co.. 220 First st
CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club, for
honest, sober, single people, fnilv of age.
Call or adress Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 400 3d
et. near Harrison. S car.
LOST powers restored by tbe great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Writs
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri
son sU. bet. 1st and 2d.
CHEAPER than ready-to-wear misfits
Ladles' tailored suits and waists; prices
reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. The
Kpencer Co., 125.10th.
DON'T be lonesome Send 10 cents for
April Matrimonial Register. Join Interstate
introducing society. Lnder new manage
ment. Hox 251, Seattle.
DR. T. J. PIERCE cures all nervous snd
private diseases of men quicker and
cheaper than others. lall or write. Of
fice lblH First st.
GENTLEMAN with mean, t ranger in city. to meet a catnoilc lady under
years: object matrimony. Address Hox 120,
tt. junn, or.
WILL the lady who lived on North Union
st. and signed papens for Amos BrariMiaw,
In Septrmber, ltHKi, answer this ad? Phone
Pac. 1742.
HONORABLE man. good hnhits, owning
nome, warns nouscKeepcr ana companion;
ooject, matrimony; no irixiers. u Uj,
MAKRY wealth and beauty. Marriage di
rectory, free. Pay when married; no
plan. H. A. Horton, Dept. SI, Tekonsha
DAINTY people use Bversweet ; It prevents
1 ooor 01 perspiration ; .o a jar, all
arugglsts, or J. A. Cleinenson Drug Co.
Mme. Courtwright, skis ana scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
V2& FUedner, bldg. M. C042. A 2O08.
LADY desiring to travel would like to hear
from lady who wishes to do likewise. For
particulars auuress u too, Oregonlan.
MARRIED LADIES The Perfection Safety
Hi -Brace is what you want. Mrs. F. M.
Merrill, ttlsbee. Ariz. Hox
MRS. OB ROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream massage; referencsa.
282 H Park. Main 2403, A2734.
WANTED Lady to go In with me to buy
10 or 20 acres for platting; have some
thing good. L 794, Oregonlan.
PILES CURED without operation by a well
iiiiiiiipueu pnysician. uoi xjv, city.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 34
-ast 13th st. North. Phone E 4034.
WANTED Bad case of piles that Hemlock
naive cannot cure; all druggists.
FACE mussage, etc., at residence.
LOST Yearling colt; halter on; neighbor-
nooo Alberta and l nion ave.; reward. P.
Dolan. 1310 13th st. North, near Wygant.
LOST Saturday evening, on Washington at..
iany s black leather belt, long buckle on
back. Finder please phone Main 5115.
LOST Between Raker's ami Powell Valley
or Greaham. a blaok beaver overcoat, silk
lining. Finder call A 2Th2.
LOST A purse with some gold and boot
black ticket. Liberal reward offered. Call
323 Chamber of Commerce.
LOST Purse contnlnlng about $12. Front st.,
near iaimon; iaay win pay rcwara. Jdatn
Jtyul or call 264 Madison st.
LOST Fox-terrier, white, head black and
brown, license 140; reward; return to 102
1st st. Phone Main 3224.
THB party that took pocketbook at 20o Mor
rison Is known; return same; avoid trouble;
no questions aked.
LOST Fob; initials L. L, B., at Columbia
L nlverslty, or between there and Portland.
620 Everett.
LOST Gold bead necklace, reward if re
turned to Arthur Davis, ,ii4 E. Morrison,
East 15US.
LOST Goldiugget ehirt waist pin. Return to
is. 25U Alder st. RSward.
LtST Gold watch, renr det; E. R. K.
back; return to 235 Montpomery; rrwawJ.
FOUND English setter : dog; white.
ticked, f. J. rtoite, w r. atn st.
LOST Eyeglasye with ear chain attached.
itawara, none jl wm.
L ST Marci 27. while K.nM-h setter !
round hiaek sjot on bead; iihimf Frtt
lst eepn Ith lemon pointer dou ; g-ner
ous reward. W. ki. Angsts. llt; Military
Aiademy. t'otn p. ion..
FOI ND YhT hair ma it reeves are reno-
vstrd. returned same day. 2"-M Front
Main 474. A 174. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. II. M tiger.
IXf;T Iadv's gold wat.1i, Wedneselav
ternoon. bet. 11th ami Main atxt ;,th and
Washington, llewsrd. phone Main 2711 S.
Address 2." 1 Ith st.
LtST French p.K.i! dr : blsi-k n. ha!
clipped from f-'t, 1 biown st-.t along bis
er, w give $A lo any one returning samn
to 325 Davis st.
LOST A silver picture frame with photograph
In it anil Initials E. C. E. on the ba-k:
Wntier kin liy return to M lr ing st. and
rec I ve rr w rd .
Forxi) A Llewellyn setter hlt.-h about 1
months !rt: onrr can have stitne by prov
ing property snd paying chaiges. I' bone
East 2772.
LOST Wyeglftswes
reward. I'hone A
ar chain attached
LOST Saturday eve., garnet and pearl scarf
pin; reward; TO tith.
Mosey to Loaua.
I U III 111 111 lllilll
$10, S0, $30. $40, $50, $. 170, $100.
Cheapest snd best lilacs to
Lowest rates E&swst payments.
OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
Weds, snd Hats, ur.tll 8 P. M-
7l4 Dtkum Bwlg.
FREE Blrd's-eve msn and photo album
Hflwhide, the city, district and Its great
mines. Also tojuigraphlcal nmp of Ne
vada's great mtneirtl belt, which has pro
duced f 1,.V)i,(H0,ihmi. The best and most
curate teraturo of Nevada ever put'
lished. Also full Information regarding
tlio conol hint ton of sev?n big Raw hide
and Oru I I strict mines. Write today.
The Rawhide A Oro Cons. Mines Co., 704
Ideal bldg., l)ener. c'olo.
02 Rothchild bltig.. cor. 4th and Wash.
The recogiiUed bank of the wage- arner.
A clerk, tim.kkrt-m-r. muchiuist. enmncer
or employe enn olaalu liioliey of us ou hts
note Without Hbi'iirO l
Slo Kc-iuiii to in 4.K a Mo.
le:iun 10 UK h.ou a :
$00 Return lo us JU.aS a Mo.
Conll'ienlial; 110 unpleasant inquiries.
Siclal latcs un pianos, furniture, etc.
200 McKay Bids.. Cor. Third snd Stark
Are you earning a salary? You can get
mono from uj on your note. Ltulues
contiuenttai; no unnecessary inquiries.
Mo. Stini-Mu. Wkly.
us. ..$2u.uo xio.oo $5.oo
us... 13.35 w
us... BOO 4-O0
$ 35
4.U0 2-00
Office open w A. M. to 6 P. M.
SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried
employes and ou Pianos. Furniture, Ware
bouse Receipts. Horses, Insurance Policies
and alt kinds of securities. A
205 Amngioa b)dg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easK-si payment; oftiutM in
CO prlnclpul cltlts, saw yoUistll money oy
getting our (ertua nisi.
TOLMAN, 23 Abingtun bldg., 1064 3d.
Moner loaned on salaries: no other security
my system Is beat lor istUruad men. clerks.
bookkeepers, streetcar cuiploi:s and otners;
business colifldenimt. F. A. Newton. Oil
Buchanan blug.. 2tu Washington st.
MONEY to loan for building purposes; can
be repaid in monthly iii&iatiments. CaJ
for particulars. Columbia Llli A Trust
Co.. 214 iuiuucr Exchaugs bidg.
FIRST, second and third mortcaces; city,
country nd farms; quick rcuutts; low
rates; foreign capital, t ellx k rank, 40
Broadway, New lork.
$atHMi or less to loan on city property: no
uonus; interest 7 10 per cent; principals
u'lly. D- Alexander, room 4u, Cambridge
$iOU.0U0 to loan in sums of $10uo or more to
suit, b to per ctiut, on lutprovea realty.
M. G. Grlfiln. 2titt Stark, opp. Cham, of C,
LARGE and small amounts on good security
at low rate of luteicst. C. . Ptluuer A
CO., 14 Mulkey bldif.. 2d and Murrisoa.
PRIVATE party wants to buy Title Guar
antee, Oregon savings, jviercnants Na
tional accounts. G 7i0, Oregonlan.
CASH for Oregon 'irust, Tltic Guarantee and
Merchants. loney lo loan on i't.a.1 chl;
morLut;es. H. Vv. tiouduid, llo a.
IMMEDIATE loans Irom to $ouou on all
etc urn its. It. L Ektrsun A Co., room 5
' Washington blag. Ptiuiie Main 4uo.
WILL buy Oregon Trust and Title Guarantee
accounts; hi guest caeh price paid; also tele
phone bonds. :i2i Corbett blug.
CASH paid for Title and Oregon Ri-euijt,
Merchants time cert., also Tel. bonds. Colin
Bros., ISO lt. Main 4773.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere andt
any sum. ?ioo and up; see us. Vaughn
Burt, 4i2 Corbett blug.
LOANS on real, estate. chatte;a or personal
security . W. A. Hathaway, lo Washing
ton bldg. Pacific 12.
MORTGAGES. 1st and 2d Hens, and other
real estate securities discounted. H. E.
Noble. Commercial block
LOAN WANTED $"..-.000 on improved In
side business propurtj ; no agents. Address
H 7d, Oregonian.
MONEY to loan on timber claims on ca.y
term?: correspondence atiewcred. A 714, Ore
gonian. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security- C. W. Pallett, 304 Fen ton bldg
MORTGAGE loans, $2X) up; moderate cost,
no delay. W. 6. Ward. Atty., Allsky bidg.
WILL give
00c cah for deposits In Titie
& Trunt Co. E 7WS, Oregonian.
Elate funds loaned. per cL W. E. Thomas,
state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C. of Com.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn. 558 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates or Interest.
Louis Salomon. 233 Stark st.. near 2d.
$UOO0 or less 0 per cent: real estate Far
riiiKton. 413 Commercial Club bldg.
WE buy Oregon Trust & Savings accounts for
caen. Room 51 1, Corbett bltig.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
PRIVATE monev to loan on real
Apply to box 372 Oregon City.
$600 OR less to loan on inside real estate, $
per cent. C 794. Oregonian.
MORTGAGE loans $2Ml
K 71)4, care Oregonian.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED $.hno building loan at t per cent;
no bonus; principals only. M. F. Dona
hoe. Box .Vio. Portland. Or.
WANTED $xouit; Portland real estate se
curity; 14 i?r cent interest, payable quar
terly. D TIKI, Oregonlan. '
LON WANTED $55.0h on improved in
side business property; no agents. A duress
H 71, tnregonian.
WANTED To borrow, for flats, $-1500, at
0 per cent, on rancy insiae corner. 0
7U2. Oregonlan.
goon WANTED on good real estate security;
state rate or interest wanteu. m
WANTED Loan cf $200 for 3 months: good
security; will pay 1 per cent. K Jt,
WANTED, from private parties. $500 at 7
per cent on nrst-ciass security. ti 804,
MONEY wanted from private party; ?Ws to
$IH.UiK: good security. Apply G 801, care
MONEY to loan on good security at 7 per
cent. uaoney at jjauney, n commer
cial bldg.
WANTED Loan of $1400 at 7
per cent on
C 791. Ore-
improved reeidence property,
gon lan.
LOAN for 0 month, t."k with $ltnt bonus;
good security; no ageris. j iHM. Oregonlan.
WANTED WK from private party, f) per
cent, gilt-edge security. J ,it:i, Oregonlan.
FOR sale Small account with Title Guar
antee A Trust Co. jL tJA Oregonlao,
Leans WowteL
I OWN V, Mork on at 3d st near Mor
rison, worth -tiki; is mortgaged for
value, no due; can extend 3 years J
rdurol at one bv a psvmenf of $12w.
Any one thst furnWba the fl2on by Mon
day or Tnewlsy can have a nae-half Inter
est In the property. Potof?ice box ftwa.
WANTElw -$t.VM. for n to 8 year on mort
gae. property worth l-VKW; state rati tf
Interest wanted; no agvata Addreas E
7l5, OYegonlan.
WANTED Loan of $12trt for one year at S
per cent: 'mproved business property val
ued at $t)4HHj as security. R Orego-
WANTED To b.trrow $ltM at 7 per cent
3 years on strictly modern new bungalow,
Eat 37th, A 7V., Oregonlan.
WANTED Loan of $40i for on- year; real
estntp security valued at -"O0; will pay
pr cent. R 1H, Oregonian.
$12" IAN wanted on my bom-, worth $.Vi;
principals only. A 7W. Oretronian.
I WANT loan of $2iwt. also g5io; no agents.
G. E. Walling. 4.1 Stark 'st.
Proposals LavltoA.
fe ali proposals are wanted by the
City of Hood River, Or., for the eon-
r ruction of p. c tion nine of the Hmvl
lUver sewer system. Plans and specifi
cations msy be, seen at th efftcs of the
Cltv Ricorder, st Hood River. Oregon,
from this da to on uutll the 20th day of
April. IPOS, at no.m' of which date bids
will dose. Bids must b accompanied by
cTtlfli d check for 10 pr cent of tho
amount of bid. made pnynhln to J. R.
Nirkelsen. Recorder, the amount of such
check to forfeit to the ity of Hood
River, or such part thereof as miv b
required to Indemnify the. ,-tty hi case cf
failure of successful bidder to qualify
Cm 1th a satisfactory bond to secure prop r
execution of contract) within five days
from receipt of notice of award. The
rleht Is ieerved to reject any or all the
bids. Bids must state tho time within
which bidder proposes to complete the
work, and mus.t state a lump sum hid for
the entire Jo, and that no extra "hsraes
will be made. By order of the sew;r com
mittee. J. R. Nickcisen. Records:. Hood
River. Or., April 6th, IlKiH.
WANTED Party to contract for floating
steel ship, or breaking it up for scrap
purposes. For full particulars apply.
Railway Equipment Co., 324 Chamber o
BIDS wil be re-.eived by the undersigned up
to April 0. fur mai-aiiainlxatlun of nine
b(o.-ks in the City Dallas. For particu
lars u.1dres L. D. Urown, Auditor, Dallas
01 eg on. . .
II Isceiianeous.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon: In the matter of
the futat.i of ilarr & HoKgatl, bankrupts
The undersigned will receive eeaied bids for
the assets of this estate, consisting of a
sto-k of merrhandise. clothing. shn-, hats
and furnishing goods of the invoice price
of , with fixtures s mount ing to
$4Np.ho, located at 20S Morrison street, r'ort
land. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednes
day, April 22, lOoS. Certified check for 10
per cent of amount bid must accomjtany
each offer; sale subject to approval by the
court; Inventory may be seen at my office
and the stock may be Inspected during busl
nt. ss hours.
Dated at Portland, Or., April 11, 1908.
H. L. SARIN, Triwee.
No. 7 First st.
NOTICE if hereby given that at a meeting of
the Kepub.lcan State Central Committee, held
at Portland, Or., on the loth day of April, -IH'.H,
it was decided that a state convention
and a Congressional convention for the
irst Congressional district, and a Con
gressional convention lor the Second Con
gressional district, shall be held at Port
land, Ur.p on the 14 in day of May, llN'H,
for the purpose of electing delegates, and
their alternates, to the Republican National
convention to be held at Chicago on the
10th day of June, lUOM, and for the further
purpose of nominating Presidential electors.
S. C. SPENCER, Chairman.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Ore
gon and California Railroad Company,
lor ttie election of a board of directors
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before the
meeting, will be held at the office of the
company, Wells-Fargo building, Portland.
Oregon, Tuesday, April 14, 1908, at tbe
hour of 11 o'clock A. M W. W. Cotton,
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD. 3;i6 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac-
4.01 U Ion ana knife plaiting and pttiKitig.
E. H. COLLI S. 324 Worcester block, public
accountant and estate agent. Auditing. In
vestigating, syttumauziiig. Permanent
keeping of books and recorus a sjieciauy.
i.namner or commerce, oince systematizing
ana general accounting. j-,stubli&hed 1SW.
Advance Building Information.
ARCHilEClS, contractors, engineera, get
.copy Pacific Hullder and Engineer. 315
Chamber Commerce.
SEASIDE bungalow; houses designed, built.
repaired. bee jonnnon, Muhawk bldg.
Main Wjuj. A
Clauven & Cluuneen, architects. Rlit and 014
.Buchanan bldg., lcbi v atfhlngion st.
LESSONS In oil, water cokir, china, tapestry,
siik painting, teatner carving. uesigning,
order work, china firing- Markloy A Sul
lander, room 04, 350ti Morrison. 'Alain 7047,
Asm yen and Analysts.
Wells aV. Proebstel, mining engineers, metal-
lurglHts ana afisayers. JJlt Wahington.
ore-tosting wont. iu Morrison m.
PAUL BAUMEL, asfayer and analyst. Gold
du.t bought. wjoi Alder st.
For a first-class shave or hair cut;
management. 242 Va Washington st.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing:.
SHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 320 Stark st.
Carpenters and Builders.
. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting. 3.K) Stark. Main 5oSl.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZOBR, purchasing of hides.
pelts, fUrs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal ahd general commission mer
chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, or.
TAYIvOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com
mission merchants, taneriocK bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS A CO., grocers and commission
merchants. 210 3d st.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Main 7H43. 393 Stark.
WALTZ, "two-step." 'three-step, and stage
dancing; lessons 25c; seven ladles and gentle
men teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson's school,
offleq and hall 12, Selling-Hirsch bldg.,
HRU Wash. st.. bet. W. Park - and loth
sts.; also dancing taught by mall.
PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones.
Dos; and Horse Hospital.
Dr. C- W. Brown. D. V. H. D. C. M. Dog,
horse hospital, Utii N Otn st. cmon Trans Co.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechan
ical, survey, assay, cyanide; established
1(,4 Van der Naillen School, 51st and
Telegraph. Oakland. Cal.
PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping; experi
enced instructor: terms $4 per month; 4
nights in week. Pacific 948 and A 4048.
ARITHMETIC, writing. grammar. book
keeping, etc.. day. evening, individual in
struction. 225 Fifth.
Electric Signs.
ELECTRIC SIGNS -Sold snd rented. Port
land Electric Sign Co., 44 2d St. Main 8479.
Feed Stores.
B. l. COOPER A CO.. hay. grain, feed. 128
Union ave. East 1517. B 1517.
Harness and Saddlery.
THB George Lawrence Co.. wholeale saddle
and Aarnass manira 1st. M&fa 22tJ
CMrweurf-y .
WM. DEVENY, and Esttik Deveny. the only
ecier.tuic cMroclUts pariors Drear
Jd 102 3d sc. Phone Main I.WI.
Chiropody and Pedtrurlng. Mrs, M- D. Hit
iM-m .10 k Uetltier boig plume pacMlc loi.
B. THESKMAN A Co. mining, sawmill, log
ging m.vhlnery. hydraulic pipss. castlngA...
ail klnus repalted. Hxl N. 4tA st.
Gamtllae Engines.
fitattottary. marine, electric equipments launch-
rs acieiKSMritm, wholesale, retail, engine re
pairing, ttrirrwwi Marbinery Co., 1(C 4-t Mi
J nag. II Idea aad Pelts.
I SHANK A Co., purehasers of hides, peltav
wool. furs, tailw, old rubbers, snsiais a&4
sacks. ai3 Kront st.
MANDOLIN, violin, bsnjo, guitar Instruo
tion; prtate lons ouly; Gibson mande
llns. Weber's studio. 4$ Wash, st.
Ml'SlfT STORK- Hand Instruments. L Sel- '
berllng, Tourney bidg , 2d and Taylor.
BMIL THIHLHORN, vlojln teacher, pupil of
bcvlck. A 41JO. Pine 4. l ac. 20-w.
MANTMiLiN, guitar, banjo. Jesse Park-.
Milner bldg.. ja., Morrison st.
Rnhhes Stamp.
Z trade checks and ail offloe goods. P
D. C. Co.. 2-tl Suxrk st. Bvth phones 14U.
Paints. Oils and Olass.
F K R-a. h & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co,
Window glass and glazing. Lift 1st. M. LT14.
R-ASMl'SSeVM ft OD.. jobber pa!mtBeTlsT
glass, mutft and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor.
leather sad Fladlsws.
tAbllshed 1H.J. Lenther snd findings; Stock-,
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 180 Front at.
CI I AH. L. MASTIC A Co.. Front and Oak
sts. Leather and skins of every deserlptton
for all purposes; jle and Up cutter find
ings. Oateepatiil Physicians.
4I&-16-17 IVkum Ride..
Third and Uaahtngion Sta.
Phone, office. Main 349.
Residence, E. Iu28.
I pioneer (steopath of Ore -K
Irk v 1 1 1 e, M o. 4C9 r ego-
gon, graduate
nlan bidg. Main
rea. Main 27o.
PATENTS New book free. This book tells .
all about patents and how to obtain them.
Explains the cost of a patent and our.v
methods of business. Illustrates lou me
chanical movements and contains portralts
of ail the famous A merles n Inventors. -Book
mailed free to any address. o'Meara,
Brock. pHtcnt attorneys, U1S F sl.
Washington. l. C.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
PROTECT your Idea. Wo can patent It,
Moulton A Srobey, attorneys, 604 Colum
bia blug., Portland, Or.
K. c. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; Infringement cases. 0O4 Dekum.
J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, pension and patent at
tornjy, rooms 2J-2l Lab be bldg.
PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J.
Matter, 618 Commonwealth bldg.
"Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Netas A CoV
naway, lot d at. A 4573. M. 7319.
bign Painting.
The largest sign-makers In the North
west. 5th and Everett sts. pbons Private
Exchange 55. Home A 1155.
SIGNS ("That Attract.")
Portland tgn Co.. 2-S7 Stark. Pac. 139J.
SAVE $4.00.
This Is strictly a matter of business ort
your part to Call at mv ,,tfrn anil lrrtm-
famillar with my spiritual and scientific) '
work. A hint to the wise Is sufficient.
Greatest living astral dead -trance clair
voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI
whom you will marry, how to control the?
one you love, even though miles sway; -reunites
the separated; gives secret powers
to control others; no difference how 'close
or how for away, you can always obtain
your desired result. Tells you just how, .
where and when to Invent - your money to ,
obtain the best possible results. . If you...
are sick, meluncholy, disheartened or dis
couraged, DO NOT GIVB UP IN DE-
SPAlrl; come and receive Spiritual advice
that will help you to receive HEALTH,
I will do all others advertise to do and
a great deal more. Hours 10 to ft dally.
Office Nob. 3 and 4, Grand Theater bldg., '
352 Washington st. Phone M. 1287.
OFFICERS of the Oregon State Spiritualist
Association will give a series of sclentlfld
philosophic and religious views of splr
Itualsm every Sunday. 8 p. M- Call 20 1
Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Mrs. Seip,
Mrs. Howe. Mrs. Cornell. Mrs.' Coulter
Mrs. Congdon. Public welcome,
MME. ADWARD, sr-rftusJint medium, can; s
be consulted on business, lawsuits, love,
matrimony; unites the separated, no mat-
ter the distance or cause; satiafactbm.
guaranteed; reading 50 cents, dally an 4
Sunday. Moved, to the Palmer, cor. Faric
and Alder sis., parlor 3 and 4". ,
MRS. VIRGINIA ROWE. clairvoyant, me
dium. Circulcs Wednesday and Friday eve
nings, IS.';1 4tb, southeast cor. Yamhill.
WANDA, occult wonder; so different from tha
rest; nono can equal her price or . work;
satisfaction guaranteed. 255 5th st.
Clairvoyant. Bring this advertisement
' for freo test. So3H Washing on st.
MRS. a CORNELIUS, spiritual medium, ,
Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., luth and Wash. A 3020. L
Mrs. Sophia Selp. reliable spirit'! r dings. 303
Allsky bid-?. Public circles Tues.-Frt. eve.
MARIAN fOHELLI Palmist snd trance me J
dlum. 22&H Washington st., bet. 1st and 2d.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 326 Main
25c. Phone Main 7548.
D1RBOLD SAF3 & LOCK CO. John E. Davis.
bo 3d st Bargains In second-hand safes.
THE MOfcLER SAFE CO., log 2d St. Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes. . ,
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,,
caoinets. store and 01 nee nxtures. S Couch
st. Pacific 2181.
R. H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5536.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. 5th god
iioyt. Phone Main 14oS.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office
snd commodious four-story bri:k warehouse,
with separate iron rooms and fire-proof,
vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and
Pine sta Planr and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Phones Main 696,
Hume A 1996.
Bob Ashby and Judd Fish.
Furniture and piano moving, baggag.
freight and general hauling. Of dee 103
Front st. Phones Main 62, A 1162.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
Fhiptnent. 200 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st.
Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Street Paving.
WARREN Construction Co.. street paving.
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Exch.
Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes
repaired, sold and rentea; siso mate agents
the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchange
84 8d st. Main OoO.
SPECIAL pricesi all makes rented, sold, re
paired, f u. u. -o., zji biarx. Main hut.
Wholesale Joboern.
WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers.
manufacturers. commission merchants.
4th and Oak.
Jd zt, a 1029. 2 t j& Morrison st.