0 10 TUB SUNDAY OR EG ON I AX, FORTLAND, APRIL 12. 1903. fob bixt. With THE HOTEL, HSTSER. Fast Id and Furnside sta. new and ab- oaptely fireproof; elegantly furnished mv. single and ea ult; elevator, bat and r eld w Uer. itea bett and tele-g-hone Jn each room. Grill In con.net.ilon; special rata f families. Phon Kat 171. Portland Worsens Union. Ith year; rooma with board. use of fwtDi-room. use of library; Women ftachang Address Mr E:ia RawUags, Supt . SlO Flanders at- CA N ivmimtKlai "-ne or two i-e-i- sk li.g home 1" privat family, pi'-w." room. g.-.d cookli g, all .onvtri-in-w. nar two ariins. K. Uth m. Norin. Rl.AKKl.V H A I.V Jffw'n, between 5th and lUh. beautifully fiirnWrid rooms, with nrti-rlxw board; hot and i old water, rtfkm, beautiful ground. fnlT of oily. $12 MONTH Clean, i-leasam room In pri vate family, brfkf-'i d dinner fr working lady ; v..! king distance. 3-1 ( hupmta. ncmr Osy. FKVFCKA L furnished ro..m. with board, ml'b for couple; gem H-nii n preferred ; nn1rn conveniences; centrally located. Mrs. Mmon. 22 N. 11th at. BK A UTIFV LL Y fiirruh'1 parlor or sin I rom, wit h rd. j"t rid ly fltt home cooking, beautiful grounds. 181 11th st. Mam 5J30. A 30. TUt BAKTON. 13th and Alder, rooms, su.gl or ea suite, modern; walking duuanoa; (rill in connec tion ; monthly rnt. M"'KLY furnished rooms, with lioard: all mMern c(fiVf(ii-Fnv; f on- blocks post of -tt. e. b.-tw-n 5th and 6th. Main tsCi". Mad. son. THE WALURK One Jar front suite of room t;h board: also a fw s:ngle rooms, suitable for g.-ntlcmen. HI 13th at. Main 211H. A 211. THK CtvSM'P LITAN Htvimi and board bv day or week. Housekeeping rooms. sin gle or n aulte. Terma reasonable. Phone Main 3910 IK vem want first -class table board good hme rooking and close in. for $4 per w ee. call ai the Aater House. 7th and S-tA MONTGOMERY W ell-furnlshM front room lth board for two in private home; flint -das cooking and all modern ton enlenccs. LAKiK, pleasant front room for 2; good hc:ne cooking, private; Vfry reasonable; fine li. at Ion 252 N. liKb at., near Marshall. Pae. 24ft". LA RGE. bright ro.?m. two ynunjc men : b t ht.nr- in king-; home privUt iies; prlate fam ily: fjne (oration. Ui IHth. corner Taylor. LARUF, pleasant front room, modern, with board If delred holre location, private family I'hone K "JOIS, 407 Holladay ave. VKRY n 1 r e 1 arir rooms . with or without b.r-l, rai.nitble; ci'' In; hath, large jard. Main ;itil4. A 220. 321 11th art. furnished rnoma. with board. 1 tn room. alao day bt-ardei s. 418 per mouth. The t'hrysler, :tM Taylor. LAtKIK aunr-y room, eultabl for two, in rir-w nttrtrp, Kajtt t?td, clfa In. home coni fort. home rooking. J'hone B S.'t27. TWO largo well furnished. sunny, clean rooma, with tlrst -"lam board : rates rra nonahle. i'ofi N. 2:U1 at. A .IrtW. F1RN1SHK1 roims, with or without one or two nifaln a day; ratne reatvmable. 2tt E. lth at. X. Phon blunt 2KW. CA .V take a w more rentlcnn table board ers; Mom ran fx had In neighborhood If d-fhed.' flT lll.an, cor. JKth. HH room and board In prlval family, ajood tora Ion. miMlcrn room, suitable for two i;t-ntlemen. phone Kast 70ia. TWO ladlps 11 vint alono want one or two ladles to room and board. Portland H'tfchtft. I'hone Main "".'.. LA U'jK, pjrasant rtom. suitable for 2; alo amAll room ; breakfast and dinner. IV 1 1 tit h. cor. Ta y lor. Main 22M . S.12 10TH ST. ll furnished nxm: flre-p'a-e and all convenience. ; jrood location; hoard; strictly home cooking. NH'KLY furnished room; excellent board; rea sonable; cl'1 In: private family. 35 K. 17th, near Washington. LATUl fcl fnint bay-window room with board. .Too Madlaon. near Park. Vacant April 10. K4Arent's exchanged. hTH Irite. nirf ly furnished front room, with or without board. ROOM and board tn private family. Reason able prlre. I'hone Main MTU. Fl'R VISHED rooms with board. Tha Oxark. 11th at. Apartment a. MAfklSON rAKK AfAHTMKNTS, Park and Mad is-m. handonie 5- story . piesFd bru-k, jHKt complftf-d; four-rom. reception hall and. bath r?fldencf apafliuente. puves5inK r try niodtrn convenh nt-c, including iec trlc auton-attc elevator and telephone tx- hnnn; hardwoKl rtinvs tllruKout ; tha mvxltnum of convenience, ! nance and t iiulpinetit at exceedingly reasonable trm -40 to for noi;tn. location and sur roundings unfmrpaMcd. Kl.iJNiToS iXH KT. 16th and Everett, ha ui finitely furnihei 4 -room residence aartuteiii, bIho 2-rwm. unfurnished; oalt iloors. mantel wail beds; po:seiiliig every niodt-rn t-otivetilence; excellent location and unouudinKs; reavonable prices. KMAN rRT-Fegant 4-room resldem-e apai tment, lath. stvwn heat, hot and cold water, ga i angc, refrigerator, window atiadf. Janitor service, telephone: adults. Aiply janitor. lMh and Ci.u. h sts. BKAWTIFl'L 6-room apartment with bath; utrtctly modern and up-to-date: gaa range, rcfi Iterator, hot and c.ld water, atcain hat, telephone, go and electric light iree; West Side, K 7M. Ortgonian. THK I'HliTOPA. th and Flanders, 4-room nnHici a unfuni'.shi d ; st :tnt hat, . Ity tele-phuuf-j In ea.-;i apartment free. Apply to flarenca Wheeler, with I Oevurta & Sons. FtR RBXT Apartment, best location in the citv, 4 rooms and reception hall, all out Mle numis. attain heat and janlu.r serv ice. The Mordaunt. Everett, cor. 1Mb. TUB WKSTMINST Ktt. Madison and 6th ats , up-to-date apartments, every modern con- cnience. reasonable ratea, close in, oniy blocks from Poslofflce. THE Cadillac Hotel. Sd and Columbia; fine newly f urn. shed apartmtnta. single or aulte rooms; phone, bath; furnished house keeping rooms. 3 AI'AR I'M RSTS. new and nicely f urn shed, bath tn otineci;on. and pluno, with privi lege of light housekeeping: private flat, close In. Mtt 4tli. HAKHlSX iWRT. Fifth and Harrison, un firnlshed apartment of 3 rooms and bath, with all modem conveniences. Phone Main 6 US. t'OI.VMMlAN APARTMENTS llth and Co IitmMa. fumisheti 4-rw.m apartment ; rea sonable rent ; adults only. Se Janitor. THE AYTO. Hio Flanders, beautiful fi roim residence apartment, modern con v eniences; reasonable rent. Main 1 'J"2 1 . COM'MRIAN Apartment, llth and Columbia; front four-room apartment; modern conven iences; adults only. See Janitor. llt ll.O A PA RTM H.NTS. .1 and 4 room, w ith si'ier and heat; to :k. Between 2od and 24th. on Tliurman and Vaughn. THE MAKMtOROrtill. 6S4 Flanders, Nob H!ll: beautiful e-room unfurnished apart ment; janitor, etc. 4-ROOM Klcam-heated middle aparynent : Jan-ito- serx-ice, ga range, etc. Flat E, 41 nun. 4- ROM furnished apartanents; heal, bath, eu-. 47" Salmon, bet. 13th and 14th. FOR RENT 7-roora furnished apartment; se lect surroundings. Phone Main M77. BEAVTIFL'L 5-rcwm aoartmwnt for rent April 1. 205 13th, "The Braintree. 4-ROOM furnished apartments: heat, bath, etc. 473 Salmon, bet. 13th and 14th. NEW ti-rcwini lower flat. 709 Kearney st. . Every cuav nience. 3-RO(M flat, walking dlslarKe. rent only J I". 6" Smith's Rental Agency, 442 Sher lock bldg. . ROOM ftata. lath. etc.. S4S and S2 Cor bett. 12.0. L. E. Thompson A Co., 228 :ui. HOYT ST., bet. 21st and 22d. -room mod ern upper flat. Inquire 3t Washington st. NEW" modern 6-nxm furnished or unfurnished flat, & minutes po&toftice. Phone Tab.- boti. 6-room flat. 4li Irving at.. West Side, f all ll Rotbchild bldg. Phone M. 3617. JM.AT of fr rooma and bath. oM1: Northrup, rpt S10. C- 11. Korcll, 201 Washington, FOR MKT. 47 1AVIP 5 room and attic, bath, gaa, hot water, walking distance. 1.V ."4 '-r ?'th, cor Spring. IV rwms. new; ba; h. as. ran grate. $..". N'-rthrup. 4 rooms, new. thorough ly modern. vrv con enient. $-7. ."-- 1h4 't San Rafael, rooms, bath, gaa, IIMV. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. 'r 3d and Oak 4!W-4?4 Mr.RJsnv. T-rortm. complete sfa.n heated Mat, heat. ater. Janitor ervi--e. 2'URTLANU Tlil'ST CO. ,(K OREGON. 6. E. v'or 3d and oak. 1) KN N ! NOTON OOl'RT. 31A Benton St.. 4 ro.m a. modern, nicely tinted, gaa heater, e'eetrti-ltv. cement basement. PORTLAND TRl'ST CO- OK OREGON. S. E. Cor 3d and Oak. TO RENT. 2 4-room flats. $10 month. 2 7-room houufp. $20 mi th. 1 9-room furnished house. $.i5. 243 titark at. FIVE-ROOM, steam heated flat. 17th and t liaan sts. ; modern In every respect, rent 41. call Main 244.V Amea Mercantile Agency. 204 Ablngton bldg. MODERN flats, all alzes, for rent. East god West Sides Portland Trust Company of Oregou. 6 E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phons Exchange 72 &v"l TAYLOR, near 17th, room flat, gin, electric liKht, modern, very dealrable. rnt Inquire Grave i Music Store or &4'J Taylor at. Wl T A Y 1 XR Nea r 1 7 th - room flat. gas. electric light; modern; very desirable; rent $:to. Inquire Graves' Music Store or Mtt Taylor . NEW modern 6-room fiat, on 'Willamette Heights; tinted, also pantry, bath and halls; excellent home. 372 N. 2th at. STEAM-HEATED apartment, 3 rooms and alcove, bath, gas, electricity. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman sts. SIX nice light rooms, gas. electric lights, bath, basement, good neighborhood. 30 College, tJO month. FOR RENT New modern flata on Eugene st.. near Rodney ave. Apply on place. &-RO M furnished flat for rent; one room rented. 10th. Phone A 27o4. FOR RENT ft-rotmi flat. 12. Inquire Al blna freamery. 3o0 Rupaeii it. ft-UOf M upper flat ; cookvtove, furnace, 3C8 lath. Call 455 Market. B-R KM modern upper flat for rent. Call 304 x. 2:ui. 6-ROOM modem flat. 29 North 10th. Inquire 24 North 8th. FI'RN ISH ED room; running water; close In. 271 7th. Housekeeping Rooma. FURNISHED room for one or two girU: can prepare licht lunch in room; all convene irncen; -.! a week. Call after Sunday, 330 nth st. LAR1E. well-fumlshed connecting housekeep ing oiorn; gas. bath, free phone, sewing inachlnc, large yard, private family; S12.5V. 421 2d. BRICK building, newly furntehed housekeepe ing nm, in suite of two; S2.V per week. 3ou4 Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave. HOrsBKEEPINtl 9 rooms; good location; Income $.ri. rent 20; prh-e only $3oO. Call at 4!H Kerby at., or phone East 2142. KCRNTSHED and nt-furnished tiousekeeping rooms; electric, gaa iilate, bath, phone free. 207 Sherman at.. Pacific 455. ONE and three very nice large modem house keeping rooms, suitable for 4 persons; flrat floor; large lawn. 403 or ASO 2d. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished: light houpekcping prlvihges; modern, private. 212 North H.th st. Phone Main 423. 2tiH MONTGOMERY Housekeeping suite: commodious, bright and clean; central; gaa; price reasonable. Main 44tfi). 410 SAlJtfON ST., 2 well-fumlshed house keeping room-; all conveniences; central, reasonable: private family. FRoM ti to $20, 1. 2 or 3 housekeeping ro.'nw; eay walking distance; newly pa ptred. W5 lamhlll st. - R(HMS for housekeeping partly furnished and furnished; garbage, phone, bath, free. Cor. 6th and Harrison. 3&4 SALMON, three very desirable rooma, l urn i lied or partly furnished for house keeping: ground floor. TWO convenient ftirnihed housekeeping rooms, quiet plaoe, 12.60; no children. M& Clay. Call mornlnna. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; reasona ble. 1VH Lownsdale St., cor. Yamhill. Phone Pacific 2403. 42i J E F F B R S" N . pleasant suite, furnished complete, modern conveniences, kitchen if desired, reasonable. 3 I'NFL'RNIPHED rooms on lower floor; pantry, yard, central location. 189 Eat 7th. near Yamhill. HOl'SEK EEPING room suitable for a lady: very reasonable: bath, gas, phone. 415 Montgomery st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Including kitchen : also single rront room, nrst noor. 3S2 llth st. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping room: slr.k. water and use of bath. Call 6S6 Fettygrove. Ho MONTGOMERY Two comfortable rooms, (4 and $o.50 monthly ; gas plate; central. Main 44t. Nh'ET.Y furnished housekeeping room; also single sleeping rooms; no children. 450 Yamhill st. 2 LARGE) rooms, nicely furnished for house keeping; gas. bath, pantry, sink. 211 Sherman. TWO and 3 -room suites. light, heat, phone. IKrce Iain, bath, walking distance. 11T N. IPth. Sl'ITES 2 or S unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Cambridge. Sd and Morrison. Apply room 3G. 4L' M AIN ST.. cor. 12th, 3 unfurnished house keeping rooms, ground floor; $10 per month; central. Fl'RNISHKD front rooms for light house keeping; electric light, gas and phone. 383 llth ft. 4;t5 MAIN ST.. cor. 12th., all kinds furnished housekeeping rooms, $7 per month and up; central. 14M- rtTH PT. : we have some low-priced housekeeping rooms suitable for working people. FOl'R furnished housekeeping rooms, light. het. gas, phone, E. J. Mann. 750 Wash ington. TURKIC room for housekeeping: nice yard; walking distance. 331 14th. Phone Main H7tf. THREE front Housekeeping rooms, unfur nished. $10 per month. Inquire 225H Mill. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and phone. $4 50 a week. 1M N. 17th. 2 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; very convenient; reasonable rent. 314 4th st. NEATLY furnished houakeping rooms, gas. bath and phone. 4(tN Jefferson at. 2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; use phone, bath. 432 Burnet de st. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping room-jt. 1 Va N- t nlon ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 140 13th, bet. Morrison and Aiaer. FOUR nice, e'ean nvms for light housekeep ing at 6t Aanington t. 16S N. 1MH 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable rent; central. FOUR, furnished housekeeping rooma for rent. 32 Park. Phone A 25.10. Fl" R N ISH ED basement rooms for house keeping. S S. 7th tt. PARI air suite for light housekeeping; no children. 4oS Main. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 420 Salmon. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. ;VXH 4th at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 32$ & 17th at. North. PLEASANT light housekeeping and single rooms. 215 llth. FOR BENT. THB RBAVFR APARTMENTS. 12th arid Marshall sts. : newly famished. fuiiy equipped for housekeeping. Including gas range, with the free use of electric lights. h--t water, baths, large reception room and laundry ronm from $1, Up; atao sing rooma will; similar conveniences. $2.5 pr week up. There la nothing la comparison In the city for the morty. This place will bear Inspection. Short distance from Vnlon Depot. Take 'S" or lttth-st. car go'ng north, get off at Marshall at. Phones Main 6771. A 43Hft. No dogs allowed. GOod furnished or unfurnished housekeep ing and sleepiitar rooms. M week. Front of cot i age. 2 nlee roma. gas. ink. $15 ronth. Anofier. two. si 3 AIo ot taces and flats H 364 North 2th. 23d st. cars to 2th. turn south half block. THE ONEONTA, 187 17tb at-, near Yamhill, new house, elegantly furnished. In eultes of 1 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor: no chlldrea. $2i Entire lower floor, well furnished com plete for housekeeping ; ga. bath, also 4 housekeeping rooms up stairs: 3 f ur nlshed. cheap. 373 4th. near Montgomery. THE HOWLAKD APARTMENTS. 3l 4 Washington, cor. 2th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gaa ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice aultea from $12 up. 3 FNRNISHKD rooms. $le: also 2 or 3 un furnished rooms. Call Sunday before 3 P. M. Piedmont Addition, near carllne. 1212 Moore st. Phone Kamt 4871. 70H G LIS AN lArge. light connecting rooms, entire lower or upper, alcove, bay, ba loony, kitchens, gaa. pewing machine, yard. Furnished or unfurnished. THE DEL MONTE, n-ar 9m h and Wash ington ; new and elegantly furnished apart ments; heat, elect rin lights, bath, both phones: very reasonable. FOUR nice light housekeeping rooms, gae range, Rink, porcelain bath, two bed a. Call between 20 and 5; no children. 4221 Jefferson st. $5 MONTH: clean, p'easant room, furnished for light housekeeping for lady; fuel fur nished: walking distance. 321 Chapman, near Clay. FURNISHED front housekeeping and sleep ing room?, modern accommodations, with yard, walking distance. 313 14th St., cor. Clay. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suites, single sleep ing rooms, rurnisheu; modern conveniences; walking distance. 201 U Grand ave. TWO nioe large rooms completely furatahed lor .light housekeeping: best location, good lawn, gas. bath, phone. 175 14th. 2 OR 3 newly furnishM rooms, complete for housekeeping, with gas range, sink, laun dry. 781 Kearney. Pacific 311. FURNISH ED rooms, single or en suite; every convenience ; private family, reason able. 302 3d. Phone A 4070. $1.50 WEEK up. large clean furnished house- Keeping rooms, laundry and bato. its Sherman st.. South Portland. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms; Dam. ga, pnone; adult; reierences. Alain or A 2u32 and Main 3&91. TWO large rooms well furnished, pink. bath. gas, two outside doors. ApMy Sunday or evenings. 107 N. 15th at. 11 1 NION AVE . cor Ash. Nleely fur nished housekeeping rooms, very reason able. Phone East 6180. FOUR large furnished housekeeping rooms. modern conveniences, no children. Rent $16. Phone Pacific . 565 IRVING Good neighborhood, suite of three nlcly furnished housekeeping rooms, pantry, kitchen, etc. APARTMENTS furnished for housekeeping. 13th near Morrison. Phone Main 6035. References required. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms: mod ern, central; dcick ouuding; rates reasona ble. 342H 1st st. THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms. modern, phone, piano; low rent; adults. 802 Eat Salmon. BEAUTIFUL new furnished or unfurnished 4 room, private hath; 5 minutes postofflce. Phor.e Tabor 606. FOUR large rooms, completely furnished for nousekeepmg-. gas, light and range. Phone Woodlawn 1205. TWO lovely front rooms and balcony, for couple, cias. pnone, bam. 4i sell wood st. Phone E 4308. THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay sis., furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; nw and up-to-date. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms very rea sonable, call Cottage Koomlng-house, 10-ia North 6th st. 4-ROOM suite, nicely furnished; heat, hot water, private bath lovely porches; $40. 473 SaJmon. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; good neighborhood, oov Johnson, between r. I4ta and 15th sts. THE ROSE Neatly furnished and house keeping rooms, 1S9 3d st- Josle Zwlckel. proprietress. A 2-ROOM and 3-room housekeeping suite. New. clean and -convenient in every way. 427 6th st. NICELY furnished rooms, en suite of 3 or 4 for housekeeping, on first floor. Phone Pacific 1 124. TWO new. clean modern furnished house keeping rooms on carllne; $15., E 7S6, Ortgonian. 406 4TH ST. Alcove room; two rooms, gas, bath, phone, walking distance; also sin gle room. 250 N. 19TH Newly furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, electric lights, bath, phone, lnk. $9 Three front unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath. 88 East 20th and Wash ington ats. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping also single rooma 82 E. loth. Phone East 16S. ENTIRE floor, 3 rooms and bath, nicely fur nished: light and pleasant; reasonable. 226 Grant st. TWO housekeeping rooms with use of din ing and kitchen. 201 Grand ave. N. No children. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin , gle rooms; steam heat. Newcastle, 3d and Harrison. FART of furnished flat with kitchen, bath, phone, walking diatnace, reasonable. 1 17 N 21st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, Includ ing bath, water, phone and light. 384 Park st. NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping; cloe In. Inquire at studio. 163 West Park st. TWO rultes of housekeeping rooms with light, bath, running water. 246 N. 17th street. 4 AND 2 clean, light, furnished housekeep ing rooms, yard, i and I2 month. 02 Front. 354 CLAY Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; no small children. Phone Main 1748. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, in cluding piano; no children. 2iH Jefferson st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping apart ment, gas. bath, phone. 59o E. Madison st. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; good location. 3t2 Jefferson St.. cor. loth. FURNISHED housekeeping suites. 2. 3 or 4 rooms, first or second floor. 513 YamhtH. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. light, bath, phone heat. No children. 421 7j.h. FOR RENT Large. Inexpensive housekeeping rooms; free phone, bath. Main -3S16. SMALL front-roonj suite for housekeeping; $16 per month. 349 Yamhill st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $12 per month; no children. 284 Clay st. 2 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; nice large yard; private family. 2lO 14th. THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished. 101 14th st. SINGLE room for housekeeping, suitable for one or two. 511 Mi GUsan st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, $12. Apply 54 East 16th North. THE ELM? Housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished. 101 14th at. $13 555 Kearney, corner 17th. 2 pleasant connecting rooms. Main 3176. 4 OR 5 completely furnished rooms; yard, attic. Irvlngton. East 3081. HOUSEKEEPING suiiea. just two left. The Cadulac, 3d and Columbia. FOR RENT. Hooarkrcplag Room. X LIGHT front rxms and pantry, complete ly fumWid Tt rouwkeepmg: nw, e'ean. gvmnd floor, electric tig "it. phone, sewing ma-hlne ami garden: bN-ks to Wachrng-t-n; no other roomers; $15 a month. J4 N. 9th. near Everett. TWO rlcely furnished h" ii.se keeping rooms. g. bath, ph-ne, ground floor, reasonable r-nt. 1W West Park. Net. Yamhill and Taylor sts.. 2 biocksi from Portland Hotel. SINGLE OR KN SUITE. BATH. HFAT. HOT WATER. BLEVATOR. "MIl.N ER BLI"S 35oS MoRRlSt -N ST. MOniS.IN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. TWO targe Rouwkeeping rooms, very pleas ant, neatly furnif-ned, bath, phone, gas. furnace, no children : references; also 3 lowr rooms May 1. 655 Irving st. TWO nic- furni-hed housekeeping rooms with gas range, oath and phone, in private cot tage; everything convenient. 5SI Overton at., cor. I?rh; no children. SUITE housekeeping rooma; rent $3 per wtk. 2o04 4th st. FURNISHED housekeeping room to rent. 302 Tillamook st. Two houekeeping rooms for rent. Call 3rt! N. 23d. 2K N. 2"th. 7 rooms, $25.00. 7 E. Stark. 7 rooms, $22. "iO. R4 Montana ae.. 7 rooms. $-0. Cor. Phaverand Montana ave., rtrooms, $16. 21 Clackamas. 5 rooms.' $22.5. 130 Central ave.. 5 rooms, $15 00. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy one-half : collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2020. GOOD 4-room cottage, room for garden and chickens. East Side suburbs, near cars, $lO month. Five and 7-room cottages. West Side river. $15 and $20. Well fur n lulled cottage. $2. Housekeeping rooms, any number, $1 week. Apply 304 North 20th. 23d-st. cars to 26th, turn south half block. NEW 6-room house, all modern Improve ments, yard and desirable neighborhood; . close In. one block from carllne; can be rented by suitable tenant; reasonable rent. Key 32 East 22d St. North. TO LET Second floor of nice, well-built houe, 5 rtoniR. but h-room. etc.. use of garden: East Side, nice neighborhood, $20 per month. The Crossley Co., 7U8-709 Cor bet t bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house, modern; good chool. store, post off ice. one block from carline, 25 minutes' ride; chicken yard. g;:trden. lawn, .flowers. Inquire 211V 2d. room 1 7. 10-ROOM house. Nob Hill district, very desirable, to the right people only $50 rent. Smith-s Rental Agency, 442 Sher lock bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. $22 Large S-room house, basement, gas for cooking and w-ater; both floors, beautiful view. West Side. Main 44O0. Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 220 Stark. WANTED 10 houses or flats which need tinting and painting; get our estimate. Ernest Miller & Co., 2d and Taylor; both phones. 1034 CLEVELAND AVE., two-story modern 6-room house, next to Walnut 1'ark, rent $20. Brace. 268 Stark, room 32. M. M07. NEW, modern, attractive, 6-room two-story house; nice yard, near carline. adults; $2C Phone Woodlawn 426. 780 Williams ave. HOUSE. 6 rooms, modem, basement, large garden, chicken-house, near Mt. Scott car. Mrs. Moxley, Avery ave., Trcmont. FOR RENT 5-room house, 75 N. 33th. cor ner Everett. Apply Sunday afternoon or weekdays after 5:30 o'clock. 5-ROOM cottage. Alblna district. near Piedmont carbarn; partly furnished; only $20. G 794. Oregcnlan. HOUSE. 7 rooms, basement, convenient, fur nace, gas. 6lO 4th st, near Sherman. Own er. 393 14th. 656 QUIMBY, between 20th and 21st, 9 large rooma, modern, newly finished; fireplace, gas stove. 5-ROOM cottage, with gas. 385 East 1st, between Hancock and Broadway; $14 per month. A NEAT 5-room cottage with gas and bath, nice yard, adults preferred. $16. 749 E. Irving. FOR RENT S-room house at 450 Larrabee st. Apply to John Paterson. 361 Sacra mento. 6-ROOM modem house for rent. Just com pleted. Rent reasonable. Phone Sell wood 1135. 6 ROOMS, modern, nice yard. $16; Russel Shaver car to Montana ave. Phone Main 3547. 6 ROOMS, modem, nice yard. $16; Russel Shaver car to Montana ave. Phone Main 3547. FOR RENT 4-rooms, bath, lawn and roses, on 'Sellwood carllne. 640. Ellis, Midway. FOR RENT 7-room house. 14th and Clay. Inquire W. H. Lesh, 513 Dekum bldg. 6-ROOM cottcge, e,S3 Belmont. $15. F. W. TORGLER, IO Sherlock Bldg. 11 -ROOM house, 371 E. Davis, corner Union ave. Call at house. Phone A 3343. MODERN 5-room cottage, nearly new. 416 san riaiaei st. inquiie im Tillamook. FOR RENT 8-room house. 774 Hoyt st. Ap ply at 778 Hoyt. Phone Main 5724. FOR RENT Modem 6-room cottage, 626 3d st. Inquire H. T. Hudson, Ho 3d. NEW 7-room house, all modern, $15 month. 615 Spencer St.. Montavilla, Or. FOR RENT Modern 6"-room cottage, 975 K. Stark, near 33d. Rent $15. 6- ROOM house with bath. 108 Grover st., rent $14. Apply 146 6tli st. 7- ROOM house at Mt. Tabor. Main 1263, A L703. 210 C. of C. bldg. MODERN 5-room house. 806 Thurman, near 24th st.; $1S a month. $25 7 room modern house. 672 Belmont. Phone East 60b5. STORE and 6 rooms, $15. Inquire 246 Sheri dan st. 'fnrniehed House. FOR RENT Completely furnished 5-room apartment at The Mordaunt. 18th and Ever ett sts. Apply janitor. Apartment H. FURNISHED house In City of Hood River to rnt for the season. For particulars in quire 542 Morrison, cor. 17th. 4 ROOMS of 5-room cottage, furnished; pi ano; abundance of All kinds of fruit, garden, suburb. Pacific 3067. NICELY furnished 9-room house, from June 1 for Summer or for one year. Everett near 22d. M 707, Oregonian. 6-ROOM completely furnished cottage, walk ing diM-anoe, rent $45. Smith's Rental Ageney. 442 Sherlock bldg. FURNISHED house to desirable party. 5 room cottage, well furnished. Aoply S7 E. Ash st. Phone B 1334. FIVE-ROOM cottage, furnished complete. 409 Stark st. Inquire Western Salvage Co., 2uth and Washington sts. FOR RENT Nicely furnished Nob Hill home. 8 rooms, very desirable; careful parties. 706 Everett. $25 Modem and well furnished 5-room cot tage, including piano; centrally located; tele phone Sellwood 660. 7-ROOM house, unfurnu-hed, $2. or fur nished, electric lights, phone, piano, $35. C 773. Oregonian. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room modern house; furnace. E. Ash and 12th sts. Phone East 4257. EL EGA NTLY furnished 7-room house, John ion. 23d: May 1, 3 months; no children. R 704 Oregonian. PTRNIi?HED residence, beautiful corner, close in. 361 Vancouver ave.. cor. Broad way. East 3343. 5-ROOM furnished house. Inquire today 2 to 4 at premlBes. 400 Sellwood st., near Union ave. FOR RENT For the Summer, fully fur nished 7-room house. 6i6 Northrup st. FURNISHED house, lower floor. light, heat, phone, bath, piano. No children. 421 7th. 5-ROOM new bouse, completely furnished, modem, yard. Call at 801 East Pine st. 6-R(OOM lower flat for rent; would sell all or part of furniture. 33U -a st. i'actnc 34(i. FOB HE XT. BEAUTIFULLY fnrnteroM cttage. 5 room, n tth 3 full lots, abundance fruit and h-uMerv. 14 Grand ave. N.. tipposite Wfw,1ian school. $ J5. Nic-lv furnlsh-d. 5 rooma E. 37th at., Snnnvside. )o THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 24S AldeT .St. N1CRI.T furnished 6-room modern house, splendid and quiet neighborhood- A bar gain to right parties without children Call ir addres. C. A. Ams-hary, cr. Oun tenbeln and Skldmore st. Take Williams ave. car COM FORT A RLE l-room house, centrally lo cated, attractively furnished, pleasant Sum mer h-Tne, for rent for 3 months from June 1: references required. I 70S, Oregorilan. 10-ROOM furnished ' house in South Port land for the Summer; a sightly place and nicely furnished; nominal rent to respon sible parties. Phone A 5035. OR 7 rooms of nicely furnished modern 8-r-"om house. Beautiful ya rd. fruit and flowers. Reasonable to responsible parties. Call Monday. itW E. lth. FOR RBNT Furnished cottage of rooms with modem conveniences; will lease fr yar. 24 24th st. N., bet. Kearney and IveJoy; price $40. FURNISHED 5-room cottage. K. 8th and Wygant ; porcelain bath, electric Itg'n's, basement, large lot; roses; $25. Phone Pacific 250. FURNISHED elegant residence of George Rae. lOth and Qulmby; modern. Inquire roc m 301 Worcester bldg. Phone Ta-bor 1179. FOR RENT nvntN or longer. 8-room fnr rthed house, basement, la rae yard. Nob Hill district, walking distance. Pacific 150. FURNISHED elegant residence of George Rae. 10th and Qulmby: modem. Inquire room 301 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 104S. SMALL furnished cottage, centrafly locat ed, for three adults. C 786. Oregonian. 6-ROOM furnished residence In Irvlngton; re ferences required. H 7K0, Oregonian. FOR RENT Neatly furnished flat, 5 rooma Modern. Telephone Main 541. COTTAGE and flat at 9th and Davis sts. In quire .'U2U Wash. st.. room 3. House fov Rent Furniture for Sale. HOUSE for rent reasonable: furniture, etc.. complete, for sale at a bargain; house la modern, with gas, water and electricity, good furnace; eight rooms, with two extra" room finished in third story: located at 7--0 Lovejoy st.. near carline. Call C. T. Gould, Pacific 1742 or Main 2405. FVRN1TURE of a strictly modem 7-room flat for sale. Everything practically new. To be had at a bargain from owner. Cen trally located. Investigate. 404 Morri son, flat 10. Phone M 7252. $4'0 RHYS furniture of an S-room modern hoiist, furnace iieat, gas. ellctrtelty. wood and coal, 1 block from Washington; 4 rooms r nted, besides attic; a snsp. Phone Main 7555. NEW 5-room house, furniture for sale; rent very reasonable; good neighborhood ; close In; furniture practically new. in good con dition. Call between 10 and 4, 412 San Rafael st. FURNITURE of a 7-room house, almost new, everything flrst-class. House can be rented. In walking distance, on West Side. Address or call at 331 4 Montgomery st. SIX rooms of new high-grade mahogany and oak furniture, including upright piano, complete for housekeeping. $;XH cash, balance to suit. Bargain. 450 Park st. FURNITURE of an R-roomed house to sell for $250; house to rent for $27. 5o; fine lo cation: good neighborhood, at 348 Clay st. Call during the week. Phone B 1706. 7-ROOM house, complete, ready to move in. part of house rents for $45. 34 blocks from P. O. ; rent $35. Price $5O0. Smith's Rental, Agency, 442 Sherlock bldg. FEW rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with light, heat, use of bath and phone, reason able; nice home; pleusant surroundings. 60S 4th st., near Sherman. A 3404. VERY CLOS&IN FINE FURNISHED FLAT. Lady compelled to leave city; everything new; 3 bedrooms; will sell at sacrifice. Call 210 Abington bldg. M. or A -3126. OWNER going away, wants to sell good furniture of 12-room flat, long lease, no reasonable offer refused. Rent $40. Call at room 5. 504 Washington st. FURNITURE of 17-room house, close In; six blocks from depot; fine place for roomer and boarders; $54H). 426 Hoyt at. Tel. Main 1163. Call Monday. FURNITURE of seven-room house in most excellent location. $600; very reasonable rent; Illness forces Immediate sale. 348 Main st. FURNITURE of 6-room flat foh sale cheap; party leaving city; must sell at once. For Information phone A 2284. R 760, Oregonian. 9-ROOM house, well furnished, selling to close estate; lawn, roses and shrubbery $500. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th st. FOR SALE 5-room flats for rent, furniture for sale; bargain; 4 blocks from Orego nlan bidg. Address G 787. Oregonian. 10-ROOM house in good location, suitable for boarding or rooming-house; close In; furni ture almost new. A 795, Oregonian. PARTY leaving city, will sell furniture of 5 rooms very reasonable: house for rent. Ad dress J 795, Oregonian. NEW furniture 7-room flat, bargain; must be sold at some price; leaving city. Key at 511 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Elegant furniture 4-room apartment, H price; walking distance. Phone Pacific 2948. 8- ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap: rent $20. 809 Washington st, oppo site City Park. SIX -ROOM cottage, MS Morrison, furnished complete; price reasonable. Call Monday after 10 A. M. 9 ROOMS, corner. Income $75, rent $45; sunny living rooms; central. Owner, 614 Bu chanan bldg. COM P LET ELY furnished 8-room house large vard. rent $18 month; price $150. Inquire 602 FronL F1RN1TIRE of modern 6-room house; rent $1S: two rooms now rented for $10. Phone B 1675. $500 CASH 12 rooma, furnished for house keeping; always occupied. 235 12th, corner Main. FOR RBNT -Five-room cottage, modem. 333 Benton, cor. Cherry; L car. Furniture for sale. FOR SALE Furniture of modem 5-room flat, all new; centrally located. 565 Bverett st. FURNITURE of modern 5-room cottage, walking distance. 533 Northrup, cor. 16th. FURNITURE of a 5-room cottage: coxy home. In fine location; $500. Y 707, Oregonian. FURNITURE of 8-room flat for sole; reason able; rooms, always full. 22 J4th at. 7-ROOM furnished house, after 10 A. M., 527 Lovejoy St.. lth-st. car. Main 6742. IH-ROOM house, furniture for sale;- West Side, close In. Phone Main 5531. FURNITURE of 4-room modern flat for sale; part cash. Phone A 2704. GOOD furniture of 6-room house for sale cheap. 332 E. 9th. near Mill. 7-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; rooms rented. 300 7th at. 37rt TTH 9-room modern flat, 6 furnished; $250; rent reasonable. 6TH-ST. store. 1$x70. central location; will lease to responsible parties. 3 stories and basement, new building, in new warehouse district: will rent In part or in whole; long lease. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oaka. 2oxl00 FEET, elegant brick store, basement, term of years. $150 per month ; location best retail part of lt st. Particulars, L. E. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d st. TO lease for a term of years, a 3-story and basement store, good wholesale location, steam heat, elevator, moderate rent. Ap ply V 773, Oregonian A FIN PI location for either store or restau rant or both; living rooms in connection; rent and location very desirable. See Minor, luu5 Belmont st. NEW, modern 3-tory brick, one floor or whole, heart new wholesale district, long lease; responsible tenant. L 775. Orego nian. I STORE for rent, suitable for real estate or I swnpiuj m-jni umw. vn i w ii v- tR RENT. TOR RENT Two store. 23x04. In n building. South 1st at.; low rent, long lease. 409 Swetland bldg. LARGE rtore to rent. 3! Burn si-! st. OffWm. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY RUII.DINO Lre. licbt offices on curne-; 2 vaults. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY "OF OREG4 N. S. E Cor. Third and Oak SINGLE OR F.N SUTTK. BATH. HEAT. HOT W A T KK. El . FT V A Tt R. "MIlABIt RLIG..-- M0RR1SON ST. MOLBKN. CENTRA!.. REASONABLE. OFFICES t rent in the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at mdera'e rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. 710 Corbett bldg. CORBETT BLPO. Desk room. Including pnone ana attendant. inquire ttaiph Ackley, Room tfi3 Corbett bldg. FINE offices stM d-sk room: 'best location. Room 35 Swetlund bldg , 5;h and W mrti-tnt-n. Iet us show you. Fi: RRNT-rk rocm. with a!l conveniences and service. t:t pbone rse. in one of the b st of flees. 32t Corbett bldg. MODERN offt.-es in Cie best location tn the city; very reasonable. Devlin & Firehaugh. :vns-.09 Swetland bMg. FOR RENT -Outside office. Commercial Cl-ih Ding. r airtnv?e.n. 416 Commercial Club bldg.. 5th and Oak. To RENT !.arge, light, airy room. 2d floor. .5 per month. inquire Suite 3,- 4. 5, Raleigh bldg. FOR RENT Part " of office in Commercial Club bldg. Addreas 1 702, Oregonian. DESK and phone for rent, $TO, in good light office. Cal! at 220 Abington bldg. FOR RENT A few offlcea In Couch bldg. Apply room 8O8. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold Co.. Main 7811. 351 Morrlsoa st. Crown Burt near Exchange. $8 Raleigh bldg. Devlin 4k Flrcbaugo. &os- e wetland bids. Diets-Mueller Co.. 417-18 Corbett bldg. Ellis, YOFk A Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. U'TooIe. Cbaa. J.. 719 Chamber of Commerce. Phoenix Investment Co. rm. 10, 142 hi 2d st. BUSINESS CHANCES. CHAS. J. OToOLK A CO.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. Pacific 275. A rooms, all outside rooms; hot and cold water in each; clearing between $3i4 and $-4'0 a month: $6o0: terms. 22 rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat; $2100; terms. 24 rooms; steam heat, brick building: owner R-oing to oid country: $l0t; ths la a bargain: easy term. 28 rooms; all outride rooms; central; $15oo: terms. Rooming and boarding-house in good con dition: clearing over $! a month: $475. Contents of 9-room house: 5 bedrooms; cheap rent; close to Washington St.; $225. 2" rooms on Washington: very central: In good condition and well furnished; $!!": terms. Vll-furnished flat, 7 roc me; rent $35; revenue $SO: $700. Hotels in the city and through the coun try. Call and see our list. The above are hut -a few of the many bargains that we have listed. CHAS. J. O TOOLE A CO. A 25 PER CENT dividend lumber manufac turing Investment is now offered to right .parties; plenty of timber back of project and gentlemen now interested O. K. In quire for - particulars, 306-307 Goodnough bldg., Portland. 16 SHARES South Harbor Development Co.. Coos Bay. for $24t. iNeed the money, t Last stock sold at $50 per share. A good thing: will make you money. Stock non assessable). N 801, Oregonian. HOTEL In good town; 30 rooms, large dining room, jarlors, etc; for quick sale $1200; we have a good list of hotels. CHAS. J. O'TOOLB & CO., 718 Chamber of Commerce., FOR SALE Finest rooming-house in heart of city; big money-maker; long lease; present owner leaving city and will make big sac rifice; terme; no agents. Address P. O. Box 530. PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi ness; will show you the buirinese; will pay you $5 to $7 every day and experience not neoeesary; $200 required. Call 248 u, Stark WANTED Modern small hotel In live, good size town; will trade for real estate and some cash for value about $5000 or $6000. Bjorklund, 81 North 3d st. IF you want to huy. sell or exchange prop erty, any kind, anywhere, state your wants and send 10c for the Investors Guide, -Minneapolis, Minn. $300 CASH takes cigar, candy and school supply store in Sunnywide; rent of store and 6 living-rooms. $25; large barn In yard. K 7i, oregonian. HALF Interest in ladles tailoring business; bta profits guaranteed to a good practical man or woman for shop or road. Address i, 30, 4tn, city. FOR SALE Shoe shop, up-to-date machin- ery; gooa location, cneap rent; business about $200. for $7K cash. Box 20O Cen- tralia. Wash. ELDERLY woman, owing to ill health, will aell good business suitable for middle-aged woman. Room 11. 4u6 3d at. South. S car, near Harrison. GROCERY store, centrally located; ateo suit able for meat market; 5 living rooma; cheap rent ; long lease. F 772, Ore gonian. FOR SALE-r-Restaurant. bakery, confectionery combined: will pay $100 per month clear; price SJ50 cash. J. H. Cbalker, G re sham. Or. I N&&D help at once in my real estate buei ness. If you want to make money, investi gate. Established office. O 708. Oregonian. MUST aell Monday, cigar and confectionery stand clearing $1K) monthly: owner going East; big sacrifice; $325. Call 85 5th st. FOR SALE OR RENT 5 acres. In cultivation; small house and bam; 20 minutes' walk from Council Crest. Call nom 4. 2i5i4 Morrison. OLD established groceiy store doing a monthly business' of $150o; centrally located; will eel! at invoice. 219 Lumber Exchange bldg. MAKE me a bid on American Wheel & Ve hicle Co.. 200 shares of stock; must have money by 15th. P. O. box 19. city. BEST paying weekly paper in Southern Oregon. $2.'iOO. Only paper In town. Ad dress N. 770, Oregonian. NICELY furnished 14-room rooming-house; convenient ; house f ull ; $425. At one i. D 8O8. Oregonian. FOR SALE Interest In a email foundry and machine shop; will sell cheap. Address T 781. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cleaning, pressing shop, only $50: owner leaving town; must sell. 543'i Washington st. BRUIN DETECTIVE SERV1CB CO. Room 40. Hamilton bldg. Phones Main 4043 ; A 255. BEST opening in Portland for meat market is in Sellwood ; butchers, get out and in vestigate. FOR SALE A good paying butcher shop. 21st and Division tots. ; take W.-W. or W .-It. car. FOR SALE First-class lodging and lvanlmg house; a snap; Investigate. K 773, Ore gonian. CIGAR and confectionery for sale. $550; rent $ 1 5, with li v Ing rooms. 352 V4 Eus t Burn side st. FOR SALE Rooming-house, 26 rooms, corner house, very cheap. 223 Market st., cor. 1st. DRUGSTORE for sale or lease; good loca tion for doctor. A. M. Porter. Gaston, Or. FOR SALE Fruit, candy and cigar store; a bargai n. Call today, 528 Wash i ngton s t. CASH for confectionery nd cigar store or stationery. G 812. Oregonian. SNAP i interest in two good paying busi nesses. 334 Stark, cor. 7 th. 500 SHARE of Oregon Flake Food Co. stock for sale. Apply at factory. SNA P Meat market. $75 : doing $20 week business. Y 790, Oregonian. WILL aell 50 Butte Boys stock to highest bidder. P. O. Box 19, city. WILL sell 200 Comstock Golden Gate stock cheap. D 810, oregonian. 20O SHARES of mining stock for sale cheap, S 72, Oregonian. $500 BUYS a nice grocery; good location. 977 Hawthorne. EMPLOYMENT office for sale or trade.. F 762, Oregonian. I CrGAR STAND wod location, only $275. C 1 vu'6u' BV MX ftl CHANCES. HOOMING-IIOUSIS HEAIXJi ARTKKS. El.l.is, York CO ."o Mt hunt T nt RM 32:1 Vashngf.n. S. W Cr. Sixth St A FEW o TliR RR-.T Tit Y " Are four-! in trie r--'-..;pr u-. ft ut w C e othe r ; all st j le.-, a ' ses. nil price If you wan any kind ..f rooming hoii' that s on the market in r-'rt'.an-i v ran eow It to you. Terms may he arranged on any. ONE OF THK rKT-MOKRV r"V rooms. Pew furnishing. ne build ing. wT h steam hen t . running w a : er irt r,...m; rent cnl f 1 ' a r.m and tn flrst-class lot tl-r . nrr c : n y.j a dear pro ru of ." month jr.ove"n exrenes. Here is a snap at $ and liberal terms. A CHOICR BUY t;i rooms, rtg'il in the l.uincn cent er ; lease 4 years at $1 month, furnished lea than ver ao with elpjini furnl' l"KS. a'l Iron he!s, steam h't. new build ing, c!a-s over $2it a month ; price, $."rtt; $2Vnl down. BKTTKH SEE THIS ON K 4 roomy. rVuaiit modern corner brick, near this office, good lease and cheapest rem in the locailn; clearing ocr $. a month; price. $ootv. l0 YOU KNOW A SNAP? rut rooms, well f iirnWhed. 2 In house keeping. 1 6 sleeping- rooms : rent. $ 1 2. ifh base; receipts $:ut a month; price, jjoOo; $12-V cash, balance monthly. CAN TOT SPECULATE? ' Tien e- i h la o- room house. In fine, close-in residence district; furnished new, with Iron beds. Brussels and velvet car pets; modern house ; rent only $','; lease 3 years; price, $1050; terms. EXTRA FIVE it rooms !n auartmente of 2 a nd 3 rooms ; ent irely modern, tie a" house ; new furnishings, carpets velvet and Brussels, mahogany and quarter-oak furniture; house has large Income; cheap re-nt ; lease 3 years; price, $250u; easy terms, HERE IS A GEM 17 rooms, right near busine-m center; fine corner dwelling, extra woil furnished, steam heat ; best ;t years' lease in eti y ; clears $o a month. See it and you will buy It. price, $ Im0; $1050 down. ONLY $4 5rtCOMB QUIK. 9 room8. 2 blocks of Portland Hotel; well furnished, and full ; rent. $45; re ceipts, $75 Don't delay. This Is a bar gain. ROOMING-HOUSM. 17-room residence. 1 bl.K-k from Portland lintel, must no. s.!d ut once at a very low price; etickness compels owner to leave city; thl hou cicars nearly $loo per month above all exp"nes; if y.iu want a good home and income for a small amount, of cash, see me. E. A. MGRATH. 331 Chamber of Commerce. M 3177. FINE saloon doing business or about - $150 lr month, right In heart of the city; stc-k. swfe and new cash reRlnter. $250 piano. Ics chest, electric nlgn. gas rang1, chairs, $120 worth of go)d paintings, license, and very thing in the place, exrept front . and rrar barf, whh'h can be used by purchistr. 81 7th st.. bet. Stark and Oak. A- I. Mar shall, agt.. 427-ft Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a hustler for a partner; he muet have $4oo cafh; I will give a half interee in a well-tquipped office, ground floor lo cation. 25-fr.it gloss front, on Washington tt.; have fine list of property and can how the right party that there Is an op portunity to make thousand. within next few months. Direct B 771, care Ore gonian. Phone A 57 6. FOR SALE cheap, new soda factory at Boise, Idaho, Including two-story brick building, machinery am! lot; good business estab lished, but can be easily extended over n-w inter urban lines. owner ha good reason for wliirir. J. R. SCHOOLER'S AGENCY, Falk Blda. Boise. Idaho. WANTED AN AMBITIOUS YOUNG AT TORNEY WITH WIDE ACQUAINTANCE CAN TREBLE HIS INCOME BY ALLY ING HIMSELF WITH A WELL-KNOWN FIRM ON A SPECIAL PROPOSITION OK OREAT MERIT. ADDRESS S 775. ORE GONIAN FOR SAL?; Dry goods stock and fixture; new stock. Invoicing about $Sfn"H; good loca tion ; 4 yeans Iea.e; rent $,'15 per month ; good opportunity to engage in business in the best town in Oregon outside of Port land. Address Box 53. Eugene. Or. tJATENT secured or fee returned. Illus trated guide book and lift of inventions wanted free to any address, patent se cured by us advertised free in World's Progress. Sample copy free. Evans. Wil klns & Co., Washington, I). C. PRINCE RUPFJRT Exceptional opportunity to Join syndicate securing valuable tract of land for subdivision, near Prince Ru pert, terminal of Grand Trunk Pacific; highest bank references. Address P. O. box HiO, Vancouver. B. 4J. WELL-KNOWN real estate man will tak honest man as partner In old-establlshe-i real estate business and guarantee him $15o per month; verv little money required. ' ("all room 402. No. 102 2d st. WE pay especial attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and sen what we can offer you. Phone Main 446. Kinney & Starapher, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. ( "ANTED A man with $o0 to take a. half 1 u.r-i-ro m uusmw inu wm P? week or better: good security for money. ( Call at 88 North 8th St., between 10 And 2. 1 FOR SALE Nice, clean stock of groceries In choice location: this must be sold quick: a bargain for cash. Call or ad dress R- H. Randolph, 208 East 37th st. A BARGAIN Rooming-house, 9 rooms, nicely furnished, including piano for sale cheap; house rents for $18: good location. Phone A 439L or Inquire 646 Upshur st. BEST transient rooming-house In Portland for the money; owner forced to sell; pric $2500, terms; location can't be beat. Ad dies owner, D 771, Oregonian. C A BI N ET-M A K T NO. upholstery and furni ture business for sile or exchange; practical man can make $2t00 per year. Address owner, D 7772. Oregonian. DON'T YOU KNOW We ea give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln as Co., 125 Abington bldg. DRESSMAKING and shirtwaist business; spate for millinery; good location and trade. Write at once, owner leaving. J 779. Oregonian. FOR SALE Will sell at a bargain, flne property, suitable for hotel; splendid open ing, good busineas opportunity. Address K 776. Oregonian. ST. JOHN. OR. Saloon, best location: would eoll half interest lo right party or will sell all otherwise. See owner, 209 W. Bur lington. ST. JOHN. OR. Confectionery, ice cream and porttal shop; best location, best trade; car. Ft op in front.. See owner, li9 N. Jersey street. . A BARGAIN if taken this week, confec tionery, ice cream and cigar store. $Do taks It. Good business. Phone Main 4368. RESTAURANT Good g'-lng business; price r'5'0: no cash rent; must be sold this week: vwner leaving country. O 774. Oregonian. I MAKE $1000 a month, started with $.". will explain how; anyone can do the work home. Warn. 833 Washington Blvd., Chit ago. INVESTIGATES 2 stores paying $3f0 per year rent; $18oO; terms. Owner, H. it. Gaker, Laurfclwcod. .F'hne Tabor 732. WANTED Partner, lady or gentleman, for motion-picture project. Must have $O0- all 350 Alder st.. Hotel Palmer. BARBER SHOP for sale, or will sell station ary fixtures ; large .store suitable for any kind of businef-ii. 3H Burnsidc st. $Hi.0(i0 Gl It-edge Installment contracts, bearing 7 per eent ; tit!' perfect. Liberal discount. I j 773. Oregon la n. FOR SALE Small hospital in Washington, rare chance for physicians; good practice. Address O 756. Oregonlun. CIGAR and confectionery store, clearing $Iimj per month; goes tiiay for $350. See this. Room 4J2. 102la 2d fct. I WILL buy 3M.OO0 shares of American Wheel & Vehicle Co.'s stock. C. if. Peterson. 221 Failing bldg. 12-ROOM HOUSE Modern, net Income $.V.i; cost $050 recently; $400. Inquire 10'J Y.'cst Park. WANTED Partner for brick business; best shale in state; close to Portland. X) 787, Oregonian. HAVE some very good bargains in telephone bonds; call before buying. 320 Corbett bMg. FUR SALE General store, small town, profits last year $7000. J. D. Fields, Eugene-. Or. SALOON for sale; good lease; can oe bought for less than invoice. E 702, Oregonian. BARBER shop at a real bargain ; must be sold before May 1. N 707, Oregonian. ALMBDA Consolidated stock bought and sold" W. J. CurtU, 215 Commercial block.